HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-23, Page 9�1891111 between ills P4*4 vIPQQH or Qn�
Qubctire tile
Very liability tile they
now 0OPIurLi,
tiny for
large Ili tire ixtrsiva,
sent rot those of 041: 4640tts lip"
01,41; RAU,WAX
at of O end of AA We, Nvill still 1141'sl 14
Qash llalon,�Q Fit renotir
tire head of I 110'a
thre, by tile Dsuninklil to
A�a ill, I 'Will I19w 81yof poll-
tfit ilanialints payAbIq
ntrc, arid havc, always
thinn exactly as we lie,
fl-oal that of 48 t 4
award roade V-4 lallu%NT ;" That
a for aid to
ar financial eqq,3itlon, Fit, Jo Sound and
tile let of July, W4, tire Pro-
w;ltieo.11 These t the FrOylospe
;let proluary (lellts, J1MkqnlUv4 ;is they
V14W It Ali ll. if wo
11 led glarlQe at 0le finances
aOntario sind OUO)eo hO
id with tire oddlOovod ulibelir
title n9t plegglently Payable anil lit) Aiot Wav
a!, of Dolnlnksl�
alit of 47 vio" oil. V ., In the
them ae ordinary
rerto cul, awn
b1oanco plulet W11ji feelings of intense
t!or, dotcrnihorod far tile *I!
Nil, As,ra
d rits'. No, treats obil4urioll"
(Of tills Special character ifits Part of tile
pride und
In Ilia linainsilial
Inoun of tile
of by tills act to c)jaarki Is
-hik �Qctiort we agalu
Online deln:,
Govaroment, feOf
ed hint u that
IILk0IIItIPS Of filet
yet I oeopig, we ma ",a I,,:
to Maintain otn, ,!a,
true, whilu, oil I alread CANADA"S BEST1,01 ICY
ilbt usIr po will 9094 10 e4flCol' to 14 e- tier froll) lll, Jimues young
,,]on tile fIiaration of. II 110ilpred Ole �of Galt,
'(Loaq at) P140SQ.)
A shoul,l be with portion
that policy ihis they
Vi '110 ill'o tndhatillcu; has Assild JN4. cut
01101,01 and the 3oatural ruts1mve fol- tile al
4 XL1W ill dQ
91'%`01004, gind. he Inoral 0
t loll
14 wbioll tile tom. 4,30t, ulley Mr.
OilAnd de, edvgn till-Illers,
ave faillon
fput anotbqr fadt gave tile Psn' In VA1116
last clioyorlituell't oentmo, tile na,40aal prodtletsf Are ecel
may frot
vaslitleillthird th 411t It
with livittstroL, titat farmera who
Z� our tile 91in, Of
itobli, Government, 11avc,
I;Jrosii Of QxaQtly Ulu
at vme 30th, 1893. Like O to I
ws *02,ltil,080, 'tile
of tile I)Q0011 dealing, svith vivill GoVorlithe"t
by ally othet,
It be tile UlliteLl III tills do-
IvIloat fill, cent. A—
time, and were (JAll sit
witil :18 oalie
ntrc, arid havc, always
thinn exactly as we lie,
current financial year lie eatlrnute,,; ti;at ),a
Will OQ Upol) to elipelld tot, Intortiat
and schedule B vv Lorgols-
Decrease in Groyv�lj r.r foopllla-
El UV. Ipupsliation de
11)), nefirty per, Lent, IS a.
by ( pitivuroo of tie b;tt.l.
kind ureatov Wealth the
far eaull of tile yearli, 38$1 it)
�ve. 141f, were., credited lv,'th thin
he Alon boa lamue(I
toArid to issue,
nd ckbarg(8 oil publIC d,ibt Stolle
ill ount 09
tion at1d Corntylseree.
oulust %lice up that it hould br-
polb-y typulLI them, ore now
00 cents for wheat an'l 18 oelrl:4 for woo ,
the act Of
tile same as
111119 ros.1st)t at tile Preiviltee
riont ill(; attntion ,f ovvry olitiv oil.
such Is tit(, actual foot, lJo4lur 4 pavernie
The botorted graist iniltleove In Out' Items
na therefore 11 fail the, Ilr4t
itr ori�dlt 1:& tbe sUttatuont s)f lIkS5.
payahle yeall by >,call without Intel,
est tistrIng the of a fixed term of
of Quebee 14 about !k2liki)(10,009, arid both
poll(leal to that 1. regret
Ile totod expenditure
rld90 head .lit
Istrilf, frnt11ITI. to, U151, our Popultitkin III-
urcasetl by 00,190, But train 1881 . to - 18111,
Ica, whielit w4,9 to
tile farmer, has turned out to be is, myth,
111ye �sot iup) nor
all'! !t
a. half riever Included them In
to Say, well an
W40 ............
Our Groat NaVarl InaugtrIes Burdened
under 1he protective xysteul, the Inure ase
as the population fitatistIL-Is Prove. ]Oat not
b�,:vkusfl Ili October a' that all
enteced into
tatement of the debt,; oil tile Domlllm
must 1apo the mylca
Do In 1894., .............
aild Dapiroased—Tho Conslas arid it's
was Lsily illiki,42D, or a f.111ing at! of no less
ISO llh� Increased butJell 'or tgr)gtttkso.�
ne"t Wall
litin nd the Provilleei, illi,ov which
lsnnual railwa payments
and Milli ONW116111); OVOr M i)(11 -10d Of'
romponilbillty for it liminvIal
vIolanif sind foil a Of L1111114a
tha 181,361, The full ineuning of these
,be Oearly by tak-
Is it dreud reality. Al"Pli Of all the faryliX
requires to buy lins boll leaded W I
gave up the
niore than yours and not drawing Ili-
,po diflauti,ous. debts I)f tbO Other'
its 1111,18,
int, J311reau of ladug-
11gures NY411 nlore� Leen
the poruent g(le at Of POPU-
(IULI09 01' ta.,VeS ileHome thing'), ranging
J834, Vrlder th14
OTL ill bit and treated
I? and tile%, are by 140 means as
..... ... .... .
aiiou. Jn slach of tile Provineea during tile
train 40 Per =lt. to 70 por vent., and lip, to
vewIi to be taken cut Of List!
adobt, their, to be consistent
yet fows:—Ni?
LORKlitil 0
6,884 22, 219,971
two Aecurdhig to tile Official Year
legally deprived of mubb of t1t2 proo1000
orour Rcobillst, w14 tile 01101
4,, as to tre,1, Lhe omdib na delilt.
JiminsvioR, nearly $2,01)0,600 a,
I road with and profit the r cent
'it,, f,
Book for It, I they V -re as Xoillows
- chat,, not t obtain're-
of I,la hard 4
m,w -was to Ile cl-Oklited tal�the Pro.
pi tire- accoant alike, we must be MIIOWeoL
$1,764,0029 I unItolia,
...... ,916,373
able Loa patriotlos coortivies or Professor
to, .18�1; 18a tM 1691,
Verrue far tile 0�uvorllm,Frt. but to
of daLo July J, 28G',,
d 01 an or 4$1.0 Jul 1, 3873, The Pf-
to Lalizo our fixe yearly receipts
to tin tot- all time and Pat
unibla, $021J,84-4. Nava SCOWL Will tills
pay4 about interest 1311 IlOr LIObt,
01, I Spero t." nisiluaics In toll Yen"s,
Province foil Lho $Little
the best policy for Canada,
Provs1neell Per cent, Pei,
Ontovio Increased 0.93
elassets Intivil and better
pahl than himelf. Anything more, Oilt-
C, isgraoinent Was that tile
do galuSt the l;'roVJnCe far h1tClTSt
hinited to 10, 120 ill- Ills yealla, tile Dominion
far exi Lmple, and treat them s
(.)UTlwt1 of Ontallft), Oil the ot4er
lisrid, 00"t"Rat to tills
4 It er sued it Orly 10 ])at. Carlo,
poiitiml mistake eyer Me (Is
by Cun4da, W49 In ISIS, lit dAslarding the
I Queltva tupi'aased .... 9.63
rageonus, It would be hard to 0110CIVe,
Is wncular that trio P(t1'DuS Of
at botweeir I W "old
assets. It we capitalize theme rrcll�
soonawbqt gloomy cratlook,and point to
-,to noting $1 253 onlairy -11 ex-
aftel peano 69 tile colnulls loner, 0 At;,
free lineal 4YA014 Of OVOE,st Britain f0v tile
Nova Scotia inoreasc(A 11.0 2.22
Brunel Ick. Intlea Q.00
and It Ila
Industry brive SI! up Jilts magle, detpr-
vere Struck out,, alid ta, No, are tills'
Y,ay Certificates, arid annuities the
� kr pro-
a Vasil surplus over Mud above all Ilibbill-
liulk;aro In 1�83. 111hp Ituveark of Indukitaito
. orne tax-
high And bui,01eng
Manitoba increased.. 144.96
inined to free thes,,'wa fron) r, Policy at
wore willing to give lip tile
isesit Value would aniount to �2,2-11,807. This
tie& of whatever nature Of millions of dol,
111he it
ascharged trollop gr!balkluro" In. 18030
tile United State,,,
3014 98,49
once injurious arid unuBt to their, lixter-
,tied submislY Under' the act of 1884,
at " Pei, cent, woultl entail ail annual in.
Dominion Government, Allies
otion policy Of
P. 30, Island ittel,easea Ilis 9.17
he Dominion Stepped
torest charge on the Province of $80,604'
ottlee fifteen years ago, has Lidded
Co2miarral tq;s 1885 and JOB.
However bitter had been ill a
The Terrjtorlep Incr'd .... 75.33
Time wIll not allow in$ to Say More, thilll
Siren increased inbStoly. We have
arld acted Cot thin agreement of
Qn the other hand, We reoeived last year
am Interest oil our trust funds kind lit-
more than $101,000.00 to tile ublic Llebt,
ansi, concurrently with a rapidly-IlhoreiLH-
Tobalexpenditoro under tills holtol Ill
Of our two great
political parties previcusly, upon one point
U. few words on out,
%hippinf; and otbel, ]asset, interests. Our
nil' our sttements; Of assets stile('
Orne have been prepare,d In necoM-
-a If the rall-
ve tinent4 trial than $906�000,
way certificates and annuities tire to be
ase taxntl I .
Ing debt, Islas given us illere d 01
bis net Public debt of the Dominion In
1883.1 . ........... .$133,366
Totid expenditure under tills head in
boh Conservatives and Liberals )led bee"
I That our grow th in populadon Should
exports at product% of 1he forest, during
tile first tan years at ounfecloratlon. Were
with its terms. The Dominion ham
this agreement of 1883 ill
capitalized arid treated' as a pimi-
nent debt. then we mail place to
absout $242,000,Doo, or, move than ��O per head
for its every inhabitant. It has Incrased
. ubstauttally Mforeed, namely : That a
to our pro-
It, so -P
Ila', tat ely decreased during the lost
I decade as compared With, the former, more
rill.014,8II9 ; during Ilia 'last ten years, �58,-
. rt ban prepared and exhlb-
13. Ways.
showing balances fit favor
out- credit am, a present, existing
asset at least $7,500,000, being, the capital-
F,60,000 during the past yeav, arid the
annual charge on the debt has grown
Inareaq) ............................. o
or air Increase of only 4 Par (sent. I n ten Y!nrs,
moderate tariff wall essential
greog ansol pwosperity.
espcialy when we must have spent dar-
trig the Same Period about $10o'lloolknoo Or
7011,202 Ths Invreame in our mineral ex -
pin-ts'has belell trifling, those of the fish-
iff Provinces. The accounts tie.
Ized' urnount Which at 4 Per cent. would
front $7,241,000, In 1878, to $10,021,000 Ili 1893.
asperiod a increariod nearly 10 par 09ilt.
In Ills Budget SPeeOI1 In Wits In fore-
Government oo ney, not to Speak of private
c, les Somewhilt bette,11, since
thin was Imposed the annual exports of the
LI to on trk, by the Dominion in an-
yield th1w $40,000. The wimuall fritoroot
The Province of Quebec unable to get
shadow Ing tile fiscal policy of the new
I eapital, In the construction at! public
P reduce of our forms, Indudlav animate
1869. slioNy it balance Ili favor of Oil-
Tills of
cliarge on out, future rallway obligations
It capitalized would be $89,694. TheAnnual
ates at lilt t
new loans, e0n at high I Seem
hs been compelled to resort to XIOW toxes:
confederation, Sir A. T. GV61t, tit oil VIM,lee
norka. Is Surely sylslenea that there
Something radically wroll& But, If ally
Milk Lheli, P1 oducts, with the exc-eption of
k7 of -a
appeal tit our credit$ be-
Interest dharges oil tire debt of the Pro-
levied Upon the more Muffle and profession.
plinister, pointed out than, Ile had the
Cirles of either. the American system of
further evidence 10 needed on the pomr,
It be fourid In the fact th t the fIva
the Yalu, 1892, have completely tagnated.
The total value since 190, apeording to tile
t ?is Dominion, acting under
of October, 188.4,
villas of Quebec Is more than zevelitteu
times tills sum #l,roo,00o), while the annual
al Classes. For the past three yers Its
direct taxes on commercial corpora,
Among the many Interesting staElatis
high tariff and onemus t6ocutton, Or
Eastern Provinces (leaving out'Marritoba
offlolal Year Book, have been an foLows
d the'arnount of $2,848,29D. In July,
chaviges on the debt of the Dominion
have averaged more than �lalljnlll) a year.
supplied by the Minister of 10duestion In
IM system of ktY taxation arid
the B at,
-rrItorles) did not
and Lhe Northwest Tti
1880 ................. ...... ............ V),9_1 0�5
Quebec, during the progress of the
amount to more than 101 times as much
Last year It Yesiaived by way of taxes on
blatant annual report there Is none more
freer trade. He unequivocally declared It
Increase their popu
I lation during tile ten
by 8 cent., not I
Isok .. . .... .......
it was contended by the Do-
Our rallway obligmicall; alre
tran5fers of pro party V292,000, for trad.
striking than, the rapid growth of Mech-
"old be the Part; of wlsdarn for the ,law
yearn quite per par'sielit.
sS2 ................. 43,1012,861.
fol,lbe drat time that this agree-
was not binding. The Provinces had'
diminishing, while the debt of the Domiti-I
ten is Increnshiff. We have thek,lght to
Ing und manufacturing licenses more than
$).46,000. The peopiq of Ontario, as the re
an tam' InStItUtQS and Free Libraries during
To be able to Impart a
Dominion to follow tills
I I example of tile
'Pt e annum.
In Ontario and Quebec it will be obsery-
............ ......
...... ..........
satisfied vsIth it, arid the Dominion
coluleaced Lit arld acted upon It LIP to
Irms1l, tht the 9alne mode of boo keeping
and lit computation Shall be applied ailike
Suit Of Chreful,prudent arid ecouintiftal gov-
ornment, have never been called Upon
the last decade.
knowledge of reading arid writing and the
mother country, and Home of the
burden$ wilicill, Welgli on the industries of
ed, qhe percentage of ln�rease fell oX, as 1
buys already said, liQar)5r fifty P er cent,
.. . .......... . ....
....... ............ ........... . 19,7189 2
Ims. 'It Wag contended last July tho t
to assets and liabilities. The Attorney-
to pay IL dollar, of taxation In any one of
ordinary Subjects Of it Public School
she people and open now markets for their
arid, in the Alailtinia ProYlluees, Which In-
......... . ........... 4,071170
40,365,65 7
agreement was ultra vires ; that
lbonpkItoil and '�Ir, Vaster, Who
General, speaking recently at Whitby, In
-ollsonisming thic. question, sahl to the
these directions. Its license laws
(I it peaking of Quebec), It re-
LE, again
course to the young people of Ontario Is
1) lit to
products, and in evil. Way to attract
creasedii the first deca(lb from 12 per cent
to 15 Per cent., the growth of poplation
..... ... ......
............ ...... BT18381r, .18
to. had no right to make
d-Allway certificats and annuities, hey
ceived during last three years re -
a ma tter of no small consequence,
Inspire them With It love of good literature
population by making Canada a coul Itry of
IWO ....... .... ........ ..... 37,Q11,025
3 '4 49
1801 ........ ......... .. 9-W , D
d that it was not in accordance with
say that, thouh Pt yet Payable, they
Ively �NSG,000, $608,001) and $072,757. Our
for the three
destre,foll Self-improvement aCter
wise laws, cheap lands and Chesil
lernentalile than th
... ... .......
'. P92 .................... oil,7oS,134
eta of 1873 and 1894, The arbitrators
decided tbat the Dominion Govern-
are debts of the Province, I rigres that,
In 1,11 RCcOLlnt setting, forth (as I have
receipts marine
were respectively M8,184, $294,758 arid $2.04,
and a
they leave School Is even more Intportant.
Those views called forth the plaudits of
were continued am the Coil-
)AIliat could be I a�
th" peroeutage of Increase fell off In oya
Theme StUtiStles tell thelli, own tale, but
-Whose rhernbers fronted these StrLt-
has not Properly interpreted tberm
been doing) allour assets on one side, all
Out, liabilities of every zind should be Set
3,59 . Ili other iv6rds the Province of Quo-
bee has received by Way Of licleniqes
A treasure wrapped up In a napkin n
lild In the brings no Proflt to its
5 ervastive policy, under Sir John Rose and
Scotia from 13 Par cent. to _2 per cent., in
prince Rdward Island train 15 per Cent. to
they do not Ole orly Indlonte the AM ex-
tent�or the hijilry done to agriculture In
that the agreernent Into Which it
down on tile other side, arid 9 Whatever
001 during the test three years Enore then
Sir Francis Hineks, and were almost unt*
less than a quarter of I Per cent., and lit
the older Provinces, There would have
decline in Our experts Of
ed was contrury to the terms of these
of this decision, as
sum may be proper, But If In thd treconat
or. balance sheet you only set dGwn Sonle
Ontario, Further, as to several large,and
Important Services, our grant$, ech Of
The.followling brief -statement Shows tile
versally ae6eptod as correct by all classes
it have been
NOW Brunswick from 12. per cent. to nil,
the, entire, Increase in this fine Province
been fill tillsol"es
farm proclucts during the last thirteen
tell. The effect
a said, is to restore to us as an filter-
of our assets, and, Ili fact, but st small
them, then? Why set future
thern materially lightening tile burdens Of
the people, have largely exceeded tilose of
Progress of ten yeskrs:�
of tile people. Well would
CalUILdo, it tills wise fiscal system, Oil
being only thirty Santa In ton, years.
I dwell lergth
yc,�s but for, the rectent ra--kt develop-
ment of lKa,rdtoba. and tile NOrthwest To -
?aring asset this StIm.of $2,848,299.
necessitates it revision of the ae-
part of whict
liabilities against theme special assets 1.1
the Province of Quebec. For example, we
spent last year for of. edues.
Number of Tutechanics' In-
Which both political paortles were agroell,
shall not at on the exou-
us It Is only fair to say it existed before
That important InclusLry, our ship-blil!d-
a. Our accountant esthnates that a
late revIslon of the ac6oulits will
Why set future Ilabilides, which bear no
Interest, attainSt items wh'loli bear Inter-
lion $V7,091 more than was itrent by Que.
stitutes and free libraries
had never been discarded. But it was
in 1379, and by Conservative handg,
ta present policy was adopted, and situst-
ed close - as we - are to a nation so popu
Ing, has greatly deztnel. In ISIS, tills
that this Credit a' , $1.%848,289 will be.
�ed by $1,544,001), arid that the final
a, m when the arcounttlemVes Out all other
assets? The accruing Interest on the sp'e-
bec more for a9VIOUlture and lilt-
migration, and $578,10U more for asylu S
reported .... ............... 93 265
Number of members and
too--ar)d why,? It Is unnecessary to Space-
Ious and wealthy as the United States,
It IS only natural that a, portion of our
year for which returns are given, we built
new Vessels to the extent Of 1A000 ton.';,
�ce to connection with these open so.
cial Items at Interest-bearing assets will
be far more than enough every Year to
and cliCrItIeS. On the other hand, a
Quebec Goernment spent for admInlstra-
readers ................. .... 18, o72 scoss
late here. Dalton MoCarthy, M.P_ at
that time the late Prender's right hana
population would be attracted thither.
But the have a right to earn-
wrk-h were valued ;Lt $2,189,00. In 1892, we
built only 28,000 tons, va lued at S500,C00, arid
�s lit favor of Ontario, the whole so-
being taken Intli consideration, will
Pay aeCrUilig annuities and certifloalres
tion of Justice, $208,634 more thall. Ontario.
Number at evening clases. 2-9 41
Mall, thoroughly Informed on every party
wht public
plain of is, that Nvhdlst Its authars solemn-
five years before. in tile year 18T, tills
,804.26D. This balance is larger than
we Claimed last year I wish to place
coming due in thast year, The Interest re-
a ived on the Items spleeilled.dn he Tress-
Or taking these four leading Sor.
vices tognther, viz., education, asylums
Number of reading rooms. 69 166
Number of newspapers and
movementi told us the other day
the Conservat Ives *It
iy declared it would be a panacea rot- the
the national policy has greatly
t011age 'Was only 22,000 arid value
000, 'The in Public favor of wood.
3y slde,for convoul��t reference, my
last financial statement amoun tea
the Slat Dezember, 1,892, to $030,7091
and charities, agriculture and Adintillstrn.
tion. of Justice we returned to ;,.I, murd-
11 erloolleals ..... ... I'm 4,745
at St. Mary's, that
first only intended protection to be LL tam-
aggravated theevil, Jt 4s not pleasant for
Canadians, to have -to that
an ships, tills, doubtless, had a Share
prod "Ing thin -result, but I agree with
client of Uth April last year with my
of to -Clay as to these accounts.
while tills railway certificates and annul-
cipalitles and* gave back to, the People
Number (if volumes in llb-
porary expedient, not tile least object of
us, as admit
there are �ver 1,000,000 of the beat of our
Prof. Grant that 11 survly some VeMel'ses
Imated last year, before all award
ties du in 1893 were $219,010 Only. I!Ile.
an"Ount for the Province to pay In IS97
by means of these grants Ili the year 3S93
the large sum of $703,690, more thrill wits
rariess ........... .......... .. lJt,kk93 510,320
Number of volurnes issured..2-51,92 .0 1,415,867
Which was to ' take the wind out of Mat-
fellow -countrymen In the Republic, arid
that a careful ealculatloij makes tit% nuln-
delty presided over such provikions" of
our tariff, as tax the inatenlal Or our
nude that the balance duo us an thess
accounts,vas $1�090.kilfk (TI,590,519 Islas
will be oonsiderall)[7 less than lit was n
thus returned by tire Province of Quells so.
Tills ollfrerance is even more striking "Iran
Of the 255 instituti6ns reported in 1893,
kenzie's sails." His words, as reported
the werq :-11 No doubt in the wond
ber which expatriated themselves during
Wooden Ships about 50 Pei' cent, wbi'st
teel vessels are a1IOWed to ccM6
S00,001) bonds). In the light of the
It to be
3S93, and there will be a further drop in
We remember that In 1893 tli3 Cluboecs Gov-
U are Free Libraries, With volumes
wl were out of power, arid by going In fe'r
the last decade not less than 4,J3,000. Thk
less nearly equals our total Increase In
those of
Ili free.
rd award, 3. now estimate
289. I am confident that the balance-
" So, igain, even if we had not that In-
forest coming In, we should have an annals-
ernment levied and Collected new taxes,
altogether unknown to the people of this
air their Shelves; the Temaining,244 Ins I -
1fechanles'. Infistiltutes, wl t Ell
th all
Protection and taking the wind out of Mac-
'We be-
populaLlan chatting the same period, and Is
Considerably larger than New lrunswick's
I will only a4d one finishing touch to
to, -
tills picturve Of the effects of tills MIS lien
8441,000, referred to, which is the es�
:a of out- accountant, will be found to
ity accruing to us every year of more
thall five times the railway u.nnulties and
Province, to the amount of more than
half a million of dollars. These new mrics
tions fire
ave'.ge of 397,498 volumes. These institutes
kenzie's sails, we got lnto power.
came Identified Into the protection policy.
entire population.
the I
financial, policy an our InInCIPLLI Induct-
trials. And that is the fact that Sorter
fair estimate� It Is only an Qstf-
there are unadjusted
certificates which,we bay a to payin that
were levied on commercial corporations,
are scattered ail oyei the Province, and
(Ind if Mr. �Vtcokenzlla had adopted it pro-
Theme revelations of census, sub.
mit, afford Incontestible proof that there
fifteen years of taxation, pro -
i, which.cannot be settled until a final
Year; arid this annuity Is not amongst the
assets from Which Is shown the surplus
on transfers of property and included re-
a 1pts for manufacturing and trading li-
there Is scarcely a �ill -a or town. that
cannot boast of Its Institute with a free
tective policy we would baye been free
to make that Can-
is something radically wi-on, somewhere.
There has been
fessedly te coddle %nil stimulotc our manu-
actures, the Value of our ex Ports thereof
d Is made. This estimate Is the result
allow I Ing the Province In-
of five ncillions or more. What Common
reading room.
traders, I ant ,vllling
Confession Is saisl to be good
a sudden and,slacrining or -
rest in the growth of our population. Tlils
Ivel, aciUally glsatest in 1878 than they
t nil to such time as the Dominion
sense, then, is there in siLying thaut the
which In future years we have
The Increase In the number of members
rot. tile soul, arid this one is creditable to
has occurred during a period when the
were in 1SD2.
Surely It Is impossible for any Canadlant
Ontario. It loss mit allow the Do,-
to play are not to go gat6t the Minority
This Is the closing session of our seventh
and readers is very _�mtlfylng. It insist
ocarthy, who manfully expresses his
licgultion of our American neighbors
rapidly Increased, When the Dominion was
v�batever may be his Politics, to Shot Ills
In Interest oil our pirYniants, because
did flat zte's such over-prLy-
tr Ile recelved, or the-Interealt accruing, In
Parliament. Thds fact of Itself compels
not be supplosed� how that the bene
*re6Tet for sarlperting the national balICY
offlipted with neither fainine nor pesm
&yea signi.11cance, and the facts Cited
to the -
They speak,
as liable to interest, -nd because
tit age years, but against Our Cash capital
bearing Interest?
retrospection. With every confidence we
point to the financial record ofthe Mowat
fits of Machanics" Ingtitutes and Freo Lib
rarleB are Itinited to the membership, as
even under the belief that It was only to
tilence, but was lavishly spendling money
above from offielfil sources.
.Loulpet-toned, to every eltizen. I am rilt
L the payments were made the ac-
Opposition pretence that, In $tat-
Government, embracing the long period of
frequently whole families read.the saine
be a tempera, ry expedient. I am erson.
on great public works, and occurred, .1
cot -currently with 50'
our relinquishment of
a pessimist. 1 neither despair of the Do-
ts prepared by the Dominion showed
of $1,40S,417 at our credit, In
trig the amount. of our debts Presently
22 years. There Is not a stain or blot
book, although one pers( )n only may be
The ellaunge in
silly aware urrot Sir Charles TuPper made
a Moderate tariff tor tire American system
million, nor even thing this messes of our
in Ontario, wlintever may be Said
tilig us Ith this balance they did so
Payable, these othir liabilities should be
a -as ordinary debts, Is specialty curi-
upon a single page of It ; not one act of
maladministration can be pointed to in all
entered as a Subscriber.
the character of the reading matter in de-
similar a4rnlasichaS 10 Xr. Ma0ke nZie at
time, and they throw EL lurld light on,
of high protection. Are we not forced,
then, to, the sionc. that the evils
of the other ProvinL. are Worse Off
the agreement of October, IMwhleh
now Ignore. Tile Dominion claims
can in tha the argisment, is In thedirect
of their own party,
these years. Millions at dollars have been
spent in this ollreation and in that. but
mand Is perhaps even . more Important
than the actual Increase In the number
the 50 -Called national policy, Which , it is
vAhtch affilat -the Dominion Nre directly a,t-
-)Ilia— I do main -
an our nel, -. But
th , -,'a that " there
tain the fcwegoing facts Pro
est on these ver-payntentp, and the
teeth or tile practksS
.1 t Ottawa, as I have already Intimatted,
not a dollar misappropriated. Its watch-
of readers. For Instance, ten years ago
now only too apparent, was not.a doptel so
trbumble to this unfortunate change in
our commercial pokey ?
Is sometialmly r6tter, In the Stae of Den
In'ce resists the clairn. Interest, to
sinkable. Must rest oil a contract. The
though the Dominion has no accruing Lev-
words have bee, efficient service and
60 per ceht. of the olural a called for at
Institutes and Free Lib-
much from an earnest bellef that it would
The contrast between the effects at the
tit RE to." and that Under time So-
cour niaterdal prcs-
Inaba did not contract ko, pay Interest
anus worth speaking of from thriller or
Crown lands, or from other soui!aeo, car-
strictest economy, . Tit all directions coo tM
only has been enforced.; Wherever possible
the I e ban as
rarles of the Province consisted of fiction;
I,prrefit the Dominion, as to enable tile
two Policies on our Population also
calied national Policy
partly, as well as out- growth Ili popul,ttion.
nab payments, The pa,yrovents We
on air agreement, which the Doralre
reopondIng with tire Items at Provincial
and desirable revenue has been developed �
In 1893 orrIllr,43 per cent. of : the whole IS.
Cc ervative Party. thea under the Pacille
as " take ind out Of
Scandal cloud, to the w
marked. In respect to the materica Int r-
ests Off the Dominion, In fact, the on a may
has been checked In an alarming man-
They unmistalmb][V Prove Whiolt
low sees lit to Ignore. The arlittrAt-
nasets which the Treasurer namem.' The
Dominjoin, treat% all annuiffles, whether ter-
and at all times the public, credit has been
maintilinfid, No deserving Public Object
sue was fictidn.. , ,
In comparison w1jW'Lither countries this
iviackenzie's salls," mud clamber back into
be Said to Involve the other. ng our
grave blunder Canada made 'W -len we
reserved their decision art tills
and for that reason further e-pla..
minbl� or partuatimir. as on the -mama
the Which have to
bam,been overlooked; no interestor locality
bass been unduly favored. There has been
reduction In the perusal of light litsirat tire
Is significant; and may talely'be taken as
trade statistics What person can
study them without Perceiving that our
servilely copled the protective slid high
taxation policy or,the United States. 'land
lrL IS not flestrAblo, The Provinces.
footing with payments
be made every year for legislation an(f
neither parsimony on the one band ror
an indication of the Isintell - actual tendencies
, Vill - re-
VIUCh as many p,orsons tailored the e
corinnerce unLiez, protection has been stunt.
departed from the sound - principles of
so far accepted (lie award of 2nd No-
Dominion is dissatis-
government, arid other matters of yearly
Waste on the other. Timely and generous
of the people of 'Ontario. If We assume
suits likely to follow the ra�lnstalrnent In
Ohn. MacdonalcYs Cabinet
ad and dwarfed compared to tills brilliant
premise. of %pansion 'under our format
freedom of trade, nislaerate taxation arid
by gill T� Galt,
I= 1893. , The
with it, and has appealed
occurrence, and I am not aware that any-
has had any objection to that. The
aid, &mounting to millions at doIbLrs, has
beer,. given to schools, to hospitals, to
that maltdity of Character is to be judged
by. Ilia literature Which constitute, the
oftlee of Sir
with a protective policy, the Injury InIllet-
Comparative freedom of trade ? In P1:00f
dherip living, propounded .
own and all the
Sir John Rose, George Br, I I .
Ist it.. on the ground thaf the
of ISSA compensated the Provinces for
Dominion has Issued railway certificates,
future atinual dmtes, litice,the
rallivays, arid -to public Evorks. On ix oe-
cantons we have sold small portions of our
mental food supplies of the people we:
linve already attathea a very....... rank
ad oil the country during the last fifteen
of tilts, I at us exalble the ollicial record.
M�swills take first, our Imports for home
fathers or confeatiiaiden, as , the ue BE
marine at developing -4 builtInle; UP Our
L-2 year!s Jntere,,t on the excess of debt
b than Is charged In the ccounts tit
payable, at
tallwsy� certificates oca annuities of this
timber assets, obtaining for them every
dollar they Were worth, and converted the
In ill a respbot among the nations of the
years has been greater than their Worst
axitielfrathins. Let its examine, us bVieftY
c '.�OI4umkptlon mid domestic exports, u,a b
inf0te Rurest test at the eountry's :on
embryo attan.
.Quir, 71aIr
Dominion, and,that such halt llar'S
Province; But they are never sat.doWn
In thepublic, Locoursts orotnerwise among
proceeds Lot other "Sets of.a ulgeful unit
tit Scqtland from statistics
can now, f 1. ,11.1
went d-----
tiers. if, 3o;4, our Imports cr.las Ad trai
rest (W12,02) sho be charged
fist Ontario all Th.,
9 of _,nr.§a1fiL, ill
the th- Dain in
Y -
li92, 3 Y
avaflu -
am as th=rehas beeix a convoralonof sssl,ets,
-Ift-fidn- we ind- that the average por-
centhge fiction'clirculated try mans of
m;ote , f Govorinmen we have travel-
$7-1 F5 300 to the sum of $127,104,169, or n
es feel Ucillfl ent'thut the esnit0ition
eadebt __ -D
r for ImA -title, . ,
In tile Ontario railway
not a le9"ning or a aste of assets. For
by for
the ll�nblle Library at berdcan was 44
led the wrong.�oad In that complastartivel
�Pace Of time-
y Or 863 In the spaca� of six
rii no. year -a 1874 has this % oi.
viere w- rig long years ago
s a ]oil
doth know.
te Dontinlon will not be sustained,
is a' matter pending the up-
31Y trEmEed in like
annuities are of
table (P. 170
example, ourlast and most success.
ful Sale reMized $2,305,000, or nearly half
per cont -and at 48 Par Lent.
Compared with Ireland, and, takint . the
In doing this, I hope. to aoid either be-
�7ne of Imports been equalled, slid during
His name histarlan not
need not be discussed.
nialiarner. This book lias a
Provncial Clobt4,' and debts -if all the
of tile Proceeds Of all our' VIX "Its taken
Belfa,�t Free Public Librar as EL type, the
trig or unfair, iioi, do. I think
to de clare Canad to be going
It the last decade under the nation"' Policy
(fjoin. 1SSi to 1891), our Imports only In.
He lived beneath Italian skies,
ifore leaving this branch Of my all"-
I wish to Call attention to an Import-
other Provinces, axe given by the Domall-
- in this tub
-ten Is, but none f OIARNO. Our
� this
together. it Nvan, held In 18112, During
Parliament, am I ins, ye already mentioned.
amount of circulated was 6D per
edut. Compared with Irligland, and tat,
to the clogs. The, nk providen6s, the Pro-
creased train $01,411,601 to or b
P1,7113,590 In ten By
A noble niorrarch, Just and wise.
cliau96 of the partial award of the ar-
annoltlils are thus spoken of in this Do.,
we have witnesse,d the completion of theme
buildings, of tile large asylums at
a rely oltleg as types, we find
fiction Was rG
gress of it country, especially of a young
and vigorous stripling ]tile the Donr*u!M.
the sum of years.
far the largest exiiansloopt in ottr trade
That he might serve his people well,
In a high toer he hung a bell.
iters inade Clau'll
e reads as follows
million book!-
'Tile province of Ontario has sold an-
new and
'Mimied and OrMia, lit a OOZE UP to the
in Bristol the alroultion'of
Pat- cent, In Leeds 54 Pat- cent., In London
cannot be elitirlelY arrested by bad govern-
since Prot t or a d, for whksh
ee I I W 3 I'd 0
returns, was tilt 28D9. Even adding
v%;ionged had but to rins
Mat tire ' trust funds I ,shall be treat-
oulties to tile extent of $1,132,519 to provide
but these
end of 1893 of $J,400,690, and without our
borrowing a single dollar. NVe have, oil the
11'ree Library 67 ]let' cent., lit Manchester
11 In Sheffield fil per cent. Coal-
irtelit. Therefore, natwithstanding
trig clouds,el have a tirm. IIth In the per.
the figures fol, this year, the il)Qrease� In
Ile Wh* Wrs
T a bell of Justice, for the king
LS Intat arid unimpalk-ed and Interest
eon at the rate of 6 per cent. per an.
for rsillway exPenditu-s,
amounts are paid off by it fixed a nor every
one build, $2,itootiork less of timber, but In
dks'plsiie, oil the other hand, We have V,-
per =,
Par. the T:nited States, we find the
of fiction was In 330ston 73 per
manence nil success of the L�anadlan
Dominion, and consider Its prosperity and
oul, Imports during the last eleven years
wall only less th-in otje_�Oa,lf the
. .
Was fbound to make [the �humbklest -Prayer
i carried halfwYLarlY Into the separate
unti; of Ontario and (' )ueben.11
n&,lot, while 16 liability, d0 not. stand
footing as ordinur
(.n tile same y
40,000 Worth of Indispensuble and 8ubstan-
cent., Ili Detroit 58 poir cent., Ili New YAlk
Tuture mainly dePendant upon Ourselves.
increase dtiring the first six years of coil-
Our domestic during
Tire subject of is r0yid car.
urs9l torthe nomillion and the Pro-
'public delat.5,'
lBut annuities are not the
tilul public buildings. Our aritles admitted
the 'Urgent need of the buildings, arid have
Mercantile Library 57 per cent. In Now-
sorls: Free Library 80 per cent., in'St. Louts,
and not upon tile Iblited States or ny
other country. Whitest holding those views,
federatin, &�psiirts
the Some period fe0111 1963 to '874, advicne-
At first Men rung it every day
last the rope away,
,e were greed I hat the trust funds
rred to in tills clausp amount to 13,
annuities parable -by Ithle DOMINIP11
never even Suggs sted that our ordinary
Tyro., So per cent. -
howevee, I run strongly Of Opinion that In
ed from 113 to the value of. rill,-
Inurease $29,237,098.
Rotted at
?ill. We commenced (hu year with
Ito public asscoutis
a and novel, Included In -
revenue ould suffice to build them. We
While there has been great reduction
discarding the
W.,flit7t; or an at
During the,decade fruits, IRSI to 1<91, thy
And, growing shorter by degrees,
It btnk balance at $613,787, of Wilten
se, Its debts. I,arge annuitt
or othevwh as
Dominion to.the say-
could then only take one of two coll
viz., convert some of Our assets Into build-
In the amount Of fiction in alroulutl an,
there, also been st.grecit increase Ili tire
- 11
onl� wopunded from $S3,044,701 to tile
Swayed lightly to each pas.-Ang, breeze,
ON) was oil Our total
ipts for the year werse ftnd
are payable by the
eval PrOVILICes under the , A. act, or
ing at- borrow nioney, We took tile
they cry out, "You art
vireillatlost of literature of It Illore
that of the 'United States, a serious
amount of 899,801.,066, or, If we take tit the
figures for 1892, to the sum i
Many a Month it idle hung,
total -1,1385 (including
sill3sacluent Dominion legislatisill,
like the r[itiwy aiinuitle8, are
former course, and
ting Orr Had we tal, tile
Substantial character. For
in 10 the number tit vol-
-ated British
Nyas not only or, to
During tile tell years, therefore, tile In.
N longer nestled. NO One
0. )eItilT t of stationary
A by the Queen's Printer In
slid them�,
UP 01- c-qpItalized and ldclude
latter course, tile Course always followed
uines of blographN, Issued as 0,435; In
connection, but It has, to a orstraldersoble
cl-razed volume Cd our xperWXLS only
pol. justice. Main had learned to fear,
excess or.
ftimes), so that art the 31st of Decein-
not added
arrallrat set down as debt, Yet
by the other Proldnees arid tile Dominion
lS93 37 159 of history -to, 1863 12,012� in
degree, arested the onward risarsill of our
;4,850,3G, and counting the eleventh Y�aar,
as during
And dreaded now tile bell to hear.
1893. we had oil hand. ta� the banhs
illey are liabilities Just as MU ` as the
under sloollax circumstances, they would
bave said, "You are orashIng the Province
1993t 68,19 1, Of poc Ary ahil the dra.6AM-1 n IF83,
In 1893, 16,298. Of religious literature
Prosperity, helped 1* increase our now
heavy public debt) burdened the people
Only &16,394,23.2, agairitt $28,050,000
the at- earlier years under ,revlow,
At length a wandering grapevine clung
oblisgations or this tire
In fact, like debts,
of debt." Nettles &gain tile
-In L883, 5411 volumes, find in 143, 81,194.
with unnecessary taxes, and distinctly
It mav be Asked : Why do van lTight
to the rope that Idle
this lost limmd sum $92Z,00 was on
unrl are, more
because they tire permanent annuities, in,
large mums returned to the people. Due-
of solenve and art-lu 18%1, D,704, and In
lowered the tone Of public life ELnd public
your first period of comparison six years
Arid firmly held it, sweetly grasped,
sittl deposlt.
at hLing terminable like tire rall.WRY-
Ing Ithla last parllarcccl�t We spent for the
iiiiiii, 18,mo. Or works of WhI011
1311il tile latter ten ? The reason Is, that
S it one hand aiiother Clasped.
I 9 Illlltiittcs (if tile Province, But, tit the
&ilowing purposes :-
means works requiring sPOelftl StudY"In
tibrial, policy 1,
That the na US
, Openly
dul,ing tile la.tter pat Qt tile first decade
UnIted-Stutes, Canals,'
A starving horse, -turned out to die,
�ta,tacl We b,,vo
Juililment or tile oulitilon Government,
these annuities and fit-
Eduno,tloh ......... I ...... I ........ $2,586,940 ill
Public institutions 3,187,691 21
ISS% 2,891, arid in 103, 4i,01 I.
It Is very gratifvIng to notice tills In-
been a failure stands
confessed In the Skirmishing
arct Britain, the
of Ill, Suffered
and, Indeed. nearly all the wor
One sumnler day was pan,lug, by,
ir Alt commoilcial oorpormtkons,
tiloug-li liss.bilitics,
q do not stand on the
....... 614,2117 10
�slrc for thiti'perusal of hig as
oresell Lit
v over the
Ntinlist,re Ott the Crown toll
a C , SI I It 0
train a geys,r a mosarci nall Jai
And brow ling Where the grapevine
i its bluilts. InsursitivaL companies or
lure nnualllaymanU
footing -.is tile public debt. but they
glqctlltu�6 .........
arid charities ... (,10,251 18
literature. The mtstf-fition paid to the study
Doininion. in their efforts to reform It. In
crisis, and to include these years Would
The bell of justloo loudly rung.
ineroi firills Ili preparing balance
it Invariably Include all their
re Jilts any Minter lieniessary paynients of
Public buildings 1,580,341 42
109712 77
of English literature In 6ur RIgh Schools
has, no dol.111; It, fomtererl a love for the great
It Is not noicessally to lleX
Sying titts, 9,
that, Its errects haVO beer' what ly evil.
0 0
11 t Ili my opInIonj convoy as correct an
It lde�, either its to-Athe.progress the Dearth.
Strallghtwmy a royal herald came,.
And the horse bedf-starved arid lame6
of, Whatever Liatuvo am asy
nved thIs method our balance sheet
early occurrence,.
"So ulso, the Dom Inkin is unkler Ila-
Public works .....
Colorlizatien roads 4S9:367 2141
804,407 60
Classics of tile I�ngllnh language. T110 ill)-
essor of lit-
lilt$, undoubtodly, stlorrulated isIndus-
tries, %vhitah might Otherwise bmve*liot
Joil Is Capable. of malting under free,larn of
tvads, or to ur rLhUlvo progress unE ,
I Y. -T 0 tollthe king, who rang the bell
lilt , show assets arid IL suepins ten
bility' for annuities to retired Officers Of
anountng Runually to
New Parliament buildings WAS 32
cruture In Within the Inat
been go rs advanced, and a fawbilinufac-
tilt, letter, '" compared With tile present
The modi.rall answered ! "It is Well-
es Eta largo its the aniount,s I have
tod, :I. haV0 not'inllidedi for
., Covennuient,
about a oloarLer of a trillion dollars, eon.
few Yearn I,. ls. stendad to develop au
of the works of the beai all-
tiararso espelilallY two Or three sugar re-
liters, hae amassed large lorlumes,
fig,lal sVvtqmk. I inay lso mention -that
11 Pi Ince Edward Tsiand was, not In the eon-
"The brute for jushlee doth appeal.
brutes I pity feel.
(1) tbe Valuable Public buildings erect.
, -ably niore than OntarID's naintuLl Ila.
bility for railway certificates and, annul-
In all .......... ... i ................ 40,70,431
nPpmelation . I
that a.
that be any asaconto 'In bile Who
0 PU
federation In J.S68, but any flifflovence thin
For Starving
,Go seek his owner out for me,
and Owned by tile Province ; (2) the
(if the old Parlhinient buildings, valn-
ties, and theme Dominion ablignitious are
Our ordinary revenue more tell Soilless
rov rdinary expenditure. No one ever a%-
1171th Free Libraries Scattered over tilt
as they ]low are thiare It no rpsit-
11 d to contributer them, It has (LISO tslIld-
ell, in Spore degree, to Contra bile business
would makelit the oompairlson is, I fall y
fully made up by tile advantage Raineli
And tell hint th Is Is our decree
lit $500il)(10, and the parcel at 21 ore�,
t of the Queen street aoylurn. farm,
not taken into account as ominion
Lielits. Thus, In this Thn'tter. at; In so
p,oted sduct It would, in addition to tile
marty grunts to vllicli I hayse referred,
Son why the youth of Ontario should hot
be well With respect to the
of inallufnaturring ln Xvontreal and TOr-
osrtb� and to accelerate Somewhat the
during the protective 01r,10d front the de-
velopment, of ',%,fanitobsc nd outtv Weso!n
o -Long as lie ltvLs Ills home raust far@
Or. Old$ arid gross of hit'. Beware
led at $150,000 ; (3) unpaid plITchale
ey"' clo Sales ofCrown,lands to tile
others, our opponents pratend st 0
find fault with 'khor Ontairle, Government
suffice to ineat large pecial CaPitill Ox-
penditureg. The supporters of the Ottaw
beat literature of tile day, but should tLISO
forming correct and rational
growth ar.those Cities.
y of our manti
But ore the givirst, bad rme-
tile totnl of tile,
"It he again for justice call
Tot of $800'000 ; (4) I he Standing tInl-
(Or thirM% which risk Supporters of the Do-
Government, Ili their attempts to Justify
be capable Lit
oil all public questiolis. The
turing Induattkies, prokboted wid unpro-
ifInking now aornmerce
Including our Imijorts and ex�
My wealth shall oil his owner fall."
nil a extent of 1l.,rIkol,v : (ill tln�
million Government, ciley hav I a to defend,
the iann-nke and gro-,ving debt of tile
opinions I I � rade histraelf [to-
I I d lis:nIthler and liters successful than
—built God to -day 1hOr1 was R, bell
Ao ; (6) a yearly subsidy of UI196,000"
tantoodl to sin Ili porgiLLultv undei, tire
X. A. act, and a furthe�, amount of
00 a to Us fov all Lima
�ar effar, Choose ompletply to furgat the cy.-
lice of hevery important and Yalu -
1 assets wholly ignore them an
at bV "lly chance even allude to them.
Clalo a long
y Indulged In � 'h at tills
lt, and tilt' took him lip with
remark :-,!I get.. my ]lot). friend sinnoti.
stud his friends acnerally frown when
dwell' Uon out, future.
otiot end tire payment
(.,all over A, long term at
urrontly forget . that tire I
rtillIWILYS Initiated Ill
ft 9ftedo'Asild, W Ith .
tIonu, no one ever opposi
y grAnts; und 111M thaY t
r4y evQry Instance, Voted
to the rallWkyX *11ich
3 to theni
arid they
,to thent.
Illy Whose
lWay Jla-
kish '" sr In
which Is
and oil far interior grounds.' .
. The small liabilitlesi �of UIG Province
got out Ili tile 901piJule In the bands at
hall. members. OxPlftills Itself %tit] ('tills
1,01. 110 remark, SuMce it oil this branch
of my Subject to roPez1a th:s,t we had tit
cash In but, banks Lit the end 'A 1403 -more
Lilan a million of that We tills very day to our cr�Cdlt In the blinks
I note than st,6.0.000, Ind . that
,,tie tsurl4us of assets, after . tie -
ll liabilities, lit present
amounted at tile ell.1 Of ill<.,
innate that otir
year to ear -08H) will Olt
We expect to receive much less
V. voin tire Crown Lands Department then
We didi last yme"mid this IS ill, main
I 611it of alitorents6 in tile two Y, 14 -nassrato. and the actual re,
We ass
IIn a (to 1)
tho 1992, I
riteated the to may,
Were con -
of. Jliisl or
mossirt our
treating tit
enue," Tit
nient so tri
vattva, Gall
member of
ernment, to
Coeds ie to
treated as
file proaW
as ord InnrIi
donald Gov
one dut-thr.
Tile -Mbivot
during 22 y
eflon of 0,
spectiIin &I
Nvoll. view ,
Potential 1�,
1100 alid it
atilisible. It
avarlably Point to t1left, large Young man w a to . so, e I ports , eery egaription, What oes our
o1n,inted with the great Constitutional they Would have been under a 1-4vllue Show 7 lit 181 bile total value That brutes could,rirtg and thereby toll
�udltures, such as those oil chaliges of the last few centuries,. arid Nvilo jiff ? I Certanly think not, The County of our� trade Was During tilt, The Story of their oruel. Wrangel,
4, Ili their fervor and xcite- Jilts Saturated Ills mind With tire thoughts of Waterloo Is one Of OIL largest xenllhig In 187-1, it had expanded to And win the justice that belongs rifles further eayf "You EU0 of the best wrIter.1) lives necessarily a wld� turing' coillittes lit Canads. f have, thers- an of Tills
ber revenue all ordinary rev- r Illenta; liovlzon, and Can t gnod oppol-1:111litV to form a just ('ertallily To every creature, great and small Sandifteld islacdonold Govern- be dragged at the Chariot Whele'lls opinion, 'und it is my con�,ictjon, find I Was For Glick, their onalter, loveth all,
btad it, likewise every Coniser- r ally deningsigue, nor can It e� kno,v tome ratm6r friends of tile national A AND PR%IISING
irrinient fit Ottawa, _11obert .L,, Bangs, In The Independent,
the Sandflold Ivituldonaldilivery lend his mid to carry but tile purpose pollcy Who have expressed the same thing, Gov- of the factionIst and the bigot. The --a- flint tinder a revointo tariff and cheaper k lit, for granted that 'the pro- eye we clone Sinn-,
d arid it a curtly ef popular Institutions under out, raw InAtOl'iffil they Would have been better but Wbat 11. thlid time Hutchinson, in it late Emiliber of Thai miles, -sales hould be form of goVoirnment 19 a Well-ekin6ated, air to day than under the existing 8;klstern. "Inle average value f out, acorinname C,ui�try Gentleniall 30,51B :— . .
rdinary revenue. Sit, Leonard Gone 1) a d lrldns� ent, TrOul 35.511, to ISA, Wag only .3909,II46,78S Been away froni. Items do not sting un- 3 budget tpeoeh of 1814, treats teadfast, public opinion, mild that ell" I'l- If this be trno Of 8 rot Ole x . it is Ili protection
a formed In, the thoughtful considora- tpleS, IIONV Litrob n1ore Ili It $0 with Lhome lint taloing Ill 18 -, our 'Year o gratest loss they are P1110had
I at sitles Or lands IV If bile questions In the light of ki,ast traes Wh1uh arriod tile expansion, When oul� total trade reached at their'lIorhe that they Will Sting. trange
revetilue. The Smildflold ae, ti011 Of Pu I I 1 Ve received none of the 1l'o- L110 1111,711-Wiltrit Intl0t of $211,30,44a, We It,., it unity uppear, It' Is when they ill's
Dr or,
and Cared
I If In our
5111 tittle to
ates1111H slunlikintit result Ilia gathering honey tire most that
term at office. to a revenue tariff, otir coil)- tile I�ast inclined to use theill
had six Sales Tile C111nese claim that their beat must, 4\s Ila the growth of Cities like, Tbrohtol ded to tile ekt1111; or or defetiae, When blibily engaged
Has. Tho trial oat Ingtruniout, t1lo kinir, Was anventsil 2,- t takes awrLy inticli of. OUV vkctI9faotIOti t InOrOL I -
compels retro- 000 Slearg berae Ohrlst, iltnow, tl)ftt, it was SdomOvals 11101,0 deo but froin 1k'4 to It P00104 Of eighLOL11 tit Storing sweets thaY Boom to beClonle
aWe pressed cointeercially than nt Present, and ibillIng fourtmin of Which WO ll- entranced, fairly Intoxicated, like a inark
The Ottieks had two kindsf at ill that WhIlit It has Increnod Its pointlatkol, RY00 nil the or, the national that in InfildlY arranging We lilt, ILIA
; bile a d they sly wath coni. one own, the Other It ng two Ontol,h) towns and villages have polloy. the Increase Was Only not have but little dispositl6ri to Btfill,--thoy
tines r floints. b0li'lonfils t1lefrA. It IS almost Panful to one4hit"I Of wh,t It (111171119 the ;for- are too busy and too haPPy- -If tile Ilive
ColillywIlit ays that ornall, pennants
'lilt bell'i The love, 1:311111, thlit fitit-ing tit, last 20 Of inev period of 0111�t ywLys, lit tilt Middle at the
IIIIled their grounds with a roller anade of uv fillpat Ooklntle�l )O -it 1.0pir atIso 1. so to it Turning noxt to but great natural tritium. Iran mont of tile bid workera are
almjo� mild by t.b, trunk Of a tree, and villug0a low.l fliftli too, W111181, tries it ill safe to stay that farming orrt,tt 7and are Is extralsed to ItELItp ho
,mains Intat, Tito gintolo Used by the Rotation peasslot essill,, lis may be
Ili tile future theractuo,il r6trograd6d never ska dopre"ad essid Unrentunerativo Ion, or to Jar tile III% it Is
11 X1 'tit I of small PC durtmg the empire wall it Wooden Itubtru- In s(ont, ease$ to tilt% exteoLt of StViital INS W11 0 Mllift Our lie(, iiitely that the Coll'
0 we oolitinit tent tipped with Iran, blinks . I -onghoUt ffiftily parts oP, OnW.rI hpLudied at will Witilont a Sling lit protest�
I I,. Itedo, 'lli o during
his prices' all Tile first agnealturall histviinient, the an' Tit so engaged In out- protected Martin- file Cleptiong at 1878, I Warned the tarrntrs thin, howevell ' wollid depend SoniewhsU
of borrowing &S.Stor ale both Spade and pick, Was 'a faOturos CoMptist not more than 5 Pill, tilat the shational poha&, Windd stake $10 out upon thii Strain of boics. Santa 11104119 111110110
1po,ble ovirlotrj boluited vitick. at our total populaik What has been the, 64 their pobirsits tot every Ill, it Would out forote lanstable than 000r4