HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-2-23, Page 5:El,ll. 23, 1894 DIST ICT NEWS. GO(h a ioh, Arthur Horton left the week for a abort sojourn in Muskoka, Rey, Dr. McKay, the well known For; moss missionary, will preach in Tinox Oh r 1 bare u t i eie next"Sabbath morning, Rev. IL Irvine, of Victoria St,Moth°. dist ohuroh is ill, 4r. Reid, of the Col. legiate, 000upied hie pulpit last Sunday, Mre, Jno, Hillier started for Florida last week to join her husband who is speeding the winter in Port Orange, on the Pact6a ooeet, Mrs. Ii,. H, Ong, who lute been vieiting, het•e for the past weak left for her home . in Grey township on Monday last, Her little sister accompanied her, Slit ovate. A dry geode depaebment pas been ad, ded to the grocery of Joseph Pugh and ae'a result of this branching out a larger *reds will be done." Paa ME6TTN0.—011e Of the most sue. easeful tea meetings held here for years name e13 on Thureday evening of last week -under the auspices of the Preebyter• Ian church. After ample justice was done to the 6rsache a cookery the chair was Iakim by the popular pastor, Rev. A. Y. Hartley, and a splendid program of mucid and addresees was given, the for. mer by Melville ohuroh choir, of Brussels, whose singing was excellent. Revde. Pring, of 13luevale ; Cook, of Ripley ; Sellery, of Wingbam ; and Munro, of Harrieton,'were in epeenh making mood and ae a ooneequeuee the audience were both entertained very pleasantly wed prott?ably by what was Jaid. LfriYot'vul. The next sitting of the Division Court inListowel ie on the 14th of March. M. Witdfang has removed bis mer• ebant tailoring and gents' furnishing °tore to the new Rolle' block. There ie not likely to be very mash foob•ball played in town this year but the chances are that there will be a strong orioket and lawn Tennis club organized wbioh will make things merry on the green, The Board of Trade and executive committee of the town °ounoit met and dismissed the proposition made by W. G. Hay, respecting the porohaee of that portion of the Rosbaoh property lying between Main and Inkerman streets, for a market site and other purpoeee. It was the opinion of a majority of than present that the town should acquire *hie property, and a committee was appointed to further the matter. The committee recommend the purchase of the proper- ty, conditionally that Mr. Hay will take the old fair groand on Bismarck street in part payment. Belwrave. OMT.—It is with e.treme regret we announce the death of Joseph Oorbet, He paesep to hie reward on Friday, 16th inst., aged 65 years, He was a respected member of L. 0. L. No. 462. He bad been a member of the Orange Order for over 80 years, and wee laid to rest by the brethren. The fnneral took place at Belgrave on Sunday last and was very Iargely attended. It was oondueted by the members of Loyal Orange Lodge 492, Belgrave, assisted by visiting brethren from Wingham, Brussels, Blyth and Bluevnle. About two hundred. Orange- men took part in the proaeesion and the funeral service woo conducted by John Mooney, County hfaeter for North Huron. R. Mooumminge, District Blaster of Morrie, and T. E. Cornyn, District Master of Turnberry, were also present. Joseph Corbett was a man who was respected by all who knew him. He Ieavee a widow and grown up family who have the sympathy of the entire neigh- borhood. This family has had a peouli• arty sad history in connection with the number of death during the past year or Atwood. W. J. Notthgraves, of Waterloo, is en- gaged as miller for Mr. Corrie. M. E, Beads, druggist, has been en. gaged as traveller for the _Caotue Hair Flood Company, of Windsor, Ont. Revival services commenced in the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening of last' week and will be oontiuued for some time. J. A. MoBain, formerly nutter in R. M. Ballantyne', tailor shop, intends opening an establishment in town on or about the first of March. Chas. E. Pelton, of Innerkip, is visit- ing relatives and friende in Atwood. He has fully recovered from his recent severe injuries received by a kick from a colt, Wm. Bawkehaw baa disposed of bis livery business in town to Frank Collin, of Trowbridge. It ie likely Mr. Hawk - abate and family will remove to Ciera• kee, Iowa, in the Spring, where they have a number of relatives residing. The many friends of Will Hollis will be sorry to hear of the painful aooident that befell him. While engaged at ohop- ping, the axe glanced and' entered his right foot just above the great toe and Bunk back into the instep, severing the main artery of the foot. Sloth. Jabez Walker left here for Chicago on Monday. The Jubilee Singers give an entertain- ment in Industry Hall on Meroh 2nd, under the anepiees of the O. 0, Foresters. RobeetEvane, wife and family remov. , to Wroxeter on Monday, he leaving se- cured a steady job at the thesmith bnef- ueee, T. W, Soott and wife were palled away on Friday to Bier to eee his brother who is lying very low with little hopes of re. oovery. The anent supper of the Morrie Branch Agricultural Society was hold at Emigh'e Qommeroiai Hotel on Wednee. day evening, Miae Emma Waite and company are to give an entertainment in Industry Hall under the auepiooe of I. 0. P. on Friday evening, 28rd inst. On Sunday a large number of the members of 1, 0. L. No. 988 drove, over to Belgrave to attend the funeral of their late brother Joseph Corbett, Oe. Wednesday of lest week one of those pleasant events look place at the Presbyterian Manse when Maggie, the eldest daughter of Rev. A. McLean,' was united in holy Matrimony to the Roe. Mr, MoVieer, of Deemero. The newly married couple left on the 4,16 train on theft honeymoon trip. ��11A11. George Dobson ie having atone', to hie lot for the foundation 0 reaidenoe, Revival aarvioei will eorttmense iu Ills Methodi-t ohuroh next taunday. The pastor will be 'aenistod by en evangelist who is now engaged at Platteville, It is reported that Lewronn° Dobson has leased hie farm to his son Harvey and that Mr, and Mrs, Dobson will vacate the homestead and make room for a new honaekeeper. Rev, RSobort J. Reeking, Peel, e former well known divine in this locality, preach. ed the annual missionary sermon in the Methodist church last dunday evening. He is a good preacher. Edith, the 44 year old daughter of M. S. I3. tlaginn, is.quite a mueivat prodigy in a. way, She not only manipulates the hereunto'', in firsb•clese style but pan treat the piano in a businese like manner. In vocal maale she is equally at home singing either terror, alto or soprano as o00asion demands or to suit her own pleasure. Edith should matte an A 1 musician 3f her life le spared. ReeonoTTox.—Last Friday evening at the regular meeting of the Sons of Tem, paeanco Lodge, No. 149,10 this plane, Robb. McKay moved and Morris Fogel seconded a resolution of o0ngratulation and appreoiation to the receut Prohibi• tion Convention, held fn Toronto, over the earnest manner they went about their work and the satisfactory reply of Sir Oliver Mowat and hie cabinet to tbe de- mands of the committee sent to wait on them from the Conventlou. Ethel Tem- perenee folk are watching the course of events and look forward to the near al. vent of Prohibitory legislation. TILE Br41.TSSELS POST &, 0. Damen, drover, line pnrehased a largo namber of cattle and huge from Morrie fertnere for ebipment dile week. Robert Sough and daughter Mies ee. dd - , aughterMise 11S and gran arum In• grim, spent Met week visiting friends at hauled St. Marys, 1a new Wm, Shedden ioeta horse /gab week by Rotting its lea broken, David Wailtcr efi's t as Win site e gra . R. Cornyn has shipped hie household geode to Dayton, Ohio, where be purpos- es taking up his residence. J. M. Buchanan, boot and shoe march- ant, of this town, was stricken with apo• plexy on Wednesday evening of last week. Harry Shaw, who is at present living with hie brother•in-law, D. McCormick, atGoderich, shot himeeif through the band one day recently. One of the trunks of E, II, MoKague, traveller for the W. J. Gage Co., Toronto, oame to grief at the Grand Trunk obli- gee. While being wheeled across from the centre to the main platform by the baggegeman, it fell from the truck in front of a moving freight train, 'and was badly smashed. I. 0. G. T.—Anchor of Hope Lodge, L 0. G. T., is now making rapid etridee in the way of membership. Tuesday even. ing four members were initiated and four propositions submitted. The following officers ware installed for the current quarter :—W. P. Brookeosbire, 0. T. Mise Vine Rush, V. T. ;•Geo. Ireland', P. 0. T. ; Milton Blackwell, R. S. ; Mise Etling, F. S. ; Mies Elsie Bainton, Treae. Earnest Blackwell, Chap. ; A, Bainton, Mar. ; Mies Maggie Morrison, D. M. ; leaac Iugbes, G. ; Miae Elizi Mallwain, Sen. ; Mise L. Varney, As. sietant Secretary, DAnnwTEne OS RaneaAu.—A Rebekah Degree Ledge, I. 0. O. F., was instituted in Wingham, by I. B. King, Grand Secretary, of Toronto, assisted by nearly forty members of the Lucknow Degree Lodge. The Lodge will be known as Olivette Lodge, No. 84, and will be ofd. oared during the present term by the following members :—N. G., Mrs. Elder ; V. G., Mrs. Sheffield ; R. S., J. W. Dodd ; F. S., W. J. Sheffield ; Treas., Mrs. Annie Manuel ; Con., Mise Kate Groves ; Warden, ilus Beck • Chap., Mrs. Fannie Brookenehire ; R, S. N. G., etre. Hough ; L. R. N. G., Mies Beok ; R. S. V. G., Um. Addie Dodd ; L. S. V. G., Mies Robertson ; Inside Guardian, Mrs. Minnie Tipling ; Outside Guardian, T. J. Elliott ; John F. Groves, Degree e Master. The lodge starts off with membership of thirtytwo. Ben. King has been on the eiotclist. Mies Eliza J. Partook ie visiting friends iu Mildmay. Bennet Farrow, of Dungannon, is home on a visit. Mies Shaw is visiting friends on the let and 2nd cons. Mrs. Alex. Mahal, jr., 1e in rather poor health at present. Samos Hell had a wood bee on Satur• day afternoon of laeb week. Leonard and Alex. Russel are vieiting in Perth County thio week. Mr. and Mrs. MoNevin, of Wingham, Sundayed at Geo. Johnston's, John Wallace is hauling brick and other material for his new residence. Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Wroxeter, preaob• ed at Sunshine last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, from the Nile, ere visiting at George Johnston's. Dave and Miss Mire Ramsay were visit- ing friends in the vicinity of Newbridge. Mr. and Mre. Wardell, of Woodstock, are viriting frieude on the lat and 2nd eons, A large number from this locality at, tended the funeral of the late Mr. Cor. belt last Sunday: The Auditors' Abetraot for Morris township for 1898 may be found in this issue of Ton PoeT, Thomas Bone and wife bave returned from an extended visib to frienda in London and Woodstock. The Manitoba move uettally made in the month of March will take quite a number of our Morris boye to the West) this Spring. Onrc.—Trate death messenger called away the spirit of Mary, daughter of the Iate John White, 8th Iine, on Saturday of last week. She was only 91 years of age. Mr. White met hie death a few years ago in the Walton taw mill, Miss White was buried on Monday. Dann.—'Last Saturday, Albert, son of Samuel Love, died, aged 46 yeare, The body was taken, on Monday, to Usborne township, Huron Oo., Mr. Love's former borne, for interment. The deceased had not been in good health for some time, FAntrSorn,--On Monday of this week F. B. Swots, Brussels, completed the sole of the 150 acre Sample farm, owned by Jno. E. Smith, of Brandon. The pur- chaser was Walter Yuill, of Grey, who paid 156,200 Inc the property, It ie a floe farm, well located, and we believe Mr, Yuill will de well with it. John Meiklejohee, of Molesworth, spent a short time at home thio week. The qyueabion of'nnion newts to be occupying Janie mind at Went—Mien of hands and hearts of course. aleo Met valuable borne from the of lnlloensa. Geo, Robb has lenge,/ the 00 aor belonging to Inc. MoQrae,south of eels. Mr. McCrae will continue to on the place. John Wbite'10 putting the brick ground for his new residence. Be operations appear to be in for a next•Summer, Jamsa Wilkinson, who has be dangerously i11 at Eeoanaba, 14ifp slowly improving although still in weak condition. W. B. Wi1iinaon has recently ad his herd of oatble two very fine horn calves, purohatted from Th Rnesall, of 7axeter, Jae. Aitkine left en Monday for pree{ River, Manitoba. For the three months be has been 015111n quaintanoee here, Tenders are aifted for the erestio new bridge over the Maitland rive the 5th line. The present bridge befit nearly 14 years ago. Mise Eliza Budd, 3rd line, /of Tuesday for Manitoba, where she gone to keep house for her grated -f Jno. Balser. J. T. Pepper ticketed The Maitland Presbytery appo Reeds. Rose and Millar, of Brunetsbheir oommibtee to confer with the greuatioos of Belgrave and Calvin i gard to a basis of onion. The congregation of Knox ohnroh, grave, are asked to meet the Preebyt committee in the church at 10;80 a on Tuesday of next week to ooneider basis of union between said church Calvin in East Wawanoeh. A social party was held on Wedne evening at the home of Chae. Whe jr. and abont 100 person availed tb selves of the invitation. After a epee supper, in which oysters formed a pr intent part, the time was largely dev to danoing, Messrs Davide and Ste supplying the music. Mr. and Wheeler make model entertainers. 0 farm Brus• reside 0n the ilding boom On 80 is 5 very led to abort. oma, Cy • past g ao- 0ofe r, on was t on lice ether, her. inted , ae goo- n re- Bel• erg's . m. the and easy eler ene ndid ated wart Mrs. Greer. Grey townehip Council will meet Friday of next week, March 2nd, Mise Spatting, of Howick, is at pees the guest of Miss Lizzie Speiran. hlrs. Wm. Baker, 9th oon., has been the sick list with la grippe end pleu We hope she will soon be oonvalesoen Mies Jessie Telfer has been and ,til on the sink list with rheumatic fe We pope she will soon be fully rester Mies Joanna McMillan has rete' from a month's visit among relatives e friends in Fullerton and Hibbert to ships. Archie Hislop was one of the speak at the Morrie Agrioulturel Sooiety's nual supper, held at Blyth, on Wean day evening of this week. Walter Oliver, Deputy.reeve, is present seriously ill witb indammati His many friends hope to soon hear o favorable ohange in his Condition. Miss Mary Mitchell, of Deaerouto, a Miss Ella Mitchell, of McKillop, ha been making a holiday vieit with re tives and friend, on the 16th con. Lost week John Hill met with an a eiders by falling through a trap door the baro and received quite a ehaki up, but no serions injury was done. A sleigh load of young people from 14th and 16th concessions put in a ve enjoyable evening at the commodio residence of James Straoban a short ti ago. It was a jolly time. As mentioned in last week's POST t anniversary services were bell in Beth church last Sunday and Monday an were very suooessful from every sten point. The proceeds amounted to nearl 350.00. The Durham Review says :—Mise Jan McDonald, of Jamestown, county Hero who has been visiting Mise Maggie Tor ry, Aberdeen, for the last two weeks, lef for her home last Tuesday mornin Mrs. F. Torry accompanied liar as he guest for a week or two. We regret to state that James Hislop the infant son of James W. and.Mary A Grant, formerly of this township, died o Friday of last week at Egmoodville, age 9 menthe and 16 days. The intermen was made at Brunets cemetery. Mr and tire. Grant are sympathised with i the loss of their little one. Fief. -on Friday morning of las week the reaidenoe of Abel Tindall, El ma, was destroyed by fire and ooneider able of the household effects consumed It appears a lire had been started in the stove and the person then want back t bed, so was unprepared to combat th flames, which weight near the chimney Mr. Tindall and family are sympathise with in their lose. The many friends of Wm. M. Turnbull eon of Councillor Turnbull, will be pleased to know glob he is improving nioefy now and is able to get out of bed himself and eft up for a short time. He had been six months iu bed on the 15th int. The original trouble was byphoid fever followed by abeoesaee and muscular rheumatism. We hope he will Boon be oonvalesoent. Onownao Houma—Last Tuesday even. ing the commodious residence of Hugh Lamont, 7th con., was literally packed at the box social, given under the auspices of Knox churnSewing Chola. The program consisted of six glees by the Young Liberal Glee Club, Brsssele ; solo, "Ye banks and braes," by Rev. D. Mil- lar ; violin solos, Duncan Taylor ; organ Bolo, Miss Margery Strachan ; violin solo by P. Stewart ; duett, "Orookit Bawbee," Miss M, Taylor and A. Straohan ; solo, Mise Taylor ; instrumental, harmonica, Jew's harp, iso., Messrs. Yell!, Lamont and others. After the program oame the disposal of the boxes and there was more fun than you could shape a stiok at. Pr000eds about 318.00, It waa a great evening for enjoyment and Mr. and Mrs. Lamont left nothing undone that would add to the pleasure of the paste. on' ant on risy, t. lis ver, ed• ned nd wn. er5 an. ee, at on. fa nd ve le - 0. in ng the ry as me he el dd . y 0, t 3. r n d n 0 • e d Wm. Ingram, an immigrant from the homes, was trampled to death by is horse on the farm of J. Clemens, east of Bo. manvine, Young Clemens, its hie efforte to endue Ingram, was also badly injured. Rev. Mr. German, of Berlin, met with a ogees accident on Friday. While go. ing down etreet, towards hie own Boma, some boys were coming up behind, on a sleigh and knocked him over, breaking his arta, • It will taconite time before the !Mature will be healed up. PORTRAITS. John 0:erich d'00, have opened au Art Studio in the Undy liiook 817A110WPITT, wbgre they are prepared t0 ,jo 011 kin de of Colo s.Sc iut5oao-obroinot andsIaolia Sino, Alao lanud spape and shrine 1'alretfug. Portraits Enlarged from small p/otures or taken (i'om life, People need no longer sand their work. atm -at the risk pi' losing their small pie- baree, but eau have it done right at home where they will be assured to nave eatierao. filen at reasonable prloos. .TOHN G. CRICkH & Co., GALT' BLOCK, SEAFORTH, Opposite Commercial Hotel. Notice to Creditors. Burauaut to the provisions of Obap. 110, See. 88, 0tthe Revised Statutes of Ontario, notice is hereby given that all persona hav- ing clalme against the estate of the late inithe Countynof Hurronhwidow, who a Grey or about the 21tn day of Maroli, A, D. 1892 are hereby' required to send by poe} pre -paid or deliver to W. tf. Sinclair, cat the Village of Brussels, iu the County of Huron, Solicitor fOr the 140000Mo( the estate of the said Margaret McIntyre, deceased, on or bbfore the 24th Day of tlarsf. A. D„ 1894, a state -.mets in wriblug of their names and addros. gas and the fell particulars of theirand of claims, and that balter that said 24fii day ofyMatnn, the Exeouto,e will proceed be dietribube the aOoeteeg of the said Margaret Molntyre, regard only to toes claiimee untitled nh having have been given, as above required, and the said 'Executors will tot be raspou- elble for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any pereou or peieons of whose claim natlee shalt not have beau reooive4 at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels, the Nineteenth day of February, A. D.1826. 82.4 solea tor.foil• Elie lxeoutore. FOR PARTICUTARs ABOUT THE SETTLERS'' TRAINS WJIANI C ®If�lA AND THE p NORTH `WEST 6e• your tun„ Railroad Agent ad gat soppy of "Free Facts, Farms and Sleepers" J. T. PEPPER, AGENT, BRUSSELS. DO YOU KNOW Y Jit fm7, !Tl ALIaE q� lr, The Brussels Carriage Maker ? He'e the man who for the past 8 years has been hustling out First- class Work in Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Cutters and Sleighs at Very Low Prices and with such satisfaction to the purchasers that they are the best recom• mends he can find. Have you Dealt with Walker ? 53 not go and get acquainted with him and thereby prove the oorrectness of what he says. He'a there to do business. REPAIRS.—Speoiai attention given to repairs such ae rimming wheels, &o., painting, trimming and any other work required to your conveyances. Nlaa W, WORK --:-- Priori away down. A new cart is before the publio this season that can't be toughed in prion. All the best makes handled. Busy now on new Buggies, Every intending purobaser should call and get our prides. It will give yon an idea of what you shonid got them for elsewhere if you do not buy from us, Shop and Proprietor found oppo- site Town Hall, Brussels. Jas, 'a1kert The largest stook of eerriage supplies Will be handled by us this year that wee ever brought to Brussels. We make part of our living on the cut rates oh large quantities putohased. Wo give very lib. oral berme, NOW SHOES. 1 N.@nom ff. NOT THE KIND they use in the Frozen North but Good Substantial Protectors • For people in thispart of the country where a, shoe must serve for innumer- able kinds of weather, as well as for the deep snows that come frequently and unexpectedly. Before you buy the next Pair of Boots, call and LC9- See our Stock. SmiiV & licLum Produce Taken. See our Dress Groceries, China, Glass - Goods Department. ware and Crockery, Clearing Sale POR .... ... . @,(t; 45 IN finishing up Stock Taking 1 find my stock, in many lines, too large for this season of the year and as I must have room for a big range of Spring Goods I have decided to offer the public a Genuine Clearing Sale up to MARCH 15th. During these weeks Special Bargains, will be given in Tweeds, Woolen (ioods, Plan uels, Miuitlings, fiats and Caps, &c. A number of' lines of Boots & Shoes will be cleared out at Cost, Wonderful Cuts in Readynlade Clothing. Gents' Ties and many linos of Collars at Half Price. Bargains all through the store while the sale continues. The Game is yours for 45 Days so take Advantage of this Genuine Sale. 0 S..SH SYSTEM. IBEG to inform my numerous patrons of my intention of luau- gurating the Cash System in my business on and after Mar. 15th, 1894. It will not be amiss here to give a few reasons why I intend adopting the Cash System :—(1) The Cash System is the only true business principle. (2) I can buy Cheaper for Cash, so can you, (3) I know Just how I stand at the end of the year, so do you. (4) Six months of the year will not have to be spent by me posting books and making out accounts, but on the contrary this time can be used in a manner which I trust will be of profit to my patrons. Thanking you one and all for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. H. F. McAllister, Produce Taken sanlo as Cash. Bargains in Readyr/xade CZothing. IEIZAJEXIKL. Bargains in Gents' Furnishings.