HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-9, Page 8tai BRUSSB
Z ear od RierWel Tula Board Of °Wings did not Meet an
�f+t chi. 1+� rlqt/ �IgFw9n Alonday ovgnng owing to elle want of a
Lis1'nOToll lion» made an etilelet visit
to Brussels publio sohool on Thursday
and Friday of this week.
Al the next Meeting of peri Lom•
ond, Sone of Scotland, Biennia, 'Deputy
Diets:ot Chieftain Muroltison, of Leek -
now, hi expected to pay an o0tjoial visit,
W1f. Kele:gamm has parohased the 90
$ore farm o0 14th eon, AfeKiilop, from
John Mowbray. The prise paid Wae
$5,000. Mr. Mowbray gets this year's
Bees wintered outside took their first
ay on turday; Sunday and Monday the
first outieg 4300 November. The honey
gatherers housed in cellars are still pris.
Tremens aro asked for levelling the
Weide of the rave trach on the Fall
Show Park. The committee are toting
wisely in having it attended to early an
the season.
Toe engine on the ramming aocotnmo.
dation on lueeday played Dub at Mag.-
iag-ham and had to return to Palmerston
for repairs. Another eugiue was sent bo
take the train through.
GONE, To 13x "in.—Wet, Cash, who spent
the past year with Harvie Strong, artist,
of Brussels, has purchased the Blyth.
photo, gallery from Geo. Jenkins. He
took possession last Monday.
Sin JOHN TunItosON'S neworimtnal code
now in force declares ita fraud fur any
one selling wood to deliver less than the
lawful cord' of 128 solid feet. The
penal y is a flue or imprisonment.
THE rumour concerning a cell front
Brussels Methodists to Rov. Dir. Lanueley
is entirely without foundation as Rev.
Mr. Cobbleclick will only be a year here
next June. Berlin is the town inviting
Sir. Laneeley.
THERE is a probability of Sheppar8's
\Vorld'e Fair views Doming to Brussels
next month in connootion with the Me.
chanics' institute. W. E. Ramsay, the
coolie vocalist, does the leoturiog in
connection with the exhibition.
Tan Young Liberal Club propose to
hold a banquet shortly in oonneotion with
which a program of after dinner speeches,
music, &o. will be provided. At the club
meeting last Friday the Fee question
was feely disonsseii after an excellent
introduction by J. 11. Cameron.
BRUSSELS Council R. T. of T. will dis-
band and several of its members will
probably t cite with Listowel Council.
The Temperance people of Brussels
should feel proud of their enthusiasm(?)
in ate -tiding by an organization that
should have been heartily supported.
LICENeas.—The; report of the lioen.ee
for the Province shows that while there
were 164 liquor licenses in Huron io 1875,
the number was reduced to 102 in 1892,
and from 57 shoe lihenses in 1875, the
number dropped to 5 in 1802. The
amount rec,-ived by the Ridings as their
proportion of the license fee was, East
Huron, $920.19 ; South Huron, $2405.62;
West Huron, $2637.61.
Emmet PUPILS.—The 23rd annual re-
port of the Ontario Institute for the Deaf
and Blind bas been received from Supt.
Matheson. It is for the year ending
Sept. 80, 1553, and shows the following
pupils in attendance from this county:—
Francis Burtch, Gerrie; Albert E. Gies,
Zurich ; Diary A.. Halyard, Clinton ;
Hepeibeh Hoggard, Londesboro ; Mar.
the Leigh, Port Albert ; Mary L. McKay,
Moncr'eiff ; John T. Stilton, late of Clio -
ton ; John W. Srnalidon, Cranbroolc ;
Mabel Thompson, and Ethel 85. Thomp-
son, Dungannon ; Nelson Wood, Exeter.
know TEMPERANCE 110oK.—"TheGatling,
with ammunition for the Temperance
warfare," is the taking title of a new
Temperance volume by Rev. D. Rogers,
It is bound in extra English cloth, pro-
fusely illustrated, and sold at 50 cents.
No dull book is this, if circulated it will
be read, and should be in every fancily.
Rev. Dr. Potts in the introduction Saye
"This book is characterized by great vari-
ety of thought and style, which will make
it all the more useful to temperance
workers. It bears the intellectual im-
press of its author and is a worthy child
of his brain." The present is a juncture
in the history of Prohibition which de-
mands an adapted literature, and that is
placed before us in Rev. D. Rogers' "Gat -
ling, &a." Ten years ago Mr. R. publish-
ed "Shot and Shell," which met with
general approval and an immediate sale,
the whole edition being exhausted in a
few mouths. This book will be on sale
at the bookstores, or may be obtained by
sending to the author, Dungannon P. 0.
Gown To ITER BEWAnn.—Monday after-
noon "Auntie Hutchison," or more prop-
erly Mrs. Hodgkinson, was summoned
away from time, to the sad surprise of
relatives and friends, as she was appar-
ently as well as usual a few hours before
her decease, and had been about the
house. Heart failure was the cause of
her death. Mrs. Hodgkinson was the
daughter of John Watson and her birth•
place was Lancaster, England. Hero she
was also married to Joseph Hodgkinson,
about 53 years ago, and two daughtere,
Annie and Selina (Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne)
were born. They shortly after remove
to Edinboro', Scotland, whore Annie died.
46 years ago the new world presented
strong inducements to Mr. Hodgkinson,
who was a contractor and in a position
'financially to take hold of big enterprises,
so with his family he cane to Toronto
and took reit in the construction of the
Northern railway, They lived at Peter -
bore', Cobourg, Brantford and other
plane, as the nature of contracts demand-
ed. Trusting to the honesty of men with
whom he had to deal, he Suffered heavy
losses and went to the Southern States to
retrieve his lost fortune. He was thrown
into prison along with others ab the time
of the American war and after 8 months
confinement was liberated and at once
nlistecl with the Northern army, Za
1802, while crossing the Mississippi with
his regiment, he fell off the transport
boat and was drowned. Hie body was
never recovered. Mrs. Hodgkinson re-
sided in Brussels for 84 years, and made
her home with her daughter, Mrs. Bab
lanbyne, for 81 years. ,, She was kind
hearted and neighborly;: and scores of
people in Brussels and vicinity have very
deep regrets over the demise of "Aunty,"
holding in kindly remembrance the old
lady's many acts of kindness in the sick
room, and her sympathy in the hour of
bereavement. In tate old land Mrs. Hodg-
kinson was a member of the English
ohurck. The funeral took place on Wed-
nesday afternoon, Rev, D. Millar, assiet-
dd by Rev, S. Jones, conducting the ser-
vice. Tide is She first break by death in
the home of leer. Ballantyne, and although
the deceased had attained 76 years of age
she will be greatly missed by many out-
side of the hone circle as well as by those
1 .A.e"au illdnoomeaat tri. consume more 00
our Pule Honey we will give you this
month (if the supply lusts out and yott
mention tide advertisement)
12 L_bs, for $1.00.
f° Not only this but if you will bring or
send down this. advertisement you can
have free a sample box of
Extracted Morley.
E, Ib is a mistake on the part of many not
*Oat more honey, Ib is the healthiest of
all eets andno family should be with-
out it, especially when it is eo °heap and
the children crave for sweets, It is our
opinion that few gob tired of good honey,
If you have not had ours try some, get
some auyway. Wo do not expect to offer
ib again at this price.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o,
Trains leave Brueeels Station, North
nd South, as follows:
Mail .m. Mixed c:40 a.m.
klxpress 11:00 am, Mail
0:84 a 0+13 p.m,
Mixed ......... 0:00 p.n. Express 0148 p•ns,..
ct'A.CFll alcil3s 1 tons.
A chiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll pent it.
H oseetor, riding will, we opine, dome
popularity in favor this next Summer in
MILLINERY openings come next and the
]opal milline,s are busy preparing for
their Spring display.
ABOUT 30 horsee are saidto have been
sold at the mouthy fair, Brussels, on
Thursday of lest week.
THE water tank was filled last Monday
forenoon and at the time of writing is
holding the water all right,
AWNINGS, marbles, and bioyolee bave
made their appearance and are supposed
to be a sure indication of Spring.
A NEW roof has been put on the r si-
denoe of D. McLennan recently destroy
ed by fire. R. G. Wilson did the job.
Teo care of cattle were shipped to the
Bastern market by Jno. Scott, of Listo-
wel. A number of live hogs were also
JAs. A. FnAvnu has been appointed lo.
cal agent for the Singer sewing machine
and has hie office at J. Ma0ullough'e
shoe shop.
A NEW grocery and another Gents'
Furnishings Store are mentioned as prob-
able additions to Brunets business
placee. Enterprise is still alive.
IN the Auditory' Abetraat of village
accounts for 1893, as published there is
an omission by the Auditors of $800' in
the expenditure on the Consolidated debt.
Ownuo to the thaw and heavy rain the
Maitland river rose very quickly on Tues.
day and the foot bridge had to be moored
by rapes. A portion of it was dieptaoed.
ie is currently reported that Lorne
Hunter, of Fordwioh, will move his stook
of hardware and tinware to ,Brussel,,
taking the store in the Smale block
vacated by D. Hogg,
Tno agent of the Mutual Reserve was
in Bruesels on Monday in connection
with the settlement of the Lata henry
Smith's life assurance, Mr. Smith car•
Tied $8,000 in this iuetitntion.
T. FLETCHER has lead his show window
Improved by new lights of glass and gilt
His stand eon, Reginald, will
take up the jewellery and watchmaking.
As he hes become au expert telegraph
operator Mr. Fletcher will bave a little
more leisure,
Oooeoxor,on Want ars bas a number of
men busily employed in making the
necessary changes and improvements in
the building purchased for his livery barn
oppo-ire the Queen's hotel stables.
Messrs, Cardiff & Kirkby have moved
their implement warerooms 2 doors
further west.
Punnniss.--James Walker, carriage
maker, has purchased the shop opposite
the Town Hall from 16. G. Wilson and
will make several necessary impovemente
Bo as to add to the eonvenionoe of the
paint shop and show room. J. J. Gilpin
will continue his implement emporium in
the same building.
Moen 2Ensovs.—G. A. Deadman, who
fakes great pride in Jersey stook, pur-
chased two registered heifers last week.
The dam of one has a record of 14 pounds
of batter per week at 2 years old, and the
dam of the other gives 40 pounds of mltk
perdey, testing 5,2 butter fat. Mr.
:Deadman shipped a grade Jersey heifer
on Tuesday to a gentleman at Fergus.
This makes the fourth sale to this same
Poo? BALL MATCH. --A foot ball match
was played in Wm. Bryan's field on Sat-
urday, 34x1 inst., between the "Excel-
siors," of Grey, and Brussels school olub
in which the ltter were succeseful, The
players wore
W. McNaughton... Goal ... J, Livingeton
W. 5. Armstrong, Backs f.. A. Lamont
Man, Slruehau .,, f 1. ,. O. Smith
1', afcCro eaeu 1 J. Siillou h
'L, Jackeou .., ,1 Broke A. Molts
d, Duncan s Forbes
W. Stewart ) Centro F. Cardiff
,:MeReaeta....,,,, ,,.MoLauohltn
D.Stewart } R. wing 1-., 0, Stewart
Dan, Stewart}1 ... Livingston
Chas. Kendall , I L' \0 00 1 W, Hoy.
SCore, Ito Oinfavor of Brussels. Referee,
P. Ferguson.
AccinEeo.—An unfortunate accident
happened to Bert Dulmage, son of A.
Dolma e, formerly Station agent at
18russels, now of Lakelet, , n Wednesday
eno0niug of tact week. Along with a
Friend he was out ebootiu„ in the woods
back of Hugh Carson's, 15 h von„ Ilowick
neer Ylclnloeh'e church, and while one -
sing a log the gun exploded, the contente
entering hie right aide near the groin and
missing upwards, crushing the ribs,
lacerating the liver and finally lodging in
rho right long. fle was carried to Mr.
Carson's where everything possible was
done for him. Doctors probed and
dressed the terrible wound, but we
regett his injuries proved fatal,
Ile was only about 19 years of age
yet bad s high educational standing and
was well known and popular in a wide eso.
tion around Lakelet.
A rRrarnie moan far photcgrapbio
work le being built 00 the Strotton block
and will be used by II, 2, Strong.
Bannis'roaDuntrusQN, of W inghanl, to ea.
restedto address the Young Mone" Con,
eervabive 011111 in lltesaols this (DridkY)
Mae, (Da.) Gnautxl entertained the
Melville Churoh choir last Monday
evening. A very enjoyable time was
Jong Mush bad the misfortune to have
one of his halide injured wild° working
in Ament Bros. mill and ie now taping
enforced holidays,
Trn Pos'r ie a day 1469 Ilia week in
reaching our eubecribers owing to the
amount of matter that bad bo be put in
type for this issue.
Aesxoee,—The spring assizes will open
in Godoriob on. Monday next before Chief
Justine Armour. The calender is light.
A charge of perjury and false pretences
traversed from Loeb court, and the case of
the (ween ve. Molver are on the docket,
Met. Rxjon er,-0n Thursday. at 7:80
p, m. Peter Rijnhaet gave an illus.
trilled Bible Reading on "']'Ito Lord
Cometh." in St. John's Ohaech. On
Friday at 4:111 p. in, he w ill give an ill.
uetrated talk to the children in St,
John's Churoh—and at 7:30 in Knox
0 hureh Subject: "Narrow Escapes."
Fina. —Monday night a are took plane
at Fort William and the Avenne hotel
was burned. Edmund Bowes, a watoh-
maker, a cousin to Mrs. R. Leatherdale,
lateen's, was sleeping in the 8rd story
and was °mothered in the smoke. He
was a fine young fellow of 20 years or
age. The remains ware brought home bo
Elora where the interment takes plaoe on
Sunday. Mr. Leatherdale will attend
the funeral,
Business Locals.
MoNEr found. Apply to Miss Hoare.
Gwyn and Timothy at MoOracken's.
FRESH garden seeds, clover and timothy
at MoOraoken's.
Fines elan oow for sale. Apply at
Tors Pose Publishing House.
THE person who borrowed W. H, Mo-
Oraoken's wheelbarrow will kindly return
it at once.
NEW hate for Spring, direct from the
Old Connbry. See them before you buy.
SMITH & MoLAnnv.
SEE our twelve dollar Bindle harness,
beet value in the ootinty. Strong and
durable. I. C. RIOaAODa.
JUST to hand, a new stook of Trunks
and V,lisse, which will be sold cheap.
See them. I. C. Ercuauna.
ANY one wishing to get a new saw
filing machine may see what suits them
at A. M. McKay & Co'e. hardware etore
ITCH on human and horses and all
animals cured in 30 minutee by Wool -
ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Warranted by G. A. Deadman.
ANY one wishing to get a new saw
filing sten%, I think can be suited by T.
McGregor, of Brussels, Out. May be
Been at McKay & Co'e. hardware store.
It is not to be wondered at that Ayer'e
Pills are in such universal demand. For
the aura of oonetlpation, biliousness, or
any other complaint needing a laxative,
these pills are unsurpassed. They are
eugar•ooated, easy to take, and every
dose ie effective.
Examen Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem-
ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs,
splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles,
sprains, all swollen throats, etc. Save
$50 by nee of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Deadman.
While no physician or pharmacist can
oonsoientiouely warrant a cure, the J. 0.
Ayer Co. guarantee the purity, strength,
and medical virtnee of Ayer'e Sarsapar-
illa. It was the only blood -purifier ad-
mitted at the great Wootd'a Fair in Chi•
Ingo, 1893.
°ASnran nets, I have removed my
Egg Emporium to the corner store one
door North of my former stand, where
on and after Sat. March 11th, I am pre•
pered to pay cash for any quantity of
fresh eggs and will be pleased to gee my
old customers.
Joan TAIT, Brussels,
MnLLINuem.—For the next three weeks
we will offer everything in Winter mil.
linery at oost, to make room for new
Spring stock. You can be economical
without any effort wbatever, in buying
anything you may want in that line
now. nn Miss M. HOARE.
WELL-DineeAND DR ooxwu.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is proper.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
ebape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnborry et., Brussels. 34-tf
American Rheumatic Cute for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 8 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 16 re.
moves at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
130 WORLD'S PAIR reams roe $1.
These beautiful piaturee are now ready
for delivery in ton complete parts -16
pictures comprising each part—and the
whole set can be secured by the payment
of One Dollar, sent to Geo. H. Heafford,
General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Mil-
wauicee& St. Paul Railway, Chicago, Ill.,
and the portfolios of piaturee will be sent,
free of expense, by mail to subscribers.
Remittance should be made by draft,
money order, or regietered letter.
Remus IN SIX Houss.—Dietreesing
Kidney end Bladder diseases relieved in
els hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physicians
on amount of lee exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas•
sages fn male or female. It relieves
retention of Water and pain in passing it
almost immediately. If you want quick
relief and Duro this is your remedy.
Sold by G. A, Deadman, druggist.
C. 0. F,—Por the next three months
special inducements will be offered by
Court Prineese Alexandra, No. 24, 0, 9.
F., Brussels, to any person deairing to
become a member of that Order, the in.
illation fee being reduced during that
time, As this is one of the leading In-
surance and Benedolaryy Societies in the
country people should take advantage
of bhis offer. For full information ap-
ply to
A. Ram, 0, B. ;
A. Konaia, I'. IL
W. BLAeliILL, Trees,
S,Y',40YD4 R.D BJ1,Nr1 " OF C4,N'.1),11,
CEASIT.S.SH'7.40=3M3P n.e71.
ASSklTii, (Seven Afillie') 1)ollara) $7,000,000
0,d,f'ITAL (Authorized) • . . . - 92,000,000
Agencies in all principal points 01Ontario, Qnebeo, llianrtoba, Uniftd Stoles se.trtglafltl,.
'etE'01h "b°ll0,lT.s Nd!X04ad'.
A General Banking Blaeineee Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Colleotione made on all.poltibs.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Pepper 0,9 Dru Store,
S wig..ATrosmroN man se Tum Cormsonott or Fattens' Saha .Norris. ]Li.T0bSlt17_,5-
Beery faoility afforded Cuetomere living at a distance.
J. A. STEWAST, Mexeotnn.
MAR. 9, 1.894
8100040011 117904000
Paton, r15010.
Ivanhoe—Scott,.. 2Go 10e
QuentinDarwsi'd—Dolt, 280 160
The' 1'alismae—Soobt, 280 lSq
Waverley—Soobt, 200 100
1enilworth—Scott, 20e 15o
Oliver Twist—Diokens, 200 150
Rienzi—Lytton, 25e 10o
Two Years Ago—Kingsley, 20e 100
13ypotie—Kingeley, 20o 100
Nicholas Nickleby, Dickens 250 15e
The Scarlet Letter--
etter—HIawthorne, 26o 15o
Was it Suioide 7—Wiloox, 260 , 160
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
82/ MAWS BaXA? 4 i ,ZP Whfd,f'°WI4'•
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards ab Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
OEe effect to it rite 1nsurvrnoo 1n old F:nglleb m' C,utsdlan Cowponies, or In mut-
nal Companies as may Ac desire!.
General Nownn.
A branch of the P. P. A, hag been
formed in Montreal with 200 members. yi
The Salvation Army of the United
Statee and England has large coloni-
zation eobemes brewing in Mexico.
A gentleman from Stillwater, Min•, and
a young lady visiting at Saginaw aro
likely to form a partnership and become
residents of the Oth con.
R. M. Edwards, of London township,
has a sow that gave birth to 16 pigs the
other day. He has also a Shorthorn cow
that recently presented him with two
The largest gasometer in the world is
at East Greenwich, Eng. When full it
contains 12,000,000 cubic feet of gas. It
weighs 2220 tons, ie 180 feet high, 850
feet in diameter, requires 1200 ton of
coal to fill it with gas, and cost $800,•
At Penetan„oishene Monday evening
Capt. Frank Burke, of the Canadian tag
Belianoe, was presented with a handsome
gold watch, with chain and compass at-
tacbed, for his bravery in caving the
lives of the crew of the U. S. tug Acme,
in Lake Huron, last Ootober. The
present was given by the U. S. Goverc•
The little child of Malcolm McIntyre,
Napier, aged about 19 months, was play-
ing in the yard, the other day, and with
childish anrioeity was looking into the
cistern, when she overbalanced and fell
into the water. There was only about
twenty inches of water, yet her Orin, if
any, were not heard, and when discover-
ed she was past alt hope.
lY1n. Westcort, an employee of the
Exeter Times office, some months ago
had hie foot injured by a stick of wood
falling upon it. The inj,lry at the time
was considered trifling, and nothing
more was thought of it, until recently the
second toe of the right foot became so
sore, and gave Sim such trouble as to
necessitate its being amputated, which
wee done the other day.
A despatch from San Diego, Cal„ to
the polies authorities Friday announced
the arrest in that city of Michael J.
Teedy, the Grand Trunk Railway com
pany's d efaulting clerk, who along with
John G. Fraser, absconded with $14,500
of the company's money last Dominion
Day. As already intimated in aprevious
despatch, Fraser was arrested at St.
Louis, Mo., on Thuredny night. Local
Manager Richardson and Deteotive Day
of the G. T, R. who left Friday for St.
Louie, will proceed from there to Sau
Diego, and both men will be extradited
and brotght back to Toronto to stand
their trial.
Mr, Bryan, the Fullerton farmer who
made the trip to Port Huron in search of
hie daughter, whom be suspected of
eloping, has retieued home, but osme
alone. It seems Mise Bryan, his laugh.
ter, had gone out for a drive with a
young jeweler frcm Bebringville on Sun-
day afternoon, and failing to return
home by the time the family were astir
reit morning her father became alarmed,
and baying an idea that Port Huron was
a kind of a modern Gretna Green, wished
to be there in time if there was going to
be a wedding. Nothing line yet been
learned of the whereabouts of the young
The St. John's (Nfld.) Daily News—a
copy of which arrived in the airy Satur-
day morning, contains the following
remarkable story :—The master cf the
schooner Brudelin, now in this port,
gives the News a remarkable account of
a piracy at White Island on the Nova
Scotia coast, about six miles east of
Halifax. It appears from a letter Capt.
Rowe had received from his wife, who
lives only eighteen miles from the scene
of the tragedy, that a man named Berri.
gan,in order to decoy veesele ashore for
the purpose of plunder, placed a light on
'a pole on a rock railed White Island eo
as to mislead vessels into taking it for
a light palled Liscombe Light, and thus
cause their destruction. The schooner
Spencer F. Baird, of Gloucester, Maes.,
is said to have mietallen this false light
se intended, with the awful result that
she went ashol a on the boundary rock
and became a total wreck, all hands be-
ing lost. One Newfoundlander, Thomas
Fewers,' brother of the master of the
schooner Ccmmonwealth, was 0. mem.
her of the crew of the Baird.
-A: T0'2 MC S7 GA.TraG.
4C1.LNusobv, Mancn 1'1 n. --Farm stook,
impplcmentr, to. Lot 21, con. 7, Grey.
Sale, unrss,rued, at 1 e'oloek, Lawrence
Dag( o, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Auo.
Tunlone, Natoli 27en,--3'arm stock,
implc'tnents, ,bo, Lot 6, con. 12, Grey.
Sa a enreeerscd, et 1 o'clock. las.
Dlitticell, prop., George Kirkby, atm.
Mo0AI,L—MAnenell. At the residence
of the bride's father, on March 8th,
by Rey George Buggin, of Blyth, Mr.
William 2. McCall to Mies Mary J.,,
daughter of Mr. William Marshall,
of Morris township.
F17E—MASON—Ab the residence of the
bride's father, on the 7th inet., by
the Rev. S. Bellary, B. D., Mr
James lryfe, of Morns, to Mise Tessio
M., eldest deughter of Mr. Robe.
Mason, of East Wawanosh.
Roexesoo.—At Victoria. B. C., on Feb.
nary 17tb, Isaac Rogerson, formerly
of Sunshine, aged 51 years.
DUL7IAOE.—In Howiok, on March 2nd,
Robert, son of Anson Dulmage, Lake.
let, aged 19 years.
Honotisssoo.—In Brussels, on March 5th,
Margaret, relict of the late Joseph
IIodgkineon, aged 75 years.
zawcrmSaLS 3>6A1Z2C7E1WM,
Fall Wheat 58 54
Spring Wheat ,,. 52 54
Barley.— .. ......... 35 86
Peas 60 52
Oats 30 31
Butter, tuba androile18
Edge per dozen10 00
Flour per barrel 3 00 3 60
Potatoes 35
Hay per ton 6 00 , 7 00
Salt per bhl., retail..,1 00 00
Hides trimmed 3
Hideo rough 2s
Sheep skins, eaob 40 65
Lamb chins each 50 60
Apples per bbl1 50 1 75
Wool 17 18
Pork 5 00 5 50
wood on Lot 82, Con. 14, Grey. Cash
paid every nigh bif required.
MRS. SWAN,ENiel . P.-0.
VI or 12 monil,s to work farm. Apply
at once, to
JOHN 1601)Dl001,
34 2 Lot 4, Con, 13, Grey,
1 fine pure brad Jersey 0ow com-
ing 0 years old and recent!y eelved, will
pinoe her against any cow in this county for
milk production. Ras given over 8,000
Pounds mill[ in three months on winter
feed. G. A. 1)E80.01N.
w, Queen Street:Brussels, The bowie
is 30 fent square 10 stories, containing 7
rooms Good well, woodshed and garden,
the latter well stocked with fruit trees. For
price, terms, &c.,apply to
81-4 Proprietor.
or between Brussels and Harrieton, a
red leather book in which wasanote of band,
drawn Jan, 12601, 1884, for 3200, in favor of T.
G. McCracken. The public aro warned
against negotiating said note as payment
has been stopped.
T. G. n'tOOBAOS1]N,
EL GI LE bPROPERT subscriber oftors FOR
BALc his
•acre Blot, located immediately north of
Am ant llroe, fnotory, for sale. He will also
dispose of his residence on the opposite side
of the street. For further particulars; ae
to price, tome, oto., apply to
24.4 Proprietor, Brussels.
1 a Duet.—'lotldere will be received, by
the undersigned, up to April let, for the
e rection of a brink bonne 011 OOH, 1, Morrie.
Plans and specifications may be seen on
application, Tho loweet or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
JOHN 11. MILL[Jit,
81.2 License Inspector.
arias will be received up to noon ou
Friday, 16th inst., for the levelling of the
field within half mile trach on Grey Branch
Agricultural Soeiety's grounds. For tnrtber
Plirtiauiars apply to nos. M5Lanablin,. P.
rivet, or Dr, Warwick ' Committee. The
lowest or any ten der not neeeeearily accept-
ef, Wolk lobe completed byJune lett,
1310 N °I; qr 1
M. CAVANAGH, L. P Sri 5.5- S.,
Graduate. of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of • Toronto Uni.
verelby..boisme—Over A. It, Smith's Store,
MousAA mSSoolicibgr a q Cenveyaneer. Colles.
sale, Vanstoncee Block, Brum-
Her I • Solio16or,0onvsyalmer.Notary£'ub-
, &o, Olnoe—Vwistons' Block 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
Bai'ilsters, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Oo4exloh, Oat,
M.O.OAM01t0N,Q. 0„ prawn HOLT,
00DLE2 11007400.
Solieitor, &o. (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot's Oilbes, Goderloh,) OSlee over
Gilliee & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan, 47.
. O.M„ 1,.N. O. P„ Edinburgh, If, 0. P.
8, Ont. Residence and Ohre in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste,
• Pbysiolan, Surgeon Accouchor, eta.
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty, MamherofCollege of Physicians
and Someone, Ont. GFFIOE—I0'axt door to
McDonald & Co., Walton Ont. ,.
cr • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary Oollege, is prepared to treat all
diseases 0f domeetioatsd animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge 'rurnberry st„ Brussels,
M • H. MOORE, V. S.,
H,M„V..lu. S. Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. IIieeaaoe 00 all
domesticated animals treated on solentifio
principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a specialty. cella promptly
attended to. Office, over the Post office,
Infirmary at Beatiio'e livery burn, Brussels,
Ont. 28.
• Issuror of MarrtageLieenses. Omoo
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
southTonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
of A. bf, blsKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladle s' and children hair cutting a specialty
L1• Iseurer of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Lieut,-Goveruor, Commis-
sioner, &e., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Go. Moe ut the Oraubrook
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Oollootione made.
Office in Graham's Block, Brussels.
T• A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. 16L
:L• Organist in at. John's Church,. Brus-
sels, and pnpii,in the Art of 'Teaching et A,
W. Thayer, Slue. Doe., Now York, will give
lessons to pupils either at his parlor,
over A. R. Smith's store, or if preferred, at
their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate.
Auctioneer, •e always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terme
ebeorfuily given. 17rarbrook P.O. Sales
may be arrsngped at THE POST Publishing
House, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
Mock a specialty. Orders lett at Tan .Poem
Publi ehingEouse, Brueeels, or sent to Walton
P. 0,, will receive prompt attention,
en as an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to conduct exiles of farm stook at reasonable
prices. i0nowiug the standing of nearly
every person IBM ill a position to sell to
good marks end get good security when Bold
on credit. Satfafaotiou guaranteed. Give
mea nail. 82. F B. BOOTY.
Underslggnod will keep for servloo at
Lot O, Oou. B, they, during anent, a pure
bred llerlcebire hog. Terme,'01,00 to be pails
at rho time o1 service with prlyi lege o1
returns ug if ueooessrARDS ELLIOT,
34 4 Proprietor.
Undersigned velli keep for service on
Lot SO, Con. 0, Morris, the thorn' bred lm -
proved White 'Yorkshire Bear "Canada's
Prince,” purebased from the well-known
breeder J, E, Brethour, Onk Lodge Farm,
Burford. Terme, 81sO to ba paid at tbo
Vole . of senior, with privilege of terurning
if neeeesary. Pedigree may be seen ou ap-
IIndoreigned will keep for Service ilia
thero'•bred large English Berkshire Boar,
'Bismarok"No, 1708. It took Ist prize at'
the Fad Blinn] 01411 Pair in 1803, and was
ahvaysletwbanew or exhibited. TMIMS, 61.08
60 b0 paid at the tone of service with ptivf.
logo ofruiurning if neeosearv. Two young
Berkshire HOOPS jail esvorni yoking Short
Horn dulls tor sale,
D. MILNE, Prop„
81.60 Ethel,