HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-1, Page 88
JUNE 7,1 1894
71111 11 U I
Orders taken for the new lawn goon of
"Tannin Julalor" which is olahned to be
better than the old, Xt ie less expensive
Suertetd e for theuold reliable genie also
the hot Weather refresh your-
eelf with a /fooling and nourishing glass
Of our justly celebrated
lltfind it to be invigorating and
Druggiet, Bookseller, &o,
Trains leave Bruesele Station, North
ud South, as followe :
Gunge Sonru, "GOING Naryrn.
eau,I Musa 9:46 a.m.
E$press 11:69 a.m. I Avail 9:15 p.m.
Mixed 9:0O pan. 111 Lrxprose 9:43 p.m,
.a.rTl cRttug ifems,
A shiel's amang ye takiu' notes,
An' faith he'll preut it.
Show last Mouday.
QUITE a heavy frost on Monday night,
PHILIP AiIENT ie the proud possessor of
a "Sydney " foal from his driver.
Mosses, BAEHER & VANsmoxe shipped a
car of hogs from Bruseele on Tuesday.
Tun report of West Huron Teachers'
Assooiation is crowded out this issue. It
will appear next week.
DoN'e forget the garden party at the
residence of John Cardiff, Grey, on ]:'ri-
day evening of this week.
READ Mr. Kaye'e political address on
page 6 of this issue. Additional district
news also on inside pages.
R. N. BARRETT intends fitting up bath
rooms to the rear of hie barber shop for
the accommodation of the public.
Tun Returning officer for the East
Riding of Huron in the coming election
for the Local Legislature will be F. B.
Scott, of Brussels. It is a first•olass ap.
BEATTIE Bees. had a parade of their
livery horses last Saturday evening.
Four span were bitched to their new
Kensington and driven through the pri,,-
eipal streets,
THE Queen's Birthday was a very quiet
day. in Brussels as a large number of our
residents visited outside towns or took in
pia.niae. Clear the track for the Pores.
ters' Demonstration here on Monday,
July 2nd.
Oen thanks are doe to the Editors of
the Mildmay Gazette and the Lucknow
Sentinel for reports of the 24th of May
celebrations in their respective towns.
The reports are so elaborate we are com-
pelled to condense.
THE Foresters are getting banners,
bunting, &a., ready for decorative per.
poses for their demonstration on July
2nd. The Committee is ales arranging
for speakers and other features of the
FooENGLAND.— George Wilkinson and
Thos. Garnees, both old residents of
Morris township, left for a visit to Eng.
laud this week. They were ticketed by
tbe steamship "Teutonic," White Star
Line, by W. 13., Kerr, Brassels, and sailed
from New York on Wednesday afternoon.
We wish them a pleasant visit in their
native land.
Tem adjourned Magistrates' Court was
held on Monday at 10 a. m. when J. D.
Ronald, R. McKay, J. J. Ooates and John
Broadfoot were examined. After short
addresses by Meagre. Taylor and Sinolair
the magistrates decided that a case was
made out and consequently Mr. Broad -
foot will have to appear at Goderioh for
trial. Bail was taken from defendant and
two sureties for his appearance,
DEBATE.—Last Monday evening a de.
bate was held in connection with the Bp.
worth League on the eubjeot "Should
capital punishment be abolished?" The
affirmative was upheld by W. H. Kerr
and S. B. Wilson and the negative sup-
ported by Dr. Cavanagh and E. L. Jack.
son. Each speaker was allowed 10 min-
utes and the leaders 5 minutes addition.
al at the close. J. E. Brydgee, George
Rogers and Eli Smith were appointed a
committee to decide on the meribe of the
debate. This decision was in favor of
the negative by a count of 20 to 19
points. There was a large attendance
and en enjoyable time.
Fon CARS.—Messrs. Snell & Baker
shipped four oars of fine export cattle
from Brussels last Friday. Quite a num.
ber of them were not weighed bub those
put on the town scales are reported as
follows :—
Deno. McDonald, Grey, 19 head, 21,800
Jas. Cuthill, " 8 ' 11,090
Jas. Turnbull, " 6 " 5,730
S. Dune, " 1 " 1,850
P, Robertson, 5 " 6,810
Perrie Bros., 8 " 8,150
J. Bolger, Morris, 1 " 1,760
Geo. MoOol1, " 4 " 5,250
John Bull can't complain of the quality
of the beef sent to him from Ontario and
if he'd wipe out the restrictions he would
be surprised at the quantity as well as
r the quality.
THEY WANT NAtrEe.—Frank S. MoTag.
gart & Co., 89 King street West, Toronto,
desire the names and addressee of a few
people in every town wh , are interested
In works of art, and to a ,;ere them they
offer to send free, "CL,,id Guides the
Boat," a superbly exeou:ed water color
picture, size 1Ox18 inches, suitable for
framing, and sixteen other picturee about
same size, in colors, to any one //ending
them at ono the names and addrseses of
ten persons (admirers of line pioturee) to.
getter with five three -cent stamps to
cover expense of mailing, etc. The reg.
ular price of these pictures is $1,00, but
they can all be secured free by any per -
on forwarding the names and stamps
promptly. Note,—The editor of this
paper baa already received aopieeofabove
piotures and considers them "Gems of
Baum your, wool to '13rueeele,
'9souI JIti'r tdgPREReoo le doing the
town thie week.
Tun front of Williame' livery born has
been painted and the eppeereine thereby
eaueiderebly ilrlpt'oved.
A srtaolto Meeting of 13rueeole Gun
Oath Will be held at the Qneen's'Hotel
oft 1'giday evening of this week to
arrange for the ebooting piatohes for ell..
ver cup,
LAoaoeen,---.A Laarosoe match will be
played pu Y.ibtorio Berk, Brussels on
Tbureday afternoon of next week between
the home club and the Harrieton team. A
good gnn}e is counted on.
Se weRT & GealleAr chipped East this
week five oars of grain, They repot oon-
sidereblo wheat being al present market.
ed M their mill, The wheat market,
however, shows ny signs of improyowenb
from its present delvreeeed condition.
BRUSSELS has'e tiptop foot ball club
and with a little more practice they will
be able 10 put ap a gametbat will be hard
bo beat. They lost et Lucknow on the
11th by over ooufidenoe as they had the
game very largely in their own hands.
wave received in town last week of the
death of "Prof. Galbrath," the well.
known phrenologieb, who: years ago, was
a frequent visitor to this section of Donn.
try, Itis said that he was found dead in
his bed in Alvieton. He was a well•read
gentleman but greatly addicted to drink.
Daorxstat.—Dr. Cavanagh having se-
cured the services of W. A. MoLean, of
St. Marys, who has bad nearly three
years' experience and is well up in his
profegeion, will visit Wroxeter, profess-
ionally, bits let and 3rd Wednesdays each
month and Blyth the 2nd and 4th Wed-
nesdays. Work and material guaranteed
liret•claes, as usual.
BARGAINS III WALL Perrin. -2,000 rolls
of beautiful American Wall Papers just
to hand, bought at lase than 500 on the
dollar. Don't listen to clap -trap but
come right along and choose et your own
price. Elegant gilts at 10e, 15e, 20o and
25o, formerly sold from 30o to 60c. All
papere hung perfectly at 10o. Come all
and come quick, for they won't last.
W. Roddick.
WE observe that Grey Council has
voted $300 toward gravelling the bound-
ary between Grey and Morrie on condi-
tion that Morris does likewise. Brussels
bee spent nearly as much on Turnberry
street in one year as the amount voted by
Grey, and they expect it to put nearly 6
miles of road in oondition. It isn't
quarter eno•pgh considering the condition
of the road.
Gemen CONFERENCE.—The first draft
of stations, subject to correction, indi•
oates the locabiou of Methodist ministers
eubjeot to moving this year as follows :—
Wingham, Ur. Gifford ; Belgrave, R,
Hall I Teeawater,A.K. Birks; Wroxeb.
er, W. E. Kerr ; Goderioh, S. Satiety, B.
D. ; .Ethel and Henfryn, W. J. Waddell
and H. E. Kellington ; Elmira, J. H.
Dyke ; Waterloo, I. B. NV/Litwin ; Euph-
rasia, E. A. Shaw; Paisley street, Goelph,
7. H. MCBain ; Mitchell, Joseph Edge ;
Harrieton, J. E, Howell ; Acton, W.
ing orgauization meetings of the support-
ers of hlr. Gibson will be held on the
dates named :—Grey Township—No. 1,
Polling Div„ at Rose' school house, Tues.
day, June 5th ; No. 2, Shine's sohool
house, Monday, June 4th ; No. 8, Turn•
bull's school house, Monday, June 4th r
No, 4, Speiran's school home, Wednes-
day, June 6th ; No. 5, Town Hall, Ethel,
Wednesday, Jnne Gbh ; No. 6, Duke's
school house, Tuesday, June 5511 ; No. 7,
Dames' Hall, Oranbrook, Friday, June
8th. Morris Township—Button's school
house, Friday, June 8th ; Town Hall,
Morris, Thursday, Jane 751a. Brussels—
Nos. 1 and 2, at Queen's Sample Rooms,
one door South of Queen's Hotel, Turn -
berry street, on Friday, June 1st. All of
the above meetings commence at 8 p. m.
sharp. W. H. KERB, Seo. Reform Aeso.
Onrr.--W. J. MoOutobeon, a former
well-known resident of Brussels, died in
Toronto on Monday night of last week.
From reports published, it appears that
he took a bed at the O'Neil house, in that
city, on Monday night, and not getting
up on Tueeday morning his room was
entered and he was found dead in bed.
A coroner was called in, who stated that
heart disease was the cause of death,
and it was not necessary to hold an in.
quest. Mr. Ma0utshson was a widower,
his wife dying in Wingham some years
ago. He leaves a family of three sons
and three or four daughters, mostly all
grown up. The deceased was a pronoun.
oed Reformer, and always took a very
active part in politica. The remains
were brought to Wingham and laid be.
side those of his wife in the Wingbam
cemetery. A large number of the town
people turned out to pay their laettribute
of respect to the departed.
OEr.r.—The Preston Progress of May
18th, makes the following reference to a
brother of Mrs. S. Plum, of Bruseele :—
There died on Thursday morning, May
3.7th, at 9:30 o'clock, James A. Howell,
aged 43 years, 4 -months and 3 days. De-
ceased bad been suffering for a number of
years with heart disease. He was taken
tvorse shoot a year since, but did nob.quit
work uutil six weeks ago, and tben was
able to be op and around his house until
Monday morning, when be was stricken
with paralysis, and despite all that
medical aid could do, be gradually Bank,
until death relieved him on Thursday
Morning. He leaves to mourn the loss
of a loving husband and father,
bis widow and throe children—the
eldest eon Charles, being foreman of the
Progreso office. Mr. Howell was an ear-
nest and devout Ohristain, and for some
time supel'iuteudeut of the Methodist
Church Sabbath School, In politics he
was a staunch Reformer, but always lived
it very quiet, home lite, and took but little
part in public affairs. He was highly
respected by all wbo knew him olossly
and admired his earnest Christian zeal,
To the bereaved family we extend our
heartiest sympathy. Mr. Howell learned
his trade of machinist in New Hamburg,
after whiob he seemed work at P. E.
Shantz's, where he has worked ever slime,
and for about the last throe yearn has
had charge of the foundry as foreman.
The funeral took place on Saturday after-
noon at 7:30 o'clock, A short service,
oonduoted by Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, was held
at house, after which the body, followed
by a large number of sorrowing friends
and relatives was taken to the Preston
cemetery for interment. The funeral
omen wag preached by Rev. Mr. Mo-
Kialey in the Methodist thumb the same
afternoon. The pall -bearers were John
Kenny, Isaac Parker, Wm. Hunter,
Albert Newstead, Fred. Peitz and W.
itablbaam—all ehopmates of the doom-
pER$ONAf', PAle,#ll RAPS&
Mise Lottie 6500510 is borne an a visit,
Won, ...they has gone to Drift for e
Jna, Pelton, of Ativood, was 111 Own on
Harold Creighton, of Guelph, Sunday•
ed in Brussels,
Robt, Roes was in Charley ou the
Queen's Birthday,
Thos, MaLauohlan, of llrncelleld was
horns on the 24th.
Pelton, of the Atwood Boo, spent
Sunday in Bruesele.
Misses Rilla and Florence Hunter are
visiting at Cranbrook.
Misses Hoare were visiting et Clinton
on the Queen's Birthday,
Mrs.' R. Burns epent several days with
her daughter in Blyth last week,
P. Etaddook was at Newmarket and
Toronto for a portion of this week,
Misses 011ie and Norma Vanstone are
visiting their grandmamma at Galt.
Mieees Mary and Weenie Sample were
visiting Wingham friends last week.
W. H. Moore, of Hamilton, spout Sun-
day with the family of J, S. Smith.
J. D. Stewart, of Seaforth, was visit.
iog under the parental root last week.
John Barnhill and wife were visiting
their daughter near Heofryn last week.
Miss Mary Oliver is making a visit
with her parents, Flora street, Brussels.
Mrs. 1). Stewart and Willie enjoyed a
holiday at Mount Forest visiting reletie.
Rev. W. G. Reilly mud Mrs. Reilly
were renewing old friendships at Oltse•
ley.Mrs, Jno. N. Kneehtel left on Wednee•
day for a vieit with her brother at Hunts-
L. Addle, of Stratford, was visiting his
cousin, Jas. Ballantyne, Bruesele, Last
We regret to bear that Myrtle Wilson
is quite ill with inflammation of the
Mrs, (Rev.) Oobblediek, Mrs. Downing
and Miss Hattie Downing are visiting in
Jno. Carter, Mill street, is on the siok
list. The trouble is pleurisy, we
J. T. Pepper is home from Woodstock
this week. He is quite pleased with his
business there.
D. McKenzie, wife and son, spent u few
days with relatives and friends iti btlild-
may last week.
3. 13. and Mrs. Ferguson and daughter
end Mise Pelton, of Wingham, wore visit•
in,/ n111. G. Wilson's.
J. 1I. Cameron, G. F. Blair, Reginald
'Fletcher, Bert Gerry and others visited
Lucknow on the "24th.'
le. Leatherdale has been rather poorly
during the past week but we hope he will
soon be ail right again.
N. Large, Wesley Walker and George
Leckie 'rusticated" in Listowel on
Thursday of last week.
Miss Kate McDonald is home from
Seaforbh whore she has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. H. R. Horton.
W. Grewar assisted the Listowel Brass
Band on the Queen's Birthday. He has
few equals on the trombone.
R. Gauley, of Clinton- was in town on
Thursday. He will take charge of a Dry
Goode stook in Atwood purchased by
Jas. Irwin, of Brussels.
Hon. J. Dryden, Minister of Agricul-
tare, passed through Brussels on Thurs•
day of tits week while en route to e, pot -
Waal meeting at Blyth.
Miss Aggie Blakely was palled to Mon-
treal on Wednesday owing to the illness
of her mother. A number of Miss Aggie'e
friends went to the depot to saygood•bye.
G. Starling, of York, is relieving at the
G. T. R., Bruesele, in the absence of
Operator Hogarth, who is away at Buf-
falo on his holidays. Mrs, Hogarth ao.
oompanied him.
Business Locals.
ONLY 4 weeks more. See advt. on page
5. Good Brothers.
Just received one car Manitoba Patent
Flour. Backer & Vanstone.
Minx pans, milk pails and strainers of
the best quality at Ballantyne & Wilton's.
BASHER & VANsrown have opened out a
flour and feed store at Beaker's old stand,
Jost received one oar Red Cop Ensil-
age Corn for seed. Baeker re Vanstone,
Fon sale, cheap, set second hand single
harness, good and strong.
I. C. Billiards.
Fe000,—Our Ontario Patent "White
Loaf" cannot be beaten for family use.
Give it a trial. For sale at all leading
grooery stores, Brussels.
Stewart & Graham.
10 mute galvanized pails, japanned,
3 for 25c., regular price 300 each. Only
a few dozen on hand, and can't be re.
placed for double the money. Ballantyne
& Wilton.
Ovn Mammoth White Cop Ensilage
Born is the fiueeb brand offered and mnoh
superior to the poor stufffregneutly offer•
ed under this name. We solicit your vet -
tied orders. Beaker & Vanstone.
fie CAEBAGE plants, early and late, anuli.
flower and tomatoe pl ants now ready.
Celery in Beason. A fins oolleabicn of
house and bedding plants, new varieties
at T. Kel ly's,Bru wale. 44.4
52,40 per 100 lbs. Cut nails $2.25 per 100
Ibe. Screen doors ab $1.25 each. Window
screens any size. Good spray pumps,
$2.00 each. A good second hand bioyole
cheap. Barbed wire and wire netts
away down at 13. Gerry's.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to !line
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms reasonable. Residence
seooed door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84.6f
Stewart & Graham take this opportunity
of thanking their many friends in Brue•
eels and surrounding country for their
very generous support eines commenoing
the flour milling business here, We hope
to retain their continued patronage and
shall in the future, as we have in the poet
give strict attention to their interests.
Is you want a first•olase buggy, oart or
wagon call on J. Wynn. I have the beet
value in buggies for the money ever of.
fered in Brussels. I keep no cheap slop
work in factory buggies that we read
about. My stook is of the very best.
If you want a wagon for less money than
my own maize I can supply you with the
Bain wagon, the best faotory made twig -
on for sale to•day. Call and see for your-
J. Wosot, Brnsseie.
S 4X1)4.R.D. 134XIC" 1T C.dX4D ,
enpmf.a.m.mmx-.xleime 3470,,
ASSETS, (Seven Milken Dollen)
CAPITAL (Authorized) - .
- 52,000,000
.iometer In all pritootpicl points in Ontario, Quebec, hlanito'ta, United States 46 England,
A General Banking Business Traneaoted, Vermors' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Issued and Oolleetiene made on all veleta,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Spnoeaa ATTENTIoo envoi TO Toot COMMOTION Or FAntlnas' SAL& Norse.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
3, A. STEWART, Menem,
13 R IT S S°:F D s,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
& s'.txi, s BaNz9' EPSBATIAWr.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
0O'c effect to write lnenranee fn old English or Canadian Companies, Or In Mut-
nal Companies as' may be desired.
Wool wanted at Brussels woollen mill.
Higlteet price in cash or trade.
Hloseet price paid for any quantity of
good wool. Howe & Co. Brussels
TRY our Manitoba patent flour manu-
factured by us, from Imported No. 1
hard wheat, Stewart & Graham.
Been, shorts, mill orop and grain of all
kinds always on hand at lowest prices an
the National Roller Mills, Brussels.
A FULL stock of creamery cans and
milk cans of the very best material and
workmanship at Ballantyne & Wilton's.
0. 0. F.—For the next three months
special inducements' will be offered by
Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0.
F., Brussels, to any person desiring to
become a member of that Order, the in-
itiation fee being reduced during that
time. As this is one of the leading In-
surance and Beneficiary Societies in the
country people should take advantage
of this offer. For full information ap-
ply to
A. REID, 0. R. ;
A. Konona, F. S. ;
W. BLASrILL, Treae.
To the Editor of Tula Poses
SIR,—I would like to know what has
become of your other Subeoriber, three
issues of TEE Post out and throe weeks
reseed and gone still no account from
tum. We miss his letteremuchthey were
so very amusing. He started out with
great force and vigor thou stopped short
like grandfather's clock.
Yours respectfully,
A Sulo:mai n.
Morris, May 25th, 1894.
To the Editor of T0E POST.
Mi DEAR SIR,—I want to give you and
your readers some impressions made
while passing through the country from
Brussels to Orangeville. To any observer
of Nature, especially at the present time,
our country must fill him with wonder
and gratitude, more so when he takes into
account the present state of the country,
which is, to say the least, very fine in-
deed, Nature having pub on her beauti-
ful garments and standing out in all her
splendor. Many parts are much improv
ed since we last saw them. Tho only One
that appeared rough to us was between
Palmerston and Mount Forest. The
"Luther Swamp" that was once consider-
ed almost beyond reclamation has grown
small by degrees and beautifully less, so
that now it is nearly a thing of the poet.
All along the journey the farmers al)*
pear to have finished seeding, and every-
where the crops look in fine condition,
But there wore two things that attracted
my attention, ons is the land is prepared
for the machine and not for the grain,
and the consequence is at the present a
large portion of the land is under water ;
the other, that vegetation at Brussels is a
week or tan days in advance of what it is
farther East.
A large number of buildings aro in
course of erection all through the coun-
try, which to me is a sure mdicabion of
prosperity, and only now and then do you
see the old log house—a, relic of the past,
now Itis the large brick, the lino frame or
the massive stone house. Every lover of
his kind and his country should rejoice in
such improvements.
We passed through a number of towns
and villages on our way, but at this writ-
ing we shall notice two only : Mount
Foresb, as its name indicates, is high up
and is beautiful for situation. It is noted
for its fine churches and for the number
of ohn•obee that have passed into disuse.
It has some handsome stores but no well
arranged blocks, One thing is sure to
arrest the attention of the visitor,nanely,
the houses that have had their day and
mush soon give place to others. Orange-
ville has wonderfully enlarged eine° my
first visit, more than thirty-eight years
age. One of the town "daddies" imforme
me the population atpresent is about four
thousand and that the inoroaee in the
building accommodation is thirty per
year. .Che public buildings are good, not-
ably the post office, which is of find chees-
ed stoner Orangeville taken as a whole,
is a town that will not take a beak seat,
but we, as is natural, like Brussels best,
IIaving written so much I must stop with
the promise you may hoar from me
RlLny,—In Gray, on May 10th, the wife
of Mr. Robt. Riley of a son.
Geeuttr—Gosone.—At the residonoe of
the bride's brother, on May 24th,
Mr. Adam A. Graham, to Miss Louisa
Goggin, both of Ilowiek.
TOWN—GorTON,—At the residence Of the
bride's father, Mr. John Goftou,
Wroxeter, on May 23rd, by Rev. W.
F. Brownlee, Mr. George J. Town, of
Wingham, to Mise L. M. Gofton.
DOUGLAS—HAREM—At the Methodist
Parsonage Walton, on the 28nd alt.,
by Bev. T. Wesley Coons, Mr.
James Playford Douglas, to Mies
Elizabeth Annie Harris, all of Grey
CIItuses—Morton.—In Trinity Churob,
Belgrave, on the 28thof May, by
Rev. T. E. Higley, Miss Margaret
Ann Miller, daughter of Mrs. Ed-
ward Littlefair, to Mr. James Com-
inge,eldeet son of Mr. Nioltolis Cum.
inge, all of Morris.
OeweY,—Ab Port Albert, Huron Co., on
the 21st ult., Margaret, beloved wife
of Henry E. Otway, aged 54 years
and 11 months.
Hownon,—In Preston, on Thursday, May
17th, James E. Howell, aged43yeare,
4 months and 8 days.
�RVBS79T,8 Op6.fiR=SUM S.
Fall Wheat 54 50
Spring Wheat ... 52 55
Barley 35 37
Peas 52 53
Oats 82 38
Butter, tubs and rolls12 13
Eggs per dozen 7 00
Flour per barrel.. 8 00 8 50
Potatoes ... 35
Hay per ton 6 00 7 00
Salt per bbl., retail.•,... 1 00 00
Hides trimmed 3
Hides rough 1i 2
Sheep skins, each 50 60
Lamb eking each ' 16 00
Apples per bbl. • 1 50 1 75
Wool 18 15
Pork, Live 4 00 4 25
' Wages. Apply at the 9IIEEN'5 HOT-
EL, Bruesele, at once.
Satiefnotion guaranteed.
nearly opposite Dr. Ms8elvoy'e. Braude.
I have a one new English Biey'e]e,
warranted free from all imperfections in
maboial or mauufaoture, which will be sold
cheap on liberal terms,
Druggist& Bookseller.
class buggy for sale at priori away
down from original soot, Good as now. For
pr lee, terms, &c., apply at
Jewelry Store, Brussels.
J SALE, — The subscriber offers his
6 -note Bros, located immediately 'north of
AmentBros,factory,for sale, no will also
diepoee of his residonoe on the ouposite side
of the street. For further particulars, as
to price , tame, etc..E ply to
ALEX. MaL41308LIN,
24.4 Proprietor, Brussels,
The Council of the Corporation of the
County of Boron will moot in the Court
Itoom,in the Town of Goderioh, on
next, at 9 o'olook p. m.
W. LANE, Clerk,
Da ted May 2ard,1804,
Notice is hereby given that the Menial pal
0 onnoil of the Corporation of the Village of
13 rtnsele, County of Huron, will meet as
0 ourt of Revision et the OounosL Onettnnn,
30085)10', June 11,1894, at 7:30 p, m.
Parties interested will govern themselves
r, S, S00TT, Clark.
el • 0-11,, U lt. 0,P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P.
S, Ont. Residence and office in Wileon'e
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste.
Physiolau, Surgeon Acconehor, oto,
Greenlete of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Mambos of 0ollego of Pbysleiano
and Serpent], Ont.. ()Mon—Next door to
MODonald & Co,, Walton Oat.
,.,.r3ux YOUR.* **
l'ari5 Green
—AT -----
Pepper's Dru bre,
If you Want the Best.
.1Lt• Solloitorand Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. OIBoo—Vanatoue's Bloat, Brae -
sole. 21.Oro
• Solicitor Conveyancer. NotaryPub'
lie, &a. Office•—Vaustone'e Block, 1 1050
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pubilo,
G0lsol0h, Ont,
DUDLEY 00006Ee•
G. tJ+
...mi., &o. date of Garrow &
Proudfoot's Oillce,Goderioh,) Oiase oyer
Gilliee & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan, 47
$)MlYT3:.S2 f
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Sr, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeone, Ontario, and of Toronto Dnl-
verelty. OPOIOE—Over A. It, Smith's Store,
Brussels, Will visit Wroxeter the 1st and
erd Wodneadaye and Blyth the 2nd and 401.
'Wednesdays of aeon month,
Licentiate Honor
eeDental Surgeons.
Grown and Bridge work a specialtyy. Moder-
ate Foos. Satisfaction Assured. 01Moe over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brno -
tJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseaeee of domeetioated animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Galls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors
north of: bridge'ruruberry et,. Brussels.
Air H. MOORS V. S.,
H.M.,V,td. S. Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all
domeetioated animals treated on scientific
principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a specialty.' Calls promptly
attended to, Offioo, over Johnston & Oooh-
tane's marble works. Infirmary at Beattia's
livery barn,Brneoele, Oat. 20 -
1I • IssuroroftfarrfageLicenses. Offioe
at his Gr000ry, Turnberry street. Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist- Shop—Next door
south of A. EL Molay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and ahildrens hair nutting a epeoialty
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
do. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pnblio
Land, Loan and Ineurnnee Agent. Fund,
invested and to loan. Calleoblane made.
Chloe in Graham', Block, Brussel,.
Teacher of iustrumental muslo on
Plano or Organ, Will visit Wingham Tuo e -
day and Wednesday of oath week. Bea 1 -
dance on Frio epee Street, JOreese's.
T' A, HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
• Organist In St, John's Church, Brus-
sel• andpnl1,i�l, in the rt of :Teaching,01A.
W. Thayer,Mtts.1oo„ New York, Will give
lessons to pupils eitherf on piano or organ,
at his parlor over A. R. Smith's store, Brua-
sels. Vocal lessons also given. Terms Mod-
• Apotioneer, always ready to at-
tend sales of forme, farm stook, &c. Terme
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. O. Solos
may be arranged at Tina Poss Publishing '
House, Bruesele.
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales oonduet
colon reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stooka specialty. Orders left at Ton Poem
Publishing House,Bruesale, or sent to Walton
P. 0,, will receive prompt attoutien.
6e as au Avotioneer, I am prepared
to conduct sales of farm stock at reasonable
prions, 'Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I am Ingga poeition to esti to
anoore ibkeSatig action guaranteed. Give
mo a call. 02- h' S. SCOTT,
DEnsxGNED has several good Fenno for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F 5. 6OOTT,Drnssels.
Don. o, Grey. About 00 acres cleared.
Immediate poseeeaion. Aitt�pplyby mail to
or to VJhr.MILIER OB raw,Trout Oraal(,
Lor sale, Lot 2i, Con. le, Townshl 0 of
terey, ooutalaiog 100 pores. 0b o1 wbia Is is
Moored and goaded down, Welt' fenedd and
specially adapted for dairy purposes. T -he
balanoo is heavily Wooded. It la tear to
eburoh and sohool. For partleulate op ply
40-4 armload P. 0,