HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-2, Page 5MAR. 1S94 111E 13R[lSSh 1., :a 1'0ST
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Mies Maty McFadzean, of Winthrop,
ie viejting friends in this vioinity.
Miss lemma Walls and Miss Ray aro
the greets of the Alienee Sage this week,
The Led,v TreeBluss intend d holding a
concert on Friday, Merrill gob, for the
benefit of the Qrpbaeage.
A. number of our young people spent e
very enjoyable evening on Tuesday of
this week at the residence of A, Gardin-
er, MoKillop.
One correspondent of the Herald stated
beet week that our young ladies will
couple off regardless of age, 'How old
. are you Will ?
Misses Cooper and McGee have re-
turned to their (tomes at Fordwicb, after
an extended vieit at Dr. Armstrong's.
They made many warm friends during
their stay in Walton.
Mr. Parson, of Herlook, had the mis-
fortune to break his leg. fee was en.
gaged loading timber at the mill, one of
the Meeks falling, struck his limb, break.
ing it below the knee, '
The political meeting, held at Leadbury
Ian Tuesday evening was a sunoeseful
one. J. 0. Morrison occupied the chair
and performed the duties vary efficiently.
Excellent speeohee were made by Arohie
Hislop, of Grey, and Jno, Malifiilan, M.
P. P., of South Huron.
Miss Mary Ritchie is visiting at Wal.
Our wheel Football club is open to re,
oeive ohallenges.
Mise Ethel Watson, of Blytb, is visit.
ing et the manse.
Jas.' W. Knight will return to London
on Satuaday, after enjoying two months
A ball and supper will be given in
Zimmer's hall this Friday evening. A
grand time is anticipated,
Mrs. Jno. Shaw and Ales. (Dr.) Gra-
hem, of Brunie, were the guests of Mrs.
A. Maisie on Tuesday of this week.
Miss Maggie Gramm left on Friday of
this week for the Queen city, where she
will visit for some time with her slater.
Samuel Wherry delivered an esoellent
discourse in the Methodist ohurob here
last Sunday, taking his text from Rev.,
2nd chapter and 1011* verse.
Geo. Reymann intends learning the
photography with E. J. Strong, of Brim.
eels. Geo. will make a enoacesful photo-
grapher as he is artistically inclined.
Conrad Raddatz, who has for the last
two menthe been working in Brussels at
the blackemithing, intends to oontinue
his apprentiooship with Mr. Drivers, of
A sleigh load of the youmg people from
the village spent a very enjoyable time
at the residence of Geo. McMillan, Star
Mills, on Tuesday evening. It was a
jolly time.
What we would like to know:—When
we are going to have good skating ?—
When that wedding is coming off?—
What attraction some "Walton boys"
have here 2
0. E. Raddatz, who returned home
from Detroit a couple of weeks ago,
nutting a sore leg reoeived by a kink
from a horse, is improving somewhat we
are glad to state.
idols, r3svor t'h
Miss Loretta Terry hate returned home.
Miss E. McNeil spent Sunday at her
home in Oranbrook.
A call has bean extended by the Moles.
worth Presbyterian congregation to the
Rev, G. Ballantyne.
Mr. and Mies Meiklejobn were called
home to Belgravo last Tuesday owing to
the illness of their mother.
Whitt we'd like to know :—Who got
the pretty valentine 2—If Imagination,
wit and truth do not sway by turns the
"Standard" correspondent ?—When the
next wedding will be 2—If Molesworth
isn't the liveliest town anywhere around ?
The I. 0. G. T. of Molesworth held
their concert last Thursday evening in
the spacious cheese faotory, as provioua.
ly a"nounoed. The program presented
was everything that eoutd be desired, but
the only ordinary attendance prevented
the expected returns from being realized.
Mr. Lamont inn aertainly command a
good evening's entertainment. Miss
Bolton, the soprano singer, possesses a
highly cultivated voice and is a pleasing
singer, Mr. Curtis, in Dutch dialect, is
a host in himself and was every time
greeted with applause. Those who re.
method away missed a treat.
Last Monday a oouple of loads of old
and young folk, and composed principal-
ly of sister and brother Orangemen ar-
rived itt the residence of W. Holmes and
took possession. After the first hum of
jollity and excitement was over A. Mo•
Kee was voted to the chair and after a
short chairman's speech called on Mr.
0o,yltlin, who read a kiudly worded ad-
dress in behalf of tate Society. Mrs.
Hoimee was presented with a set of
china diehes and the host with a pair of
driving mite. After words of thanks
from the recipients the company pro -
pared to enjoy themselves fully. A
heavily laden table soon appeared and
the company with some eno0eS8 attempt.
ed to make an impression on it, a few
fleeting themselves three or four times
with that end in view. Early in the
evening the cotapany departed, having
spout a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Holmes leave in a few days far their new
Lomb Wednesday evening two sleighs
wall Riled with gay Molesworthites were
seen conking their way to the home of
Mn and Mrs. Ross, After a winding bat
pleasant drive the crowd arrived at their
destination, where they were moat hospi-
tably reosived and entertained. Atter
the usual prelude of enoial shat a pro.
grew consisting of short speeches, stories,
recitations and vocal and Instrumental
music was presented. The magic word
supper shortly afterwards tvae prouollue-
ed and smiles flickered, waned oe Liam -
ea as the tiokots were distributed and
supper not life partners made. Hew -
ever any disappointment in this fadedinto insignilboanoe and was forgotten
quite when the bounteous and tempting
table appeared A aeries of gamse fol-
lowed. Then es all things meet cud so
did title and some time after twelve the
company reiuotantiy bade adieu to their
hind heat and hostess,., secretly hoping
there *night be a happy return of the
evening some future time,
�% Shligge a are plepsetl to ltotios that It little
�s�.P v Y i dau liter e oometo the parsemeat �-
"�„ 4- Q ,
n Lee,
be a
r vie.
y au -
I, of
n the
Tile loyal bntebors are laying in their
summer's supply of Foo,
J. A, `-turnbull loot two Ane sheep be.
ing ;Metalled mud breathy killed by doge,
A, meeting of the Vire Co, wtis held in
the school house. R. Forrest woe appoint-
ed chairman, and J. Hammond, semotary,
Minutes of last meeting read and ap.
proved, Jas, Hanna and Wm. Loohhead
were appointedto audit the books. Ire.
aeipts, $69,91 ; expenditure, 856.18 ;
belan0e on hand 84.29 ; unpaid subeorjp•
Clone, $6; books and veuohers found cor-
Council meeting on Friday of this
Teams are busy hauling brick for the
various.new residences to be erected next
Mr. ,Edmunds, of Hawkesville, spent a
few days last week with hie daughter,
Mrs. A, Fowler,
The Trueteee of S. $. No. 0 have let
the oontractof building a briok school
to Joo,. Oobor, of Ethel.
A meeting was held in school house
No. 9, March let for the organisation of
a Patrons of Industry lodge.
Deputy -Reeve Oliver is improving in
health we ere pleased to hear. At one
time it appeared doubtful as to the trate it
Moses McFadden, of Sault Ste. Marie, 1 a
has been gazetted a Notary Public. He
is a eon of Uriah MoFaclden, of the 12th
John Oarnoohan, 12th yon., is seriously
ill being confined to his bed the most, of
the time for the past two works. His
friends are anxious about him.
A social was held in Bethel Church on e
Tuesday evening, 20th uit., when a good
program of mesio, dialogues, readings, .a
speoohes, etc., was rendered. An enjoy. ee
able time was spent.
HruxNEAL.--On Wednesday evening of
last week about seventy-five young peo-
ple assembled at the reefdeuee of Samuel
Holmes, 2nd con. Grey, the occasion be.
ing the marriage of Miss Bessie Holmes
to John Mieklejoha, of Molesworth. The
groom was supported by his brother, D.
Mieklejohn, of Morris, and the bride's
sister, Mies Minnie Holmes, lent the
usual kind offices to the bride. Rev. D.
B. McRae, of Craubrook, tied the knot
in his usual eifioiont manner, after which
all partook of a beanteoue repast pre•
pared for the mansion by Mrs. Holmes.
The remainder of the evening was very
enjoyably spent with mule, games ceo.
The following list of preeents attests in a
slight degrta to the esteem in which the
bride is held by her many friends
Butter cooler, dozen silver spoons, parlor
lamp, fruit dish and Dupe and saucers,
silver prairie disb, water pitoher, silver
piokle dish, copy of i1'loore's poems,
mantle drape, crystal fruit disb, ohina
cake plate, lemonade sot, table cover and
two pairs of towels, pair of plaoques, bed
spread, table oover, dinner set, tidy and
pair of towels, bread and oaks plates,
lemonade set, silver fruit dish, celery
disb and water glasses, lemonade eat,
nappies and goblets.
Following is another account of the
fire in which Abel Tindall was a sufferer.
—The dwelling hogs[ on the farm of
Mrs. G. Gordon on the boundary about
two miles east of Listowel, was burned
to the ground ea an early bour on Friday
morning. It was a largeframe structure
and was occupied by two families, Mrs.
Gordon living in one part of it, and Abel
Tindall, the tenant on the farm, living in
the other part. Altogether there were
nine or ten occupants in the house at the
time, and they barely escaped with their
lives, and only partly clad. None of the
furniture o£ either family was saved.
The fire is supposed to have caught from
the stove pipe or chinmey, as a fire had
been started a short time previously by
Mr. Smith, father of Mrs, Gordon, who
*vont back to becl again. When discover.
ed the fire had made such headway that
there was barely time to get the occu-
pants all out. We understand that there
was some insurance on the house, also on
Mrs. Gordon's furniture. Mr. Tindall
the tenant, had no insurauoe, and as their
personal effects wore entirely consumed
the ;*family was left in a very trying
position. Mr. Frllis wno lives nearly
opposite, kindly provided then* with tem-
porary shelter at his home. The farmers
of the Wallace and Ehna boundary have
come to the assistance of their unfortun-
ate neighbor, and with the assistance of
liberal contributions from merchants and
others in town have done considerable to-
wards providing Mr. Tindall and his
family with household effects.
Princeton, the home of Rev,' Edw i
formerly of Ethel, The reverend
tnan'o old friends hope elm may
great blessing to her Parente,
MM1nrMonreet-•.-Ouptd won angthe
nor 1
d Wedtimidity
Y e et
deuce of David Mne, ogwell
iresident of *hie looality, when Al
P. Hones, of Wellaue towneltip,
Mise Alretta, oideat daughter of tits
and h teems, were united in the (tot
tate of matrimony Rev, R. Pan
Brussels, performed the cerement' i
presence of a seieet company. The bride
was attended by her sister, Mise Melinda,
and Jae. MoXee, of Hawick, • was the
groomsmen. An elaborate spread ,woe
partaken of and a very pleasant social
time was enjoyyd by all. Alr. and Mrs.
Melee 16ft for their home the came
eveoing, fo0owed by the best wishes of a
large circle of relatives end friends. Tan
Poon wiebes the bride and groom pros-
perity and bappinees,
ittemuMoNren.—The Huron Expositor
of last week says :-•A quiet but pleasant
event took place at the residence of John
Hannah, in Tuolcersmith, on Friday
last. Thi, was the marriage of David
BMWS, of ker-
nteiith, to Iel
Mies Hannah,
Water oy of f the
worthy host. The ceremony was per•
formed by Rev, N. Shaw, of Egmond•
vine, and was wttneesed by a goodly
number of the relatives of the contract-
ing parties. Ilia ceremony over, the
guests wore entertained at a sumptuous
spearrepared by Mrs. Hannan, and
fter a few social hours the bridal party
eft by train for London and other parts.
Mr. and Mrs, Sproat are widely known
and few are more highly esteemed, and
their haute of friends will unite with us
in the sincere wish that their future may
be happy and prosperous, and that they
may be long spared to enjoy the pleasures
and share the vicissitudes of life togatit-
r. They will reside at Ethel,
0331T.—Thureduy morning of *hie week,
t 6 o'olook, the spirit of Annie, beloved
ifs of Ephraim Caber, of this village,
wan called away. The deceased was the
eldest daughter of Jno: Ohittiok, Bel.
more, and was united in marriage to her
now bereft husband on Deoember 27th,
1888. She had been ill since last June,
a bad cold developing foto oonsumption,
and she gradually failed despite the beet
attention that could be given. Since
Sunday she had Iain in an unconscious
state. ItIrs, °ober leaves two little
danghtere,4e and 2e years of age, to be
oared for by relatives. The subject of
this notine was beloved by all who knew
her and her death is very much lament-
ed as she was a general favorite with all.
She was a member of the Methodiet
ohuroh. The funeral will take place on
Saturday afternoon at 1 p. m., service at
12:80 o'clock. Interment at Brunie
cemetery. Mr. °ober and family are
deeply sympathised with in their
Oounoil meet—ingots Friday of this week.
Lawrence Dobson has announced an
auction sale of farm stook, due, for Wed-
nesday, 14th inst.
Reeve Milne is in bbs dell for the Local
Legislature. We may have a live M. P.
P. in our village yet.
Rev. 1t. Paul and wife, of Brnasels,
were calling on a number of their old
time friends here this week.
Bthel Bible Sooiety collectors, Miss
Davies and Miss Milne, collected $22.65
this year in this locality. The Ethelites
deserve aredit,
George Johnston and wife are visiti
relatives and friends at the Nile lb
Miss Jane MoVety attended the co
cert in Wroxeter on Thursday evening
last week.
Addison King, of Saskatoon, N. W. T.,
wee visiting relatives and friends on the
1st and 2nd cone. last week.
James 8tretton and wife are back from
Sohrieber and have taken up their abode
on their fartn in this township.
Wm. Fraser, of the let son„ took in
the Agnes Roca concert in Wingharn last
Monday night, but he didu't go alone.
People say there is a great source o
attraction on the 1st con. for ono of 8b
Wroxeter boys. But never mind "Wet,
we won't give you away.
There was no school in Berrie's school
house last Taesday afternoon out of re•
epect to the late Mrs. Jno. Pybus who
resided for a time in that locality.
George Johnston lost a valuable two
year old colt last Saturday night. It re-
ceived a kink some time ago and took in-
flammation, whish resulted in its death.
Burnes CONTRACT. Laub Saturday
Reeve Mooney, Depaty Reeve Kirkby
and Oonncillor Bowman met at the
Township Hall to let the contract for the
erection of the Hogg bridge. There were
four tenders ate follows:—R. Lang, EMI.
el, 8718 ; L. Hardy, Exeter, $790 ; F.
Raddtz, Oranbrook, $915 ; Jno. Foster,
Wingham, 81,180. Mr. Lang's tender
was aaoepted. The work is to be com-
pleted by August 15th. There are really
two bridges as an artificial island divides
t he Maitland at this plaoe.
Mrs. John Gallagher's residence,
Salem, was the scene of a very pleasant
evening's enjoyment on Feb. 16th, when
a number of friends gathered and present.
ed Miss Ida Gallagher with two hand.
emu presents and the accompanying ad.
dreee :
To Miss Ida Gallagher
Ella Ferule—It affords us great
sore, as members and adherents of
Methodist ohuroh and friends of the
eaunity, to drop in this evening to
d a *accent hour with you, our
d. It ie said those who would have
de moot show themselves friendly,
yuu have ever clone and thus Bon-
d the sentiment of the Scripture,
have endeared yourself to all by
gentle manner, winsome disposition,
rue Ohriotian deportment. We love
not merely as a friend and associate,
eteem you highly as a Christian
r. We have felt the presence and
potency of your service in the church,
prominently as the leader of the (Moir.
You have been faithful and e61oient. We
feel that we cannot let any more time
elapse without r000guizing, in some
tangible form, the debt of gratitude we
owe to you for your painstaking eorvioe
in this capacity. Words cannot express
ou0 appremation of your merit. We beg
you to accept the accompanying gifts,
album, silver sugar bowl and tea oscine,
ate a slight, though inadequate token of
our regard for yon, in reooguition of your
untiring zeal for the cease of Cbriet iu
our midst. We trust they may prove of
some little service to you and remind
you from time to time of the friendship
which we would have preserved in time
and unbroken in eternity. Signed in be.
half of the friends,
Hoowoso EY,
DAvm WWEeioLEra.
The remainder of the evening was spent
in speech making, vocal and inetramentel
mule and various games, until the small
hours dawned, when each toalc their de•
pasbure to their respeotive bomoa.
and t
vangeiist leiney has been oonduoting e
special revival services in the Methodist helps
ohurob dnring the past week, The meet-
ings have been largely attended.
Leo BnoxtN,—Loeb Satnrciay Georgy
Keys had the large bone broken in one of
his legs. He was riding one of the
horses to water and wee crushed against
the gate post. He will be a prisoner for
some time owing to the accident.
Wm. Thompson was at the grist mill
for a lend of atop last Friday when his
team ran away. The sleigh was left op,
posits Moses Henry's farm and the
horses were caught near Robt. Inglis' on
the same line. No serious damage was
SonooL REroitT,—Report of February
monthly examinations in S. S, No, 4 :—
Sr. Fourth.—Taylor Pipe, Frank Cloakey,
John Curry. Jr. Fourth, Grade A.—
Lyon Pipe, little Davis, Millard Cardiff,
Reba Maunders, Lillian Mooney. Jr.
Fourth, Grade B.—Simon Forsyth,
Welter Barrie, Hugh Forsythe, John
Sharp, Jas. Sharp. Sr. Third.—Charlie
Anise, Goo, Cardiff, Jas. Donnelly, Bartle
Moss, Willie Cloakey, Ida Mooney, Mand
Floggard, Annie Davis, Norah Maunders,
Lulu Davis, (leo, Barrie and Harry
Mooney (eguai) Miiton Curry. An earthquake shook was felt in Ns.
Mese Hearenee, Towhee. bralka early Sunday morning,
S wile los Arida e arlly Puede slop G1;1l1 ,,
whore they aro peepered to do alt lcln 0s of
l'ortrttlt Work in Olh, oetiyoa, Pnetel, water
eimere, 8018lµ Mone-olarom, iota India ink,
Alio bandtattpo ane slarlael+ainting.
Portraits t ruts k'nlargecl from small
plotures or taken from lire,
Tnoplonoed 110 longer spud their work
away at Lite risk of losing their small P10•
bores, bat eau have it done right at Immo
Where they will, be assured to have sablefaa.
Mon at reasonable prises,
JOHN 0 C11,IC11 & Co,,
Opposite Commoroiel Hotel.
Notice to Creditors.
Pursuant to the provisions Of Oltap, 110,
Boa, 8e of the Itovissd Statutes of Ontario,
notice )s hereby given, that allpersons bay.
ing chime agutnat the notate of the tate
of Huro of i, widow, wl,o died oy
or rtbout the lith day of March, A.D. 1e92
are hereby required t0 send by poet te•paid
or deliver to W. M. Sinclair, if too village of
Brussels, iu the County of Huron, Solicitor
for the 1?ibeoutors of the estate of the said
Margaret McIntyre, deceased, on or before
the 24015 Day or Darel1, A. 0,, 1894, a abate-
ment in writing of their names and addros-
Sas and the full particulars of their olefins,
and of the seourt this (if an S) hold by them,
and that after the said Mil day of March,
the Executors will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said MmF are* Malutyre,rS�ssyotelnotified
amongst theclaims ino
nl nhauftietvoaaspenshall
dtbsdExecorsll above
Bible for lilac said [assts, or any print thereof,
to any Per5011 01 pel000B of whore eleinl
nobloe shall not nave boon received ttt tae
time Of anon distribution.
Dated at Brussels, the Nineteenth day of
February, A. S.1890,
02 4 Solicitor io Ith e Executors.
aenand Rally d A1nt
d gat a torr 01
"Free Facts,
Farms and
J.E. `',.Lr11,
The Brussels Carriage Mau?
He's the man who for the past 8
years has been hustling out First-
class Work in Buggies, Wagons,
Carts, Cutters and Sleighs at
Very Low Prices and with such
satisfaction to the purchasers
that they are the best recom-
mends he can find.
Have you Dealt with Walker ?
If not go and get acquainted with him
and thereby prove the ioereotness of what
he says. He's there to do business.
REPAIRS.—Special attention given to
repairs such as rimming wheels, tta.,
Feinting, trimming and any other work
required to your oonveyauoes.
Prices away down. A new cub is
before the public this season that
can't be touched in price. All the
best makes bandied.
Busy now on new Buggies. Every
intending purchaser should call and
get our prices. It will give you an
idea of what you should get them for
elsewhere if yon do not buy from us.
Shop and Proprietor found oppo-
site Town Hall, Brussels.
Jas. Walker.
The largest stook of carriage supplies
Will be handled by us this year that was
seer brought to Brussels. We make part
of our living ou the out rates on largo
quantities purchased: We give very lib
oral terms.
they use in the
Frozen North but
Good Substantial Protectors
For people in this part of the country
where a shoe must serve for innumer-
able kinds of weather, as well as for
the deep snows that come frequently
and unexpectedly.
Before you buy the next
Pair of Boots, call and (a2-
See our Stock. e)'n
Sitli & McLareii0
Produce Taken.,
See our Dress
Goods Department.
Groceries, China; Glass-
ware and Crockery.
Clea in
IN finishing up Stock Taking I find my stock, in many lines, too
large for this season of the year and as I mast have room for
a big range of Spring Goods I have decided to offer the public a
Genuine Clearing, Sale up to
MARCH 15th.
During these weeks Special Bargains will be given in
Tweeds, Wooler. Goods, Flannels,
Alantlings, Rats and Caps, &e.
.A. number of lines of Boots & Shoes
will be cleared out at Cost,
Wonderful Cuts in Readylnade Clothing.
Gents' Ties and many lines of Collars at Half Price.
Bargains all through the store while the sale continues.
The Game is yours for 45 Days so take
Advantage of this Genuine Sale.
IBEG to inform my numerous patrons of my 'intention of inau-
gurating the Cash System in my business on and after Mar.
16th, 1894. It will not be amiss here to give a few reasons
why I intend adopting the Cash System :—(1) The Cash
System is the only true business principle. (2) I can buy
Cheaper for Cash, so can you. (9) I know just how I stand
at the end of the year, so do you. (4) Six months of the
year will not have to be spent by me posting books and
making out accounts, but on the contrary this time can be.
used an manner which I trust will be of profit to nay
Thanking you one and all for past patronage, I solicit ft
continuance of the same:
. F. McAllister,
Produce Taken same as Cash.
Braine in,
.leadyntacle Nothing.
Ba�',gains i,2,
Gents' 'zcr�2i�l2ir� s,