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The Brussels Post, 1894-3-16, Page 4
4 TILE TBRCSSU f is~a r MAR, 0, 189t New Advertisements. Looale—p. Gerry. Flax -•-Cameron 13roe. ? Qo819--Tr. J. 0, Ayer. Loale--R. Leatilerdale, goatee Ilolidaye 0, P, B. Impounded --1' McDonald. Largo A1.'rivala--'7]. Boger% Farm to Rent --Win, Milne. lriillht9ry-1\l. 19 I cPb arson. Carpet WeaWmg—Mrs, McCrae. Carriage Works—J. ll. J3rydges. Boot's and Shove—Jolla Downing, Paint Toni' Rause—Roddick&Wake. ch bre `?1x11s5.c.ls FRIDAY, 11IARR, 16, 1894. b411, e000pded by Thee,. Fnnle .that I3y. law No. 58 too read he pravieionaily adopted, that the Clerkbe instructed tQ pt blioh.the )iy.late enee a week for fear sueooenve weeps in Tion Timone Pon, the Brat publieution to appear not hater than the 901 day of Marsh, 1804 ; that the Clrrit sorve the Beeves of the Town. `ships of gime, and Moli:iilop 000h rope. Lively with a oopy of the report; plana, elteeifiogtions and 0etimates ofthe En•, gineer, and that the Conn 01 ltovielon far hearing appeals ngainet the anon - mem of By-law No 83, be held at Book's 51811, Craobreok, on Friday, the 8018 day of March, 1804, al 11 O'oloolt a. on. Oar. tied, Moved by A. C. Delimit, 8ecanded by Jame Turnbull that an order bo is• sued on the Treasurer for 9200 00 in favor of Jennie A, Bell, 0, F., for part payment for survey and work done by him on Government Drain No. 2. Oar - vied, Tho Councii thou adjourned, Tell interest paid last year on the Do- minion pulilio debt amounted to 90,800,, 888. Tutt Dominion berate seems to have no friends in Manitoba, Before it ad journed the Legislature unanimonely adopted the resolution of James Fisher, Il'[, P. P., condemning the institution and aavielrrg Its abolition, Tho Senate, -as constituted, is a costly faroe. A. soon deal is being heard about the protest in Manitoba againet the tariff but ono cannot wonder at it, oonsideriag that the total trade of that Province, which was in 1892 over 95,000,000 fell in 1893 to a little over 92,000,000. The export of their agricultural products, which amounted in 1892 to over a million dollars fell in 1893 to 9445,000. This is a tremendous strain to subject a email Province to, and a Government which maintains a tariff so peculiarly unjust to Manitoba is at the same time admittedly powerless to increase the foreign de- mand for her products or to give her a fair price for them. Tits Dominion Government has about entered into a oontreat, subject bo the sanction of Parliament, with Jas. Bud - dart for the conveyance of mails, etc., by a swift steamship service between Eng. land and Canada. The period is for ten J'ears1 with the option of renewal at the aspiration of that time. Mr, Euddarb is leaving for England forthwith to form a company with sutlioieut capital to pree vide for the building of four first-class steamships capable of steaming 20 knots an hour at see. These steamships are to be fitted with the latest refrigerating appliances for the carriage of chilled beef, poultry and other meats, fruits, etc. The amount of the annual subsidy will be 0750,000. nn000011 1r1407I13a. The Connell 'net at the Tawnahip 74611 on March 2nd, 1891, p0rsut8nt to ad. joitenn10nt ; alta members wove all pres- ent meet 11Ir. Oliver, who wee unable to attend through fibrose 1 minutes of last regular and apeoial meetings were read and aorlfirmod, The Auditors' Report was laid upon the table for the consider. Atkin of the Council, Moved by Jarnee Turnbull, 86001)11811 by Thee, Ennis that the Auditors' Report be received and ad• opted, and that the Clerk bo instructed to have the Abstract published in the Baossone Post. Carried. I11 the mat' ter of the application of Peter Roberteon for leave to tile with the Ohmic a requiei• tion for the Engineer under the provisions of the Ditches and Watercourses Act, 1888, and which was laid over from lett Deeember meeting. Moved by Thos. Ennis, seconded by James Turnbull that the Clerk be inetruoted to notify all par- ties interested to attend the next meet- ing of Council; when a hearing will be given them in the matter. Carried. Urnooh Clark applied for aid to construct a tvire fence on side road 8, at lot 15, oon. 17. Moved by A. 0. Defines, sett• ended by Thos. Ennis that the sum of 10 dents per rod be granted, for 40 rode. Carried. The following Pathmasters, Fenoevieaers and Paundkeepere were ap- pointed for the current year, viz. :— Pt -amassers for eon 1st—Alex. Thomp- son, John 11foTavish, Samuel Brown, John Elliott, Hance Cummings and Jas. Elliott ; cone. let and and—John Guth, John E. 'White, Robt. McInnes, Joeeph McDonald, John McDonald, Geo Brown, Wm. Smith and Daniel Byers ; cons. 8r4 and 4t8—Duncan Taylor, A. McDonald, Jarnee Jackson, Tinos. Savage, Frank Miller, Samuel Matthews, Daniel Spoil. Eh and Win. Duke ; cons. 590 and 398— Simon Grant, Wm. Hoy, Angus Shaw, John Bishop, lvxorley Flgtghinson, Hobert Tne importance of the dairying in. terests of this Province become more ap- parent every year. The increasing num- ber of farmers who are dropping grain growing and turning their attention to cheese and butter making is not only noteworthy but profitable to those so en- gaged. Listowel is the market place for the disposal of cheese in this district, and it is almost incredible that there was paid out the Large euro of over half a million of dollars for cheese at that place last year. About 40 cheese factories re• port there during the season, and from 84 of them the total number of pounds of cheese manufactured was 4,370,480, sold at a total of $442,752.29. There's money i11 cheese. Winter dairying is also be. coming a prominent feature and would appear to be the hand maiden of cheese making. From a recently published re- port we notice that the Government dairy at Wellman's Corners, Hastings County, has been making 1,500 pounds of butter per week during the Winter, all of which has been sold at 248 cents per pound, and we are assured other factories are doing equally well. Grey Council 1VIeeting. Dilworth, Haney Armes and Ferris Bair. hes ; cone. 798 and 8th>Jas, Cardiff, John McKinnon, Robb. McKay, Peter Keffer, Moses Henry, Bubb. McKelvey, Max Baynard, Edward Collis, David Milne and Chri,•topher Baynard ; cons. 911.1 and 1010—Henry Ball, Robt. MoCal• lam. Dan. MoQuarrie, Wm. Wilson, Wm. Stern mon, Isaac Lake and Wm, Baker ; cone. 11th and 12911—Thomas Davidson, Ben. Dark, Chas. Switzer, Wm, Perris, John Brown, Henry Cox and John Speir- an ; cone, 13th and 14th—James Oakley, Wm. Bitable, John Uinta, Adam Torn. bull, Louie Steins, Andrew Mclunes, Ohoe. bliiummi, Joaeph Whitfield and Isaac Matthews ; cone. 1518 and 16111— Arch. Bielop, Wm. Telford, Jas. Harris, Arch. McIntosh, Dougald McTaggart, James Livingston and Marshall Harris - ten ; eons. 17111 and 18th—Andrew John - Mon, Robt. Blair, Daniel McMillan, Duncan McKenzie, James A. Smith, Robert Meehan and James Kendall ; gravel road—Jams Simpeon, James Strachan, Duncan 14IaLauohliu, James Ireland, James Kelly and John Bennett. Fenoeviewers—ales. Roes, Duncan Tay- lor, David Dunbar, James Lindsay, Mal. eolm Lamont, Robert Bowen, George Welsh, Uriah McFadden, Peter Sinclair, Wm. Fulton, Hartwell Speiran, John Stewart, John Whitfield, James Oliver and Donald McDonald, Poundkeepers— Thoe. Mohlwan, Wm. Beirnes, Joseph Queerin, Peter McDonald, Hartwell Speiran, Mrs. Hall, John Harris and Joseph Fisher. The following 'accounts were presented viz.: Joseph Ames, wood for Tp. Hall, $4 00 ; Wm. Spence, regis- tration of births, deaths and marriages for 1898, $14 30 ; Dirs. Livingstone, for keeping Maggie Nichol, an indigent, up to let Jan. 1894, 97 50 ; John Hamilton, gravel, 9288 ; Robt. Lang, repairing bridge on boundary of Grey and Morris, 91 50 ; Alex. Stewart, salary as Auditor, 910 00 ; James Livingston, salary ae Auditor, 910 00. Moved by Thomas En- nis, seconded by Jamee Turnbull that the foregoing accounts be paid. Carried. The Council then adjourned, to meet again at Beck's Hall, Oranbrook, on Fri• day, the 90th day of March, 1894, as Court of Revision, for assessment under By-law No. 53. Wit, Srseae, Clerk. AKii fps.' l`r ER THE riGF'NT -iAt.5 id CANADA, Grand Trunk FL ►. ! J. & J LIVINGSTON —PIAVE(— MO Bushels of asst NMI BBD For farm 0113 In the vicinity or Brussels, who intend raisin; sax during the owning 8886011, whist) they aro prepared to deliver in (maw titles to nit oar grow -is, 0011 he got et the lteussals Flax mill, W. B. ale1realten'e grocery, Brunetti; Win. Neal's store, Walton and J, J. Vincent's story Janioetowli, flood given out at 81,00 per bushel mad on she supply, nal towns, For grown Insure a from this seed 910 Per foil will be Paid. If of good growth, harvested in proper season for tllIiroeb ng. at We;villi; sol enter n r1number el good sod Malde for the purpose of growing flax, 1`, B.—Partners are strongly advised to sow 111011 !lax on good laud, well plowed and harrowed, not on low loads, and the yield w111 he from a ion to a toll and 8 half more per acre. Flax grown o1 1aw laud will not grow there to give the weight. W. BHP; HT, X.& T. L1V111Q0T0N, Manager. proprietors, 8000181. iteexrxo. A special meeting of Council, palled by the Reeve, was held in the Township Hall on Jan. 22nd, at two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of taking into coneider. ation the report and estimates of James A. Bell, 0. E„ fur the improvement of Governmout Drain No. 2, and outlet ; all the members were present. The report was read over and thorongbiy examined by the Council, when it was moved by Thomas Ennis, seconded by A. O. Dames that the report be enbmitted to Mr. Gar. row, Township solicitor, for hie advice, before being adopted by this Council, and that the Olerk be instructed in the meantime to prepare a By.Iaw and have it ready for next epeoial meeting to be palled by the Reeve. Carried, The fol. lowing ancients were prnaeute11 viz, :— Alex. McNair, salary as Treasurer, 980.. 00 ; Samuel McGeorge and Jacob Krau. ter each 950,00, salary as collectors ; George Elliott, gravel, 98.30. Moved by Walter Oliver, senonded by James Torn. hull that the foregoing amounts be paid, Carried. The Council then adjourned. ePGe1 9.. 11EET0100. A special meeting of Council, palled by the Reeve, was held at the Township Hall on Feb. 241h, 1804, at 2 o'clock p, m, All the members were present except Mr, Oliver, who was ill and unable to at- tend. The report of James A. Bell, 0. E., re proposed improvement to Govern. stent Drain No. 2, and outlet, having been submitted to Mr. Garrow, Tp. soli- citor, as direoted, was again laid before the Connell. Moved by A. C. Dames, emended by James Turnbull that the re• port of James A, Bell, 0, E., be adopted by We Council, Carried, Bylaw No. 58 to provide a proper outlet for and otherwise for the improvement and ex- tension of Government Drain No. 2, tie provided by eeotien No. 585 of the Muni. impel Aot, was introduced and was read over by the Clerk, Moved by Jae, Turn. INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi- demic, is always more or lose prevalent. The best remedy for this complaint Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Last Spring, I was taken down with .La Grippe. At times I was completeiypros- trated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an Iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could notbe- lieve that the effectwouldbe so rapid andtho cure so complete. It is truly &wonderful med. ;cine. "—W. U. WILLIAM, Crook City, S. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral f rornpttoact,suretocure Brussels school Board. The regular meeting of the Pdblio Sabool Board was held.' in the Council Obaneber on Friday evening last ; all the members present exoept Dr. McKelvey. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and passed. It was moved by J. N. Kendall, sec- onded by A. Hunter that thefollowing ac- counts bo paid :—J. P. McDonald, wood, 999.00 ring Miss Braden's ar illness,t917.00. Carried. It was moved by Dr. Graham, second- ad by ©, Reid that Jno. Coueley'e offer for splitting and piling the wood at 19 cents per cord be accepted. Oarried. A. ISanter moved, seconded by A. Reid that J. N. Kendall and the Visiting Oom. mittee ascertain if there are any of the rooms overorowded, end if so to device some means to relieve them. Carried. Moved by A. Reid, senonded by Alex. Hunter that the Secretary be authorized to borrow the sum of 9200 from tho Standard Bank to three menthe to pay quarter salaries. Carried. It was moved by Dr. Graham, second. ed by A. Raid that the Auditors' Abetraot be published in the Herald. Carried. Board then adjourned. • Henry Whitworth, St. Marys, has been sexton of the Methodist °hutch in that town for 25 years. The Flicks boogie stables, Mitchell, were burned to the ground Tuesday evening about 10 O'olook. Two come were burned. These were now etabiee, built about three years ago in place of Stables burned down at that time. A- mount of insurance not known. It is eappooea to be the work of an incendiary. Special Colonist Trains —TO.— C1 AN AD1AN NORTH WEST Commencing Tuesday, Feb. 27, and every Tuesday during Marek and April. Through Cars from Brussels to Toronto. Bertha in Sleeping Cars booked Free Of Charge. Baggage Checked Through to Destination.. No Unnecessary Transfers. For fall particulars apply to J. N ICENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. CARE IAOORBS • J. E. Brydaes Successor to H. WILLIAMS & SON, Mill street, Brussels, Will keep in Stock and Make to Order CARRIAGES 000 Of the following styles :— Single and Double Buggies, Victories, Village Carts, Dog Carts with Plat- form Gears, Ladies' Phaetons, Doctor's Phaetons, Lumber Wagons, &o., do. Repairing and re -painting, Promptly attended to at Moderate Charges, Call and examine stock be- fore purchasing else- where. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Agent for the Fleury Plows, and Repairs always on hand. I J. E. GRYDGE UO 1t,+�•cS,fC.. THE TEST OF VALUES Is the Colnpaiiron of Goods and not of Advertisements FERGUSON' 84 1.121.74DAT Always. the Cheapest. Bolding lay shoes ear the Inspection of All x011 EASTER HOLIDAYS WILL SELL ROUND TII,IP TICKETS To GENERAL. PUBLIC At SINGLE First Class FARE Good going p.m. trains 816.0011 22nd, and all trains parch 213rr1 and 24th, returning until March 07011, 1801, —TO— TEACHERS and STUDENTS NET CUSS UM acid 01114M 13 Good going from Marsh 1680 to 22nd, in• s rrende returning shtandlard'1 Formril of f1801, Certi- ficate. J. T. Agent, Brussels. Only the Scars Remak; "Among the many testimonials which I see in regard to certain medicines perform- ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes B1t1011 Bonsor, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery 00., Philadelphia, Pa., "nano Impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the ago of 18 years, I bad Mailings come on my legs, whish broke and became running Bores. Our fan ily physlclau could do me no good, and it was feared that the hones would be affected, At last, my good 01d mother raged Ino to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the soars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of tete good Ayer's Sar aparllln has clone ane. I now weigh two b 'mired and twenty pounds, and am In the be t of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have notioed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts of the United Status, and always tante pleas- ure in tolling what good It did forme," Per the cure of tab diseases originating In Impure blood, the best remedy Is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. 3. 0, Ayer Boo., Lowell, Macs. Cures others,will cureyou We Want your Trade, be convinced that we can serve you. to your advantage. Note our prices : 25 enols Dress Tweed, 54 inches wide, regular price place on our counters this week at 43e. to clear. 85 pieces French Serge, all shades and black at 25c. 88 inches, pure Wool. 15 pieces Fine Henrietta, 46 inches wide, at 871°., regular price, 500. 8 pieces Pine Canadian Tweed, shall patterns at 35o., cheap at 50e. 15 pieces, 80 inch extra heavy plain Flannelette at Sic. 10 pieces heavy twilled English Flannelette at 12c, worth 15e. 25 pieces fast Colored Gingham, at 6c. per yard or 20 yards for $1.00. 5 pieces only, regular 20e. Gray Flannel, we clear at 14e. per yard. 4 pieces extra heavy Cottonade at 25c., regular 30c. goods. 2 pieces only, Art Muslin, at 6e. per yard, worth 9c. 1 piece Fine Hemstitched Apron Lawn, at 20e., worth 25c. 8 pieces Cottonade, good patterns and heavy at 15e., 20 yards Bleached Cotton for $1.00, good quality. 50 Bunches Carpet Warp, white $1.00. Colored $1,25. A Large lot remnants of Wool Dress Goods this week at price. $1.00. We Note width Holding Down Prices For the Benefit of All, In order to raise money to pay bills falling due in March we will sell Boots tc Shoes (' cheaper for 30ID ,amu Than we have ever done in Brus sels. Don't fail to see new price list now out. It is neither a matter of profit nor even cost on many lines but A Necessity for Ioney half FERGUSON & HALLIDAY. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. ME:131.31.E The Goods crust be Sold. The whole stock of Chinaware, Crockery and Lamps will share in the Slaughter, also a lot of Fresh Groceries Sent from our Sea - forth Store. 000D encs. V E +. .-- mr . Q Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, Has Removed his stock to the store Lately Vacated by Messrs. Ferguson & Halliday, Where he will be Pl.ectseci to ##0 Welcome the Public. THIS IS TRE TInIE Of season that the holes in your Boots show up and we are prepared to remedy the trouble by selling you a new pair that will keep your feet dry and comfortable. OUR NEW STOCKW- Of Boots and Shoes for Spring are now to hand. We can supply you with the Bost Goods at Reasonable Prices. Messrs. Cooper & Slnith have failed and are now out of business, but wo have some of their goods left and also tho manufacture of Messrs. Tho, McPherson & Co., of Hamil- ton. The Quality of their Goods is well known and is sure to give you satisfaction. NEW PRiNTS -+- a Beautiful Range at A. Strachan's.