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The Brussels Post, 1894-3-30, Page 1
( Vol, 21, Na. 87, BRUSSELS, LIMA ! L/M To #hose who intend Building, Having built a Lime House at the Sta. tion X will Julep a supply of the Best ]trash Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purposes. .Also WHITE 13RIOK And Plastering Hain fez' Sale. D. A. Lowry. Presbytery oP1VLaieland., Presbytery of Maiblatd mot at Wing - ]tam on 20th of Match, Rev. D, Millar, Moderator. The petition from Huron congregatiou to dispose of their manes and glebe property was granted, the pro. coeds of sale to be lodged in a °harbored Bank, subject to the order of Presbytery at its next regular meeting. A call from Molesworth congregation to Rev. G. Ballantyne Wee sustained and was accepted by him. It was agreed to hold tan adjourned meeting at Moles- worth on Tuesday, April &'d, at 11 a, m., for the induction of Mr. Ballantyne and any other competent business, the Moderator to .preside, Mr. Petrie to BRUSSELS. preach, Mr. Davidson to address the minister and Mr, McRae to address the congregation. Mr. Davidson tendered his resignation of the .pastorate of Wroxeter oongrega. tion. It was agreed to cite the congrega- tion to appear for their interests at the Presbytery meeting at Molesworth. Mr. Malcolm was Appointed to cite the con- gregation. Applications for grants from the Augmentation Fund in behalf of Pine River, Dungannon and Port Albert and Belgrave were made. Tha following were appointed Com. misaionors to the General Assembly :- Revs. F. A. MacLennan, D. Perri(, R. S. G. Anderson, Roee and Rose, and the fol- lowing charges are entitled to send elders :-Walton, Langside, Knoxchureh, Ripley, Knox church, Brussels, Moles- worth. The matter of re -arrangement of field is referred to the Synod for advice. A petition from the congregation of Teeswater for permission to mortgage their manse property to the extent of $800.00, the money to be applied to pay off the debt on the manse, was granted The Presbytery agreed to make appli. cation to the Synod for leave to take E. A. MacKenzie, B, A., student of Mon- treal College (Presbyterian) on trial for license. A circular from the Presbytery of Pic - ton was read, intimating their intention to apply to the General Assembly for leave to receive as a minister of this church Rev. Wm. P. Anderson, formerly a minister of the Baptist church ; also from the Presbytery of London to ask leave of the General Assembly to receive as a minister of this ohuroh Rev. Robert Alyward, B. A., a member in good and regular standing of the Congregational Union of Ontario and Quebec. Isaac MacDonald was appointed to supply Huron congregation for three months further, in accordance with re. quest from the congregation. The Clerk n)timated that Rev. Isaac MacDonald, 13, D., had presented a certificate from the Presbytery of Brandon, transferring him to the care of this Presbytery. Rev. Mr. Anderson enol Robert Har- rison were appointed member of Synod's Committee on Bills and Overtures. Mr. Murray read an overbore regarding sup- ply of vanannies, to the GeneralAssembly. The Presbytery agreed to transmit the overture in Mr. Hurray's name. At the evening sederont (Mr. Murray Moderator pro tem) there was a large congregation present. .The reports on Sabbath Observance and Sabbath Schools were road and ado tea. 14Ir. Anderson read the Presbyterial W. F. M. Society's annual report, in behalf of Mrs. MaoNabb, Presbyterial Secretary. Excellent missionary addresses were do - livered by Rev. Mr. Perrie, of Wingham, and Rev. R. P. MacKay, F. M. Secretary, Toronto, The4ollowing motion was unanimously carried : Moved by Mr. Perris, seconded by Rev. R. P. Mackay That the Presby - tory, having heard read this most excel- lent report of the. W. F. M. Society, ex- press its• great satisfaction at the good progress that has been made during the year, aucl,woald also record its highs ap- preciation cif the untiring offortq of the Society to awaken a greater interest in the work of missions within the Presby- tery. The Maitland Presbyterial W. F. M. S. held its annual meeting in Wingham on Tuesday of last week. There was a large attendance of delegates, the Presby- terian ohuroh being comfortably filled. Tho report presented by the Secretary was of a most encouraging oharactsr, showing substantial progress cluing the past year. Tho =omit contributed was over 4200 in advance of the previous year, indicating no small measure of self-denial and liberality on the part of the mem. hers. The contributions of the several auxiliaries are as follows :-Wingham, $55.75 ; Wroxoter, $80.00 ; Luclmow, 4164.50; Bluevale, $26.00 ; Doilies, $42.00 ; Ethel, $19.00 ; Brussels, Melville ohuroh, $100.00 ; Whiteohuroh, $55.00 ; Belgrave, $28.00 ; Ashfield, $101.00 ; St. Helens, $114.00 ; Kincardine township, $22.00 ; East Ashfield, $47.00 ; Ripley, Knox church, $100.00 ; Molesworth, $80.00 ; Bernie, $50,00 ; Kincardine, $820,00 ; Pine River, $85.00 ; Teeswater, $13.8.00 ; Langsido, $11.00 ; South Kinloss, $54.- 74 ; oollecbious, ate., $58.38 ; total, $1550.- 57. Into t half a ton loft ion clothing wasvosent t tothan the Indian missions in the Northwest. The officers for the current year are :-Presi- dent, hire. Murray, Kincardine ; Sears. tory, biers. McNabb, Luolunow ; Treasurer, Mrs. Graham, Brussels. The Presbytery adjourned to meet at Molosworth on. Tuesday, April 8rcl, ab 11 a. m, The next regular meeting n Will old atWingham on the third P uealay in May. joint MeoN,tnt, Clerk, Stories of British intrigue in favor of the deposed queen are reported froth Honolulu, The frame roeidonee of J. la, Bridge• man, on Water street South, St. Mary's, was totally destroyed by lire Saturday, The greater, portion of its °entente were lost, inotnding $80 in cash belonging to l3ridgemen'a•son5. A frame stable close by, owned by the same party, was also badly damaged. 'A defeobive ohim- nay was the cause, and tbeee wee no itt. surance, The lose will be about $700 o0 house and stable, and $300 on °out/ants, License District -)OF TRP(-_ East Ilidug of Huron To the Tavern -Keepers and Shop - Keepers and Others whom it may condom. VOTIOII is hereby given that Applications for Licenses for thesale of liquor is the EAST RIDING OF HURON for the License Year 1804.05,whioh commen- ces on the tat day of May next, will be re- ceived by the undersigned from rho present date up to April Ist, 18:94. Inclusive. n ra oramot tstbas two good and suienureies bondsmen at the time of making amnion. tion. Anyapplicant for a new license must inrnish-a certificate signed by a majority of the electors entitled to vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly in tiro Polling Sub- division in which the promises Bought to be licensed are rematch, and the said majority Mid include at least onehitire. of the said electors who aro at the time of sue& an. plication residents within the said Polling Snb-division. TORN R. SLILLIIR, Inspector. ARE YOU GOING TO Paint Tour House OR DO ANY Papering this Spring If so, now is the time to consult us. The LARGEST, CHEAPEST and BEST as. sorted stook in the County, to hand comprising the' following :- B!RGE SONS CELEBRATED PROCESS, GILTS, BRONZES, SINTILARE, AND IN- GRAINS, with gorgeous freizes and ceil- logs to inatoh, Also the Handsomest stock of window shades ever shown in the County. Nothing but the purest Leads and Oils that can be found in the market used in all our work. Farmers and others hav- ing old rigs to paint come and see us at once. Satisfaction guaranteed. RODDOCK ct WAKE, Ilouse, Sign, Carriage and Decorative Painters. P. S. -Thanking all old customers for their favors during bhe past twenty years Thieve been in business I solicit a con- tinuance of the sat=e and the patronage of the people generally for the newftrm. W. R ODDICIC. COMINGI MARGARETL. © SHE HE D TBE BRILLIANT Ex -Romanist Lecturer, Will give three Leoturee in the- TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, MARCHeel) FRIDAY, MARCH ,c v a 30 Thursday Evening, Mar, 29, at 8 o'clock, to both Ladies and Gentlemen. alibied i --The Influence of See. ret Confession in our Caned. ion Hol=es. Pridey Afternoon ab 3 O'oloolt, Speoial Private Lecture to Ladies ONLY, Sub's t G :-The Mysteries J belies of See. ret Confessional, or Reasons why Priests should Wed. Friday Evening, at 8 o'clock, to both Ladies and Genblemen, Subject :-Three Years Personal Experience in the Convent. ADMISSION, 750. Come and sae the truth from one whof is not afraid to speak, Deers Oiten at 7. Leann) at 8 C'eloek, ONTARIO, PRIt AX, MARCH SO, 1894 OJJUltvll emus. St. John's obnreh was very tastefully decorated for the Eaeber servioee.. Raster Sunday morning the Salvation Arley made their appearance at 6:30 o'olock aucl with drums and song had a march around town, . F, Cameron, ISnox College, Toren. to, will preach in Melville ohuroh next Sabbath morning, Mr. Ross will 000upy the pulpit in the evening. Tbere held in 03. Johns 61°beec , B ueeelee during Lent. This number included the missionary addressee by Mr. Rijnbert and oleo the Young Peoples' meetings, Interesting reports of the Methodiet Young People's Convention, hold at Lon. don last week, were given by the dele- gates, H. L, Jaokson and Rev. Mr. Cob- blediok, at the Epworth League last Monday evening. Next Monday evening will be the election of office bsarere for the current six months. A. new program le also being prepared by the Executive Committee, Rev. Joeeph Galloway, of Seaforth, preached two excellent discourses in the Methodist church in this plane last Sum - day, In the morning an Easter sermon was given and at the evening service St. Paul's words eI beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, do." was the ground work of a very profitable address. This was Mr. Galloway's first visit to Brussels but we hope it may not be the last. Rev. Mr. Cobblediok was preach- ing in Seaforth. EAsTsn SERV/OH of Pause. -On the evening of Good Friday 'Easter Voices," a carol service was given in the Metito. dist ohuroh, Brussels, by 60 voices, ac- companied by the excellent Sunday school Orchestra. Dora Nott, Lizzie Leatherdale, Georgie Howe, Clara Ilio. Greoken, Ida Mooney and Horeb Maunders gave, well rendered, recitations in connection therewith. Rev. Mr, Cob. bledick and the company read appro. priate Soriptural passages responsively. A vote of thanks was passed to those' taking part, on motion of Rev. R. Paul and B. Gerry. The collection unmated to $8.63. Ranee VESTRY. -According to the rnle of the church the annual vestry meeting was held fu Sb. John's church on Monday afternoon, The financial report was not presented as the year does not close until March 31st. Officers were elected as fol. Iowa :-H. Dennis, minister's warden, and T. Maxwell, people's warden ; Jae, Irwin, delegate to the Synod ; Jes. Oar. diff, A. Keepig, W. le, Vanstons and G. S. Rogers, eidesmee ; Dr. J. A. Mo. Naughton, vestry clerk. An adjourned meeting will be held next month to re. ceive report. Rev. W. G. Reilly, inotm• bent, presided. He has rendered faith. ful service to St. Joltn'e congregation since his incumbency, Morris.. W. J, Souoh had a wood bee last Fri. d A. Russell and R. J. Clegg spent Bast. er etltheir reepeotive homes. Wm. Bray and wife were visiting friends in Ashfield last week. D. McCutabeon had a wood bee on Saturday afternoon of last week. R. Gibson bad a rousing wood bee on Tuesday afternoon of this week, John Greeneled lost a cow valued at 860.00, last week, from indigestion. Donald Ward returned to Kansas last week after spending the Winter here. Mies Lizzie Maunders left this week for her millinery situation at Park Hill. John Wilford, of Blyth, took charge of the service at Sunshine on Sunday Last. R. McMurray bas a ewe which gave birth to 4 lambs, all of which are living. Professor Johnston, a travelling Mame. ologiet, is visiting at John Ellis', 3rd line, Mr. Phippen, of Woodstock, spent the Easter holidays with Thos. Bone, 3rd line. Leonard Russell has gone to work with Mr. Bryant, of Hullett, for the Summer months. Assessor Watson intends finishing up his annual visit among the ratepayers of the township this week. Hat during Smith, who has been n the duringthe lust two weeks, ii s able to attend to work as of yore. The football team of S. S. No. 8 de. Mated that of No. 4 by a score of 4 to 0, at Brussels on Friday of last week, Mies Carrie Smmoll, who is attending the Seaforth High School, spent her Easter holidays at home on the 3rd 1355. iliiss 0. Tucker, of Wingham, spent a few days last week visiting in the vioin- ity of Belgrave, where the family form- erly resided. James Motrter has leased his farm and will move to Brussels to reside. He had a sale of stools, etc., on Wednesday of tide week. John Bowman, an employee in Abel's foundry, Toronto, Nebo hes been visiting at home since Xmas, returned to his work on Tuesday. It is easily understood why W. H. Ferguson wears such a pleasant smile, Mr. Ferguson presented him with a sec. and daughter last week. Mise VioletBou5, who has been visit - hag her father nu the 8rd for the past three months, returned to her situation in Toronto on Wednesday. One of the weddings predicted by Dame Rumor last week has already came off and the other will follow as soon as John gets things in proper shape. FARM SOLD. -On Th tmeda Y of last week F. 0 >? S. Scott, tt of Brussels, sold Jernee Forrest, of `Lad tine, Morrie, the 100 aora farm belonging to Donald McCallum, be. ing South half Jot 22, eon. 8, Morris. The prion was $8,000. Purchaser takee immediate possession, This is Mr. Scott's fifth sale for this Winter. Mennrus,--On Wednesday of last week Jas. Harney and Miss Annie, second daughter of T. Miller, all of Morrie, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at Blyth by Rev, A. MaLeap, The bride wee attended by Mise J. Nichol while le Miller, jr., supported the groom, May happiness and prosperity be theirs, ie the wiah of all, ewes witiidalrpresenbod Mtn withan a flea of 1Clembs this Spring, 29 *3 which are living and doing well. Tbie is certainly a good in- crease, A very enjoyable time was spent at the box social held et the Commodious rest. donee of William Bryan last Tuesday evening, under the suspioes of the ladies of St. John's ohuroh. The prooeeds amounted bo something like $11.00, Dro*,-On Thureday morning of this week reeideof Morrisnold passeddaway inothe person of Thos, Clark, 5th line. He had been 311 for some time. The deceased was 82 years of age. Funeral takes place on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the mend interment serviceill half made do earlier.aSunshine cemetery. il(brlNe To man FRONT. -From the Matador (Texas) Maverick, we clip the following item 0onoerniug a brother of Reeve and John Mooney, and a former resident of Morris :-We have the name of Dr. James Mooney to ptaoe before the people ae a Candidate for the ofAoe of (empty Treasmer. as among first settlers lto locateMooneyr. with wus and has always looked to the iutsresb of the people of Motley county. It is need. less to add that he is thoroughly qualified to fill the office and if elected will do honor t0 himself and friends. The same paper Buys Dr. Mooney was chosen Per. manent Chairman of an organization called "The Citizen's Reform Conven- tion," whose purpose is to press for eeon- oney in government; reduction of salaries of officers ; and consolidating the Co. debt. They purpose putting candidates in the'field unless their platform is sub. scribed to by office seekers. In addition to Dr. Mooney practising his profession he is largely interested In ranching, His old friends here will watch his course with interest. People We Know. Good Friday H. James visited Berlin, Wm• Lowry spent Raster at St. Tliom. as. J. Loodeeboro is visiting at R. Leather. dale's. W. J. MaCracicen was in Toronto last Week. Miss Lucy,IIoere was in Clinton for Easter. Miss Georgie Ross is holidaying at Lis towel. G. F. Blair ate his Mister eggs in Goderich. Geo. Halliday was visiting in London last week. Miss Ellen Hewitt, of Mitchell, is home on a visit. Thos. Ross, of Chesley, was home for Good Friday. Last week Mrs. J, Y. S. Kirk was visit. in h in Toronto. hlrs. A. Currie jr., Was visiting in Lon- don last week. Wm. Mose is prospering ab Gerrie with his harness shop. Mrs. A. Bruce, of Bluevale, was in Brus. eels on Wednesday. Miss Mary A. Burgess was visiting friends at Bluevale; Dau. MoDonnld, of Seaforth, was in town on Wednesday. A couple of Adam Goad's children are ill with chicken pox. Miss Lily Kendall has rebut• sed to Iter situation at Detroit, Noble F, Gerry made a business trip to Toronto tbie week. Mise Mabel Jackson was visiting in the Royal.oity last week. Mise Hattie Rogers has gone to Zurich to her millinery position. Mrs. Joe Ballantyne teas visiting her parents in London for a week, Mies M. Morrie, of Heepeler, spent Easter with bliss Mary Howe. Miss Emma McNeil, of Gre y, was visiting with Mies EIIa Ainley. Miss Elsie Pelton, of Woodstock, spent her Raster holidays in Brussels. Mrs. J. J. Gilpin spent a few days with friends in London last week. Mrs. MoGuire, of Wiughatn, WAS the guest of Mrs. Geo. Rogers this week. Mies Maud Flenby, of Wingbam, was visiting Miss Dolly Backer, Brussele. Mise E, Trollope, of Peterboro', a oonsin of E. 0. Dunford's, is in town, A. Oousley and wife and Miss L. Blain spent Sunday and Monday in Wingham, Dr. G. L. Ball, of Toronto, Wee visit. ing relatives and friends in this locality, Mrs, W. G. Lowry, of Guelph, is visit- ing her sister Mra. E. C. Lowry, in town. Mrs. George Good and son, of Seaforth, are renewing old friendships in Brussels, Mrs, Easton, of Rockwood, was visit. ing at the Methodist Parsou age this week. Thos. Kew, of Whiteahurah, formerly of Brussels, teas holidaying in town last week, 0. E. Turnbull and Mrs. Turnbull, of Guelph, were in town for 0. portion of a week. Miss Penni° Smith's last letter to rela- tives here was written from Algiers, Africa. T. A. MoLanohliu, Brunefield's peda- gogue, enjoyed his Easter holidays in 13rneeeie, Mise Myrtle Hammett, of Seaforth, is enjoying her Easter holidays with friends int. A. 3, Dickson, of Toronto, wee visit- ing for a few days with his parents in Brussels. !debt, Wilson and son, of Wingham, were in town for a few days visiting relatives, Mrs. Anderson is at Belgreve, whither she went owing to the ilinees of her daughter - Geo. Rogers is in Seaforth and Clinton this week booming the People's Life In- surance Co, Mies Maud Paul, of Morrie, was visit- ing her grandparents at Vittoria Cottage, Peineess street. Prof. Hawkins hes given up hie meal° Mass at Walton, Miss M. O'Coonor may succeed bun. Beery Hewitt, a former Brussetlts, is vielting relatives in Brussels. His home is in Braosbridge, visiites itingJadafoe a�fe w ratiet`claysof �Vet Mrs john Siuolair'e Ode week, W. H, KERR, P.rop,? Miss Edna Dennis was holidaying at Harrieton for a few days. She creme home on Tussday night. Miss Brown, who bas been visiting Mrs, (Dr,) Graham, left for her home, in Toronto, on Tuesday, John Walker, of Morris, leas taken zip his residence in Brussels and will push the implement busiuees. Jno. F, MaCtae, of Toronto, enjoyed a, short visit with relatives and old frlende inMt rs.nJaas. Bryan ahe nd sons, of Lucknow, were the guests of J. Soli and wife, Queen street, Last Friday and Saturday, George Howe and wife ware summon. ed to Brantford last week owing to the serious nines of Mrs, Rowe's slater. Luther ]tall has been dangerously 311 at R. Leatherdale's during the past week with pleurisy. He is nicely improved now. Andy and Tony Sample were home frgm Walkerton for a few days, They are running a paint shop in Bruce's (=pital. Prina i . pal Cameron i now ; Miss Braden at Millbank at; LM ss Downey at Waterdown ; and Miss Coop• er at Clinton. Russell end Chas, Climle, of Lietowel, were visiting their sister, Mrs. R. K. Roes, in Brussels, on Good Friday. The first named gentleman has spent some time in the Northwest, J. D. Btakely and wife have returned to Montreal from whence they came to Brussels last Fall. He resumee his situ• ation with the Canadian Rubber Co„ who employ 450 hands. Miss Aggte will re• main in Brussels, We are B wbeer is toased G. now a Fall Hedged Dr. of Dental Snrgsry, having completed his (Duras, successfully, at Baltimore. He locatedhas ha illpreti ebthesprofessiondofhhie °bege. TIM Pon, xvishee him emcees. Dr. ilhow ser was Deputy Po mater at Brussels for some time during J. R. Grant's tenure. A ilverton The cconcert given correspondent on (Monday writes avening under the auspices of o to O'Connor was magoificentt success. Itmut have taxed Miss O'Connor's tact and patience to train the various classes in their work, all of which was performed in a very ef- ficient manner. It would be favidious on our part to particularize. The ser- vices rendered by the local talent was oommeudable, for which the promoter is truly thankful. The broom brigade by twelve young ladies im uniform was an attraotion of the evening. J. Fax of To- ronto was present and convulsed the large nudisnce with laughter by his in- imitable songs. At the close of the en- tertainment a vote of thanks was ten- dered to Miss O'Connor ;for the good work she had accomplished in the com- munity during the past year. Additional_Local News. NEXT Monday and Tuesday the new Ronald Chemical engine will be tested near the Engine Works. The engine goes to NOva Scotia, A iozpLo to the N. P. vs. Free Trade letter, of last week, is crowded out, along with other interesting matter, this week. Will appear in next lasue. BRussnrs flax mill will complete the santohing of last season's crop in about two week's more. A large quantity of Sax will be sown this Spring, H. E. Mumma has purchased a bank- rupt stook in Newmarket and is now in that town running off the goods. P Mad- dock, of London, is in charge of the Bras. store during his absence, 1'RAmse oRAssfts,-Ales. D. Grant, who spent 2e years in Manitoba, brought home with him 40 varieties of the natural grae- see, oulleoted on or near Portage plains, The collection may be seen at Tons Pose Publishing House. BANQ0e0,-Friday evening of next week the Young Liberal Club of Brussels hold a grand banquet in the Town Hall. Af- ter the tables are oleared addresses are expected from 0. S. Hyman, M, P., of London ; Hon. 11Ir, Dryden, Minister of Agriculture ; Dr. McDonald, M. P. ; and Tbos. Gibson, M. P. P. Choice program of music by Glee Club. Tiokets and further informatiob may be obtain- ed from members of the Liberal Olnb, Keep the date clear. Faye people really appreciate the good quail, es of an editor. Though the most nbtseet..lass of mortals in this world, they display an amount of Christian for. giveness not y use/illy read of an editordown East who met with. We Thad ooansion to attend the funeral of a sub. scriber who for fourteen years had failed bo pay up his enbseriptioo. When the coffin lid wee about to be fastened down he quietly placed in the sof e a linen duster, a large palm leaf, and a receipt for reeking ice. $84 Fextaur.-Mayor Fianna, Wing. ham, asked for a Dannon from Hon. J. C. Patterson, Minister of Militia, and that gentleman very generously responded. Last week it arrived from Quebec, no und- ep�p-gen affair thr, but a ',Ving am rel iced, But6ther00 ee was bitter with the sweet when a freight bill of $84 was presented, and quite a vigor - one Molt ryas made by some of the town fathers, who doubt if the whole "shootin match" could be sold for that amount, Still a onnnon is a very handy thing to have about a town. Onrr.- A ne En s g stop a MoKi , 110p pio- neer, 0 near, passed over to the great majority last Sondeyat the advanced age of 76 years. She WAS the relict of the late SVm. Easton, who died npwards of 30 years ago. The Cause of her demise was a kidney trouble. She bad not been seriously 311, however, until the Wednee. day previous to her death. Pour child- ren survive her, The funeral took plane to the Maitland cemetery on Tuesday, Rev. P, Musgrave Conducting the ter. vice. hirs, Easton was very highly es. teemed by the community at large. She MB an &mit to Bow. Bendernon and W. Hebei' k, of Brussels, wbo, with their wives, attended the fttnerel, bit's. Win, t Martin, of this plate, wail also in attend- ance. This is the third death in the Henderson family in the past two years, 1 Dost.. -On Good Friday, Hannah, re. lice; of the late at Ivare, hoe, Hastings County, at the . advanced age of 80 years. The funeral took piece on Bentley, Deoeasod was a fleet cousin of Rev. J. L. Kerr's, of Bruseels. Tan infant daughter of James Wilson, St. Charles, Michigan, died on the 22nd inst. Both Mr, and Mrs. Wilson were former residents of Brussele, and their old Mende here sympathise with them in the lose of their little one, QoSiosi*y.---A Stewart, Queen street, bought to nor sanctum on Monday a curiosity in the shape of a hen's egg almost pear shaped with an addition almost similar to the stem of a pear at. Cached, The egg measured 6 inches in circumference around the length and 271 end 8} inobes, respectively, at the large and small ends, PRItssNctxiON OA MENTAL -On Thurs- day afternoon of last week there was a pleasant time spent in Principal Cam. eron's department of Brussels Publio school, , 0.t whish in addition n to the pres- entatlon of a joint program, the two sil- ver medals donated by W. H, Herr were presented to the winners, D. Stracben, inc taking the highest marks at the En- trance, and Frank Smith, for heading the list in the monthly examinations. The medals bad Brussels school neatly engraved upon them and on the shield were the names of the respective reef. pie=ta. They were prepared by the well known Ellis Co. of Toronto. The follow - fug was the program :-Chairman's ad- dress, Mr, Cameron ; recitation, Milton McGuire ; solo, Laura Brydges ; solo, Ida Blashill ; recitation, Emma Web- ster ; duett, Misses Putland ; dialogue, seven girls ; recitation, Laura Brydges ; S010, Vinie Cardiff ; duett, Misses Put - land ; reading, Myrtle Nott ; recitation, Elsie Jackson ; solo, Fannie Thomson ; solo, Leslie Kerr ; dcett, Misses Alice and Ethel endall ; pres- entation of medals, W. II. Kerr. Trrusteestate KendallandoRev of given and after an expression of thanks by Mr. Cameron the proceedings were brought to a close by the National Anthem, Ton SEERTes KI ieDOy -Rev. J. W. Saunby, B. A., addressed a large audience in the Methodist ohoroh in this plane on Wednesday evening. Be came under the auspioee of the Woman's Foreign Mis- sionary Sooiety, and the ladies of tbeee organizations occupied the centre seats of the church, The pastor presided and after an opening hymn Rev. Jno. Ross, 13. A., of Melville church, offered prayer. A suitable anthem was rendered by the choir, followed by a few remarks by Be,. Mr. Cobbledick, and afore introducing the reverend lecturer Rev. D. Millar, ' of Knox ohureb, Bang a sacred solo with good effect. Rev. bit. Saunby spoke for about 1� hours, and dealt with his sub• feet unser the heads of mythology, tra- dition, religions, Japanese home life, dress, marriage customs, hospital service and the progress the W. F. M. S. and the lady miseionariee were makiug among the women of Japan. He gave three great canses of rejoicing in this work :-(1) It taught the Japanese that women are worth educating. (2) That a woman has mental qualifications equal, if not sup. erior, to men. (3) A new idea of woman• kind. The lecture was most entertain- ing and instructive and the vote of thanks, moved and seconded by Rev. J. Ross and Rev. J. L. Kerr, was heartily approved of by the congregation, After the Dox. elegy Rev. S. Jones pronounced the Benediction. General JN ew . Gov. McKinley, of Ohio, is prostrated by a severe attack of bilious fever. Robert Baker, a sheep herder, was found frozen to death on the plains five miles from Laramie, Wyo., Thursday night. The London Daily News says Dr. Net. tleton, theoonlist, believes an operation will fully restore Mr. Gladstone's normal powers of vision, The American pension outlay for the next fiscal year is $14,000,000 less than for the current year. Prone this titne the decrease will continue steadily. At Arcadia, Ind., the Ohio window glass factory alerted work Friday. A. young woman lighted the tires amid booming of cannon, and a big ox Was roasted in honor of the event. Capt. Wilson, an aeronaut, went up in a balloon on Sunday from a spot near the sea shore, Cannes France. After aeoend• ing about 300 feet the balloon was oanghb in a sbroug wind and was blown seaward. Wilson opened the valve, but apparently was unable to close it as be neared the surface of the writer. Tho balloon drop- ped Iikea shot into the sea, and Wilson was drowned. Abraham Walker of Welaeca, Georgia, tion, of tlanta, Was. delegate t arrest d o the State bandouf- fed and dragged to prison, Saturday morning (barged with winking et a well-known sooiety lady. After the arrest it was discovered that the wrong man bad been nrreeted. The oars caused a great sensation among the delegates to the convention then in session. was killed het Willis, eels by Homer, daughter Georgia, end his wife. The news of the tragedy did not !sols out for several days, when a eon, Frenois, 1l years old, told it to some n ' et h bar . c H Daughter u ht 5ra and mother Were arrested, t taken so Homer, and given a preliminartrial. The boy testified that hie father came home from his work about dark and, setting hie bottle of whiskey on the oupboard, oalled for his supper. After beginning to eat is meal a difienlby arose bemoan the father and mother, but the former sat down 00 a °hair before the fire, when Lillian, about 15 years of age, etroott hit= with the ax, nutting a gaeh in hie - skull. Rising zip and soreaming Willis threw back his head and the mother took the ax front the irl and out him morose the throat with 5. The girl Bays she streak the blow with the a:c atter having out her fabbee'e }neat with a razor While be Wes choking her mother to death. Her plea was that she did the deed to save her mother's lie. The girl was abquitted.