HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-2, Page 8TflJ 13RUTSS] i_S POST
MAR. 2, 1894
A FAV ... 1
s this
QUDlmoaa Kiri AND SIsaw are at work
week on bila village apaounts gf 1898.
`l'n.0 various oengregations were some-
what iuterfpred with Pa Sunda forenoon
by the IdeLennan fire.
Op7Lf o,—Two rinks of Seafprth
nerlque camp toliruesels On Wednesdays
and played a friendly Ireton with eight
mombere of oar club. The iue was.beav Y
owing t0 thaw, Score was ae follow' :^.
�/ ...
ST x�NDs/s.x�D� B Q Ctf�Xe .% s� i
{ )
' li]iquLAR MIMI=
�Y0.nhOq•-Sagtt, 20o 160
,..- -.•
We are rgoeivfn so man enooura"in
g Y I;
eporte of the efficiency of our Couglz
R. N BAnuEay''s tonsorial parlor has
been patting on a new Spring, sorb of Pa'
per and paint and MORS .qquite "tart.'
Oa Friday evening o[ last week the
man No. 1. •
Juo. Hewitt, Plasma.% t,
u, q; Boss, ' Bea gee,
ASSETS, , (Seven Million Dollars) " $7,000,000
CAPI'PAL (Authorized) $2,000,000
llpeltaiea in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, fllctttitoGa, fluffed States cb �ttplaltd•
Quentin Aarward-SOptb, 20o 750
'r118 foilsman -Scott, 250 15o
Waverley Scott, 25a 760
�gnilwpxbh-Sgott, 250 15°
Salm In relieving and goring, Coughs,
)olds, &c., that we are enctouraged, if
toetible, to crake it atilt better, We have
ingredient bywh[pII we
one more ingr i
lope to relieve a cough that sometimes
rpeo neo epasmodio, Although the cost
increased there its no advance in the
'rice. • We believe this addition will be
to itnprovemen4 but should any of our
tustomere think differently we will be
thermometer was said to register 27�
below zero, It was a verycold night.
INTunL odge reports Of the Workman'o
Grand Lodge, apd Dominion Grange
may be read en pages 8 arid 6 of this is•
Am the meeting of the Gen Olub last
Monday evening arrangements s were
made to ell°°t for the holding, of the
Club medal
0ouNoxLLon WILLIAat8 had a close °all
Sunday inerning from a run over by 0180
08 the hose carte attached to the fire en.
A, 0axrla ogle 10 ]1I3Lgad ,..,..,... skip 7
EINE No, 2, �' �"�S`�b'Xi a� •$419r�SxCPv
Jue,Ballantyne, Dante,
Dr.AiONanghbou, Dick.' A General Booking Business Teammate& Farmers' Nates Discounted•
Iv, Thompson, Henderson, Drafts. Isenod, and Celle°tions made on all pointe.
J. T. 18090 skip 0 Andafire 10
Brussels won by three allots, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT,
Baden and El,
0 , Lntereat allowed on deposits of $1.00 and u wards from date of de o
mire papers have died• Heart failure 10 P, P P sib to We of
said to be the cause. --Mr. Garnett, editor withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
and proprietor 0f filo Ingersoll Clu'oniale, STE^DIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION Or FARMERS' SALE NOTES,
aiedab 5 a. m. Wednesday of last weep
diphtheria. His ilingee was not at 43008 Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
but 88 developed
°liver Twilit -Moline, 25a 15o
Rienzi -Lytton 253 150
Two Years
Two YeareAgo-Kingsley, 250 160
Hypotic-Ifingsley, 20e 100
NI31ioloe Nickleby,Diokene 25o 160
The Seal•]e4 Letter -
Hawthorne, 25p 15a
Was It Salols'—Wi1a0X, 260 15o
Pepper's Drug Store,
"limo �., Z,
mly too glad t° know it and ognsfder a
:aver for those who have used it, to tall
A fortunate roll over pot hon be•
twaen the wheels allowing the that to
considered serious, into
a malignant form of diphtheria. Deaeae•. WART, MANAGER.
e had been fifteen Pals connected with
is whether /satisfactory or otherwise. In
this way we hope to manufagture a Sough'
remedy that will have no equal.
pass over frim without injury.p
111x, Kaltman', representing the Bell
Telephone Company, was fn town on
Monday giving the Council and Fire
Brigade pointers on the question of an
Grp alarm system. His proposal
the a or, and leaves behind him a wife,
p y
the danghtsr of Sheriff Brady, and three G L TapegN & �g � vegn op�9 e��gta,,srEZW
children, Mr. Garnett was 86 years of 6 .lsdaje�,dPi� Bs�elsVito�u Ci a ac8 iaV slue
age, and a prominent member of the A, 7
F• & A. NI. Mr, Garnett, it is said, t� R i 7 i s
.1et• Solicitor and Oonveyau°er, Colles.
tions made. Ofllee-Vanstons's Block, Brae.
sale. 21 -um
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
is to place three alarm boxes on the street
have electric bells in the residences
carried a life insurance of $20,000. Hie J_ 7 V
sudden taking off cast a gloom over the rLIAM/act a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
libels town.wA. number of the leading g
* * •Solicitor,Oonvoynuoer,N°taryPnb•
the chief, captain and engineer, with
an nutomnti3 etr18011 ttaohed 10 the town
citizens of Palmeretox mat at the Albion all pointsin Canada, United States and Great Britain.
Hotel, Thursday evening of last week for
Ito, &o. 0111oe-Yaustone'e Block 1 dock
north of Central Rotel, Private Bunds to
0. P. 13, AND L. A.. A. Local Board of
the Ontario Permanent Building and
its head-
the purpose of bidding farewell to J. T. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED.
Laoy, who loft for Stratford• Mr. Lacy `SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY.
has been editor of the Telegraph for
v Barristers,
Solicito, Notarise Pubilo,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
nd South, A8 f0110 *ve :
Loan Ataociation, which has
quarters at Woodstock, was organized by
IL M. Ball, General Manager, on Friday
nearly eighteen y0000, slid hoe been
palled to give up active work owing to an Sari:W t' Amur P ardl�agrifiLVTe
M. O. °AMERCE, 0. 0., PHILIP nom,
a stn..........., 8:54 a.m. Mixed 2:48 0.01.August
Express 11:82 a.m. I Man 8:19 p.m,
taxed ........ 9:00 paw Express 9:4a p.m,
of fret week. The Board is as follows t
President, G. A. Deadman ;
let Viae -Provident, H. L. Jackson ;
2nd Vice -President, J. MoBaiu ;
attack of partial paralysis received in •
last. Rev. F. C. Piper, rector of Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
fit, Paul's ohnrrh, read a 11 gbl,p eulogisUe pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prfucipal at the end of the Aionthe of
address, which was signed by rile Mayor Oot°bar and April. Special Arrangements made for Tfine Deposits.
1'earoe, F.
lJt • Saliuitor, &°. pato of Darrow &
Prondlfoot's Office, GodonlobJ ollloo over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Bruseelo,
ry s
Soo, -Trees., G. F. Blair ;
and J. Standish, M. D. U. G. We elOect to vrrllr, lnsnranee in old Englleb or Canadian Couipanics, or in Hint.
0.Piper and S. Oaswell, After reading urn l•Olnlia71JOe as may be desired.
Money to Loan, 47
11N/eat �vll'lU •C111
Directors, J. H. Cameron, H. E,
Maddock, and J. A.. Cameron,
the address, the rev. gentleman handed
Solicitor, G. F. Blair.
number of currency bills. Mr. Lacy was
A Ohiel's amaaye talon' notes,
An' faith he'll'rent it,
This Assooietion has had a very success•
fol year, having placed $10,200 in loans,
so effected by the address and presenia'
tion that it was some time before he NEW bats for Spring, direct from the
emvrso�xda MAm zaerm's.
J • ' M. D.
•O. M., L. R. O.P., Edinburgh, M.0. P.
- -
and would have placed a much
amount had it had the funds to loan.
could find words' in which to thank thep
Old Country, See them before you buy.
donors for Choir good wishes land goner. Btaon & McLellan.
Fall Wheat 68 54
IL Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's
Block, terror of Mill and Turnberry Ste.
SCIIOOL Board Friday evening 0f next
ALL the weddings are hot over yet fn
A nI00000 ahtb for Brussels is one of
the probabilities of next season.
Permanent stockholders were paid 10%•
prepaid stook earned 11% and Instalment
stook 15%, which ie certainly a very good
showing for the initial year of the As•
s°eiation. '
FIRE• -Sunday morning at 110 clock
the fire alarm was rung owing to a fire
oeity. Short addreesea were made by Dr. WELL-Dzaatsq AND Ditxoor re. -Geer a
Stewart, the Mayor ; Dr. Standish, town Birt has all the necessary machinery for
Treasurer ; ]lir. Pearce, Mr. Pipet•, the digging and52
gg' g drilling wolfs and is prepay
town Clerk and John Wes ata. -The
g ed to attend to all work entrusted to Flim
Owen Sound Times sa}s :-"A few days in a way that will insure satisfaction.
ago, Martin Hay, a printer from Walker' `Valls cleaned out and put in proper
ton, streak town and applied at several Terms Reeidenee
Spring Wheat .., 52 54-
Barley , „„„„ 86 3G
Peas 60
Oats 80 3I
Butter, tube and rolls., ., 18
Eggs per dozen 10 00
Flour per barrel 3 00 8 60
v Phyelolan, Surgeon Aceou°her, ole.
Graduate °0 Torout° Un ivoreity ]Ifodioal
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Out. Ou -Noxi door to
McDonald & oo., Walton Out.
A. 11. SMITH was at Torodto this week
looking np bargains. He is a shrewd
at the residence of D. MaLennan't, oar-
nor of Tgrnberxy and Queen streets.
The fire engine and hose carts were
aha a reasonable.
offices For work ; but was uneu0ceeeful• second door north of the bridge, west
He went to board at Mrs. Armstrong's, side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34.1f
Bay et. Tuesday morning he diva ear•
Y, pp C. 0. F. -For the next three months
Potatoes 40 00
Hay per ton .. G 00 7 00
Salt per bbl., retail.,.... 1 00 00
A COMMUNICATION on the N. P. has been
received this week and will appear in
next 'Week's issue of TBE Post.
8. »zw bottom of lumber, cement and
tar has been but in the water tank at the
corner of Turnberry and Church streets.
TBE purse found and advertised in last
week's FosT was claimed a few days
speedily taken to the scene of notion and
the fret that the fire
notwithstanding between
was between partittone and along the
uadersido of the roof it was soon drenc11.
ed out. Mr. McLennan had an incur--
of $300 on the building. A new
Toof and gable in the east end will be
ed from •hie boarding house, as slid also a special will be offered by
ty,stch belonging to James MuNail, a Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0.
Ea::ow'-Harder. and a seal -skin cap. He 1 , Brussels, to anyperson desiring to
p g
was supposed to have gone to Allent°rd become a member of that Order, the in-
and word was telegraphed to that place t0 Motion fee tern reduced surra that
have him arrested. P. C. Shonldice fel• g g
time. As this is one of the leading In-
)owed him; but found that the suspect suranae and Beneficiary Societies in the
Hideo trimmed 3
Hides rough 24
Sheep skins, each40 65
Lamb skins each 50 00
Applesper bbl.. 1 50 1 75
Wool 17 18
Pork 5 00 5 60
E N T T 47C
M. CAVANAGH, L• D S•, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College011of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Gni-
versify. OPBIaE-Oven A. B. Smith's Store,
rafter by the owner. The right kind of
ne0essary o:.d also a new coat of plaster•
damage by water.
had taken the train for Wiarton. The country people should take advantage.
advertising pays.
DIED. -Mrs. only daughter of
ing inside owing to
The fire i9 "opposed to have originated
policeman was preparing to follow hien of this offer. For full information ap-
there, when the down train from Wier-
ply to
;Too. Crocker, of Exeter, itml niece of B.
I Exeter,
Gerry, Brussels, died at Oshawa on Sat-
from the chimney in some way.It was
stated that the fire engine was .frozen up
taken from the Hall bob such 10 not
ton came in. The constable, thinking A. REID, 0, R. ;
.the man he wanted might be on board, A. Ko1mG, F. S. ;
urday of last weak.
Two oars of pork were - shipped to tba
Eastern markets during the past week
by Messrs. Backer & Vanstone. Council-
Ior McCracken shipped a oar of potatoes,
and several cars of baled hay were also
the case and any tape that had Ghat ap-
psaran0e were rendered e° between the
Hall and river.
MATRIMONLIL.—The residence of Mrs.
Duncan Ferguson, Alexander street,
senrabed the train• and found Hay m one W. BLeeiuoo, Treas.
of the closets. He promptly arrested RELIEF IN SIX IIoune.-Distressing
him and brought him to town. Wednes-
Kidneyand Bladder diseases relieved in
day morning he was up before' the policesteel
magistrate and pleaded guilty to the six hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
charges of theft of both the missing great surprise and delight t° phyaioiane
I supply Spectacles in old, nickel,
pp Y Spg
frames, with interchangeable len-
sea, (testing the eye Free of Charge) also
t Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Votorinary College, le prepared to'treat all
corn -
p keuE 8 0f domesticated nim is in attention o d
to vetertnar deollotry. Oalle promgtl at-
tended to, Office and Infirmary -Two doors
north of bridge •Turnberry st., Breams.
loaded. Brussels, was the scene of a union of
SEATING RACE, -A mile race between hands and hearts on Wednesday morning
of this week. The groom, Floyd A.
itobt. Thompson and Colin Shaw was they'
attraction at Maitland rink on Thursday Thompson, merchant, of Livingstone,
evening of last week. Thompson fell on Montana, came to claim Mise Kate
Ferguson as his bride. • The nuptial knot
g P
artiolee. On oath he was given one on account of its exceedia promptness fn
month in gaol, the sentences to ran con- g p P
currently.” relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
-^ _�_ back and every part of the urinary pas-
�” .sages in male or female. Is relieves
Business Locals.irinciplos.
retention of water and pain in'rasing it
exchange if found not a perfect fit. Gold
frames, $5.00 to $7.00 ; nickel, 750. to
$2.00 ; steel, 25e. to $1.50. My lenses
are of the boat quality. Give ma a trial
H. M., V. M. S. Graduate of the
Ontario Ve terinary college. Diseases of all
domesticated animals treated on scientific
Horse dentistry and dlscaaesof
ironed on too a specie'ty. Calle promptly
the 3rd lap when the contestants were on
about even terms and Shaw took ad. n°q tied by Ilay. J no. Rose, B. A., in the
vantage of the disaster and won by two presenoe of a select gathering of relatives
50 and friends. ItEse Lizzie McLauchlin,
almost immediately. If you want quick
NEw prints at Skene's. relief and cure this is your remedy.
NEW Flannelets at Skene's. Sold byG. A. Deadman, druggist.
NEW dress Skene's.
before paying exhorbitant prices to tra-
veiling speck dealers.
attended to. Office, over the Post office.
infirmary at Boattie'a livery barn, Brut. ssels,
laps. Time, 4 minutes and seconds.
The Judges were J. Ferguson, A. lioKay of Cranbrook, WAS the bridesmaid, and
and Wm. Smith. Jno. Ferguson, merchant, Brussels, the
The wedding gifts betoken-
goods at GOOD RE00MMENn: The following
MONEY found. Apply to Miss Hoare. speaks for it. =elf :-"Mr. Leatberdale.-
OG0000 and Timothy at M°0raaken'e. 'Phe Morris piano furnished by you for
CARD or TBANxs.—I take this opporlun• groomsman.
ity of expre=sing my bestthauko to the rd the popularity of the bride. Miss
Fire Brigade and many other friends who Ferguson was attired in a fawn travel-
lin, dress. After the wedding breakfast
Finn °lase cow for sale. Apply at - my ooncert last night was all that could
THE POST Publishing House. be desired. The scale was even and the
NEw American Detainee worth 20o., for touch elastic, It possesses plenty of
i a
1'V • IsonrerofMarriage Licenses. Office
rendered ellah excellent service 10 saving g
last Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, accompanied
12710. Beautiful goods at Skene's. power and I was eapeaiallypleased with
twelve dollar harness, in
abide Oroeery,'Purnberry street. Brussels.
my dwelling from the flames Sunday
and aided in the removal of my house. by alias tllcLenohlin, left for Chicago on
hold • effects. I also wish to thank the the 12 o'clock express, en route to Mon•
lana. Tho bride is Alread ac painted
kind neighbors who so hospitably provid- y fl
for the fire. Tboir kindness with her new home, having lived for
SEE our single a oertain stinging quality of tone which
best value in the county. Strong and some pianos is so cons ieiousl absent,
durable. T. 0. RICHARDS. p P Y
and in every particular yours is one of
WANTED at once, a smart young lady or }he beet pianos T have quer used.
to learnra hot° hY• Apply to H. "Etat". Warms."
weenig Lot a2, Oov.14, Grev. Oath
paid every night if R quirod.
MRbn SWAN, Ethel P, O.
' • Toneertal Artist. Shop -Next door
scorn of A. U. Moltay& Co's hardware store.
Ladies' andehildrenshair cutting aspeoialty
ed us after
will not soon befor forgotten. Boma time in Livingstone. Tan Poem
g joins in the good wishes for their future
lirdeseti j g
A. AB E. -By the
NEW TIME TABLE.—By the new time happiness•
gent p p
J. STRONG, Photographer, Brussels.
p sofe the Emma Weds Concert Oo'y.
Jun li hand, i new stock of Trunks Brussels, February2nd, 1894.
and Valines, which will be sold Shea
on 1 square, 11 'dories, The hogse
to a0 feet i} 'dories, containing griug 7
A ' Licensee+ Uy
• Isnt o
ou the G. T. R. some of the tcai06 ORANGE BLOssoa[s.--S t. John's ah arch
north of Palmerston have been cancelled. in this plates was filled to overflowing last
Trains leaving 'Marton at 5:30 a. m. and Wednesday morning to witness the mat-
See them. I. C. RiOnAnna. $oRZV -
Ally one wishing to get a new saw
filing machine may see what suits diem Bnows•-In Molesworth, on Feb. 22nd,
Mr. George Brown of a
rooms. Good well, woodshed and garden,
the latter well stocked with fruit trees. For
price, totes, &g,,apply to SELI,
L1 ve
appointment of Lieut -Governer Commis-
sionertatis , &o„Q. B. OonveyRimer and Agent
Fire Inouranoo Go, Cillos at the Oranbrook
Post Office.
Palmerston at 8:55 p. m. now run on nags ceremony between James Humph-
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only, ray, of Toronto, and Mies Maud, dough.
at A. M. McKay & Co's, hardware store the wife of 81.4 Proprtettlr.
Bruesele. daughter.
and trains leaving Southampton at 5:50 ter of P. Thompson, a well known reqs•
a. m. and Palmerston at 8:45 p. m , run dent of Brussels. As the ball in the
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays church tower rang out merrily and the
only. Thera is 180 change in the running wedding mouth was played by Prof. T.
A. Hawkins, the bridal took their
Ir you want anything in my line acme
and get my prioee within the next 90
days. All goods delivered free.
Y g
R. Leathordale.
human horses
WALxtlu.-In Eaet Wawanosh, on Feb,
104h, the wife of Mr. Elieha Walker OST EITHER IN BRUSSELS
of a sot. or betweenBrusselswhich avd Harriston,a
..___.�.-. red loather book in which was n nate of hand,
- - s¢a.rr�x1an, drawn Jan. 1180, for s200 in favor of T.
G. MuOreokon. Tito public are warned
of trains between Palmerston and Strat• party
ford or on the Kincardine branch. The places in the chancel, where the in0um•
taking off of the trains north of Palmer. bent, Rev. W. G. Reilly, performed the
sten will be an inconvenience to the ceremony.The bridesmaid was Mieaday,
Clara Thompson the was
ITCH 011 and and all
animals cured in 80 minutes by Wool-
ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Warranted by G. A. Deadman.
MARTIN-SrAPLETox.-At the residence of Must nogotiatiug said note as paylusut
the bride's father, Elmo, on Wednes• hue been stopped.
Rev. J. A. Morison, Horrlston,
Feb. 21st, byJames
B. A., Mr. James Martin, of Elma,
-fj, Clerk of the Fourth D Notary Court
e Agent. Publics
La, oa. nd Insurance
Land,Loan and Iuaurnuae Agent. Fonds
travelling public. and groomsman
YOUNG LIDEa.1Ls,-Tho regular meeting T. Humphrey. The bride was ver bet
op y Y
the Young Liberal Club beheld ase,
attired Era cream senk
Now f8 the time t0 your photo
taken. a or Winter scones are something
above the ordinary. H. J. Smarm,
to Miss Luoy Mary, eldest daughter y'�
of Mr. Allan Stapleton. JL OR SALE.—COMFORTABLE
p '(
invesed and to loan. O011eetlons mode,
ORloe in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Friday evening of this week. In addi. with the renal bridal adornments, , and
F o with the
tion to a program of music and resits', her sister wore pink sills. Geo. IIulli-
dens the three followingresolutions will day,13. Humphrey, Harvie J. Strong and
p Y.
be presented by tbo persons named; (1) B. Dnviee performed the duty of ushers.
Resolved that Ibis club IS decidedly op. A sumptuous wedding breakfast was
posed to the interference of any secret served at the reeideno° of Jas. J°nee,
IF on are thinking Of buying a lana
y y gp
or organ ft will goy yon t° o0me 50 miles
and sae mine before you buy.
R. Leatberdale.
ANY one wishing to got a new BMW
SPROAT-HANNAH.-On Feb. 10th, at the rood cellar house nidlthhardu stone foundation,
resideuae of Mr. John Hannah, sever, stable, and an Sara of land for tale in
Tuckertmith, trotter of the bride, the village of Ethel, an acre of fruit trees,
byRev. N. Shaw, B. A., Mr. David •various varieties. or particulars us t°
Sproat, of Ethel, to Miss Agree Price, terms &°., apply to SPEN070,
Hannah, of Tu°kersmith. 28.4 Postmaster.
TB°an 9°N-rER005001 In Bruesele, 011
• Organist in St. John's Church Broa-
sets, and upil, in rho Art of :Teaching of A.
W,Thaver, pupilsDoe.,New York, 0 t give
lessons to pupils either at his parlor,
over A, R, Smith's stare, or if preferred, at
Weirsown homes. Mondry, Tuesday
society in the public affairs of Canada. jeweller. The health of the tilde was
Introduced by J. H. Cameron.(2)That bythe officiating olergyman andWednesday,
filing eland, T th10k °all be anit0d by T.
McGregor, Bruesele, Ont. May be
Feb. 28611, at rt0 reef•
at Walton. Terms moderate.
be paid by was res o nand to by the groom, Mr.
Registrars and Sheriffs043fby fess
fixed salary instead of by f°sa as at 'res• Thompson and "Tom" Humphrey, Mr.
seen at McKay & Co'si ant removes stere.
Beaman Spavin Liniment all
dance of the bride's mother, by Rev. JERSEY
There is a difference in Jerseys. The
Jn°. Ross, B. A. Mr. Lloyd A. ,tam of my Jersey Bull in aprize winner at
Thompson, of Livingstone, 300111000+Toronto industrial, No better stools for the
eat. Introduced by Dr. Cavanagh. (3) and firs. Humphrey left on the noon
That any ratepayer should be eligible for train for their home in the Queen city,
any offtoe in the gift of the municipality, oarrying with them many good wishes
Introduced by Jas. McAlpine. A large for happiness and success.
hard, soft or oalloused lllmps and blew.
iabes from horses, blood spavins, ourbe,
splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles,
sprains, all swollen throats, etc. Save
to Mies Kate, yoangeet daughter of dairy than a,000000 With a MAN, inking strain,
Mrs. Duncan Ferguson. Druggist & Bookaolter.
MOKEE-MrLNE.--At the residence of the
tend sales Auctioneer, feral always ready Terme
attendance of members, or those desiring HE GIVE'TII HIs BELOVED SLEEP. -Mrs.
so be, is expected. John Pybus, John was called away
Sunda morningat
JOULES, -The bigstorm on Thursdayto lou home Sunday
$50 by nee of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Deadman.
FORNITUEE.-IE you want anything in
bride's Father, on Fab. 281h, by Rev.
R Paul, Mr. Andrew P. Ma2{e0, 08 �_LIGIBLE PROPERTY FOR
s , f,
Wallace, t0 Miss Alrettn, eldest SALE. -Tho subscriber offers kis
may eel ml•1si gall 4 Tan PoeTPPublielt�ng
House, BrueBo s,
her on
evening of hit weainterfered ver, se6 o'clock, g She had been a suffrer
y greatY
lonely with the attendance at the concert during her illness but there was a calm
,",EVed ill the Town Hall by the Canadian and a peace amid it all that betokened
jubilee Singers. They did their part, the presence of the Great Phyeiolan.
however, and demonstrated their ability The deceased Was the oldest daughter of
The Winnipeg, Man.,
the Enrnitnre line ow is the time to bn ,
as I am giving great bargains for the next
80 days. As I have bought a large steals
for oath and got a big discount I can sell
it vary fine. B. Leathordalo.
"A crick in the book,' n pain under
daughter of Mr. David Milne, of Am vtBroe, factory for le lo. He will oleo
Ethel. dispose of hie residence on the opposite side
HdatPBREY^THOMPSON: At R. John's of the street. For further particulars, ae
ohurah, Brussels, on February 28th, to prtoe,terme,otm, apply to ALEX, Rev.
by W.Reilly, Mr. Jae. Hum•
G. 24.4 Proprietor, Brussels,
'trey, of Toronto, to Miss gland,
G.Lioonaod Auobionear. solos conduct
od on reasonable forme. Forme and tarot
stook a specialty. Orders left at THE POST
PuUlisMugHovee,Brueseis,of eenttu Walton
P. O., will receive prompt uttauti°n,
ea entertainers of no mean order. Thee, Allin, now of and
beau weight of the Soman is Jimmie she was born at Newcastle, Ont. Wheu
Y g company
a ale 1did thee. T who is posseseedbs' 9 ighb 0f age the Exeter when moved to the
D splendid volae. The Imperial °rates• neighborhood of Exeter whore on Sept.t
the eboulder•bladee, water brash, bilious-
and constipation,stoobare symptoms of
disordered kidneys, livor, and
daughter of Mr. Peter Thompson, of
881000EJonN-13003908,-On Feb.21st, by REAL ESTATE.
Rev. D. B. McRae, at tie rssideooa
0E a0 an Anotionoor, I am prepared
to wolf 308 sales of farm stook at reasonable
tra in their selections displayed real 20th+ 1867, she was united to her now
merit. W. actor, the business manager, bereft partner in marriage. Mr, and
delivered an oration between the let and Mrs. Pybus resided in Usborne and Tuck.
2nd part of the program, giving an ao• ersmith before coming to Morrie town.
count of the trip of the company to the ship 8 years ago. They became residents
o ailments
bowels. For ailments originating in
a derangement of these organa, take
Ayer'e Pills.
MILLINERY. -For the next three weeks
we will offer everything in Winter mil.
of the bride's fatter, Mr. John Meik• 1 t
lejohn, of Molesworth, to Miss Bessie, J� ARMS FOR SALE.-I1IE UN
daughter on Mr. Samuel Holmes, of bid tI NEDrent bas eeVera1 g0043 Farms for
townehi sale and to ren}, easy terms, in Townships
Grey p• of Morris and Grey. F S. SOUTT,13nuatels,
prices, Knowing the standing of nearly
ovary person I am iu a rosin°n to sell to
good marks and get good security when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
me ¢ call. 82, F 8• SCOTT,
linory at coat, to make room for new
old world and concluded with a prophecy of Brussels a few months 0,90. sob.
that the "collard" people will shortly lea of this notice was the mother of 11
bake a front rank in the world. Follow children, one of whom died ie infancy,
lug was the program presented :- Two sons are now living in the West,
"Beard ye ever;' "Rol. Jordan Roll ;" Consumption, the fell destroyer, was the
solo, "Why do Summer rosea fade," Miss cause of Mrs. Pybus' death, the disease
.1)owden; "Hail I Hail ;' orchestra seloc• aseorbing itself about 8 years ago. For
tion; "Talk about Moses;'; reading with the p st 15 menthe the had boon unable
orchestra accompaniment, "Laeaa," Mrs. to do any work. For many years the de-
'W. T. Cary ; male quartette, "Zion's ceased Woe a faithful member of the
Spring stook. You can be economical
without any effort whatever, in buying
anything you may want in that flop
now. Miss M. HOAnn.
The blue -bird is hailed me a harbinger
of Spring. It is also a reminder that a
blood•pdtifier is needed to prepare the
P p
eyttein for the debiliating weather to
some,. Listen and you will hear the
Pinus. -In Brussels, on February 25th, 1ARI4I FOR SALE, BEING
Macy Jane, beloveds,wife of John Py- lTIlef i of Lot 22, a l80 e,ttartls town•
44 years, 8 months and 6 ship. The farm coutainaoaesores,01about 7o
days• of width aro Cleared, balance bush, Thera
is a comfortable bout0, good bank barn, fine
BDOHANAN.-In Wfngham, on Feb. 18th, orchard, &°, on the premlaee. Too farm is
John M. Buchanan, aged 08 Dare. all seeded down. poeeSOslon could bo given
i Y
Conran.—In Ethel, on March tat, 1894, at any time. For further particulars as to
Annie, beloved wife of E braim price, tone, 00., a , 0» to the Proprietor on
Ephraim the Walton P.O.
Cober, aged 28 years and 3 months. 20.4 D. MnOALLUM,,
Undersigned will keep for service ou
Lot la 0011.2, Morris, the thole° bred Mi-
1troved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's
red White
pnrohaeed from the well-known
breeder J. E. 'Mathew, Oak Lodge Farm,
Burford. Terme, 51.00 to be paid. at. the
time at e•rviea with privil•go of xerarm»-
if necessary. Pedigree may bo seen 011 ap-
Children ;" guitar solo by Prof. LUCAS, Bible Christian and Methodist ohurohes
birds singing : "Take Ayer's Sorsa-
"relary and Martha ;" boas Belo, "Rocked and to the close of life kept the prize in
perilia, in March, April and Noy,"
A' cTxorr sAL.�s.
Une1or willfree11 far,Tilloo the
fa the 0radle of the deep," Jimmie Light. view. A true wife, a loving merrier and
feet ; endure, "He neves cares to wander a kind neighbor were noticeable charms-
from his own fireside ;" orchestra "Cor. terietics o4 the departed and the relatives
cuatinn, ;" baritone solo "No night shall deeply sympathized With fu the neat
11din Haven," W. Carter ; "Have ars st yg
you lose theyhave enffored. The funeral on
gest the glory ;" "I'm rolling ;" National Tuesdayafternoon was largely attended.
Anthem. The company came to town 'Rev. 0, H• Cotblediok conducted the
Trader the auspices of the Oana:lian Or. aervi°e. Mrs. Pybos' ago was 44 years,
dol' of Foresters. 8 months and B days.
RHEUMATIe» VUnttb IN A My. -South
Ameriean Rheumatic Cure for Rbeuma•
tism and Neuralgia radically ourea in 1
to 3 days. Its action upon the system
10 remarkable and mysterious. It re.
mOvoe at onoo the amuse and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly bonelite. 75 theta. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman:
Patna, MAR011 Stn. -Farm stock. Lot <tOIJ Tito 200 acre farm beim 1o1s 11
11, o0d. 18, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 301,4312, 000.10, Grey, is 0300001 fax sale, 120
1 p. tn. J, J. Coates, Prop. Goo. I{1Tli. bored Q Buildings frepo first -ohms. ehatil'well,
by, Ana. &o, School htuso within re rods. further
WEnsuemAy, Maori 14me,--Farm elools, sine given at mite if desired. Lor im'ttor
implements; &e. Lob 21, con, 7, Grey, parti0umraastopr8,110a, WA,LREe. ltlplyto
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Lawrence 8.11 Roseville r, 0,
Dobson, Prop, Geo. Kirkby, Ano, or NELSON B1tI0KE1t, 0n faun.
there ' -bred largo Englian Berkshire Boa
Jiiernarbk" No, 1708. It took Ieb prize nt
a- 1W yelebwl enevorlexhibited, 1898,
ern 9 SI U(
lee rid r the rime Of service with outu
lege of returning it naeeseary. Two 00 rl
Boree1)011810rrsaluu wool ytliulg
D. MILNE, Prop.,
02.1f Ethel,
of dl
� ti•
•` T