HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-4-20, Page 8THE BRUSSELS BOST
Half Sold.
"Goods well Nought," it is said,
"are half sold," There is a good
Ileal of truth iii this old maxim,
at least we find it so in selling
our new stock of
Wall Papers.
Of course we can have the best of pap-
ers at the lowest prioes but onlea0 you
will oome and bey them we will oontiuue
to have them. We are satiefisd, however,
if we can only imams you to see our sam-
ples, we think we oan suit you.
Oome and see them anyway, there is
no harm done if you should not buy.
We have paper from 5o, per roll up.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Genre SOUTH. Gone NORTH.
Mai 9:54 a.m. Mixed 9:40 a.m.
'Express 11:59 a.m. I Mai 8:18 p.m.
Mro:ed 9:00 p.m. Express 0:43 p.m,
c xu a t Fetus Pm.
A ohiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll pewit it.
R. MOAroneo has purchased an "Ariel'
JNo. DEWOLF is now in Her Majesty's
°°wide, parrying the mail between Brus-
sels and Wroxeter.
ping four oars of their high grade flour to
the Eastern markets.
A JOLLY time was put in over a taffy
party at Councillor MoOracken's reef•
donee last Tuesday evening.
.8. BETTER job of street cleaning was
never done on Tdrnberrystreet than that
completed last Saturday evening.
"Now RAPID" pneumatic tyred bicycle,
us good as new, for sale at a bargain.
Apply at Tun lose Publishing House.
EAiur closing bas been adopted by the
merchants of Brnssele, beginning lase
Monday evening. The hour deoided up-
on is 7 o'clock.
Ease Hume Licence Commissioners
'will meet ea the Revere House on Satur-
day of this week to consider she applioa•
Hone for hotel licenses in this Ridiug.
DURING the Summer months the Semi-
monthly meetings of the Young Liberal
Club will be discontinued. The orgaei•
nation was a decided success since its iu-
Low. JAcasos attended a meeting in
Wingham on Tuesday to take into don•
sideration the formation of a North
Western Football Aesooiatiou. Nothing
was done.
REEVE MILNE, of Ethel, who has the
contract of supplying Brussels with the
pine plonk for sidewalk purposes this
year, intends shipping a oar from their
Muskoka mills for this purpose.
AznroA—H. L. Jackson bac a beautiful
flowering plant in the window of his
jewellery store called Azalea. There are
a large number of richly tinted flowers
which remain in bloom for about 6 weeks
every Spring. Its a beauty.
Owsons of horses and oohs are notified
that these animals will be impounded
unless they are kept from running at
large. Shade trees, sidewalks, &o., must
be protected, to say nothing of the risk
to children and others by roaming
LIABLE. 00 PAY $20.—Complains has
been made that a few people in this lo-
cality have been violating the law by
trout fishing out of season—on a Sunday
too. The law is severe for these infra°•
tions, and if persisted in will, in all
probability, subject the offender to a fine
of $20 and ooste.
WHAT tin Hui EXPECT.—Straw bate.—
Sheep washing.—Early bathing.—Young
.onions.—Barefoot oh iidren,—House clean-
ing to come to the front.—Excursion
rates to the lake porta.-The Provincial
elections.—A large amount of time killed
at statute labor.—Farmers to ship their
awn cattle to tbe Old Country markets.—
Clieeee factories to get in motion.—The
public to continue to look for TEE Pose
every week, as in the past, so as to Racer -
fain the latest newts.
araca&NIos' INBTIenee.—A meeting of
the Directors of Brussels Mechanics' Io•
etitute was held in the Library on Mon.
day morning. President, Rev. J. Rosa,
B. A., (Chairman), A. Hunter, J. Shaw,
J. T. Pepper, J. R. Smith, J. MOBnin,
Miss Shaw, Librarian, and W. H. Kerr.
The Secretary reported the returns from
the Sheppard World's Fair views coming
to the Institute to be $19.46. To this
was added $15,00 Co, grant and $8.50
new subscriptions. Moved by W. H.
Kerr. eeoonded by J. MoBain that A.
Hunter, J. Shaw and J. T. Pepper be a
Committee to prepare a report for the
annual meeting having reference to pur-
ohases of books for several years past,
Government grant, &o.—Oarried. Mov
'ed by J. R. Smith, eeoonded by J. ale-
-Bain that two volumes, "The World's
lParliameut of Religions," and "The Year
Book," be purohaeed from J, T. Pep•
per for the Library.—Carried. Meeting
then adjourned.
ORANGE BLossone.—At Erskine Presby-
terian churoh, on Wednesday evening of
last week, Rev. W. A.. Hunter, thepaetor,
united in marriage Wm. H. Hutohineon,
builder, and Mimi Rachel E. Alexander,
'daughter of John Lion Alexander, both
of Toronto. Tho ceremony, which was
Witnessed by a large nnn,her of the ladies
of the ouegregation to, - place at 9 0'.
Week. The brideem.,ids were Miss
Livingston, of Listowel, who was dreesed
en pearl-gray gros-grain and passamen-
tterie, and Mies Prine, of Toronto, whose
•gown was of white cashmere and moire
silk. '.Cbe beet men were E, Carlyle and
C. Cl. Sheriff, The bride looked charm•
ing in a riob gown of Duchene satin, with
houiton lace and hyaoicthe. After the
ceremony a wedding supper woe partaken
of at the residence of the bridge father,
and the happy couple left on their honey.
moon. The many friends of the bride
in Bruseele, including Tint POST, wish
Mr, and Mrs, Hutchinson a happy and
Suoxaln fishing at the mill dam hoe af•
forded 90410 ?port to .the owner° of net,
rod and line,
W, Semler, manager of Brussel° flax
mill, has sown over 75 acres of flax al-
ready this season,
Tun; Gerrie Vidette gay* :—Jae, A.
Train bas purohasad Mrs, llaye' residence.
near the Methodist ohnr•oh.
Tun trout fiebing Beason opens Tuee•
day, May let. The °lose season for black
bees this year will be from May 10 10
July 1, instead of April 15 to June 15.
Jeans Waves has diepoeed of hie house
and lot oe Flora street, Brussels, to
William Martin, implement agent in this
town for $500, Mr, and Mre. Oliver will
continue to reside here for the Summer.
O1,nen1NG BALE,—Good Bros. have an-
ronn0ed a clearing sale of their entire
stook of boots & ehoee, &c., &o., in their
Bruesele store, oommenoing on Saturday.
This is rendered necessary as their lease
of the store terminates on July let.
Their advt. may be read on page 4 of this
feeue. '
Bnusenne Driving Park half mile track
is in pritns condition and is said to be
the best in Western Ontario. This week
two more horsee oame to train on it, viz.,
"Onward King," a pacer owned by Daw-
son, of Kincardine, and "Saranac," the
speedy trotting stallion, the property of
Jonathan Dulmage, of Wiogham. Two
or three more horses are expeoted this
Mueooan—The Liberal Glee Club and
the eburoh choirs of this place are talk.
ing of joining in the anuual outing taken
by a large number of ahoire in Ontario
in July. Musical selections, in the way
of hymns, oboruees, anthems, &c., are
prepared by the various choirs and ren.
dered unitedly at whatever point they
riit. There were 1200 voices Leet Sum.
mer, with two brass bands and orchestra
for accompaniment. Each choir has a
vote as to where the excursion will run.
Brussels appears to favor London.
Wonan's teen.—On Thursday evening
of last week the Sheppard Co. had a large
audienoe in the Town Hall to see their
fine views of the great Columbian Ex-
position of 1898. The scenes were olear
and natural and gave a fairly good idea
of a small portion of the 1r air. W. E.
Ramsay, although ill, did his part as lec-
turer exceedingly well and his two or
three comic songs made an iutereeting
break in the program. The Mechanics'
Institute cleared nearly $20.00 as their
share of the receipts. The Sheppards go
to the Old Country shortly, it is said.
THURSDAY night of last week about 9:30
o'clock the Northern heavens began to
be illuminated with brilliant white
auroral streamers. Iocreaeing in bright-
ness, the display became magnificent at
10 o'clock, and oontinued so until a late
hour. Green and yellow streaks shot
through the Southeastern portion of the
aurora frequently, which added much to
the gorgeousness of the display. Gen-
erally, the contour of the aurora was
single or double arches, attaining to the
height of the pole star, single streamers
rushing ap ae for as the quadrangle of
the Great Bear.
Isi'nomier: e.—J. MoBain has greatly
improved the appearance of his tailor
shop by papering the walls and oeiling —
This week James McAlpine bad the mil.
ing of his reetauraut nicely papered there-
by much improving the place. -,J. C.
Halliday is building a new pioket fence
along the South side of hie lot, on King
street.—Tenders are asked, in this issue,
for the p0100105 of the Boman Catholic
church in this place.—The bricklayers
are at work veneering W. Taylor's resi-
dence, Turnberry street. Work is being
pushed ahead at the new house being er-
ected by R. G. Wilson, Mill street.—D.
Ewen is baying a neat pioket fence put
up at his lot, corner of Market and John
streets.—T. Fletcher'° store front looks
quite gay in its new dress of paint, new
signs, awning, &c.
TnACaoas' INerU M:S,—An Institute
meeting of the teachers of Eaet Huron
is to be held in the Public school, Brus•
eels, on Thursday and Friday of next
week, 26th and 27th lusts. Subjects of
interest to the teaohers will be discussed,
the program being ae follows :—Thurs-
day, forenoon session—Opening exerois•
es ; appointing committees, etc. ; frac-
Hone, James Moore ; composition with
Brd class, J. H. Cameron. Afternoon
teseion—President's address, W. R.
Lough ; delegate's report, A. H. Mus•
grove ; how to acquire accuracy in num-
bers, R. J. Barton ; penmanship, D.
Robb, I. P. S. ; practice of the combie•
ations in addition, E. G. McDonald.
Friday, forenoon session—Election of
officers • delegate's report, 8.. Soots,
Seoretary ; imagination and it8 bearings
on school work, John M. Koine ; some of
the properties of numbers, W. Prender-
gast, B. A. ; oral history with class, A.
H. Musgrove. Afternoon session—Friday
afternoon exercises, J. H. Lowery ; phr-
ases and dependent clauses, T. Forsyth ;
a few difficulties met by teaohere and
how to deal with them, W. Baker ; quee•
tion drawer ; financial statement, Seers.
Onor.—On Tuesday of last week, April
10th, Joseph H. Vanstone died at his
home in Wingham, in the sixty-third
year of his age. The remains were in-
terred in that town on the following
Thursday. Mr. Vanetone was one of the
pioneers of Kincardine. In the early
days he farmed for a time, and after-
wards engaged in the marble and granite
trade, first as a, partner of the late Robt.
Scott, and after that gentleman's death
he oontinued tbe business for a number
of years until his health became so im•
paired that he wee no longer able to at-
tend to the duties pertaining thereto.
Deceased was a man of many good qublf-
ties, and at times he held many import.
ant positions of tenet in the town of Kin•
oardine, including that of representative
at the County Council Board, a town
Councillor, a member of the Board of
Education, and a5e050or of the town. In
politica he was a' pronounced Liberal,
and at all times and under every ofroum•
stones he had the moral courage to in-
telligently and etrenouely advocate his
convictions. lle was a power in the Be.
form ranks and has done yeoman service
in Huron and Bruce 000501°0 in many a
hard fought eampaigo. '.Chose who knew
him best esteemed him the most. His
Melees extended over a number of years,
and 10 often seemed that it was big in-
domitable will power that enabled biro to
pull through the many' acute attaoks inci
dent to the pulmonary trouble which
afflicted him. Three of his sone—Riolt•
mrd, barrister, and William and Walter,
dealers in marble and granite—having
located in Wingham, lase than a yeas ago
tleoeased moved to that town, where he
resided until the summons came, which
owing to hie intense and prolonged suffer -
Inge he gladly a000pted.
Business Locals.
A YOUNG farm horse for sale, Apply to
Jes. Walker, Brueaels.
BAneep and plainfenohtg wired are ell
away down in price at B. Gerry'e.
Ohildren's wagons, large stook and low
pewee. I.0. Richards,
You can get a dozen milk pans for one
dollar itt Ballantyne & Wilton'°,
Anse received a flue ,line of Mixed
Paints, new oolors, at 13, Gerry e,
Goon young cow for sale, Apply to
• Jae, Walker,
Tun handsomest etook of window
shades in the County at W. Roddick's.
MIme pane, mills pails and straluere of
the best quality atBallantyne& Wilton's.
Fon Sale, a yonng driving horse, or
will exchange for a quiet one,
I. C. Blonenne,
I HAVE this day, 17th April, redneed
tbe pride of wire nails to 91.00 per 100 lbs,
B. Gerry.
Tan Hartshorn spring roller lends
them all. Guaranteed for 5 years at W.
WANTED, apprentices to learn the mil-
linery business. Apply to Mrs. E, Rog -
ere, Brussels.
JUST try one of those Ingrains, with
fanoy ceiling end freize. They are love.
ly. W. Boddiok.
'P0008AND8 of rolls of well paper to
choose from, at 5 Dents per roll and
upwarde. W. Roddick.
num garden seeds, glover and timothy
at MoOreoken's.
BEE the display of orayon portraits in
A. Strachan's window. Portraits given
away free with every $10 purchase.
A FULL stook of creamery cans and
milk cans of the very beet material and
workmanship at Ballantyne & Wilton's.
Deconeen YOUR Houss, — Beautiful
American papers at 127Jo, with borders
and ceilings to match. W. Roddick.
Is you want to buy a factory boggy buy
them at a factory buggy price. If you
don't know the pride oall at Jas. Walker's
10 einem galvanized palls, japanned,
3 for 26o., regular price 30o each. Only
a few dozen on band, and can't be re.
laced for double the money.Ballantyne
p y
& Wilton.
Yon can get your buggy top repaired or
oovered over new at Walker's, your
buggy painted or any other work needed
in oonneotion with a buggy.
James Walker.
SPECIAL bargains in repairing old wheels
As I have a large stook of wheel timber
nn bend you oan get more work done for
$1 the,>•nt any shop in town.
James Walker.
Ir pays to build first-olass buggies as
Jae. Walker hes eight sold this Spring.
Most people who need first-class rigs
know where to go to get them, viz., at
Jas. Walker's.
Ir you want anything in my line call
and get my prices and if I cannot save
your money' do not want you to buy. I
keep the largest and beet assorted stook
in the county and sell at very close
prices. R. Leatlierdale.
I THINx it is almost useless to say any-
thing more about what kind of rigs we
turn out. Just ask parties who have
dealt with Walker and they will tell you
the truth. James Walker.
CoMroLsonY sale of the whole of Good
Bros'. stock commenced Saturday morn•
ing. The whole stook to be slaughtered
at 50o. and 75o. on the $, and 4 months
to pay for,them. See advt. on page 4.
Dimseuexnra.—Mise Rena Bawtinheim-
er having returned from Saginaw, is pre-
pared to do sewing ae in the past. Roonis
at the residence of Jno. Broadfoot, 1VIill
street. Where deeired Mies Bawtin•
heimer will sew at the homes of her
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
above. Terms reasonable. Residence
wooed door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34-tf
Ir you are thinking of buying an organ
do not heed what other Agents tell you
about my organa being no good and
that it is impossible to sell a good organ
ab what I ala selling them at. My or-
gans are as good fie any other. The
reason I own sell them so cheap is I sell
a lot of -them, I buy them for cash, and
I am at no extra expense. Every organ
is gauranteed for 5 years frdm the firm.
Lots of the organs you buy the guarantee
is half run out as they are kept in stuck
so long. Guarantees are dated the day or•
gane leaves the factory.
R. Leatlierdale.
C. 0. F.—For the next three months
special inducements will be offered by
Court Prime lexandra, No. 24 0. 0.
F., Brussels, to any person desiring to
become a member of that Order, the in-
itiation fee being reduced during that
time. As this is one of the leading In -
smarms and Beneficiary Societies in the
country people should take advantage
of this offer. For full information ap-
ply to
A. REID, 0. R. ;
A. Koware, F. S. ;
W. BLAenILL, Treas.
Canadian N'ewrt.
Constable Jas. Stewart, one of the most
popular of the Dominion Polios Force,
Ottawa, is dead.
Wm. Taylor, a farmer from near Glen-
icorris, blew out the gas when retiring at
the Market Hotel, Galt, Friday night,
and neglected to turn it off. He was
found dead next morning, having been
Hon. J. M. Gibson will run in the tees•
tern section of Hamilton, and will likely
have ae opponent. Ald. Joe. Hancock.
In the East End the Reform nomination
is between T. Middleton, ex-Ald., James
Dixon and Rev. Dr. Burns, The Con,
servativea will oleo bring out a mon III
the eaetern section.
The Bishop of Algoma bag eent in a
letter to the House of Bielrope, in Which
he has intimated the possibility of hie
having to resign the episcopacy on ea -
count of failing health,. A speoial meet.
ing of the Hones of Bishops has been
called to act upon the letter.
L. Beaker & Co., private bankers, Wat-
erford, closed their doors on 'Tuesday
morning of last week. All sorsa of rum.
ors as to the amount of their liabilities
are in circulation. One man deposited
$600 the night before the bank bung up
the notice that they could not meat their
paymente, owing to their money being
wrapped up in commercial paper. An-
other depoeitor put $4,000 in the bank
only e. week or ten days ago.
ST4XD.410 ]34,NIC OF C.4N4D•I,
APRIL 20, 1894
As?'40,..97-Ztilxm1:7 aB72..
ASSDTId, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,900
CAPITAL (Authorized) • - - - $2,050,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States o9 England.
A General Bunking Business Transacted. Formers' Nettie Discounted.
Drafts belied and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on depceite of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal end compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
GILLlmrf, S W SMITE, 13rYar&srBBtl .b EI PsaD)
13 _EL SS'rzS,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
&MAWS S Bane 9J1FPaQb°Ire1J.01Wf'.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwarde at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at tbe end of the Months of
October. and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
'31'o etl'eet Ie write Insurenec in o1,1 101,51181, or Canadian Companies, or In Mut.
nal Companies 00 rimy Ue d0010401.
Bailiff Mailloux has seized for rent the
furniture of the Windsor Business Col.
lege, and the students are given a forced
vaeation. The College was started about
two years ago by J. A. Lean, There
were between 50 and 60 pupils inattend-
ance,and nearly all of them have paid
their scholarships in advance.
Asan0.--In Howiok on Wednesday,
April 50h, the wife of Mr. Geo. Ash.
ton of a daughter.
TnoursoN.—In Seaforth, on April 12th,
the wife of Mr. Thos. Thompson of a
Goon.—In Brussels, on April 16th, the
wife of Mr. Adam Good of a son.
gree—CLE00 —At the residence of tbe
bride's .father, on Wedneeday, Maroh
21st, by Rev. J. Greene, Mr. Earnest
Albert King, to Mies Rachel Olegg,
all of Howbeit.
MAserO—Buo00.—At the residence of the
bride's brother, Mr. John Bowyer,
on Wednesday, April 4th, by Rev.
W. F. Brownlee, Mr. W. 3. Massey,
of York township, to Mrs, A. L.
Boggs, of Gorrie.
HoronoweoN—ALEXANDER. — In Toronto,
on April 11th, at Erskine church, by
Rev. W. A. Hunter, M. A., Miss
Rachel E. Alexander, to Mr. W. H.
Hutchinson, all of Toronto.
aloGILLAwoe—Geeo.--At the residence
of the bride's father, on, the llth
inst., by Rev. A. Henderson, M. A.,
Mr. Archibald, eon of Mr. John Mc•
Gillawee, to Miss Jessie, eldest
daughter of Mr. James C. Gray, all
of Elma.
FAtn.—In Clinton, on April 12th, Thomas
Fair, aged 60 years and 0 months.
SPARLINO.—In lyicRillop, on April 16th,
Riohard Sperling, aged 48 years.
Stewart.—In Wallace, on the 8th, inst.,
' Peter Stewart, aged 71 years and 9
TnoursoN.—In Elma, on April 8th, Sam-
uel A., on of 3. E. Thompson, aged
25 years, 8 months and 22 days.
13R,VB0792..5 MA7 =3EIT5,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel 3
Potatoes ,,..•......
Hay per ton, .. 6
Salt per bbl., retail...... 1
Hides trimmed.........,
Hides rough
Sheep ekine, each
Lamb skins eaoh
Apples per bbl
Pork, Live
8 00
00 8 50
00 7 00
00 00
ld 2
40 00
50 60
1 60 1 75
17 18
4 00 4 25
TORONTO, April 17.—Flour — Straight
roller, $2.60 to $2.70 ; extra, $2.40 to
$2.60 ; Wheat—White, 58n to 59o; spring
No. 2, 60e ; red winter, 58o to 590; goose,
58e ; No. 1 Manitoba hard, 74e ; No. 2,
720. Pepe—No.2, 53o. Barley—No. 1,
40c to 42e ; feed, 37o to 880. Oats—No.
2, 88c. •
LONDON, April 16. --The Mark Lane
Express, in its weekly review of the Brit-
ish grain trade, says :—English whsata
have averaged 24a 6d a quarter. Business
has been quiet, and foreign wheats have
been steady. California averaged 24s 9d
a quarter, and Manitoba 250 9d. Corn
bas been held in American cargoes at 18e
n quarter. Barleys have been firm and
oats a shade dearer. 'To -day there has
been slack inquiry. California flour has
bean offered as low as 20e 6d per eaok.
Barley and oats are 3d higher and beans
and peae dull.
Lrvnnr000, April 16.—At the Liverpool
cattle market today the supply of beevee
was fair, but the demand was slow, with
proepeots of heavy receipts this week ;
the tone was weak, consequently the ad.
vanoe in prices noted last week wail all
lost, and values are quoted }c to lo per
pound lower. The supply of sheep was
fair, but the market was strong, and
pekoe thew an advance of 2o per pound,
compared with our last cable of March
26th. We quote t—
Finest steers 10a to 00
Good to choice ., 10 to 00
Foot to medium 0 to 00
Inferior and belle0a to 8
Best eheep - 15 to 00
Secondary 18 to 14
Merinoee . 12i to 133
Inferior and rams 10 to 11d
EAST BUrFALO, N. Y., April 17.-Gat-
lle—Fair clearance ; no trading of eon.
sequence ; steady. Sheep and lambs -
70 cars, mostly held over on sale, almost
neglected ; following yesterday's decline
of 151 and •
26c there a was t further break
to.day of 25c and 30o ; the eastern dressed
meat trade is reported to to lc lower, and
immediate prospects are favoroble ;
choice to fanoy wether°, $4 75 to 96 26 ;
good to choice sheep, $4 to 90 50 ; choice
to fanoy lambs, 95 25 to $5 40 ; good to
choice, $4 25 to $5 16, or 660 to 950 a
pound ; olipped stook, 500 to 65c per owt.
below these figures. Hogs -10 oars on
sale, active, 100 higher, ohoiee heavy,
$5 80 to $5 85 ; mixed, $5 75 to $6 80 ;
good to best Yorkers, $5 70 to $5 75 ;
light to good Yorkers, $5 50 to $5 65 ;
pigs, $5 86 to $5 65.
TORONTO, April 17—Receipts continue
fair and prioes generally are weaker for
cattle. British markets ere demoralized
and the outlook is unfavorable. The
best loads sold to.day at 84o to 30, and
a few small lots of the choicest at 890 to
89c, medium cattle are quoted at 3o, and
inferior at 210 to 29c per 11) ; half fatted
steers, Sic to 39o, calves, drill at $3 to $6
each, and miloh cows at $25 to $45 eaoh.
Sheep and lambs, unchanged ; the form-
er sold at $4 25 to $5 ; yearling lambs at
4}ro to tic per lb, and spring Iambs 93 to
$. each. Hogs in fair demand, with sales
of the best, off oars, at $4 75 to $4 85 per
owt ; thick fat hogs, $4 70 to $4 75, stores
64 50 and common, $4 25.
Satiefaotton gnerin>teed.
nearly opposite. Dr. Mc101elvoy's, Brueeole.
1,11 Sale, in 1st class running order, only
fun one season. rheumatid tyre. Will be
sold cheap. Apply at THE Poem Book Store.
Safety Bioyelea from 510 up. We can
supply either American or Michell makes,
over 26 to select from, Oome and see,
Druggist & Bookseller.
1.0 Queen Street, Bruesole. The house
is 8D feet sceare, 10 stories containing 7
rooms. Good well, woo0ebed and garden,
the letter well stocked with fruit trees. For
prion, terms, 00., apply to
81.4 Proprietor.
Ina.—The Misses Code wish to inform
the ladies of Brussels and locality that they
have opened a Drees -making and mantle -
making ehop in Brueeole• City and town
experience. Shop 0000 post tam Satis-
faction guaranteed. Latest fashious.
88.4 101185108 CODE.
nvI;.—MleeStewart desires to intimate
to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that
she has opened a Dressmaking and Mantle -
malting shop in Brussels. Rooms over the
grocery of Masers. Taylor & Smillie. Satin-
fad tion guaranteed.
07-4 74103 STEWART.
1 SALE. — The subscriber offer's his
O.eere plot, located immediately north of
Amentlfroe. factory, for sale, Re will also
dispose of hie residence ou 0110 opp08ite eldo
of the street. For further particulars, a8
to price, terms, eta., apply to
24.4 Proprietor, Brueaels,
Tenders will be received up to April 241h
1694, for the pointing of the Catholic Church,
Brussels, to be nompfeted by May 2011,1804,
Tenders to state it urge 100 both 2 and
coat work. For further partisulare apply to
the undersigned. Tho lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted.
Brussels, April 10th,1894,
Dll0010NED has several good Farms f or
Bale Rod to rent,easy berme, in TownebipgO
of Morris and Grey. F B. SOOTT,Brussols,
Con. 6, Grey. About 00 aoroe cleared,
immediate posseasiOn. Apply by mail to
J. C. SAPPER NAN, Trout Oreek,
or to WM. MILNE, Ethel.
J)1031N TCI.3T:
M. CAVANAGH, L• D. Se D. D. S.,
Graduate of the itoyal College of Dental
Burgeons, Ontario and of Termite Uni.
vorslty. OFt10E—oval A.R. Snsith'8 store,
At/ .4772erioa72,
Latest Colorings,
Newest Designs, d rr
"'Cheapest Prh s4r-
_Pepper's Drug' Store,
It31C U �1F;La.
Always Measure Your Boom.
.1.I . Solicitor anti Oouveyaneer. Collec-
tions made. Office—Van8tone'e Block, Brus-
sels. 21.10
Solicitor Conveyancer, NotaryPub•
He, &o, Offloe—yaustore's Block, 1 door
north of Oentral'Hotel, Private Funds to
Barristers, Solicitors, NotarIea Public,
Goderieh, Ont.
01, 0. 0AME003, Q. 0., PHILIP HOLT,
Solicitor, 00. (lata of Garrow&
Prondfoot's Office, Goderlah,) 011loo over
Gillies & Smith's /dank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
• O. M., L. R..O. P., Edinburgh, M. 0, P.
B. Ont. Residence and of lye in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Sts•
• Physlalan, Surgeon Aceouoher, eta.
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member r of
College of Physicians
and t, OsrrmE—Nast door toMcDonald & Co.,
Walton Ont.
er • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated mnimale in a •com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to vetorinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge •Purnberry et„ Brussels.
• H. M., V. M. B. Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all
domesticated animals treated on scientific
principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a specialty. Calls promptly
attended to. Office, over Johnston 0 Coch-
rane'e marble works. Infirmary at Beattte's
livery barn, Brussels, Oat. 26•
Insurer ofMarriage Licenses. Office
at his Grocery, Turuberry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artiet• Strip—Next door
mouth of A. M, McKay & Co'e b,. dwaro store.
Ladies' and ohidrene hair cutting a specialty
• Iesnror of DIarring° Ltoenses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis-
sioner, &o,,Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Go. Office at the Oranbrook
Post Office.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Go, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Publio
Land Loan and Influx/moo Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Oollootione made.
Office in Graham's Block, Brueeole.
rr A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
• Organist In St. John's Murata, Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of 'Teaohing of A.
W. Tbayer,.Blue. lloe., New York, will give
lessons to pupils elthm'Bon piano or organ,
at his parlor over A. n. Smith's store ,Bruo-
eele, Vooal lessons also given. Terme mod-
Auctioneer, i0 always ready to at -
to nd sales o1 farms, farm stook, 00. Terme
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at Tan Pow Publishing
House, Brneutle.
VAI Liceneed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stock a specialty. Orders left at Tan PoeT
Publfehiug.Houee,Bruesele, or eentto Walton
P. 0,, will receive prompt attention,
910 as an Anotioneor, I am prepared
to conduct Bales of farm stook at reasonable
prioes. Bnowing the standing of nearly
every person I out iu a d io anion to Bell to
good marks and got ggooseauritywhen sold
on credit, Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
me acall• 32- - 10 S. SOOTT.
The undersigned will keep for service on
North 71a14 Lot 29, Oou, 7, Morrie, a thorn'
bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased
from the well known breeder, Jno, 13011 Am-
ber. Also a Chester White Boar, dorm°,
81.00 to be paid at time of Fairview with priv-
itApt4 (returning itS. WALxim, Proprietor.
Undersigned will keep for sorvioe on.
Lot 20, Con. D, Morris, the thorn' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's
Prime," purohaeed from the woll•lniown
brooder) 16 Brothour, Oak Lodge Farm,
Burford. Terme, 51,00 to be paid at the
time of sorvioo with privilege of returning
if neeeeeary. Pedigree may be seen on ap-
11013T, N10HOL.
Undersigned will Iteei> for OorVlee the
thoro'-tired largo English -Berkshire Boar,
"Biernarek"No. 1708• It took Int prise at.
the Neat Hturon Fall Fair In 18011, and was
alwayeiet Whenevet exhibited, forms, 61.00
te bo paid at the time of sorvioo Wlth privi-
lege or returning itnoceeeary, Two young
13640111re Boars and 0078801 Pound B loo r
Rorn Bulls for gale.
D.11rLND, Pro >„
08-tf 14thol,