HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-23, Page 5ISTICT NEWS. N SR ,A;OVVOO.4.. Joseph Priest and son Edward lofb with seven bowies for Maniteha last week, The family leave this week, T. L, MoOanloy hue remove;] hie stook of grovories and provisions to his Moro recently purchased in Britton. Three ewes belonging to James Porter of lob 15, eon, 5, presented their owner with nine lambs the 'other day, three eaoil, I6 surely pays to raise sheep at that rate. The lecture in the Town Hall on "Roto, historically considered, and the P. P, A.," by Thad. W. P. Leavitt, of Toronto, was largely attended by the people of Atwood and vicinity, David Morrison, Newry, and his help- er, August Swanson, have ,gone to their quarry on an island in one of the lakes near Peterboro'. Mr. Morrison has a oontraot for supplying paving atone for the Toronto streets. Veit►f:ltttrn. Mayor Hanna ie leaving the okc1 .Eng. lieh ohnroh polled down and will ereot two fine brick residences on the property this year. G. H, Mooney has severed his eonneo. tion with the Ripley Enquirer, and the paper will be continued as usual, with H. P. Chapman as editor end proprietor. As a result of the visit of A. G. Gilbert, superintendent of the Poultry Depart. ment at the Ottawa Experimental. Farm, it is likely that several of our towns. people will take an interest in the poul- try industry. Rev. R. McCosh, formerly of this town, has been nominated to fill the rectorship of Christ's Chetah, Chatham, iu suooes- eion to the lateArobdeaoon Bandys. Mr, MoCosh has filled -the position of curate for the past two years, doing the active duties of rector, and was unanimously chosen. Some time ago, when Hon. J. 0. Pat- terson, Minister of Militia, was in Wing - brim, Mayor Hanna asked him to present the town with a couple of cannon to place on our town perk. The other day, the Mayor received notification from Mr. Patterson that one cannon had been shipped from Quebec to his address, for the town. Ethel. Mies Davies attended the annual meet. ing of the W. F. M. S. in Wingham on Tneeday. J. Henderson and wife and Mies Spence were in Wingham last week attending the wedding of Mies Henderson. M. S. B. Magian and family left for their new home near Toronto this week. Mr. M. and family have taken an active part in the Temperance Division here, and will be greatly missed. We wish them prosperity. Mr. Maginn came to this locality 16 years ago and now goes back to his former borne in Soarboro' township. Daern or AN ExaELLEnT Wotiew.—Mrs. H. N. MOTaggart, of Chieelhuret, de- parted this life on Saturday morning at the hour of five o'clock. Deoeased was a great sufferer for about six months with pulmonary trouble, which she bore with Christian courage and resignation. She had such faith in death's Great Conqueror that -when the hour of death came near she was not afraid. Truly her motto was "Be just and fear not." She wee kind and benevolent to a fault. Her funeral took place on Monday, 12th, at the hour of two o'olook, and was one of the largest ever seen in this plane. Her mortal remains were laid to rest in the MoToggart cemetery. Mr. McTaggart and family have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood in their sad bereave- ment. BBlvth. Public school closes for the Easter holiday term on Thursday. C. 0. Ranee, of Clinton, will open out in the tailoring business here this week. Charles Shane, of Goderioh, was visit- ing under the parental roof do Sunday. Mrs. Hayee, of Seaforth, was visiting relativer and friends in town during the past week. Divine servioe will be held in Trinity church on Good Friday at 10:30 a. m. Offertory in aid of the Jews. Thos. McElroy, of the firm of MoEbroy & Jessup, joined the large army of bene - dots on Thursday of last week. Oonnoillor MuNnlly has commenced getting out the foundation for his new residence on the lot opposite Trinity church. MemnimoNIAL,—On Wednesday Last one of those happy events took place at the residence of J. W. Bell when hie eldest daughter Mary E. was joined in wedlook's bonds to W. J. Falker, of Auburn, Rev. T. E. Higley tied the nuptial kuot. After dinner the bride and bridegroom drove to Stanley to spend their honeymoon with friends and relatives in that seotion. On Sunday evening a large congrega- tion was present in Trinity ohnroh to hear the the incumbent, Rev. T. E. High - ley preach a serrnon on danoing, taking his text from 1 Cor„ 10 chap., 81 verse, which was marked with rapt attention giving ample proof from holy scripture that no one can be a true Christian and believe in modern danoing. CratYtb roost. Charles Raddatz returned to Detroit het Saturday, Mrs. A. MoNicol is on the sick list with an attaok of pleurisy. The R. T. of T. has closed down. They have about $40.00 in hand. Rev.D. B. MoRae attended Maitland Preebytery ab Wingbarn on Tuesday, Inspector Hopkirk paid his usual ofli• alai visit to our postolfioe on Tneeday of this week . School oiosed for the Easter holidays on Thureday and will re -open on Tues- day, 270h inst. D. Zimmer was at Berlin this week at- tending the funeral of hie sister-in-law, Mrs. Adam Zimmer. Rev. David Forrest, of Walton, die. coursed here last Sunday evening in Rum church to a very attentive congre- gation. Council meeting will be held here on Friday of next week. Some lively times are expected over the Court of Revision in connection with Drain By-law No. 58. The bores advertised in last week's Posx as being impounded by P. MoDon• aid was claimed by its owner, Jno. Gov enlook, Moliiliop, last Saturday. It had strayed away after working on the hay press, being turned loose to go home, The infant child of lliohard Mitchell Was buried in 13ruesehi cemetery lost Friday, she wee about two years old, The bereaved parents have the eynpabhy el the aotnmqutty. Tho Football match played on f3rus. sale Park last Saturday between our Pub' lis school Football beam and the "Alerts," of Brussels, resulted in a tie, neither side having scered any goals. Quite a num. bar from the village went down to witness the snatch. There was a slight error in the item referring bo the pride of flax in last Week's issue. Cameron Bros. pay wash for the flax as delivered, 1110 per ton, if of good quality, and ooneequenbly tbey run the risk of making or losing in the manufacture. VVes1iuse. The next horse fair will ha held on Thursday of next week, Elder Smillie was at Wingham 'net Tuesday attending the Presbytery of Maitland. Preparations are being made at the cheese factory for the coming season. Mr. I7dgar, who has been ab the Dairy School, Guelph, will continue as maker. 000EE0TroN.—Under the Walton nor. respondence an error was made, which I wish to have oorreoted. Mr. Gobel, the gentleman who broke my Dolt, is by pro- fession a jeweller, and nob a horse trainer from Mitchell. Out of the kindest of favors I am highly under a' compliment, and 1 feel it my duty to have suoh a mistake aorreated, and ask it to be. Onanrws SAGE, Walton. to The trial of the lad Thomas, for the murder of Mrs. Martin, in Wallace, be. gins in Stratford neat Monday. At the auction sale of the Roth brewery property, the brewery, land and dwelling hoses were knotted down to James Man- uel, of Toronto, for $5,400. Listowel junior lacrosse club elected the following officers for the ensuing year; Honorary President, Dr. Rutherford, Hon. Vioe•Pree., A. G. Bastedo, Presi. dent, Waldron Scott, Vice -President, 0. Barber, Treasurer, Ool. Campbell, Seo. rotary, J. Meyers, Captain, S. Culbert, Committe, P. Wilson, F. Hess and J. Watson. Listowel Live Stook Association chose the following officers : President, Wm. Spears ; Treasurer, Geo. Zilliaa ; Store - tory, A. St. George Hawkins ; Direotore, P. Garroob, J. Livingstone, jr. John Scott 8. J. Stevenson, T. J. Ballantyne, E. M. Alexander, H. B. Morphy, B. F. Brook and Hy. Leslie. It was deoided to hold the Spring Show on Friday, 13th April. The Ontario Permanent Bnilding and Loan Aesluiation has established a lo- cal board in the town of Listowel and has now seoured fifty members which repro • sante. one hundred and 80 shares. Wm. Bright is SeoretaryTreasurer and Wm. Bruoe is Preeident ; John Livingstone, Sr., Sax -mill, is let Vice•President, and Hy. Bopp, 2nd Vice • President, with the following as a board of directors.: H. B. Morphy, J. W. Treleaven, Geo. A. Baste- do and W, Irwin. Solicitors, Darling & Blewett. A. oouple of town lads named Laird and Galloway were arrested by Constable Bulmer in conneotion with the theft of a lob of cartridges and some tools, the prop- erty of Goo. Hess, which were stolen from his stable on the night before he re- moved to Stratford. Constable Bulmer had been notified of the theft, and find- ing these lads shooting off cartridges answering to the size of those stolen ar- rested them and brought them before Polioe Magistrate Terhune. Their ease was heard when Laird admitted the theft, and was sentenced to sixty days in Stratford gaol. His companion, Gallo- way was fined $5 and costs, $8.35 in all, for carrying a revolver. Marlboro Foot Ball club was re -organ. ized with the following officers Honor- ary President, J. H. Stewart, let Hou. Vies -President, H. B. Morphy, 2nd Hon. Vice- Predident, J. A. Hacking, Presi. dent, J. W. Trelevan, 1st Viola Presidhnt, John Anderson, 2nd Vies -President, Fred Large, Treasurer, Will J. Binning, General Secretary, Roy Hacking, Oor• responding Secretary, W. H. Ohmic, Captain, George Mitchell, Committee, John MoCutoheon, Ed. Bailey and Geo. Wilson. It was the' unanimous opinion of the meeting that a owned be given, and the 40b of May next was the date de• aided. Grdv. Miss Maay MoNab has gone to Mani- toba. A, Brinker and H. Douglas left last Monday for Grand Rapids. Neil McNair, recently of Manitobt, left on Tuesday last for Algoma. The Star mills are running full blast with Thomas St. Armour as sawyer. At James lvfitohell's auction sale next Tuesday he will offer 86 well bred sheep for sale. Miss Lottie Hill and brothers, are spending their Easter holidays with rela- tives in Toronto. File a oopy of THE POST with the drain Iy.law for future reference. Extra copies may be had at the office. Jas. Lymburner and bride left for their home in Dakota on Wednesday of this week, followed by many good wishes for their future prosperity. Jas. Douglas jr., has been busy mov. ing to the farm has occupied by J. Campbell. The most interesting part of the moving will take plans in a week or two in a oovered buggy. WEoppEE.—James Fergnson has a young goose that is making a record for herself in the shape of big egg laying. One, presented to Tux Poem, measured 81x12 inches and weighed 12 ounces. A wadding is about to take plane on the 16th, between two of the residents but as both like the neigbboohood they are not going to leave it. They will likely spend part of their honeymoon in Herriston, Last week John Brown lost a valuable heavy draught yearling colt. It was pee. sing some other horses when one of them kinked the oolt on one of the front lege breasting it in two pieces. The animal had to be killed. One of the enterprising young farmers of the 16th con„ John Worbhey, had a Immo barn, 20 feat by 40 feet raised on Monday of last week. We think this is the first of the season, but then, you know Jock is a hustler, and believes in taking time by the forelock. Township Oonnoil 10 Beolc's hall, Cranbrpok, pit Friday of next Wok, l30.th inst. We ore pleased .to report that our woriby Deputy -Reeve, Walter. ()liver. ie known .sboelt mane near Guelph, The animal owl brought borne on `1 tiesday of last week. Next week Bert Hill hawse Toronto for the Northwesr where he will join one of hie brothers In meroantilelife. We wish him simmersand hope his brightest draws may be realized. A week ago lash Sunday morning, the barn of John Brown, lot 19, 000, 10, was struck by lightning, The North gable was damaged somewhat, and as the eieetrl0 current made Re way to the ground it made ar'egular course even in the steno wall, some of the hard heads having large ships knooksd off, Draw.—Lash Thursday, Adeloide May, daughter of Illoliard Mitoheli, Oth son„ died of diphtheria, aged 1 year, 0 months' and 28 days. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon: Rev. H. A. New. mamba, of lfbbel, oo„dsobsd the service. The burial woe mode at Brussels Deme. tery. Mo. Eurron.—would you be kind enough to insert in your valuable paper for the information of certaininterested parttee this statement of the price of supplies (Merged by Mr, Barr to the patrons of the Ethel cheese factory :— Total pounds ohesse shipped, 12,583 at 91 cents, per lb., $1103.03 ; Boxee, 201, 100., $20.00 ; Soule boards, 112,00 ; Nails, 200• ; Milk book, 02,00 ; 100 pass boosts, $1.50 ; 1'oheese invoice book, 250, Office of Robt, Barr, Ethel, August 28rd, 1898. This statement 1e for one sale, the item of scale boards and nails appear in every 'statement but one the above oopy will be taken by the editor from Mr. Barr's own figures. Any person may see all the statements for the last two years at my house if they wish. WILLMAtt WILSON. A DffisdpOINTEo LovEE.—The Listow- el Banner is responsible for the follow. ing item :—A. well-to-do German from Arthurtownsbip, a widower, was at the Queen's here a oouple of weeks ago and offered a commission to anyone who would get him a wife. Tom Davideou took him in hand and promptly made everything lovely by driving him ont to a farmer in Grey and introduced him to his daughter to whom the ardent lover popped the question at onoe'and was aooepted and the wedding was arranged to Dome off ab the Queen's last Saturday. The business- like swain 'was promptly on hand but the mother of the fair maid got it into her head that the affair was one of Tome fool Woks and failed, to appear, leaving the disconsolate groom to mourn the loss of his expected bride. No doubt, bow- ever,farther investigation will establish the good faith of the wooer and the af- fair will yet be brought to a happy mu- elusion.now eanvalseeenb. Angus h+amont 711, eon;, has pna91la601i a fine young Shorthorn hail from a well - Chamberlain was convicted of perjury at Winnipeg on Friday. Sentence was deferred. His trial for personation will now proceed. iv 8 The alterations in our store have been completed and everything is in ship shape again. We have the best lighted store in Brussels and you will find it a pleasure to shop here. L_F`' ". exarc .fit zr JRLK' S' f i When in Toronto last week we purchased some wonderful lines in Dress Goode, the goods are the very Newest and best material, 40 inch, all wool Serge, all shades at 25c. Special line of Whip Cords cheap nt 50e,, they go at 43c. Newest Hop Sackings lovely shades, 50c. Black Crepon the newest in the Black Goocls, 556. uoocl skirt lining nt 6c. Goocl waist lining at 1.0c. Don't fail to see our Dress Goods. • Our Parasols are Sensible, Plain Black, with very stylish handles. The Goods are A 1 and the prices, as usual with us, are the very lowest. They are as follows :-25c., 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75,,ia OUT $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75. ® DAMN'S Every I-Iat in our store is new. Not a single one of last year's here. We bought them for cash and have not marked them at fancy profits. They run as follows :— Good Soft Felt at 50c. Stylish Fedoras at 75c, $1.00, $].25, $1.50, $1.75. Stiff Hats, all the latest, 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2,60. Gentlemen see our Hats. Pants at $1.00 ; Men's Suits, $3.75 ; Men's Suits, all wool, $5.00. '---10/00-Get Card for one of our Lovely Pictures. Produce taken as Cash. The lir E. MADDOCK, Dry Goods Co. LARGE RRIVALS�. FEW &OODS A Mrs. E. Rogers' Brussels. PR, =1\TS_ We are showing our New Stock of Prints and every- body who has seen them pronounce them to be the BEST ever shown in Brussels and the prices the very lowest. We commence them as low as 6c. per yard. Everybody should see them. DRESS GOODS. We have also -our -New Dress Goods to hand. We have always taken the lead in this department and rightly so as we.always keep the LARGEST Stock and the NE WEST DESIGNS. Our Stock this season is far . ahead of any other. Our Black Goods are really hand- some and we will feel pleasure in showing them to any Lady wishing anything in this line. We have also every- thing suitable for mourning purposes always on hand. 'VI 1I 1.1 1\T 1=2., (. We wish to inform the Ladies that our popular and talented Milliner, MISS GREEN, is back from the city Millinery Openings. She is now preparing the stock for our opening days, due notice of which will be given shortly. Reserve your orders for her and she will be sure to please you both in price and style. We have a large stock of FLANNELELLS of pretty d esigus and fast colors which we are offering low. W e commmence them at 6c. per yard. very very GENTS' FURNISHINGS. We have just got in a lot of Gents' Ties of the newest styles also white and colored Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Gloves and Hosiery, in fact everything in this line suit- able for the coming season. Taking our stock altogether we think there is not a more complete or better assorted stock to be seen and we hold our prices to be lower than some stores who profess to be selling so cheap. Recollect our goods are all NEW, we have no old stuff to .offer. - - E. ROGERS. MARCH 15th, 1894. Bi Ei OSSp Tailor and Outfitter, is in a position to offer Won,erfal Balrgalias7ib, PA,NTINGS. By Clearing out the lot he was able to purchase a fine range of Spring Goods at 500. O!! THE r#COLLAR, And. is now placing before the:publicIthe choice of the lot, made to order, for the small sum of $3.00 PER I RAI 1 Don't fail to call and see the new goods. SPRING HAT S We always lead the Trade in Hats both as to Style and Price. Our New Spring Stock has arrived and ready for inspection. If you want a hat call in. Satisfaction Guaranteed. D. C. 'G ass, Fashionable Tailor and Outfitter.