HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-5-25, Page 8TI BRIIMLS OST
Paper Hanging.
Have you engagad. for your Papering
yet 7 If riot, we 011.11 Ripply yon with ex.
cellent valuee and have made arrange-
inenta with on experienoed o.nd reliable
paperhanger in the person of KR. A.
SIMPLY) to do the work quietly and
eatiefaatorily. Any orders for tapering
will be attended to in the order in which
they are reoeived, and as M. Sample is
well known as an expert workman, any
orders left with us will be promptly at-
tended bo,
Pure gelleboro.
Don't neglect to use some of our Pure
Hellebore on your currant and gooseberry
hushes. We guarantee our hellebore to
be. pure and it will pay you to nee some
a it.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
sotertizati mmusisrog vt, 0. tiL 5.
Trains leave Bruesele Station, North
nd South, as follotss
Goma Settler, GOING NonTri.
MaR 0:54 Mol, I Mixed 0:45 a.m.
Exurees 11:55 a.m. Keil 8:111 p.m.
Mixed .........0:00 p.n. Express 0:43 p.m.
41 DratWitents,
A ohiei's amens ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
"Gen save the Queen."
Bnussms Court of Revision Monday,
June 7th, at '7:80 o'clock p. 01,
Helton Co, Council will oonvene on
Tuesday, June 5th, at the Court House,
tbe front 01 their Flour and Feed store
and office painted this week.
BRUSSELS Foot Ball team play at Look -
now on the Queen's Birthday. The La.
orosse club will not be able to go.
Bausisms is to supply the groom for a
wedding not very far away. The beide
lives in the direotion the wise men came
Two Brussels young ladies had an 0 am-
pected bath at the mill dam ou Tuesday
evening by slipping off a log. The water
was terribly wet.
J. A. STEWART, Standard Dank, reaaived
a black eye on Tuesday eveeing by being
struck with a lacrosse ball while playing
on Victoria Park.
In this issue of Tun Posm we reproduce
from last week's comic journal, "Grip,"
a cartoon bearing on the tour of Sir Oliv-
er Mowat in the forthcoming eleotion.
JNO. SEAR' diSPOSeds of a stable on his
lot to X. F. Gerry and the latter has
pulled it clown the material being utilized
in the construction of a coal house at the
G. T. R. station yard.
Ox Wednesday Sane 6th, W. D. Hart,
Agent Standard Bank, Xiogston, former-
ly of Brussels and Bliss Laura E. Folger,
also of Kingston, will be married in St.
George's Cathedral in the Limestone
day excursions over the Grand Trunk to
Kincardine or Goderioh will begin for this
season on Saturday, of next week June
and. Return fare good for the home
trip on ?Monday, 61.00. These excursions
are very popular during the Summer sea.
Nsw DENTIET.—By reference to profes•
sioual coed in another oolumn of TEE
POST it will be observed that Dr. David-
son, of Strathroy, has opened out a
dental office in rooms over R.N. Barrett's
barber shop. Dr. Davidson is an Honor
graduate of the last session of the Oa-
tario College of Dental Surgeons,
Tun Atwood Bee says of one of our
townsmen :—We were pleased to meet an
old friend Tuesday in the person of G. A.
Deadman, druggist, of Brussels. He
rode down on his Spartan bicycle on bus-
iness. Mr. Deadman is known far and
near as the breeder of the finest herd of
thoroughbred Jersey cattle in the Huron
tract. He is also engaged extensively in
the honey business, and has just now up-
wards of 200 hives of bees making things
hum about his domicils. Some of Mr.
Deaclman's fine Jerseys have been intro.
ducted into the township of Elma.
Note CLOSED.—A charge of perjury was
laid against John Broadfoot by R. Mc-
Kay in reference to an affidavit said to
have been made by Broadfoot as to coats
paid to witnesses. The CASS came up for
hearing on Wednesday at the Town Hall,
Brussels, before Magistrates W. Spence,
McCrae and W. H. Kerr. The follow.
ing witnesses were examined :—A.. Hon.
ter, W. McCracken, Jas. Sharp, Wm.
Barrie, John Mooney and W. McKay
and R. L. Taylor when Court adjourned
until Monday at 10 a. m. W. M. Sinclair
and R. L. Taylor looked after the in.
tereste of the respective parties.
Pnomeessrlage Beniss.-11. J. Strong is
wide awake in looking after the interests
of his business. The setting apart of a
day on which the olive branches of every
home mild have an opportunity of hat,
ing their shadows placed upon paper was
a good hit. Monday was not the very
finest of days yet 75 cherubs were convey.
ed to the gallery. There were fat babies
and lean babies ; abort babies and tali
babies ; long haired babies, short haired
babies and babies with no hair at all, but
the gentlemealy artist had the good taste
ta state that there was not a homely
child in the whole lot. There was quite
a barricade of baby carriages on the side-
walk during the afternoon and we are not
very sure if the recently peeved by.law
referring to wheeled v, hioles was not
badly fractured on that coasion.
G, T. R. Norns.—Owbia to the oontin-
ued coal strike the Grand Trunk has is-
sued instruotions to agents to refuse all
rough freight snob as lumber, bark, hay,
Straw, ashes, stone, brick, limI, scrap
11411, iile, dos., until further orders.—Six
passenger trains were taken off last Mon.
day owing to the coal shortago.—On Fri-
day of this week Mr. Snell, of Exeter,
expects to ship 4 oars of stock from Bras -
eels station.—Several osx of grain and a
car of flour have gone East this week.—
The letter box at the depot is a great con-
venience to the Northern burghers.—A.
new ooal house is being put tip in the
railway yard by B. Gerry.
°WINO b damage to the engine last
Saturday (wetting the electric light wee
not muting ter iieveral Waite this week.
Tun ram home from Bruesele taking
port 10 1110 r10000 00 Exeter will go froni
there to St, Thomas and afterward to
OWING to TEE Poem going to press a day
earlier than usual bilis week Several bud.
Sete o news from loofa oorresponcienla
came to hand too late for this home.
Itsessven.—Argument in the Nightin.
gale inserame ease mia cOnollided on
Friday before Judge Rose, Motion also
made for 3udgment on the report, De,
oieion was reserved,
Tug peetoffica tvillbe open from 7 A. M.
to all who have look boxes, the wioket
opening for general distribution at 8
o'olook. 2, oloaed mail on the noon train
Wank( 13e another great oonvenienee to
the business men of Brussels.
AN exchange says :--George Thermion,
of Brussels, lately purchased three calves
and a boiler of the ,Tersey breed, from
Thomas Boott, of Glenrnorria securing
them as he thinks: at a bargain, its he
paid only the moderate price of 5300 for
the four. They are beautiful beasts and
undoubtedly in time will leave their mark
on the section into whioh Mr. Thomson
has taken them.
Bonny oe lanALTII.—A meeting of this
Board was held Monday evening, all the
members being present. Inspector
Broadfoot presented his report in which
some 25 or more yards, buildings or Qat-
tara were reported as not cleaned up.
Moved by F. S. Scott, seconded by J. N.
Kendall that these persons be notified to
have the work done at once by order of
this Board. Meaning adjourned to meet
at oall of chairman,
FACTORY SOLD.—On Tuesday of tills
week the village Council dis-
posed of the woolen factory to
Howe & Ce„ of this plaoe, for the sum of
53000. It is expected that the factory
will be put in first•olass shape for this
season's trade and the firm is now pre-
pared to handle a large quantity of wool.
We hope the business arrangements and
plans involved in connection therewith
will eventuate in a hustling business be.
ing brought into Brussels to co.operate
with the trade already carried on in the
0. 0. F.—On Thursday evening of last
week the joint Committee in connection
with the coming Foresters' big demon•
stration on July 2nd, met in the 0. 0. F.
Hall and struck the various committees,
the first person named on each to be the
convener :—Ohairman of Committee, A.
Reid ; Secretary, W. 11. Kerr ; Treasur-
er, R. Leatherdale ; Canvassing Commit.
tee, A. Reid, W. Blashill and W. H. Mc-
Cracken; sports and games, R. Leather.
dale, W. F. Vanstone, J. MoBain, A.
Crozier an" J. Wilbee, with power to add
to the number. Decoration and working
Committee, W. Blashill, Jesse Wilbee,
Walter Smith, H. R. Elliott and W.
Rands. Finance, W. Blashill, W. 13.135'
Oritoken, A. Reid, R. Leatherdale and W.
H. Kerr. Printing, W.H. Kerr, A. Reid,
J. McBain, W. Blashill and Robb. Gra-
ham. The 'program will be outlined as
soon as the canvass is completed. It was
decided to have a lot of new treaties made
for seating accommodation ou the Park,
the expense to be borne by the town cele-
bration committee, the property to belong
to them for future use. No pains will be
spared by the committee to make the day
a regular "hummer." Every citizen
should lend a helping band.
FINE EXPORT 045,5,L5-00 Friday last
Blesses. Clegg & Dames shipped four cars
of export cattle from Brussels, George
While accompanying them. They were a
fine lob, Thos. McLauehlin, Grey, had
several 2 year olds that scaled over 1200
each and a now that weighed 1690. We
subjoin the weights of the stook put on
the market scales hers as follows :-
17.111cCutcheen, Morris, 'head, 1,9301bs.
Jas. Evans, 2 16 3,010 I
R. Bewley, " 1 ° 1,840 "
Jas. Ieeland, " 11 " 14,990 "
R. Armstrong, " 4 " 4,830 "
D. Agar, " 4 " 5,160 "
0. Halliday, " 3 " 3,700 "
H. Johnston, 2 " 2,760 "
O. Praetor, " 8 " 10,070 "
E. Beeman, " 2 " 8,170 0
Jas. Proetor,
J. Wray, " 3 " 4,170
3. Garness, 1 " 1,300 "
D. Geades, " 2 " 2,520 0
H. McBurney, " 3" 5,990 "
W. Seca, " 1 " 1,400 "
R. Stubbs, " 2 " 2,690 "
W. Wilkinson, ° 1 " 1,250 "
W. D1o0oll, " 8 " 3,850 0
Jas. Ferguson, Grey 2 " 2,230 "
T. McIanoldin, " 7 "9,460 "
Robb. MoKay, 3 2,960 "
Over 54,000 was handed over by the buyers
on Friday for their shipment.
Hones Or ItErMIE,—Last week the
Oounty Council members of the Illouseof
Refuge Committee inspected the Wood.
stook and Simeoe institutions of this na-
ture. On Wednesday they went to God-
erioh to inspect the sites offered for a
House of Refuge, and also inspected the
sites offered in this viointty. They then
held a meeting to consider the claims of
the various sites offered, and after fully
considering them all, decided on recom.
mending the fifty acres owned by John
Picket, on the east side of the London
Itonsi, a mile below the town. This site
is, perhaps, no better than savers,' others
that were offered to the committee, but
the facilities for drainage are much sup-
erior, while the price is also much more
reasonable. The location is decidedly
advantageous.being in sight of botb rail.
roads, not far from a station, on a splen•
did road, and as pretty a plaoe as could
he selected. As the committee were em-
powered to prepare plans they have de.
aided on having a survey andprofile made
of the place, showing the proposed lo.
cation of the various buildings required,
and will then advertise for plans and
specifications, the architect whose plans
are subsequently adopted to receive 5100
therefor. The eatiinated expenditure for
buildings is between 58,000 and 510,000,
whioh are to accomodate 75 inmates.
The committee will report to the June
meeting of the County Council, and it is
to bo sincerely hoped that their report
will be adopted and work proceed with-
out delay.—Clinton New Era,
., 3 a 8.530
The Philadelphia Times of Monday
earl that Terence V. Powderley, ex.Gen.
eral Blaster Workman of the Knights ot
Labor, or as he recently termed himself,
"the unorOwned king of the working-
men ;" A. W. Wright, of Toronto, Ont.,
ex.inember of the General Executive
Board of the Knights:, and P. /IL Quinn,
master workman of District Assembly
99, an ardent supporter of Powderley,
have been expelled unceremoniously front
the Knights of Labor.
1120.140 We .1C/10W.
II, E. Maadoels is in town this week.
Mrs, Topes1310laaYed in WisOdateek•
Mita Edna Derails is on the sick list,
Joe. Ballantyne was is Brantferd this
Mica Kate Cormack is holidaying at
George ellpiu, of Gorrie, was in town
on Tuesday.
Mies Donovan, of Seaforth, is visiting
Mies O'Leary,
Dr, Holmes, County Treasurer, was in
town on Wednesday.
Mrs. Cooper, of the Queen's pity is
visiting Mies Franoie,
Rev, R. Paul and wife left for a visit to
Orangeville on Monday,
R, Leatherdale west visiting at Elora
for a few days this week.
Sam. Beattie was in the Queen's city
for a few days last week.
Mrs, j. 5, Smith and Gordon, are visit.
ing relatives at Kincardine.
Mrs. (Dr.) Graham is visiting relatives
in Michigan for a few weeks.
Miss Beryl Putland has been on the
sick Hat but is improving nioely now.
Alex. McKay, wbo lute been on the sick
list, is able to get about again although
still weak.
Mrs. Wm. Cornish is on the siok list
but we hope she will semi he restored to
good health.
Mise Mabel Smith intends going, to
Manitoba next month in the hope of im.
proving her health which has not been
good of late,
5. Plum and wife were at Preston at.
tending the funeral of Mr. Howell, a
brother of Mrs. Plum's. He died on
Thursday of last week.
Wedding invitations are out for the
nuptials of R. S. Pelton, Editor Atwood
Bee, and Miss Shank) A. Johnston, of
Galt, ceremony to take place Thursday,
June 7th, ab 3:80 o'clook.
Capt. Thos. S. Hobbs bas been nomi-
nated by the Liberals of London as their
oandidate in opposition to 111r, Meredith.
He is a young man, a hardware dealer,
and an alderman of the (qty. Dir. Hobbs
is very popular with the citizens of Lon.
don and will make a strong run. He is
a ratepayer io Brussels, being one of the
owners of the brick store used by Messrs.
McKay & 0o., hardware merchants.
A meeting of the Huron District Coun-
cil of the Royal Templars of Temperance
will be held in Wingham the fore part of
Business Locals.
JUST received one oar Manitoba Patent
Flour. Beaker daVanstone.
Mira pans, milk pails and strainers of
the best quality at Ballantyne& Wilton's.
BARRER & VANSTONE have opened out a
flour and feed store at Baeker's old stand,
Jusm received one car Red Cop Ensil-
age Corn for Se' d. Booker & Vanstone.
Foe sale, obeap, set mond hand single
harness, good and strong.
I. C. Richards.
R. LEATEEnDArm has tbe boss refriger-
ator and will sell at °lose figures. Every
family should have one.
REFRIGERAMORS.—Every house should
have one for the Summer. Call on 11.
Leatherdale and see them.
Fmus.—Our Ontario Patent "White
Leaf" oannot be 'nates for family use.
Give it a trial. For sale ab all leading
grooery stores, Brussels.
Stewart & Graham.
OCR Mammoth White Cop Ensilage
Corn is the finest brand offered and much
seperior to the poor stuff frequently offer-
ed under this nris3e. We solicit your val-
ued orders. Beaker & Vanstone.
51.40 per 100 lbs. Out nails 52.25 per 100
lbs. Screeu doors at 51.25 each. Window
screens any size. Good spray punaps,
$2.00 each. A good second hand bioycle
cheap. Barbed wire and wire nails
away down at B. Gerry's.
Bleb has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling svelte and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaotion.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share, Terms reasonable. Residence
wend door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-tf
Stewart' & Graham take this opportunity
of thanking their many friends in Brus-
sels and surrounding country for their
very generous support since commencing
the floor milling business here. We hope
to retain their continued patronage and
shall in the future, as we have in the paat
give stria attention to their interests,
of beautiful American Wall Papers just
to hand, bought at less than 50c on the
dollar. Don't listen to elap•trap but
come right along and choose at your own
price. Elegant gilts at 10o, 16o, 20o and
25c, formerly sold from 80o to 60c. All
papers hung perfeotly at 10o. Come all
and come gawk, for they won't last.
W. Itoddiok.
Ir you want a firat•class buggy, cart or
wagon call on J. Wynn. I have the best
value in buggies for the money ever of.
feted in Brussels. I keep no cheap slop
work in factory buggies that we read
about. My stock is of the very best.
If you want a wagon for less money than
my own make I can supply you with the
Bain wagon, the best factory made wag-
on for sale to•aity. Gall and see for your•
7. WTNN, Brussels.
0. 0. 33'.—Fos the next three months
speoial inducements will be offered by
Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0, 0,
F., Brussels, to any person desiring to
become a member of that Order, the in-
itiation fee being reduced during that
time. As this is one of the leading In-
stantly:0 and Beneficiary Societies in the
country people amulet take advantage
of this offer. For full information ap.
ply to
A. REID, 0.19.;
A. Kenitra, 8.;
W. Burnam, Treas.
Will be sold by the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St Paul Railway on May 8th and May
29th, 1894, from Chicago to St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Omaha, Sioux Oity, Kan-
sas City, and points beyond ea practically
one fare for the round trip. Excursion
tickets will be good for return passage
thirty days from date of sale, but are
good for going passage only on date of
sale. For further partioulars apply to any
Coupon Ticket Agent in the -United States
or Canada, or address A. 3. Talton,
Canadian Pass, Agent, 87 York Sb, To.
ronto, Unt.
$214.N.Dill.8.1) 13.4.NITC OF C.4X4D4,
=app,A4BM,MMX-T2Z19 ao7ra,.
Al9SETS, , , (Seven Million Dollars)) , $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized, • , , , 50,000,000
Agencies in all principal pints in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States tO England,
gifornsize BRAWN.
A General Banking Business Transaoted. Ferment' Notes Diet/punted.
Drafts Lined and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits 01 51.00 and upwards from date of deposit to dato of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe.
le JR, ITSB:E3L8,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain,
Sal PAW'S AWN ArgRaez'wEmr.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
Ootober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
NYe effect to 'tulle Insurance 111 01(1 F1101811 011, CO11;11111111 Companies, or In Mut.
nal tiomplinieli as may be desired.
Woos, wanted at Brussels woollen mill.
Highest price in cash or trade.
EIGEOST prior paid for any quantity of
good wool. Hown & Co. Brussels
Toni OUS Manitoba patent flour manu-
factured by us, from Imported No. 1
hard wheat. Stewart &Graham.
Bass, shorts, mill crop and grain of all
kinds always on hand at lowest prices at
the National Roller Mills, Brussels.
LOST on John or King street part of a
brass scale. Ths finder will confer a fav•
or by leaving at Good Bros. store.
Sap the display of crayon portraits in
Straohan's window. Portraits given
away free with every $10 purahose.
' A rum stook of creamery oans and
milk sans of the very best material and
workmanship at Ballantyne & Wilton's.
10 (MART galvanized pails, japanned.
3 fo.: 250., regular price 30c each. Only
a few dozen on hand, and can't be re-
placed for double the money. Ballantyne
& Wilton.
CABBAGE plants, early and late, cauli.
flower and tomatoe plants now ready.
Celery in season. .6. fine collection of
hoose and beading plants, new varieties
at T. Kelly's,Brussels. 44.4
DANBROOM—In Elma, on May 12th, the
wife of Mr. James Danbrook, of a
]Cuts.—In Turnberry, on May 10th, Dun-
can King, aged 74 years.
JAIIESON.—In Myth, on May 13th, Wil-
liam Jameson, aged 48 years.
TELEER.—In Grey, on Dlay 171b, 1894,
Jennie Teller, aged 45 years and 7
Hrssor.—In Grey, ou May 22ad, James
Elislop, aged 62 years, 9 months and
25 days.
MaDoneam—In Grey, on May 21st, Wil.
Ilam McDougall, aged 22 years, 9
months and 3 days.
Wtmox.—At "Forest Home," near St.
Marys, on the 22nd inst., Belle,
youngest daughter of the late John
Wilson, and cousin of J. S.
Wsracsa.—In Morris, on Tuesday, May
22nd, Mary Broadfoot, relict of the
late Thomas Walker, aged 55 y ears,
10 months and 11 days.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls—
Eggs per dozen,.,
Flour per barrel
Hay per bon.............
Salt per bbl., retail......
Hides trimmed
Hides sough
Sheep skim), eaoh
Lamb skins eaoh .....
Apples per bbl..
Pork, Live
65 57
53 55
35 86
53 54
82 38
7 00
8 00 8 60
600 700
1 00 00
15 2
40 00
50 00
180 1 75
18 15
4 00 4 25
Timms, N. Y., May 21.-011cm-8111m
to -day: 890 boxes at 4c, 1,690 boxes at
9fic, 8,480 boxes at 95o, 110 boxes at 102o,
550 boxos on commission, 40 packages of
creamery butter at 160 to 165c. The
market is 5o lower.
Llamas P,a,m, X. Y., May 21.—Cheese
—Sales to -day :-507 boxes ab 9c, 708 box-
es at aa., 2,720 boxes o,t 020340 boxes at
95o, 640 boxes on commission, 230 boxes
of dairy at the same range; 67 packagea
Of creamery butter at 16o to 162e, 20
packages of dairy batter at 150 to 170,
TOlioNTO, May 21,—Flour— Straight
roller, 52 05 to 52 76 ; extra, $2 40 to 52,-
60. Wheat—white, 570 to 58ci ; spring,
No, 2, 50o to 60o; red winter, 57c to 58c ;
goose, 50o to 86o; No. 111anitoba hard,
70c ; No, 2, 69c. Peas—No. 2, 55c3.
Barley—No. 1,, 40o to 410 ; feed, 30o to
40c. Oats—No. 2, 332o. Market increas-
ingly dull; sales—No. 2 Man. hard at
(19c to 70c. Oats outside at 3420.
EAST Berme, N. Y., May 21.—Cattle-
120 cars on sale; fairly active and steady
except for heavy grades, which were 100
lower ; choice to best exporters 54 20 to
54 50 ; mediums and good butchers and
shippers, 54 to 54 25; rough, heavy, fat,
58 50 to $4 ; light to fair weight butohers'
53 05 to 54; oxen, 5285 to $3 50 ; butch-
ers' cows, good and mixed, 58 to 50 05 ;
bulls, choice butchers' to exports, 58 to
53 60 ; choice stockers, 52 25 to $3 ;
choice feeders, 58 60 to 50 70 ; yearlings,
52 to 52 50. Sheep and lambs -116 cars
1 on Bale ; dull until late in day, when
trade was more active ; good to extra
lambs sow at 54 15 to 54 50 and good
sheep 53 05 to 58 86, with tops up to 54,-
25. Hogs -75 cars on sale; opened fair,
bub later went off about 5c, most Yorkers
selling at 54 95, and packing grades at 55
to 55 06 ; roughs, $4 to $4 35.
Lognox, May 21.—The Mark Lane Ex-
press, in its weekly review of the Brit'sh
grain trade, says :—English wheats have
been weak and dull, and foreign wheats
have fallen Ocl in view of the approach of
the time of aelivery, June 1st. July
barleys and corn have dropped 68. and rye
15. Oats have been steady. To -day
English wheat is irregular, from 24s to
28s per quarter, and foreigh wheats have
advanced 6d. California wheat is quoted
at 22s 9d, and dull at 245 3d. Flour is
dull. Corn is a shade firmer. American
hay for shipment, 16s 9d. Barley is ne-
gleoted, and beaus aro weak, but oats and
peas are held firmly.
MONVIEK., Q., May al.—There Were
about 400 head of butchers' cattle, 850
calves ancl 200 sheep and lambs offered at
the East End Abattoir to -day. There
were 10 good many butchers present, but
trade in cattle was not brisk though the
best beeves were held at slightly higher
prices, but owing to the unusually large
number of milkmen's strippers offored to-
day lower prices prevailed for ordinary
stook. About a dozen superior large
beeves were bought by shippers at 54 30
per 100 lbs. ; a good butchers' cattle
bringing% from 40 to 45c per lb., and
pretty good stock at about 32o do. •, milk-
men's strippers were slow of sale and
brought from 525 to 540 each, or from 8o
to 35o per lb, There was a brisk demand
for good calves, but there sverefew of this
kind to be had ; eon= on calves sell at
from 52 to 55 each, and goo11 ones up to
98. Sheep sell at from 3c to 40 per lb.,
and Iambs at from 53 25 to 54 50 each,
very few bringing in over 54. Fat hogs
are higher in prices, fed porkers bringing
about 40 per lb., and hogs just come off
the cars sold at ago to 540 per lb.
Silliafaotion guaranteed.
MRS. 510011411,
nearly opposite Dr. McKelvey's. Brussels.
have a Ana new English Bicycle,
warranted free from all imperfections in
material or manufriotare, which will be sold
cheap On liberal taring.
Druggist & Bookseller.
elate buggy for sale at price away
down from original cost. Good as new. For
price, terms, 100., apply at
Jewelry Store, Brussels.
ate.--Mise Stewart desires to intimate
to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that
she has opened a Dressmaking and Mantle -
making shop in Brussels. Booing over the
grocery of mesas. Taylor & Smillie. Sada-
faetion guaranteed.
SALE. — The subscriber offers his
5.aere plot, located immediately north of
Ament bros. factory, for sale. He will also
dispose of his residence 011 0110 opposite side
of the street. For further particulars, as
to price, terms, oto., apply to
'24.4 Proprietor, Brussels,
The Council of the Corporation of the
County of Huron will mince in the Comb
Room, in the Town of Goderieb, on
11OXt, at 8 o'clock p.
W. LAND, Clerk,
Dated May 230,1804.
Fatter, is hereby given that the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the Village of
BritsPola'Connty of Huron, will meet ea
Court of Revision at the detINOIL OUbitsnlo,
MONDAY, Jane 15,1894, at 7:30 p. so.
Parties interested will govern themselves
F. S. SCOTT, Clerk,
J.. DIARSIGNED Rae several good Farms f or
sale and to rent, °airy tonne, in Townships
ot Morris and Gray. F S. SO OTT,I3raSsels,
L. Con, 6, Grey, About 00 stores °lamed.
Immediate poeeeesion, Apply by mail to
.0,0. 111.14PP10ut NAN, Trout Oreolc,
or to WM, MILNE, Ethel.
MAT 25, 1894
• • ,131TY YOUR,,*,
Park Green
Pepper's Drug Store,
If you Want the Best,
o Elt1110160x And Oonveyaneer. Coffee -
Mons made. 08100—Vanstone's Block, Bruo.
eole, 21.0m
• Solicitor, Conveyancer . Notary Pub•
lie, &e. Oftloe—Vaustore's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Fonda to
N..J Barristers, Solicitors, Rotaries Public,
Goderioh, Ont.
51. 0.040510505, 0. 0., 2,1517.405 13005,
DIIIMPIT 110011335.
v.} • Solleitor, &a, (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot's Ofilee, Goderioh.) Chloe over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 57
eJ • O. M., L. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P.
S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's
Bleak, corner of Mill and Turnberry Sts,
• Physiolan, Surgeon, Aocomilier, etc.
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Out, Ormon—NeXt door to
McDonald & 0o., Walton Ont.
NT 1
M. CAVANAGH, L. 8., D. D. S., •
Greduate of the Royal College of Dents!
Surgieone, Ontario, and of Torent o Uri
versity. OvsrOn—Over A. Smith's Store,
Honor Graduate Toronto Univer sity,
Licentiate Royal College .Dental Surgeons.
Crown and Bridge -work a speoialty. Moder-
ate Fees. Satishietion Assured. Moe over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry Sb., Brue.
5, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Is prepared to trent all
clieeasee of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at.
tended to. once and Laftrmary—Four doom
north of bridge i'urnberry at, Brussels,
H. MOORE, V. S.,
• E. M.,V. . 8, Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all
domestioated animate treated on scientific.
principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned °tittle a specialty, Cells promptly
attended to. Office, over Johnston e.s Oooh-
rane's marble works. hatIrmary at Beattie'a
livery barn, Brunets, Out. 20.
w • Istairer of marriageLioenses. Ofliss
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. U. McKay a Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and chlldrens hair cutting s, speoialty
'Bearer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Liout,-Governor, Oommia.
stoner, &o,, Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Flre insurance 0o. Office at the Oranbroolt
Post Office.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Co. Huron. Oonveyanoor, Notary Publio
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
inveeted and to loan. Collections made.
°Moe in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Teacher of instrumental musio on
Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tue s -
day and Wodnaday of each week. Iles i-
clence on Prineess Street, Brussels.
ril A. 1:IAWICINS, M. 0. S. ILL
JL • °mullet in St. Sohn's Church, 13rue.
Sets, and pupil, in the Art of Mandible, of A .
W. Thayer, Mus . Doe., Now York, will give
lessons to pupils eithere on piano or organ,
at his parlor ever A.R. stnita,• store, Brus-
sels, Vocal lessons also given, Terms Mod-
.• Auctioneer, is always 'ready to at-
tend salon of farms, farm stook, &o. Torras
cheerfully given. 0 ranbrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at Tan Poem Publishing
House, Brussel&
Licensed Auotioneer,. Sales conduct
od on reasonable torIns. 'Farina and farm
stock it apecialty. Orders left at TEE Potai
Publish inglionee,Bril s8e18, or Sent to.Walton
2. 0.0411 receive prompt attention,
.1 int as au AnotIoncer. / am prepared
to nondact salmi of farm stook at reasonable
prieee. linoWing the ['tending of nearly
every person am in a position to toll to
good marks and of good security when sold
on eredit. 13attsfaetion guaranteed, Give
me a call. 82- 5 S. SCOTT.
• t