HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-4-20, Page 3Amu, 20, 1894 Tow)), T. Directory'. Manvutin paunch. ---Sabbath Servieee. At 21 a m and &80 p.m, Sunday Sobool At 2;80 p un, Rev. John !toss, B A, pastor, ICeox Cnonon.—Sabbath Services at 21 a m and 6;80 p m, Sunday Sobool at 2:80 p m, Rev., D. Millar, pastor, Se, Jong's Oneno;i,--Stbbbath Servioea at 11 a in end 7 p m. Sunday School at 2;80 p. m, SOY. W. G. Reilly, imam - bent, Mncrnonrer Onuhan.—Sabbath Services at 10;80 a m and 6:30 p m. Sunday School at 0:80 p m. Rev. G. 11. Cobble- diok, M 4, B D, pastor. Roman OATrnQLro Cnonon,--Sabbath Servioo third Sunday in every month, at 10:8Q a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION AnbrY,—Servioe at 7 and 11 a no and S' and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at she barracks. ODD FELLOW Loves every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. 1N'Asoxro LOMB Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Downs on 1st and 3rd Friday evenings of each mouth, in Bias. hill's bloat. C 0 F Leven 2nd and Last Monday eveninge of each month, in Blashill's block. L O L let Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. I 0 lir, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. R T os T, 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. Sons or $OOTLA.VD, lab and 3rd Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Ball. K. 0. T. M. Lone, lab and Srd Thurs. days of each month, in Vanstone block. Homo CInono, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashill'e Hall. POST Oasros.—Office boars from 8 a. m,to7p. m. MEOnANIcs' INeTITOTE.--Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 6 end.6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Town Courrom,—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st Monday in eaoh month. ScaooL BoLOD.—Bev, Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; Seo. -Tress., R. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. POLIO SonooL TICAOLIEIS,—J, H. Cam• eron, Principal, Mise Braden, Miss Downey and Miss Cooper. BOAnm Or HEALTH: Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, H. Dennis and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MnNaaghton, Medical Health Officer. Lxeter. Exeter cemetery is badly in need of at- tention, Hugh Spackman has moved his hard- ware stook to the Barnwell, block. 7 aro electric lights are to be plaond on our streets, The cost per night for eaoh lamp will be 18 dente. George Willis, a well known resident, died on the 10th inst. He was i11 for over a year. $ie age was 54. Cobblediok & Folland are big dealers in seeds. They have brought in a oar of sweet corn for ensilage this season. The Spring Fair was ae near a failure ae could conveniently be. It's time it was discontinued or united with the Fall Show, as in other places. Fordwi nh. Wm. Carter is putting up an addition to his house. Cyrus Leopard is limping around from the effects of coming in contact with a large slab. Death hos again bean in our midst and borne away two bright little girls of M. Wilson's. Scarlet fever was the cause. Miss J. Million, teacher of the junior department of our ecbool, was off duty last week owing to scarlet fever in the neighborhood. A petition with eighty signatures was forwarded to the License Inspector ask. ing for a wine and beer license for the Arlington House kept by Mrs. Stein in this village. The temperance people feeling that such was not required in the village, oiroglated a counter petition which hon been largely signed, asking the License Commissioners, as guardians of the public welfare, not to grant said li- nenee. The ladies have taken an aobive part in the counter petition, getting oat one of their own and, witb a very, very few exoeptions, have signed it, thus show• ing their strong disapproval of the sale of fermented liquors in this house. The Royal Template have also seat in a counter. petition. Llxelin.ow. D. C. Taylor, of thio village, has sold thirteen bieyolee during the past few weeks. Dave IllnDauald is Making excellent progress in learning to play the pipes, and can now play three or four tun on the instrument. The birthday of Her Majesty will be celebrated in Lucknow this year by a grand tournament under the auspices of the Dropebot Lacrosse Club. The coming anniversary of Oddfellow- ship will be duly celebrated by the Luclr- uow brethren, by attending service in a body at the Church of England, on Sem day, day, April 29th, at 11 o'olook. Wm., Armetrong, of this village, met with the lose of a valuable miloh oow by death, and a couple of our citizens went round among the villagers and collected the handsome amount of 287, which they presented to Mr. Armstrong, to aid him in securing another. The Minister of War for the Domin. ion, Bon. J. C. Patterson, has eenb two large cannon to the village for the Queen's Park. They arrived here from King. eon on Tuesday of last week, by the noon train, billed to the Mayor' but the freight chargee of 252 against them has raised a big kick. During the heavy wind storm on Tues. day morning of last week, the large agri. oultural Hall, in the Somerville Park, was blown down and the whole building and material fs a perfect wreak. It cost originally about $2,000,' but could not be erected at the present time for any much money. It was 280 feet in length, by 50 feet wide, anti wasnearly three stories in height, 'Wit*070etelles Considerable building ie likely to be done in title village this Summer, John Ramer intends erecting a new easidonoo; T, 13, Sanders will build an addition to his resldenoe, ae will oleo R. Week, Property in this Own seams to be going to boom. SPAM Snow,—The second annual Spring Show was held on Wednesday, 11th blot. Owing to the inolemenoy of the weather the number oP herself woe limited. The crowd was Pauly good. Financially the show was a eacans, In the heavy imported class of etalliona Jew, Wilkinson, of Harridan, was the only oompeting party and took first prize ; earrings or noaoh-1st, John Wilkinson, and, Alex. Orr. The diploma for best heavy horse wee won by G, J. Willtinean. For best light horse, B. B. Harrie, Bull 2 years and over, 1st, M. Sandereon,.2nd, T. Musgrove ; bulls under 2 years, 1st, John Cooper, The prizes for geed grain were awarded ae follows 1—Boat Spring wheat -let, ,I. Knox ; beet oats—lot J. Knox, 2nd, A. Gibson ; best peas—lob, A. Gibson, 2ni1, J. Knox ; beet barley— Knox, and, A. Gibson ; collection of seed grain, diploma, 3. Knox. The directors have paid all expenses and have a ooneidorable amount for another year. C7 i at toll. Poetmaeter Pair is dead, The cricket club is getting their crease in shape. The town oonnoil intends to not a set of scales at the station, for the conve. mance of live stook shippers. W. Ondmore shipped ten oars of hay last week to London, Eng•, and ships ten cars this week to Liverpool. Jae. Beatty lute been re -awarded the contract of carrying the mails to and from the station, for the terra of four years. Farmers claim that cattle buyers are unwilling to make any offer for Spring cattle, and are feeling rather blue in aona'quenoe, while the dealers state that the grave uncertainty of the markets and ocean freights will not warrant:them in making any offer for export cattle. The following officers were eleoted for the ensuing year in connection with the junior Dauntless Laorosee olub:--Hon. Pres., Wm. Jaokeon ; Hon. Vice Pres., John T. Spooner ; Pres„ W. P. Spalding ; Vice Pres., R. H. Read ; Manager, W. H. Bail ; Secy. Treas., Frank W. Fair ; Committee of Management, Jae. McRae, R. Twitchell and J. L. Hanlon ; Match Committee, W. P. Spalding, Harry Read and W. H. Ball. The Senior Dauntless are to organize shortly. Crinudian w,e. Iron on human and horses and all animals cured in 80 minutes by Wool- €ord's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Rims Ward Beecher once informed a man who name to him complaining of gloomy and despondent feelings, that what he most needed was a cathartic, meaning, of course, such a medicine as Ayer's Cathartic Pills, every done being effective. Examen Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused iemps and blem- ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, spreinn, all swollen throats, etc, Save 1350 by rise of one bottle. Warranted by G. A. Deadmen. J. B. Jackson bas completed the put, chase of the Ingersoll Chronicle, buying the business, building and plant, the prion being 28,800. The business will be ran by the Chronicle Printing Company, in which C. R. Patience will hold a large interest. No small objections which young folks bad to the old time spring -medicines was their nauseousness. In our day, this objection is removed and Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the most powerful and popular of blood•puriiiere, is as pleasant to the palate as a cordial. RunmwATrso CURED IN A DAY. --South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radioally cures in 1 to 8 days. Its aotion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Brant County jail is empty. There is not a Bingle prisoner, male or female. serving a sentence within its walls. It ie safe to say there is not in Ontario, and certainly not anywhere else, a county with population anything approaching that of Brant County or a city with any- thing like the population of Brantford, in whose county jail there in not a prisoner under sentence for greater or lesser term, In the ease of Mrs. Bannister and her two daughters (colored), at Chatham last week, the charge of murder in connection with the death of the infant child of Emma Bannister, was modified to one of concealment of birth. The mother and Ellen Bannister were sentenced to peni. tnntiary for two years eaoh, and Emma to six months in the Mercer Reforma- tory. "One morn a Peri At the gate of Eden stood disconsolate." Poor Peri she hada headache and had never heard of Stark's headache, neu. ralgia and liver powders ; pleasant to take, perfectly harmless, and immediate and permanent in their cure of all forme of these diatraoting ailments. Why, Mr. Fiook, G. T. R., Hamilton, says they cured him entirely after suffering from headaohesfor three years and they coat only 2bc a box. RELIEF IN Sex Honns.—Distressing kid. Hey and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great enrpriee and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain iu the bladder, kidneys, book and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this ie your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. A good joke ie told at the expense of one of the Stratford aldermen who recent. ly went on a deputation to Montreal. The deputation had reposed comfortably all night in the sleeper (and what depu. tattoo doeen'b go in for all the comfort that is going.) When morning name they were curious to know their whereabouts. The man who got up first was naturally appealed to to give the needed inform. apron, and in all seriousness he informed Iris colleagues that ae near es he could make out it was "Oastoria." The board fence advertiser has many a sin to answer. for. a14 Veenoh-Canadian named Xavier Lefarge, wan "Aim !lammed," o;t of 11:400 M Sueponelon Bridge, American aide, last week. Who money wag the env nge of nine years' labor ohopping In the woode int Shorbouree Valle, plass., and the violin was returning home to L3an. oda with Mitchell Town Council have made en aontraot witil the Royal B1eotrlc Light• Ing Co„ of Montreal, for an Incandeeeent eleobriolnaehine and plant. It will cost 112,700 and the Counsel hope to snake it pay. The plant is to be n fivo Inn ed light inoandosoonb system, and will be put in during the Summer months. The tenders of the Royal and General Oom- panies were very nearly the same, FRUIT FOR THE FARM. Fine, fresh fruit, and plenty of it—in variety as well as quality—is whab every farmer ought to have, Nothing more helpful to the housewife, anxious to pro- vide a varied bill of fare for she workers in the fields, could be doing= to furnish her with ample supplies of luscious, life- giving fruits in their season, Bulletin XCII of the Ontario Agrioulbural Col• loge, published last week by the Depart- ment of she Minister of Agriculture, the Hon, John Dryden, is ne 82 page pamph- let of large, clear type, with a nuinbee of appropriate illustration% scattered through the text that will very materially aid in bringing about a cousumntation so de- voutly to be wished. There are five parts 1 to this welcome little book about fruit culture, eaoh dealing with a different line of that increasingly important branchof agrioulturalindustry. It is this feature —the variety of fruits treated of—mak- ing the valuable information given by the different writers available all over On. toxin, which is partionlarly to be com- mended in this publication of the Minis- ter, Too great credit cannot accrue to him for discerning that most desirable thing in such a public paper—the widest possible genera interest of its subject natter. The introductory article is by Prof. Panton. It treats of the grape and the diseases which detract from success in the growth of the vino. The next by D. W. Beadle, formerly Secretary of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Association, tells how the farmer's apple orchard may best be made and cared for. Than follows "Strawberry Culture," by W. W. Hil- born, of Leamington, Ont. It is doubt- ful whether there is a farm in Ontario on whioh strawberries cannot be grown profitably for family use, and still there are thousands of farmers who do not grow them. This should not be the case, as they can be grown with so little trouble and expense. Strawberries ripen during the heat of early Summer, when such an addition to the diet is most healthful and necessary. What is more delicious than a lush, ripe plum ? The fourth essay, by G. W. Cline, of Winona, is devoted to that delectable fruit. Plum growing is a source of profit too often neglected by the farmers of this Province. With the ex- ception of perhaps the apple the plum can be grown mors easily and cheaply than any other fruit. The last part is a compilation of frust statistics, showing the number of apple, pear, peach, plum and oherry trees, and of grape vines in the townships of On- tario, ea- computed for 1892 and 1808, from returns sent in by farmers and fruit -growers to the Department of Agri- culture (Bureau of Industries.) There were last year three-quarters of a million of young trees, and nearly two and a quarter millions of bearing age. Now, when grain growing alone is prac- tically played out, fruit culture comes as a boon and a blessing to farmers, in so far an it offers with dairying and one or two other special lines, new sources of profit for Tho enterprising agriculturist. Coming so soon after the glorious vic- tories achieved at Chicago by the On- tario fruit exhibit, the advice contained in this bulletin as to oultivating the wider field which the Columbian Exposition afforded the Province an unexampled op- portunity and means of advertising to the world for the sale of those fruits we are able to grow to perfection, the issue and thorough distribution through the country of this fruit bulletin is a thoughtful, far- seeing move by Mr. Dryden. Sent as it is to the members of farmers' institutes and to all Patrons of Industry, there are yet many others to whom it would prove a timely guide. Upon application to the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, any- one so desiring may obtain a copy of the bulletin. C ensyral 1V ewe. A revolution ie hourly expected in Cos- ta Rica. President Cleveland has approved the Behring Sea Bill. It is said that the backbone of the strike in the Pennsylvania collie region is broken. A plot to overthrow the Colonial Gov- ernment is said to have been discovered fn Cuba. The United States steamer Kenmore°, has been blown up and burned by the natives. The United States congress, by way of variety, passed the Behring Sea Bill with commendable promptness. The execution of Prendergast, the as. sassin of Mayor Harrison, Chicago, has been further stayed until July 2. The Newcastle Steel Company, of New- castle, Pa., is said to have found a good market for steel billets in Canada. George Weiriolc, a merchant at Pales. tine, on Tuesday night shot and killed two burglars who were robbing his store. The wool buyers of Ohio and Penneyl. yenta, to the number of 40, held a meet• ing and adopted a memorial to Congress protesting against a reduction or roma vel of the tariff on wool, In a fight between the deputy sheriffs and employees of the Brooklyu City Road Saturday et Newton, Deputy Sheriff Mayer was seriously burned by a live trolley wire. The deputy eheriffe were endeavoring to prevent the railroad men from stringing wires moron the bridge Over Newton Creek. On Thursday night the railroad men had trouble with the deputy sheriffs about stringing the wires, and the work was only partially complet- ed. Saturday in anticipation of a renewal of the trouble, the wires were charged with elsobrioity. When one of the rail. road mon was seized by Deputy Sheriff Mayer, the railroad men who wore rubber gloves, seized n live wire and applied it to the deputy sheriff's nook and body and made him release hie prisoner, who ran away. Mayer was removed to bis. !tome, and the railroad men continued stringing wires without further interfer- ence. A 000eietory for the purpose 91 creating new.eardinals will be bold ab Home on June 26, A war has broken out in the Cheyenne and Araphoo country, Indian Territory, and troops hove been pent from ill Reno, Oklahonlo, A Nat ansa lady went to the dentiet'b to see why her Nee teeth were trot,bling her The dentist made the discovery that she la tolbieg her third eat of natural teeth. Wolves are apparently still fairly pion. tifnl in far Western Ontario, During the past year the Ontario Government has paid out 2650 in bounties for, the des truotron of those "varminte," Rev. A. Doweley, Presbyterian, of Campbellford, Ont., and formerly a missionary in China and India, died of heart disease on Thursday niglcb, aged about 60, A widow anti four children are loft, Throe Ifbtla ohlldren of Geo. H. Town. eend, Guelph, were poisoned Saturday evening by chewing the colored paper attached to a writing pad, Antidotes wore given them, bub they are still very Complaints have been made to the Government at Washington thab Canadi. an tailors send drummers across the bord- er to take measurements and after the alothee are made the euetomere °roes to ilia side and wear the olothes home. Bull fighting has invaded Fronns. One of the entertainments of Easter Monday at Bayonne was the so-called sport of the Spanish arena, in which live bulla were killed. Many Dnglieh vieitors from Bier• ria, Glndstone'e favorite watering place, attended, and most of thrill enjoyed the events. Now they are writing the Lon. dots papers cornpleiniug bf the barbarity of the evert. The death of .rchleaoon Sandys, of Chatham, recalls to my mind, said a gentleman, an incident iu which the well.known divine played an important part, many years ago. It was in 1844 or 46, and Mr. Sandye bad a uumber of parishes under his Omega, and as the roads were few and far between he gener- ally made his tripe on horseback. He was returning one afternoon to Chatham from Ctearville, and on the road came a- cross three mon who were ditching. Each of them had drunk enough liquor to make them ugly, and when Mr. Sandys came along they made many uncompli. mentary remarks. He paid no attention to them, but jest as he passed they show. eyed a lot of dirt on him. This wan more than he could stand, and hitching his borse to a tree close by, he returned, and single handed be gave the three rowdies a beautiful thrashing. He was a man of wonderful physique, and he laid out the trio in true pugilistic style. The chances are that afterwards the rowdies did not insult him. A cLEO D'S. System Ilenovator ---AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTiDOTE For Impure, Weak and Inmpoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitic, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT. r. 2vl:. MoLBOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. AVERS. SARSAPARILUI' HAS (MED OINEA • WIL1CURE YOU A Bright Lad, Ten years of ago, but who declines to give his name to are public, nrakcs this authorized, confidential statement to us: "When I was one year old, 711y mamma died of consumption, Tho doctor said that I, too, would soon die and all our neighbors thought that even if I did not d15,_I would nevor be able to walk, beeanse 'I was so weak and puny. d gathering formed and broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and 1t gathered and threw Out pieces of bone. It ,i hurt myself so as to breakthe skin, it was sure to boeome a running sore. I had to take lots of medicate, but nothing has done mu go much good as Ayer's Sarsalia- rille. It has mads me well and strong.'•- T. D. M., NOroatur, Hans, AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Ar.3.O..Ayer. &Co., Lowell, Mees. Cures others, will cure you FLAX! J. & J, LxVIN STON )IIAv1,7(— s S0G0 �u bels of Bolt EC }� IEEE Mi& W i it For tanners in the vielnityyo113russels, who intend raffling flax during tueoowtug season, 10111011 they are prepared to deliver in mum - tiptoe tosultflax growers. Chan be gobst the 13ruesole lrlax 111111, W. II, I1ie0raolcoa'a Ad 3, J.IVlueenb'e store, Javnstax store, Seed given out at $1.00 Her bushel and on the usual terms, Order early and lueur° a Supply, Tor [lax grown trona tine aced 1110 Per Ton will bo Pall, If of good growth, harvested in proper season and delivorea at the flax Mill as soon as .at for thrashing. We 10111 also rent a number of good sod Melds for the pupoae of growing pax. N, B,—Tarmeno are atrongly advised to eow their ilex on g00tf fend, well plowed and narrowed, not on low lauds, and the yield will hs from or ton to a ton aria a halt more per sere. max grown ou low land will not grow there to give the weight. W, J,&J,LIVINGSTON, Idanager. P, oprletoro• 'White Star U2144 ItQYAr, 118481, STE ANS 111Ps. . ,Oetwsen New 7:orlm and Liverpool, via Queeeetowu,every Wednesday. Anti he steamers Of this 1109 0arry ,only e a t to ly lin)ltod number in the waste and anoo5ln oases acegtnmotlatlone, Intending pases00005axereminded that an early ap- plloabiou See gertbe is 5e0e501)ry at ilia aea- son, For Llane, rases, ose„ appty 10 W, H, Kern Agent, 23ruasele HE COOK'S BEST FRIEND 'RCSBI SA1.11 Int CANADA. Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone" Corsets are tough- er and more elastic than any other make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone). To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores. FOR FINEST FINISHED FASHIONABLE PHOTOGRAPHS CALL AT H. J. STRONCS STUDIO Every Size and Style Imaginable can be taken. We now make a specialty of Enlarged Photos. which are simply elegant, having fitted our Studio to that purpose. We manufacture them ourselves so every picture we guarantee to be first-class. Gallery Over Standar , Bank, CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 W. C. M t(:Di1NAL11, Actuary, Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 8,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 THE NEW VNCCNEITICNAL-ACCUMULATIVE POLICT Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life Association. la -It is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and 000upation from the date of issue. I'It in entirely void of all conditions. 1;.V'It is absolutely and automatically non -forfeitable, after two years. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Polley, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, tela (o) Cash vain, as guaranteed in the policy. President., Managing Director, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, C.B., M.0.131.0. J. K. Macdonald. W. If. IKERR, Agent at Brussels, TAYLOR & WILLIE'S sw- .w91 opposite the American Hotel, Brussels, Is the CHE4PEST GROCERIES, CROCKERY GLASSWARE AND SEEDS, All will bo sold at a Big Reduction on usual Prices. A Large Stock of Seeds 'on Hand. TRY- ITS FOR OAS1-1 —""'Before removing to our new prem. ices in Dr. Graham's Block. TERMS, CASH ONLY, TAYLOR & SMILLIE,