HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-6-1, Page 3JUNE 1, 1894 scam BRus$ELS POST TQWn' Directory. 8lltavILLE Onunon,•,Sabbath Services Kt 11 a m and 6:30 pan. Sunday Sahool aW 2:60 p m. Rev. John Ross, B A, Pater, Knox O0uncn.—Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 0;3O p in. Sunday School al 2:30 p m. Rev. D. Millnr, pa&tor. ST, Jo is s Cnonon.--Sabbath Bervioes at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p. m. Bev. W. G. Reilly, Mourn- . bent. 1\ I5OnisT Onunou,—Sabbath Services at 10:80 a in and 0;80 p m. Sunday Sohbol at 2:80 p m. Bev. G. H. Cobble - dick, M A, B D, pastor. ROMAN, CAT/COLIC Cuunuii.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALvaelon Anur..—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks. One'Fer.Dows' LODGE every Thursday evening, in Grabam'e blook. MAe0NIS LODGE Tneaday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W LODGE on let and Ord Friday eveninge of each month, in Blag- hill's block. C 0 F LODGE 2nd and last Monday eveninge of web month, in Blaehill's blook. L 0 L let Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. R T on T, 2ud and 40h Tuesday's of each month, in Odd fellows' Hall. SONS ne SCOTLAND, 1st and 3rd Taco - days of eaoh month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lewitt let and 3rd Thune. Jaya of each month, in Vaoebone blook. Homme CIRCLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blaehill's Hall. Pose Oerroe.—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Mementos' INSTITDTE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m, Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian. TOWN 0onxoaL.—W. H. Kerr, R,aeve ; W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and 8. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the let Monday in each month. Samoa BOABD.—Rey. Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; Seo,.Treas., 11. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Punta Sanoor TEAOEEne.—J. H. Cam. eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Mise Downey and Mise Cooper. BoeatD or HEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Soott, A. Stewart, H. Dennis and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaugbtoo, Medical Health Officer. SHE WILL. She giggled when he talked to her, She giggled when he etopped ; She giggled when he kissed her first, She giggled when he "popped ;" She giggled when the day was set, She giggled when they wed ; And now be often wonders if She'll giggle wben he's dead. A WOMAN'S WANTS. Dear woman wants the earth for sleeve, She wants the sky for hat ; She also wants a knothole when She sees a mouse or rat. Mao wants but little here below, And gets it if he can ; Bat woman asks for oven less— She only wants the man. The name of the maiden was Gray, And the name of the youth was Brown. Bat when he had tremblingly said his say, Do you think the damsel turned Brown 7 NaY, nay, She beartleeely turned him down. THE BAOHELOR'S WILL. There was a jolly bachelor, Who died at eightyeight, And by his will the good man left The whole of his estate To women who had answered nay When asked by him to wed, For he declared he owed to them The happy life he'd led. PERFECTLY TRUE. A maiden in a ball room wears A kind of gown that freely bares Her ehapely form, yeb no one oaree Apin ; But if along the highway she Should stroll one evening after tea In that same gown—she'd simply be Run ip. LOVE'S STRATAGEM. You never saw a gal surprised Like Timmy Kenyon's sister The night that 73111 McKee devised The scheme by which he kissed her. The two were etandin' at the gate, To whistle she was learnin', Her lips were temptin' an' 'twie labs= To kias'ism Bill was yearnin'. "To whistle you must do like this," Said Bin, an' Mania' over. Be showed his, puckered, to the mise, Whose own as red ae clover, Soon puokered in the self -same way; Then, would you believe it, mister, Ere she could turn her head away The cheeky chap he kissed her. The color flamed into her cheek, Her neck was dyed wi' blushes, She trembled so she could nob epeak An' down among the rushee The brook leaped up to tell the flowers, That bent their heads to listen, How Bill McKee taught SusiePowers The old, sweet game of kiesin'. I sorter guess she liked the game, For many hours they tarried Beneath the sumach's flags o' flame, An' in six months they married, I seed 13111 yesterday go by A baby carriage wheelie' ; He never knowed or thought that I Know all about his stealin'. Five lives were lost by the wreck of the schooner Cummings at Milwaukee, Fri- day. Robert Peterson, of Kingston,Onk, one of the area', wag saved. F108 AIM THIST40S, Death is God's paymaster. Sham .pleasures vest the most, God never tries any experiments. Life, without love is living death, God le in the heart that bleeds when others suffer, Love for God is tl;e only true and right love for waif! Courage is something that .a coward can only imitate. The wicked are in the most danger when they feel the eafeeb. Prudenoe and industry are the best safe guards against bad luck, When we are good in the right Nov we are good for something.; God's work can only be done by those who wear the yoke of Christ. As means of grace prosperity has never been muoh of a emcee. God's promises are stare that are al- ways shining for the eye of faith. How quick a public prayer turns to stone when tilers is no love in it, The best °rose for era fs the one that will soonest kill our eelfiehneee. Some very religious people have a diff. errant religion on Sunday from what they have the rest of the week. Don't find any fork with a neighbor that you would not want to lay before God in prayer. No one will carry much into the next world who has not carried somebody else's burden in thie. How eoon taste is lost for the bread of life when the devil's finger towhee the tongue. When some people say, "Get thee be- hind me, Satan," they do not want him to gab out of reach. The devil probably feels that he is not a bad sort of fellow when he hears some preaohers preach. No man ever finds fault with the spots on the moon wben he finds out that he is lost in the woods. No matter how wioked you may find the world to be,never forget for a mo- ment that God is good. It is bard on the Lord's sheep, wben the sole aim of the shepherd is to feed the giraffes in his flock. Whenever you see the work of moth and rust, remember that the treasures of this world cannot be taken into the next. The kind of giving upon which God promisee a blessing is the giving that is willing to give some of ite own blood. The Christian is walking on dangerous ground who is not praying every day of his life that he may be more like Ohriet. Itis seldom that a better appointment makes a preaoher more pious. To be truly consecrated is to be willing for God to ohooee your prose. Without midnight prayer the preaoher burns midnight oil to little purpose. The golden rule is just one inch longer than a thirty-five.inoh yardstick. There isn't gold enough in the world to make a discontented man riot. If God has helped us to -day it is a sure prophecy that he will help us tomorrow. The man who worries ie not a bit wiser than the one who burns down his house. Obedience to the known will of God is the highest evidence of sincerity and be- lief. The man who finds it hard to serve God has not yet got to work for him in earnest. When the devil's face is seen without a mask it generally turns some soul to Christ. For a parent to punish a child in any other spirit than that of compassion for the offender, is to kill something good in both hearts. When a man makes vows to God that he intends to keep, it is pretty good evi. dance that he has been getting religion right. No preacher can escape the effect of his ministry upon himself. If his preaching does not save others it will not save him. Gowrie. Wm. Dane, township olerk, is at pres- ent very ill. Mrs. W. Doig is at present in Tilson• burg visiting her parents. Jas. Lennox has opened out a tinehop next door to R. Ross' show room. The farm of the late Henry Wiggins, on the 13th oon. of Howlett, has been sold to John Kriller for the cam of 04,170. Clinton. Some one broke into the room of Mies Trewartha, Victoria St., and stole there- from the sum of 010 or $11. A suspicion existe as to the guilty party. The train arriving at Clinton from Stratford ab 7:05 p. m., has been discon- tinued. The train leaving Goderich at 2: 05 p. tn., leaves at 1:10, and the train leav- ing Goderioh at 4 p. m., will leave at 3:80 P. m. Considerable interest has been aroused by the call given to Rev. A. Stewart, of Clinton, by Onion Church, Bruoefield, and it was hoped that, should he accept, the two Presbyterian congregations in that village might be united. Mr. Stew- art also seemed disposed to accept the smaller charge, ae his health is never ro- bust, and, though the salary offered was less than his present one, he felt that the Brimfield oharge would give him more open air work and entail lees of that se- vere etudy for which he has become not. ed. However, the Clinton people were very lath to lose Mr: Stewart, and pro- tested most strenuously against his leav- ing. At the Presbytery meeting in Clin- ton, on Tuesday of last week, they had six commissioners present, and as a re- sult of the pressure brought to bear' Mr. Stewart decided to remain in his present oharge. This will, no doubt, be a severe dieappointment.to the Brimfield people, but, they will no doubt accept the decis- ion as, after all, the best that could be, considering all the oiraumstanoee. DISTRICT Mnwenve.—The regular meet. ing of Distriob Lodge No. 21, L 0. of G. T., was held in Clinton on the 18th, and notwithstanding the very wet and vary disagreeable day there was a good repre- sentation of delegates from the different Lodges in the District. Bro. Brookin- shire, of Wingbam, D. 0. T., was in the chair, The morning session consisted of the appointing of the different commit- tees and the reports from the different Lodges. The reports show the order to be in about the same condition as it was at last meeting, there being enough sus- pension for nonpayment of dues to bal- ance the new membere received. The afternoon session was devoted chiefly to the disoussion of "Good of the Order." A great many good suggestions wore made and it is to be hoped thedelegates will carry some of these to their respective Lodges and try to put theft into practice, The following officers wore elected for the ensuing year :—P. 15.0. T., Bro. Brook. inehlxs, ak Wingbam •, D. 0, T., Bro, J. G, ltlurdooli, Lnelenow ; D, V. 71,, Sis. 3irrebt, Mullett ' , Coen., Bro B. Som. oxo, Blyth ; D, 13. J. To Sis, G. Moffat, Blyth; D Seo..Treaa, Bro. 13.Lawxasorn, Londesboro ; D, A, BM, Sie. Bay, Olin. ton ; D, M. Bro, H. B. Chant, Clinton D. D, M„ Sie, Farnham, xiullett; D.G„ Sie, Lillie Miller, Clinton ; D, S„ Bra.. 11. MoLenagben, Whitechurch 1). Chap, Bro, W, Gordon, Lesburn. Bro. Brown, Of Maitland lodge, wee chosen represen• Wive to the Grand Lodge to be held in Paris next month, with Bro. J, W. Moore of .Clinton, es alternative representative. It was deoided to hold the next meeting in Londesboro at the call of the Execu- tive Committee. While in town thedels. gates were entertained by the members of Clinton Lodge. In the evening an o- pen entertainment was held, oonsisting of speeches, vocal and instrumental mesio, recitations, readings, dialogues, &o. Bro. Gribble, P. 8. Conn„ of Wales, was in the chair. Bro. Ilinohley, of Kinburn, gave an exhibition of veutrilogoiern. Ian Llcn:ow. A fine otter was killed the other day near Mildmay, by a dog. It weighed 18 pounds, and was sent bo be dressed by a taxidermist. The Council bave built a new 12 foot plank sidewalk in front of the Murray and Alvin brick blocks on Campbell streets. At the Pharmacy College exanhinations in Toronto, John Berry, of this village, passed is all eubjeote and is now a full fledged druggist. He also suoeeeded in earrying off a diploma as an analytical chemist. At Viotoria College in Toronto, John Bewaring, of this village, who is studying for the Methodist ministry, passed a creditable examination in all subjects, standing first on the list in two claeeee. The village Council sold the hand fire engine belonging to the village, to a gen- tleman in Marblerook, Illinois, for $2.40. It is to be need as a tournament engine by the sporting olub of that place, and the purchase was made on their behalf. At the residenoe of George Middleton, on Havelock street, the immediate friends of the contracting parties gather. ed at 9 o'olook on Monday morning, 21st inst. to witness the nuptials of H. H. In. gram, of Blyth, and Miss Annie Middle. ton. The cememony was performed by Rev. Mr. McLennan. After a wedding breakfast, the happy couple took the 10:80 brain for their future home in Blyth, par- rying with them our many well wishes. The Sentinel says :—A grand game of baee•ball will be played in Somerville's Park on Monday afternoon next for the championship of the village of Lueknow between the following teams :— T. Collins Pitcher P. Maloolmson J. McGarry Oatoher W. McDonald J. Gay 1st base J. Hodgskinson Dr. Elliot 2nd base A. Davidson Jas. Bryan, 8rd base T. Lindsay D. Lawrenoe short atop F. Rooklidge J. Nicholl left field D. McDonald F. Gordon centre field W. Skinner R. Moore right field W. Lawrence Captains—T. Collins and P. Malcolmson Umpire, Thos. Lawrence, J. P. Official Scorer, Geo. A. Siddall Physician, Dr. J. H. Garnier Undertaker, A. T. Davidson Admission free. No practice of any kind allowed in the meantime. N. B.—No ooppers taken. General Nevt-sa. A heavier snowstorm than any during the last winter prevailed at irlarkeson, Wis., Friday. Michigan also had a bliz• zard. William K. Vanderbilt has rented Lord Lovatt's deer forest at Brauden, Inver- ness, and will shortly visit that place with a bunting party. W. F. Murray, a Clevland coal man, said Friday that the miners would fight to the end and finally be forced to accept the terms of the operators. The Anglican archbishops and bishops of England have issued a 'tinnier letter protesting against the proposed diseetab• liebment of the church of Wales. Half a million dollars will soaroely cover the damage done by the great storm on Tnesdny and Wednesday night of last week in Minnesota and Western Wiscon- sin. A new disease, a white microbe, beset. tanked the wheat orop in the districts of Vendee, Brittany and Anjou, France, and is inflicting great damage upon the grow- ing grain. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 Mar- nrEe.—All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. A terrible gale raged on Lake Michigan Friday. Late Friday night it was believed that twelve or fifteen lives had been lost along the shore off Chicago and its suburbs. The Ontario Wood Pulp Company of New York was incorporated in Albany N. Y., Monday with a capital of $50,000. The company will maunfaoture pulp in Ontario and Quebec. Health and happiness are relative con- ditions ; at any rate, there can be little liappiuess without health. To give the body ite full measure of strength and energy, the blood should be keptpure and vigorous, by the rise of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Clevland had the most severe hailstorm ever known in the city Friday evening. Great damage was done to skylights and shrubbery. The storm was very severe as far south as Crestline. Most coughs may be cured in a few hours or at any rate in a few days, by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectorial. With such a profit and cure remedy as this at hand, there is no need of prolonging the agony for weeks and months. Keep this remedy in your house. RnsuottrIett CURED INA Dar.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically owes in 1 to 3 days. Its notion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Dente. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. RELIEF IN SIX HODne.—Distressing kid. nay and bladder diseases relieved in six bonre by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and every part of the urinary passages in rnale or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and euro this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. Six Anarahlats, condemned to .death for oomplioiby in the pleb to aesaeeinabe Gen, Martinez do Campos, were eliob at Baroelona Monday Morning. Vb Globe-trotter Griffiths has Walled Loa. don, The trip around the world via the Canadian route was made in 84 days, 11 boars and 20 minutes, beating Nellie Bly'e reoord by ten days. A 0300e To Iioasimpe,—One bottle of Hnglish Spavin Liniment oompletaly re. moved a ourb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, ae it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lamps, blood spavin, eplinte, ourbe, sweeny, slides and sprains. Geo. Bonn, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by G. A. Deadman. "When pain and anguieh wring the brow A ministering Angel thou." This was written of women more than one hundred years ago but itis just asap. plioable to•rlay to Starks Headache Pow- ders for they come like an angel of mercy to those who suffer from headache, neur- algia, billiousness and the other ailments arising from a torpid liver. Mr. Lance- field, librarian of the public library, Hamilton, says he always Weeps a box on hand for they give instant relief. Prion twenty fins cents. 0111111! 1 011 ¥ Clearing Sale Of the Whole of Good. ;Brothers' NW SPRING BOOTS, SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers, &e_ Crockery, China & Glassware Eats a72c1 Caps, Groceries, Shop Furniture, &o., to make way for the new Grocers, Messrs. Taylor & Smillie, at "Slaughter Prices. The stook must be sold as we have no room for the goods in Seaforth. No rea- sonable offer will be refused. FOUR MONTHS CREDIT will be given on all purchases of 00.00 and upwards, purchasers to furnish Approved Joint Notes. The greatest chance ever offered for seouringseasonable goods at 50o. on the Dollar and upwards, and 4 months to pay for them. 500 pairs Boots ab 50e. on the $ 1000 " " 75o. on the $ 500 men's ,b boys' Hate at 60o on the $ Boxes of Boots at 25o. a pair. Boxes of Boots at 50o. a pair. Boxes of Boots ab 01.00 a pair. Men's Felt Hats, 25o, 50o and 750 that coat over twice the money. 'Butter and Eggs Taken. Good. Brothers. Sale is /IOW going On. P Saved Her Life. litre. C. 7. WOOLDRIGE, of Wortham, Texas, saved the life of her child by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "One of my children had Croup, The lease was attended by our physician, and was supposed to be well Under control. One night I was startled by the child's hard breathing,and on going to it found It strau- Rlin Ihad nearly obased to breathe. ealizing that the child's alarming condition bad become possible in spite of the medicines given, I reasoner) that such remedies would be of no avail. Having part of a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 1n the house, I gave the child three doses, at short lnterrals, and anxiously waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing grew easier, and, in a short time, she was sleepingquietly and breathing naturaily. T110 chd is alive and well to -day, and Ido not hesitate to saythat Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral ea toral saved her lif" AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. .7 O. Ayer&Co., Lowelb, Mass. cProm pt to act, su re to cure McLEOD'S System nertovator 0300R— ®RRTESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC pC pN0 ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverielhed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplesenese, Palpata. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitas' Damao, Female Irregularities and General De - LABORATORY GODERW , ONT. J. M. MCLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by 3, T. PEPPER, Druggist, Bruesele. Vrhite Star Line, ROYAL MAIL, ST:VAMSHiPS. ilsbwesu New York and. Liverpool, via yeteenstown, every wedneesay, Ae the steamers of this lino carry only a etriotly limited, number in the Pros' and RE00ND 0AmN a000nhmodabions, Intending passengers are reminded that an early up. lrlieetien for bertha is ueoessery at this. sea- son. For plans, rates, eta., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Bruseels. iiHECOOKSBE 1 FRIEND • °,N n6'16'r SALE: 114 CANADA, 7). Featherbone Corsets must not be confounded with those which were made five or six years ago. The Featherbone Corset of to -day is as far removed from the old style, as black is from white. BUY A PAIR AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. H. J. RONG, :Brussels' Pliotoarap1igj',4 Has just received from Toronto, a Life Size Portrait Camera, lar- gest ever been in these parts, so will supply the public with some- thing extra nice in .Photos. There is nothing nicer than a picture of this kind to decorate your homes. G-roups of Every Description Taken on shortest notice, also views of Private Residences, Public Buildings, Pio-nic Parties, Etc. We are second to none and in- tend to keep right up to date in the Photo. line. Every size pos- sible taken, from the small Sunbeams to Life Size. PicturesCopiecl and E726arged to any Size 212 Cirayo72. Give us a Call—Always welcome at the old Reliable Studio over the Standard Bank, CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 13. C. i5,fCI►0NALD, Actuary. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 8,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 THE NEPA VNOCNDITIONAL-ACCV VLATIV£ POLICY Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life Association. ta'Ib is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. r 'ft ie entirely void of all conditions. t 'It is absolutely and automatically non -forfeitable, after two gears. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insuranoe without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (a) Cash value, as guaranteed in the polioy. President, Managing Direotnr, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, 0.B., M.0.Si.G. J. B. Maodonald. W. 11. KERR, Agent at Brussels. TAYLOR & SMILLIES cuivaxit Opposite the American ictal, Brussels, Is the C.HHE.,1P.ESTfor___,� GROCERIES, CLOCKER Y, GLASSWARE AND SEEDS, All will be sold ata Big Reduction on usual Prices. A Large Stock of Seeds on Hand. .TR, " us AOR, CAS EI liamma""--Before removing to our new prem:' ,__ises in Dr, Graham's Block. TERMS, CASH ONLY. TAYLOR & S1ILLIE,