HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-5-25, Page 6THE BBxi8S4LS
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tin tomo for tun early mails) at
'Tho Post,' Stennd l'u111is11ing House,
Tonllultnnx 13111129ELs, Qiir.
TEAMS oar.. SansonlPTio'N.—Ona 4011er and
a -Mire year. in advance. The date tpwhlob
every aubooription ie Paid is denoted by the
date on the address label.
ADV8111BINe 13emua.—Tho following rates
will bo obargelt to those who advor iso by
the year•,-
8PA014. f .1 res. 1 0 aro. 8 m0
One 001811011 30000 53000 520.00
Malt 25,00 2000 12,00
Emuter " 20,00 12,00 8.00
ighth. " 1300 800 SAD
'Hight dente p er line for first insertion, and.
three mate per lino for oaola subsequent in.
Bertion. ail advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -12 lines to the 'nob.
Susineee Carse, eight lines and under, 8e
per 011110711.
Advertisementswithout spackle diree.
Mons, will be insorto4 until forbid, and
charged a000rdiugly.
Instructions t0 011acg0 or discontinue au
advertisement must be left at tbo oounting
room of 3lxoo Poe'r nob Later than Tuesday
of each week. This 10 in]peratrvo.
�r V. I$. 7l"£7�i
Editor and Proprietor.
£ XeY i11op.
A Sabbath school under the control of
the Latter Day Sainte has been organis-
ed on the Leadbnry line.
A hawk that had for several years built
its neat in one of the trees in the vicinity
of W. J. Shannon's residence, and whish
had been the cause of much annoyance
to the neighbors on account of it having
been in the habit of feastiug its young,
which it regularly brought out, on their
poultry, came to an untimely death one
day last week. Mr. Shannon being de.
termined that his hawkship should not
have the privilege of so doing this year,
proceeded to the bush, armed with &rifle.
The hawk immediately detected him and
took wing, soon after, however, returning
and alighting on a limb of a large tree
eome thirty rods in distance. Mr. Shan-
non levelled hie rifle and with unerring
aim brought his hawkehip to the ground
and when measured was found to be 51
inches from tip to tip of wings.
Editor Nash has been on the sick list.
Crops in this notion are looking fairly
A bear was seen in A. Strong's bush on
Sunday night of last week.
W. J. McLaughlin and W. Doig have
each purchased new bicyolee.
R. J. Day and A. Cunningham have
recently moved into the village.
The bulk of sawing in the Gorrie mill
is now finished. Some fast work was
Gerrie Mechanics' Institute annual
meeting was held Monday evening. The
officers' reports showed that there are
100 members, 550 on hand, and about
350 hooks in the library, and about $50
worth are to be added at once. The sum
of $8 was voted to Mr. Fennell for hia
services as librarian. The following offi-
cers were elected for the ensuing year :—
Pres., H. Harding ; Vice -Pres., R. Rose ;
Sec., W. J. Greer ; Treas., W. Doig ;
Librarian, S. T. Fennell • Directors, J.
1t. Williams, S. T. Fennell, W. Doig, A.
Doan, N. McLaughlin, J. Armstrong, V.
S., T. Nash, W. J. Greer, R. Blow.
Sam. Cooper has the contract for Ma-
son's new hotel ; it will be brick veneer.
The external appearance of Rattenbary
street ohuroh has been much improved
by the removal of the fence and the for•
mation of several flower beds.
W. J. Paisley was offered $400 for his
driving mare last weals at Wingham.
This ie a big price for a three-year-old,
but it is an exceptionally fine mare.
Among the attractions that will be off-
ered at the Public school entertainment,
which takes place on the 25th that., will
be a chorus by the trustees, or rather a
In order to properly water the Crioket•
Tennis crease on the Park, the club have
arranged with James Fair for a supply of
water, and will lay a pipe to connect with
one at the head of the pond, running it
underground, so that it will not in any
way interfere with the Park.
The proposed basie of union between
the two Methodist ohurchee in town was
voted on and defeated in both ohurchee.
T]ie attendance was not what it would
otherwiee have been, owing to heavy
rain showers bat it is a question
if an increased attendance would have
altered the vote. In Rattenbury street
ohuroh the vote stood 44 for and 58
against. In Ontario street thevote stood
28 for and 87 against. The vote at Turn.
Br's church was 28 against and 3 for.
Lem el eno vte
Angus Kerr left last week for Glasgow,
The assesement of the County of Bruce
is about 525,000,000 and the population
is about 65,000.
D. McDonald and Jim Young have par-
abased the handsome chestnut pacing
stallion, "Tom Birr." The price paid ie
said to be 5800.
The Free Maeone, of Luoknow, will
celebrate the Feetival of St. Jelin the
Baptist by attending Divine service in
one of the Village ohurchee.
On Monday night what might have
been a disastrous fire was disoovered in
John MaGarry'e hotel stable. Bemoan.
less or worse individual while passing
through the yard threw a stub of a oigar
through the air•hole into one of the box
stalls. The fire was discovered and put
out with very little damage being done.
Mrs. Hunter, of Havelock street, mother
of Mrs. Geo. Middleton, was passing over
the messing between Corrigan 'e and Mo.
Gaery's on Tuesday evening, as 00000
young men were kiokingafoot-ba1L Mre.
Hunter was looking up, watohing the bell
for fear it might hit her, and in doing so
lost her balance, fell on the sidewalk and
broke her shoulder blade. It is only a
few years since an old lady was killed in
Lucknow,through having been struck by
a lacrosse ball,
A cow in the Weet end of the village
booms) a general nuisance to the neigh -
here on account of her nootnrnal visite to
their gardens, stables, and other out.
houses. The other night, one of the
troubled individuate thought he would get
rid of her cowehip. An old wash boiler
was Lying around and with the aid of a
piece of twine he attached this to the
pendal extremity of fdre, Bovine whg ran
down the hill out who 111ada flight re.
sound with her bawls. The gory bee not
singe been Peen 00 that part of the village.
The International betel Lias been rent,
ed by the Messrs. Curry,
Capt, Baxter has put a floating bridge
from the look to the island,
The opal etrike in the lower lakes le
felt eeverely here, The tugs are burning
oerdwood and bemlook slabs.
A young lad named Matheson was wilt
to the Mimioo home for boyo Tuesday of
last week, in charge of oonstable Niobol.
Some evil disposed persons have placed
broken bottles on one of the roade in
Goderich township, muoh to the danger
of bicycle tyros,
The first annual S, S. convention for
the Deanery of Huron will bo held in St.
George's church school house on Tuesday,
June 5, oommeneing at 11 o'olook.
Mrs, E, Downing has apansy geranium
which is one of the most beautiful plants
in that ohms one can imagine. The bloc -
some are 2i. inohee agrees and of marvel-
ous beauty,
James McIntosh, the senior member d"i
the firm of McIntosh & Harper, who sue.
oeeded Saundere & Co., nae sold out hie
interest in the basinees to Charles Leo,
son of Wm. Lee, the well known forward-
As their request to the Town Council
to have the Square roadway cleaned of
al! stones and sticks which might inter-
fere with their wheels was quietly filed,
the local oyolers turned out in full force
before 7 o'olook on Monday morning of
last week and did the job themselves,
leaving the street as glean and level ae a
parlor floor.
The next divieion court will be held in
Seaforth on June 30th.
Joseph Abell and Alex. Winter are each
putting up new residences this year.
John Patterson left this week for Port
Huron where he has exempted a position
as baker in a large establishment,
The Mechanical Institute has moved
into its new quarters in the town building
and is now open for business again.
Mrs. George Good and her little son
are at present visiting in Barrie. Mrs.
Good was called there on account of the
illness of her mother.
Messrs. Van E"mond and Lacy wheel.
ed to Brumfield in 19 minutes. This
beats the record. They also rode 65
miles in lees than four hours.
The choir gallery of the Methodist
church is being lowered within about two
feet of the pulpit platform. This will be
a great improvement when completed.
The many friends of Arohibald Bishop,
M. P. P. for South Huron, will deeply
regret to learn that he is suffering from
ill health, and although going around, is
far from well.
Harry Beattie, B. A., wbo has been at.
tending the law sohool in Toronto for
some time past, bas returned to town and
will be in J. M. Best's law office during
the Bummer months.
Commencing on Saturday, Jane 2nd,
and continuing daring the Bummer sea-
son weekly excursion tickets to Goderieh
will be on sale at the rate of 60 cents,
goad to return the following Monday.
The churchwardens of the Anglican
church were granted the sum of $12 by
the town Council to assist in repairing
the doors and steps of the church, the
town having used the bell in the church
tower for about thirty years every busi-
nese day, and consequently contributed
somewhat to the wear and tear.
The devil made the first lie.
Truth is never afraid to wait.
Watch the man who flatters you.
A lean dog generally growls the most.
The troubles we most fear never happen.
A long face is not a passport to heaven.
God never gave anybody the right to be
No church can neglect the poor and Ile
true to Ohriet.
Angela like to visit in the home where
Christ ie loved.
The man who improves his talent al-
ways gets God's reward for doing it.
There may be many good qualities in a
miser, but his love for money kills them
a ll,
The devil is not wasting much powder
on the preacher whose religion ie all in his
Some preachers fail because they do not
think it worth while to cultivate common
Many a doctor probably enjoys good
health because he never takes any of hie
own medicine.
Many a man puts a fine monument
over the grave of his wife, who made her
get up and light the fire every morning of
her life.
The man who will do God's will with
all his might is as sure to be helped from
heaven as that the sun will continue to
give light.
"Madam," exclaimed the indignant
neighbor, "your little boy has got a hatchet
and won't give it up."
"Oh, well, let the little darling haveit,"
replied the fond mother.
"But he's brandishing it abort his head
and chasing the other children around the
"He's crying 'Ugh 1 Ugh I Whoop 1'
isn't he 2"
That's exactly what ho'e doing."
"Yes, my petlikeetoploylndian. Does
he ory, 'Me scalp paleface 9'"
"Yee, but don't you see—"
"Oh, let the little fellow enjoy himself I
He takes such pleasure in the eport,"eaid
the fond mother."
"But he'll hurt oneof the others!" oried
the indignant neighbor.
"Not intentionally," returned the fond
mother. "He never mane to Burt any
"No, but he does sometimes, and it's
dangerous, madam—it's dangeroue."
"Perhaps it is," said the fond mother
She went to the window and called
out 1
"Willie, if you hit any of those child.
ren with that hatchet, I'll whip you and
pub you to bed."
Ari elle resumed her seat she said to her
indignant neighbor:
"You need have no fears. I hate to
punish Will, but I promise yon thatI will
if he bits one of the children."
And she cannot understand now why
the neighbors will not allow their child-
ren to play with Willie,
LINCQLN ON imuni 02 $161,1410 10,
The Advgoato, the new Cbrietiau Li.
gnor organ, claims that Abraham Lin.
Coln wee at one time a liquor seller, and
intimates that he was a Use liquor drink-
er, too, Tbie will be newe tomes(' people,
but will, we fancy, turn out on investlga•
tion to be unreliable. Itis a well known,
fact that long before he became a condi
date for President, and always after that
time, he wee a ebattnob total abstainer
and a decided Prohibitionist, Her is
the opinion of the liquor braille that Ab-
raham Lincoln lefb on permanent record :
"The liquor braille is a oanoer in so.
eddy, eating out its vitals and threaten.
ing destruction, and all attempts to raga•
late it will not only prove abortive, but
will aggravate the evil, No, there must
be no mere attempts bo regulate the ean-
oer ; it must be - eradicated, Not a root
must be left behind, for until this is done
all classes must oontiuue iu danger of be.
Doming victims of strong drink."
Two thousand miles from • California,
their nearest neighbor, they make the
most important group in the North Paci-
flo, an outpost of the Polynesian world,
through which must arose the lines of
oommeroe between the continents. Great
changes and improvements have taken
place in Hawaii in the last half century,
which the 'limited States has done more
to bring about than all the other nations
combined. American missionaries have
multiplied their food preclude and taught
them agrioaltnre. They have introduoed
a public school system, where oduoalion
is eompaleory and English the language
spoken, so that loll the younger genera-
tion; of whatever nationality in Hawaii,
is growing up to read, write and speak
Gcoiserad Ne'v,ee-
Malta was shaken by an earthquake
Sunday afisrnoon.2
There is no change in the great goal
miners' strike in the States.
Advices from Oaloutta any there is no
reason to fear a native uprising,
It is rumored in London that Henry
Irving, the actor, is to be knighted.
Bev. Dr. Talmage's new tabernaole,
Brooklyn, N. Y., was destroyed by fire at
noon Sunday.
Rev. Dr. J. 0. Peck, aged 60 years,
died Thursday morning inBrooklyn from
Bright's disease.
Several hundred persons have been ar-
rested in Russia charged with being mem.
Mrs of a society known as the Friende of
Political Liberty.
Hon. Robert Reid, of Australia, ad.
dressed a meeting of Winnipeg's busi-
ness men on Saturday.
It is said that Lord Roseberry contem-
plates retiring from the turf if his hol'ee
Ladae wine the Derby.
The worst sand storm for five years
prevailed in South Dakota on Friday and
all business was suspended.
The Californian Midwinter Fair will
close on July 1. It has proved a decided
success financially and otherwise.
A constable at Rocklin, Cal., Sunday
killed a commander of the Industrial
army marching east from Sacramento.
Treatment with belladonna has go
strengthened one of Mr. Gladstone's eyes
that he can read and write without diffi-
A. J. Mundella, President of the Brit-
ish Board of Trade, has resigned his seat
in the Cabinet, but retains his seat in
A dispatch from Buenos Ayres says
the report that a revolution has broken
out in the Argentine republic has no
The torpedo boat Ericoson, the first
United States war vessel built in inland
watere, was launched Saturday at Du.
Milne, Ia., in the presence of several
thousand persona.
The gable steamship Faraday has
laid 510 knots of the commercial cable
from Canso, N. S., completing the first
section, and is now on the way to Lon-
don to refit and prepare for future work.
A heavy rainstorm deluged Stillwater,
Minn., Friday night, and a great damage
resulted. Streets were flooded, street
care will nob run for a week and the town
is in darkness. All the railroads ere shot
out by washouts.
A despatch from Silverton, Col., nye
the body of Edmund Roach, a highlycon-
nected Englishman from Liverpool, who
was lost in a snow slide last January,!was
found last week. His papers and money
were recovered.
A few days ago John Hitch, eon of Mr.
Hitob, of Ridgetown, met with a very
severe and painful acoident, whereby he
lost one finger and had another badly
lacerated on his left hand. It appears
that while attending to the machine in
his father's brick yard, he placed his
hand on the roller which carries the
mould, and when the word was given to
go ahead, forgot to take it away, and the
moulding Doming out, dropped on his
hand, severing one finger and crushing
the other so badly as to oompletely tear
the flesh from the bone neer the first
joint to the end.
Certain Initit a acts and neer blasters.
Ih vsrot-mT, 0.0'15'7" San, 20,1804.
Dr,8,S,On—I bought
tleago en -I boughta splendid bay horse some
time ago with au. I gotldm torsed. I used
Rendall'e epavin 0nre.ro. The d ,,Lvin le sono now
and I have been offered 8160 Dor the same dorso,
I only had him nine weeks, so i got $120 for worm
62 worth oo0e�lavin Cur Put ulyW. g. Men00100.
Dr. }l. J, Rssnwr. Co.SnEdsr, MOM. Dea rs,1090.
Sirs -1 have need your Rendall's S avin Curs
withoodsacceed for O(,rbs tw
en o AtonesandIt's dile beat Ltntmoat I have ever used.
Itonre truly, Avatar L'nEDEm0/4
lilac 4,1 per Battle.
Per Salo by all Druggists, or address
.Dr..73..7. KIAN.tl A LZ 00189.X10'.1
•C N08epa0H FALLS, yr,
Only the Scars Beoai%
"Mnong the many tosttmoulaie which I
ee0 In regard tq 0Ortalu I,1ed1011109 perform.
Ing cares, cleansing tato bioc,l, eto.J' writes
Hi.xltx 1d1DsON, of tllg Jnmos Smith
Woolen ltiaohlnery 00.,
Phlln,lelpilla, 1'a„ "none
lmpro05 m0 mono than my
own case. Twenty years
ago, at tote ago of 19 yours,
I had swellings come on
my logs, whl,ll Moire and
became running soros.
Our fondly physlelan could
dome no good, and It was
feared that the bones
would healfoeted, Attest,
my good old mother
urged mo to try Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. I took throe.
bottles, the sores healed,
and I have not boon
troubled since. only the
scars remain, and the
memory of the past, to
remind mo of oho good
Ayor's Sarsaparilla, has done me, I now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am In the best of 1)081111. 1 have been on the
readier the past twelve years, nave noticed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts
Qf the United States, and always take pleas-
ure in telling what good It did for mo."
For the euro of all diseases originating In
impure blood, the bust remedy le
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr..7. 0, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maes.
Cures others, will cure you
I. !'17j"1!II
Sununu S ilin.gs,
From From From
Liverpo'1 8 etorsurps. Montreal. Quebec.
Daylight, 00,00.
Apr1315 Sardinian....,. May ;5 May 6
26 ILaurentian... 12 Not calling
May 8 Parisian" 10 May 20
10 Mongolian 26 May 27
17 tlumidian Juue 2 Not calling
" 21 Sardinian 9 June 10
91 +Laurentian,,, " 16 Not calling
June 7 Parisian '• 28 Joao 22
14 Aloe dollen " 8,1 July 1
21 +Namidian July 7 Not calling
" 28 Sardinian 14 July 15
}will not call at Rimouski or London-
Passengers embark at Montreal after 8
p. no. on Fridays.
For further information as to rates,
Sec., apply to
Agent, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro- •
perty at
6 & 61- Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division, Court Clerk, Brussels.
Paint Tour Emu
Papering this Spring ?
If so, now is the time to consult us. Tho
sorted stock in the County, bo hand
comprising the following
GRAINS, with gorgeous freizes and oeil-
fogs to match.
Also the Handsomest stook of window
shades ever shown in the County.
Nothing but the purest Leads and Oils
that can be found In the market used iu
all our work. Farmers and others hay.
ing old rigs to paint come and 080 us at
once. Satisfaction guaranteed.
House, Sign, Carriage and Decorative
P. S.—Thanking all old customers for
their favors during the past twenty years
I have been in bnernoes 3 solicit a con-
tinuance of the same and the patronage
of the people generally for the now firm.
MT 261, x,894
With time opening of Spring this
popular game is once more com-
ing into favor.
If so order a Croquet set and
have a good time.
Wood and wire wheels and wood
or iron axles, for children.
Also Toy. Carts, &o.
For boys—the very thing—bat,
ball, wickets and bales.
Post Boolutore,
And All.
They read the Locals, the Stories, the
Advertisements—every line in the paper.
Then they send it to distant relatives
interested in the town, as numerous post-
masters will certify.
The Local Weekly is the best -read
publication in existence. It has the home
news which no other paper gives.
Advertisers take notice—THE POST is
road by several thousands of people every week.
An Advertisement in this paper is,
therefore, of some account.
Subscribe for THE POST.
,gdvertise inTHE POST.
Is Showing in his New Premises,
,Opposite Opposite ..merioala. Ilotei,
A Full Stook of
All Kinds of
Parlor, Dining Rooin, Bed Room or Kitchen,
Picture Framing' attended to om short notice.
Undertaking Department.
A Full Supply of Funeral
Requisites Always in Stock.
Special Attention given to Repairing.
De G. NOGG, Brussels.