HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-23, Page 10�i,71�'.,
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Cannot Of Confefferatlon, was allowed to on-
ter tile timing, ta4ilig with It kt� Certain
-,--,---,.-.-- _ - !i2=___
W,07, wo have Oil left AS Casual revenue
,M1,248, and this arto0olit Is Nlve as tal".11"
ten U99.
-___- _____-___1_-_____-_
flow districts, Rollool Of Voxihx,�rogy, und
school Inspection 111''alties and towns, and
have for therfo
,eight asyluums to $345 118; ofirld in 01110, 'With
its all. aillolums, It AR Wit 88; Our tiverage
for fOL' 40'lufft
both justifiable and Unavoidabloo, and in
: itemlY every histance made with tile Can -
Sent und approval of tile Whole EQUSe. I
am 0 Out at debt. it WAS provided
by .4tatute that the excess of debt Over
Its our, capital rovelpts of years
01111 OUVal reyprias to a grogl;af� tevealle,
alnee ChAt klim: wo Spout
Lit m
rt,q now serviaps, respeotti,ely, and I
eao)l plaltiout
cost por Nyoelc ,
min intellaillic, 14 $0 lic. Ill the New York
will speak of porne of tile moro Important
thit,1 $02,500,000 Should box LlIvided b8twaf0t
Ontario arid Quebec, that these, Provinces
, L, -\-
vind Ina ovial, Inoteaties rinav, i thinX,
pected from year to N,Qar� I During last Filar
,110 order uttrad(l $OX'h $18,13.9, will ,vil,045.
111 tile Short Spots of throb yeal's Were-
$Late hospitals for tile 1111411110 1116 Vast Ave-
raged Tm, three , years pax, weelt hap been
in this department made during
the last four of, live years, 'rho Deugrl;�
I I -
pay Interest on flills excess, and
""' nearly, $2,M more from tile
"lly V
ford Car o"dilo4tjolml expenditures In earn-
�5 Is, at' ne4ply twice as much as ours, The
triont of Agi-Ilfulturo )Vs$ Created 411 IM31
hat this Intema should be deducted balt
S - L, 1�1!1 thee Ulan %vs did 14 3892, $9.600
plately new 01rot-Clons, lit which %ve tied
average cost pt week. for .each pationtoin
,,,ILI this Involved, amongst other thilibo,
� I I
yearly ,train their, subsidy slid Specific
"I'lle by Wal� of flnes, $1,bo) more froin tile
hitherto not apeaft ailykill;ug, have agle're-
'10 anyiUms In tile, United stateshas ))a in
sundry new domartineotal expenses, $uon
ft Harcourt's Abcount of
It wit$ g000pfained that the debt
2o"atually to $78,()H,988. there-
OffiWal Gazette, and $1,400 more under tile
insurance Cot of 1802.
gated 210 lope a SUIII than $44'"O' ._�Tld
these,are samplo only Or Imor"aserl ex.
$'Lla,oriloper Lolitniore Chambers, Tile
lit the Montreal 11100PRAI
as printing, stationary, postage, etli.,
amounting to About $Ix7Q0 a year.
arriounted ;&lid,
fore,deductlons wirrall Increased every half-
penitil ores to which not one Word of Ob,
cost par week
top tile Juanita Ilan been $11 42, or 3D per
Mr. CIantxX'V7&9 that expenditure lion.
His Stewardship,
Year, foil the lutel,051; oil 0111, Share Of tile
excess, that I-, air share of'$9,789,691, an
Out, receipts under the succession duties
Jootirm was ever taken In this hous,, or
elsewhere. I have Saki that oul, Colman,
Cant. more than ours, The cost In phn�
In Eafr1glid. QYOT
sonted to on thin side of tile House ",
The Treasurm-Doeat my lion, friendalso
our I ..
of date July Ist, 1867, were made each halt-
_ �
Son during 1ASt year asesedda our expect&-
tiorigl sylt IS expanding and that there-
Ilar Institutions averaged
a 'long- period of yeavtt haq been IS 92 PAT
Intend to mova� for the abolition of the
I ,
Your from 1867 to 1873 front our subsidy.
Claim It Will lie remembered that the Act
fare Increased explfralitures year by yaav
week. New South Weida has five Instit'l-
Agricultural Department ',' I Welcome tile
Tile amount Lie deducted each year from
canto Into force July J,. 18H, and that the
Are imavoldoble, I wl)r refer briefly to
tions like ours, &fill tile average Cost there
interruptioii at my lion, friend as a sure
- -
our subsidy as Interest oil the excess at
duties Accruing under It became Ope Aid
Same facts In support of this Stutl4ment,
Pei, West, far , long number of years hat)
Indication of lit$ dereat at the coming
debt was, by estimate (Afterwards. agoorm
Vayablo at the death Of the deceased, or
lit l6frit we had 397 More ItomblIC
been P 73, Our .fit axis arid all, Well
elections, � (Land ATIAlaterigli Applause,) No
to be too: high), 4201,061i, Ili 1873
ann-edt was Passed relieving the Provinces
NN;thhl eighteen rricrithp thereafter.' A
period of eighteen manthp buying elapsed
teachers and 95 urcre, High School Coach-,
Ors than )%Is bad lit 1880, We had 05 more
understand that every account rendiored,
even the Smallest, will be subJect to tile
objection was taken to tile creation of
the department by ally member of tile
cot the excess of debt as then ascertain-
since the act came Into 1-01,00, We May now
lifecliAnIcal Inotitutep arid free libraries In
closest Scrutiny. The Inspectors, men of
House, all conceded that the change was
I .
ad, �:IO,500,088, so that -on the lot of July,
expLeL, regular arid continuous receipts. I
3S93 than in 1889, arid therefore while our
wide expernixce arid practical knowledge,
desirable and .In the beat intarofixts of tile
1673, fox, the first tbnO .We X'SOOV-
"sutured to remark last Year that it would
grants to meellaill0a, institutes and It-
acquaint thentselVes N�,Jtlj minutest de-
Province. I am. not forgetting that re.
I ad our subsidy and specific grant
, 'L
in full arid free front any deduc-
be found that Our experience would re-
gernble thut or other countries In regard to
brarles arnouilted, to, $31,41,19 lit :laW. they
Ivere Increased to $44,416 lit lags. We Silent
tMIS, and wre thus constantly, In a POSI-
tion to Insist that there Elliott be In the
cently the President at' the Young Wfen'o
Conservative Club of this city$ fit his tit.
i;plendid Showing Made
tion for interest till excess of debt,
TI is act of 11373 readjusted and increased
Succession duties, that out' act WOU2 work
fairly, that It would not lie vexatious, that
$4,15p) more on burl Normal Schools in 113,93
Illan We (lid I, laO. We had riffle Mere
matter of the purchase of supplies neith:er
waste nor extravagance. As the whole-
augural address delhered in Novernbew,
2893, pronounced agaimst the Department
by the Treasurer.
tho subsidies payable under the B,N.A.
Act, but tile Increase dated Only from the
it Would prove as little burdenrome as any
substitute which could be ,do 1'-u
High Schools dolt 197 more.Public ,qcbooII3
i than lit 1889. 'a It A j,20U Ili re
112 189, V� a 0
sale dealers testify, out, bursars take ad�
vantage of the keen competition a I xisting
(If Agilimilturp and contends(] that It
NVOUld Ile Irl'the best Interests of the Pro -
Ist of July, Ilia. 'The act Of 1884, to which
I have alluded, was intended to allow the
experience of nearly two years fully call-
firims this belief, I would remind lion.
Righ Soillool pupils Ili 1892 than In i$89,
Aud Car It School grant 'V11S $g,100
In all branches of trade, and thus secure
the best bargains ava4lable. Consider-
Vince, as well as true economy, to do
Away with it and to make it It mere ritinor
I .
Increase to date from July 1, 1807, It also
deals With an increase to the gulasidyand
Xnembers that our receipts under this axt
Are by the express tapirs of the act itself
target, in 1893 than in 1889. OUT grants to
I�uwle, Separate an& poor schools iVcre
Ing the excellent, wholesome and nuti,l-
tious dietary which ive furnish, the per
branch or appendix of some other depart -
ment. The loader f the Opposition alp
0 0 UT THE S U LR P L U S.
its intent was to restore to us the ,pay'-
allocated to tile support of our loompl,tais
and Asylums. In 1698 We Spent by Way .at
T,4,673 more it, )SO$ thgx� Ili Isar. Nor have
weligoloccasionat anytimetorpgrat tiny
capita Cost of maintenance is, all must
I woe astonished CA learn, recently 0.101,
plants which we. would have received if
.the Increase had dated from Ist of July,
grants to hospitals and charitILS $164,W.
of these new or Increased egpenditures.
admit, surprisingly low. In all casda where
inactlemble' and where -It can be. done
pressed a Somewhat slmllmi, view. can
assultdo the 'House that thin Government
3867, instead of from let of July, 1973.
the act declares, phallbe
We need not be Surprised If within a few
A-mrs Our receipts by way of succesn'ton
Thai position of the Province, Pdactation,
, ally cohridered, lo'aarnittedly an enviable
with advantage to the ;Province, the sup-
has no sympathy Whatever with that
"'few ; that, on the other h4nd, every -
These payments,
deemed "capital owing to the said Pro-
duttes will balance der grants , pit ale
to 1105
one. No country diters to its every child,
plies for the public fnatfitutions are pur-
chased by tender. . .
thing possible will be done to strengthen
levenue Larger, Expenditure
yinces respectively, bearing Interest at 6
Pei, cent. per annnin,whioll interest, sliall
. d charities. .Our act, It will be borne
in �)
In Ind, exampts bill estates which d not
all things considered greater or better
school builities or.prfvlleges than ours.
. I
and build Up this important departisiout
And add to Its-ustifulness. Since 1888 five
Less, Than Expected.
be .payable to them as part at their year-
exceed $10,000; Near relatives, such as fa-
Cher, another, children, husband, wife, etc.,
While primary education, the -education
Imparted in our Public Schools, is our
. .
We have a still more striking Illustration
new electoral district societies have been'
Incorporated, air minual to them
ly subsidies." The oApiltalized. sum of
$21,848,2S9 is made tip Of 12 of these half-
pay no duties whatever except when the
estate exceeds $100,000. All,property given
first and chief cmxoern� ,we have not ne.
the which
of Uncontrollable expenditures wheat. we
came to consider tile large sums We'llave
� grants
amounting to $3.550. We .have also given.
yearly Payments (fcO- lot Of July, 1886,
Ist of January, llid, Inclusive),,with Stan-
or bequeathed for religiousi charitable.or
glected seatuidary education
our high L Settools afford. Indeed, we
Spout in recoriL years, ,especially the last
Commencing with 1992o $100 additional to
each: of our 85 electoral district societies,
I . I
� Legislative Chamber, Nirs,rch G.
pie interest added at 5 par cent. trom the
educational purposes Is Also exempt, Slmi-
hxr, laws in other cotintrIts, England, New
dare not do so, Since the healthy and
sound the one is Inseparably
fear or five years, oil public buildings. NVe
Spoilt in 3.802, for example, on new build-
And this called for the considerable an-
increase We have
This was in many respects the greatest
day on
day on which each payment would have
been made to the Ist of JulY, 1884. In
York State, PenrlsYlvards, and Maryland,
growth of
connected with that of the other. I Will
g the new.'Parilament
Ings, includin 130
nual of S8,00.
Also beon,.glving during recent years to
ey of tile session. It -was the
vhtcb the Treasurer made his annual
,1894, then, for the first time, we received
Interest on a nowfund, viz, an this sum
for example, Apply to and affect thousands
0 f estate% which, Under our law, axe Alto-
be Allowed, SIT, in this Connection to,re-
mind the I -louse Of the glowing tribute
buildings, $778,815, and this amounts
more than one-fifth of all. our. expendl-
the Dam ..It Sheep Breeders' AssoLla-
tiou and to the filwind Breeders, Associa-
tatement. Nothing Sensational was ex-
of $2,84S,289, the Interest Amounting to silt,
goether exempt. Since the 'pas4age Of OUT
. it every Province in the Dominion Age
paid to our school systetn by Sir Richard
-,NFdbster, the cultured, and ZolmlarlY At-
turns, for that year, For several years
past our expenditures Undcr'thIS head have
tion $700 a year each, and for beekeepers'
inrpection and expenses $SOO a These
tooted and ,nothing sensational took Place-
twenty Years,
217 each half year, This sum or $71,217, as
increased pubskly Under the act of 1684, Was
Passed A, law similar to It. The States of
torney�Goiieral of Lord S&Ilsbury$s GeV-
beer, unusually large. During the last five
are all new items representing, In the ag-
�he Ontario budget for over
paid to us along with the other specific
(ill to, Maine And California passed similar
. California takes 5 cent.
ernment, who, lit speaking of our educa-
years we have Spent lit this Way $3,167,051i.
During ,Ive
gregate, a very considerable Increase, and
rest now hag been a simple record of
business transao-
pavirients of Interest on the trust funds
r per
law , in 1393,
of .tile value of all estAtas OV41, $600 in
tional eiltribit.at Chicago, said (I gl-m his
own words). "That it was one of tile most
the previous -five Years spent
!ll,r,9,634. Not a, dollar of this expendlit
yet no word of objection -Was ever taken
't it single one of them at Any time in
itralght and honorable
4C.. tile mowat Administration. The
up to July 1, lass.. On Ist January, ISS9,
the Dalillgion Government, lit order to Car-
value and devotes the proceeds to Its
beautiful and Instructive in Elie Whole
was ever questioned, either In this use
the House. And these are Lonly A few Of
object Is not one that lends itself to etc-
ry out the agreement,of October, 1888, to
L school fund. In Ifinmenota A. constitutlIon-
al amendment authorizing the taxation OX
exhibition ; that it was the only exhibit
Willett ,It all approached his Ideal of What
or In any committee of this House. There
has been no want oC opportunity for full
file agricultural Increases. At the cot -
Inge there have been recently Instituted
tuence, Yet, treated from a standpoint in
which I will more fully refer hereafter,
to Its, specifically the subsidy of
Inheritances Is to be submitted to tile pan-
an educational exhibit should be ; that It
Irt and thorough Investigation. In
not a few very valuable new service,. Pat-
VhIch financial acumen and an exhalls
$59S,430, and also EL Payment Of $130,000, "on
pie ne-Nt year. We exempt 991 estates out
vo,ab the most perfect. In arrangement,
each Instance it wag recognized that our
example, ail assistant chemist was added
Iva arTay of facts blended happily wit"
account of pending settlement of, An.
of every 1,ODO, judging from the results In
1,292, and the goals of duties which we In
And explanatbry Inj a. simple and SAtIsfan-
tory Way of the finest practical system of
uilrent needs called for the erection Of
naNN buildings, and that any further delay
to the staff In 1891 at $900 a year ,, a horti-
oulturist In also at $900 a
he oratorical graces for which Mr. Har-,
of the day
counts." . $face January 1, Ms. the Do-
Trittiodon Government ceased nisking spect-
each case exact Is very moderate. Our
I have
public education from, the kindergarten to
Would be Inexcusable and against the pub-
year ; an assistant dairyman and
iourt is noted, the speaker
oras able to hold keenly Interested nor.
fie. payments, and Instead have eaciLh half
receipts In INS, amounting to, as
sada,L $45,507, were paid by V estates, tell
the University thaLt the world affords to-
day." A few, nionths ago several of the
Ila Interest. .The work was commenced
In each, case not one day too soon. 20
laborers . in the dairy department
,,it a charge f $1,860 a year, and
olly his fellow -members In the chamber,
yearsant us round sums as payments on
account We received in 1853 as Interest
,if vflilch were the estates of parsons re-
sident In the County of York. TWO ple-
principals of the Normal Schools of New
York State. of very high Standing
meet pressing needs we commenced the
creation of'the main building arid the eiplit
an assistant pardoner at $NO a year. Then
In the %ery important, matter of Inap I-
,uPants of tile vArC_
lot the numerous Oct . L
an our Investments $79,897, and this is our
largest receipt under this head for sev-
taids, one in Ottawa and one in Toronto,
City, L
educationally viisiteci. this Inspected
asylunit cottages at Minitco in November,
mental which but few individual
rus galleries.
eral -years past. Of this amount the
taken together, paid duty to the amount
our various �ducatioual institutions, and
18M, These were completed in March, 3-891.
farniers can Afford to do, but which the
main items are $18,272, which represents a
,Of $129,227, which Is more than ,one-half of
These two
made most careful Inquiry Concerning
In June, 1891, the erection of two addition-
Province through the Instltiition at
It was not quite 3.80 o'clock when
year's interest on the drainage debentures
our total receipts for the. year.
were estates or muntirried memo Whose
them.. These'learned and experienced pro-
tregsors and teachers:publiely spoke In lite
al cottages for refractory patients was
commenced, and thfte were finished In
Guelph I-; expected to do, there has been
it constantly growing expenditure. Only
he Treasurer began his statement, a few
we lxold� and $55,444. received from the
banks. as Interest on sums Specialty
Property passed to collateral AMd not near
very highest ,terms of our school System
.A.pril, 1892. Up to the end of 1803 ive had
$500 WAS Spent in this way in lass. while
rifles of formal business having first
lie . until eight
posited with them fx�om time to thus. In
I In only one estl-te out of
39,'70 Atlaogn"Eirly duty Paid by tile very near
in general, Said especially of our provision
for giving to . every teacher It professional
spanded on these new. bullolim8s, which
furnish excelleiLt accommodation for 600
in 1893 we spent $5,611. Tile Immense Im-
portance at this work amply Ju tifies title
)sell disposed of. spoke
almitest to $and his deliverance was so de-
that every word at Ills
. other Words, our cash investments brought
us In timing 1993 Q,217 a day by.way of m-
terest, the interest by the
relatives of the deceased, such as wife or .
children, and this was an. estate in To-
training. The numerous awards Secured:
by our educational exhibit at the Chicago
Patients, the large sum of $305,760. The
ProvinaeL oWns.-In connection with these
expenditure. Those Who have y"IsIted the
. farut, And Inctiel,ted the experimental plots
iberate and clear
oteellent. speech was heard lit all Parts
while paid us
banks alone represents 4 per cent. on a
ranto valued over the $100,030, limit. The
Surrogate Colirt clerks in the Province
rilposition, to which the, Minister In
charge will make extended reference, fur-
a valuable, plot at ground call-
tainlngfi7acres, InIMwebommenced the
consider thern as forming one, of the most
useful features of the whole institution.
,f the Chamber. His speech was as lot-
Capital investment of $1,400,000. From the
Crown Lands Department received last
have sent me full returns for 1993 of tile
nigh clearest proof that this Provintle, in
creation at OrIllia. of two 'Cottages, with
'Pile travelling dalry, the wide usefulness
Owe . . .
it is my duty once morej Air. Speaker,
do leave, the
year $1,823;650. This Is $28,550 In excess of
estates for Which probares or letters ,of
administrntion were issued. Altogether
the very lanpor'tant Matter of education,
has wait for itself ail pnvlable Position.
Idlohen and outbuildings, for the accom.
imodation of idiots. These Ware Compact-
of which Is generally recognized through -
out the Province, has been in existence
)store moving that you
in order that the House May 96 In-
my estimate, ,From the woods and for.
ests branch alone received $1,157,005.
they report 4,574 estates, and of all, these
(Ministerial applause.)
ed it. 1887. The main front building arid
only three Years, during which time we
a Committee of flapply, to give some ex7
From our public Institutions we. received
only Its, of 1 Out of every 52, liable
to pay succession duty. Twenty of thf-Se
dining ball were flornmenced In ISS9 and
complated in 1891. These buildings, furnish
have spent Upon It $12,505. This is a new
expenditure, which has basil the means
danations, more or less minute, of the
ornewbat varied financial tra,ns�--
i !rf9,840, exclusive at all receipts from the
Central Prison, to which I will make ape-
SS belong to tit,. County of York, and 61
of them are still unsettled and.outstanding
Our largest ouigl appropri I ation 113 t I hat
ten&nce of our
I)crfcct accommodation for 600 patients,
ana their cost up to December, 1893, is o,;IS4,-
of Awakening a,great degree of Interest
In one of the most important departments
Ions of the Province for the
,Car At the same time I
Clad reference. From theme Institutions,
and have not as yet paid the duties. In
Voted for the mal public
institutions. Wonvote now each Year
722. )A -'e own 150 acres at land in.connec-
Of =turge- No one would now think
trapped, with the approval of the 'House,
ornIttin g the prison, .we expected to receive
$78700, go that our actual receipt is slight-
fifteen counties In the Province ,lot a. sit]-
gle estate In JS93 came within the provis-
three tifillis as much for this service As we
OUT annual Avpro-
tion with this Institution. In October, 189.2,
We commenced to build a,new asylum at
0 tin it a rtallment of the ex -
. , u
PeTISA which it involves. In 1891 the trav-
a speak in a general way of our revert-
tea end expenditures of previous years,
ly'ln excess of out,- estimate. Detailed
of all the operations At the
long al' the met. Ili the State of New York
dig twenty.years ago.
priation is 25. per cent, more than it was
Braolt�vtlle. One part.of this, namely, the
ailing dairies visited five counties In addi-
,nd, before closing, to make a hurried re-
' revenues arid
Central Frison for 2893 will be found in the
it is eatiniated that one estate Out of ev-
el. Y 35 is liable to duty. .In time PrOVlk,9.e
ten, years ago. 'V�re spent in IS93 for this
service $128,695 inoriklmn we did five years
trialn building, will, we expect, be complet-
ed this Year. It W.'11, ,wheir. .-finished, ac-
to Some of our largest fell e- bl-
, dorurrin 1992 28 counties were visited,
stance to out prospective I
xpenditures, The ,whole subject, 'Nix.
report of the Inspector.of Prisons. Hall.
members will notice that, in addition to
one out of :62 pays ditty. - 'Rile L State of
New York far the yewr ending Split ber
ago, and $130,452to'blore - than me did tell
We expended In U93 lar thi
modate 500 patients. We- g_�%ve W,oaj
for the farm 'of 160 acres adjoining,Brook-
and lit 1293 18 counties and districts, No
less than 09 meetings haVeL been held
Peaker, has been so exhaustively dealt
,Ith from year to year, so frequently aud
the details given In thiq report, there Is
appended for the first time to the public
$0, 1893 received as reveriae,ulider its I.-
$3,071.687; the State of Penn.
Years ago. -a
owk pur�)ose the enormous sum of $7MS30,
Ville on which It is built. Up to the end
of 1893 we have expended on'tbas now
under their auspices, so that the whole
Province has to some extent shared in tile
a ably, discussed from every point of
law, tha,t I cannot, even hope to present
accounts of the Year an abstract of the
receipts and expenditures of the prison.
herlta�oc act
an ylvarda. for the yeator Anding November
30i IM-,. $1,124,496; and the State of Mary-
lah is more than , one-fifth of
wit I
ou I, total expenditures for that year,
to is
asylum.$112,823. As to all of these build..
ingla, tenders'were Called for, and the Cot
,great. benefits they. confer, , I fully belleve
that the college (never before. so popular
. in any new light or to point out guy ob-
mit of interest hitherto unnotic6d. I
The new binder, twine industry, which
Commenced operations In March last, and
land for Its last f1s,18,1, year $70,693. ,
i L I I
Mid this House, I &m. glad say, prac-
ilcally'L ainatilmous fit making this large
for this import-
tracts let in. the usual waYI mean, of
course, ITT. Speaker, tile usual way as far
as now) And Its adjuncts, Its dairy school,
its travelling dairies, Its summer dairy
randse. Speaker, not to detain the
rouse as long as I have done on one or
other new and Important features In can-
yearly appropriation Very
a tit servicii. .It Is true that objeoblon has
AS this Province Is concern,ed-the b Ill-
School and Its experimental work have
vo Similar occasions. At the same time
few ban.
,action with the prison will
we rran t the Provincial Secretary In gIv-
I.Will now turn to the expenditure side
our mcdount for thd yetir 1892 mild briefly.
been taken. In committee by 'one or t
very trill Wo
In Ing
ings !lave been completed, and no ques,
tion is now ralsed, or has ever bee I -
Proiied themselves to be In A high degree
instrumental In diffusing and popularizing
hope that not a membcrs, I
,bether supporting al- opposing the Gov-
Ing at an early date fullest explanations.
We received front the Education Depart-
comment upon Its more important fell-
have already said that our actual
.bars regard to some.
matters of�,detall, it is contended, for
of tile OPPOsi-
ed, In this House as to the charoicterr"of
the buildings, their adaptability to our
advanced scientific methods .of agricul-
Card, and that Very satisfactory practical
�Mmxxrt, will, AS Always take
irt In the discussion and give to the
ment $4i,640. Our estimate was $45,000.
These receipts are made �p of, for the
a for the year exceeded: our .all-
example, by'some members
"C'Lthat as to s6me-Af the table supplies
business ds, or as to their cost. Every
me ties
� other In.,tlils that
results are even now Plainly apparent.
Over and above all this I might
louse fully and ,unreservedly the berrefIr.
! their criticisms and suggestions. I
,ties t part, foes received from students at.
routed receipts by $95.468. I am glad to
able to say: thait We have also kept our
a Its I
par h ad for the asylums a saving, ILd-
mittedly very Inconsiderable in amount,
.House must admit
the Comnilssioner of Public Works has
refer to
our signal success at the Chlcago Exto-
,vite, beforehand, exhaustive discussion,
tit inquiry and Minute Investigation. It
tending our Normal Schools, and fees
paid by the candidates at the departmental
oxpenditures ,Wall under the estlinate. The
House voted for the services of 189' $atKl.,-
cauld 'be effected. Even if this contention
.Were well,founded,.and I do. not admit It
succeeded In Grecting these large build-
Inas, which Are a credit to the Provincei
sition as furnishing gonclusive proof that
Ontario has greatly advanced and 1.4 au.
is always been found convenient, and I
examinations. Normal School students
789. '%Vs actually spent (I .%in Speaking of
for.a single moment, all the,itents thus
at, all things considered, a inarvellailsly
vAnolng In everything relating koLagricul.
Ill therefore follow the L Usual PraCtCLO
paid last year $16,973, arid departmental
eXam Ination Candidates $24,093, The Stu-
at -dinary expenditures) ,,3,371.713. We then
'objeeted'to In this large yearly appropria-
low cost, And that, as a result of, his
skilful management, mastery of detalls,
tore. Others 'will, during the session,
doubtless enlarge upon this Interesting
I thISLOacaston, to speak In the first place
I the receipts of the past year. Ron.
dents attending the School of Pedagogy
received $95,460 more than Our estimate
. and expended .M0,041 less them the House
-tion t $800,000 'would not in the aggregate
am. 0
tint to 1.�10th of I per cent. In cal -Ing
Careful supervision and firm control, tons
topic and speak in detail of the extrerriely
Le-bers V�qll notice, I am sure, with
a let
paid $1,835, And those attending the 9chool
of Practical Science $2,510, we
gave tip authority to spend. Ili tile page
leading We
for our unforturieLte Insane, we cannot Ig.
of t)loaarx
. nds of, dollars have been saved
to the Province. this large, wealthy,aud
creditable position Won by the Province.
If a comparison Is bad either with differ-
Cc Ing
atisfSetion"-thtiolliom ,,, 111 �ce
"I I . I
, ............ .1
6T .L� .
- �
� .
from AMW Stamp. $84j216, a . . I
. IiJ�(le�,ou�'.�t+.�int�-Z�i.,-�SD2,.Iwe,,-t�pi;;d
of each of' thirteen Services
spoof Considerably, less titan th.L'Homae
nare the serious responsibilities we have
nred. -
an', Our assumption of these resp6n
Imp rtant Province Is now well equipped
. tIle matter of buildin d L
ant 'States LOP the Union or with the I 14
-c t
of the Dominion the result must be highly
his Silica . �. I I,
P rep Ion
SOIL017, I
l and in 1890 $90,349.' On the' other
,6toa. roi. example, we, spent civil
$5,000 less than was voted, ,for
L '.
sibilitia. mating, be,,I,*wvorhQ1p�.�qd.,.Ahg,
public ,
. 91i A a
44 ,.ix_tL,__.:t�1,11_&1..171.
I >eoPle ; .lid Lour xxuar
r.Xv I
ent of o, ,,, .
I .. has re I P a re in
ends, I, I
hand, the xecelptli of 1989,and 1891 ar
rerY similar In amount to the recelpts of
g vernment
droxi.i.tration, of justice $22,004 I"S thRo
the burdens of the various rnurx16ITi&II1ld1`S1'
In the Province ere lightened exactly In
rate, when we recall With pride and gat-
lefactlall the undisputed and ' Indisputable
Coast , It w I noted, were not limited
to all a or two dep artmente only. (Ap-
or ache ule of assets .... 0 f oil- in_
c,stments, --in L recall 7e
during L recall I age
last year. .
. -was voted, �5�Oflg, less for maintenance of
public institutions, $5S,WO less for pul�olui
proportion to the expense which the Pro�
Vince train time to time Incurs, .. No State
fact hat In their erection not One dol-
lar or our very large
Plause.) 2
ends matured early In 189.4, and the Do-
Linton Government Promptly paid them
buildings, $23,000 less for public works, And
$33,Oilu less for charges on Crown lands.
in the 'Union. no other Proirlitee in tile
aPProPrlAtions hats
ever. been diverted from its proper par.
t date of maturity. Excluding these
We received from liquor' licenses In 1803
Our t1tft,I 13XPOTI(liture.% foil .1898 war, 1-11'61,-
Dominion, assumes these responsibilities
to the Panic extent. We must. contln a
pose To.meet well-defined and pressing
-wants'lit this
As anothei Illustftlion, take our large
yearly ' grants
ends, as well as all Payments received
uring the year, to the amount of $52,957
$2D4,517, belong P40 less than our receipts of
last Year. In 1880 there were Issued. 3,,'is)
Itog less tI,gm those of 2892, $9.51,314 lersathain
those of Isfil, said only $10,821 more than
to provide.for the Insane, and to furnish
Public, direction a largely-
increased expenditure was imperatively
under the head
of " administration f. Justice,"
6 account of the drainage debentures we
loans Triade by us to tbu
licenses ; in 1890, 8,522 I In 1891, 3,414 ; in
1892, 3,369 ; In 1893, 3,195; a falling off In
those of 1890. 'We are happily agread In
to matters affecting
a dditional Accommodation when required,
or else, as unfortunately happened not
needed. To Speak at large lit a general
heedless And Irresponsible way of Increlts'
The lucreases under this head
from time to time tire very noticeable. NN',
old representing
lunicipalittes, our total receipts for M1
.four years of a65 licenses. In :1876 there
Was one license to 275 of oil"
t.bCS Rouse as many
the &dminix;tration of our finanoos. The
many years ago, allow them to drift into
and occupy calls In our County goals. We
ad expenditures, to make nebulous Insinu-
&tIons of extravagance. to keep
spent, for example, In 189a $105,07 mare
than Nit did lit 1883. In 38811 we Spent
-ere $4,039,650. It )too not been Customary
) take Into consideration In our estimate
granted each
Population. In 1893 we granted one litleirse
differences botween us, for extumple, as
the grant L bulk of our expenditures, can-
In at furnish them with comfortable hainam
and ear -
fully out of sight such explanatIo old I
245, and Ili 1893 $389,652, being air increase of
. paymen
C the year's receipts thes is
to each 683 of our popubition. According
Corn matters of mere iletali only, and when
And Provide them with good, wholesome
am hurriedly giving, is, I submit, neither
38 per cent, in ten years. We Are of one
sade on account of drainages debentures.
re constantly loaning to the
to -the latest returns there is one license
to every 150 of the of the State
fully analyzed are few and unimportin I"
this fact I wou�d
and nutritious food. Our new cottage
a at Million, has accommodation for
honest nor patriotic. These new asylums
to which I have referred r.nd the now Par-
Mind In this House as to this large ex -
pendituve, which It will be noticed absorlisl
are mUnt-
palitles on the Security of their debenp
tres for drainage and we are
at New York, one to every 246 In Illinois,
one to every 248 in Ohio, one to every 2194
As ,till., illustration Of
point to our large and I nereashig educa-
now Absorb no les.4
660 patients. During last year. it had un-
der treatment 593 patients. The new Oril,,
liament buildings have cast us, tit) to the
end.of 1898, $2,400,696. M0.41; of the money
abou,t one-tenthLot our total' expenditures,
and over whiclo'every one must admit the
mstantly lit receipt of payments made
V the municipalities these.
Ili Indiana, and one to every 200 In MOM-
gan. With this steady and rapid reduction
tional grants, wiiii'll
than orle-nixth of our total expoxxdltures�
dollars we spend, Oita
Ila Asylum has accommodation for 550 pa-
Lients, and last year it had Under treat-
has been 'spent (luring this very Parita.
meat and Yet not one minute of theAlme
Government can have but little practical
control. It represents, for the most part,L
on account of
'an , I
in tile number at licenses, with hots"S PoS_
Out of every six
to]' colucational Purposes- As to
ment at different times 663 lnmates� Later
Of thi 8 House Or ,Of allY committee of this
expenditures made In the different counties
For eXample, we, made fresh loans In
oesSing muell better accommodations than
these grants %ve Are all of one mind in
On I will malts further reference to these
House L has been ppent ln discussing LtbIS
by our county officials for ,tile every.day
VS to the amount of $62,49B, and we re-
!Ived $52,257 on account of loans previous-
formerly, With It complete Separation of
groceries from liquot shops, with sales to
this House, and no one even suggests S
year by year, there is
new buildings. The rapidly Increasing
number of patients compelled us to pro-
vast expenditure Of money, or'of any part
Of lt� In considering these questions we
administration of arlorninal Justice, for ail
of which we reimburse the counties. Our
I made. I estimated last session that our
rulnors prohibited, with numeroug other
reduction, Although
InvoTio,blY (Intl unavoidably,indo2d I
vide this enlarged accommodation, and to
must not forget that the, statute which
total bxpenditure on account of the adinte-
rVenue far 1853 would amount to $4,030,-
,CS trIctions, each of! them making for
In lgbt ,say AutumatiCally-an Increased ex-
Incur therefor heavy capital expenditures,
provided for the erection at ,new Parlia-
Istrablon at justice In 1889 Was $369.186 ; In
2. We Actually received $95 ,466 over and
so briety, we call, think, reasonably clahn
pencilture. On.the other hs,rid, If our rev-
In out, asylums we had In 1887 3,553 in-
ment buildings set apart for sale certain
00 $303828; 1 ,
1 1 , n 1991 $401,090 ; In 1892, $39,1,-
)cv8 this estimate. This, we will all
that our license laws ]lave brought about
a marked and businessiJkl Abatement
annes permitted it, we -would, I van-,
mates, in 1889 3,808 Inniates,, fit 1889 3,95a
4,187 Inmates, in 1891
lands, the proceeds When sol'.1 to form the
134 I in 189S, $385.837. Of these amounts we
to County Treasurers
,needs, is a very satistaotory result. The
,at Item of receipts, that
tile evils of the liquor traffic. The Province
tUTO to sky, Without a dis-
make evert more substantial
Inmates, In 1890
4,972 Inmates, In 1892 4,785 Inmates,' in 1898
buildings construction fund.
One of the parcels. of land so set &part
paid and other coun-
ty officials on account of admInIstTation of
at our subsidy
id specific grant, rentains, of course, at
Le Same figure from to
received for its dv,n use as revenue from
licenses (I fum speaking of the calendar
renting voice,
increases each year to our votes for edif'.
,purposes, We spent in 180 under
4,854 Inmates,. being an Increase Of 1,340
patients in Six years. The extra accom-
was tile Site of the old Parliament build-
higs, 91.3 acres In extent, Situate In tile
justice In counties and districts In 1,1:89,
$2710.472 I In 3.800,,$289,608 ; In 1891 $280,739 ; in
year year,
I .
year) In 1889, $302,734 ; in IR90, $ajg.007': in
18II, M2 8,184; In lasso $2994,758; In l8k, $894 -
tile head, oi education $662,521� ThIS Is
titan We spent tnL I
IM, an,J
loodatioil provided In 1891 accounts for the
Increased admissions of that Year, With
heart of this alty, owing. to tile rnarke a
depression In real estate WO have not sold
1692, �291,650 ; In 1892, $283,465. 0 Etch ,of
these YeEL110 therefore we. Pald,to the Cow "
The next Item, that of Interest received
am the Dominion, may require a brief
%,16; and gave back to the inu ichialfilos ;a
the same years, viz., In 11939, $297,363 ; in
M077 more
$1.19,7,1 ,,,are than we spent tit 1883., Vo
`_ I In these
Seeks to fit' -
this constantly Increasing number of pa-
tients, no one save a charlatan will ex-
thin very valuable Property, Worth any
$500,00o. We have erected Oman now
ty Treasurers and other county officials
,,ea,11.11 11 per cent Of our tota, expendl-
cillanation, If lion. members Will refer
, the
U90, $294,968 ; in 1891, $289,487 ; In 1892, S2S9,-
977 ; in 18913, $297�649. It Will be remembered
fall,-i�nlnded Peor9uh
large Inernkseg a matter of legither, to
them atta,�h :1
pact ,either stationary or decreasing ex-
pend ture. all times the )AIrdster in
buildings without borrowing a single flat-
let-, And still Own very Valuable
t tI
no and -
U, In till$ Way and to his Isn't
the municipalities In thla one direction
schedule of receipts appended to
y last Antraclal statement they will ob-
that Murxicipul Counalls may by by-laws,
criticism , or because at
Particle of blame to the Adialairtlation,
Charge of these Inatitutlons has earnestly
which the LegIslature Authorized us to
weradIroolly abled from the public attest.
rrve in .the column reserved for Interest
rLelPtS, that from Isla to 1883 Inclusive, &
and without asking the assent of the oleo,
tars, require a larger duty to be paid for
()It, tile contrary, a neglect on the part
or. the Government to make prompt Atilt
and methodically aimed at two things,
nainely, rigid economy and highest effi.
sell, tile proceeds of which, it WAS expect.
ad, Avould go .9, long , way. towards tile
During tile four Years from 188D to J8.1�O In-
elusive the County of Brant, for example,
-tied of fifteen years, these receipts are
tavern and shop llacti,e4, and retain for
their civil use the reveritfe thus deriv,l.
adecillote Provision for those Inlegfring cola.
olenoy, He has Succeeded In a Striking do-
creation of the new build1bgs, Another
igolVed from our grants fcal adnIlLI114tra_
tion of justice $24,13till, tile County
;ated to be exabIly the same in amount
Loh Year, viz., $196,096, or .$68,848 for each
1.1hey carimot, however, exact a duty, whin ,
, It
to Cho duty,
t on I needs which from tints to time
an I 11
force themselves upon CUT notice would
gires In both regards, I could quote, Sir,
fro )in the higliest and most'impartlo.1 all.
of these propertles.001151stIng of 21-3.5 Acres.
Port of the asyiurn farm, and valued at
.,ex Watt,, the County of Carleton $27ofig;),
Ilf year. This amount represents hite-
It at the rate Of 6 per cent, on the var-
added stat.6tory will exceed
$gt)O, unless tile by-law has been Approved
by Only In 818
loadly call for well -merited rebuke, Dar-
In " --itu'l, ten yeatol our educational
thority, and give to the House the testi.
many of experts and altenists of distlnm
$150,00% in stIll unsold. I WlghLtO Vs
the 14oriae that I min,l
A these two properties
the County of Hastings $94,600, And the
County of Shmooe,08,210. Our %,ate for tit(,,
its items then held and still held by the
Ominion In trust for Onto Till, It was
of the electors. out of WS
municipalities have the Cannella passo,d
by-laws Increasing the duties, In
. ln�h� 10,aggriegate have arnoubted
, to hr I
,.gOg fi� n at wordso we have
t', 'a her
90 Ishedreputation, andprove conclusively
Chat our large asylums, which now, taken
alone the Plovinee hitol a valuable esuot,
estimated to be Worth 4860,000, (Applause.)
Administration Of justice Into been In.
creased fit recent years by the common
Int until July, 1873, howeve r, that 96 To-
tittance Was seat to Us Spa ifically
and only
Six of them tbritighatit the whole Pro-
in ten Years directly returned fp the peow
this vast Of I money to Ile Spent
together, contain nearly 5oOOO Inmates, the
maintenance of which costs tile Province
aon;��ut at the House fix many Ways; for
example. by tile payment of witnesses fit
as a
119-year18 Interest. ip�obt So
illy Ist, 1879,
I) to and Including July lat, 18ag, the Do-
Vince were the feds ihcronsed. beyond this
linilt of $2UO. These six were Brockvilie,
Port Hope, 13owmanville, Chatham, Sud�
pie -Sum
by them In lessening their lootil
educational rate bill . -h
a Ual. year
more than,$1,I370 a day, Are semnol to, loolie
In the matter of efficient management,
146 one will learn With disappointment,
that our expendltures Under the bond
criminal cases, by the Payment of oftIcJaI
roportora Ili the courts, by tile appoIntment
11111031, VemItt0d. to us each half Year as
bury and Rat Pe,rtagt. We have In all
blings With it rtow educational experall-
when compared With those of ally Other
Lirriculture And arts are constantly n.
� I
of stipendfray Magistrates and other need
, I'd V
ed officials ill.I., a the a lit Norther"
Ltert,st on ti 'ust funds $68,948, This amouft
Made up Of three Sums, viz., Interest oil
SOB municipalities In the Province. In 528
Of them there IS ]lot a Sbigle shop license,
tUrce, imperatively called for by tile allow-
Ing neells of our expanding Systr,m. A few
State or country. I need not Argon this
point, Hart, members of the Opposition
creasing year by year. We Spent, far Oil-
,mPle, $121,008 ln 1690; $1,19,535 In IBM, JiO7,4
Ontario, 1 will give Some further Instancen
at recent Increases, which every one in tile
PPer Canada building fund, ;33,800 ; Ill-
treat on Upper Canada Gramingr School
and In 385 of them, nearly OTIO-Morth at
the whole number, there. Is no licenx,
Must ratlans will, I )lope, no', 1), ant of
place- In ISDO� for examp,10-4 will tkl�(-.
are not disposed to dispute It, They prefer,
a 0
a We do, while rejoicing at �the fact, t
"$2 ]it 1892 und $169.1.73 In 1393. . No ona Ili
the I -louse or out of. It, at) far as I knOW,
House doomed Unifivoidnble, And Which
were Ill-hpactly called, for I
by the
W, Vall? ; Interest oil Common School
till, 23,119, The Intern at on tile Cmpmou
granted of any kind whatever. Slm,a
September, U90. focal option by-laws have
rodent years --we Appropriated monev fail
0iv 111'st UMO far a, traininq School foil
determine to leave nothing undone which
would tighten tho sufferings at the afflict-
ever complained of these Increasea. Ail
the cond(tilmlo of successful f ruling, im-
neads or
the Public,' Since 1883, far loran
L Ifille, the
2 bdol fund was subject to Variation, ljlru�e
boon Carried in 28 municipalities and la-
French teachOrS, and for three Years we
ad of this Province, or plane Within their
(lated all economic Conditions, have so
Vote of t
ennual 110 1-10use far the )RIgatitrin
of'ConatItutlonal questions has been more
is amount of it depended on out, pbpul&-
on rotative to that 04 QUebeo.. Our, share
rested In 19. In A municipalities where
these by-lmwfj Were carried they were &C.
haVa Spent $950 each yeall for this Purpose.
I'llis extoonditure bag led to Very Elatlsfaa�
reach Cho belit possible available treat-
merit, AS regards the Other question, that
Changed in recent years that agrim.litural
r,roblouls, at no time as simple. or easy
than doubica, In the former year It Ivan
$5,000 it 13 now ,$121000. 11, I 985
toreaaes each de0alle, nod the amount I
iVe named IS that
torwalld,* slit aside by tbb cout,W, At pre-
tdI,Y results, Non, gentleman will, I
interest a Otefir and
or, economy, how to It, 1. warit to know,
that the capita ' Cost for nialm-
as tile majority of people anent to in,-
; all ma.
ditioll to rho GOVerhitellt detective AerVke
Which It Yielded 'lit!.
!r the cenatis of ig7j. Pro 1874 to 188-1,
sent 10=1 Option MoVAlls In on:�'19 ninni-
b1palltles, In which formerly 4 140,11,1.9
)crew, read with great
full report of this Subject recently loaned
tollance of patients in our asylums
agIne, are mow especially 00111PI100JACI And
liazzling. The Successful solution of these
ixtis made, At it yearly cost of VA04, arid'
the SILIM) Year, for tile first time, , we voted
,er6fore, these Payments O'Ju Interest fix-
find definite In number wer,Aapealfloaf�
Were ]grilled. In the Province of Quebec
the receipts fVom licenses are Very muell
15Y the IrducAtion Department- In IRRI
We .%Vs out- first grant to kindergarten
10 noticeably lower than that Of
similar Institutions. elsewhere ? I have
problems trou'lls everything far title I,ra.
Vince, Agriculture in, And must always
for. tile Provincial police sorvico tit Da.
trait River $800, find this Votox hag since
triads to up half yearly an Interest an
hat we call our trust turail, :Prior in
larger, more thrift twice as ranch in fact,
than tit y are In Ontario, Tho Quebec
,ohoollf, arid since that time we )lave
.Spent ,,1,370 for tholl, encouragement. Title
at hand a schoduld Showing tile cost per
patient according to'the last returg In
130, tile very bugle or Car prosperity; Mild
for title reason out, people will a m:hIuA,
been rr.cre thrial doubled. In I8$OL it became
Imperatively necessary -to a In Now
U the Payments, although the st In
Govern merit I -eoellled from licentoca In last).
Special exomidlilift Ili Approved of by
each at 79 asylums In the 'Drifted States.
to at and douland liberalogrants
Ontario, In the bistflot at Wains, River, it
mount, were not specifically Made as In.
1, $1,80,206 ; It) 1801-9, W7,989 ; in 1802-9, $67i,_
every one who Jigs given Any attention,
The RVO!rftg6 yearly cost pet, patient In
In ts aid, and will encourage, Ili anY mild
Sha,lff� also a Registrar of deads, anit a
rest, They came In a Jump SUM with
,a subsidy, Those Interest receipts, its
ollol� and did not return a dollar of It the
municipalities. In this Province, at; hear
even the slightest,to ediloatibrual llorobkiloe
We brtVe 00 kindergartch Schools lit the
thele is asylums Is $227 as, The average
cost list, Patient Ili Our ASYIXIMSI Wit$ tot,
every forrn, the ollsitentillatlon of t Useful
Information pertaining to agrIcul Inle, I.
TRIPILIty Mark foil tile District court At
Thuildes, Bay, arid those r.i.ppointmoutn Ill -
Ill be noticed, were Inordrised In 1.984,
been giant, We toturn to the rounielpalitles;
Province, employing ]go toatithers, Arid hftV-
the Yogi' 1893 $135 ?I, Deducting Clio I -eV-
Sin atire It will be conceded tilAt thore
volvoll ail unnuallexpenge Of 1111114501 In Isio ,
hat is the Year lit which, by viLtme at
e Dominion act, Wolin., ehap,f, tller6 was
about one-half of the total amount PC-
Ing an attandmitiall of nearly 7,000 Scholars,
We algo began to assist night Schools in
Come received from Paying Patients, our
average wag (only $110 07 Pet, patient, at,
has Always been manifested oil thll part
of this Government ail earnest desire to
BIllarIff mild A, 0 ef'k of tho District (,,ain't, ,
It , �
wts", ap,I)OInted both at Parry Squptl arid I
aced to the Credit of Ontario tile ca.,lial.
all SUM Of V,849agl), I will vamind tbd
&.,it And our grants In their MCI abloa,
"hol date. have amounted to $9,7021, In
not much 111OPe than half VIA coat In these
79 almillmr, Inatitutions,firt tile Ulifted States,
aid and encourage in every Way POSSIbic
every livalialt lent
a r agr tLIT0, It Will Also
at Bratelinl4ne, at An fit
Pi,c,vlrtc,, of $2,100. In 1890 ""' A"at 'a I
;"I't b,.nae'r,,,:'&s'�S k
Case briefly wily this credit WAS given
Under tile head of Casual ilevenno It will
lg!;2 auto first expenditure In aortitation
In tile f5t&td of. MaAaaclitinotts there ar(t
be conceded that the Minister of Agri-
nary, Ili order to Secure efficient arilroLni
And how tile ftYnount Wall at -rived
. A CmIfed0thdoh tile Dominion as, I
Ila noticed that W(I venelvi,ol In ISM $117,41IJ,
,Pilo I$ nearly twice an Intioll as we have
With the PtIblib School leaving eXWnlna--1fiVo
tfon -,vroio Incurred, find In tWo
asylunig' WhIffiLT to 6Urqo nad In them
thA tvorage yearly cost per pa;Clent is
oultur6hottsheon tolcoams,ful in many Ways
tit increasing tire usefulasso of 1116 Voly
tvation of JuAlOO, to apKnt4 District At:, !
Carney, a Clork of the Once, Mild ALP011, I
�med tile debtS at the late Province of -
tried&, to the &mount of $e L I
100,06, ,In 11892.
her words, each bi ilia ProvIliollooki It
ever recolvall fit any previews year quve-
DoducitIng 6
� ,tr receipts jt&r; �6�ddff. I
tit AaH", t6lod. 4. 1040 n-- -A -
,!Oar�a 1wo
hava given for thin InIPPOSO $1,071, In g J$
olso we commenced our grants uridol, tile
1-1-. h0o.ft oil. b..foine +-4-4 1.
� Its , r two and it half times its much
As auto average, Ili Now York Statis the I
. -.1., -, - _ r- ,L- I
important department. BUL I aelfrad as-
PedIallY to Apeak of flinvotionsed agpoidl.
I—— -1 - �� 1- 111-1--, .-.---
'maglatrotto tot, loflualcol(a, and Parry.soun �
and this involved a now Ytl.&rlv outlay , I
.- - - . 1_1 __ I I
. I
�___. -,--.- _. �� ....... -, � � . _
Willium And Rat r"rtaro WAS Appall
Ili tire rains year, for tile flot 01110,
have a I'torm,po unolltv the drainage r6vt,
by tile prxit It wall fully believe,
all sides that this appollitinout w
103006 litigation gull (-..VVPQ)IV
lu.11llill!llge platierno -Tho rt'sult Ilaq al
Shown that this belief wan well roar
No one for these neW kXpenditures
found ggillt witil al, opposed 1)), hot). grr
.01, opposite. it was adbuitted that
Public AntervAt reolut arid d * elmil
each %till every Or's Of Chain. But,
ther, In 1880, -three new 1904 -ups worst, ,
at Sudbury, Rulitsville slid BraLetirk
gn Iasi; two in, its, at Port William
Burk's Falls ; in 1809 one at wortli I
in 1892 one at Frepe h River; arid In
one at Ite,litly �,IlVer. Aelde, *am Can
coustruption, al, capital expenditure,
roAdhiallarlee at these lock -ups Invc
Considerable a , xr,10110, Last year
amounts paid for salix2.4as slid mallAtOn
of tile gaQ14 And lack -UP$ fit the no*
tricto of NiorLhern OntuVIO cost the:
'Vince $13,000. 1
,Nnn it be . said that the Cost of
,,a crumunt arid qf 1,11p,lalation is fill
., And that i these services
itoulaTly tile Government Ila$ it in
power to exerolso economy ? Tile volur
business Jigs greatly Increased in ago:
the depArtments. The number al' rei
and tile volume of, printing dome each
is Constantly Increasing. Those item$
Hor,so and the Printing Comm
',nay limit If they choose, I
is oil over -expenditure, far ex&T
I,, 186, classed .a "Incident
Under agriculture. It Is lal
due to the increasing Cost of Pro
Ing, printing arid distributing tile va:
ag,laultargi reports And bulletins,
which there is So great it demand. I
were 28,200 more reports issued In 1893
In 19921, There were 64;490 more Tel
published for the alipartinents; In 189B
in 1891), tit An Increased cost tof $2,91.2.
me illustrate by one department the I
Increase lit business which Is comma
all of them, In 1871 we had 59 P111,11.
stitiftlons, all told, Including asylums,
pirate, goals, etli. in 1892 we had 155.
institutions. In 1871. the number of
sons admitted to them was 14,456. In
tile number admitted Was 37,VjO. The I
bar of letters written In connection
their management in IM was 1,749, N
in 3.02 It was 9,974. In 1871 the estat(
lunatics In our asylums were not man
by tile inspector. Ili 1992 the senior in!
COT had charge of 601 of these estate
1871 the revenue received from payins
tients, was MAW. In 1892 it was ;13
As to civil government, in order to i
fall LOT honest comparisons, the Increot
voh.me of business must be kept in r
and, What is more Important, we I
remember that some.branches and del
merits of the service now come under
government, and are chairged again
which formerly did not appear,under
]lead. Ili bompullig different Years
must ellininate from the latter Year
cost of services which did not exist a
during the former Year, or which at
earlier period were not Charged agi
civil government, For example, the :
cation Office, with its salaries and
penses, was not Charged under civil
arranent Prior to 1880. This alone a
$19o:= to the cost of civil governinew
that year, Then the Board of Health
not established until 3.883, and It a
$8,671 to civil government. The AV
Bureau, A, new service, first appeare
the Crown'Lands Expenditure, but
transferred to civil government to
it cost us All 1893 $7,885. The Departi
of Agriculture -was established. in 1888,
It increased the cost of civil governt
that year by $5,6DO. A comparison I
other Governments Will show that
have kept down as I%w as the pubII(
terdsts would admit the Cost Of both
government and legislation. Let us I
for example, the period during which
present Government at Ottawa has
in office, viz., I878 to 10.9. During this ill
of fourteen years the cost of civil
ernment In Ontario bits Increased (I
the same services for both years) 17
cent. Under the Government at Oil
for the same period It has Increased V
Cent. Or take four years, any from
to 1892. In Ontario it has increased �
cent., while at Ottawa It has incrO
117 per cent. . The cost of legislation
Increased from 1878 to UO2 lit Ontario
than 5 per cent.. and at Ottawa 85
.ant.. From Isis to 189-0 It Inual InCrOased
per cent. In Ontario, and 64 per can
Ottawa. I )lave thals. far been spen.
of our ordinary expenditures. Apart :
these there Were In 1893 special expi
turns, such as $02,405 loaned to difU
municipalities for drainage purpose I
retired railway Certificates and annu
to the amount of $219,61-5 ; we open
these new buildings $10.1390, And On.
at-oriltvilla. Ao,ftilti., $92,385, There, �
other exceptional expenditures, stI6
$S4,1.84 for the World's Colurrobtan Ex
tion. ; $10,934 for ,arbitration bdwoon
Dominion and the Provinces ; $3,000
the School of Willing andl AgrIcultur
XInf;;stonj and $8,398 In connection witt
goncluln PaXIC, I
It Will be notiond Chat after next
the payments required to retire matt
railway certificates will materially
cromh,e year by Year for the iiaxt save
eight years. For example, the payment
be In round numbers U000 less lit :
e23,00(i less In 1897 1 $58,000 less lit 1893 ;
COL, less in 1899, anh $74,000 less fit 1900
the payment of this year. In nine y
It will decrease to tile extent at $10I
We have aided rallways most general
Since confederation and UP to the (
of lf,93 out, total grants to 'railways I
amounted to $3,959.081. It is verygra
Ing to know that the amount we I
),at to pay Is trifling, Comparlull, With
arnount we have Paid. `iVe have palk
reatly, that Ila lit cash, $1,704,195. We I
Isrued find paid certificates to the euU
of no less tbtLn ;-1,251,849, and the outat
Ing certifleateA, those yet Cc) PAY, am,
til caly $1,319,149. But these outstan
certificates do not Carry interest, and
spread over a long. term of years, ,I
pres nt value amounts to only $022,01.
, a
present valuo-of the annuities III $1,01
una these are out, only obligations, ,V1,
I Inforni. the I -louse that we have
very hour at our credit lit the banks I
than $1,650,000, 1 submit that these ob
Clans are not very Alarming, It timu
lowed I could explain fall the Items w
malce up our Increased expenditures
by one, and show conclusively that i
are it% each Case the outcome of A.
stant pressure of now duties And ob!
t1o.8, And that they have one and all
mAtcd tit giving to tile Province an es
;Ion And improvement of the services tb
tofore exiStfog. Whn Sir, as long ag,
[Bog, M Years ago, tile late Hon, It.
Wood, Trdaliurer In the Administratio:
tile I -Ion. John Sandlield Afnallonald,
IlsoussIng our �fiUa=,,V,dsltIon, gall
"Our expenses I every yes,
o'hat we may to Prevent them; as
)Optilation Increases, so will out- wan
rhese ara the words of the first Treasi
if the Province. Since that date, 1869,
3;PUlation has Increased by more t
W0,000, - find new terrItory, vo�st In ext
Ina been Cliental tip, so that It Govertin
would have been ractlet to Its a)
witst If it had refused from time to I
�o enlarge 0XIsting, services, al- to ,?.,,
ProvincO buldly demanded. tApplause
. ARBITIRATIO14 P.Roalaiff.DlNet4
I will now imake a brlof referencoto to
tf,setm and Ilabilltics. of,the Province,, i
ohodille of Interest-bearing assets Cliff
n notme respects from that of ittat y
old previous yoarg. The Dominion a
,;tit. bondro, as I ]lave alroady Said, I
red early In 1803, mild Were, paid at d
�r maturItY. Oil" hivestruentst In (train
obenturom remain at about the Same fig
Ua,a ng to till, partial aw
11�1,41c"L,,�e 41evvIlluber 2, 1898) of tile
iltrators to whom were reforrett for I
lenient certain questions respecting
Almanac of Interest, old otlt*r matt
noff1bat to the takint, Of oi�eh.F. -1,
. r
-111111- � --- _� � _�,AAt_�. " " "" 1.1olloot .1-1-- � �� 1,.,.,,.�,�,.,,,�,1-1'�......-l'.� ... � --'-!1--- '�&_,_.,,__1_ _�_k .I�'._�