The Brussels Post, 1894-3-9, Page 1Vol. 21. No. 34.
, ,.......Emoommoppoorm,mmoomer.ommiq
REAL ESTATE- Brussels Coutteil. Class 2.-1,,,Mindes, A.. NeKelvey,
L. muisnstani has several good Farms for
ealo and to rent, easy terms, In Toweellipe
of Mottle mid Gray, $. SC OTT,Brussem,
-A% "Pranno house with stone foundatio,
good cellar. snit and hard water midst
cover, stable and en note of land for sale in
tb vjEggp Athol, o sore of Ault Ores%
various varieties. Per patticulate as to
prioe,tetnis &o., apply to
Wee Peennaster.
North of Lot 22,00, 8,Morrie trn'in•
IDDD. TOO fano oontatus 1.00 0.0t08, about 70
ot wbfek are cleared, balsam, bush. There
is a comfortable house, good bank barn, fine
orchard, &p. on the premises, Tbe farm is
all seeded down. Poseesslou could bo given
at any time, Por further partionlare as to
priee, terms, Ao., apply to the Proprietor en
the prernisee,ot Walton 21,0,
2134 D. DIDOALLEll.
I.; The 200 aore farm, being 'atoll
and 10, eon. 10. Otey, is offered for BOIS. 120
notes are cleared and the balance well 01»'
11024. attildinge lirst-elans. Orchard, well,
&o. School house within 40 rods, POB5013^
Sion given at mum If desired. leer further
particulars (10 00 price, tonne, dui. apply to
I supply Spectaolea in gold, niokel,
afeel frames, with interchangeable len•
'lies, (testing the eye Fro of Obarge) also
exchange if found not a perfect fit. Gold
frames, 135.00 to (17.00'; niolcel, 75c, to
$2.00 ; steel, 25.3, to f11,50. ely levees
ere of the best quality. Give me et trial
before paying exhorbitant prices to tea-
, veiling speck dealees.
,f Joint G. °rich at 0o. bate opened an Art
Studio in the (lady Sleek, asennera,
whore they are prepared 10 411 all kinds of
Portrait Work in 011, ()myna, Pastel. Water
00Mrs,Seula Monochrome and India Ink,
Also Landman° and Maineratutig
Portraits Enlarged from small
pictures or taken from life.
vooploueed no longer send their work
away at the risk of losing their small pie.
tures, hut oau have it 1101.19 tight at home
-where they will bo assured 10 (20,, satistac-
Mon at reasonable prices.
Opposite Commercial 11otel,
Notice to Creditors.
Pursuant to the provisions of Chap, 110,
Soo. SO, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,
notice is hereby given, that all persons Lev-
ing claims against the estate of the late
'1 Margaret McIntyre.of the Township of Grey
1 in the County of Enron, widely, Who died Oil
,1 or about the Sitb dal of mann, A, D, 1990
I aro hereby required to send bypost pro•paid
/ 00 610,,, to W.M. Sinclair, of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron Solicitor
for the Executors 01 81, estate lit the sail
Margaret SfeIntyro, deceased, on or before
the Mk Day oCIIIIII`Ch. (894, a state -
moot in writing 02 01,1,, 210(1100 (004 addres-
sea and 004 011 parWculars of their clabals,
1108of the impurities lir any) held by them,
and that after the said 24th clay of March,
the Executors will proceed to flIstribute the
assets of 00to said Margaret McIntyre,
ainongst the parties entitled thereto, !wring
regard only bo the claims of which notice
shall have been given, as above required,
and the said 122083110031 will not be respon-
sible for the said (ssets, or any part thereof,
to anypersou or persons of whoce Wolin
notice shall not haVe beau reeeired at the
time of such diatribe tion.
Dated at Brussels the Nineteenth day of
Fulmars., A, D. 1891,
804 Solicitor for the Executors.
eeees 3'
eeee, tee, e
L.0011$0 District
--)01' THE(__
East Riding of Huron.
Tothe Tavorn-&operti and Shop-
' Keepers and Ot130rS Winne it
Inas 001100111.
N °Tips is hereby elven that
Applications for LiCellSON
f80 the 810 01 ilquot in the
for the License Year 1901-95, which cowmen -
00 00 tho 1st day of May next, vill be re-
ceived by the uuderstemel from tare present
date up to
. April Ist, 1894.
inclusive. Appllenute must furnish the
2012(100 of 0N00 g000 ano anmoiant sureties as
;bondsmen at the time IV making applicat.
tion. Any applicant Thr how license mush
inrnith a oortilloute signed by a majority of
the eleotora entitled to vote at elections fe
the Legislative Assembly (11 000 Petting Sub-
division la set:tab the premises 001(3(110 00 ha
ItOODSCO are Wanted, and the eafe majority
meat it:chute nt lease cue -third Of the SUM
:Meteors 'vile are at the time of 00011 an-
nneation residents within the said
The Ovular moutbly meeting of Bu
eels Ommoil was held on Monday eve
of this week. AU the Members Immo
the Reeve M the their,
Motets of last regular and sped
meeting read and poseed.
The following mounts were preseuted
Mrs, 7. Nubile chatity 0 g
Mrs. T. Steware, ,, . „ 2 0
E. W, Melsern, Fire Dept, , 5
D. McKenzie, " 1 6
W. B. Mc:Cream, wood for
charity 0 7
Beattie Bros„ Fire Dept 1 0
13. Gerry, ig i; 16
Inspector Hayward, eettleinsption. 4 7
Robt, Armstrong, Fire Dept. 3 7
Polon Broadfoot, salary 27 0
Moved by IL Golsen, seconded by W
H. MoCracken that the above accounts Ise
paid. Carried. '
The Audit:era' report was received reac
and adopted. ,
Moved by R. Graham, seconded by S.
Wilton that the following amount; be
paid :--
T, Kelly, Treasurer's salary ds„ „e 45 00
T. T. Ross, Collector's salary 45 00
john Shaw, Auditor 8 00
4.• T. B. Ifirit, Auditor 8 00
In reply to a letter of enquiry from
Messrs, Garrow &Proudfoot relative to
woolen factory 10 was decided to proceed
with foreclosure proceedings on motion of
R. Graham and 12. Williams,
A. letter WAS read from Mr. Slater in
reference to a proposed fire alarm system
for Brussels. Three alarm boxes three
sets of electric bells, wire etc,, would cost
e280 oil an automatic striker on the
town bell e 1.00 extra. No action baleen
James Kelly and Thos. Farrow addres-
sed the Council me the old question of
Halliday street, It was decided that all
plans, maps, 410, be presented at next
:meeting of the Council.
After a talk over gravel ond plank con.
trots the Coil Adjourned,
Class 3.—L, W, Shine, M.
McGuire, C. Ricliares.
e- Class 4.—E. Wancer, D. Easom, 37,
g Smith, A, Putland,
b, Oleo 5.—A. McKay, 0. Rather, D.
RBPD 0.20112. Hunter (egaal), B. Muntel1,
al 0, Ildwards O. Thomson M. I Richard -
r: e'en Eincon.--Class 1,—M, Scott, D.
0 Watt, E. Kerr, 0, Frain,
0 Claes 2.--11. Forbes, 1VI. Sebtergren,
0 13. Scott, E. Lowry, Onetime Rich:melon,
0 Class 8.—P. Rushods, G. Riehoel-
4 iseound,.F, Armstieng, A. Lowry, B. Put -
0 CMOS 4.—S. Forsythe. re Pybus.
0 Clas(1 5,—W. Campbell.
5 Moss Dosexey, Teacher.
5 200001 4,
820201020PAM 880010).--011168.
• Johnston, Bobbie Wilbee, John Coualey,
Georgie Roes, Annie Riehardson,
Class 2,—Alfred Loom, Eva Me-
l. Oraoken, Artie Irwin,
Class 8.—Rob. MeLanchlin,
Class 4.—Mythle Wilson, Annie Sin-
e/air, Norman lifeGuire, Arthur Crozier,
Frank DOLEIS, jeunie Walker, Willie
Hayorof 8, Merton Howe, Nelson William -
KO, Harry Finn.
Cooper, Gerrie Melsom.
Class 2.—Joey Good, Jessie MoNabb,
Willie Amene, Roy Ainley.
Class 8.—Nine,Blashi11, Willie Zilliax,
Gass 4.—Stewart Scott, Nora Ken-
Class 5,—Mil01red Scott, George
Thomson, Lily Cooper, George Riehard-
son, lefity Kerr, Sadie Ma•xwell,
Mee COOPER, Tettcber.
The following is the standing of the
pupils of Brussels Public Sthool as de
termined by the February Examination.
The names of the pupils are arranged in
Classes as follows :—Class 1, those who
breve obtained over 65%; Cless 2, those
between 55 and 65%; Class 3, those be•
eween 45 and 55% Class 4, those be.
tween 38 and 45% Clegg 5, those bolo
83%. The namee in the various classes
are arranged in order of merit.
110010 1.
Semen FI20TIL-014130
Class 2.—James Duncan, Dora Smith, I,
Wm. Armstrong.
Class O.—Duman Stewart, Edith
Easeman,Sarith McNabb,
XIINIOEFIFT11.—G104131,--Don Strachaa,
Dora Note. 1
Olase 2.—A. J. McRenzie, Leon Jack. °
Class S.—Sarah efeLauchlin, Myrtle b
Class 4,—Fred. Wilson, Frank R. h
Smith, Win, Leatherdale, Mary Calder Y
Elam Mitchell, annoy $0220. 0
Class 5.—Thersa Gerry, Clara M
Pounen ChAss.—Class 1.—Emmo Web -
star, Kennedy Cousley, Lorne Dunford, m
May Shaw, Elsie Jackson, Edith Mc-
Class 2. --Geo, Watt, Chas. 'Cenci:de ze
Class 8.—jne, Finn, Maggie McNeil, 122
Bob, McCrackeu, Willie Ainley. 4
Class 4.—Dan. Stewart, Lizzie Mc- e°
Leman, Fred. Pybus, Reuben Blades. si
Class 5.—Ira Gerry, Lizzie Leath
dons, Clam McCracken, Fanny Boge
James Meth:at:ken, Lida Crooks, 33
Cardiff, Fred. Gilpin, Arthur Finn, Har
72, Ir Memnon, Princinal.
noon 2,
l'enniar CLASS.— Class 1.—Cart
Hingston, Possis Mitchell, Garfield Va
stone, Dolby Kendall, Lena Bather.
Class 2.—Fred. Ilayerof 0, Herbe
Donnie, Lizzie Downing.
Oless S.—Fred. Banter, Thos. For
Louis Bold and Mary Friendship (ova/
Lorne Pringle and lee Budd obsen
during part of examination.
• 8E31/011 Tem-tn.—Class L—Vilinie GEL
41, Beery Stewart, Eddie Grawar,
Class 2. --James Richardson, Garfiel
Bolter, Walter Broadfoot,
Class. 8.—Willie Grieve, Berber
eche% George McCullough.
Class 4.—Ella Seed, Arthur Mc
Class 5.—Albert Publand,
Willie Mnrr, rem Crooks, Willi
thee and Nellie Fathead, absent clurin
rt of exareinittion.
Juane Tuntri.-01ase 1.—Battie Down
Jessie Grieve, Jennie Weddup, Bab
Class 2.—Olive Vanstone, Late Mo
ilough, john Driver, Louisa Setter
Class 8.—Ide, Pybus, George Me
Ichlin, Annie Attwood and 1-Iilton
miter, (equal), Ida 131ashill and Robert
zior (equal).
Clem 4.—Nessie MeMartin, Barry
Class 5.—Thos, Crozier, Thos, Kelly.
Idzzie Blain, lefebel Hayoroft, Janie
ly, josoph McKay, Percy Weer Annie
vim &mum Ward, Leo Curry 'absent
ing part of examination.
Miss DEMME, Teacher,
1(0020 8.
dale T. Ago.
Class 2.-0. Milloy, S. Forsythe, W.
Class 3,—L. MeLomohliu, A. Lewry.
Chtes 4,—E, Lel3on,
mum Tunte,—Olass L—G. McKay, 3,
Class 2.—F. Finn, E. Webster.
Class 13.--E. Smith, S. Driver,
Class 4.-11e. ForeYthe.
Oleo 5.—E, Mune S. 'Ward.
20I011 Siscoivre—ClAss 1.--W, Good, I,
ex, C. Bailee, A. Roden,
CilUitC11 ,
Lieut. Parker has come to Brussths to
reicl Oapt. Malyon in Salvation Army
work. be° has been in Nova Scotia.
The revival services are still in progress
in the Methodist church. 23personshave
gimveemnbtehreshiirin)ames to the pastor for church
Rev. R. Paul will preach in the Meth°.
dist church next Sunday morning. Th
pastor's subject hi the evening will ba
"Sosviug Wild Oats."
Next Sunday Rev. G. H. Cobbledick,
13. D„ will occupy the pulpit of Knox
church at 11 a, m., and Rev. D. 13. Mc-
Rae, of Cranbrook, at 6;30 o'clock. The
pastor will be out of town.
The ladies of Knox church Sewing
Circle having sent a parcel of clothing to
Toronto City Mission, received a letter of
thanks from the city missionary, Robert
Hall, 41 Hayden street. Re says :—
"When your parcel eame we praised the
Lord, and on the I hastened to
Campbell street, It was terribly cold,
and I found a very nice family indeed
the children werealmost naked, but every-
hing was neat and clean ; they were al-
enost starving and had neither wood nor
eel" Be attended to their immediate
vents. The husband, he says, is a =-
voter, and I believe his wife -is a true
Median. "To -day I distributed 150
wo.pouncl loaves, and everyrecipient was
old about Jesus."
ere a missionary who has spent throe
ears in Ohio and Tibet, opened a series
f addresses last Runde), morning at the
ethoeist °Mirth. Be wore the Chinese
ostume and by the aid of a large map
ave a good idea of the extent of the great
ission field now oponing up to the Gee -
el. There are seven million people ha
ibet until recently the Buddhist
ligion they practice was only interfered
th by 2 Jesuit priests who went there
0 years ago but aro still remembered by
me of the inhabitants. Moravian nth -
merles labored in Cashmere, on the
00- Western boundary, but eoukl not obtain
es, entrance to Tibet owing to the watchful -
nen of the ruling power, who are aimed
ry f!Fengland capturing their country. It
the some on the South, where the
Himalaya mountain posses are closely
guarded. 4e years ago Mr. Reedited had
a greet desire to go as re missionavy to
de this country and offered himself to the
n' China Inland Missionary Society, bat
was not accepted. lie decided to go 0117'
rt how and walked from Toronto to Kansas
city, 1,200 miles, preaching as he visited
de the various towns and cities. Hind
n friends provided him with money to take
b him to San Francisco and from theme by
ship to 01,00a, where he spent some tiro
nequiring the language. Tho Buddhists
spend their money freely in their practice
d of religion and the monasteries have
thousands of monks who are the preach.
b are 0411(1. teachers of the people. Tho
Buddhists telweys cam a small metal
- box, with chain attached, around their
neck, in which is an idol. The inhabit
ants are uncivilized and dwell mostly in.
o tents, They have flocks mud a few pre.
tend to hem. Their clothing is of sheop•
skin, wool side nexe the body, and they
- hardly ever take the trouble to wash
e themes:Iva, and are coneequently any.
thing but Agreeable companions, on EC.
' COMA of their emeletenliness. Tho people
• live simply, the ouly melds of furniture
beieg a fur mat, wbioh serves the double
• puepose of their end bed, lent they are
kind hooted, and hespiteble. Butchers
aro well paid, as the people Ineve ab.
berretta° to shedding bleed. The imenor-
Wily of the soul is ono of the leading
articles of their belief, the idol ease xe.
minding them of the tiresome of God.
The distance of Tibet from other civilized
nations bo a great drawback to the pro-
gress! of the land and the surrounding na-
tions ore not welcomed, el. wooden bowl
ia the only clic& used iu Tibet, and in this
the food i$ prepared, consisting largely of
tee, iu which is Witted black barley tool,
to the eousietency of (lough, mad eaten
umooked; the fingers being utilized in-
stead of knife, fork or spoon. TIM bowl
131 carried about by every inhabitant and
serves ss 220811 41011, A snuff box is an-
other neeessory Article, over whith the
usual complimente oete exclubugece Mut-
ton is erten extensively end the fat tail
is always donated to the guest% Tibet-
ans beve echteatiou end tbe priests are
virtually the rulers of the people, Thee
10 0320 meest to every sixpeeple, Ono boy
in every family is edit to the monastery
to !study for the priesthood, Theo are
MARCH 9, 1894
4,000 prieste in some of these inetitntions.
There aro no debts/ on Buddhist temples.
400 million people in Mina and only 100
miesionteries. Lad year, statistioe eay,
three million people were eonverted, but
in the satMeeperiod one hundred million
were born, Mateo the pressing need of
Milesioary awakening, TIie speaker
made a very (tamest &pixel to all Chriet-
184/15 for the time to come. He is ther-
°uglily in earnest and his address was
enjoyed by all, Sunday, Monday and
Thursday eveniegs Rijnhart ispoke in
St. john's thumb, Wedneeday evening in
Melville church, and Friday timing in
Knox church, giving a large amount of
information concerning Tibet and other
mission fields.
Clentte1ler0 IC.
lilise Jennie McNair is tisitingat Blyth.
Monthly sobool 1072006 15 crowded out
this week.
The Flax mill bas about a week's work
ahead yet.
Ploughing has begun with some of the
farmers in this locality,
William Gorsolitz, of Stratford, was
home on a visit last week.
Tho boys are talking of forming a foot-
ball club. Now's the time, boys.
Sacrament will be dispensed in, Kam
church a week from next Seamy.
George Mulholland, of Kippen, was
visiting his sister, Mrs. L. McNair, this
What happened. the two young Brus-
eels boys last Friday night? Next time
you come boys yon better leave "Bridget"
120 the kitoben.
fr){,./k .
Mies Eliza Gimblett, of Toronto, is
visiting friends here at present.
Geo. Hodges, 12th con., has removed
to Monkton where he bas leased a large
Robins have made their appearance
nd Spring eat be near at hand as they
re sure harbingers.
Alex. Lawrence, 12th '100.,ou.,
mounees an auotion sale of stook and
implements ma March 15th.
Wm. Cook's sale en Wednesday last
was a decided success in every respect
and Mr. Cook is highly pleased with
S. Scott tee an auctioneer.
John Caseaden, section hand, has dis-
posed of his house and lot to David Whit-
ing. Mr. Camden talks of going to
Wiled.= and the latter assumes bis
place on the road.
Messrs. Edgar, Peebles, Miller and
Seo. DonalMon, of Spring Creek, Lodge
P. 1, attended the convention held at
Milverton on Tuesday of this week for
the purpose of seleotitg a standard
bearer for the House of Commons.
Mrs. Cook,.D. Ferguson's bonsekeeper,
fell Oh Sunday morning and fractured her
arm. A. physician was called iu and ea.
lasted the broken member.
Arthur Mann has returned from the
hospital, Toronto, where he has spent
most of tbe Winter receiving treatment
for an affection of the eyes. They are
meth improved.
The Canadien Jubilee siugers and Im•
perial orebeetrie appeared in the Meth°
dist thumb on Monday evening. The
attendance was small. The program was
faithfully carried out and much appre•
dated, espeoially the i ochre m en ta I
FLOOD.—The high water calmed by the
recent thaw; threatened to break throolz
the recently repaired mill -dam and EMS
only prevented by the timely aid render-
ed by the citizens of the village and
neighborhood. Work was kept up from
Monday till Weduesday morning when
the change in the weather lessened the
flow of water and gave hope of neon
and rest to those who tired and drenched
with the rain had toiled so faithfully to
save not only the dam but the sawmill
and other property, as it ie considerable
damage has been done but none think of
that when they leek at the eatastrophy
that bas been averted.
Reeve Milne is away at Trent Creek.
Spring must be coming, bioyelet are
Inspector Robb visited our public
soiled on Monday.
Miss Nellie Rose of Brussels, spent
Sunday with Miss Davies,
1101r, Spence, of Wingbam, ie visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Ifencierson,
Mr. Bomberger, carries on tailoring in
oonnectioe with his store.
Mr. Henderson 110.0 000 old townsmen
et. Richardson, in his employ es tailor.
The high water played havoc with the
00elee:3 stored along the river bank.
The many friends of airs. F ()Oates
will bo pleased to hear that she is gettiug
better and able to bo around again.
It is reported, two dross maker °stab.
lishments will be started shortly in our
village, ono in Mr. Ifollowey's old stand.
and one in Mr. Meeillieter'e block. 0,10
village is boaining.
Viney, the evangelist, concludes
his services Friday evening when he will
give a lecture, entitled "From the bar
tom to the pulpit." We hope there may
be hosting good resule from these meet.
13 1 e• tele .
Quite a number of our citizens aro on
the sink lid,
We regret to hear of Mrs. 33Watson's
serions illness.
On Monday out. woolen. null started up
for the seationei work,
On Monday evening Agnes Ifuon, as.
slated by others, gave a reoital in Indos.
try hall. There was a smell audio:toe.
Quito a bother of our citizens drove
over to Londesbero en Sunday afternoon
to attend the fanerel 01 6115 hite Mo.
The Canadian eubilee Singers cooed
on Friday evening last in Induatry
undev the euspices of the 0. 0. V., was a
great emcees. The ball WOE orewded to
its utmost ()enmity, many beving to go
away. The singing and itistramental
inueie given by tiro company was exeel.
lent, Proceeds 965.
A not) er livery is talked of in town,
Geo. Beekett and family intend molt.
Ing to Rineardine this week.
On Sunday next missionary
ary eervices are to be held in the illetho•
dist 012110012, sermons are to be propelled
by Rev. W. Smyth, of Clinton, 03 the
following Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock a
a missionary meetiog will be held when
addresses will be given by Rev. 3. 11.
Dyke, of Bolgrave, and Rev. 3. W. Saute.
117, keturned mieeionary from Japan.
Service of Song by :Moir of elinrob,
Raven Beath Pauseerxone.-- The an-
nual meeting of the Boyal Blois Pmp.
tory No. 879, was hold in the Orange
Ball, Blyth, when the following Ofeeere
Were elected:—Preceptor, Sir Knight A.
Woodman ; Dep. Preceptor, Sir Knight
T. E. Higloy; Register, Sir Knight L.
Nethery ; Treasurer, Sir Knight R.
Pringle ; Lecturers, Sire Knights M.
Mains, and W. efoGill ; Comer, Sir
Knight Sherrit ; Pursuivant, Sir
Knight Morrison • Committee, Sir
Kniglits 3. Netbery,.11. Searlett, and J.
Poulton. The Preceptory adjourned to
meet again on the 20111 Mizell next, at
7:30 p. ire
• Gleele riche
Hon. J. 0. Patterson was a guest at
the Albion the beginning of this week.
E. I, Strang, Principal of the Collegiate
Institute, gave an address in the tem.
prance hall lest Sunday.
Revival servioes are still being continn.
ed in Victoria at. church, Rev. H. Irvine,
the pastor, oonducting them.
Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, preached au
excellent sermon at the preparatory
service in Knox church o Friday even-
ing, 35 new mamba's were added to the
roll, 18 on profession of faith and 17 by
certifloate. Rev. Jas. Anderson, B. A„
the pastor, conducted the service on
Sabbath which was very impressive,
This was tolti
y abane of refreshing.
H. VanCamp, of Montana, is visitiog
relatives in this vielnity.
The True Blues of this place held a
successful teameeting in the Foresters'
ball on Tuesday evening.
Miss MoZensie, teacher 9011 eonees.
Mon, East Wasvomosb, intends bolding a
grand entertainment in the Foresters'
here on Friday evening, when a good
programme ramie up of local and out.
side talent will be given.
The concert which was held in the
Foresters' hall on Wednesday night of
last week, under the auspices 01 8120 0. 0.
F. of this place, was a grand success.
Jas. Fax as usual beenght down the house
and J. E. Cameron's recitations and
songs were loudly applauded, while G.
E. Routledge ove some very floe selec-
tions on the violin, and elks Ids. Stewart
presided very efficiently at the piano.
Prooeeds amounted to 992.
A. few farmers started plowing this
Miss Anna Livingstone is seriously ill
at present.
Jim. Bete arrived home from Florida
last week. Be had an enjoyable trip.
Mies Lottie Bill and her brother Bert
were visiting at Clinton lot week.
George Olvar is buck from a visit uf
several months to Tupperville, Kent
The Auditors' Abstract for Grey towe•
ship for 1893 may be read on pep 13 of
this issue,
Thio week it large share of ear space is
devoted to the proposal big drainage
scheme on foot.
Messrs. Harris et MeLauohlia are get-
ting everything 10 firstmlass shopat
the obeese factory,
DUI/01111 Taylor shot a 40 pound wild
oat last week and has had it stuffed by
J. T. Johnston, Brussels.
Swamping is over for Ws season.
A large stink has been taken out at the
Steaming and preparations ore now be-
half -made for sawing it.
Wm. Bright, representing S. • & J.
Livingston, has rented the Tindall farm!,
owned by Jas. Rnight, 2111 one and will
put in a big arop of flax this year. .
SCUOOL ItEPORT.—The following is the
report of the standing of the pupils ia S.
S. No. 8, Grey, for the month of Febru-
ary :—Fifth chtes-0, Smith, H. J.
Smith, M. A, Smith ; Senior Fourth
class—Fred. Cardiff, Allan Lemont, D.
MoLomelilin, ,las. G. Hogg; Junior
Fourth—Juo. Hogg, D. Strachan, J. R.
Forbes, H. Lamont ; Senior 3rd --Bell
McKinnon, May Smith, Bell Oliver,
Ohms. Lenient ; Junior Ord—S. tecIein.
non, S. Lament, jam Hogg, May Mo.
Arthur ; Second elites —Jae. Straohan,
A. Livingstone, Jno. Straehan, W. Brew-
er ; Part 2nd—Rob, McKinnon, Annie
Brewer, D. McKinnon, A.lex. Lamont;
Part 1st—Duncan Brewer.
t DODDS, Teacher,
DS.ITIf'S HARVIIST.—The Standish (Midi.
igen) Independent of Feb, inh, speaks as
follows of A former resident of Groy,
Airs. IlleQtmen, who was a sister to Thos.
Stokes, 2nd cen. Thomas Me.
Qoeen, se, died at her home in Stendish,
lad Tuesday 220001(34 0.8 2 ohileek after
an illness of :about three MO21 On, winci.
pally heart trouble. She hied not been
Confined to her bed snitch 07 0115 time un.
till Sunday forenoon bs/ore her death,
when she immune suddenly worse 001:I•
tinning to foil until her death. Mrs.
McQueen was born in England in 1886,
and came with bey pantile to Goderich,
Caned, when only nine weeks old, Was
married to her present husband, Thomas
lefoQueen at the age of 23, and came with
herhuthand to Standish in '71 and was
anving the first settlers of this village.
Mrs. McQueen will be greately missed by
her friends who extend as far as she was
knoivn, for we believe it cutia truly be
:mid of her duet she had 11011(8,1 enemy in
the world, She was a kind•hearted
Christian lady emel see an example before
the world that wits above ropreade She
20105 peseionately fond of flowers and her
bodice/ home was an index of her high
order of refinement. She was buried by
the Chriethens of Standish T. D. W.
Abair of Detroit, eendtteted the services,
the funeral being among the largeet ever
hold 111 this place. The rentable were in-
tend et the Pine River oetnetery.
W. H. KERR, ProP,
W. Smith, of Brantford, is visiting et
his old home.
James Uitcheson and family have
moved into the vidage.
A soolat will be held in the Methodist
ohuroh on Friday evening.
Was i4sry Collie has gone to visit her
sister, Mae, (Or,) Snider, of finaYtownt
Merles Robertson, who hoe epee the
Winter here, returned to Manitoba go
Revival meetings are being held every
afternoou end evening in the Methodist
°hutch this week.
Henry Collie, of Wisconsin, who has
been away a number of pan, was visit-
ing his father and mother 081200 817,
Mrs. Herbert Burgess, of Owen Sound,
and Thomas King, of Ohio, are visiting
their father, Duncan King, who is very
Ur. Leavitt, of Toronto, lectured la the
Foresters' hall lot Friday night, under
the ampieee 01 1000 P, 72,8, He le a very
olever speaker.
Atoll. Patterson IMO returned from
Wroxeter teed has moved into the house
lately occupied by Z. MoIntoalt. Mr.
McIntosh has moved into W. Sellars'
We aro sorry to learn tahe while visit.
ing at the home of her neice, Mrs,
KardY. of Teeawater, Mrs. John Burgess
had the miefortune to fall through a trap.
door into the collar and injure herself
W. Wright's horse ran away from
Wiegbain one day last week. It took to
the railway track at Fowler's dossing,
crossed the railway bridge near Bluevale
and then got on to the road between the
station and the village, where W 3.
Duff caught it.
The sawmill yard le well supplied with
logs this year.
There is considerable sickness in this
looality this season.
Inapeotor Robb visited the school here
oa Tuesday and expressed himself as
highly pleased with the standing of the
several OICSBEIS.
We are pleased to see Miss Pollard's
name in a program given in the London
Conservatory of musio recently.
Mr. Renhart, the Tibet missionary,
preached in St. George's church lase
Sunday. Mrs, Sholdiee, 1288 Mitis
Hewitt, presided at the organ 1110 018(0
consented to fill her old position until
Weiss et (lo. had a bee last week. Over
twenty teams were engaged in hauling
slabs from Querrengesser's mill to the
proposed new briek.yard near here. The
machinery is now ready fur brick mak.
ing. The nesv °envoy has purchased
all the slabs to bs mole at MoDoceld's
Robe IL ane Mrs. Ferguson treated oo
few friends to an oyster supper at their
residence last Tuesday evening. Prof.
HOMILIES was one of the favored guests
and contributed some numbers of song
and eloeution. This with games and
conversation caused the Initiates to pass
fleetly by until midnighe when all dispers-
ed with the fond hope for a similar treat
at some tinure date.
The entertainment to be given nue
Friday levelling in the Orange Hall here
under the auspices of the members ol
Lady Sanderson True Blue Lodge prom.
1080 to be a treat, literary, musietal and
otherwise. Um. and the Misses Sage
having kindly consented to perform on
their different novelty Mather:milts ;
Best Bros. of Hallett, with their violins ;
Mr. Rands and Mrs. Walker, of Morris;
J. Morrison, of Seafortb ; James Moore,
Brussels, and the best looel talent will
assist in the program, in feet every ef-
fort is taken to help make this the
conctert of the season. The premeds will
go to the True 331110 Orphanage at To-
Four Straoford boys, f rom 10 to 15
years old, were eherged there with
chicken stealing ea Steturday, They
were sent home for a spanking.
Mrs. L'alner Guest, of St. Mary's, was
in London in connection with the bigamy
proceedings against her lineband, and had
a long interview with the Crown A.
At a reoent meeting of the exeautive of
the Smith Perth Reform Assoistion, 11
call was issued for e, convention le be
held in St. Mary's on Saturday, 17th
inst., to nominate a candidate for the
Geo. Raper, an aged resident of the
south Ward, St. Mary's, met with an
serious accident recently. While sitting
in his abate he took an apopleptio fie and
fell to the floor, breaking his leg iu the
fall, Mr. Raper was 00 years old on his
lam birthday, and little hope is enter-
tained that he will recover.
An investigation took plaoe at Mitchell
on Faiday last into the circumstances
of the fire last November ou the premi.
ass of Ches. Barr of Logan. The in.
quiry was held before the Polio Magis.
trate Flagg end was concluded in the
behalf of the Hibbert and 'Osborne In.
511001)08 Company, by Mr, Mosorip, of
St. Mary's!. The whole day was spent
over the matter and a great number of
witnesses were mat -ninth, Nothing
however, was brought ent that oonld
affect the 0111122 on the company, tend the
220007will likely be paid over without
further delay,
A Chicago despatch says "Old Hutch,"
the former grain speoniator, is about to
011001, 10 saloon on Van Buren street.
The steamer La Bourgogne, whith ar.
rived at New York on Sunday from
Bore, brought about 43200,000 in gold.
A volley of elute were fired by the
natives at, It fleet of Spanish fishing vas.
selsoff Manilla the other tio.y. The am.
mint of damage, if any, 10 1301 reported.
Johnson, who was electroonted at
Sing Sing TtleedeY, confessed that be
bad ow:mitts:a three murders during his
life. Els father, mother and 081107 itelin•
rives now live in Florida.