HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-3-2, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST MAn, 2, 182 New Advertisements, Loeale—Mian Home, Locals—1, 0. Richards. Locale—Dr. J. C. Ayer. Local---Smitit 1110Laren. Boar for Service --A. Milne. Cala of Thanks—John Pybns, Bargains -Fere -neon dc IXalitday. Ethel Carriage Shop—John ()ober, Card of Thanks—A. D. McLennan, The Biggest Snap Yet—D, 0. Buss. El&ee 11155e1z t3 FRIDAY, MAR. 2, 1894. Tug Provincial eleotionn for Nova Bootie will be bold on Thursday, 15th fust. It is said the abolition of the sewed chamber and a plebisoite on the Prohibition question will be interesting faotore in the contest. An improvement in wonting the coal fields is also creating considerable interest. Haim times are onueing the , various railways to reduoe expenses wherever they oan legitimately do so. The G. T. R., 0, P. R. and M. 0. R. bave out down passenger and freight 'service to ;educe expenditure and the Great Northwest Central has cancelled all trains in the meantime owing to the small amount of freight offered. At the present time trade is very dull bat it is to be boped the opening of the Spring will bring a general revival of trade and commerce. re orted IT is quite currently p by load- ing ing spirits in the Conservative party, that Barrister Dickinson will retire from the contest in East Huron and adviee his supporters to rally round the Patron ban- ner and vote for Mr. Milne, but whether this order of things will eventuate or not remains to be Been. The ohaoces of Mr. Dickinson carrying this constituency were never in sight and with a number of former earnest workers, such as T. Id. Hays and others, allying themselves with the Patrons effectually closes the door so that be is praotioally nob in it. LAST Saturday the Judioial Committee of the Privy Council gave judgment declaring the Ontario act respecting the assignments and preferences by insolvent bankrupts to be valid. Tbis is a victory for the Ontario Government, and re. verses the judgment of the Supreme Court, which awarded in favor of the Dominion Government's contention that such legislation was ultra vires of the Province of Ontario. Their Lordships declared that the provisions at issue en- aotmente relating to assignments purely voluntarily—do not infringe on the ex- clusive legislative power of the Dominion Government. The merits of the case were beard on Deoember 15th, when Hon Edward Blake appeared for the Province of Ontario, and Sir Richard Webster presented the arguments on be- half of the Dominion. The question was whether the ijurisdiction of the Domin- ion Parliament on the subjeot of bank- ruptcy and insolvency was so exclusive that, though not exercised, the Provin- cial Legislature were powerless to give even a partial relief. Canadian Judges have differed on the subject. The Do. minion Government was not anxious to maintain the opposite view, though as a matter of official duty they bad to con. tend, and through their oounsel did oon- tend, an exolusive jitrtsdiction, and dis- pute the Ontario insolvency act of 1887. Nat= every week reports are publish- ed that should im res u li a the P bowit h p the undesirability of sending poor peo• plc to jail and thereby oonverting these Government institutions into Houses of Refuge, toward whose maintenance the County is heavily taxed on account of using them for a home for the poor. This week we reprint olippiuge from a Enron and a Perth paper to prove that on the humane, Christian public is rest- ing the responsibility of properly caring for the aged and indigent. The Gods• rich Star Pays :—"Two of the nnfortun. aces who are housed in the county jail as criminals because their poverty and age prevented them from obtaining a living as ordinary members of society, were releA'ed by death this week—William Black, of town, and William Shaw, of Howiok township, the latter having reached the nineties in age. The usual inquest was held, and a verdict of death from natural causes returned. Black was a member of the Orange order, and the members of L. O. L. No, 182, to their credit be it said, took charge of his remains, and gave them decent burial Thursday afternoon with a very good at- tendance of his brethren. Poor Shaw's remains were shipped to Toronto to be banded over to medical students for dis- section, there being no one willing to claim the body and incur the expense of giving it a Christian burial, Jailer Dick- son wrote to a son of the deoeased in Minto, and reonived a reply that being in ill health and unable to work, he was too poor to bear the expense of burial, but he hoped the remains would be sent to Howick. Mr. Dickson then wired reeve Cook, of that township, but received re. ply that be was unable to guarantee tho expense of sending the body there and burying it, Under the tireumstances nothing oould be done but comply with the law, wbiob says that when a body is unolaimed for 48 hours it must be hand- ed over for college nae, And thus it was done, but "He's only a pauper whom no. body owns." The Listowel Banner re- marks 'James Howard, of Elmo, poor, old, and sick, applied to the Police Mag. ietrate, Stratford Tuesday, for a cow. mitment to the county jail. He told a pitiful story. His oldest son when last beard kion some yearn ego, was a red. dent of Colorado, and his younger pen, from whom be hoe not beard for three years, end then only indiregtly, wee ie. sated away up on the northern shore of Lake Superior, He received no help from them, and was in destitute eircum- 010000a, '.file magistrate seceded to the old man's requeet and committed him for 68 days. Tx selecting Wm. Milne, Reeve of Grey, as the standard bearer of the Patrons of East Huron a strong man was placed in the field. His wide aoquaiubauoe with the Riding ; his ability in the manage. Mont of munioipal affairs and his bode - pendent views and freedom in expressing them make him likely to poll a large vote. One point in Dlr. Milne's candidature, however, ie noticeable, namely, that T. I7. Hays' motions at the Patrons oonven. bion very promenently set forth the fact. that some Liberal must faoe Thos. Gib- son, M. P. P„ beoacse the latter had twine, successively, defeated Mr. Hays, How Mr. Milne will explain the position he took at the recent Liberal Convention ab Brownie, where, after being nominal - ed, be withdrew in favor of Mr. Gibson and with other delegates pledged himself to use his beet efforts to eeoure Mr. Gib - son's return, we don't pretend to know, J. Govenlock, of McKillop, is in the some category. The question raised by Mr. Murdie attire Convention last Friday is a pertinent one, "When .and where did the Mowat Government, or Mr, Gibson, prove false to the farmers of Ontario 9" The very fact that the platforms of the Provincial Government and the Patrons are almost identical would lead us to be- lieve that whatever may be the failure of the Mowat Administration ib is not in the line of agriculture. Not one speaker raised the first objection to the present Government excepting on the question of fees to officials. East Huron Patrons. Reeyc Moe, of Grey, the Ciutdidate. According to announcement a Conven- tion of the Patrons of Industry in this Riding was held in the Town Hall, Brus- sels, on Friday afternoon of last week. There were 80 delegates present, 14 be- ing from Howlnk township ; 11 from Mc- Killop ; 4 from Grey and 1 from Turn - berry. Richard Common, of MalCillop, was chosen Chairman ; y00. T. Winter, of Howiok, Secretary ; and Wm. Mont- gomery and Geo. Murdie Committee on credentials. Sentinel Holmes guarded the door. The chairman gave a lengthy address and was followed by Messrs. Montgom- ery, Nay, Brown, Jno. Govenlook, Elias Dickson, T. E. Hays, Geo. Murdie, T. Davidson, Ferguson, Hinny, Anderson, McFadden, and others. From the short speeches it was gleaned that a Patron candidate was desired, if a good man could be secured. Some speakers advo cated the claims of the Mowat adminis- tration from a farmer's standpoint and testified to the faithfulness of Thos. Gib- son, ISI. P. P. Polities was tabooed, in- dependence was to be the watchword, and none but a farmer need apply. Moved by Mr. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Driscoll that a Patron candidate be placed in the field in East Huron for the Local Legislature. Carried by a vote of 21 to 1. Moved by Mr. Govenlook, seconded by Mr. Brown that nominations be made by ballot without debate. Carried. Mr. Montgomery mentioned the name of Won. Milne, of Grey, as a very suit- able man and Mr. Hays approved of the idea in a few eulogistic remarks. He was not a Patron but would no doubt be- come one. Messrs. Common, Winter and Govenlook thought Mr. Milos had ample opportunity of joining Patrons be- fore this and argued that there was material in their own ranks without go- ing outside for a candidate. Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by ills. Montgomery that candidates bent neces- sarilyPatrons solongas t 0he conform to y our platform and become members of the organisation. Moved by Mr. Denny, seconded by. Mr. Govenlook that no outsiders be nomin- abed. The house was divided and the vote found to be 13 to 12 in favor of motion, Messrs. Murdie and Rays wore ap- pointed scrutineers and ballots were dis- tributed. Tho result of the vote was as follows t— Milne, 15 ; Oommon, 4 ; Govenlook, 4 ; Winter, 2 ; Murdie, 2. This gave Mr. Mih0e a clear majority on the first ballot. Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Montgomery that a delegation consisting of Messrs. Govenlock, Montgomery and Dickson wait on Mr. Milne (who was in town) acquaint hon of what had been done and task him to the meeting. Car- ried. Mr. Milne on addressing the meeting said he agreed with the Patron's platform in its entirety. He was a Liberal but considered the Patron's platlorm an im- provement on that of iheReformers. The present fee system is wrong os he saw it, and in Huron Co. there were man re- ceiving 64,000 to 65,000, where the work could be done for 6500 or 6600. He had not much to do with politics but as a tax- payer be wanted economy. Both parties were extravagant, the Dominion worse than the Provincial. The Reformers should change fee system as a party mat- ter. Did not know the obligations of a Patron but believed it was in the in- terests of the farmer and he was of the same mind, Tho farmers are the large tax payers and should have a ohoico of oandidatoe. Thanked the meeting for the honor done him in offering him the nomination bat could nob give a deoided answer today, would lilts two weeks to consider. Moved by Mr, Smith, seconded by Mr, Montgomery that two weeks bo allowed Mr. Milne to give his answer, Moved in amendment by 'Messrs. Gov- enlook and Peel that the dooieion be given now. Amendment carried by a vote of l 16 to 6. ` After a oonaulbatiou with various atom - berg of the Convention Mr, Milne ao- eepbed of the nomination ante said he would do all In his power to carry the Patron's banner to victory. Mr. Common and Mr. Govenlook also briefly addressed the meeting, urging Unanimity and vigorous work. The Convention was brought to a close et 0 o'clook with cheers for Mr,Milne,,the chairman and the Queen, IX,rt n%i arita Large quantities of wood 'and posts are being delivered at this station. Revival eervioes are being held in the Methodist church in this place tide week. Frozen pumps, aurioular and other appendages wero quite oommon on Sat- urday morning last. Invitations are oub for a ball and sup, per to be held at Wm. Belrnes' hotel, Molesworth, on March 2ucl. D cesre. Bawtinbeimer & Ballantyne shipped a car eachof cattle, sheep and hogs from this station last weep. It is understood that e, gentleman from Listowel has leased the blacksmith shop from J. H. Thomson and will shortly take possession. Alex. Lawrence has disposed of bis 100 sore farm on the 12th oon., Elena, to Geo. Buret, section foreman, Atwood, The pride is said to be 0,200.00, Celetat(Han 3•8ewrr- W. R. Meredith, Q. C., was appointed borporation Counsel by the City Council of Toronto, Sir William Meredith, ex•Cbief Justice of the Superior Court of tho province of Quebeo died aged 81, The Middlesex P. P. A, have deoided not to nominate any candidates for the Legislature, nor will they officially sup. port any of those already in the field. Mrs, George Jeffrey, wife of a respect• able farmer near Leamington, Ont., suiaided by cutting her throat with a razor. She had been demented for some time. James T. Doyle, a Brantford lawyer and secretary of the Brantford Reform Assooietion, is said to have left the pity by the light of the moon. A warrant is out for him. J. 0. Rykert, jr„ of the city of Rykert, British Columbia, is a candidate for parliamentary honors. Mr. Rykert is the son of Charles Rykert, ex•M. 1'. for Linooln oounty. Counterfeit and raised Canadian bank bills have been circulating in Windsor, and they ars bard to detest. It ie sus- pected that they came from Brandon, Man., being the work of the Lackeridge brothers now under arrest there. The direcbore of the Dungannon Driv- ing Park association have deoided to bold their annual celebration on the 24th of May, at which a large sum of money is to be expended in prizes. In the evening the Canadian Order of Foresters 'will give a grand concert in hall. The Clinton Now Era says,—We understand that shoddy peddlers are still roping in people in the country and representing that they have contract- ed with Clinton business men to handle produce for them, make up the goods they sell at epeoialty low prices, and by similar arguments oaboh the unwary, all of whioh are false ; people who are taken in by these fellows, after all the warnings they have bad deserve no sympathy. MORTGAGE SALE ---GB A— YALVAM SAW MILL PERM tinder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain registered mortgage made by one John Yager, deceased, and as- signed to the Vendor and which will be pro- duced at the day of sale, there will be sold by Public Auction at wir.r i RT'S MOTEL .n the Village or DASHW00D,in the County of Huron, by Henry Either, Esquire, Auc- tioneer, on T13EettAT, the 27th Day of S'eb. ruary, A, D., 18944, at ono o'clock p.m. All and Singular that certain, parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and bbiug in the Township o1 Hay, In the County of Huron, and province of, Ontario, and be. fag composed of the West Half of the Woes Half o1 Lot Number (58) Thirty -throe on the South 'Boundary Oonoesoiou of the said Township of Say and containing by admeas- urement Twenty.five acres of land, be the same more or less. On this property, wipteh le well timbered for milling purposes, there is a first-class, well equippedw saw -mill of good capacity, furnished wt h all the modern saw mf maahinery, and in addition, one grain chop - per, one Olay washer, pumps and piping, one planer and a see of blacksmith tools. Ti,n as or SALE.—Ton per omit. of the pur• chase money down and the balance iu thirty days, or ono half of the purchase money may remain on a satisfactory mortgage of the premises, The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid, For furtherpar- ticulars and conditions of sale apply to Val- entine Rats. Iihive, P. 0. • 10, TurnbullJohn Hall, and Frederick Bellerman, Dashwood P.O.; tc the auctioneer or to the Vendor's Solicitor. 1116NRP 0I1,13218., R. H, commis, Auotioneet, Veudur's Solicitor. Crediton, 0 nt. Dated at Exeter. tine 2nd Feb„ 1504. G -rand Trunk Special Colonist Trains A N ..7DI 9.N NORTH WEST Commencing Tuesday, Feb. 27, and every Tuesday daring '\'larch and April. Through Cars from Brussels to Toronto. Berths in Sleeping Cars booked r'ree of Charge. Baggage Chocked Through to Destination. No Unnecessary Transfers. For full particulars apply to J. N JKENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. CuriFo Having moved to a more con- venient stand, put in heavier power and some new machinery, I am now prepared to manufac- ture, on the shortest notice, Wagon s, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, and Cutters. Bodies and all kinds of wood work Supplied. The Common Sense Clothes Dryer and the CORER CART. Panel DO©r e We keep constantly for sale a stock of Panel Doors of all sizes and grades, manufactured by C. Lloyd & Son, of Wingbanl. I also do Custom Plauing,lllatch- in;s and Moulding. 12 Horse Power Engine and Boil- er for Sale Cheap. JOHN COBER CARRIAGE MAKER. .ac54521.11ampyclOomc The Balance of our inter ter o 1' s IN ALL LINES MG VERY HEAP. A Good Range of BOOTS AND SHOES in Stock, all Sizes, Felt Boots at Clearing Prices. Alex. Strachan. T E 011 i 1, u„ CBI D. Tailor and Outfitter, is in a position to offer Wonderful Bargains in lNG G By Clearing out the lot he was :able to purchase a fine range of Spring Goods at 500. ON THE DOLLAR, And is now placing before the public the choice of the lot, made to order, for the small sum of $3.,00 PER PAIR. Don't fail to call and see the new goods. SPRING We always lead the Trade in Hats both as to Style and Price. Our New Spring Stock has arrived and ready for inspection. If you want a hat call in. Satisfaction Guaranteed. D. C. Ross, Fashionable Tailor and outfitter. BRUSSELS, ONT. Here is a Baraiu for Yoii! When Stock taking we discov- ered in our Dress Goods Department a lot of oddments and short lengths which we must "Clear Out” and this is the way we are going to do it, we have placed the whole lot on a table in, the centre of our store and you can have your pibk of any piece on the table for 10 CENTS PEC YARD and they are worth from Teil>Cc$ cC., COME in and see thein, you can buy from this table without our assistance. The price is 10c. and you have you choice of the whole table, Pergusun & Ha11ida. Highest Price paid for Butter & Eggs.