HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-5-18, Page 3AY 3. 9 Town Directory Menvmell Ontnent.-Sabhath SerViette at II a trt and OM p.m. Sunday Suboo at 2;3Q p Ai, Rev, John Bon, B pester, X10105 00171100,-Sithbath Servieee at 11 m and 6;80 p m, Sunday $0beet 2:30 p m. Roe. It, Millar, pester, 131'. Jemee Onnuone-Sebbath Services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m, Rev. W. G. Reilly, Mime'. bent, Meenomse Onueon.-Salebath Services at 10:30 a m and 0:30 p niSunday School ab 2:30 p m. Rev. G. H. Cobble - dick, 35 A, B D, pastor. • Bott.1/40 Caeiromo Ononom-Sebbath Serviee third Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a Pi. ROY Joseph Kennedy, pries b.„ 822Arkefort Alltr2,-Servioe at 7 and 11 a in and 3 aria 8 p in on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'cdook, at the bat:melte, Ow) lietermws' Longo every Thursday evening, in Graham's blook. MASOATIO LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lencm on lot a)18 3rd Friday eveningof easel month, in Bias. bill's block. O 0 F LOMB 2nd and last Monday eveninge of each month, in Blaribill's L 0 L leb Monday in every month, in Orange MIL I 0 2nd and last Friday in Odd Pel/owe' Hall. 16 T on T, 2nd and 4th Tuesday'of each month, in Odd FellowsHall. SONS Or SCIOTLAND, Lit and 8rd Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall, E. 0. T. 111. Lome, 1st and 8rd Thurs• days of each month, in Vanstone block. limen Omen, 2nd and 41b Friday even. Inge in Blashiles Hall, FOK OFFICE.-011ioe hours from 8 a, m. to 7 p. m. Mummies' rEST/TUTE.-Library in Holmee' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays had 8:30 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian, Towel Congare-W, H. Kerr, Reeve; W. H. MoCraeken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors; E. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and 3. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in eaoh month, Swope Boon.-1/ev. Ross, (chairman) D. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; Sem-Trees., It. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER/1.-J. 11. Cam. eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Mise Downey and Miss Cooper. HOARD or HEALTIL-Reare Harr, Olerk SOWS, A. Stewart, IL Dennis and J. N. Eeodall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. THE STRAW HAT. Soon the hat of straw Will daily greet our eyes, And aided by the wind Give fat men exercise. A. FAIR ATHLETE. She could swing a six.pound clumb.bell Sbe could fence, and she could box ; She could row upon the river, She weld elamber 'moug the rocks ; She oould do some heavy bowling, Aud play tennis all day long ; But she couldn't help her mother, 'Cause she wasn't very strong ! SURPASSING MODEST'. Tell me not in mournful accents Tina sweet modesty's no more, That the maidens of the present Are not like the maids of yore. 'Tie a slander, false and cruel ; Ne'er oould maid more modest be Than a damsel that I lately At a dinner chanced to see. "Whieh part of this chicken," quoth I, "Will your hunger beet appease?' And she hung her head and answered : "I will take -an ankle, please." THE OLD BRUSSELS CARPET. Ob dear to our hearts are the sad days of springtime, When the anuual houseeeleaning recurs to our view, When we sleep on the sofa and eat off the mantle, In nn atmosphere strongly suggestive of glne. We think of the sbovepipe, the soot that came with it, Likewise the adjectives fluent and fine; BUS saddest mid bitterest of all recollee• Gone Is the dusty old carpet that hung on the line 1 Oh, that dusty old carps, ,• That rusty old carpet, That musty old oarpet, That hung ou the line ! We remember how, armed with a lithe elagelfator, In the morning wo blithely advanced to the fray, In the mmoular pride of our heart little dreaming That cleaning that carpet would talcs the whole day. We sweat and we tore, and our hands badly blistered, While the sun lent his countenance warmly benign ; But the harder we pounded the move ib was needed By that dusty old carpet that hung on the line 1 011, that dusty old carpet, That musty old carpet, That cusety old carpet,. That hung on the line! Tiletseter., L. Hardy purelineedsali the iron taken out of the old bridge at Grand Bend and had it removed here. .A. new fence is in -course of erection around tae echool grounds. Emmanuel Bissett has the contract. The large boiler to be used for driving the eleobriu light plant has arrived and placed on the building Bite. Jeremiah Hearne))'While cutting b'ack knot in soma way fell to the ground alighting on his head. He is stilt, in a. precarious condition and it is feeredlhat t e e eets of the fall Will result , The anneal meeting Of the Exeter MO. Chaniee' reetitlete elooted the following offleere and directors for the entitling year, 1-Preeldent, H. Smith The•Preel. dents 11, Muir; Seeretary, W. D, Weekes • Tretweeer, 3, Grigg ; Direotors-de Tay. tor, II. Hamilton, Dr. Lute, J. Allison Rev. W. Aladin, W. 23. Weekes, 19, D. }23:tdoa, 3. Grig, 26. Muir. At a meeting of the Excitor base hell olub, the following °Moore were °looted ter this mention :--Hon, Preeidenti W. Bowden Prosideut, N. D. Iferdon Vioe•Preeldent, 07. B. Catling; Comm! tee, J, 'melon, J. Tapp, W. A., Snell Tree,, J. Topp; Sea., W. A. Snell, The MO is now open to reoeive shallouges. b. liVroeseseissa.. Andrew Miller, who has been visiting in Scotland for Berne time past has re- turned hoMe. He is much improved bn health and his many friends are pleasad to see him batik again. On Thursday a pleasant party of invit- ed petits iteeemblea at the residence of Mrs. Allen, to witness the marriage of bar daughter, Mies Janette, to Alex Mun- ro, of the firm of Ruthetford 3 Munro, hardware meruhanta, of this plaee. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Thos. Davidson, at 11 o'oloelt a. m„ otter which the greets sab down to the wedding feast, MissElsie shiter of the bride, act- ed as brides•maid, and the groom was aseisted by Mr. Neilson, Tile bride was the reeiplent of a litres number of very handsome and coctlypreaentie. The hap. py couple left on the 1:50 train on 00 es. tended tour followed by the best wishes of their host of friends, Grcesleeritelle., The fishermen are well pleased with their catch ;colter this season. Ono of our locaPmerchants, George AL Elliott, ie shipping toll butter to Mantra, al at the rate of over 500 lbs. per weelt. Mr. Graham, of Kincardine, has put, chased the Bohr. Mary S. Gordon from M. McDonald. We understand the pries he paid was 0600. Ste, Acadia, of the Aferehant's Line, arrived on Sunday of last week from Poet Arthur with 10,600 bus. of wheat for the big mill. Capt. Gilbertson had on his diving snit one day exploring the bottom of the her. bor. He discovered a number of tools - cant -hooks, axes, etc.-wlifeh had been dropped by the men while at work on the new piers. At lett amounts, S, 'X. Reid, who has been ill for two months with typhoid fe- ver in the Kingston hospital, was improv. ing slowly, and as soon as his condition will permit he will be removed to Gods. rinh to spend the summer here. John Lynch, 00 06 the litigants in the High Court of Justice, lase week was charged before Mayor Butler Wednesday with baying committed •perjury in giv- ing his evidence. The testimony in sup. port of the oherge was leaking and the case was dismissed. Lastels.xese yes. Bills are sent oat announcing the pro- gram of sports for May 24th, Through the efforts of D. W. lefayea, station agent, the Grand Trunk Railway has reduced the freight on the cannon from 653 to $30. It is not generally known and may surprise some people to know that a huge number of lottery tickets aro eold weekly in Lnolcnow. As a late drawing one ream drew no less than $12. Mecuaxxos' INSTITUTEL-There have been added to the Library shme last re. port one hundred and ninety-four vol. tunes. Twelve meetings were held by the directors during the year, besides the various oommitters in the discharge of the duties allotted to them. The follow. ing is list of the new officers elected :- President, John kturchinson ; Vice•Presi• dent, D. D. Yule ; Secretory, 7. G. Mur- dock ; Treasurer, R. D. Cameron ; Dir. actors, G. W. Carter. J. Sootb, 3. Bryan, W. Connell, W. S. Holmes, T. W. Hil. dred, Dr. D. M. Gordon, P. A. Malcom. sou and Jae. Somerville. Membership for the year is 160 being 25 less than that of last year. A camp of real genuine gipsies of the boarder between Scotlaud and England are encamped just on the northern boun. dory of Lucknow and Kinlose. The dia. lea of some of them is of the Berwick or Tweed description. .A. "Sentinel" report- er called on on who said that he had often seen the "tylers" as their head men were called buried with the same honors and greater ceremony than is now per.. formed by any secret society. He said, further, we believe in our mode of life an'd consider we have a right to camp where we like. We do nob beg or steal but offer our goods for sale, those may buy who will. We have alwaye been a free nomadic people and we always will. Olin ton. Mr. Lee has sold his hotel property on Albert street to Robt. Moon, who is °leering away the debris preparatory to the erection of a brick hotel, Doe. Blackall dehoeued a largo number of cattle for W. Weir! on Tuesday ; since he commenced this kind of work he has dehorned about sixteen hundred head. In W. Doherty is :them to area an aspen- bit sive stable, near hie residence, and has ha given the contraeb to S. S. Cooper ; it ea will be one of the best in town. yo A young men from this neighborhood, 101, who has been in lelanitobe 12 years, fie writes home that if he could only get wit enough money to move back to Ontario, box he would very gladly do so. 1 Albert Jackson, fur some time the eel- nay client freight clerk at the Grand Trunlc hou sheds, hoe severed hie connection with Kid the road. He has not decided what he gre will do. its T. Levan met with a bad accident pith while at work in the fonndry. was 01/8 holding a board up to the buzz saw when mal 16 oatight, and hie hand Slipped over, wat striking the saw, whish cut three fingers med so badly that the doctor in dressing the cure injury bad to remove the fingers entirely. Dery It ie no small limier for a Olintonian to A hold second plane among the ehort.hand Stri writers of the Iinited Statee, and this is eugt the distinction won by L. Hutt, son of fens 0. A. Hutt, of town, who is private Seo• pain retavy to the General Amager of the driv Wahaelt Railway, St. Donis, mid achnitt- ly eci to be the sewed fastest short•hanclee ling ill America. • •by, FRESInalliit or lefunote-Thie Presley- body tory held its regular meeting at Olinton righ on Tuesday, theft!: inst., with the mod- pier erator, Rev. a, A. Hamilton, M. A., in teeth the deer, Rev- W. M. Martin, 13. D the was reappointed as convenor of the Pees': long bytery'e Horne Mioeitrh oommittee fur the undo ensuing year. A. committee conenthing of to tit eV/. Fletcher, Stewart, Muegrove, Mar- inch Tag Bitussuis POST tin and McLean wag eppeinted eXerns ino Mr. Guthrie -the student new atielet. kg Pr, MaecionAld with View to Ileete. IMO et en early date. At the tafteenoon eetielOrt this aorornittee reported, highly eneometuling Mr. Guthrie, 13,0V. Pelee: 1119egreee, eenvenor of the linence Qom. ;MON submitted a tabulated stetemenb of the Ananoiel Merritt from the oongro. gatione withie the bOnnds, when it Wall agreed to have the statement printed and distributed among tbe families in each congregation of the Presbytery, Rev, j, A. Aecierson, B. wag appointed ao 11 Member of the assetnbly's committee on Wile and overteres. Rev. Alex, Stewart, B. A., appeared before the Presbytery in the very trying and peculiar position of presenting mill from the °once:14;0,Mo of Union (thumb, Brimfield, in favor of himself, as being at the time moderator of that eeseion. The call was signed by Ild members and 00 adherents, and the promise of en annual stipend of (11,000, With manse and foue weelcs' holidays. A number of rernite sent clown by the General Assembly were considered by the Presbytery. The eoarb ageeed bo held an adjourned meeting at Clinton on the 22nd inst., when the °ell from Brucefield to Mr. Stewart will be iseued, Mr. Guthrie licensed and any other matters coming before the Presbytery dealt with. The next regular meeting will be held at Brueefield on July 10th, at 10:30 a. rn. CIL 14.1H11.1. Fkl. 0 NV t..4. Aorioeclin,o to the asseesor's returns population of Paris lute inoreased 108 sr that of last year. The shore end of the Commercial 0 Company's new cable wee success landed ab Canso, N. S., Friday. Forty families, comprising 200 per arrived at Montreal on Thursday of week. from New England. They bound for the Ottnaclian North-west. The damage by the landslide at Anne de la Perade, Quebee, is a 3150,000. Two more houses were oar away Friday. The 0. P. R. bridg found to be in good oonclihion, Truskey, the murderer of Gong Lindsay, of Oomber, and who tried kill himeelf, wss taken to Sandwich Fridey. Ho clays be does not want live, but lie may in spite of himself. One of the best evidences that Ay Hair Vigor is an article of exceptio merit is the fact that the demand for is constantly increasing. No one uses this incomparable dressing think trying any other preparation for hair. The celebrated Campbell heresy o WaS before the Presbyterian synod IYInntreal and Ottawa Friday at Carle plaae, but beyond the reading of the eb gas and Dr. Campbell's protest nosh was done. HEART DISEASE HSL/E050 IN 30 M oTns.-Al I oases of organic or sympathe heart disease relieved in 90 minutes a quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure the He'art. One dose convinoes. by G. A. Deadrnan. Edward Crawford, proprietnr of b new shoddy mill near Gaw's brid Guelph, is taking holiday. He w workincr a wool picker the other day wh the belt flew off and his left arm g caught, resulting in a bad fracture ns the wrist. "Tex people out era dozen are invalds says a recent medical authority. At lett eight out of these ten, it is sere to alto are suffering from Borne form of bloc disease which it persistent use of Aye' Sarsaparilla would be sure to oa Then don't be on iuvalid. RHEUMATISM OttanD tie Der. -Sou A.merican Rheumatic Cure for Rheum ism and Neuralgia radically cures in o 8 days. Its action upon the syste a remarkable and mysterious, It r moves at once the cause and the dims mmediately disappears. The lent do reatly benefits. 75 cents. Warrants y G. A. Deadinan. Anemia Wood, of St. Thomas, has bee hewing his appreciation of the labor o number of olergyrnen by presentin bem each with a new suit of clothe ode of the best broadcloth. The gentle en who have been favored are Rev aeon, of efuncey ; Nethercott, of Ken ridge ; Soott, of Dutbon, and 111cAllise r, of Fingal. A Book To HORSEMEN. -One bottle o nglisla Spavin Liniment completely re oved a curb from my horse, I tak leasure in recommending the remedy, a acts WW1 mysterious promptness i be removal hoax horses of hard, soft o Housed lumps, blood spavin, splints tubs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEO 011B. farmer, Markham, Out. Sold by A, Deadman. Very few Windsor ladies, go out alone nieht now on account of "Jack the ugger." He is described as gentleman. in appearance, and is evidently par. cuter, as the complainte so far have ms from ladies noted for their beauty. he majority of the fair victims have en single, but some of them have hue. nde who purpose to go gunning for that gger if he continues much longer. "As a noiseless wing To weft Me from distraction," Are those powders which everybody is 'ng now for sick headaohe, neuralgia, loneness, ate. They are called Stark's Macho and liver Powders. Write the me in your hat or on your cuff so that u will know what to ask for when you vo need for thein. If yon have twenty - scents in your pocket, or good credit h your druggist, you can always get a • tinder rti Six Hoons.-Distressing kid. and bladder diseases relieved in sir re by the eGreat South itmerioan nsy Cure." 'Ate new remedy is a at surprise and delight on nottount of exceeding promptness 10 relieving 1 iu the bladder, kidneys, batik and 0., part of the urinary passages in or female, It relieves retention of tor mud pain in passing it almost im. lately: It you want (oleic relief and this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. dman, druggist, e Andrew Gardiner, a resident of tthallan, about 40 years of age, was teed recently sonetruoting a "crab" a on hie premises, he enstaiped a very tut itecident. Ale. Gardiner was ing a :Enke in the ground and sudden - portion of the top eplit off aud fel. directly on the eharp point left there - the end of the sbick penetrated his between one of the ribs and the ttime the shoulder. The stielc cod the man's body in an upward (H- oe mid broke off. Dr. MoLing found pieoe of wood which was five similes , completely imbedded 111 the dash r the elbow, having been driven hi- e body a distance of three oe four eq. bbs Or - able fully SOnS last are St. bout ried e is able to jail to er's nal it who s of the ase of ton DX- ing I01- tio nd for old he ge, as an got ar et w, 6- •s. th a- 1 e. e se 41 8 5. • e• a • b a 001 161 13 16 it 61 co, 11 15 at ly 51 00 be ba hu TRUE TRANSOONTINENTAL ROUTE THU- Only Through Canadian Line TO Ta.13 PACIFIC NO IffilANGES. No TitANSINffiltS. Through Toithlot ear Iteares TORONTO EVERY FRIDAY 6.r10:10n', 01, DIRBOT To SDA1TI.311 IVITUOUT OITANG.N, A eply to any Agent of the Company, T. PEPPER, AGENT, BRUSSELS. RN HUI Uie..ring Sale Of the WI.101.-: of Good. Brothers' NBVI !SPRING BOOTS, SBA Slipperx, Rubbers, &c.. Crockery, China & Glassware .aats (bud Caps, GPOOCHOS, SnOp Furniture, to make way lor the now Grocers, Messrs. Taylor & Smillie, ab "Slaughter Prices. The stook must be sold as we have no room for the geode in Seaford]. No rea- sonable offer will be refused. FOUR MONTHS CREDIT will be given 00 all purchases of 35 00 and upward., purchasers to furnish Approved Joint Notes. The greatest chance ever offered for secorhig seasonable goods at 60e. on the Dollar and upwards, and 4 menthe to pay for them. 50.1 pairs Boots at 50c. on the 3 1000 e 75o. on the $ 500 men's uk 1103.1e nate Ikt 50c on the $ Boxes of Boots tub '25o. a pair. Boxes of Boots at 500, a pair. Boxes of Boots at 31,00 a pair, Men's Felb Hats, 25o, 50o and 75o that cost over twice the money. "Butter and Eggs Taken. Good. Brothers. Sala is IlOW going On. A Centiernan Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but who now resides In Honolulu, writes: "Zor 20 years past, my wife andlhave used Ayer's elate Vigor, and wo attribute to it the dark hair which silo and I notv have, while hun- dreds of our acquaint- ances, ten or a dozen years younger than wo, are either gray-hoaded, white, or bald. when asked 14000 051 hair has retained Its co/or and fullness, we reply, 'By the use of Ayer's flair Vigor -nothing else." "1111820ony affianced was nearly bald, and (et the hair . s kept fan- , .,l'esefees,e ssigr ing o u t ,rooa; 0 y 'FP - .0, any. I induced Ntlt, which has , hortouse Ayer's Hair v and very scan, it not loss of hair, but produned erylow grov remained losureent and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all In need of a gehulne hair -restorer, It J3 all that it is claimed to be." -Antonio Alarm, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S .11111.11: VIC 0 it MAE° D'S System Renovator -nap TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Lnpure, Week and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, fileeplessnese, Palpate. tion of the Heart, Liver Ooroplanet, Hour. algia, Lose of Memory, iironahitis, don - gumption, Gaib Stooes, jaundiee, Kidney and TJrirtary Diseases, 81. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularities and General Ds. bility, LABORATORY RODERICH, ONT, S. M, MoLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by 3. T. PEPPER, Druggtst, Mussels. White Star Line. ROYAL IIIAIrt leotwoott New reek and Liverpool, Yee Queenetewn, every Wediteedey. Ao the otoamors of thio line carry only a, etnietly 11116356. number ha •the rInstr and SECOND wenn notiounnoclations, intending Passengers are reminded that an early up. lineation for berths is neeeseerY at 01.110 Ha- wn. Por slags, rates, eta, apply to W. H, Kerr, Agent, 13rueeele. _ 8b3 614 CPR:F*4 BEST FRIEND ;r0 animwroamarommacenamanrramarcatorwm-saavorecntaerxre...wrz...ww4nv,noursouarreatosecaopoeuveraratteams,.....,... IN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wearing No. 393. "improved All-Peather- bone Corsets," No side steels to break, hurt or rust. TRY A PAIR. AU First-class Dry Goods Houses Sell Them. IermelIum•ryerirml.O.M.COOMIletre.mpas.....Plia,61,2•••••<7.T.MMI.MM20160110.rtiVeate.l.Manai .1.1:¢11.1.015% What about a Hat? We have just what will suit you, cheap and stylish. We can also get you up a suit of Clothes that will surprise you as to quality and cheapness. And next you want a pair of aoct SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, dC. We can rig you out from head to foot and send you away pleased with the purchases you have made and at the same time bring you back when you want anything else in our line. We would also ask the ladies to see our Prints and Dress Goods. Also those Lovely Oxford Shoes. Ali Sizes in B. & C. CORSETS - ALEX., STRACHAI Eerily Pair Gnome teed. riepettIJOIMMTIMIIIM,grpyritlell01. CONFEDFIRATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, l 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 vc. C. agAcitosAzir. Actuary. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 3,670,000 Gain over 1891 - 750 000 TH1 NSW UNOONDITIONAL-MOIMATIVB POLICY Is isetted Only by the Confederation Life Association, rlb is absolutely free from all restrictions es to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. twit is entirely void of all uouditione, terlt is absolutely and automatically non.forfeital3le, after two 3 earn. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the polioy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the poliny, or on surrender to a (b) Paid. Dp Poliey, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to 41 (e) Clash value, es guaranteed in the policy, President, Managing Director, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, C.B., 111.0.161,G. J. E. Macdonald. W. IT. KERR, Agent at BrusseN. MB& S i t WE'S s ya 7,7 Ci; Y;F; Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels, Is the CHE,,IPEST for„s‘- GROCE re ES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND SEEDS, All will be sold at a Big Reduction on usual Prices A Large Stock of Seeds on Hand. amarreemeromsevemalsintn......ssrammatin.eamegra TRY" "US B7,01?., CASET Iitegag"-Before removina to our new prem. Assa,...._ises in Dr. Graham's Block, TERMS, CASH ONLY. TAYLOR &