HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-30, Page 8TITE BRUSSELS• POST MAR. 30, 1894 0 13ex. Cent. Off. The invoioea of our new Wall Paper are to baud. If the stools is as good as the samples we expect to have the beet value in Brussels, The National Wall Paper 00, absorbed a largo number of manufaetures,lash year but there were a few who would not combine, This great trust" is determined to make those feW fall into line, To do this they breve given those wive boy irono them a discount of 20 per sent, Now, soon as they succeed in driving those few menufaotuters in, or driving thein out (it must be nue or the °thee) they will drop the discolor and wall papers will be that much higher. We do not like monopolies but when they suable us to give such extra value to our customers we do not see the wisdom of mot taking advantage of them. Do you ? It will pay you to favor us with your orders, Como and see om' samples any- way. G. A. MADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &a, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 00DT1rERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows ; GOING SOUTH._ Norm. Mail 0:54 a.m. Mixed 9;45 a,m, 3xuress 11:00 a.m. Mail 8:13 p.m. Mixed 0:00 p.n. Express ...... 0:48 p.m. nra1 Ed Itt1115. A (shiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. COUNCIL meeting next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. As a lecturer Margaret L. Shepherd bas uo equal. BRussins Public school will reopen on Monday next. L,utos aadienoes greet Margaret L. Shepherd everywhere. Byname lectures by Margaret L. Shep- herd. are to both ladies and gentlemen. Racoon sayeth that another bakery may bloom in Brussels before many months. A LIVE cat owl in a Cage in Cochrane & Johnston's window is the centre of at- traction for the youth of the town. D. A. Loma has built a lime shed at the G. T. R. yard where he purposes keeping a supply of lime for building op- erations, brick, &c. DON'T forget that the World's Pair views will be exhibited in the Brussels Town Hall on Friday April 12th. You want to bear Ramsay sing. • They come ander the auspices of the Meebanics' In. ablate here. GEORGE EDWARDS has purchased the Logan property on Mill street, Brussels, lately vacated by Hugh Williams & Son, paying $4400 for it, and will remove tie machinery there as soon as it can be fitted up for the purpose. The motive power will be supplied by a shaft from W. Ross' mill. Is Constable Broadfoot would visit the park occasionally when games of foot ball are in progress and arrest a few pugnao. ions youths who are always ready to fight or set smaller boys at it he would do a, great gond. The amount of profanity would .also be lessened if an example is made of a few of those who reverence not the name of the Almighty. Woad about holding a celebration in Brussels on the Queen's Birthday this year ? Other towns do this and make them a success and Brussels has an equal. ly good show. With lacrosse, foot ball and gun club matches, bicycling and other sports a first -Claes program Could be arranged without muoh trouble. The holiday comes on Thursday this year. A meeting will be palled if thought advis• able. GONE TO HER °EST. Adela Gladys, be- loved wife of Charles V. Paoker, died Sunday morning 25th inst., at their resi- dence, 114 Merrill street, 35a4 Saginaw, of consumption, aged 29 years. She leaves a husband, her father, A. J. Eaw- tinhelmer, of Stratford, Ont. • a sister, Mies Rena Bawtinheimer, of Brussels, Ont. ; a brother, W. A. Bawtinheimer, of Berlin, Ont., and a sister, Miss Bella Bawtinheimer, of Stratford. Although a great sufferer she bore it all with Christ- ian patience and when the last 50mm0ne •name she gladly went .to be with the Master. The funeral tools place on Tuesday afternoon, the interment being made at Forest Lawn cemetery, Sagi• now. Mfrs. Packer was to former rest. dent of Brussels. LEa3nnes —On Thursday and Friday evenings and Friday afternoon the rest. dents of Brussels and vicinity will have the opportunity of bearing the foremost of female lecturers, Margaret L. Shea. herd. bars. Shepherd lived for three years in the convent of Athos Court, 33rietol, England, where abe was known as Sister Magdalene Adelaide, She was lecturing at Kincardine and Ripley last week, The Chicago Inter•Ooean says, in speaking of a lecture given by her in the Windy City, "Prominent Catholics were in 2110 andienoe, but the lady treated her subject in such a 000i, non -malicious manner that they could not possibly tabs offence. She is the ablest lecturer who ever stepped on the local plabform." See advt. for further particulars. House OP. REFUGE Commun.—On 'Tuesday of last week the House of Refuge committee, representing the Co. Omni), and ooneisting of W. Pr 0(11000, Goderieh ; 81. Either, Stephen ; W. Bum. den, Exeter ; W. Miles, Urcy ; and A, AicMurchie, Clinton, met in the office of the last named gentleman, to discuss what action they should recommend to the Council oonoe3ning a House of Befogs. It was thought that from 25 to 50 aures would be requived somewhere in the neighborhood of eltt,Io Exeter, Sea. forth, Wingham, Gods. Iola, or Clinton, And the committee will advertiee in each of these places for tenders for sites. The .00mmittee purposes visiting a new Hone •of Refuge recently erected in Woodetoolr, :and may also vieit one atSimooeand also near, Goal h. An effort will be made, ihr'oagh the Uurbn reproeentativoe in the I,00al, to induce the government to allow the Stanley estate to go towards the erection of the Hoare. The oommittee were empowered by the County Council to procure all the information De0559ary, and report at the Jane meeting el 00un. and on this report it is probable that .10011on will be taken. MoN'rilry lIorse Peir On Thursday Of next week, April 6th. Lenu,,e ONLx,-Bpeotal private leOture to Indies only, Friday atterno0n, Marob 130th, Town Hall, Brussels, at 8 o'eleok, Vitas Ss:Inner is opening a dress. Malting shop In the ro0ms Over Means. Taylor & Smillie's grooery, Dreamt . Idiee Stewart hashed both town and pity experlenoe, Geo, EDWARDS and wife, and A, heists and eon John, attended the funeral of a 5011 of M, Doll, near Lietowei, on THOS. dey. The child was 9 months and 14 days old, He died 011 Monday. WISAT's encs 7 Parlor social ; Velem ? Methodist pareonags, Bros. sola ; Wince ? Tueedey evening next ; Bo W1ro111 ? Ladfos Of the ohoroh ; Onoxc'r 7 Enjoyable time and money for oburoh purposes ; PRO0RAnt ? Beet of musical and liter. WHAT NLSE ? New games and suitable refreshments ; How num ? Only 15 dents Wxototicvl2ED? You and your friends. G. 93, R. NomEs,—Ament Bros. shipped a our of maple bleoke to the Old Oouutry this week.—Two ware of baled hay were forwarded from Brussels for Liverpool.— Messrs. Basher & Venetone ship a car of live hogs to Ingersoll on Friday. -6 oars of graiu were sent out of the station yard duringthe week.—]nester passenger traffic was nearly double that of several years boots.—The big cannon, weighing 5,600 pounds, presented by Minister of Militia Patterson, bo Wingham, passed through the other day—Manitoba emi- gration is very light this Spring. SnEPPARD'S World's Fair will be aeon in the Town Hall on Thursday Beg., April 12 under the auspioes of the Me- °hauice Institute, and ehoeld be greeted by a large audience. Both the press and the public are loud in the praise of this entertainment and pronounce it the best of the kind ever given in Canada, The scenes, whioh are colored, are said to be elaborate and most realistic, the scenes of the Liberal Arte building at night, show. ing the Searchlight, being especially good. An opportunity will also be given to see W. E. Ramsay, the popular artist, in a new role in which he is said to quite uphold the high reputntien he has gained as acomia singer, be having no equal in that line in Canada. 191r. Ramsay, as well as _giving a Numinous description of the Fair, introduces several songs which always meet with hearty applause. He will doubtless be welcomed here by a orowded house. MATnrniniLw.—A very interesting cere- mony took place at the residence of Jos, Shewfelt, Kingsley, Man., when bis daughter, flies Luolnda Shewfelt, was married to Wm. 11. Pybus, forme! of Brussels, Ont., second son of John Pybus, of this plane, by Rev. R. E. Spence, of Swan Lake, oh March 7th. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Susie Shewfelt, and the groom by his brother, Anson J. Pybue, of Winnni- peg. Both the bride and bridesmaid were attired in tastefully made oream colored costumes and looked truly Marne. ing. A large number of invited guests assembled to witness the ceremony and the young oouple received the well wishes of their numerous friends, which were accompanied with a large number of oostly and neeful presents. A Bumptnne supper was partaken of after which the company spent a very happy evening dispersing in time to reach their homee for breakfast. Foot BALL Matches.—Good Friday was a lively day for foot ball on Victoria Park, etthough neither the weather nor terra firma were calculated to make things pleasant for players or spectators. The first match was between the "Alerts" of Brussels, and a team from S. S. No. 1, of Grey. After a big tussle the home team Dame out victorious by a more of 2 to 0. Lew Jackson refereed the game. The players of the respective teams were as follows :— ALERTS. 5. S. N0, 1. W.McNaughtou Goal J. Perrie . Armstrong... 1 B.,.i,. { J. Calder D. Rtrachan...... W. McISay J. BfnCrankou ... Geo. Wright L. JaokeOn 1 Becks {( J. Crenae ,T.D,tuoan l P.Blake W , J. Stewart ... Centre W . J, Resell D, Ste vane 1 T, Blal,o J, Mch:enate..,... R, wing { ••, D, M00o11um W, Btewont .. ' ,. ,. &,Crerar L,'8 ;,, P. 141003110 0, !!pada!! ��� f Following closely on the above was a lively matoll between S. S. Nos. 3 and 4 Morris. The latter was strengthened by several Brussel players and had the best of the play winning by a score of 4 goals to 0. The following were the players :— e, s. time. e, e.no. 4. W. MoNacghton Goal W.Pipo W. Armstrong,., I Backs (( J. Calder J. MMemelcen ... 1 ......... W. McKay 1n0. McCracken M, McCallum Jae. Clark 1 Backs . 6. Porayth T. Miller G. Barrie Geo. Wright,,,.-. Centre W. Barrie J31. l r R. wing 6. White 0t Emaciate'en{ D. Stewart } L. { WMOArter . 9, ASo0racken ,.. T.P1pe T, A. MaLaaohliu, of Brumfield, gave good satisfaction as referee. BIBLE SomE'rY,—This week the Treas- urer of Brussels Branch of the, Upper Canada Bible Sooiety remitted the year. ly contribution to Toronto. It was as follows :— Collection ab annual meeting $ 8 35 Brussele, East, Mrs. Dennis and Miss Shaw 23 10 Brussels, West, Mrs, R. G. Wilson and Mies Lizzie Rose 15 80 Brussels, North,Misses Moore & Menzies 8 70 Morris, Con. 7, Mise E, A. MoGoll 1 80 6, Mise Smith 8 70 ' 5, M. Bleak 1 80 „ 4, Misses Black & Currie 4 45 Morris, Con. 3, Misses Ireland & Armstrong 3 45 Morris, Oon. 2, Misses Caldbiok r& Wilson 1 85 Ethel, Misses Davies & Milne. , , 22 55 Grey, Cons. 13 & 14, Misses Ritchie & McNabb 6 55 Grey, Oons. 11 & 12,,l, T. Davidson 13 25 " 9 & 10, Misses Robert- son & McQuarrie 6 50 Grey, Cons. 7 as 8, Mena Cardiff & Smith 3 38 Grey, Cone. 5 & 6, Misses Smith & McArthur 3 78 Grey, Cone. 0 civ 4, Misses Streets. an & Taylor ' 0 10 Grey, Cone, 1 & 2, Misses Rae., .. 3 95 Oranbrook, oolleation at meeting8 01 Depository for sales 11 74 Total $165 28 The above amount was equally divided between rho Upper Canada, and British and Foreign Sooietiee, after the par. chase account of $1.1.74 WASdedaoted. LAST Friday W. Blaehill awl A. Reid wont to Wingbenl and met ibIr, Chap- man, of Ripley, and Mr. Gordon, of Wingham, Sn ooaneeti°n with melting preliminary errangemenbs for the 0. 0, 1+. decuonebrabiotl tc be held in Weenie on Dominion day. A big day is looked forward to and no stone will he left un- turned to make the demonstration agreat suooees, The crowd at a similar oelebra- tion,et Kincardine last year 11119 estimat- ed at 10,000. Dominlites sboold heartily support the Committee, • Business Locals, Toe handsomest stook of window 8hadae in Ole (Satiety as W, Roddiok's, Tutt Hartshorn spring roller leads them alt. Guaranteed for 5 years at W. Retldick's, JusT try one of those Ingrains, with fanny ceiling and freice, They aro love. ly. W. Rethink. T1100sANDs of rope of wall paper to (hoose from, at 5 cents per roll and upwards. W. Roddick. Juan to hand, a new stools of 'Trunks and 'Valises, which will be sold (heap. See them. I. 0. RIOIXARDS, SEE our twelve dollar single harness, best value in the °aunty. Strong and durable. I. C. RICHARDS. FRESH garden seeds, (lover and timothy at Mo0reoken's. Sem the display of (rayon portraits in A. Straohan's window. Portraits given away free with every $10 purchase. Dammam Tom Hones, — Beautiful American papers at 12o, with borders and ceilings to match. W. Roddick. Miss TAYLOR, of London, .is prepared to give lessons in Painting. For terms and other particulars apply to Jae. Jones, jeweller, Brussele. Iran on human and horses and all animals oared in 30 minutes by Wool - ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Mix,LiNEIM OPENING,—Oar Grand Mi1- linoryOpening will be held on Thursday, F Apr. th. We cordially invite every lady to come and see our elegant display of Moine new goods. 87.2 Miss M. Hoare. SUITE & MOLARoo's now Spring cloth- ing will be here for 2nd of April. They will have one of the Largest stoops in the County and can discount any most price or 50e on the dollar sale that will ever tape place in Brussels. la you want anything in my line pall and get my prices and . if I cannot save your moneyI do not went you to bny. I i,. ep the largest and best' assorted stook in the mum) end sell at very close prices. R. Leatherdale. Emmen Spavin Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused lumps and blem- ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs,' splints, sweeney, ring -bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, oto. Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. IT surprised many Visitors to the Chi- cago World's Fair to find that of all the blood purifiers, Ayer's Sarsaparilla was the only one on exhibition. The reason is that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a standard remedy, and not a patent medicine, or secret nostrum. To TOE LanrEs.—Wednesday Thursday and Friday ofnext week, the Singer Sewing Machine experts will be at the Brussels agency, in Smale's block, to de- monstrate what can be done on a Singer. Ladies of Brussels and surrounding country invited. No Charges. ' J. A. Pru.nc, Local Agent. WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling svelte and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells Cleaned out and put in proper share. Terme reasonable, Residence mooed door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 34-05 MANY people, with the notion that na• tore ought to take Dare of herself, allow a dough to plague them for weeks and months. Whereas, if nature were as. slated with a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Peotoral, the oars alight be effect- ed in a very few days. 1{liEO111ATISH CURED IN a DA E.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 10 re. moves at once the pause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted by G. A.. Deadman. IF you are thinking 00 buying an organ do not heed what other Agents tell you about my organs being no good and that it is impossible to sell a good organ at what I am selling thein at. My. or- gans are as good as any other. The reason I can sell them so cheap is I sell a lot of them, I buy them for cash, thud I am at no extra expense. Every organ is guaranteed for 5 years from the firm. Lots of the organs you buy the guarantee is half run out as they are kept in stock so long. Guarantees are dated the day or. gaps leaves the factory. R. Leatherdale. 1G0 WORLD'S FAIR PHOTOS FOR $1. These beautiful pictures are now ready for delivery in ten complete parts -16 pictures comprising each part—and the whole set can be seonred by the payment of One Dollar, sent to Geo. II. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Mil wauke8& St. Paul Railway, Chicago, III., and the portfolios of pictures will be sent, free of expense, by mail to subeoribere. Remittance should be made by draft, money order, or registered letter. 0. 0. F.—Por the next three months special inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0. IN, Brussels, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order,, the in. Nation fee being reduced during that time. As this is one of the leading In- surance and Beneficiary Bounties in the' eoantry people should take advantage of this offer. For full information ap- ply to A.Item, 0.R.; A. Kcasenh•F. S. ; W. BLAsniw., Treas. 80mase. FINN,—In Brnseett, on March 21st, the wife of Mr. Harry Finn of a dsugh- ter. O'OoiNoa.—In Durham, on March 221M, the wile of Mr. Leslie S. O'Connor, fornierly of Brussels, of a daughter, Comm.—In Brussels, on March 2511), the wife of Mr. Nelson Currin of a son, AntreenoNo,—In Morrie, on Marais 27th, the wife of Mr. George Armstrong of a son. Duestes.—In Bluovale, on Marob 1011), the wits of Mr, J. J, Denman of a eon. 214XD4R.D ,B4NIC 0]! C,4x41)31, �7s G pax > ase 0�a 16!73. HSAD OFFiC'E' - TPRO,NTO, ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) - OAPITA.I+ (Authorised) 317,000,000 $2,000,000 dpettciee in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Unital Mates cO Enplfmtld XOWS v.ObAS' J XaaeOy.MA A General Banking Businese Transacted, Farmers' Notes .Discounted, Drafts 'Med and Oollectione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposite of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date: of withdrawal and Compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTImN GIVEN TO mum COLL5OTr0w oe FARMERS' SALE 3100119. Every facility afforded 009tomers living at a distance. J. A. STEWART, MANAona. GILLIES 86 SMITE Bolsur LTICE +RS, 13 R LT S S :F) L S, ' Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. PARAM US' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Samaras as Damg ORPafngja''. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates, Interest Com- pounded Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposite. Ne effect to write luserinice in 010 Isigllsli or Conidia° Companies, or in Mut- ual Companies us may be desired. AGENTS Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TnE CANADIAN BANK OP 038831ER0E. Cueers.—In Elma, on March 21st, the wife of Mr. Algernon Curtis of a daughter. MARR11Da. Ponos—Snewreme—In Kingsley, Man., on March 701), by Rev. R. E. Spence, of Swan Lake, Mr. W. H. Pybus, formerly of Brussels, to Mise Lucinda, daughter of Mr. Joseph Shewfelt, of Kingsley, Man, HAnlcNEss—STIVENs.—At the Methodist Parsonage, Wingham, by the Rev. S. Seilery, B. D., on the 21st., Mr. Robt. Harkness, of Culross, to Mies Martha E. Stevens, of Turn. berry. HA MILTON—TIM/1M L —In Elma, on Thursday, Marob 22nd, at the rest. dance of the bride's father, by the Rev. G. B. Davis, B. D., Mr. Jno. B„ son of Mr. John 33. Hamilton, of Elma, to Miss Lily, eldest daughter of Mr. John A. Turnbull. 800Do1ALn—Eo:ETT.—On March 27111, et Victoria Cottage, Brussels, by Rev. It. Paul, Mr. Alex. Roy McDonald, to Mrs. Betsy Eakett, both of Grey. Donso1—R.noNeun.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Grey, on March 28th, by Rev. H. A. Newcomb, Mr. Harvey Dobson, of Ethel, to Miss Lucy, seound daughter of Mr. Chris- topher Baynard. KAnNEY—MILLED,—At Blyth, on March 21st, by Rev. A. MoLean, Mr. Jas. Harney, to Miss Annie, second daughter of Mr. Thos. Miller, both of Morris township. Nuanonsonr—JonNsroN.—On March 2180, at thereeidenoe of the bride's mother, by Rev. T, Wesley Cosens, Mr. Jos. Nicholson, of McKillop, to Miss Catherine Johnston, of Morris. PATTERSON—WHIM:RLD.—On March 28111, at the residence of the bride's father, 12111 con., Grey. by Rev. R. Paul, Brussels, Mr. John Patterson, to Miss Martha, the fifth daughter of Mr. Thomas Whitfield, all of Grey. MoDoNALo.—In Grey, on March 22nd, Donald McDonald, aged 69 years. Crewe.—In Morris, on March 290h, Thomas Clark, aged 82 years. EASTON.—In MoKillop, on March 25th, Agnes, relict of the late Wm. Easton, aged 75 years. DOLL, ---In Wallace, on March 2011), Wil. lie M. only son of Moses and Sarah Doll, aged 9 months and 14 days. PAonnn.—In East Saginaw, on March 26th, Adele Gladys, beloved wife of ohne. V. Packer, aged 29 years. Euro, At Ivanhoe, Hastings Co., on March 23rd, Hannah, relict of the late Thos. Emo, aged 80 years. WILso1.—On the 011, inst., at his late residenne, 190 Main street, Belleville, N. J., Thomas Wilson, sop of Henry Wilson, of Atwood, Ont., aged 48 years. Eyxisa.30 -03oree tilaow•a, New Hamburg, Tuesday, April 8. Mitchell, Thursday, April 5. Brumfield, April 6111. Stratford, Tuesday, April 10. Granton, Tuesday, April 10. St. Meryls,'Wednesday, Aril 11. Wellesley, Thursday, April 12. Listowel, Friday, April I13. — v M112.111•1351131:12,6 MXC.A.1ZZLFIT08. Fall Wheat 53 55 Spring Wheat 58 67 Barley 35 40 Peas 52 53 Cats 82 82 Butter, tube and rolls.... 17 !eggs per dozen 0 00 Flour per barrel.... 8 00 8 50 Potatoes ..,. 85 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 Hides rough ... 1¢ 2 Sheep skins, each 40 00 Lamb skins eaoh 50 60 Apples per bbl 1 50 1 75 Wool 17 18 Pork, Live 4 00 4 25 1'onnNTo Almon 27.—Flour—Straight roller, $2.50 to $2.70: extra, $2.35 to $2.. 40. Wheat—White, 6050 to 575c; spring, No. 2, 090 to 60o: red winter, 505a to e7 ate goose. 65o ; No. 1 Man. Bard, 735n ; No. 2, 7150. Peas—Bo. 2, 54o to 56o. Bat- ley—No. 1, 41c to 42e ; feed, 800 to 87o. Cate-- No. 2, 885c to 34o. EAST BuPPA3o, N.' 2., Meilen 27.—Cat. tlo—•Seven ears on sal( ; strong ; fair clearance, not quotably higher. Sleep and larnbe—Seven cars on sale ; steady good to fanny wethers, $8.00 to $4.60 ; choice to fanny lambs, $4.65 to $5 ; fancy lambs, 100 to 15o higher : closing active demand. Hoge—Eleven ears, $5.10 ; best Yorkers and pigs, $4.95 to $5.05 • mixed packers, $4.80 to $4.90 : good smooth ends, $14.00 to $4.75. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. CARPET WEAVING DONE. Satisfaction guaranteed. MRS, Mo0.RAE, nearly opposite Dr. McKelvey's. Brussels. FT OUSE AND GARDEN, WITH stable, to rent, on Lot 21, Con, 5, Morris. Apply to DAVID RITOHIE, on the premises, or P. RITOHIE, Brussels. 85-2 A GOOD DURHAM GRAD]]+ eiow for sale. 1n calf to thorough- bred Durham bull. Will come in middle of April. Apply to JOHN HOLLOWAY, Ethel. '1 7() WILL BUY A PINE Registered Jersey cow 2 years old and reeentiy calved. Her dam is A 1 having a record of 14 lbs. butter a Week when 2 years old. G. A. 'MADMAN, Druggist, &c. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE CC Queen Street, Brussels. The house is 80 feet square, 11 stories containing 7 room e. Goo,: wall, woodshed and garden, tbo latter well stocked with fruit trees. For price, terms, &o., apply to JOHN HELI, 111.4 Proprietor. DRESS AND MANTLE MAK- 33JJ 3NG: Mies Stewart desires to intimate to the ladies of 133uasele and vicinity that she has opened a Dressmaking and Mantle, making shop in Brussels. Rooms over the grocery of Messrs, Taylor & Smillie. 6atie. fee tion guaranteed. 80.4 81100 STE WART. LLIGI BLE inPROPERe TofferFOR A5s hie -acre plot, lactated immediately north of AmentIsms. factory, for sale. Be will also dispose of his residence on the opposite side of the street. For further particulars, as to price, terms, etc., apply to ALEX. MOLAUCHLIN, 24.4 Proprietor, Brussels. REAL ESTATE. 1T1ARMS FOR SALE.—'THE UN - JL 1118118101113 has several good Farms for sale and torent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S. SIOTT.Drusosle. VARA' TO RENT—LOT N0. 21, -1- Con. a, Grey. About 60 sores cleansed. Immediate peeseesioe. Apply by mail to J. O. H10 WEER NAN,Trou t Creek, or to WM. MILNE. Ether. SPECTACLES / SPECTACLES / I supply Spectacles in gold, nickel, steel frames, with interchangeable len• ase, (testing the eye Free of Charge) also exabange if found not a perfect fit. Gold frames, $5.00 to $7.00 ; nickel, 75c. to $2.00 ; steel, 25c, to $1.60. My lenses are of the best quality. Give the a trial before paying exhorbitant prime to tra. veiling Speolt dealers, T. FLI;TOHER, JEWELLER. FL A X ! J. 614 J. L./.'YYNCISA.'OL1 --)HAVE(- 1000 Bushels of Bost MINH 5ZBD WALL L PAPE. l Ho dme7icam, 0a72aLria72, Latest Colorings, Newest TtT BW9 t QBSl�nS, , —` o -Cheapest Pepper's Drug Stone, 133(1,'CTkeet l Eib'i. Always Measure Your Room. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T-4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Bras - .1.11.1• Solicitor and 0onvayapaer, pollee - sale. Mons made, 013100-Vanston0's Block, Brus- 21-8m TAT M. SINCLAIR, 1' 55 • Solicitor, Oonveyaneer,NotaryPub. lie, &e, O1gce—Vaustooe's Bleak,1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loam. Fox ferment in the vicinity of Brussels who intend raising !fax during the sowing season, which they are prepared to deliver in mien - titles to suit ilex g0OWara. Oitab0 got at the Brussels Flax Mill, W, A. 8toOraoker's grocery, store, Nears Walton VnoametwnSe1 given out at 31a 9or bushel and on t31e :meal terms, Omer early and insure a Supply. For flax grown tram this seed ,, Paid, If of good growth, harvested in proper season and delivered at the Flax Min n0 soon as f11 for threshing, Wo will also rent a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing flax. N,33, --]tanners are strongly adviaod to sow their flaxen po0d 19n0, well plowed and harrowed, niton low lamb, and rho yield win be from 111011 t0 a ton and a Mall more per acro, Flex grown on low land wlil 1101 grow there 10 give the weight, W, 13JRIGHT, J, & S. LIVINGSTON, Manager, Prolnriotera. !"CAMERON HOLT & HOLMES, v..) Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Goderieh, Ont. 11,'0, CAMERON, 4. 0., PNILIP 800.0, DUDLEY 118LA E9, G•P. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • solicitor, &c. (late of Darrow & Proudfoot'a Moe, 0odorl031,) Onlco over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brothels. lkfoney to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. A. MONAUGRTON, M. D. ey e 0, M„ L. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P. 6. Ont. Reaidenae and office in Wilson's Bleak, corner of Mill and Turnberry - Sta. T 141. ARMSTRONG bf. D. - V • Phyeiolan, Surgeon ARMSTRONG, oto. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of Oollsge of Phyeloians and Surgeons, Ont, OPFroE—Next door to McDonald & Om, Walton Ont. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, 0 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. O30ee and Infirmary—Two doom. north of bridge •rurnberry50.,Brussels. H. MOORS V. S. • IVII. M., V. M. 6. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollego, Diseases of all domos0ieated animals treated on soientif?o principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned eattle a epeolult$. Calls promptly attended to. 0111ae, over the Post oinae. Iudrniary at Beattie's livery barn, Brvseela. Ont. 20• BUSINESS CARDS. H. NIaCRAOREN, Insurer of Marriage Li000see, Office abide Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. � N. BARRETT, . Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M. Mofiay & Co's hardware store. Ladle it' and childrene hair cutting a specialty AMoNAIR, • Insurer of Mentage Licensee, by of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, &o., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Ineuraaao Oo. Oflioe at the Oranbrook Post OBioe. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• C1A LEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Oolleotione. made. Office in Graham's Block, Brussels. m A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. .. • Organist in St. John's Olturob, Brus- sels, and pupil, iu the Art of Teaching, of A. W. Tbapar, Mue.Doo., New York, will give lessons to pupils either at his parlor, over A. R. Smith's store, or if preferred, at their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE Undorslguodwillkeep for cervico at Loth Oou.8, (trey, during mason, a pure bred BBerkshire bog. Tonna, 51,00 to be paid at the time of 9elvla0• with privilege of returning it neoessary JAMES ELLIOT, 84.4 Proprietor. 0AR. FOR SERVIOE.—THE 'Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20 Con, 0, Morris, the Llano' brad im- proved White Yorkabfrc Boar "Canada's Prmoe," purchased from the well-known breeder J. 111. Bretitour, Oak Lodge Farm, Burford. Terms, x1.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of refurning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on ap- pliaatiou. 12OBT. NIOIIOL . BOAR FOR SERVIOE.-THE Undersigned will keep for service tbo thero'-bred large English Berkshire Boar, ' Blemerelr," No,1708. It took Int prize at the East Huron Pall Pair in 1800, and was alwayelstwhouevor exhibited. Terms, 31.00 to be paid at the time of service with privi- lege of returning if nooessarv. Two yonug Berkshire Boars and severed young Short,' Horn Bulls for sale. 10.MILNE, Protlecp,, 88-2 kll. 1894— FLAX —1894 CAI9iERON BROS. Have a Bolted number of b301)ols of the — MIST 185X'0158 371)0)) — FOY Farmers in the vicinity of Oranbrook woo intend raising Flax dur':ng the coming season, which they aro prepared to deliver in quantities to snit Rax growers. Oen bo got at the 013ANanonit FLAN MILL. Rood given out on the Gatti terms, Order Early and enema a amply. For flax grown from this seed B$50 per Tel will CO 1,51d, if of good growth, barveeted in • peeper eeasou, and delivered at the Flak Mill as soon as 111 for threshing. Wo w111 rent a number of good sod fields tor the perpee0 of growing flax. 0AM8110N BR0 B„ Proprietors Criuibrook I'inz 1,0111. of to d 0 ly pl a ee m a 111, of to tot R, by Gt r i1t B of pr 90 pa IVC be 011 t0 $9 nn th pr fr al al 211 e0 to be re t1 lu bt th 53 iii