The Brussels Post, 1894-3-23, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST 20 Per Cont. Off The invoices of our new Well ' Pallor are to Maud, if the stook is as good as the samples we expoot to have the best Value in Brussels, The National Wall Paper Co, absorbed a large number of manufactures lust year but there were a few who would not Combine. TLie greet trust is determined to }hake those few Vali into line. To de thie they have given those who buy from theme discount of 20 per cent, Now, soon as they succeed iD driving those Tow Manufacturers in, or driving them out (it must be one oe the other) they will drop the discount and wall papers will be that muoll higher. We do not like monopolies but when they enable us to give such extra value to our ouetomors we do nob see the wisdom of not taking advantage of them. Do you ? It will pay you. to favor us with your orders, Come and see our samples any- way G. A. DEADIvIAN,. Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAN TRUNK RAILWAY. -- SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, Forth nd South, as follows GOING BOOTH. GCMG NORTH. Mail 0:04 a.m. Mixed 9:48 a. Express 1190 a,m, 1 .m 01,01 3:13 p.m. Mixed ,.,.....-9:00 pan. Express .,,9:43 pan. Ae.ornl getos Pins, A ohiel's amang ye Eakin' notes, An' faith he'll prenb it. TAKE IT NOW I As an inducement to New Subsoribers, we will give Ton POST from Now until Trot FIRST OP JANUARY, 1895, for ONE Doman. This is a Great Chance. Non - subscribers should avail themselves of it at once. The paper will be of Particular Interest during this year on account of the Pro- ✓ incial Elections to be hold shortly and the almost certainty of an election for the Dominion before the close of the year. GOOD Friday. Goon Friday and Easter Monday are bank. holidays. THE town has been boomed with bicycle agents this week. REPArns, rendered necessary by the fire, are in progress at the Connell Chamber this week. WM. TAYtOn intends veueering his resi- dence, Turnberry street, with brick this Spring. D. Lowry has the job. BEussrxs Public Sohool closed on Thursday of this week for Easter holi- days, and will re open on Monday, April 2nd. Moor= Horse Fair, the last for this season, will be held in Brussels, on Thursday, April 5th. Il will likely be a boomer. BRUSSELS Lodge, No. 138, A.. 0. U. W., will meet once a month in future instead of semi-monthly. The night of meeting is the 8rd Friday, in bbs Hall in W. Blasbill's block. WEDDING invitations are out for the marriage of illise Emma Caldbick, of New Westminster, B. C., formerly of Brussels, to Capt. Rogers, of the same city, on Wednesday of next week. Mos. Ronmtrs bas leased the store appo- site the Tows Hall from David Ross and will open u dressmaking shop. Mrs. Roberts is a sister to John Wynn, of Brussels, and was a former resident of this 918.08. Sotinn.—A. box social will be held at the residence of Wm. Bryan's, Morris, next Tuesday evening, under the aus. picas of the Ladies of St. John's Church. Conveyances will carry people to and from the social. FINED. -J. A. MacGowan was fined 910 and costs at Blyth, on March 19th, for enclosing a letter in e, pamphlet, Maggie D'Iiokle was similarly treated to 910 and $3.45 poets at Berlin on the 17th for cleaning and using a postage stamp a eecond time. ThePostoffice Department is determined to put a stop to petty frauds of tbe above nature. Dom.—Albert, the infant eon of Albert and Eliza J. Rivers, Teeewater, died on Tbureday morning of this week, of con- gestion of the lungs. The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon. Mrs. S. Rivers went to Teeewater on Thursday. This makes 4 children Mr. Rivers has lost in the past 6 years. The parents are sympathized with iu their bereavement. HYMENEAL.—Wednesday of last weep Frank Wooke, of Cnlrc58, and Miss Mo. Kenzie, of the same township, were united in marriage et the residence of the bride's father, near Belmore. A sister of the bride was bridesmaid and Dan. Ferguson, of Teeewater, supported the groom in the orthodox fashion. There was a large company present and a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. The wedding gifts were of a 'very handsome and useful character. Mr. and Mrs. Wooke will make their home near Wroxeter. The groom is a brother to Mrs. Zilliax, of Brnesels, FROM MT, LESANON, P.ALE8TINE.--My dear Me. I9err.—If you have forgotten us 1518 have notloot sight of yon bet memory carries us back to the short- but pleasant period we spent among our hind friends in Brnssele. I have written a personal letter to Itir. Strachan and if you ask him, no doubt he will lend it to you to publish if you saw fit. We landed in Joppa in November and in December we were in Jerusalem visiti the Jews and accred planes. I have I, :reed to furnish some country journals a quarterly article descriptive of the land, peoples and ouetams and answer any gtloeti0ne, eiibeeribers may forward to the editors in reference to this onuntry. We are now ever 100 miles North of Jerusalem, 8,000 feet above the sea and the snow is falling fast, Neat summer we may visit Damascus. I wish to be remembered, very kindly, to all old friends and I trust you and they .are well. I hope for your eympntby and prayers on behalf of our- selves and work iuthis land. I remain, Yours in Christ, Citroen B. Howie, Shovier Beyroat, Syria. February 1894.. The postof$cahnure on f49od Friday for the delivery of mail matter will ' be from 4to0p,m. ODA reporter wee in error last week in Mating that, Mae, Seager was in the °ouuoll ohember oil the evening of the fire. Peewee desirous of having Thos, Curry do grafting for them mayy leave their orders at THE POST Publishing House, New subeoribers are rolling in to Tmi Poem. 17out borrow when you can have 10 dopapllerfor the balance oe 1804 for 090 ar, ASSISTANT Psasnimnn AogNT CALL.AWAY and Travelling Passenger Agent Doalirill, of the C. P. dt„ were In Bruaeela 0n Tues. day morning, Tins week R. Leatherdale had a space intended for an extra. doorway enolosed and tbe floor of his Dortherly show window increased thereby. Mimeos. Feneuseti & HALLIDAY, have had the walls of the millinery show room and work roompapered and generally tidied up for Spring. Don, MoNAuewrox has Bettered the oon- tract of erecting a saw and shingle mill for a gentleman in Minto township. Mr, Mao. is a whole team at this kind of work. MESSRS. BAN2En & VANsroli shipped a oar of fine, :live hogs' on Wednesday of this week. They will ship another oar load next week, The price will average 4.1 0021125. JOEN Lori. has the contract of plowing, harrowing and plotting the atones off the field enolosed by the half mile Oracle on the Grey Agrioulturai Park. He is at work this week. The job will cost $36.00. BDPPLEMEST: On our 14 column sup. plement 'this weep will be found the Budget speech by Hon. Mr. Haroourt, Provincial Treasurer, also an excellent letter on "Canada's Beet Policy," by Han. Jae. Young, of Galt. EASTER Volans. -This is the title of e Easter Carol service to be given in the Methodist church on Friday evening of this week by members of the Sunday school, choir and orchestra. It is a very appropriate service for Eastertide and with the Bible responsive readings, red - begone, &c., should prove entertaining as well as instructive. Silver collection. SOLDooT•—J. Ranier, grooer, has die• posed of hie business to Messrs. Taylor & Smillie who took posse80ion on Wednes. day. Mr. tamer's health has been very poor of late, but we Lope the vacation he will now be able to lake will help him reooporate. Mr. Smillie has spent sever. al years in Australia but he thinks more of Canada than any of the lairds he bas seen. No MAN .ffiO4T Hit.—A resident of this place has been abusing his wife of late by choking, ltieking and otherwise ill-treat. ing her. If he were ducked in the river and rail ridden through town be would be receiving the treatment a .good many people are out -spoken enough to say he deserves. His marriage vows are evi- dently valueless. FooT•BALL.—At meeting for the pur- pose of re -organizing the Brussels foot ball club was held at the Queen's Hotel on Wednesday evening and the following officers chosen :— Hon. Pres., G. F. Blair ; President, S. MoOoll ; Seo.•Treas., W. J. Stewart ; Capt., Lew. Jackson ; Executive Committee, P. Ferguson and Colin Sbaw with officers. The membership fee will be 50 cents. CORRECTION.—I wish to correct a 5tata- ment made in the Herald last week, viz. : That I was handling the oil can at the time of the fire at the Connoil chamber. I had nothing to do with it but rather advised that oil be not used fearing an explosion. I also wish to return my best thanks, publicly, to Mr. and Mrs. Ewan for their great kindness and attention to me while laid up, also to the many visitors who Called to see me. Hours &o., D. gram. ORGANIZED,—On Monday evening of this week a meeting of persons interest- ed in Lacrosse was held at the Queen's Hotel, Robt. Thompson in the ohair. The following officers were elected for the currentyear:— J. A. Stewart, Hon. -President ; Jno. hioBain, President ; Ben. Davies, Seoretary.Treasurer ; R. Thompson, Captain ; H. J. Strong, Jas. Ballantyne and officers named above, Committee of Management. Practice will commence as soon as Park and weather are favorable, and a good, strong team will be put in the field. HIIRON VETS,—A meeting of the Huron Veterinary Association was held in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Thursday, the 8th insb. Among those present were:— J. E. Blacken, Clinton ; J. Gibbons, Dungannon ; J. 7. Walker, Londesboro ; J. Wilkinson, Ripley; W. H. Hook, Mildmay; 7. 7. Elliot, Clifford; R. H. Fortune, Wroxeter; John. Wilson and Jos. Golley, Wingham, Considerable business of a private nature was trans - meted, and the following members of the association appointed to wait on the Perth Veterinary Association, which meets in St. Marys on the 90th instant, to Confer on several subjects. J. J. Walker read a paper on Gastric Com- paction in the horse, and Jos. Golley read a paper on Enterities. Animated disouseion followed these papers, which was taken part in by a great many of the members. The next meeting of the as- sociation will be held in Goderfoh on the 20th of July next. MAITLAND Paz80YT115Y,—The regular court was held at Wingham on Tuesday, 20th-inet. There 3908 a large attendance. Rev. D. Millar, Moderator. Rev. T. Davidsoo, M. A., of Wroxeter, resigned bis charge on account of i11 health. A call from Molesworth congregation to Rev. G. Ballantyne, lately of Mono Centre, was eaetained, and his induction was ordered to take place at Molesworth on Tuesday, 3rd of April. The reunion of the congregations of Belgrave and Calvin aharc'i any Whitechurch and Langside was harmoniouely effected, subject to the finding of the Synod in re- gard to the position of Rev. Mn, Law relative to Belgravo, Rev. J. L. Mur• ray, M. A., of Kincardine, submitted for consideration an important overture to be remitted to the General Assembly regarding the settlement of pastors in vacancies. Mr. Murray's views upon this difficult matter, expressed in an article lately contributed to Knox College Monthly, have received favorable corn, monb 11roughogt the ehnroh. His over - thee will, in ooneequence, no doubt re- ceive a favorable hearing when ft is brought before tbe Assembly, whiolt will meet at St. John's, N. B., next Ines), I, C„ Rloitnnos, ilarn058 maker, bee in. vested in a new Titylor sato. It tame to Land on Wednesday of Wu week, A wen and well .Contested game of football was played on Victoria Park last Saturday afternoon between the Alerts and the Crenbrooli club. The re. suit wase tie, no goals being scored by either side. A return match will bo played at Cranbrook shortly when better weather ie hoped foe. Business Locals. SHm0LE9 and cedar poste for Bale at 13. Gerry's. Won fencing, new and old etyles, for sale at B. Ger y's, 'Anaease'INE in all oolore, for house C, B. Gerry, THEleaninghandsomest stook of windo'H shades in the County at W. Roddiok'e, B1un00 will be open all day Good Fri- ll, J. STRONG, Photographer. Ton Hartshorn spring roller leads them all. Guaranteed for 5 years ab W, Roddick's. A Goon force pump for spraying fruit trees or washing windows, for 92.00, at B. Gerry'a. JUST try one of those Ingrains, with fanny ceiling and freize. They are love. ly. W. Roddick. NEw hate for Spring, direct from the Old Conntry. See them before you buy. Ieinem & MCLAREN. Tuo1SANne of rolls of wall paper to choose from, at 5 Dents per roll and upwards. W. Roddick. Son our twelve dollar single barnese, best value in the county. Strong and durable. I. 0. RICHAnns. FRESH garden meads, clover and timothy at McCracken's. SEE the display of crayon portraits in A. Straohan's window. Portraits given away free with every $10 purchase. DECORATE Tone Homes. -Beautiful American papers at 12i.c, with borders and ceilings to match. . -W. Roddick: Don key and driving . glove found. Owners may have same by proving pro- perty and paying for this notice. Post Pnbiishing House. Mose TAYLOR, of London, is prepared to give lessons in Painting. For terms and other particuiars apply to Jas. Jones, jeweller, Brussels. ITCH on human and horses and all animals Cured in 30 minutes by Wool- ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. "Rooccss le the reward of merit" notof aUM1.11 on. Popular appreofation is what tells in the long run. For fifty years, people have been using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and today it is the blood - purifier most in favor with the public. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures. Enema Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem- ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring -bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted by G. A. Dea3man. MmmnINEnv,—For the next three weeks we will offer everything in Winter mil. Unary ab coat, to make room for new Spring stock. You Can be economioal without any effort whatever, in buying anything you may want in that line now. MISS M. HoARE. TAE base of Ayer's Hair Vigor is a re- fined and delicate fluid, which does' not soil or beoome rancid by exposure to the air, and which is as perfect a substitute for the oil supplied by, nature in youth and health, as modern chemistry can pro. duce. Man roe Eocs: I bave removed my Egg Emporium to the corner store ono. door Nortb of my former stand, where on and after. Sat. March llth, I am pre- pared to pay cash for any quantity of fresh eggs and will be pleased to see my old ouetomors. JOHN Tar, Brussels, WELL -DIGGING AND DnmLINo.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence' second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-tf RHECAL1TIeoi CURED IN A DAT.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically am•ee in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon thesystem is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at thee the cause and the disease immediately disappears. Theficot close greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. le you are thinking of buying an organ do not heed what other Ageute tell you about my organs being no good and that itis impossible to sell a good organ at what I am selling them at. My or- gans are as good as any other. Tho reason I can sell them so cheap is I sell a lot of them, I buy them for oash, and I am at no extra expense. Every organ is gauranteed for 5 years from the firm. Lots of the organs you buy the guarantee. is half run out as they are kept in .stook so long. Guarantees are datedtheday or- gana loaves the factory. R. Leatherdale. 160 WORLD'S Fact PHOTOS FOE $1. These beautiful pictures are now ready for delivery in ten oomplete parts -16 pictures comprising each part—and the whole set can be secured by the payment of One Dollar, sent to Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Mil- waukee& St. Paul Railway, Chicago, I11,,: and the portfolios of pictures will be sent, free of expense, by mail to subscribers. Remittance should be made by draft, money order, or registered letter. RELIEF IN Six HODIta,—Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseesos relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians an account of its exceedingpromptnees in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pee• sages in male or female, It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick,, relief and euro this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. 0. 0. F. -For the next three months special inducements will be offered by, Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24! Q. 0, F., Brussels, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order, the in- itiation fee being reduced during that time. As thie is one of the leading In - swamis and Beneficiary. Societies in the Country people should take advantage of this offer. For full information ap- ply to A. REM, 0, R. ;, A. HomNle, F. S. ; W. Bo &ell bt, Tread. ST4 JV'DA.R.D 13✓1 JV IC Q;F C4X4.Dt 1, ,'J. 03TAF'.SrTS231777 1672 - HEAP OFFICE, ^ TORONTO.' ' AS I Tri, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 ,OA TAL (Authorized) • . / • $2,000,000' Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States of England, �1id91'b°di'1'is 111114'd'7B1• A General Banking Business Traneaoted. Farmers' Notes Dleoounted,1 Drafts Issued and Oolleotions made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, Smoot, ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE QOLLr10TION OF FARMERS' SAL8 NOTES.: Every facility afforded Customers living at a distanoe.. J. A. STEWAIRT, MANAGER. DILLIES & SMUMXTII, �Ail�TIERS, B R LT ISSMLS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Samaras D,aanag VE'Pd =w n Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at tbe end of the Months of October and April. Special Arranges» ents made for Time Deposits. We effect to write insurance 511 old English or Canadian Companies. or fu Mut- ual Cornpi ii5es as maybe dcelred. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. CLOVER and Timothy at 000(Jraclten's. DAIRY cans, milk paths and pane ; tin- ware of all kinds at low prices. B. Gerry. Joel, to hand, a new Stook of Trunks. and Valises, which will be sold cheap. See them. I. 0. RtoHAnne. ANY one wishingto get a new saw filing machine may see what suite them at A. M. Molly & Co's. hardware store Brussels. ANY one wishing to get a new saw. filing stand, I think can be suited by T. MoGregor, of Brussels, Ont. May be seen at McKay & Co's. hardware store. IF you want anything in my line call and get my prices and if I Cannot save your moneyI do not wont you to buy. I keep the largest and beat assorted stock in the County and sell at very Close prices. R. Leatherdale. • CHURCH CHIMES. The regular monthly service was held in the R. C. Church last Sunday morn. ing. Revs. Masers. Millar' and Ross will ex - °bang° pulpits for the morning service neat Sabbath. Rev. Jno. Rose Rev. D. Millar and Rev. S. Jones attended the meeting of the Maitland Presbytery in Wingham on Tuesday. Serene will be held morning and even- ing in St. John's cherish on Good Friday. and the Easter vestry will meet on the following Mondayat 3 p. m. , Rev. G. H. Oobblediok, B. D., and H. L. Jackson represented the Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, Brussels, at the Methodist Young Peoples Conven- tion at London this week: Rev. Mr. Hooper, of Atwood, preached in Bt. John's church last ^Monday even- ing ; Rev. Mr. Woods, of Wingham, on Tuesday and the incumbent, Rev. W. G. Rielly, on the subsequent evenings of the week. Itev. Joseph Galloway. of $eaforth, will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening. The pas- tor will be in Seaforth in connection with the Sunday School anniversary manes. The call extended to•Rev. G. Bellew tyne by the Molesworth Presbyterian church has been accepted by Mr. Ballan. tyne. The induction is fixed for Tues. day, April 3rd., Rev. D. Miller to pre. side, Rev. D. Perris to preach, Rev. T. Davidson to address the minister and Rev. D. B. McRae the people. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne comes from Mono Centre and is highly spoken of. LECTURE.—When Rev. J. W. Sannby,' B. A.,,leotured in the Methodist ohuroh on Japan, the audience was so much. pleased that he was .requested to return at an early date. He will deliver another lecture in the same place on Wednesday evening, 28th inst., on "The Lady Mis- sionary and her Japanese sister." This will be, no doubt, of even greater interest than the last. The Woman's Missionary Auxiliaries of the different churches in Brussels are invited and are asked to occupy the centre pews. A. silver collec- tion will be taken. Lecture begins at 7:30 o'alook. Leamington wants a curfew bell to ring at 8:80 every night when all children mast be off the streets. At Toronto Saturday n igbt James Fitz. gerald, an old man, fell down a flight of steps into an area on Dalhousie street and broke his neck. MOFAHLANn.—In Boiesevain, -Manitoba,, on March 7th, the wife of Mr. J. H. McFarlane, formerly of Brussols, of a son. HonsoN,-In Cranbrook, on March 18th,' the wife of Mr. George Hudson of a sou. Dloltaot.—In Brussels, on March 21st,' the wife of Mr. A. G. Dickson, of the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, of a daughter. MITCHELL—MOI'rATT,—At the residence of the bride's mother, Morrie, on March 20111, by Rev. T. Davidson, M. A., Mr. liobt. G. Mitchell, of Turnberry, to Miss Bolla, daughter of Mrs. Geo. Moffatt. CAM1'5ELL—I'bASiILTON. At' the residence of the bride's parents, on March 13011, by Rev. D., Perrie, Mr, Arabi. bald Campbell, of Morris, to Miss Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr, Hugh Hamilton, of Wingham. ANDERSON—HENDnnsON,—Ab the residence of the bride's parents, on March 14th, by Rev. D. Perris, Mr. Dunoan Anderson, of Turnberry, to Mies Annie, daughter of Mr. IThomas Henderson, of Morris, SAVAGE—HIsLor.—By Rev. T. Davidson, M. A., on March 14th, Mr. Trios. Savage, of Grey, to Mies Jennie Hislop, of Howiek. rise. MoTAGaAnT,—In Qhiselhurst, on March 10th, Christens McLeod, the wife of H. N. MoTaggart, aged 60 years. MoTonELL.—In Grey, on Marsh 150h, Adelaide May, daughter of Riohard Mitchell, aged 1 year, 9 mos. and 28 days. aVOTXCA T sax.as. TUESDAY, MARCH 27TH: -.Farm Stock i mplemente, &o. Lot 6, con. 12, Grey Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Jas. Mitchell, prop., George Kirkby, duo. 8RV6izmumui M.A.RR£@6, t Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats 53 63 35 62 32 Batter, tube and rolls.... 18 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 3 50 Potatoes • 35 Hay per ton . ,.• 6 00 7 00 Salt per bbl., retail,,....: 1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 Hides rough 19 Sheep skins, each.. ...... 40 Lamb skins each 50 Apples per bbl.. 1 50 Wool 17 Pork, Live 4 00 55 57 40 58 32 •2 • 00 60 1'75 18 4 26 THE POPLE'S COLUMN. ("CARPET WL+'AVING DONE. Satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. Mc01tAK, nearly opposite De. McKelvey's. Brussels, HOUSE AND GARDEN, WITH stable, to rent, on Lot 21, Con, 5,; Morris. Apply to DAVID RITCHIE, on the premises, or P. RITOHIR, Brussels, 10.2. 70 WILL BUY A FINE old and recently calved.TeHer dam is sow 2 yA r1 having a record of 14 ib9, butter a week When 2 years 01(1. G. A. BRADMAN, D ruffed, &c. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 11- mi Queen Street, Brussels. The house is 80 feet square, 1} stories containing 7 rooms. Good well, woodshed. and garden, the latter well stocked with fruit trees. For price, terms, app Ir to JOHN SELi, 814 Proprietor.' ELIGIBLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, —'P00 subscriber offers his 0 'acre Mot, located immediately north of Am on t pros. factory, for sale. H e will also dispose of iiia residence eu. the opposite side of the street. For further particulars, as to price, terms, elc., apply to ALbOIC MoLAUGHLIN, 24.4 Proprietor, Brussels, REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DnnetaNEp.has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy berme, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S. SCOTT,Brusaels, FARl13 TO RENT—LOT NO. 21, Con. 0, Grey. About 00 acres cleared. Immediate possessies. Apply by mail to J. C. REEF ER NAN, Trout Creek, Or to WM. MILNE, lSthsl, FARM FOR SALE, BEING North '1 of Lot 22, Con.'8, Morris town- ship. The farm contains 100 acres, about 70 of which are cleared, balance hush. There is a comfortable house, good bank barn, floe orchard, &0.00 the promisee. The farm la all seeded down, Possession could be given at any time. For further partieulare as to pride, towns, .&°, apply to the Proprietor on the premises, or' Walton P. 0. 04.4 D. MCOALLIIM. SPECTACLES/'SPECTACLES/ I supply Speotaalee in gold, nickel', steel frames, with interchangeable len- ses, (testing the eye Free of Charge) also exchange if found not a perfect fit. Gold frames, $5.00 to $7.00 ; niokel, 75c. to. $2,00 ; steel, 255. to 91,50. My lenses aro of the best quality, (save me a trial before paying exhorbitant prices to tra- velling speck dealers. T. FLETCHER, JxwELLER. WALL PAPER, J1 rnerioan, �T Canadian. Latest Colorings, Aj Newest Designs, lT s � Cheapest Prices'" )AT(— .Pepper's Di'ug Store, Always Measure Your Boom. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • 8olioltor and Conveyancer. Colles. tions made. office-Vanstono'e�Bloce, Brae - eels. '51.8m.. NSTM. SINCLAIR,' • 8olioltor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub. Ile, &o. Office—Vaasto0e's Illook, 1 door north of Central Hotel. Private Funds to Loan. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publto, Godellob, Ont. M, a,°AMR1ON, Q.0011O., 4 01002539.Pn1LIP HOLT,'. 00. L. 't F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, •—• Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Prondfoot's Office, Goderioh.) 011ie° over Gillian & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. 47. MEDICAL CARDS. TA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • R. Edinburgh, M,-0. P. 8. Out. • .Residence and office in Wilson's Block, Corner of Mill. and Turnberry Ste.. JM. ARMSTRONG, M.D. • Physician, Surgeon, Am:Mueller, etc. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OP1'IOn—Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Oat. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, CI • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals In a Com- potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. bake and Infirmary—Two doors north of bridge - 'Turnberry at.. Brussels, M. H. MOORE, V. S., H. M., V. M..8. Graduate o1 the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animals (treated on scientific pnuoiples. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. Calle promptly Infirmary at Beattie s over barn Brussels, Out. 28. BUSINESS CARDS. V Y H. MCCRACKEN, ▪ Isatr'er of Marriage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels. N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. M. Moilay& CM'S hardware store. Ladies' and ohildrens hair nutting a specialty AMoNAIR, •, Iseurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- stoner, &e., Q. B. .Conveyancer and Agent. Fire Ineurauoe Go. Office at the Cranbrook Post 011ie°. - - ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IN8D8AN08, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clericof the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public. Land, Loan and Insursnoe Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made: Oillee in Graham's Block, Brussels. TA. HAWKINS. C. S. M. ; 114 • Organist iu St, John's Church, Brus- sels, and pupil,�in the Art of Teaching or A.. W. Thayer, Mus Doo., New York, will give lessons to pupils either at hls. parlor, aver A.B. Smith's store, or if preferred, at. their own homes. Monday, Tuesday. and Wednesday at Walton. Terme. moderate. OAR FOR SERVICE.—THE' B Undersigned will keep for service at Lot°, Con. 8, Krey, during season, a pure bred Berkshire hog. Terme, $1,00 to bo paid at the time of service with privl lege of returning if necessary. JAMES ELLIOT, 84.4 Proprietor:. RD BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep/for eervioe on Lot 26 Con. 0, Morris, the thorn' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Oanada'e Prince," purebaeed from the well-known breeder J. E. Brethour, Oak Lodge Farm. Burford. Terms, 81.00 to bo paid at the time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigreemay be seen on ap- plication. ROBT.NICHOL, B0AR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will peep for service the tlioro'-bred Large English Berkshire Boar,. Bismarck," No, 1708, It took Int prise at the East Huron Fall Fair in 1893, and wart always l et whenever exhibited, Terms, $1.00. to be paid at the time of service with privi- lege of returning if necessary. Two young Berkshire Boars and several young .Short Horn Bulls for sale, 99.tt D.MILND, Prop.,Ethe 1894— FLA X —1894 CAMERON RHOS. Baia et a limited Lumber of huehole of the —. 1051811 IIUTOIl SEEM - For Fanners in the vicinity of Cranbrook who intend raising Flax dur.ng the .coming , season, wbieh they are prepared to deliver in quantities to suit flax growers. 0 an be got at the CRANBn00x FLAX MIr.L.: Seel given out on the usual terms. Order Early and mature a supply, For fax grown from ,this send *10 per Ton will be paid, if of good growth, harvested in proper Beason, nod delivered at the Flax Mill 00 soon oe 8t for threabllgp, We will rent a nun:hetet geld' sod fields fo r the parpoe° of growing flame. 0.43510000042120008,, ' IinoprletUre,,ornnbrook Flab MA14. 0 5 J 00 b0