HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-5-11, Page 6TOR RRUS$
S. P.O,S,.
Gly Nrusoelo Moist
----as rvnf4aIINIas.,--
(in tlmo for the carlywade) at
tt711e 1'osb" Steam .1,'ublioilhlg )(fe I80a
Tuaoosnnx ST., BayseMe, CNs,
dollar 1 9 err , i nadvents). —Qua to a anti
e rt ear, in advapai loId date td by 1110
every a�i9onlntion is paid denoted by the
date on the addrose label,
Alrie»ns1Nc Itnume.—The following rates
will bo nharged to thosewho advertise by
tho year :— •
Vann, 15 xn, 1 0 :no. a mo
One Oelaurn 000.00 MA 620.00
••Ralf 80.00 20,00 /2.00
uartor " , ,,.., . 20.00 12.00 8.00
Lrighth " I. 12,001 8,00 5,00
'Eight cents per line for first insertion, and
throe ooute per 1.100 for each subeequeut in.
sertion, All advertisements measured as
Nonpareil-1211ne8 to the inch,
Business Cards, eight lines and under, $5
per a0num,
Advertisements without epeollto direo.
dove, will b0 Inserted until forbid, and
charged accordingly.
Instructions to change or discontinue an
advertisement must be loft at the counting
room of Tms Pon not later thou Tuesday
of each weak, This is imperative.
W. 113. KY:lEt11,,
Editor and Proprietor.
These lines were first published in Eng-
land in 1485, before the disoovery of
Amerloa, and before any of the discover•
ies and inventions mentioned therein.
All the events predicted have some to
pass, except that in the last two lines :
Carriages without horses shall go,
And aocidentsflll the world with woo.
Around the world thoughts shall fly
In the twinkling of an eye.
Water shall yet more wonders do,
Now strange, yet shall be true.
The world upside down shall be,
And gold be found at root of tree.
Through hills man shall ride,
And no horse nor ass be at his silo.
Under water man shall walk,
Shall ride, shall sloop, shall talk.
In the air men shall be seen
In white, in black, in green.
Iron in the water shall float,
As easy as a wooden boat.
Gold shall be found 'mid stone,
In a land that's now unknown.
Fire and water shall wonders do.
England shall at last admit e, Jew.
And this world to an end shall come
In eighteen hundred and eightyone.
S bleltl' 1uebtOR•S•
The short road to wealth is seldom safe
to travel.
A "gold brick" deal always has a rascal
on both sides.
Not every man has the strength to lift
a farm mortgage.
Reciprocate the milk of kine with the
milk of human kindness.
A cement floor in your poultry house
will prove a good investment.
Some farmers are bard run because
their wives have forgotten how to patch.
Ob, for some kind of felt boot to put on
men's hearts to keep them from freezing!
Some church people enjoy no meeting
so poorly as meeting the payment of as
He that works always with hie hands,
and never with his brain, will ever be a
poor man.
The greatest misfortune that ever be-
falls some men is the receipt of a govern-
ment pension.
A look into the swill pail will often re•
veal the reason why some mortgagee are
The man who never speaks gently to
his horses is the same man who never
speaks kindly to his wife, or to his child•
gables as They Are.
The craft of a baby is at least on a par
with its cruelty. Give way ever so little
to a young hopeful in long olothee, and
for every inch given it will exact an ell.
Walls around with one for ten minutes in
the middle of the night, "just to quiet
the poor little thing„' and in a week you
will be in good training to walk a thous-
and hours. Trot one twice or thrice on
your knee, and the simulating pony will
thereafter be in request during the day,
until at last, between the equestrian ex -
anise by daylight, and the pedestrain
feats by gaslight, you will be fib for the
position of high private in a marching
regiment of either infantry or dragoons.
Cunning as malicious as cunning, there
is nothing so gratifying to your baby as
to travel at other peoples expense, and no
full-grown Jeremy Diddler ever practiced
the art more successfully. There is but
one way of escaping the infliction and
that way is never to begin. It were one•
ler to shake off ten Old lien of the Sea
than one infant that nae acquired a taste
for midnight excursions and diurnal trots.
Babies are the most presistent young
lookeys that ever rude a free horse to
Perth County.
J. T. Norris, 'Ribbon, has graduated in
arts at Queen's University, Kingston.
The greater part of the fall wheat in
Downie and Fullarton looks well but an
occasional ragged field is met with.
Rev. A.. D. Dewdney, rector of Trinity
church, ltfitahell, has ander aonaidera•
tion a call from St' John,NewBrunswick,
While driving a land roller Friday af-
ternoon David Armstrong, of North East.
hope, washy some means thrown off and
instantly killed, hie nook being broken
by the fall. He was a son of Adam Arm•
strong and about 16 years of age.
Mies Frank, who has had charge of the
lower department of the Mitchell Public
School, has placed her resignation in the
halide of the Trnetees, to accept a similar
situation in Stratford. The Board meti
and aocepted her resignation, and bliss
Mabel Davis has since been engaged as
her suoceseor.
The salaries paid in Stratford to mnni-
ofpal ofhsere are :—Clerk, $700 ; Treas.
nrer, $500 ; Assessor, $600 ; Collector,
$500 ; Solicitor, $200; Aaditore, $60 each ;
Street Commissioner, 0600; Chief of Eire
Department, 0144; Engineer, $60; Chief
of Polioe, $600 ; Policemen, $550, 8000
and $800 respectively ; Janitor, $450 ;
Stealth 0lfroor, $200 ; Sanitary Inspector,
The statement that the Sebringvllle
Float Company would. pay a dividend of
five per cent. this year le away below the
mark, Ms expected that at least five
game that amount will be paid. The
sompapy is sowing a large gtlantity of
!lax seed title season,
A et„ Marys dentist toile the following
story ; Some time age a gentleman from
bite epunbry called to have e. tooth extraot•
ed. The dentist, on looking at the tooth
was eurpo.ised AI the strong odor of kero.
sone coming from the man's mouth, and
t make,
o rn sure be
was not peering into the
le luta n o to
bdug.hole of 401 oil oaelt, lie waked the
man the cause of the smell. After some
hesitation the man from the rural die.
triobo replied that having heard so =oh
about the loosening qualities of pool nil,
he had held a quantity In hie mouth 105
some time previous, in order to maks ex.
traction less painful, The oil did nob
have the desired offeet, however, for the
dentist says it was one of the. hardest
molars he ever pulled.
Huron Connty.
l.acl.Neas.—The License Commission.
era for West Huron Idles et the Inspect.
or's ofiiee, Clinton, on Monday of last
week, and granted lioeuses to all the old
applicants, except in the ease of the
Grant! Union, Clinton, whioh was held
over until the next meeting of the coo.
missiouers owing to the illness of the
presentlioeusee. Mr. Dinsley, of Wing•
ham was also granted a license, but an-
other application from W ingham was re.
fused, Mr. Black, of Dungannon, was
granted a license for a arouse which has
hitherto enjoyed a license excepting for
about six months, when the landlord had
left it. Of course no license was grant-
ed to the two hotels burned in Cliuton,bo-
cause there are no premisis for a license.
At a meeting of the License Commie.
sionere for South Huron, held at Hen.
eall, it was deoided to grant licenses to
the following parties :—Seafortb,—James
Weir, Thomas Stephens cE Son, H. G,
Edeall, James Dials, William Flanagan,
L. L. Wolper • Shop,—E. Dawson ;
Wholesale,—H.'Jaokson d; Son. Tuoker-
emith,—Jacob Weber Egmondville ;
Wm. Dickson, Bruoefield ; Wm: Kyle.
Stanley,—George Faugh, Brimfield ;
W, Cook, Varna ; Henry Shafer Kippen.
Bayfield,—E. Elliott, E. R. Swarts.
Hay,—W. R. Hodgins and Jamee Cox.
worth, Hensall'; Charles Grob and H. L.
Peine, Zurich ; Wm, Nicholson, Blake.
Stephen,—Henry Willert, Dashwood ;
Joseph Brenner, Grand Bend ; James
Hanan, Shipka ; Robert McFalus, Cor-
bett ; Pabriok Hall, Limerick ; Wm.
Holt, Ebiva ; Waller Clarke and August
Hill, Crediton ; Wm. Moffat and Mrs.
Hodgins, Centralia. Exeter, --Sarah A.
Payne, W. T. Atchison, T. W. Hawk -
:thaw, John Leathorne : Shope.—farmer
Brothers and F. J. Knight. Usborne,—
Alfred Walters, Devon ; Joseph Stephens,
General 1Vewpa.
Cholera has re -appeared on the frontier
of Russian Poland.
Bishop Tittle, (Epieoopal), of Missouri,
has joined the Salvation Army.
Scotland and part of England had a
snow storm and intense cold Friday.
A coal famine threatens Chicago, and
the prioe has gone np $1 and 61.25 per
Globe riroular Griffiths reached Winni
peg Friday, still a clay ahead of eobedule
Sir Julian Panncefute and Secretary
Carlisle have completed the Behring sea
Tha French Government has given 5,000
francs for the relief of sufferers from the
earthquakes in Greece.
Capt. Berends, of the steamship Nor.
mannia, has made 100 voyages between
New York and Hamburg.
The list of dead by the earthquake in
Greece rtow numbers 300 persons who
lost their lives before the shocks of Fri-
day evening.
A number of riots have occurred in the
districts of the United Statee where the
great miners' strike ie in progress. At
Scottdale, Pa., several strikers and one
woman were shot by deputies, but none
were fatally injured.
Montgomery Gibbs, a lawyer, of Buf-
falo, N. Y., and at one time editor of the
Evening Republic, was shot and killed on
the street Saturday evening by an un•
known man, who has eluded arrest.
The people of Harbor Springs, Mich.,
believe that gold has really been found
there. Quartz plowed up there a few
days ago has been submitted to various
tests, all of which show that the soil is
Arthur S. Poulterer, of Philadelphia,
Pa., ohampion skittle player of the Unit-
ed States, and well known at the rave
trucks, while playing poker Friday with
friends dropped from his chair and died
almost instantly.
Chicago, sinne it school census of 1802,
has added over 100,000 pupils to its popu-
lation. Two years ago the census reveal-
ed the presence of 1,438,010 dwellers
within the city limits. To -day there are
between 1,500,000 and 1,600,000.
It is announced in a Buffalo despatch
that the much talked of two-mile trot-
ting match for the championship of the
world, between C. J. Hamlin's Nightin-
gale, 2:10 1.2, and I. H. Odell's Green.
lander, 2:12, has been consummated, A
$500 forfeit has been posted by both own
ere. The conditions will be the beet two
in three for $8,000, the race to take place
daring the circuit noes at Buffalo in
Augu•t. Nightingale last year placed
the two-mile record at 4:23 1.4, which
Greenlander recently reduced to 4:22.
The benzine cab is the most novel
moans of transportation in Germany.
It is a four•wheeler, guided by the touch
of the finger on a lover, and provided
with motive power by a benzine engine
which neither heats or smokes the aeon -
pante. The first of this style of cab,
says the New York "Sun,” was oomplet•
ed a month ago in a Mannheim fantory,
and was started on an exhibition trip to
Berlin. It rolled over the country roads
at the rate of 15 or 16 miles an hour, and
at an expense of half a oent's worth of
benzine per mile. In every oily on hie
route the conductor, who is at the acme
time engineer, has ran his cab through
the streets, taken on and let off ourioue
passengers, and made hie way eooroee
orowded market places to ehoty the ease
and safety with which the machinery
can be managed. The cost of the cab is
61,000, and this can be reduced in pro -
me of wholesale manufacture to 0450 or
$500, The inventor expecte that it will
revolutionize the present system of tran-
eportationbetween oonotry towns and be.
tween cities and their suburbs,
About 40,1100 tramps, 16 le estimated'
are travelling over Germany all the year
laight Canadian vessels are being load,
ed at Toledo with corn .for direct ship.
MOM to Europe,
Dirootum, the king Of trotting stallions
was injured by a fall at Pleasanton, Gal,
and may not race this year,
Julie R. Jenny, of Syraoaee, N.
daughter or Go). 10. S. Jenny, 050 of the
best known lawyers of Central New York,
was admitted to the Dar there last Pri•
]Tactical tests of an electric plow are
being made by Stamens and Halalte on a
German estate. It is believed that snob
at plow would prove eepeoially eucesssfnl
in Java, where the cattle plague has de
strayed the draught animals, and large
treats of fertile lands are being permitted
to lie unonitivated in consequence.
In Upper Tonkin material foe ooflin
boards, of which many are exported, is
obtained from tree mines instead of from
ordinary living forests. The trees are a
Itind of pine, very pitchy and very dur-
able, and they are found buried in a san-
dy eon ata depth of seven to twonby.five
feet. The trunks, some of them more
than throe feet in diameter, are iu good
preservation. Seem ovldenoe as can bo
found indicate that the trees grew in a
large forest, and were buried at no very
retnole limo by an earthquake or other
similar catastrophe.
Here are some queer names of post-
offices in the United States :—Rod Dog,
Cal. ; You Bet., Oal ; Yuba Dam, Cal.;
Dog Tooth, Ill. ; Elea Hill, N. C ; Lily
Mountain, Ulster county, N. F. ; Bob•
town, Penn. ; Bug Hill, N. 0. ; Chew•
town, Penn. ; Cut Shin., Hy. ; 1 fiddle•
town, Cal ; neeville, Wis. ; Daddy's
Creek, Tenn. ; Oalfkiller, Tenn. ; Blg
Foot, Ind, ; Calliope, Iowa ; Little Wild
Cat, W. Te. ; Prettyman, Ill. ; Young
Blood, I11. ; Young Womanstown, Penn. ;
Whiskey Town, Cal. ; Ty Ty, Ga. ; Big
Neck, Ill. ; Black Jack, biles. ; Bliss,
Wyoming county, N. Y. ; and Bird In
Hand, Penn.
A Boston singer sends out to her buei•
nese correspondents a number of phono-
graph cylinders impreseed with her eongs
so that they may hear a sample of her
work before closing an engagement.
This is unique and practical. Before
long every manager of lectures, humor -
fats, vocalists and instrumental soloists
of every description will be compelled to
provide himself with phonographic spec-
imens of his attraction's ability before he
can hope to procure engagement for
them The promoters of entertainments
of various sorts, the century Bays, will be
able to judge for themselves as to what
they ought to get for their money, and
disappointments will be fewer.
A triumph in engineering is reported
from the mountains of Peru, where a
twin screw steamer of 540 tons, 170 feet
long and 30 feet wide, has been success.
fully launched on Lake Titacaoa, the
highest navigable waters in the world,
more than 13,000 feet above the level of
the sea. The steamer, whioh belongs to
the Peruvian Government, and is used for
freight and passenger traffics was built on
the Clyde, then taken apart in more than
a thousand pieces and shipped to Mallen -
do by Bea. It was oarried to Puno by
railway and transported over the mount-
aine on the backs of llamas and mules
and put together by John Wilson, a
Scotch engineer, with great Skill and suc-
The following resolution was lately
passed in all solemnity by the Concordia,
Kansas, School Board :—"Inasmuch as
it seems to be the custom of lady teach.
ere of the public schools of Concordia,
Kansas, to contract marriage without the
knowledge or consent of each board,
therefore be it resolved by said board of
education, that should any of the ladies
of the Conoordia schools hereafter nom•
mit matrimony during the term for
which they have been eleoted, they shall
forfeit a sum of money equal to one-half
a month's salary, provided they take a
home man, and a sum egnal to one
month's salary in ease the groom ie im•
ported from some other oonntry or state.
In either case the lady should cause 'a
card of invitation to be sent to each of
the board of education.
The suit of J. W. Crossley against the
Grand Trunk Railway for $2,000 for il•
legally putting him off the train came up
for trial in Barrie last Tuesday. Mr.
Crossley, who was 'coming from Barrie to
King in January last, showed Conduotor
Waterhouse his ticket and naked him to
punch it, but refused to give it up. Con-
ductor Waterhouse would not punoh the
ticket unless it was given up. The dis-
pute culminated in Mr. Crossley being
put off the train a short distance south
of Allendale. Mr. Crossley brought suit
against the company for $2,000. The
case wars called, the jury sworn and then
the solicitor for bhe railway offered to
settle, the conditions of settlement being
an ample apology by the railway to Mr.
Crossley in open court, and censuring
Conduotor Waterhouse, and a judgment
to bo entered against them for all coats.
Mr. Crossley aocepted these terms, at the
same time stating it was not money be
was after, but n vindication of his rights
and of the travelling public.
Grand. Trunk
Great Tourist Route
Pacific Coast
Via the 9t. Clair Tunnel,
Pullman Tour/et Sleeping oars every
For the rapine Coast without Change.
Full information on application to
G, T. R. Agent, Brussels.
MAT 11, 1.$94
Saved Her Life®
Mre, 0. .7. W00LDnrmc,t, of Worthmn,
. Texas, saved the life of her child by the
use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral..
' One of my children had Croup. The
ease was attended by our physician, and was
might I was startle11 bytithecoljlil's lard
fib�� �athil , anti on going to it found it str'ah-
Realizi10 g that the nearly alai ming o ndition
had become possible in spite of the medicines
given, I reasoned that such remedies would
0 of no avail. Raving part of a bottle of
.Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In the house, I gave
the ah11d three doses, at short intervals, and
anxiously waited rosulte. Prom the moment
the Pootoralwas given, the child's breathing
grew easier, and, In a snort 51750, she was
sleeping quietly and breathing naturally.
The child is alive and v ell to.t ay, and 1 do
not hesitate to say that Ayer'e 011orry Pec-
toral saved her life."
Cherry 'ieetorral
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase.
„Prompt to act, S ltd re to cure
Summer Sailings,
From Pmnr Prom
Liverpo'l S'ranazsxras, Montreul. Queboo.
Daylight. 0 a. m.
Aprll 10 Sardinian. May '9 May 0
than reutiau... 12 Not oalltes
May 3 Pa-Isiau ........ " 10 May 20
10 Mongolian " 20 May
17 fNumirlian Juno 2 Not callin
'' 21 Sardinian 0 June 10
" 81 fLaurouticu,, " 10 Not calling
June 7 Parisian ..,,...,, '• 23 Juno 24
14 tlntigolian " at July 1
' 21 +Numidiau July 7 Not calling
" 28 Sardinian 14 July 15
Will not oall at Itimouaki or London-
Passengers embark at blonbreal after 8
p. m. on Fridays.
For further information as to rates,
010., apply to
Agent, Brussels.
Any Amount of Itloney to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6'i Per Ce;ot., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Paint `Four Weise
Papering this Spring ?
If so, now is tho time to consult us. Tho
sorted stock in the County, to hand
comprising the following :—
GRAINS, with gorgeous freizee and ceil-
ings to match.
Also the Handsomest stook of window
shades over shown in time County.
Nothing but the purest Leads and Oils
that can be found in the market used in
all our work. Farmers and others hav-
ing old rigs to paint come and see us al
once. Satisfaction guaranteed.
House, Sign, Carriage and Decorative
P. S.—Thanking all old customers for
their favore during the past twenty years
I have boon in busiueee I solicit a con-
tinuance of the same and the patronage
of the people generally for tho now firm..
Pait oo1u1orc1
Fine Stook of New
- Express Wagons, Carts
and Croquet Setk,
crc sr"' z10 -.:l .a.. LTD.
p 0— PADS, y
Good Values in
Brush and Comb Cases in Plush
and Cloth,
Work Boxes in Plush and Cloth,
Shaving Sets,
Travelling Companions,
Fancy Ink Stands, &c.
Suitable for Presents.
School Supplies_
Always in Stock.
Post Bookstore.
And All.
They read the Locals, the Storied, the
Advertisements—every line in the paper.
Then they send it to distant, relatives
interested in the town, as numerous post-
masters will certify.
The Local Weekly is the best -read
publication in existence. It has the home
news which 113 other paper gives.
Advertisers ' take notice—THE POST is
read by several thousands of people every week.,
An Advertisement in this paper is,
therefore, of some account.
Subservbe for THE POST.
idvertise in THE POST.
Is Showing in his New Premises,
,Opposite American hotel,
A roll stock of , J;�lpl,f,sle,, FOR
AllItii of J"' �J
Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room or Kitchell.
:Picture Framing attended to on short notice.
Undertaking Department,
A Full Supply of Funeral
Requisites Always in Stock.
Special Attention given to Repairing.
D. G. HOGG, Brussels.