HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-30, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST �tsstxecalsaumQxtlr New Advertisements. (at>.ntytixan tgTta a h, Limo F. Lowry. Local --Miss Hoare. Local -•-J A.. Frain, Surin'tui e—D. He. G gHogg. Looals—Dr. J. C. Ayer. Local—Smith & McLaren. Groceries—Taylor & Saniilie. Dreesmaking—Mies Stewart. Cow for Sale --Toho Holloway. Great Tourist Route—G. T. H. Locale—Margaret L. Shepherd. To the General Publio--A. Hunter. Dees Goods --Ferguson & Halliday. The Leading Clothier—D, 0. Ross. (Ole $nr Is 17sL, FRIDAY, MAR. 80, 1894. A HURON COUNTY MIRACLE Au Old Lady's Story of Deep Interest lo Others. The electric ears ran in lingston un Sunday. The Orange Grand Ledge of Ontarto Bast will meet at Gananoque next year,. Chamberlain, the Toronto man found gililty of.poreonage at the late elention in Winnipeg, has been eenteneed to three years in penitentiary, Stonewall J. DeF ranee, whose wife claimed to be ;from Toronto, bas been sentenced bo 11 years in Jackson, Mich., state prison for swindling operations. The Conn forgery Daae was before Jus. Hee Meredith. The jury failed to agree and Conn is held till the next aseizes un, der $8,000 bail. N. H. Stevens, of the Kent mills, is shipping a cargo of 8,000 barrels of Kent Mrs, Robert Bissell, 'who was Crippled with Rheumatism for Nine Sears, JIeeltlla Advancing Years, has Lound liellol:—She Relates her Experience, that Othem; may Profit by it. Prom the Goderieli Star, For upwards of three years the Star has been republishing articles from vari• oue papers in Canada and the United States, recounting miracles in healing, wrought, often in forlorn cases, by the use of the preparation known as Dr. Wit. liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. A more or less intimate acquaintance with the publishers of several of the newspa- pers warranted us in believing that the cases reported by them were non over. drawn or exaggerated advertisements, but were published as truthful statements of remarkable cures from human ills, worthy of the widest publicity, that other sufferers might be benefitted also. Fax some time paet we have beard the name of Mrs. Robert Bissett, of Colborne town- ship, mentioned as one wbo had experi- enced much benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, after years of pain- ful suffering. Curious to know the par- ticulars, a representative of The Star called upon bar son at his flour and feed store on Hamilton street, and asked how fax the story was true. Without hesita• • tion or reserve Mr. Bissett launched into praise of Pink Pills, which he said had a most wonderful effect in relieving bis mother from the suffering of a bedridden invalid, crippled by rheumatism, and re. storing bar to the enjoyment of a fair de- gree of health and activity for a person of seventy years of age. "See her your- self," he said, "I am sure she will freely tell you all about her case, and yon can judge bow mnob she owes to .Pink Pills. I am sure that it is owing to them that she is alive today. Acting on this cordial invitation, the reporter drove out to the well known Bis- sett homestead. Mrs. Bissett was found enjoying an afternoon's visit at the resi- dence of a neighbor, Mrs. Robertson. flour to St. John's Newfowidland, a special steamer, the Cuban, having been chartered to carry it. The Canadian Cone Carriage Company is the name of a new oorporotion organ- ized at Palmerston. with 250,000 capital. William Bothwell, of. Galt, is secretary and superintendent of the oompany. Information was laid by J. H. Maoa- row, assistant poet.offioe inspector, of Kingston, ohargicg James Gibson, sr., of Stookdals, Ont., wbth using a postage stamp which had been before used. Gib- son was fined •220 and costa or 00 days. A terrible blizzard raged in Manitoba on Friday night last. During the storm Prof. Jones an English gentleman, of Portage la Prairie, lost his way and perished iu the storm, being found some hours afterward. His companion was oompelled to leave bim to save himself, Captain Maisonville, of the Grand Trunk Railway transfer boat Great Weet- ern, at Windsor, has tendered his resig- nation to talcs effect on May 1. Hs has been in the employ of the company for over 25 years, and is now 74 years of age. In recognition of his faithful services, the company presents him with six months' salary. W. P. MoliEabon, barrister, and James McCreadie, J. P., of Thurlow, had a sot- to in the office of the police magistrate in Bellevilleon Saturday. McMahon struck McCreadie with his fist and McCreadie burled an ink bottle at the lawyer, giving him a bad ant under the eye. The polies magistrate has the case on hand now. The order of Home Circles, at their session in Shaftesbury ball, Toronto, eleoted the following officers for the en. suing year, Supreme leader, F. N. Raines, M. A., Uxbridge ; vice -leader, T. G. Oummfog, St. Catharines • seore- tary, T. Boles, London •, treasurer, D. R. Foster, Waterford • chaplain, S. Cun- ningham, Waterford ; marshall, D. Mc- Arthur, Ailsa Craig '• warden, J. S. Denali, Trenton ; guard, A. R, Thorp- eon, Merriton ; sentinel, E. Turner. Bur- ford ; medical examiner, Dr. Watson, Toronto ; solicitor, J. R. Boaf, Toronto ; organizer, P. M. Pattison, Toronto ; trustees, Sohn Small, Toronto ; W. Mo• Whinney, Stratford ; W, White, Oshawa; Finance Committee, John L. Buck, St. Williams ; W. N. Hossle, Brantford ; H. F. Perry, Toronto ; Committee on Laws, S. A. Relies, rimsby ; J. G. Howarth, Toronto ; Sister Shirley, Nap- anee ; Committee on Appeals, M. Y. Keating, St. Catharines ; Sister Camer- on, Toronto ; W. W. Hodgson, Toronto ; She Laughingly greeted the reporter with representatives to frateanal association, the assurance that she knew what he had F. N. Raines, T. Boles, Sister Shirely. come for as her son had told her the day she was in town what was wanted, and although she had no wish to figure in the newspapers she was quite willing to tell the facts in her case. "It is about nine years," she said, "sines I was first taken down with rheumatism, and for seven months I lay helpless in bed, unable to raise or turn myself. I doctored with iooal physicians and I suppose the treat- ment I received most have helped me for I was able to go around again for quite a long while, until another attack came en, and for two years I was again laid up, never being able to put a foot under me, or help myself in any way. I tried every- thing, bless you—doctors, bathe, lini- ments and medicines, and of course suf- ferer) a great deal, being troubled also wibh asthma. But although I finally got on my feat again I was not able to do anything, and could get across the room only with the help of someone and lean- ing on a chair which they would push before me. By and by I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and though of course I had no faith in anything, L bought some at Wilson's drug store and began their use, and when I had taken two boxes I felt they were helping me. I continued them quite a while, im- proving gradually until now I am as you see me, although I have not taken them for a couple of months. I can now go around alone, and although 1 always keep my stink with me to guard against an accident or a mis-step, I can safely say I am wonderfully improved from the use of Pink Pills. I am no longer the helpless burden and care on my children that I was, and Pink Pills did it." Mrs. Bissett has been a woman of great nativity and industry, and Is possessed of an unusually bright and vivaoious mind ; she is a great reader and talks with all the charming interest of one of the old time mothers in Istaei. In her long reei- dence of 48 years in this county she has seen many changes, and to ber patient toil and untiring labors may be attribut- ed much of the prosperity and beauty or ma• 'AYL06 & SMILLIE4 Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels Having bought the stock of J. Earner at a Big Discount are prepared to supply 1 GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND SEEDS, 4t a Big Reduction on Usual Prices. which is characteristic• thold ho stead. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing snob disoaees as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitas' dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tired feeling there- from, the after effects of la grippe, dig - BUN depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, ehronia erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a speoifio for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the cage of men they effect a radical cure in all oases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Bear in mind Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer wbo offers sub- stitutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided, Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., at 5O cents a box, or six boxes foe 22.50. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively in. expensive as compared with other rem. edies or medical treatment. Grand Trunk oi- rr n"ir;t. —THE— Great Tourist Route —TO THE— The Whole Stock Mast Go 'Before removing to our new prem- ,ises in Dr, Graham's Block. TERMS, CASH ONLY, TAYLOR & SMILLIE. Pacific Coast Via the St. Clair Tunnel. Pullman Tourist Sleeping oars every WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, For the Pacific Coast without Change. Full information on application to J. N. KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. ARRIAGF WORE J. E. Successor to H. WILLIAMS & SON, Mill street, Brussels, Will keep in Stock and Make to Order CARRIAGES HO Of the following styles :— Single and Double Buggies, Victories, Village Carts, Dog Carts with Plat- form Gears, Ladies' Phaetons, Doctor's Phaetons, Lumber Wagons, &c., &a. Repairing and re -painting, Promptly attended to at Moderate Charges. Call and examine stock be- fore purchasing else- where. SATISFACTION GUABANTEED. Agent for the Fleury PloWs, and Repairs always on hand. IJ, E. BRYDGES, 33rttsse10. eanionatmencezesrlr WINE MRS. E. ROGERS i Begs to announce that her Grand Mil- linery Opening will take place on Thursday, Friday 86 Saturday, APRIL 5,6&7. We most Cordially Invite Every Lady to view our Splendid Display of all the Novelties of the Season and our prices are such that a good Full Trim- med Hat can be had for C. Everybody Come No Charge for Admission. Our Display will be the Best Ever Shown in Brussels. E. Rogers. Brussels, March 28th, 1894. �. r y ,,.: , � c• lit.,. I D. G. FUJRNITURE DEALER, Is Showing in his New Premises, Apposite American Motel, A roll stock ofFE1 p NITU}'j All J�inds of �1�1 FOR Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room or .Kitchell. Picture Framing' attended to on short notice. Undertaking Department, .� A Full Supply of Funeral Requisites Al ways in Stock, Special Attention given 'to Repairing, A CALL SOLIC/TED.-- – D. G HOGG, Brussels. ���61 NAR. 30, 1894. Isn't all confined to the News Columns of the paper, frequent- ly you will find the most inter- esting and important things in the Advertising Columns. A careful reading of the paper, through, will give you no more important fact as far as your prosperity is concerned than our men- tion here of the fact that we have a full range of 'CARPE TS. We sell them from 9c. to $1.00 a yd. Lace Curtains 21 yds, long, taped edges, from 350, up. White Quilts from 90c to $2,50. New Art Muslins. New Prints. See them before you buy. S�itli & IcLareu. Produce Taken. OOT$ AND HOES. New Sprillft Stock to Haid. J. DOWNING, the up-to-date Shoe Dealer, calls the attention of the Public to his large and well selected stock of BOOTS and SHOES, --01141111ft.-' A visit to him will convince you that it is the right place to buy, both for quality and price. Our Stock Comprises :— All the Latest Styles for Spring and Summer wear. Special Attention to Ordered Work. JOHN DOWNING, I.B,IPS SEWED FREE OF CHARGE. BRUSSELS. lIsMarnan T i HE GENERAL ULM ! It will be to your Interest to call early and often at -----ww- Hunter's Hardware Store, (Next door to Motraoken's Grooery.) Where you can purchase, at Lowest Prices, Courteous Treat- ment and Square Dealing Included, all kinds of General Hardware, Carriage Makers' Sup- plies, Tools, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Tin and Metal Ware, Stoves And all other Goods kept in a well appointed Hardware and Tin Shop. A FiRST-CLASS TINS•MiTH WiLL BE KEPT IN THE 'TIN SHOP. Try this store for Glass, Nails, Fence Wire and Anything you may happen to Need. HU7i� d13ta NN 3tto BRUSSELS, March 28th, 1894.