HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-5-11, Page 3XA.'rr 11, 1.894 Town Directory. M1Seeierei Cnunau,—Sabbath Servieea' at 11 a m and 6,30 p, m. Sunday School at 8:80 p lel, Rev. John Rose, B S; pastor, lesox Onpnou•—.Sabbath eiervio0e et 11 m and 0;80 p m, Sunday School at 2:80 p m. Rev, P. Millar, pastor. Sr. Join's Oftueon. Sabbath Services et 11 a to and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2;30 p, m, Rev. W. G. Reilly, Mem. bent. Maumee Onunoil.—Sabbath Sorvhles at 10:80 a m and .6:80 p m. Sunday Sobocl at 2:30 p m, Rev, G. H. Cobble - dick, M A, B D, pastor, Rotate (legume Cannon—Sabbath Servioe third•Sundrty in every month, at 10:110 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest, SAnvniON Allem—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barraoke. Ona Maumee' Lenon every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIC Lenon Tuesday at or bsfdre full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W tenon on let and 8rd Friday evenings of each month, in Blas• hill's block, C O f Loner 2nd end Last Monday evenings of each month, in I31aehill's blook. L l) L 1st Monday in every month, in Orange Hall, I 0 F, and and last Friday in 088 fellows' Hall. R T of T, 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of each month, in Odd Fellowe' Hall, B&B OF 2.0CMAIM, 1st and 8rd Tries - days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. LODGE, 1st and 3rd Thurs. Jaya of mob month, in Vanstone block. Hoorn CIBOLI, 2nd and 48b Friday even. ings in Blast:ill's Hall. POST OFFICE.—Office hours from 8 a. m. to Tp. m. MnonANloS'. INSTITnnn.—Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 t,ao8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 6 and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. TOWN Cousam.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. Mo0raeken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ; 1'. 5. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Aasessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. SCHOOL BOARD..—Rev. Rose, (obairman,) Dr. Molielvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; Sec.-Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PUBLIC Scnoom TEACHERS.—J. H. Cam. eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss Downey and Miss Cooper. BOARD OF HL+ALTn.—Reeve Herr, Olerk Scott, A. Stewart, H. Donnie and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNsugbton, Medical Health Officer. Gowrie. O. 0. Koine has returned fiom Belle. ville. R. S. Clegg has %ommenoed the stone - wore of Mr. Andison'e new residence. 5. A. Irwin has movedhis law office to the building just vacated by R. Roes. Wm. Adair,(of this village, head sawyer in Strome's mull, Fordwicb, accidentally get the index linger of hie right hand badly jammed, wbiolt will lay him off work for some time. The following offieera were elected in Court Gerrie, 0. 0. le., for the ensuing term :-0. R., Geo. Walker ; V. 0. R., W. Doig ; R. S., W. II. Olegg ; F. S., eldwiu James Chap., W. J. Greer ; Treas., W. J. MaLaugblin ; S. W., J. Stewart ; J. W., Jas. Walker ; S. B., N. MoLaughlin ; J. B., D. Watters. Rep- resentative to High Court, to be held in Woodstock next June, N. McLaughlin. Clin ton. The town bus provided a set of new weigh scales at, the station, and also formed a cattle yard. James Steep has sold his first oreamery butter ab 24o. wholesale, which he con- siders an exceptionally good figure. Dr. Gunn expects to attend the anneal meeting of the American Medical Aeso. oiation, in Galveston, Texas, shortly. 'The other day while W. Baer and a companion were at work erecting a porch, a chisel fell from the top thereof, and struck Baer on the hip, inflating a nasty gash. The following are the officers of the I. 0. G. T.:—L. D., H. 33. Chant ; 0. T., Robt. Obowen ; P. 0., J. W. Moore ; V. T., Miss J. Dowzer ; Reo.•Seo., D. Smith ; Fin,•Seo.,G. W. Rogers; Trees, Mies B. Porter M., A. Cooper ; G., Mise M. Goodwin •, S., J. Carter ; 0., I. Jackson ; Organist, Mise A. Young. A meeting of oyoliets was held to form a club, when the following officers were appointed :—Pres., II, B. Combe ; Vice - Pres., D. McLean ; Seo.-Treas, G. P. Emerson , Oapt., W. D. Doherty. Oom. mitbes—A. Cooper, S. Smith, R. Fleming. Arrangements will be made for weekly meets, and it is also intended to hold a big county meet some time during the summer. 1Exete t•, $00 has been granted by the Oounoil to assist in purchasing instruments and or- gauiziug a braes band. A new order called the Ancient, Reck- less and Independent order of Prevarica- tors, has been organized in town with an exceptionally harge number of charter members. Race Meeting under the auspices of the Exeter Turf Aseooiation, on May 2486. 8780 divided as follows :—Free for all trot or pace, 8800 ; trot or pace, $200 ; 0 minute trot or pace, $200. The Metropolitan Hotel, which has been conducted by Mrs. Sarah Page for a number of years, has been purchased by Thomas Oke, who will take possession some time before the 24th inst. The following officers were eleoted for the Durrant year in oonneotion with the Union Cemetery ;—A. G. Dyer, W. D. Weekes, John Smallaoombe, S. Gidley, T. [Mateo, S. McCoy and Elijah Jury. Programs are out announcing the semiannual Institute meeting of the teachers of West Huron, to be held in the Public [school, , Exeter, on Friday and Saturday, May 25th and 260i, oommeno- icg on Friday at 10 a, m. Wm. Hayden, who at ono time had charge of the G. T. R. depot here, now G, T. R. agent at W.00deteek, who is to be transferred to Peterboro', has bean pre. rented with an addreee and a silver tea service by the loom employees of the rail• way. • ulj ll J, N. Howard, who is about to entablleh an °iconic light plant en the red mill property, lane been totifled by the tib seer ()outwit that he '(Mr. 'Townird) will be responsible for all accldente that .are liable to occur from wires and varlous other soureee in oonneetion with an eleetr10 light plant. The eesidsnee of John Hawitebaw, Exeter, wee the emote of n pleasant and interesting event on Wee sedgy of Met week, at about 2 o'oluek, p, m., it being the marriage of his daughter, [Ionia May to Samuel White, of Debrolt, Moe., eon of Jas. White, Honeall. The ceremony was perfoy;ned by the Rev, 111, W. Hunt in the presence of about fifty of the contrast. ing paebies' near relatives. Tree bride was assiebod by Mise Maud Beaton, of Detroit. Mr. McLeod, of Detroit, Robed its beet man, Leaelauo w. Ed. Piero° bad two tumors eat out of his heed. The 32nd Bruce Battalion go into oatnp in London this Stemmer, The "gang;" was out in fell forest on Monday night. Serenading and moving implements was their principle °coupa- tion. There' seems to be a great amount of rowdyism on Have'oott street. The hawse of Mrs. McDonald was assailed the other night and several panes of glass broken. A young man from Ashfield made the air swell to the olouds with obscene end blasphemous talk. The new oonetable was sent for. John McLeod, of the first son. of Kin. lues, just north of Luoltnow, had his log broken at the knee and his hip joint knocked out, while loading square tim- ber on the care at Goderich for Angus McQuaig, of this village. Godec•io71. G. M. Whitely left for New York last weep. The work to be done on the new piert in the harbor is nearly finished. Ib is a shame the way the boys living down near the harbor are allowed to de- stroy property. The Goderioh base ball olub will play a match with the Wingham club in that town on May 24. Chas. D. Williams, son of our towns- man, J. H. Williams, is about to open a drug businesnin Goderioh. Arrangements are being made to have the_oantatn of "Belshazzar" presented at the Grand Opera House early in July. Street Inspector Reid is having shade trees planted on the streets, and replae• ing those which may have died the past year. A Mc. D. Allan put in a week or ten days at home arranging elwnts for the improvement of his handsome residence and grounds. An appeal has been taken by the plain- tiff in the libel suit of Senior vs. McGilli- cuddy, to the Division Court in Toronto, and it ie expected to be argued Ibis m path. Rev. H. Irvine will preach the annual sermon to the Royal Templars of Gode• rich and vicinity in Viotoria•st, Metho- dist °enroll Sunday, May 13, at 11 o'- clock, a. m. Charles Graham, a county ward, aged 98 died Mondayof last week at the house se of ArchieCoaeins, Huron road. The immediate cause of death was cat- arrh of the stomach. CrsI*UdiOLII News. The assessors of Woodstock give the town apopulation of 8,852, as against 9,141 a year old. Rev. Dr. McKnight, prinoipal of the Presbyterian Theological Oollege of Hali- fax,is dead, aged 08. Fire at the yards of the Ontario & Wes- tern Lumber Company, Rat Portage, de. strayed $125,000 worth of lumber. Fernaro and Polti, the Italian Anarch- ists arrested in London, were sentenced to twenty and ten years' imprisonment reseeobively Friday. 0A gang of tramps captured a freight train on the Montreal and Concord rail- road in New Hampshire Friday and rode as far as they pleased. A Bow belonging to Gracie & Harrigan, Todmorden, gave birth to 27 little porkers on Saturday, au occurrence said to be un- precedented. HEART DISEASE BELIEVED IN 30 MIN- oxxs.—All oases of organic or sympabhetio heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose oonvinoes. Sold by G. A. Deadman. The largest single paving ooutraot of the year, namely the asphalting of both sides of Queen street from Yonge Street to the Don, Toronto, was awarded on Sat. urasy to the Coustruotion ds Paving Com pony, the tender being $72,990. H. P. O'Connor, M. P. P., was again offered the nomination for the Legislature by the Liberals of South Bruoe on Sat- urday, but deolined. Capt. Finlay, a prominent Patron, made a strong speech in behalf of the Mowat Government. As the strength of a building depends upon the solidity of its foundation, so health depends upon the condition of the blood. To expel impurities and cause the vital fluid to become vigorous and life•givine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most powerful and effective medicine in USB. A sad and fatal accident =erred to the daughter of Isaac Wray, of Tilbury East, recently. The child, a little under two years of age, by some means got pee - session of a darning needle, and, whilst running, tripped and fell, the needle en- tering the eye and, it is thought, pens. tratsd the brain. She lingered for a couple of days anti then passed away. A Boos To Hoasnorsv.—Ono bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from home of herd, soft or calloused lumpsblood spavin, Splints, curbs, sweaty, stifles and Sprains. Geo, ROBB, farmer, Markham, Out, Sold by G. A. Deadman. According to the live etook statistics for 1893, leaned by the Bureau of Indust- ries, there aro 3,700 less horses in On. turia now than a year ago. This rodeo. Mon in the gross number is not so signifi- cant as is the etatement showing that the falling off is wholly in brood mares and colts. The reduotion eves 18,00 under these heads, but there was an increase driver 14,000 in working horses, est that the net decrease all'arouod}vas as above stated, less than 4,000. Milo* cows on the other hand, show an increase of 16,- 000, and on all horned cattle the addition during the year wee 28,000 head. In well known in Toronto, olaims drat be poultry there wae nn ineraase of 06,000,1 will bo able to satisfactorily arrange iu hogs of 76,000 and in gheep of 85,000, mattere, TIIE BRUSSELS OST a ltynat'e Pille are recommended by lead- ing pbysioiens and druggists, as bks moat prompt and othoient remedy for bilioue. nose, nausea, costieeneeg, indigesblop, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, and Molt heedeehe ; also, to relieve outdo, Is- Vere, and 1'lteumabism, RonUrakmati OCUOM IN A DAY,—South Amerlcan Rheumatic Cure for Mourne, tient and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon bee evetom is remarkable and mysterious. 1t re. moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappeare, The fleet dose greatly benefibe, 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Bon Kennedy, who, with O'Oallagban murdered Jailer Least, of Sandwich; and the is now serving a e saphenae in the British Columbia Penitentiary for rnau• slaughter, made an attempt, in company with 10•yeer prisoner named McCabe, to Gestapo a few days ago. The guard, however, was too quick and shot McCabe fatally, when Kennedy threw np his hands. Kennedy made a similar at• tempt three mouths ago and his pal was killed, Ranter IN SIX. House,—Disbreeoing kid. ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the ^Great South American Kidney Ours." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on remount of iia exceeding promptness in relieving cin 'u the1 u 1 bladder,rid a s bank and py, every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it alm.pet im- mediately. If you want gnluk relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deuidiitan, druggist. Elf Miehlhanseu,ex mayor of Illmwood, surprised the people of thab village by a representation of the mode of travelling as practised by our grandfathers, He bitched a team of smart oxen to his livery bus, and several oitiens got inside the ooaoh. The s'looese of the ox coach was fully established, and Eli will run a bus to and from the station for the several trains. There's money in the business, even if it is somewhat primitive.—Oheeley Enterprise. They make life suoceeful.—It is easier to face a cannon than to carry about with you, clay after day, a sick headache, a wretched biliousness, a torturing neural- gic pang. Men and women go down be- fore these things who brave the great af• fliotione of life. Stark'e Powders cure these affections, and help make life suo• easeful. By removing pain, they pub hope in the heart, they put brightness in the eye, and elasticity in the step. When one has a Blear bead and sound stomach; he is always ready, in the battle of life, to give a Roland for an Oliver. Stark's Powders are the secret of success. 28 cents a box. The people of Ontario who are interest. ed in the outlook for the wheat crop in the United States will be interested in a statement made by a gentleman whose business it is to gather information for one of the largest buyers of wheat in this country. He said that returns had been received at his office from the entire wheat•produoing country of the west, and bbat the season had now PO far advanced that it is most unlikely that any climatic oonditions ootild seriously affect the wheat crop. So, be said, speaking with a good deal of seri snea ou sof manner, that , he feared there wae little comfort for the farmere, because the indications now are that the wheat crop would be enormous, perhaps phenomenal, while on the other hand there seemed to be but little ground for hope that the price of wheat wnnld increase. To use his own words :—"Un. less some sudden emerrreucy arises some. wbere else in the world, causing te short- age in the crops, and an unusual Ameri- can demand, this great crop of wheat is likely to still further depress the price. To be sure, we are exporting flour. It is even going to South America, because American flour is of such quality that Ohilian mills cannot compete with it. We shall maintain our pre eminence as flour makers, because the American flour mill plants are as near perfect as it is possible for machinery to be, and the product of them, so far as the beet qual- ities are ooncerned, cannot be equalled anywhere in the world." Yet this man pointed oat that such is the business stagnation, so far.reaohing is the ten- dency to economize, and so low are the prices for wheat that to -day the very beet the superlative quality of flour is put up- on the market for about $8 a barrel. Notwithstanding tbat low price it has been found that thousands of American families are buying flour of a little cheap• er grade. Wm. D. Hunter, insurance agent of Brampton, was locked in the Toronto jail on Friday on a charge of fraud preferred by F. Howarth, secretary of the Manu. faoterers' Accident Insurance Co. Hunt. or was agent for the company at Bramp- ton and it is charged that he filled out an application for Ed. Lawson, of Toron- to, and wrote out it premium for $25 for a 85100 policy, receiving a cheque from Lawson for the 825. When the applies, - tion was brought into the °Moe the fig- ures 825 had altered to $20, and it is charged that Howarth pocketed the difference. It is also alleged that in two or three outer cases Hunter took premi- ums in December and vont them in dated in April, leaving given the insured an in- terim receipt and tiros rendered the com• pany liable on risks for four mouths, while they were not in receipt of the premium. Hunter, some turee years ago, skipped to California, being behind with the Waterloo Mutual and other cont. panics. Re had sureties then and these peop'o bed to pay 31000. He had bor- rowed money in various places and a good deal of it is still unpaid. People have been expooting Hunter world be looked up for several weeps book, Tour mouths ago the Phenix of Hartford die. charged him and now they want 8120 arrears. Although he had not the agency Hunter had no trouble doing bosipess, and it is,oleireed he took several risks, oondtetiug a kind of insurance company himself. The people paid their money but got no policy. It is claimed that there are nearly 50 oases in which he was either paid for new inenrance and gave no policies or "queered" the renewals, and that two score people are out verioue amounts, from 85 to $30. Of lane, Hunt. sr has, it is claimed, been a high -roller on a limited scale. He was born on a farm and subsequently taught school. He then }vent into the insurance buei• nese, and from weighlpg 100 lbs. devel- oped into a handsome man of 270 aver• dupois. Hunter is 870 in arrears with the Mannfaoturers. It is claimed thab he played future bneinese to pay the poli- cies until recently. The accused, who is Speaks tbroagh the iloothbay (Me.) Register, of the beneficial results he has received from a regular use of Ayer's P111s, De says: el was feeling sick and tired and my stomaeb seemed all out of order. T tried a number of remedies, but none seemed to give me relief until I Was Induced to try the old cella bit Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one box, but I fool 11150 a now man. I think thee are the most pleasant and easy to take 01 anything I ever used, being so finely sugar. coated that even a 011118 will take them. 1 urge upon all who are In need of a laxative to try Ayer's P1115. They W111 do good." For all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and BowoIS, take At PILLS Prepared by Dr. J.0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase. Every Dose Effective - - THE - - TRUE TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE —Is THE— Only Through Canadian Line TO TWA PACIFIC CAST NO (MANGE & NO TRANSFERS. Through Tourist Cur Leaves TORONTO EVERY FRIDAY Am 10:11P. ter. DIRECT To SEATTLE WITIHOUT CHANGE. Apply to any Agont of tho Company, J. T. PEPPER, AGENT, BRUSSELS. U 1111J 1116 U Clearing Sale Of the Whole of Good Brother& BW SPRING BONN, MOIL slippers, R,tt bet's, Sze. Crockery, China & Glassware Rats and Caps, Groceries, 14hop Furniture, coo., to make way for the new Grocers, Messrs. Taylor & Smillie, at `-Slaughter Prices. The stook must be sold as we have no room for the geode in Seaforth. No rear sonabls offer will be refused, FOUR MONTHS CREDIT will be given on all purchases of 85.00 and upwards, purnhasees to furnish Approved Joint Notes. The greatest chance ever offered for securing seasonable goods at 50o. on the Dollar and upwards, and 4 months to pay for them. 500 pita Boots ab 500, on the $ 1000 " " 700, on the $ 500 men's & boys' fiats at 50o on the 8 Boxes of Boots at 25o. a pair. Boxes of Boots at 50c. a pair. Buses of Boote at 81.00 a pair, Men's Felt Hale, 25c, 500 and 76o that oat over twice the money, la -Butter and Eggs T1tken, God Biothers. sale is now going 017, McLEOD'S 'Mite Star Line. System Renovator •-' -^Arta TESTED REMEDIES REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Per Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronohibie, Con- sumpbion, Gall Stones; Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility, LABORATORY CODERICH9 ONT, J. M. MoLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. ROYAL ;IIAII1 STEAMSHIPS. 13otwoen how 'York and T$vorpool, viiu Quveostowa,evc7Y WedNesday 45 the etoaners of tbis line carry only a sbrletly limper( number io the Man and SECOND OA1028 aeeommodabions, intending paseougers aro remiuned that an early ap- plittation for berths 1s neoessery at this sea. SOU. Por plans, rates, 010., apply to W. I-1. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. a�IFCOOK'S0'ST FRIEND �fu0 T G,at,r, t.; 111 Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone" Corsets are tough- er and more elastic than any other make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone). To be had of all Retail Dry Goods Stores. What about a Hat ? We have just what will suit you, cheap and stylish. We can also get you up a suit of Clothes that will surprise you as to quality and cheapness. And next you want a pairof ��+ �� �q,v — „••.i 'a•.' I u� a ®'•B aro SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, &C, We eau rig you out from head to foot and send you away pleased with the purchases you have made and at the same time bring you back when you want anything else in our line. Wo would also ask the ladies to see our Prints and Dress Goods. Also those Lovely Oxford Shoes. Sizels in B. & C. CORSETSALFX. STRADA!. - Every Pair Gnaranteed. CONE •'lDERA ION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,003 W. e. MIACDDONALD. Actuary. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 3,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 THE NSW VNCCNDITSCNAL-ACCUMVLATIn PUY Is Issued Only by flue Confederation Life Association. rsit is absolutely free from all roetriotiens as to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. t It is entirely void of all conditions. tilt is absolutely and automatically non.forfeitable, after two gears. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the pnlioy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the polioy, or after five years, to a (e) Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy. President, lllonaging Director, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, O.B., M.0.31.0. J. K. Macdonald. W. IT. KERB, Agent at Brussels. AYLOH & SMILLiES FAEX ST 0b kf '.a.. Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels, Is the CHEr,1PE8T fore GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND SEEDS, All will be sold at tl Big Reduction on usual Prices. A Large Stock of Seeds on Hand. ='R,Y US POR CASH 111330'Before removing to our new preen- Acl...,,_ ises in Dr. Graham's Block. TERMS, CASH ONLY. TAYLOR & SMILLIE.