HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-9, Page 10New Advertisements. Removed D G. Hogg, Locals --D1, 3. C, Ayer. Flax—J ,h J, Livingston. Boca1s-••W. I -I, McCracken. A Box free. -G; A, Deadman, This is the Time—A, Strohm. ' License Distriot-John 1Z. Miller. Tenders Wanted --John 13. Miller. Good Mon Wanted•--Jolinitoddicb. jersey cnw for sale ---G. A. Boatman. Boots and Shoes—Smith McLaren, Wonderful Bargains II, T, Maddock . Spring Boots and Shoes—J. Downing The Test of Values 1 orgnson & afslli clay. 1X.c1,0russtts ` .est, TTID.iI', 31411. 9, 1894. DO:IIINIon Parliament will open next Thursday. PROVINCIAL nominations in NOVEL Scotia took place on Thursday of this week. • IT is currently reported that Sir John Thompson will resign the leadership of the Conservative party and Hon. Bowel' will be his successor. TAXES CoNNonLm, of Goderiell township, was the choice of the Patrons of Industry for the West Riding of Iluron at their Con- vention, held at Dungannon, on Tuesday. J. T. Carrow, the clover Q. C., of Goclericll, is the Liberal nominee. clay. Masers McGr'. Oberatc t iron i4 uiidan David Lookridg',. counterfeiters, has steel for trial. A. new Presbyterian chi roh is talked of in Blenheim. Already $4,661 has been Subscribed to the edifice, The taxation o^•ths Dominion amount.. ed to 114,26 per Head of the population ie 3.802 ; in 1861 i; is $4,26. Tice Fraser r.vsr, at Westminster, B. G is to be bridged with a steel structure costing half. a Million dollars. 16. D. ,assmore, Seoretary.Treastirer Of the Brantford Sohool Board, has been arrested, charged with embessling $8,000 of the board's funds, Willis Olde, a brakeman, whose home is in Simooe, Ont., fell from the top of his train last week in Buffalo, and was run over and killed. He was 32 years of age. When in Kingston Sir John Thompson madea thorough inspection of the binder twine factory. It is expected that the fac- tory will be in operation by the last of April. The quail brought from Kansas by the Leamington Gun Club to re -stook the fields and woods bays progresaod very favorably and another large lot is bo be sent for. Mrs. II. S. lifeKitriolc has arrived in Galt. She experienoed n very stormy passage, both on the Mediterranean and crossing the Atlantic. The Turkish girl who aocompanied her she left in the 'United States. More than one hundred and fifty Metho- dist ministers' sons sat down to dinner at Webbs's restaurant, Toronto, Tuesday night, the gathering being as unique in its character as remarkable in its pro- ceedings. The B:ceoative of the Waterloo Connty Temperance Association has passed a resolution expressing the opinion that they are in duty bound to support Liber- al candidates for the Legislature, pro. vided the candidate commends himself personally. 11Ioil; than one organization have passedresolutions condemn- ing the action of the Minister of justice in allowing Messrs. Con- nolly and McGreevey their liberty before the expiration of the term of their imprisonment. It has a curious look on the face of it. If their sentence was a just one why should they not suffer the penalty the same as any other law breaker ? A. few weeks ago we mentioned that a deer had been seen in the neighborhood of Centreville. Samuel Goldt, of Waterloo Towehip, saw the deer soon after and shot it. His elevation was of somewhat short duration when Game Warden Mayer, of Lexington, had him fined 1128 for shooting game out of season. A man named J. G. Moore committed 1 suicide at Milton on Thursday morning by hanging himself. He got up as usual, and made on the fire, and took some special warm water to his wife, then arrayed in his best clothes, even to a pair of white kid gloves, he put the rope around his neck and hong himself from the bannister of the stairs, where he was found by his wife a short time afterwards. Deceased and his wife came from Waterdown a few months ago. TTI: Editor of the Clinton News•Recorcl is greatly exercised as to the political leanings of THE Posr. Dont disturb your- self, brother, we'll male an effort to survive without your fatherly supervision. If a1L the news- paper men of Huron were as full of carping and the constant habit of casting insinuations on others as the News -Record quill driver the fraternal feeling that should exist between publishers would soon die. Hort. Mn. HARCOURT delivered to the Local Legislature his budget speech on Wednesday, showing that the receipts of the Province for the year bad been larger, and the expenditure less, than had been anticipated, with a large surplus to the eredit of the Prov- ince. The financial standing of Ontario is most excellent, and certainly reflects credit on the honesty of the Mowat adminis- tration despite all that is said to the contrary by the Opposition. Touderfu1 og Barra Our alterations are nearly Completed and we are sure it is not boasting to say that this is now the leading store. Our stock for Spring is very large and positively the cheapest, Quality Considered, to be found anywhere. PESIIA1 SELEOTRN or "i�� ' ",1 r , l� ` l$ r'' e is ,�`"11,� Via,. ��� .�,.. �,.�,�. And taking advantage of the dull times to secure bargains has placed us in a position to be envied hy.those who are forced to buy in the regular way. on long time and tare what goods are offered. W All Wool Serge Dress Goocls, very wide, all shades, at 25c. All Wool 'Whip Cord, all shades, very stylish, regular price 50e., our price 480. All Wool Hop Sacking, regular price 65c. our price, 50e. Alt Wool Cashmere, all shades, 25c. Best English Prints, beautiful patterns, at 123c. Good Prints, fast colors, at 5c. 760 yds wide Flannelette, sold everywhere at 124e, our price 10e. Olcl Brown Windsor Soap, 6 for 100. New Ginpztre Lace Half _Regular -Prices. Goocl Cottonade at 11 cents. 80c. Cottonade at 25 cents. Value in Grey and White Cottons. A beautiful picture presented to every purchaser, The rc,sigoation of the Hon. C. F Fraser, Commissioner of PnblioWorks, on scene ,t of i11 health, was announced to the House by the Attorney -General, last week, and will be heard of with re- gret by many Conservatives, as well as by the Liberal party. 13y the retirement of Mr. Fraser the Ontario Cabinet loses one of its ablest, most painstaking, and reliable members, and it will be no easy task to fill his place. The leader of the Opposition, as well as the Attorney.Gen- eral, paid a graceful and well merited tribute to the excellent qualities of the retiring Minister. Until his successor is appointed, Mr. Fraser will continue as nominal head of the department, which it considered probable, may ultimately be presided over by W. Harty, 11.1. P. P., of Kingston. THE Hon. William Ewart Glad- stone has resigned the Premier• ship of Great Britain aucl Lord Roseberry reigns in his stead. Though he will retain his mem- bership in the House of Com- mons and his connection with the administration of affairs, his life work is all but over. The career which is thus ending amidst storm and tumult is unparalleled by any other in the records of the English people, and Mr. Gladstone will pass into theniche in the Temple of Fame as the greatest statesman of the nation which is the mother of constitu- tional government. It is now al- most sixty years since Mr. Glad- stone first 13elcl office under a British sovereign. The Great Britain of to -day differs much from that of 1885 : for though the millenium is yet far distant, and many harrassing problems vainly demand solution, there has been an enormous advance in the well-being of the people. 11 60% Ktaa 59,1ECOOK'S BEST FRIEND I." r"lGEST SALE IN CA NA D.C. The E. E. MADDOCK Dry Goods Company. Come Early,n1_ ____„,,,51&Produce Taken. rovemoororometroserolosottmesra FLA_X! J. & JJ. LIVINGSTON )HAVB (— �OOC Bushels of But avTCH SEED For farmers in the vicinity of Brussels, 'who intend raising flax during the coming season, which they are prepared to deliver in quan- tities to suit flax growers. Oan be got at the Brussels Flax Mill W. H. MoOreolcen's grocery, Brussels ; Wm. Nears store, }Talton and d. J. Vincent's store, Jamestown, seed given out at 81.00 per bushel and on the usual terms. Order early and insure a supply. For flax grow n from this seed $10 Per Ton will be Paid, If of good growth, harvested in proper season and delivered at the Flax MMus Boon as flt for threshing, We will also rent a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing flax. N. theB.—Farmersr are and, advised to sow their not on od land, plowed and field Karl be owed, low laude, da the ymore per be e. Fla ton to a ton and a hanob per acre. Flax grown on low laud will not grow there to give the weight, W. BltIOHT, J, & J, LIMEGSTON, Mauager, Proprietors, THIS IS THE:TIM U Of season that the holes in your Boots show up and we are prepared to reme ly the trouble by selling you a new pair that will keep your feet dry and comfortable. STU.K t Of Boots and Shoes for Spring are now to hand. We can supply you with the Best Goods at Reasonable Prices. Messrs. Cooper & Smith have failed and are now out of business, but we have some of their goods loft and also the manufacture of Messrs. Jno. IVIcPherson & Co., of Hamil- ton. The Quality of their Goods is well known and is sure to give you satisfaction. NEW PRINTS -444— a Beautiful Range at A. Strachan's0 EW HOTS and ; HOES. • New Boots for Men. New Boots for Women. New Boots for Misses. Boys and Children. We have just opened a New Stock of Boots and Shoes. We bought thele for Spot Cash in Case Lots and you will find the prices right. You won't live up to your opportunities if you don't drop in and look our stook over before you buy the next pair. They will please the Closest Buyers. SI011V & McLal1eil. Produce Taken,