HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-5-11, Page 8S
Wo have a first•olass English dust proof
Ladies' Blcyole in stools whioll we aro
of'fer'ing on 111)01al terms. No lady wlio
eau possibly afford it shoula be without it
MAI 11, 18O
W1lsTnou prophets predis0 a cold, clay
i3i4ATTii Beos, hays put a fine new ].Ion.
FOR R"1 .• 3tngten earriage into their livery ontilt.
-- ..—FOR—
Yes, wo have the best value iu Bicycles
ever Of aced in Brussels. We can give
you a high grade English wheel, warrant-
ed, M a price that should surprise you.
It important in buying that you should
'get a good wheel and wo have them.
Druggiat, Bookseller, &o,
Prairie leave Bruseels Station, North
nd South, as follo'es:
GoiNcf SOUTH, Gorse Sonya.
Mall........... 8:54 a.m. Mixed 9:40 am.
Express......11:53 a.m. Mail 3:15 p.m.
Mixed 915 p.m. Express 9:48 p.m,
fntat Daus glans,
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll pront it.
Tire Enterprise Salt works are nob run-
ning this week.
Is your yard cleaned rap ? The 15th of
May will be here next Tuesday.
Tins week D. Ewan sold his driving
mare to J. Moore, of Walton, at a good
figure. She is of Carlisle stock and a
good roadster.
Amur 60 persons attended the chorus
rehearsal last Tuesday evening in St.
John's church. Next Tuesday evening
they will meet in the Methodist ohuroh.
The mueio is good.
this week acting as a valuator in the
Brunswick Hotel furniture being purchae.
ed by Dulmage Bros., proprietors, from
D. MoOormicls, of Goderich, a former
Son T,ir.xxn.—Several complaints have
been made about persons removiug sod
from the various streets and transplant-
ing them in their gardens. This will not
be allowed. "Do unto others &o." on this
sod question would be a good rule to go
Tula official vieit of Deputy Distriot
Grand Master Collins to St. John's
Lodge, A. F. & A. M., last Monday even-
ing was a very enjoyable one to the
brethren. In addition to Mr. Collins ap•
propriate remarks were made by Messrs.
Sinclair, Dames, Irwin, Shaw, Martin
and others.
BABY DAY at H. J. Strong's photo. gal.
lery, Brussels, Monday, May 210, 1894.
All babies, two ycara old and under, will
be photographed free of charge, parents
or guardians receiving one cabinet eized
photo. of baby. Gallery open from 8 a.
m. to 5 p. m. Don't forget the date as
it's for one day only, and come early so
as to avoid a rush. H. J. Strong, photo•
graph et.
C. 0. F. DEMoxsxRATION.—A meeting
of all citizens interested in making the
Foresters' Demonstration, in Brussels,
on Dominion Day a grand suceees will
be held in the Council Chamber on Mon-
day evrning of next week at 8 o'clock
sharp. While it is called a Foresters'
Demonstration a big clay of this kind
means the leaving of a Large amount of
money in town, and our townspeople
should lend a helping hand in completing
and carrying out the arrangements for
the day.
WoaL.—Your epeeial attention is di.
reotsd to the advertisement, in this
week's issua, of B. F. Brook & Son, of
the Listowel woollen mills. They wish
to make this wool season one of the
largest on record, and in order to do so
they have marked their goods away down,
thinking it to be an inducement to those
having wool to sell in exchange for goods,
for which they allow a few cents extra
per pound ill trade and guarantee to sell
goods at cash prime. Call and see for
yourselves before disposing of your wool
eleewhere. They always pay a higher
price for wool than is paid at the city
markets. It will pay farmers to bring
their wool direct to B. F. Brook & Son.
LITTLE LEAGUERS --Tuesday evening,
according to announcement, the first en-
tertainment under the auspices of the
Junior League was held in the Sunday
schoolroom of the Methodist Church and
was well attended. After an opening
prayer by the pastor the following in-
teresting and well rendered program was
presented, 8. B. Wilson presiding :—
Opening ohorua, "Our Junior Band," by
the League ; Chairman's addreea ; reoi-
tation, "The Junior League," Carrie
Hingston ; dialogue, "Missions," Jennie
Weddnp and Frances Brydges solo and
chorus, "Do good to others," Ida Frain
and League ; recitation, "I am a very
little boy," Roy Brydges ; dialogue,
"While lies," Myrtle Nott, Lizzie Leath•
sedate and Georgie Howe ; duett, "Tiny
Hands," Ethel and Alice Kendall ; Bible
contest, in which eider were chosen from
the League and questioned on names of
books in the Bible ; solo and ohoruv,
"Can a little child like me 7," Lizzie
Downing and League ; dialogue, "Bear
and Forbear," Reuben Hindus, Dalby
Kendall and Fred. Hunter ; solo, "I am
Jesus' little lamb," Laura Brydges;
recitation, "four sun earns," Hattie
Downing ; reoitatiou, "1'aor little Joey,'
Myrtle Jackson ; addre,, by Rev. G. H.
Oobbledick on Junior League work;
recitation, "Who is my brother?" Myrtle
Notb ; chorus, "Working, yet we're work-
ing," the League. Misses Braden and
Easton, Superintendents of this interest.
lug Department, are to be congratulated
on the 0000889 of the entertainment and
the ohildren complimented on the way
they did their part, The Bible contest
was a particularly interesting portion of
the program end 4 of the oonteetants on
each aide stood the difficult test of nam.
ing and plaoing in proper position the 66
hooka of the Bible. Pinanoiel results of
meeting Upwards of $18.00.
bike WAe'gn: has turned otat22 wheel-
ed vehiolee from hie shop this year 09 far,
G. A, Destese8 diepoeed of a Ano Jer.
Gey now to, Tilos, Bell, of Wingham, lest
Mime= 5, Fence= handled over
two hundred and ten teisgreph med0ag00
last month.
13, Omuta has disposed of his Carlisle
driving mare to James Walker, earriage
mailer, Brussels.
R. Hammeso= opened the season last
week by introduoing a new watering part.
He does hie work in good style,
180. Wte no disposed of a lot north of
the G. T. It, depot to John Wynn and he
in turn sold it to Alfred Lowry.
MESSRS. STNwaini til Gammas are again
shipping this week 2 care more of their
Ontario patent "White Loaf' flour to the
Province of Quebec..
1, T, PEPPER, druggist, has purchased
the drug store of J, J. Hall, deceased, at
Woodstock. His business in Brussels
will be oontiuued as usual.
Tina 103, W. Grand Orange Lodge of
British America will meet in tbe town of
Lindsay on Tuesday, the 290T day of
May, commencing at two o'clock p. tn.
As extra wire has been placed on the
fence around 'Vioterie, Park to prevent
cattle from getting under the two wires
and soautling formerly constituting the
THE train servive on the Wiarton and
Southampton branches of the G. T. R.
hoe been increased by the passenger train
removed a short time ago going on again.
This is as it should be.
LAST Monday forenoon the Oouncil took
their annual tour of inepeotion aroand
towel. Thanks to Alderman Williams
they did not have to walk, his carryall
being drafted into service.
Musks. Comae & JonuemoN have se-
cured the vaoant lot between their shop
and the Beattie livery been and will util-
ize it for rough stone dressing. The high
board fence in front has been removed
and a wire one substituted.
master of the G. T. R. was through Brus-
sels last week and noticing tbe number
of cattle about the railway yard oalled
the attention of the officials to the statute
prohibiting stook from running at large
within a half mile of the railway.
Goon CATTLE,—Win. Seott, cattle buy
er of Seaforth, purchased 15 head of cat-
tle from Duncan McLauchlin, of Grey,
this week. They were weighed on the
market soles on Thursday, the total
weight being 20,220 pounds, an average of
1848. They were a prime lot and will be
SHORTER flovas.—By permission grant-
ed the Bra..iota poet office will close at
0:80 p. m., same as Wiagham and Sea -
forth, beginning Monday next, May 14th.
Saturdays the office will be open till
p. m. Should the stage from Seaforth at
any time be late ample time will be given
to get the mail.
Barents Foot Ball Club went to At-
wood on Thursday for a friendly game
with the team in that place. The play-
ers from town were W. Armstrong, goal ;
L. Jackson and J. Meadows, backs ; P.
Ferguson, Geo. Anderson and W. Dodds,
half•baoke ; W. Wynn, centre; W. Stew-
art and 0. Shaw, right wing; R. Fergu-
son and J. McRae, left wing. The reeult
was not known when we went to press.
A return Match will probably be played
in Brussels on Saturday of next week.
I51Mio1EnENTs.—Bishop Ward has rais-
ed the roof of his reeidenoe, Queen street,
and thereby greatly improved ib.—Thos.
McGregor is busy with a new wire fence
around his premises.—A.. Currie has had
his residence newly shingled.—The street
from the station to Anent Bros.' saw
mill yard Lae been opened and is being
utilized in hauling the mill out -put to the
railway yard for shipping.—The improve-
ments and alterations make in Wm.
Boss' flouring mill will be of great ad-
vantage to them in doing tl,elr work.—
R. G. Wilson is putting up a woodshed to
the rear of hie residence, Mill street.
particulars ate oopied from the Assessor's
Roll for 1894. For the sake of compari-
son the figures for 1898 are also given :-
1804 1890.
Total Real property, $ 268,640 278,600
Personal " 38,000 34,200
" Income, 8,600 3,0.00
Total, .. .. .. 0305,240 $810,800
Population, 1,200 1,149
Registered births, 20 18
deaths, 2 10
Number of oattie, 97 96
" horses, 148 141
" sheep, 18 6
" " dogs, (36 60
" " bitches, 6 8
" " hogs, 52
It will be seen by the above that there is
an increase of 51 in our population dur-
ing the past year.
MECHANICS' INsnrute -The annual
meeting of Brussels Mechanics' Institute
was held in the Library on Monday
morning and was attended by a very
small number. The reports of the Se ore.
tary-Treasurer and Librarian were read
and on motion were adopted. From the
Librarian's statement the following par-
ticulars are taken :—Number of members
enrolled during past year, 77 ; amount
of money reooived for membership feee,
$44.00. There are 1,700 volumes in Li.
henry, made un as follows :—
Title No. No. issued.
Biography, 200 62
Fiction, 271 746
History, 174 62
Miscellaneous, 311 50
Gen, Literature, 48 8
Poetry and Drama, 44 11
Religious Literature, 106 28
Science and Art, 229 17
Voyages and Travels, 195 189
Works of Reference, 32 0
Totals, 1700 1109
Office bearers were elected ee follows :—
President, Rev. J. Rose, B. A. ; Vise.
President, Rev. G. II. Cobblediok, B. D.;
SecreteryTreaeurer, A. Hunter ; Direr
tore, J. T. Pepper, J. Shaw, J. H. Cetn-
eron, J. R. Smith, G. F. Blair, W. H.
Kerr, J. A. Stewart and A. Cousley;
Auditors, A. Strachan and A. Reid. Mies
Shaw was reappointed Librarian. New
books will not bo purchased until the
Department is communicated with relit.
tive to Government grants. 53 more
books were lamed from the library this
year than last and the membership roll is
increased by 12 names over the preceding
year. Brussels bieohanioe' Institute is
evidently not one of the booming inetitu-
tions of the town.
A. MOM has dieposed of hie dry goods
and grocery Moak ab Now, Hamburg to
Fro!, Grubel, of that town. Mr. llosaig
Will naw devobe Iiia time Oaring foe 1110
buelnoso hl Broeeele
EAsa Tivnog Okeeev8Txvite.—Tile en.
Waal meeting of the Emit Huron Conserv.
ativo Association was hely( at Brnesele
on Friday of last week, 15 was slimly
attended. The following ofl.leers were
elsoled for the =sating year James Ir-
win, Brnseete, Prseicleet; Fl. Bryant),
.towneltip of Grey, Vioe President ; 1l.
L. Taylor, Brussels, Secretary ; and Jno.
Hanna Wingbam, Treasurer. The
Vioe•Oilairtuen are :—Uowiok, B. S.
Cook ; Wroxeter, Win, 'Wilson ; 'Turn•
berry, Robb. Mue"rove ; Morris, John
Mooney ; (,ray, 11. Dnaiii rth ; Brussels,
H. Dennie • Wingham, Wm. Clegg;
Blyth, E. Metcalf ; Hallett, J. Stewart ;
Maliillop, T. 13, Hays. The politieal
situation in the riding was diaceseed, and
the candidature of E. L. Dickinson, re -
endorsed. Mr. Dickinson was present,
and delivered an address, thanking the
meeting for their continued support).
The meeting adjourned after Shears for
the Queen, Me. Meredith and the candi-
meeting was held at the Arlington Hotel,
Listowel, on Tuesday afternoon of this
week, for the purpose of arrauging a series
of lacrosse matches between Harrieton,
Listowel, Brussels and Wingbam during
the Summer months in connection with
the Maitland Lacrosse Association. Jno.
MoBain, Brussels, who ie an enthuoiastio
supporter of Canada's National game,
was °boson President and Mr. Bastedo,
of Listowel, Beorotary-Treasurer. Six
matches will be played by 'each of the
four clubs mentioned, three at' home and
three away. The following is the series
arranged :—
Wingham at Listowel, June Gth.
Harriston at Brussels, June 7th.
Brussels at Wingham, June 21st.
Listowel at Harriston, Jane 23rd.
Wingham ab Brussels, July 2nd.
Brussels at Listowel, July 115h.
Harriston at Wingham, July 12th. .
Listowel at Brussels, July 28th.
Wingham at Harriston, Aug. and.
Harriston at Listowel, Aug. 10th.
Manse's at Harriston, Aug. 16th.
Listowel at Wingham, Aug. 18th.
morning, April 29011, Jahn Pentland, of
West Wawanosh, and in the vicinity of
the Nile village, who had for some time
been suffering from liver and kidney
tr- 'tb'ea, dap.rted this. life. Hie remains
Weid i,..orred in Dungannon cemetery on
Monday boiug escorted thither from Ills
late reeidenoe, by ono of the largest if not
the largest, coneouree of sorrowing
friends in this neighborhood. He was 72
years of age. Services were conducted
by Rev. W. H. Moss, of Nile circuit. As
deceased was a venerable and much es-
teemed member of the Orange order, he
was committed to his last resting place
by the solemn rites of the order, a large
representation of the brethren from the
various lodges being present. The
weather was on that day unexceptionally
fine and in consequence of which a very
large gathering of people were it) attend•
anoe. The pallbearers were a notice-
able feature, viz.:—Chas. Girvin, er., T.
Anderson, John Oantelon, David Moil.
wain, henry Herr, Hugel Mooreland, all
of whom are advanced in years and look
quite venerable. Mr. Pentland was an
unols of Mrs. J. E. Brydges, of Brussels.
Huron County.
Tho court for the trial of oases without
a jury was opened at Goderich
by Justice Street on Tuesday, there
being nine cases on the list. Charles-
worth v. Brown was an action for a guar-
antee on store goods supplied defendant
and guaranteed by one Leitch. Judg-
ment for plaintiff for $1,322.50 and full
costs. Lambertus v. Dalton, an action
for trespass t1 land, and on a counter
claim by defendant; judgment for plain-
tiff for $10 damages and costs and an in-
junction grauted to reetrain defeudant
from further trespass. Walsh v. Smith,
an action on a building contract, was re-
ferred to the local Master at Goderioh.
Griffiths v- Dawson, an action for the
unpaid purchase money on land, was do•
sided in favor of plaintiff.
Business Locals.
MaKnY & Co. have lawn mowers ever
so cheep.
Molder & Co. have a specialty in nail
Cake prices 011 barbed and plain wire
at McKay & Co's.
BABY day at Strong's photo. studio on
Monday, May 21st.
STEEL cut nails ae low as common out
at McKay & C„ e.
JUST reoeived one oar Manitoba Patent
Flour. Baeker& Vanstone.
Children's wagons, largo stock and low
prices. I. 0. Richards.
THE handsomest stook of window
sbadeein the County at W. Roddick's.
MIEN pane, milk pails and strainers of
the best quality at Ballantyne & Wilton's.
BABIES' photos. token Free on Monday,
May 21st, 1894, at Strong's photo. studio,
Bleak & VANSTCNs have opened out a
flour and feed store at Baekor's old stand,
THE latest and best monkey wrench
out, "The Look," at McKay & Oo's.,
Jusf received one oar Red Clop Ensil-
age Corn for seed. Baeker & Vanstone.
THE hartshorn spring roller leads
them all. Guaranteed for 6 years at W.
R. LEATnnnnsrs has the bees reiriger•
ator and will Fell et close figures. Every
family should have one.
JusT try one of those Ingrains, with
fauay oeiling and frelze, They are love.
ly. W. Roddiek.
REFRmxnsTone.—Every bowie should
have one for the Summer. Call on R.
Leatherdale and see them.
FLoon.—Oar Ontario Patent "White
Loaf" oannot be beaten for family use.
Give it a trial. For Salo at all leading
grooerystores, Bruevels,
Stewart & Graham.
Stewart & Graham take this opportunity
of thanking their many friends in Brue.
sale and surrounding country fur their
very generous support since commending
the flour milling business hero. We hope
to retain their continued patronage and
shall in the future, as we have in the past
give striot attention to their interests.
2T4X.D4R.D .% 4XJC QF a4x4D4,
eenn'2'A03x..q. m,x'.F7.P nee74.
4551/T1i, • (Seven 131111on Doliars) • $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) . $2,000,000
, Agencies is aii principal 5057159 570 Qatatt°,gnaw, Standtobo, United States cO England.
A General Banking Business Trmreaotedt Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Iented and Colleotione made on all points.
Interest allowed on depooits of $1.00 and upwarde from date of deposit to date of
Withdrawal and oornpounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distanoe.
GXLLIL &i SMITE, 2311t1TIa l it
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts .Bought and Sold on
. all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
nixes Name DIR IfG h Awsav13'. .
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Intereeb Oom-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at tbe end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We effect to write Insurance In old English or Canadian Companies, or in. But..
luta Companies as rimy be desired.
:TRY our Manitoba patent flour manu-
factured by us, from Imported No. 1
hard wheat. Stewart & Graham.
THousanne of rolls of wall paper to
choose from, at 5 cents per roll and
upwards. W. Roddiolt,
BRAN, shorts, mill crop and grain of all
kinds always on hand at lowest priose at
the National Roller Mills, Brussels.
SEE the display of crayon portraits in
A. Strachan's window. Portraits given
away free with every $10 purchase.
A FUDL stock of creamery cans and
milk caws of tbe very beet material and
workmanship at Ballantyne & Wilton's).
Dacoaeci Youn Homes. — Beautiful
American papers et 12}o, with borders
and ceilings to match. W. Roddiok.
10 QUART galvanized pails, japanned,
8 for 25o., regular price 300 each. Only
a few dozen on hand, and can't be re.
placed for double the money. Ballantyne
& Wilton.
Oun Mammoth White Oop Ensilage
Corn is the finest brand offered and much
superior to the poor stuff frequently offer-
ed ander this name. We solicit your val.
ued orders. Baeker & Vanstone.
IF you want a first•clase buggy, cart or
wagon call on J. Wynn. I have the best
value in buggies for the money ever of-
fered in Brussels. I keep no cheap slop
work in factory bungles that we read
about. My stock is of the very beet.
J. WoNN, Brussels.
WELL-DI00INo. AND Dnmxnie.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and ie prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 31-tf
C. O. F.—For the next three months
special inducements will be offered by
Court Prinoees Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0.
F„ Brussels, to any person desiring to
become a member of that Order, the in.
illation fee being reduced during that
Hine. As this is one of the leading In-
surance and Beneficiary Societies in the
country people should take advantage
of this offer. For full information ap-
ply to
A. Bane, 0. R,
A. KOENIG, F. S. ;
W. BLASE=L ., Treas.
Fronto Bakens' I1OUne10N TICKETS.—
Will be sold by the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St Paul Railway on May 8th and May
29th, 1894, from . Chicago to St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Omaha, Sioux City, Kan-
sas City, and points beyond atpraoticaily
one fare for the round trip. Excursion
tiokets will be good for return presage
thirty days from date of sale, but are
good for going passage only ou data of
Bale. For further particulars apply to any
Coupon Ticket Agent in the United States
or Canada, oe address) A. J. TAYLOR,
Canadian Pass. Agent, 87 York St., To -
route, Ont.
�YAsarnN.—Tn Biuevale, on the 2711) nit.,
the wife of Mr. Wasman of a son.
STEVENaox.—In Morrie, on May 5th, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Stevenson of a son.
WoLNxusooe,—In Grand Rapids, Mich., on
April 29th, the wife of Mr. John Wil-
kinson, of twine, son and daughter.
The latter has since died.
attom n—BRows.—At the residence of
the bride's tether, on May and, by
Rev. J. S. Fisher, Mr. Benjamin
Candler, of Elms to Miss Frances
Jean, daughter of Mr. Wm Brown,
of Atwood.
Mno3.tln—Cosanovl/.—On Sunday, April
20011, at Potsdam, N. Y., by Rev. 0.
H. Guile, Mr. Douglas Mackie, late
of London, Eng., to Miss Ada J.
Cosgrove, of the Cosgrove Family
Concert Company.
PENTLANm.—In West Wawanosh, on April
29th, John Pentland, aged 72 years.
Conon.—In Morris, ou May 6th, Donald
Currin, aged 78 years and 6 months.
MCFADDEN.—In Groy, on May 9th, Uriah
McFadden, aged 72 years and 2
SRncn.—In Gray, on May 551, Owen
Smith, aged li3 years, 11 months and
10 days.
BEADY.—At Litchfield, Nebraska, U. S.,
on April 12511, John Heapy, formerly
of Grey township, aged 78 years, 1
Month and 29 days.
Iseensorm Ovr.,MAY 8.—Cheese mar-
ket to day :-1,276 boxes of May cheese
at 10.10 and wits refused. No sales,
LAST BUFFALO, N. Y., MAY 8,—Cattle--
Nominal, owing to recent offerings.
Sheep and lambs—Seven oars; steady •
not very active; no demand for woolled
stook. Hoge—Porby.five oars ; very dull
and 100 lower; choice heavies, $5.45 to
$5.60 ; mixed, $5.40 ; Yorkers and pigs,
$6.25, to $5.35 for beet.
Tomer°, MAY 8. -The market was dull
and unsatisfactory to -day. Total reoei.
pts, 52 carloads, but a number of loads
remained unsold. A load of good ship-
ping cattle sold et 40 per pound and real.
ly oboioe would probably fetch 4jo. But-
chers' cattle unchanged, with the demand
rattler slack. The best loads brought 8}c
to 35o, and a few picked lots ab 310 per
pound medium cattle sold at 30 to ate,
and inferior at 27e. Calves dull with re.
oeipte of 120 ; choice brought $6 to $8
each, and medium $8.50 to $4.50. Milch
cows, $30 to $50 each, Sheep, firm, a
bunch of shippers selling at $5.50 each,
Yearling lambs in good demand at 4}0
to 45o, and Spring lambs at $3.50 to $4.50
each. Hogs, unchanged, with sales of
800 head ; prime sold at $4.90 to $5 for
choice bacon lots, at $4.60 to $4.75 for
good to choice stores and et $4.25 for
rough animals.
03RY7Sssamms 0a4:.A. v=r7'S'S.
Fall Wheat
Spring Moat
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes •••
Hay per ton
Salt per bbl., retail......
Hides trimmed
Hideo rough .. 15 2
Sheep skins, each 40 00
Lamb skins eaob 50 00
Apples per bbl.. 1 50 1 75
Wool 17 18
Pork, Live 4 00 4 25
55 56
53 67
85 40
52 53
32 82
8 00
800 850
6 00 7 00
1 00 00
CARPET WEAVING DONE. Satisfaction guaranteed.
nearly opposite Dr. Dfekeivoys. Brussels,
Monday evening between the Oh and
lath cone.. Grey, via 0raubrook; The tinder
will confer a favor by leaving it at THE
Poem Publishing House.
I haven fine new 37nglish Bicycle,
warranted free from all imperfections Ma
material or inannfacture, wbloit will be sold
cheap On liboral terms.
Druggist& Bookseller,
.L3 class buggy for sale at pride away
down from original cost. Good its new. /for
p rice, terms, de., °),play at
Flan l'
T. Fl,010EB'S
Jewelry Store, Brussels.
ING—Anse Stewart desires to intimate
to the ladies of Brussels andvicinity that
she bas opened a Dressmaking and Mantle -
making shop in Brussels. Rooms over the
grocery of alesere. Taylor d: Smillie, Satis-
faction guaranteed.
E',BE.L TnPROPERTYsubeeribereAeBOR
6 acre plot, located immediately north of
Amentliros,factory, for Rale. He will also
dispose of his residence on the opposite side
of tato (treat. For further particulars, as
to price, terms, etc.. apply to
C'-4 Proprietor, Brussels.
Notice is hereby given that the Municipal
Connell of the Corporutlou of the Ter/11 tpp
of Grey, County of Huron,will weetae00urt
of ltevisloo at the 1ownearn HALL, l6Tasom
SATIIa1htY. 21ay 26, 1804, at 11 11. 10.
Parties iuterosted will govern tbemeolvos
WM. 8PENCE, Clerk.
To Drain Contraators. -
Sealed tendon will be received by the
Municipal Counall of the Township of Groy
up to Monday,May 21st, 1804, for 'the eon -
emotion of is Drain under the Municipal
Aet, estimated emit ahead 314,060,00, Plans
and specifications can be seen at the Clerk's
ofllee,Ethel, Or at the Wilco of James A,
Boll, 0, ail., 8t. Thomas, on and after May
30tH, 1865. Printed forme for tendons can be
procured from same parties.. A marked
cheek for Men mkt accompany each
tender to b e forfeited in the event of e119-
ooseful tender failing to sign agreement for
eomplotion of the work. Security to,,be
given Mr completion of the work,. No ten.
der necessarily accepted,
WM.miLNE heave
42.2 i6blto111. 0.
WALL PAP,l15',
ata 47'nnericcsnns
1,4test Colorings,
Newest Designs, fir!
--"4.-Cheer pest Prices—
.Pepper's D'u' Store,
• 1E3ItT7a4S133L
Aiwa) s Measure Your Room..
ei• Solicitor Oonveyaueer,: Cokes.
tions made. 011loo—Vanatouo's Bleak, I3ruo,
• Solloltor,0onyoyaneer, Notary Pub -
lie, &e, 0010e—Vonstone'e Week 1 door
north of ()antral Hotel, Private Funds to.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Ptlblio,
Goderich, Ont.
80. 0, 0180101100 , O. 0., PHILIP BOLT., .
DUDLEY 1OLntl10,
• Solicitor, &e. (late of Darrow &
Pre,dfoot's OMMoe, Goderich.) (Moe over
Sillies & Smith's ]'tank, Breseals.
Money to Loan. 47
• O.M„ L. R. O.P., Ildinburgb, M. O. P.
S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Sts.
Physician, Surgeon, Aceoucbor, etc.
Graduate of Toronto 1lnivereity Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons Ont. Omen—Next door to
Mollouald & do., Walton Out.
33 INT1t f
M. CAVANAGH, L. D S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. OFFICE—Over A.B. Smith's Store,
V • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary 0o11ogo, is prepared to treat all
dioceses of domesticated animals in 'a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistr . Calle promptly at-
tendad to. dg eo rad Infirmary—Poon doors
north of bridge 'Purnborry et., Bruseele.
H. MOORE, V. S.,
H. M., V. M. S. Graduate of the
Ontario Veteri8ary Soilage. Diseases of all
domesticated animals treated on scientific
prrnciplee. Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a epeoialty, Galls promptly
attended to. Odloe, over Johnston & Cooh-
rane's marble works. Infirmary at Beattie's
livery barn, Brussels, Ont. V 26.
• Iesurer of MarriageLiceneee. Office
this Grocery, 'l'urnberry street. Brussels.
'-• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McKay & Co'e hardware store,
Ladies'and obildrous hair cutting a speoialby
EA..., Isomer of Marriage Llaenaes, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis.
stoner, 00., Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent
Vire Insurance Co. 011105 at the Oranbrook
Poet Mee.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds
invested and to loan, Oolleotions made.
Olfiae in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Teacher of instrumental ululate on
Plano or argon. Will visit Wingham Toe a-
day mrd Wednesday of each week. Ras i -
donna on Prinoees Street, Brussels.
�A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
• Organist in 8t. John's Oburob, Brus-
eals, two popil, In the Art of :Teacbieg of A.
W.The yor,Mus. Doe „New York, will give
lessons to pupils eitberl on piano or organ,
at his parlor over A.R. Smith's store, Brun -
solo. Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod-
DEne0ONED was several good Farms for
Salo rad to rout, easy terms, in Townshipgs
05 Mor115 and Grey, P 8, 800TT,Druesais.
Coma, Grey, About 60 acres cleared.
Immediate posseesion, Apply by mail to
5.0. REEFER NAN,'jrrout Creek,
or to WM,.501LNE, Ethel.
Auctioneer, le always ready to at.
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terme
cheerfully given. 0raebrook P. 0. Sales
May be arrangRed at THE Foam Pobliehing
Hoene, Brunele,
kk-A+ Licensed Auttionoe'. Sales oondnot
ed on reaeonabie terms. Farme and farm
shook o enoolalty. Orders left at Tun POST
Publishing Hoe oo, Bre mole, or sent to Walton
P.O., will receive prompt attention,
on as an Auctioneer, rani prepared
to eowsaet sales of farm stook at reasonable
prince. knowing the standleg of nearly
every person I ere in a position to bell to
good maxim and get good'. security when void
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
3=1%001. 92. P S. SCOTT.