HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-16, Page 6Y..LA NO, Of the Township of grey, to the County o U.x uon, )3Y -law toProvide a proper outlet for ante otherwise for the inn- g bob prov0111d71t anal eaten/310H of Government Drain lumber 2, in air the said Township and for borrowing on the credit of the Mttn- ?? ieipality the sum of Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred and `pen a 1''r. Dollars and Thirty-three cents ($1G,210.8S) for Completing the same. RrQvirianally adopted this Twenty-fourth Day of March, A, D: 1894, Whereas the brain known ae Number 2, dovet!nmeut Drein, in the said Town, ship, constructed under the provisions of the Ontario Drainage Aot of 1873, and payable by local assessment hoe heretofore been and le now being need aa an oublet fora number of other drains in the Township of Grey, and in the adjoining. Muniot• panty of the Township of I9lina, oonateueted under the provisions of the variona Sta• Wee in force respecting Drainage, and when the °banges and improved outlet here- inafter provided for are made, will be need by a large number of other lands in the acid To ehipe and in the ToWnehip of MaIiiliop for outlet, and it leaving been eat- iefaetorilyeetttbltithed that the said Government Drain No. 2 has an insalloieut oat. Set, by reason whereof it is unable to carry away the waters which now reach it, thereby exposing the adjaoent lands to damage and making it impossible to properly and efloiently maintain the said drain, it was thereupon determined by the Mhniof- pal Council of the said plead," of Grey, pursuant to Section 585, of "The Mtinioiplead," to Make a new outlet for the said Government Drain Number 2, and to otherwise improve and extend the. said Drain with a view to its greater efficiency and to prevent the said threatened damage to the said adjacent lands. And whereas, thereupon, the said Council procured an examination to be made of the locality embraced in the said drainage system; inoleding the said Govermtlent Drain Number 2, by James A. Bell, a Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, and also procured plans and estimates of the work to be made by him, and also an Assessment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefitted by the said work iooluding the lands of those who are using the said Government Drain Number 2 for outlet but who did not contribute to its oonatruction, and those who may after the said changes are made, use the same for outlet, being the Assessment hereinafter • by this By-law, euaated to be assessed and levied upon the lots and parte of lots hereinafter in that behalf epeeifionlly est forth and described, and the report of the Bahl James A. Bell in respect of the said several matters is as follows :- Be. TnoMAs, JAruasr 18rn, 1894. To the Reeve and Council of the Township of Grey,- GnsTrzuns.-I was instructed by your honorable body le August last to make an examination of No, 2 Government Drain in your Township. I presented you with a report on September 0th, 1893, as the result of my examination. In my re- port X stated as follows : "This Drain which has its head or commencement on Road Allowance between the and sions at and 29, and was constructed 1 tru ted fromthis poin8th t about the westerlyalong the road ne ttoethe Beauen lots - champ Creek. It is evident when oonatrneted that it was only intended to drain the lots adje, sent t, it. This is shown by the foot that it was originally nonsbruoted a small drain, and also that only a small acreage was assessed for its constrnotion. I find now, that through a system of drains constructed under the Ditches and Water- courses Act, and the Municipal Drainage Aot, that this drain forms the outlet for the waters of about five thousand acres of your Township and about four thosaand five h ndred acres of the Township of Elam. u "The result is, tbab the drain 10 entirely inadequate to carry off the waters brought to it and consequently overflows and injures the lands along and adjacent to it. '4 have examined the outlet of this drain, or what is known ae the Beauchamp Creek, from where the Government Drain enters ib until it has its outlet into the Maitland River, and I find that is order to make a proper outlet for said Drain, and to prevent damage to adjacent lands, it will be necessary to improve this creek to the line between the 12th and 130 concessions, which is almost to its intersection with the Maitland RIver. This creek, as a whole, is in a very bad state to form a proper outletjfor the extent of country thab drains into it. In places there is a well defined channel requiring little improvement while in most of its nomas it will re- quire to be deepened, widened and straightened, and have all the fallen timber taken out. "Those lands that are now tieing No, 2 Government Drain as an outlet, and were nut assessed for its construction, should be now assessed for its use, and the amount so raised should be credited to the lots originally assessed for the drain pro rata to their assessment" My report was read and considered by your Council and adopted, and I was in- structed to make the necessary surveys, plane, profiles and speoifioations for the en- largement of No. 2 Government Drain in order that ib would be capable of carrying off the waters brought to it, without damaging adjacent lands and to carry the said drain to 0 proper outlet, and to assess the oost thereof against the lands and roads and roads benefitted and using the same for an outlet, and also to assess the lands and roads that are Indus said drain as an outlet and that did not contribute to its original construction. I now have the honor to report that 1 have completed the necessary surveys for the parrying out of the work as above described and have examined the lands and roads that will ba benefitted by said work and that will use it as an outlet; and have also prepared plans, profiles, specifications and estimates showing the proposed work in detail, with an assessment against the lands and roads that will use the proposed drama and outlet for benefit and ontlet. I li the also made an assessment against the lands and roads that are using No.2 Government Drain as an outlet, for the value of the drama from stake 209 (where the first drain enters) to the Beauchamp creek. The value of this parb of the drain I estimate at $1205.86 and the amount I assess for the use of this outlet I have credited to the lots originally assessed for the non. struetion of the said drain and in proportion to the original assessment. I have ahowu this fully in different columns of my es>esstnent. I find that there are some lots in the 18th concession of the Township of Elms. and a small portion of the oorner of the Township of Logan whose waters would natural- ly trend and have an outlet into the proposed improvement, but drains are conetrnct- ed and arrangements made to take those waters in another direction, so that I have not included them in my assessment. I have assessed the lands contiguous to the drain and outlet for benefit, and the lands and roads naturally draining into the same for outlet, and have ahowu the amounts for each in separate columns of my assessment. In my estimnts of the cost of the work, I have provided fur the clearing of the timber and bush from the road allowance along the Government Drain, and for the grubbing of the roadbed and grading the excavated earth thereon. The amount estimated for this woric I have assessed against the road allowance between the 17th and nth concessions of your Township. In laying out the wurlc I have endeavored as far ae practicable to straighten the course of the Beauchamp creek or outlet. The amount of fall in the proposed work being small, the effect of straightening and shortening the course of the proposed work is very important ; on lot No. 6 in the 13th concession a short cutis made that very materially benefits the proposed work, and is of such a nature that compen- sation should be paid to the owner of said lot. I have placed in my estimates an amount to be paid the owner of said lot for the land tsken by said short out. I have shown the proposed work on the profiles in different sections, each aeotiou having the same bottom width of drain. My estimate of the cost of the work is as follows :-- See, No. 1, 2631. cub. yds. at 16 ots. per yd. $ 870 65 " 2, 9260 15 1389 00 8, 5505 15 " 884 75 " 4, 10801 6, 25266 8, 28700 13 19 3284 68 1404 13 14 " 4018 00 " 7, 11689 ,' 14 1686 46 " 8, 12025 18 ' 1663 25 Surveys, examinations, plans, profiles, specifica- tions, estimates and asseoarnenba, 001 61 01 00 Assistance in surveys, Superintending oonetruotion of work, .. 450 00 50 00 Clerk's fees, Township of Grey, .. ,. Clerk's fees, Township of MoKillop, . • , 19 00 00 Cleric's feee,'Totvnship of Elmo', . • , .. 50 00 Publishing Bylaw, Township of Grey, Publishing Bylaw, Township of McKillop, .. 25 00 Publishing Bylaty, Township of Elmo.' .. 25 00 Right of way, lob 6, con. 18, Township of Grey, 23 00 Clearing, grubbing and grading road between 17th and lath eons,, Township of Grey, • . 800 00 Total, .. . • .. .. 316,210 33 This sum I assess against the lands and roads to be "benefitted by the proposed work, and the lands and roads that will use the some as an outlet as follows :- I"4 8 9 9 0 to 14 41 „ 11 ,, 100 109 100 100 170 - 25 10 " 50 10 " 50. la. 10 100 2 'i '" 100 4 ,w 100 100 100 7 5Q 7 " 60 8 " 100 9 " 100 60 60 75 25 17 100 2 " 50 0 16 50 " 100 4 " 100 5 " 60 0 6 " 100 $ " 100 10 " 100 11 " 100 12 " 100 13 " 75 13 " 25 5 “ 0 u 10 11 11 12 12 1 if " 13 00 13 00 1$ 00 1000 13 00 18 00 0 26 OD 45 2 400 18 00 18 00 18 00 1800 13 00 10 00 60 6 18 18 00 18 00 0 67 6 59 182 2 134 13 00 0 50 1300 1800 6 50 6 50 '1800 13 00 18 00 18 00 13 00 13 00 12 74 01 Total Aeseaement on Lands Assessment on Roads One half town line between Elima & Grey, Road between nth and 14th eons. Road between 15th and 10th eons. Road between 17th and 18th oons. Road between lots 5 and 0, Road between lots 10 and 11, ASSESSMENT TOWNSHIP OP ELMe.. Am't Ase'd for Amount Description Lob Con. No. of Orig'l Construction Aseessed for Agree. of Gov't Drain N0. 2 Outlet 8 4 1 18 50 2 • 60 $ 5 46 $3612 0 11 40 42 8 50 4 • 60 6 • 60 8 • 60 7 6 W 4 8 • 126 1 100 2 100 3 100 4 100 5 100 6 • 100 7 • 100 8 • 100 0 100 1 16 100 2 100 rt 14 .t 6 60 6 60 688 6 98 6 60 156 19 00 18 00 18 OO 18 00 18 00 19 00 13 00 12 09 888 18 00 18 00 48 00 48 00 ' 35 26 89 56 48 00 10 32 86 00 86 00 86 09 86 00 86 00 80 00 80 00 79 98 22 86 86 00 80 00 Total Assessment $41 58 46 58 4950 49 60 40 59 46 54 49 60 1188 99 00 99 00 29 00 99 00 99 00 99 00 09 00 92 07 25 74 90 00 99 00 Total Assessment in Dime, 1 80 286 416 6 40 650 72 2 65 86.00 66 00 80 00 86 00 8600 8600 6934 2/60 3020 17 20 (1000 83 8000 80 00 8000 80 00 86 00 4300 48 00 8600 80 00 8600 4214 0698 1204 1548 '8000 4800 4300 8600 80 00 43 00 4300 8000 8600 8600 8600 8000 8600 8428 602 806 18 92 27 52 36 12 45 00 37 84 18 92 ASSESSMENT TOWN81IIP OF I',ICICILLOP. No. of Deseripbion Lot Con Agree. S14&W4N 1 2 8 E4. of 6a N ofS7 N 4 N15pt N pt 84. 18484 E6N4 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 N V 12 E 4�N 44 18 W4N4 13 N 4 14 Npb 15 1 W $ 2 17 3 P WPbSFt 14 3 E} 4 W3 4 8 §45 181 5. Sg 6 184 6 N 7 N ?, 8 N} 9 E} 1 W;E4 1 E4W4 1 W4 1 2 W414 3 14 60 186 185 184 182 181 180 891* 444 449 89 89 884 884 374 50 88 87 434• 43} 434 43 43 85 60 160 75 76 75 25 60 60 100 1124 374 100 50 50 50 60 95 25 25 25 100 50 50 11 t, 66 It It IC tt rr 13 LI It 12 Total assessment on lands assessment on townline between Grey & MoK3llop, Road between nth and 14th oon's., Road between 12th and 18th eon's., Road between lots 10 & 11, Road between lots 5 & 6, Total .. .. .. 09 00 8900 0909 9000 '09 00 0851 24 05 • 0465 1980 1.08 9900 99 00 99 00 90 00 99,00 00 00 4950 49 50 99 00 90 00 90.00 4861 4267 1386 1782 9900 49 50 49 50 99 00 9900 49 60 49 50 09 00 0900 99 0'0 99 00 99 00 09 00 97 02 0 99 990 64407 48 21 78 31 68 41 68 49 50 4$ 60 21 78 94617 86 Amount Assessed for Outlet. $ 83 00 89 76 122 10 121 44 12012 119 46 118 80 59 97 29 58 29 63 49 84 49 84 47 79 31 32 I8 75 25 00 18 00 36 50 5 50 11 00 10 00 100 8 00 1 00 99 00 40 60 49 50 49 50 16 50 31 68 29 04 57 42 45 21 24 75 529 8163 26 40 26 40 1 98 13 20 13 20 13 20 13 20 52 80 26 40 6 60 $ 184529 19 50 21 12 330 9 24 17 16 $ 1914 61 ASBI:88MPINT ToNSHIP op Gam. No. of Arn't Ass'd Total Con. Acres. for Outlet. Assessment. 11 100 9 1 82 $ 1 82 984 3 36 8 30 14 21 21 100 5 60 5 60 50 3 60 3 50 50 3 60 8 50 50 3 50 3 50 50 3 50 3 50 100 84 84 12 50 1 68 1 68 50 4 90 4 00 100 18 '72 13 72 1 14 14 49 6 86 6 86 50 7 00 7 00 100 14 00 14 00 50 7 00 7 00 50 7 00 7 00 100 1400 1400 50 700 700 50 7 00 7 00 100 18 44 18 44 100 924 924 100 8 60 8 60 Desoription Lot 19 20 S E pt 20 21 W ; 22 E 1i 22 W 4 23 23 IJ 24 17 15 4 17 18 N W pt 19 Wpt 19 E 4. 19 20 S,I 21 N 4. 21 22 W 4 28 E 1y 28 24 25 26 tr rr rt rt 11 ,t c ▪ o c . • '12 0 a A H t:i y 5 13 100 100 50 60 60 50 97 100 100 100 100 90 60 100 100 17 " 100 100 dcwi 0 8 " 7 ,r 7 't 8 " 8 9 r, 10 " 11 " 12 18 " 14 " 14 "' 16 " 16 " 18 " fg AAw ett 315 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 eci '-0 0 .0Q a $ 21 8 00 6 00 5 00 2 50 5 00 6 00 6 72 7 84 812 7,56 2 80 288 682 840 1400 1400 a EoI d 2 21 8 00 6 00 16 00 12 50 10 00 16 00 6 72 7 84 8 12 7 66 2 80 238 5 82 14 00 1400 MA1t, 16, 189 19 20 121 W pt 0 p 24 25 20 27 W pt 28 D pt 28 28 51 32 83 34 85 634 1 8 4 5 N. 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