HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-2-23, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST FED. 23, 1884
We are receiving so many enoeuraging
reports of the efficiency of our Cough
Balm in relieving and during, Coughs,
0olde, &o,, that we are encouraged, if
possible, to make it still better, We leave
added one more ingredient by whioh we
hope to relieve a Dough that sometimes
beoomee spasmodic. Although the Dost
is increased there is no advanoe in, the
prioe. We believe time addition will be
an improvement but should any of our
customers think differently we will be
only too glad to know it and consider it a
favor for those who have used it, to tell
us whether satisfaotory or otherwise. In
this way we hope to manufacture a oough
remedy that will have no equal.
Druggiat, Bookseller, &o.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
nd South, as follows:
Goma Souxn, Come Nonan.
Mail 8:54 a.m. Mixed 946 a.m.
Express 11:50 a.m. I Mail ............ 3:18 p.m.
Mixed 9:00 parr. Expreee .,,.,. 0:43 p.m,
rotal. sews 3t01715,
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Largo stook of envelopes, nate.beasls,
&e 0n hand at TIlI: Pon Publishing
J,1klo0unrouea, ehoemaker, boo moved
his place of business from near the bridge
to the Smalo block,
18139988, Datum ANo Jonas shipped a
car of cattle sed live hogs on Thureday
of this week to the Eastern markets.
JUBILEE singora in the Town Hall on
Thursday evening of this week under the
anspicee of the Canadian Order of For-
Weems is the Brussels Curling Club ?
The Winter will be pant before a match
le played if a hustle is not got on. Whitt
about file medal competition 2
AUCTION sale 08 the Howe Woolen Mill
will be held at the Queen's Hotel, Brae.
sols, on Thursday afternoon of next week
at 8 o'olook. There's a fine opening for
a big business here.
THOS. GIBsoN M. P. P., mailed a oopy
of Hon. G. W. Rose' new book "The
schools of England and Germany;' to
the editor of THE POST this week to be
presented to Brussels Mechanics' Ineti.
tate Library. It contains 248 pages.
SKKATING IBAOA.—On Thursday evening
of last weals a three mile skating rope
took place on Maitland Itink, Bruesele,
between Jas. Stokes, of Goderioh, and
W.Lawreuoe, of Wingham. The latter
won. Brussels Band was in attendance,
Tam evening a000mmodation train
broke in two parts on Wednesday even-
ing, a mile East of Bluevale, and the
ooaoh and one car were left there while
the engine and other oars went on to
Bruseele. The eugine then ran back af-
ter the passengers.
Musses. DENNIS and Malloy oolleated
89.50 last Tuesday to aid Mr, McGaw in
getting out of town. He went to Luo.
know from Brussels. While charitable
deeds are oommendable this town has too
large a share of visitors olaiming our
help and if they were refused many of.
them would set about making an honest
livelihood outside of public charity.
IN Inc 8280 YEAR,—Early Sunday morn-
ing the spirit of Benjamin Edwards, Al-
bert street, was released from the clay
tenement. The deceased had been laid
up with la grippe, followed by bronchitic
and inflammation of the lunge and MB
declining years forbade bis shaking it off.
Mr. Edwards was born in Brentwood,
00. Essex, England, on July 4811, 1812,
and consequently would have been 82
next July had his life been spared.
When 19 years of age he enlisted in the
British Army, joining the let Royal
Regiment. He wae with them in Ire-
land and Scotland and in 1886 came to
Canada to render service in oonneotion
with quelling the rebellion. In the bat-
tle of Santutobe he was wounded in the
leg, 56 ye.rs ago, on Aug. 2Gth, 1894,
he married Jane Ferguson, his aged
partner, who has attained the good old
age of 74. Mr. Edwards continued in
the regiment for 6 years after his mar.
riage and visited various pointe in Can-
ada. 51 years ago the deceased pur•
chased the lob on whioh the G. T. R.
depot now stands in London for 85.00,
the Queen city being but a quiet going
village at that date. The 1st Royale
were ordered to India but in going down
the 81. Lawrence suffered ebiptvreok in
the Gulf in the month of November.
One man walked to Quebec to report
while the passengers kept themselves
warm by burning the timbers of the
ship. The subject of this notice got bis
disoharge and remained in Canada and
very probably prolonged MS life thereby,
as in the Russian campaign out of 1,000
men belonging to the lst Royal regiment
only 4 survived. Dor. and Mrs. Edwards
resided in Markham for a time, then
at the R. C. cemetery, Morrie township, moved to the township of McGillivray,
a long procession following the remains Middlesex County and took up land. 35
to the last rusting place.
SALT shipping is brightening up a little.
MONTHLY Horse Fair on Thursday of
next week, March lat. Come to it.
EAST Huron Patrons convene in Brus-
sels Town Hall ou Friday afternoon of
this week.
Bowssem A. 0. 13. W. Lodge was re-
presented this week at the Grand Lodge,
Toronto, by Dr. McKelvey.
A NUMBER of Brueselities enjoyed them.
selves at the social held at Hugh
Lamont's, 7th con. Grey, on Tuesday
Tim first Manitoba excursion train for
this Beason will leave Brussels on Tuesday
of next week and will continue every
Tuesday during March and April.
JUDOS DOYLE has written the corpor-
ation of Brussels asking them to provide
an enclosed desk and a better chair for
His Honor in attending Division Court
Windsor, Wag in Brussels on Tuesday
and officially inspected the new ten ton
scales and found them all right. He
went from here to Atwood.
MATCHED RACE.—On Friday evening of
this week a matched skating rasa will
take place on Maitland rink between
Robt. Thompson and Colin Shaw, both
of Brussels, for a purse of 810.00. The
distance will be one mile, or 22 laps on
the rink. The competitors are evenly
F. S. SCOTT, J. T. Roes], Postmaster
Farrow, J. Irwin, W. F. Vaostone and
Councillor Williams attended the laneral
of the late 1'. Kelly, at Blyth, last Fri:
day forenoon. The interment was made
Ecnn'ses.--During the present year
there will be two eclipses of the sun and
two of the moon. A partial eclipse of
the moon on llfarch 21st, an annular
eclipse of the sun on April 5th, and a
total eclipse of the sun on Deo. 28th, will
be viable in Canada. A partial eclipse
of the moon on Sept 14th, and 15th will
be visible in Canada. There will be a
transit of Mercury across the sun's diso
on Nov.10, visible in Canada.
BANQUET,—The Salvation Army had a
good time at the oyster supper and
banquet in the Town Hall in ibis plane
last Monday evening. A small brass band
from Wingham paraded the streets in
the afternoon and advertised the evening
meeting by a number of Salvation Army
tunes played in a lively strain. This
District officer and his wife were presen t,
also soldiers from Palmerston and Wing.
ham- Capt. Malynn is a faithful, praa•
Coal worker in looking after the interests
of Brussels corps.
11ireNRAL.—Taesday evening of this
week, at 5 o'clock, one of those happy
events of so much import, took place at
the residence of D. Stewart when his es-
timable daughter, Miss Maggie, was un-
ited in the holy estate of matrimony to
Jno. Ritchie, of Mount Forest. Rev. Jno.
Rosa, B. A., performed the ceremony in
the presence of the immediate relatives
of the Interested parties. Little Miss
Gracie Stewart, niece of the bride, was
the maid of honor. Wedding gifts of a
costly, handsome and useful character
bespoke the popularity of the principals.
After ample justice was done to an ex-
celleut supper Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie left
for their future home at Mount Forest by
the evening train followed by many
warmly expressed wishes for their future
happiness and prosperity in whioh Tits
POST joins. Mise Stewart has resided in
Mount Loeest for the pact 2 or 3 years.
Omar VEEDICT,—On Friday evening the
joint public debate wee held in the Town
Hall, Brussels, when the subject "Re.
solved that the Mowat Government 110
longer retains the oouadame of the peo-
ple of Ontario," was discussed. The
epee-kersforthe aflirtnative were Jas.
Irwin, W. IL Cloakey. and Postmaster
Farrow. W. 141. Sinolaar, Dr. Cavanagh
and W. H. Herr had been chosen by the
Young Liberal Club to champion the
negative, but owing to illness Mr. Sin-
clair was unable to be w•esent and, by
mutual agreement, Mr. Kerr filled in hie
time, Twenty minutes were allowed each
speaker. It wae just an ordinary, every-
day debate until Mr. Cloakey set the ball
rolling and after he totalled on the "im-
peonnioeity" of the Government the
ace0e was °hedged. B. Gerry performed
the duties of chairman to the satisfaction
of ail. No decision vine given as to whioh
side had the advantage in the argument.
The Liberal Glee Olub sang "My heart is
Light," and ":Dreams of long ago" in a
ma1111r that proved their ability to take
caro of the musical side of the program.
Mrs. Cavanagh presided at the organ.
$2.00 of the proceeds were given t0 a Mr.
McGaw, a felpleos invalid, who wan
stranded in Brussels,
years ago they purchased lot 8, con. 6,
Grey township, but sold again and mov-
ed to Wallace township, where they
lived for a number of years. Io 1888 the
old couple became residents of Brussels,
where they have made their Loma sines.
Their surviving children are Mrs. David
Hoist, Brussels ; Wm., Wallaoe ; Geo.,
Brussels ; and Mrs. Doll, Wallace. The
deoeased was an old time Methodist and
found the Saviour of hie earlier years his
rod and his staff in deolining years.
Dirs. Edwards and other relatives are
deeply sympathised with. The funeral
took plane on Tuesday afternoon, the in.
terment being made in Brussels ceme•
Business Locals,
WANTuu at once, a smart young lady or
genb t0 learn photography. Apply to. II,
J. $vnos0, Photographer, B3useel9,
Eamon Spavin Liniment rem0ve9 all.
hard, soft or oallousad lumps and blew-
iehea from horses, blood spavins, , (Bibs,
aplinte, sweeney, ring -bone, Btihes,
sprains, all swollen throats, eto. Save
850 by ueeof one bottle. Warranted by
G - A, Deadman.
Fn11NITumr. If you want anything 10
the furniture line now is the time to buy,
45 I am giving great bargains for the next
80 days. As I have bought a large stook
for Dash and got a big disoounb I can sell
it very fine, It Leatherdalc:
WALL-DIomIne AND Dnu,LxNo,-George
Bid] has all the neoeeeary machinery for
digging and drilling well° and is prepay.
ed to attend to'all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satiefaation.
Wells gleaned out and put in proper
shape, Terms retteonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberay et„ Brussels. 84-tf
American Ithoumatio Oure for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 3 days. Ito action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It re-
moves at once the pause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
C. 0. F.—For the next three months
special indooemente will be offered by
Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0.
F., Brussels, to any person desiring to
become a member of that Order, the in•
fbiation fee being reduced during .that
time. As Ibis is one of the leading Ln-
suranee and Beneficiary Sooieties in the
country people should take advantage
of this offer. For full information ap-
ply to
A. REID, 0. R.
A. Roux/o, F. S. ;
RELIEF IN Six Hoons.—Distressing
Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in
six hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physicians
on account of its encoding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
baolt and every part of the urinary pus•
sages in male or female. It relieves
retention of water and pain in passing it
almost immediately. If yon want quack
relief and pure this is your remedy.
Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist.
GooD BEao111IEND.—The following
speaks for itself :—"bir. Leatherdale.-
0' a Morris piano furnished by you for
my cn„orrt hu=t night was all that could
be desired. The scale was even and the
touch elastic. It possesses plenty of
power and I was especially pleased with
a certain singing quality of tone whioh in
some pianos is ao conspioiously absent,
and in every particular yours is one of
the best pianos I have ever used.
"Emma WELLS."
of the Emma Wella Concert Co'y.
Brussels, February and, 1894.
THE Delineator for April is the second
of the "Great Spring Numbers," and has
many special features in addition to the
onusaally fine display of attractive styles.
Prominence is given to Bicycling in an
illustrated article whioh describes How
to Ride and What to Wear, and also a
full page of figures in Bicycling Costume
and an original piece of Music entitled
The Cyclists' Unroll. Mothers of famil-
ies will be glad of the aid of the very
suggestive paper On Fitting Out the
Family for Spring and Simmer, and
both Mothers and Daughters will be
inter -crated its the opening chapter of a
series treating of the relationship be-
tween the two. Some new dishes are
given under the bead of Dainty Cookery.
The paper on How to Live Wisely
opens a subject that should commend
itself to all housekeepers, and the chapter
on the Etiquette of the Dinner Table
treats of the most refined observannee at
the festive board. The contrtbution on
The Uses of Crape and Tissue Papers
gives further instruotion in the malting
of many useful and ornamental articles.
Around the Tea Table furnishes both
instruction and entertainment, and furth-
erlontertainment is provided in An East.
er Party and Literary Charades. The
latest literature is discussed in Among
the Newest Books, and Flower Culture
for the Month tells what work should be
done in preparing the Garden for the
Spring and Summer. The illustrated
artioles on Netting, Tatting, and Knit-
ting, and Croahetting, etc., aro as termin-
ating as usual to the lover of fancy work.
The subscription prioe of The Delineator
is $1,00 a year. Single Copies, 15 Cents.
Address orders to The Delineator Pub.
halting 00. (Ltd.), 38 Richmond Street
West, Toronto, Ont.
New'Prinbs at Skene's.
NEW Flannelets at Skene's.
Nina dress goods at Skene's.
CLOVER and Timothy at MoCraoken's.
FIRST class cow for sale. Apply at
Tan Pon Publishing House.
New American Detainee worth 20o., for
12tc. Beautiful goods at Skene's.
Tne balance of our robes and blankets,
bells and fur coats at cost.
I. C. Richards.
Fon bargains in harness or anything in
the harness] line try us.
I. 0. Richards.
ANY one wishing to get a new saw
filing machine may see what suits them
at A. M. McKay de Co's. hardware store
IF you want anything in my lige come
and get my prime within the next 80
days, All goods delivered free.
R. Leatherdale.
Iran on human and horses and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool -
ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Warranted by G. A. Deadman,
Now is the time to have your photo
taken. Our Winter scenes are something
above the ordinary. f1. J. STRONG,
Ir you are thiniting of buying a piano
or organ it will pay you to come 50 miles
and see mine before you buy.
R. Leabherdals.
ANY ono wishing to get a new saw
filing stand, I think can be suited by P.
McGregor, of Brussels, Ont. May be.
seen at McKay & Co's. hardware store. .
PURSE fotmd containing a anus Of
money. Owner may have it by proving.
property and paying .for this advertise-
ment by applying to I. 0. Richards,•
Tire entering wedge of a fatal com-
plaint is often a alight cold, which a dose
or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectorial might
have oured in the commencement.
Therefore, it is advisable to have tide
prompt and sore remedy always at hand
for an emergency.
THAT the blood should perform its
vital functions, it is absolutely neOeseary
it should not only be pure but rich in
tite.giving elements. The results are
best •effected by the nee of that well-
known standard blood -purifier Ayer'e
HuTcnrxsoN.—In Grey, on February 18th
the wife of Mr. Outbbert Hutchinson
of a son.
ST1JV',D4; D Z34XNE OF C4X4D4,
'Et mT,S,aaimmem-xaeca:o
ASSETS, - (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - - • - 82,000,000
Agenoieo in all prVaofpat poinla in Ontario, glidLe°,1Uasedtola, Utritad State dl England,
SOFi5° e°MAes' �darllCp .
A General Banking Business Transaoted. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all poiotm.
Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
Withdrawal and compounded half yearly. -
Every faoiliby afforded Customers] living at a distance.
GILLII5 47oi SMITE, BAt4V Entmldb S,
PRI013. 89100,
Ivanhoe—Scott, 250 150
Quentin Darward—Soolt, 25o 160
The Talienaau—Scott, . 26o 160
Waverley—Soots, 200 100
Kenilworth—Scott, 250 15o
Oliver Twist—Dickens, 20o loo
Rienzi—Lytton, 280 150
Two Years Ago—ILingaley, 25o 16o
Hypotio—Kingsley, 25e 15c
Nlohole Nioltleby,Diokens26o 150
The Scarlet Letter—
Hawthorne, 25o 15o
Was it Suicide 2-,-Wiloox, 25o 15o
Pepper's Drug Stone,
13 R, IT S Sa • 3 S,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
Sa VIX8S .!'adaR ORPalineelfEAT.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and 'Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
00 sober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
'lVo effect to write insurance In old Engifsi. or Canadian Companies, or In Mut.
nal Companies es may be desired.
MMSMTSS3212.,£3 'Ai.A-k MC=TES,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Batter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes ...
Hay per ton........
Salt per bbl., retail
Hides trimmed
Hides rough .. 2t
Sheep skins, emit .. 40 65
Lamb skins eaoh 50 60
Apples per bbl,. 1 60 1 75
Wool 17 18
Pork 5 00 6 50
53 65
58 55
33 30
50 52
30 3I
12' 00
800 850
40 00
G00 700
1 00 00
RITCHIE—STEWART.—Ab the reads nee Of
the bride's parents, Brussels, on
February 20bh, by Rev. Jno. Ross, 13.
A., Mr. Jno. Ritchie, of Mount For-
est, to Mise Maggie; eldest daughter
of Mr. Daniel Stewart, of Brussels.'
Lowe—MONAuenToS.—Ab the residence
of the bride's parents, Brussels, on
February 21st, by Rev. D. Millar,
Mr. Jobs Lows, of Grey township,
to Mies Ella, daughter of Mr. Robert
McNanghton of this plane.
LOVE.—In Morris, on Feb. 17th, Albert,
son of Samuel Love, aged 45 years.
WRITE.—In Morris, on Feb. 1711,, Mary
White, aged 21 years, 1 month and 9
KELLY,—At Blyth, on Wednesday morn-
ing, Feb. 14th, Patrlok Kelly, aged
62 years and 14 days.
EDwaoms.—In Brunets, on Sunday, Feb.
18th, 1894, Benjamin Edwards, aged
81 years, 7 months and 14 days.
Mo4nmoun.—In Morris, on Feb 20811,
Annie, youngest daughter of Alex.
McArthur, aged 95 years and 2
GRANT.—At Egmondville, on Feb. 1Gth,
James Tlielop, infant son of James
W. and Nary A. Grant, aged 9
months and 15 days.
A-t7CTIOST BA2+a4-
TtiaenAY,.Fiot,. 27TH,—Tarso oto010,
ploments, deo. Lot 29, 4th line, Morrie.
Bale commences. at 1 o'olools. Nelson
Carrie, Prop. George Kirkby Aunt.
WEDNESDAY, Fan. 28TH,—Lara stook,
implemeate, &o. Lot 80, eon, 10, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, ooinOlSna08 at 1 o'elook
Sharp. Wm. Cook, Prop. F. S. Scott,
Ton0800, Feb. 19.—Flour — Straight
roller, 82.00 ; extra, 82.40 to $2.50.
Wheat—White, 570 ; spring, No. 2, 60a ;
red winter, 970 ; goose, 550 ; No.1 Mani-
toba bard, 744a; No. 2, 721o. Peas—No.
2, 53o. Barley—No. 1, 4210 to 43o; feed,
35c to 370. Oats—No. 2, 87o.
LONDON, Feb. 19.—The Mark Lane
Express, in its weekly review of the Brit-
ish grain trade, says :—English wheats
have dropped fourpence, end foreign
wheats sixpence per quarter. Flour is
steady. Barley has declined sevenpence.
Corn is down sixpence, and oats four.
pence. The tone at to•day's market was
quiet. Wheats were unchanged. Amer.
loan corn was threepence dearer. Oats
were firmer. The prices of barleys were
in buyers' favor.
MONTREAL, Q Feb. 13.—There were
about 425 head of butchers' cattle, 15
calves and 100 sheep offered at the East
End Abattoir to -day. Thebuioher5 were
present in considerable numbers and
trade was much more motive than for
several weeks past and prices were higher
all around. A few of best beeves were
sold at aka per pound. with pretty good
stock at about 37so ; do., rough steers and
bulls at from 80 to ata, and the leaner
animals at about 2to per pound. The
calves offered here to.day were a rather
indifferent lot and sell at from $2,50 to
$7 each. There is quite au improvement
in the prioe of sheep. A lot of good
lambs were sold to -day at Oto per lb.
and mixed lots brought about 4c do.
Live bogs continue in fair supply and
sell from 6o to no per pound.
BAST BUFFALO, N Y, FED 12.—Cattle—
One hundred and twenty oars • on sale ;
moderate supply of sale stock ; eastern
alvicea unfavorable ; demand light ; 100
to 15c lower on common to fair, 20o to
25o lower for good to ohoioe grades. Ex-
porters took the best fancy heavy steers
at 84 50 to $4 75, and the usual country
order demand on fairly good 12 hundred
to 1,300 pound steers at $3 70 to 84 10,
while cow stuff, thin to fairly fat heifers,
eta,, sold at 82 25 to 88 25 np to 88 50 for
good smooth lots. The weather wae soft
and warm, and in anything bat good
shape for the dressed beet trade. Sheep
and lambs—One hundred and tLirty care
on sale. Tbie market, as well as Chicago
and the Eastern markets, overstooked ;
prices] opened 160 to 20o lower, closing
with a still further decline and limited
trading ; not many Oanadas here, four
loads all told, and prospeots for lbe bal-
ance of the week are bad ; good to ohoioe
natives 83 85 to 84 25, light to fair, 83 25
to $3 75 ; fair to good mixed sheep, 82 30
to $2 76, and up to $3 for best ; good to
choice webers, 83 to $3 60 ; Cauadas
were held at $4 50, but no trading ; they
will probably go to New York on first
bands. Hoge—Ninety cars, market
easier, 5o to lOooff ; York buyers gen.
erally paid $5 49 to $0 46, with a few lots
of ohoioe pigs at 85 50, but the hulk of
rho pigs and light stuffs also sold at 85 45,
heavy grades were dull and weak, at 85.-
86 to $6 40, mostly $5 40 ; mixed packers
$5 40 to 85 45 ; pigs, 85 40 to 85 50,
mostly $5 45 ; rough bogs are lower by
15o to 20o than a week ago, gelling mostly
at 84 50 to 84 75 ; some smooth, but
ooaree tote $4 90 to $5.
wood on Lot 82, Oon.14, Grey. Oath
paid every night if required.
DIPS. SWAN, Ethel P. O.
on QS!
Street, BrueeeOTlsO, The hoLuse
is 50 feet annexe, It stories, containing 7
rooms, l well, woodshed ru and garden,
the latterr well stocked with fruit trees. For
price, terms, &c., apply to
31.4 Proprietor.
0r between Bo'usseis and Harrieton, a
red leather book in wbieb was a note of band,
drawn -don, 12811, 1894, for 8500, in favor of T.
0. McCracken. The public are warned
adainet negotiating said note as payment
bas been stopped,
1 supply Spectacles in gold, nioltel,
steel frames, with interohangeable len
sox, (tooting the eye Free of Charge) also
exchange if found not a perfect fit. Gold
frames, 85.00 to 87,00 ; nickel, 76a. to
82 00 ; steel, 250, to $1,50. My lenses
are of the beet quality. Give me a trial
before paying exhorbitant prioee to Bra.
velliug smock dealers.
Frame house with stone foundation,
rood collar. soft and hard water ander
cover, stable, end an acre of land for sale in
the village of Ethel, d nn acre of fruit trace,
various varieties, For particulars as to
p -rice, terms &o„ apply to
28.4 Postmaster,
There fe a difference in Jerseys. The
cam of my Toney Buil is a prize winner at
Toronto Industrial. No bettor stock for the
dairy than across with a coed milking strain.
Druggist & Bookseller.
5 here plot, lochted immediately north of
Amens Bros. /eatery, for sale. He will also
diepoae of bis residents ou the onpopit° silo
of the street. For further parbiaulars, as
to price, terms, etc., apply to
24-4 Proprietor, Brussels.
DRRBIONED has BOVeral good Farms for
Salo and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SO OT7,13russels,
• Solioiter and Conveyancer. 001305.
tions made. Of es]—Vanetone's Block,. Brim..
eels. _ 21-8m •
minium offers bis 100 aore farm, being
N }.Lot 27, Con. B Morris, for Bale. About 80
neres cleared, with 6 agree of fall wheat in,
balance timbered with cedar, nab and Hard-
wood. Living spring on lot, For further
particulars as to price. terms, 50 , apply to
N 9 Lot 24,Con. 7,
20.4 Brussels P. 0.
Y Y • Solicitor, Oonveyanoer,NotaryPub-
13e,- &o. Chloe—Yaustone's Meek 1 door.
north of Central Hotel, Private >ruede. to
North d of Lot 22, Con, 8,iforrie town-
ship. The farm oontaius 100 acres, about 70.
of which are °leered, balance bush, There
is a comfortable house, good bank barn, fine
orchard, &a. on the premises. The farm is
all seeded down. Possession could be given
at any time. For further partieulare as to
price, terms, &c., apply to the Proprietor on
the premises, or Walton P.O.
The 200 acme farm, beinglots it
and 12, eon. 16, Grey, is offered for sale. 120
acres aro cleared and the balance well-tim-
bored. Buildings first-alaaa. Orchard, well,
&a, School house within 40 rods. Posses-
sion given at one° if desired. For further
particulars as to price, terms, dui. apply to
8-tf Roseville P. 0.
or NELSON BRICKER, on farm.
Barristers, Bolteitore, Nobariee-Pubilo,
Godmish, Ont,
M, 0, Marmon, Q. 0., PHILIP HOLT,
3)171)0EY 1103•51130,
--Ola —
GF. G. Solicitor, &a, (late of Gttrrow &
Pronritoot's Olaoe,Goderlah.) Oliice. over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels,
Money to Loan. 47
• O. M., L. R.O.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P.
B. Ont. Besidenee and otlee in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry fits.
• Phyeiolau, Surgeon A000ucher, eta.
Graduate of Toronto Dnivereity Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Burgeons, Out. 078008 -Next door to
McDonald & Co.. Walton Ont.
Pursuant to indgifwent of the Ohaneery
Division of the High Court of Justice, in at
suit 0f ltluseelove, Bowe et al, there will Ile
offered for sale at Public Auction by 8, Mal -
audition, 11nquire, Master ab Goderiob at the
Queen's Hotel, in the Village of Brussels, in
the County of Heron, on
Thursday, the First any or Mitrch, 1.891
At 8 o'clock in the afternoon, the following
valuable property,viz. :—that property
known as Howe'n Wolen Factory.
This faebory Is situated ou Turnberry St„
in the said Village, Itis a.three story brick
building 80 x 00 foot, with a ono story boiler
room and dying house iu the rear 26 x85 feet.
It is fitted ons with one oompleto cot 00 mill
machinery, a 50 hp. wheeler% engine and 68
bp. boiler, all in good running order. The
location in a good one for an :extensive busi-
ness. There will be a reserved bid, '1'uo
othereouditious are the usual anndibions of
this Court. Further particulars will be
made known at the tine of sale and may be
ked from the Vendor's Seilelbero, F. S, Boost,
Clerk, and W. H, Kerr, Reeve of Brussels.
Dated this let day of February, 1,0„ 1804,
B. leaden °000
Master at doilertoh.
OSMIUM o dereSiVolcitors.
1)II+:IYTIla; Tf
M. CAVANAGH, L• D S., D• D• S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity, OFPIo0—Over A. R. Smith's Store,
Q/ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals lu a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Two doors
uorth of bridge 'rurnberry et., Bruesele.
'1//E H. MOORE, V. S.,
H. M.,V. DI. S. Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all
domesticated animals treated on soientifio'
principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a specialty, Calle promptly
attended to. Office, over the Post office.
Infirmary at Beattie'° livery barn, Brussels,
Ont. 2a•
WF' V •
r r IsaurerofBfarriageLiooneea, 01155
at his Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. kfeltay & Cos hardware store.
Ladies' and ohlldrene hair cutting a specialty
• Ismer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis-
sioner, &e., Q. B. Oonveyanoer and, Agent
Fire Inauranoo 0o. OOles at the Oranbrook
Post Office.
Oldrh of the Fourth Division Court
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pubilo-
Land Loan end Insurance Agent. Puede
invested and to loan. Collections made,
Office in Graham's B look, Bruesele.
A. HAWKINS, 1I, 0. S. M.
• Organist in St, John's Church, Brue•
sale, and pupil, in the Art of 'Teaching of A.
W. Thayer, Mus. boo., New York, will give
lessons to pupils either at cis parlor,
over A. R. Smith's store, or if preferred, at
their own bomes, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Welton. Terms moderate.
• Auctioneer, m always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terme
cheerfully given. Orarhrook P.O. Salol
may be arranged at Tan Pon Publishing
House, Brussels.
Lieeneod Auctioneer. Salesconduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and faun
stooks Bpeolalbv. Orders left at Tan Poem
Publishing Houss,Bru eagle; or ssntto Watton
P. 0„ will receive promptattontion,
1 so as au Auctioneer, I am prepared
to conduct sales of faun stock at reasonable
prices. 'Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I am in a position to soil to
good marks and get good security when gold
ou credit. Sattefaotlon guaranteed, Give
mea salt. 82- F S. 500TT.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 55 Con, 5, Morris, the thorn bred im-
9 roved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's
rlu0a," purchased from the well-known
breeder J. lie, Bretbonr, Oak Lodge Farm,
Burford, 750,118, 01.00 to bo paid at the
time of miracle wlbli, privilege of returning
if necessary. Pedigree ?any bo aeon' on ap-
BAr.lt.—The undersigned effete the
thorn' bred Mart Horn bull, ,Earl McDuff,"
No. 15,o85, for Bala He d• quiet to haudle..
and a good stock getter. For further infor-
mation am to prioe, pedigree, &e., apply to
the proprietor. ANGI13 LAtdONT,-
Let 18, Coh. 7, t:}rey',
or to BOX 177, Drueset&. 93.3.