HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-4-20, Page 4THE l3'RUS$' IL$ `1 ()sir ,i van, gQ i894, New Advertisements. Looals—B. Gerry. I4055I -I. 0. Alameda. ltoeals—Lr. J. C. Ayer, Tenders—ass, O'Leary, . Oompulaory--Good Bros, 7! inn Bocts—A. Straelian. Local ---Stark Medicine Co, Wall Papers—G. A. Headman, Notice to Creditors --W.111, Sinclair. Miracle of To day—Dr. Williams Med. Wine Co, 17.1,4 WAt:it ds Vast. FRXDAY, APL. 20, 1894. Trip total expense of the revision of the Dominion voters' lists in 1886, 1889 and '1801 was 0880,000, Tho printing of the lists in 1886 poet 0416,000, The printing in the two subsequent years had cost $28- 000 in each. Wit would like somebody to tell us why the long lief of business failures in son. neation with woollen factories have come to pass LE the N. P. is suoh a boon ? These men were led on by false hopes and were allowed to sink or swim as beet they could. Ton Ontario Redistribution Bill, brought down in the Legislature, Tues. day night makes few changes. Toronto, with its 180,000 inhabitante, is divided in four, and given an additional member. Hamilton, with 48,000 of a population, is divided in two, and given two members. The only other change is in Ottawa City, towbash has been added several suburb- an districts, giving a population in all of over 46,00. This will entitle the Domin. ion oapital to two members. Toa POST is still of the opinion that a 5th teacher is a necessity in our Public school, judging by the reports presented at the Board meeting. We are aware, las we said before, that the school tax is high bat If the present staff of teachers is un- able to do the pupils justice would it not be in the interests of every rate. payer sending children to school to con. tribute a few cents more annually and know that they were receiving value for the money paid ? There is a vaoantroom so that the extra expense would not am- ount to a large figure. The half day system, which has beeu in vogue for some time, helps only the Primary Depart. mint. In the school as now arranged the average attendance will be about as follows :—Principal Cameron's room, 50 ; Mies Braden, 57 ; Mies Downey, 57 ; Mise Cooper, 70. In addition it is said there are families in Brussels, with from 1 to 4 children of sobool age, who are not at. tending school who should be looked after. The Editor of Tam Pose is not "sorry that hespoke," and the member of the Board who thought the reference "premature" stated to the Editor on Bat. nrday that be was not refering to him when he spoke on Friday evening. There's another individual who will have to reef in his saile or he'll bit a snag before long. ClIUItU1I CRIMES. There was service in the R. 0. church last Sunday. Rev. G. F. Salton, of Stratford, form- erly of Brussels, has been seriously ill at his residenoe with congestion of the lunge. Next Sabbath morning in the Metho• dist oberch the pastor will preach the second sermon of the series on Christ Likeness, dealing with "Christian Aspir- ation." The evening subject will be "The Parable of the Sower." Rev. T. Davidson, M. A., of 'Wroxeter, has notified Rev. le. Miller, moderator, that be intends resigning his charge at Wroxeter. He resigned a few weeks ago but withdrew it at the last meeting of the Presbytery. Mr. Davidson's health is not good. Mies Braden and Miss Minnie Moore were awarded let clava certificates in con- nection with an examination on a 'course of systematic study of the Bible, as out- lined by Victoria College Theological Union, Methodist church. The examin- ations are semi-annual. Next Bewley evening a union meeting of the various Obrietiau Endeavor So - defies in town will be held in Melville church at the oboes of the ehnroh servi- ces. The topic for consideration will be "What and how to provide for the future," Matt., 25, 81.46. A meeting of the local Sunday School Executive, coreiating of the ministers and Sunday sohoal superintendents, will beheld in Melville church Sunday school room on Friday of this week at 4 o'clock, to arrange the preliminaries for the S. S. Convention to be held in Brussels on Tuesday, May 200h. At a recent meeting of the official Board of the Methodist church in this plane the following stewards were elected for the current year :—T. Maunders, J. J. Gilpin, J. T. Pepper, H. Mooney, J. Cavanagh, T. Fletcher and W. H. Kerr. The representatives from the oongrega- tion are R. Leatherdale, A. Oousloy', A. Lowry, 3, Downing, Thos. Moore, A. R, Smith and H. L. Jamieson. R. Leather. dale was chosen lay representative to the District meeting to be held at Blyth neat month. Peter .Ilijohart, a Dutch missionary, who has spent three years in Tibet, but who bas been in Ontario the past three months in the interest of missionary work in Tibet, left for that far off coun- try last Friday, fn company with W. A. Ferguson, a Knox College student, who goes to Tibet to engage in missionary work with Mr, Rijubart. Another To• Tonto man and a Western Ontario Angie. can clergyman will probably accompany them, meeting them at Va000uver. Me. Rijnhart spent a week in 03euseels a short time ago in connection with his mission- ary tour. The Exeter Times hae placed a new prase in ite office, iduron, QcJualty, Some Toronto gentlemen ere talking of building and operating en eleotrio rail. way from Sesforth to Bayfield, Herring fishinehas been vary good at Bayfield this Spring, olid now the ether, ,nen are oetching.tront and white fieli, A Winnipeg despatch Saye that Wm, Crawford, formerly of Exeter, hoe been drowned int illarney Dietriotby the col. tepee of a bridge, Burly Tsesday niorning tire was die - covered in the rear of the Oeutral Hotel, Clinton, owned by M.re. T. 00cper and occupied by R. leiaeon, The auntie soon spread through the building, which was frame, to such an extent that the saving of it was impossible. An effort vette made to save the adjoining hotel, owned and 000upied by John Lee, and the firemen drought they lied suoaeeded, but in a couple of Ileum afterwards ebe second alarm was given, and the Lea hotel also went to ashes. On the Central hotel there was $800 insurance on the building and $800 on the furniture. On Lea's, $2,200 on the building and $100 on the furniture, In the demise of Thomas Fair Clinton has lost a most faithful public servant and sterling Christian citizen, He had been ailing for some time from catarrh of the stomach, and paralysis of the throat, but was oonfined to bed a few days only. The noble spirit took its flight last Friday morning. Hie age was Ori years and 9 months. Born at Oxman Nook, Jedburgh, Scotland, lure 20, 1843, he came to Osneda in May, 1857, along with his mother, two sisters (one Mrs. Thos. Jaokeon, the other since deceased) and James Fair, of the roller mills. The deoeased resided in Hamilton, Ont., for four years, removing to Clinton in Aug. uet, 1855. Here he held a position as as. eke ant postmaster for few months un. der Mr. Gordon, and succeeded the latter in 1856. He held the position from that time until his demise, a space of 88 years. In manner the tate 11ir- Fair wae tines, sumiug, acoomodating, and a very popm lar official with all classes of (people. He was twine married, hie first wife being a daughter of the late Joseph Whitehead. W. D. and Josie, eon and daughter, of the postoffice, are of the first family. His second wife was a Miss Torrance, who survives with one daughter, Dolly. The funeral on Sunday, was one of the largest ever seen in Clinton and testified in the strongest possible manner to the undoubt- ed worth and integrity of the departed. The family and relatives have the sincere sympathy of the entire community. Cnundian Newts. The annual meeting of the Ontario Cricket Aesooiation was held at Toronto on Monday night, the following clubs be. ing represented :—Hamilton, Toronto, Rosedale, Trinity, Peterboro', East To. route, Chatham and Parkdale. The see. rotary's report showed that while the ae- sooiation had begnn the year with a membership of three clubs it now had a membership of twelve. The finanaial condition of the club, too, was shown to be flourishing. The report advocated the dropping altogether the inter• provincial mntoh, and advised that instead a match between teams from Eastern and West. ern Ontario be played. The report fur- ther stated that a match had been ar ranged between Ontario and Philadel- phia to he played in July. A oornmuni- cation was received from the Winnipeg Cricket Club writing the association to send a team to that city to take part in the tournament contemplated there. An invitation was also received from the Ohiaago club. The election of oflioere re- sulted as follows :—Honorary President, Hon. John Beaverly Robinson ; Presi- dent. Edward Martin, Q. C. ; Vice -Pres- idents, Dr. Beemer, London Asylum ; G. L. Owens, Oampbellford ; R. R. Mc- Conkey, Guelph ; W. E. Wells, Chatham; Honorary Secretary-Taeasurer, E. H. Cameron ; Honorary Assistant.Seare- tary, Pd. A. F. 11 Martin. The following were elected delegates to the Canadian Cricket Association :—Dr. Sterling., Pia. ton ; Dr. Ross, London ; W. B. Robert- son, Chatham ; M. Rogers, Peterboro' ; A. Gillespie, Hamilton ; D. J. Leroy, G. S. Lyon and ]i. H. Cameron, Toronto ; Representatives on the Committee of the Canadian Cricket Association were elect ed as follows :—Mesers. Gillespie, of Hamilton ; Lyon, of Rosedale, and Wells, of Chatham. . A Miracle of To -Day. THE STARTLING EXPERIENCE 01? A YOUNG LADY IN ST. TiIONAS. Hunter's family *ho has been restored to health and strength by Pink fills, Mioe I4'arrie has just Imaged her twentieth year, and is a dangbtet' of Georgy Barris, who livor at Yarmouth Heights, audisomploy. el by Goo. Boucher, fleriet and plauts- man, "I belie'vo Dr, Williams' Panic P1115 Wed my life, and I am quite willing that everyone should know it,'! was the reply of Nisei Harris whom asked if she hall been benefitted by Pink Pills, and if so would the make publre her .story. Continuing she said, "Wliou I was twelve or thirteen years of age I was first takon•siok. The dootore said my blood had all turned to water. For ilvs years 1 suffered terribly, and wasso weak that I could barely keep alive, It wee only my grit and strong will, the cloobore said, that kept me alive at all. If I tried bo stand for a short time, or if I gob the least bit warm I would fall over in a faint. My eyes were white and glassy, and I was so thin and pallid that every one believed I was dying of consumption. During the five years I was ill, I was at- tended by five pbysioians in St. Thomas, two in Detroit, one in London and one in Aylmer, and nous of them could do any- thing for me. I was so far gone that they had no hopes of my recovery. Towards the last my feet and limbs swelled eo they had to be bandaged to keep them from bursting. They were bandaged for three months, and nay whole body was swollen and bloated, and the doctors said their was not a pint of blood in my body, and they held out no hopes whatever. Two years ago I saw in the Journal about a man in Hamilton being cured by Pink 'Pills. I thought if they could cure him they would help me, and I decided to try them. Before T had finished three boxes I felt relieved ; the swelling bad gone down and the bandages were removed. I continued taking Pink Pills until I had taken seven boxes, then irregularly I book three more, ono of which Mr. Hunter brought bank from Brookville. I am per- fectly cured. I have not been i11 a single day since I finished the seventh box of pills. I came to Mrs. Hunter's a year ago, and she will tell you I have never been ill a day since coming here, and I always feel strong and able to do the work. I canrand do strongly recommend Dr. Williams Pink Pills," said Miss Harris in conclusion. Her appearance is that of a strong, healthy young woman. Mrs. 3, E. Hunter, wife of the evange. list, told the reporter that Miss Harris was a good, reliable and truthful girl. and that perfect reliance could be planed in her statements. "She looks like a different girl from what she was when she came here a year ago," said Mrs. Hunter. The facts above related.are important to parents, as there are many young girls just buddirg into wdmanhood whose con- dition is, to say the least, more critical than their parents imagine. Their com- pleation is pale and waxy in appearance, troubled with heart palpitation, headaches, shortness of breath on the slightest exer- cise, faintness and other distressing symp- toms which invariably lead to a prema- ture grave unless prompt steps are taken to bring about a natural condition of health. In this emergency no remedy yet discovered can supply the place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which build anew the blood, strengthen the nerves and re- store the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. They are certain cure for all 'troubles peculiar to the female system, young or old. Pink Pills also cure such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance, nervous headache, nervous pros- tration, the after effects of la grippe, and severe colds, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, alrronic erysipelas, etc. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all eases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark. They are never sold in bulk, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form. is trying to defraud and should be avoid- ed. The public are cautioned against other so called blood builders and nerve tonics, put up in aimiliar form intended to deceive. Aakfor Do. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and refuse all imit- ations and substitutes. Can be bad from all dealers or by mail from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Company, Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. A Constant Sufferer for More Than Five '0'ears-11er Mood nail Turned to Wider—Pliyslelai,e 111:111 Out no II,ipe of llcr Recovery—flow Iter We. was Saved—A Wonderful Etnry. Prom the St. Thomas Journal. "The Angel of the Lord eneampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them." Such is a verse of holy writ made familiar to very manyresidents of St. Thomas by the well-known evan- gelist, Rev. J. E. Hunter. In lettere of gold on the stained glass fanlight over the door of his residence, No. 118, Wellington street, is the text "Psalm XXXIV, 7." Though we live in an age noted for ite energetic, zealous Christian endeavor, this idea of Mr. Hunter's to impress the truths of the scriptures upon those who read though they run, is altogether so original and so novel that it at once excitee the curiosity. Those not familiar with the text make a mental note of it, and at the first opportunity look it up. This is just what was done by a representative of the Journal, who had occasion to visit Mr. Hunter's residence the other day. But with the object of the visit and the infor- mation obbained the reader will be more concerned. Tho reporter was assigned to investigate a marvellous cure said to have been affected fn the caro of a young lady employed in Mr. Hunter's family, by that well-known and popular remedy, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. And it is a won- derful story boat the young lady had to tell, and is undoubtedly as true as it is wonderful. Last June the same reporter interviewed Mrs. john Cope, wife of the tollgate -keeper on the London and Port Stanley road, who had been cured by Pink Mlle of running ulcers on the limbs after years of suffering, and after having been given up by a number of physicians. The old lady had entirely recovered, and could nob say too mush in praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, whish had given her a new lease of life. As it wag with Mrs. Cope, so was it with Mies Edna Harris, the young Way in the employ of Mr. Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 110, Section 86, of the Revised Statutes of Ontar- io, and amendments thereto, notice is here- by given that all persons having claims against the estate of George Skelton, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, who died on or about the Twelfth day of April, A.D. 1804are hereby required to send by post pre -paid or deliver to W. M. Sinclair, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of .Huron, Solicitor for the Reecetore of the estate of the said George Skelton, deceased, on or before the Twelfth ]lay of May, A. 11. 1894, a statement in writ- ing of their names anis addresses and the full particulars of their Maims and of the securities (11 any) held by them, and that after the said Twelfth day of May, the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said George Skelton, amongstthe parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given so above required, and the said 17xeo. 'atore will not be responsible for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any poreon or h818005, of whose 015111 nolbao shall not ave been received at the time of such dis- tribution. Dated at Brussels the Seventeenth day of April, A.D. 1801. W. 1M1. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for the Executors. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE 70 CRaPITORS. IN 'pus 1ILmseuus o1' 1109 Bc''swjoi Or IlaoNnx EARN;, LATA oat ;1100 :f'owee nor or X0111rr8, IN'r11q Oout r'y: or HUhoN, D1.- 091019A, Notice lehereby given pursuant to 11, d, 0, ebaiter110, Section 50, that all oreeleora end persons having claim noon or agatust the ostate of the said Henry t aundy tato of the Townsbf of Morrie, In the flaunty of ilurea, who 410e; se or about the 14111 day at auntie ary, A. D,;1831, are hereby refintreii to deliver or scud by pest, prepaid, to Gamma, Bolt &11o1mes,Ofthe"1'0w11 0f t0oderieb, fu the Oauuby 0fgame, Solioitars' for the Adminla- lrutorof the eatd Geary 1,ttundy, en or before the Twenty.nrst day or111ay, A, D. l89µ, a stabsmsnt in writing of their 0aures and addresses, together with full porticubnrs of their claims and thenatureof soourlbios (if any) 11511 by them, And further take nottoo that atter the eaid Twenty-first day of May, A.D., 1894, the said Administrator u•1ll proceed to distribute the aeoebe of the suld dooeasod among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the olefins of which notice shall -bays been given as re.. grrlrod and the said Administrator will not. be liable for the saidassets or any part thereof toanypsr00110r persona' of w[008 Maim notice shall not have boon received at the time of such distribution. Dated this 7611 day of April, 1894. CAMERON, HOLT&. HOLM19S, 30.5 Solieitoi s for Administrator,. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 110, Seotion 88, of the Revised Statutes of On- tarlo, and amendments thereto, notice is hereby given, that all persono havingelaims against the estate of Hannah Wilton, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County or Huron, who died on or about the twenty fifth day of October, A, D„ 1888, are hereby reg_uired t0 soelby Tab pre-pai40173 or deliver, to W. M. Sinclair, of i e Villa a of Brussole, in the County of Buren, ate oitor for the Hanna Administrator, of the estate of the said Hannah Wilton, deceased, on or before the Twonlyeightli limy of April, A. It. 1894, a statement of their names and addresses and the full particulars of their claims and of the securities (if an�y) held by them and that atter the said Twentystglrtb day of April the Adminietratar will pprooeed to dlsbrlbute the assets, of the said Hannah Wilton, amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of whieh notice shall have been given as above required and the said Administrator will not be responsible for the said assets or any part thereof, to auy poison or persons, of whose olalm notice shall not have been received, ab the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels this Met day of March, A, D,,1804. W. M, SINCLAIR, 88.4 Solicitor for AdminittratOr. LIME ! LIME To those who Intend Building. Having bnilb a Lime House at the Sba• tion I will keep nsupply of the Beet Freels Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purposes. Also WHITE BR/CK And Plastering Hair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. FRESH LIME. THE CRANBROOK LiME WORKS Have a Supply of Fresh Lime on hand that will be sold at 14 C. PER BUSHEL. We have Lime for stone andbrick work and plastering. None better in the Market. GRAMM BROS., 38 4 ORANBROOI6. Compulsory! Clearing Sale Of the Whole of Good. Th otherd —STOOK OF— grafi i "° �lr BOYS ! What about a Hat We hitve just wliat will suit you, cheap and stylish. We can also get you up a suit of Clothes that will surprise you as to quality and .elloapneke. And next you want a pairroofl • 7' i LV 0 qp�, A(ase a "4t?>p J91a, a SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, cgC. Wo can rig you out from head to loot and send youaway pleased with the purchases you hitve made and at the same time bring you back when you want anything Oleo in Our line. Wo would also ask the ladies to see our Prints and Dress Goods. Also those Lovely Oxford Shoes. All Sizes in Ba �Q� / Cy CORSET'S Every Pair tom/ . • Guaranteed. ITV SPRING BOOTS, SNOBS, Slippers, Rubbers, &e. Crockery, China & Glassware Hats and Caps, Groceries, Shop Furniture, clo., to make way for the new Grocers, Messrs. Taylor & Smillie, at Slaughter Prices. The stook must be sold as we have no room for the geode in Seaforth. No res. sonable offer will be refused. FOUR MONTHS CREDIT will bo given on all purchases of $5.00 and upwards, purchasers to furnish Approved Joint Notes. The greatest thence ever offered for scouring seasonable goods at 50c. on the Dollar and upwards, and 4 months to pay for them. 500 pairs Boots at 50o. on the 1000 " " 75c. on the $ 600 men's ,& boys' Hate at 600 on the Boxes of Boots at 25o. a pair, Boxes of Boots at 50e. a pair. Boxes of Boots al 01.00 a pair. Men's Felt Hats, 25o, 500 and 75o that cost over twioe the money. ?SR—Butter and Eggs Takeo. Good Brothers. Sale Is now going on, ALEL STRACHAN. amus. oars AND =. goes. New SIM Stoof m Haad. J. DOWNING, the up-to-date Shoe Dealer, calls the attention of the Public to his large and well selected stook of BOOTS and SHOES, A visit to him will convince you that it is the right place to buy, both for quality and price. Our Stock Comprises:— All the Latest Styles for Spring and Summer wear. Special Attention to Ordered Work. JOHN DOWNING, r. -RIPS SEWED FREE OF CHARGE. BRUSSELS. ,has F. Always the Clleae1 I !r'c Buy where you can Buy But. We submit our Prices and it is your privilege to look and compare as much as you wish, and it is our pleasure to show goods at any time, no difference whether you are buying on looking, COME, YOU ARE WELCOME - SPECIAL THIS WEEK. 10 pairs White Lace Curtains, 2• yards long, worth 40c, Special Price, Soc. 10 " " 2.1 " taped, worth 45c, Special price 350. 8 pairs Bern " 3 " taped, worth 75o, Special price, 60c. 14 pairs White and Ecru " 8 " taped and extra wide, worth $1.25, Special price, 950. 15 pairs Ecru Lace Curtains 31 yards long, Very fine and wide, worth $1.50, Special price, $1.25. 10 pairs White " ". 31 yds long, taped, worth $1.90, Special price, $1.50. 8 prs. only Ecru " 3i yds long, taped, very Special, ' at $1.75, worth $2.25. 25 pairs only, Bonanza Corsets, the 750 line we clear at 50c. 15 pairs only, Earmine Corsets, the 50e line we clear at 37c. 4 pieces Heavy Cottonado at 15c, worth 22c. 5 pieces Extra Heavy Cottonade, worth 32c, Special price 26c. Best Quality White Carpet Warp at 89e ; Colored, $1.12. .%. au l ",rte®.J. Dress Goods, Millinery and Small Wares. Ferguson & T3allida:. . Ita'Produos Taken In Exchange for Goods.