HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-2-16, Page 8R :A.r ,t.R 4! S S E
'FEB. x6, 1894
'1" P U P Ea4fu
Potions Convention for st ron r4
r the Town Hell, Bruaeels, on Friday, 22rd
There is no doubt ae 10 the value of
good eurphnr when fed 000aeiopally to
stook, 'There hien old paying "if sulphur
wee sold at a guinea a lb, there would be
more used," but there ie a ciilforeuoe in
sulphur and if there are any readers of
Tan Pose who think differently we would
like them to compare what we are selling
with some that is sold by that name,
Our present stock is superior to anything
we have had for some time but we sell it
at the same pries and et SPEOIAL
RATES for etook purposes. It is recom-
mended as a preventation of lige. At the
price we eels it every farmer or owner of
Wale Dan well afford to uee it.
For the 000V90ien'Oe of aulphur in Do.
m0sti0 use we have Wyeth'e
Sulphur Lozengers.
These ere convenient for taking and are
highly recommended.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains Woe 13rne8818 Station, North
nd South, as follows:
Gorse EOUTO, Gorse NORTn.
Mail 9:04 a.m. Mesad 9o15 man. 11:50 a,m. Mail9:18 p.m,
Mixed...,..... 9:90 p,n,111 Expreae ,.,,,9:48 p.m,
rant t 64 Pins,
A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll punt it.
TBR foe harvest is on,
0008030, meeting next Monday evening.
A raw valentines have floated around
this week.
Peak has been coming to Brussels
market ata lively rate this week.
JNo, Ronnroe shipped a oar of lambs
to the Eastern market on lueeday.
SATURDAY and Monday's storms com-
pletely knocked out business on those
SEVERAL weddings on the tapis In Bruit.
sets, to take place within tbe next two
months. '
17N2ON debate in the Town Hall this
(Friday) evening. Music by the Young
Liberal Glee Club.
INereceon of weights and measures
Hayward, of Windsor, is expected here
in the course of a week on an official
THE morning mail train from Kincar-
dine and accommodation from the East
were cancelled last Tuesday owing
to the snow blookade on the line.
THE 3 miie skating rage did not mater•
ialize last Friday evening at Maitland
rink oo acoouut of the thaw. It was
changed to Thursday evening of this
D1viooriD. Next Monday a 20 per
cent. dividend in connection with the
McIntosh & MoTaggart e.tate will be
paid at Gillies & Smith's Banking eetab•
Iiehment, A11 interested are asked to
ON Monday of this week there were 15
oommeroial travellers in town and it
wasn't a good day either. Two weeke
previous there were 20 of the same gentle•
men in Brussels. The woods appear to
be full of them.
THE snow blockade on the railway, last
Monday night prevented proper train
connections on Tuesday and consequent-
ly N. Amoy, M. P. P., was unable to
get to either Wroxater or Brussels. A
large number were disappointed at his
non arrival.
511 ens,--Tbos. MoLauohlin, Grey,
brought a d,essed bog to Brussels market
last Tuesday forenoon that weighed 511
pounds. Wm. Bryan, Morrie totvnahip,
also sold one that tipped the scales at
524Ibe. $25.00 to 528.00 for one pig
must be profitable pork raising.
A NutthnR of the charitably disposed
people of Brussels have had their atten.
tion called to a Mr. MoGaw, an invalid,
who is now in town, and are asked to aid
him in the purchase of a new wheeling
chair, whereby he could make bis way
'through the towns in endeavoring to earn
a livelihood. He has suffered from
paralysis and is unable to walk even with
crutches. A benefit entertainment is
Lege Hoes WANTED. -A Toronto pork
packing firm, William Davis & Co.,
write advising farmers to raise more
bogs and Bell them alive. But further,
this firm says that the demand of the
market at 5098801 is for "long and lean"
hogs, from 150 lbs. to 260 lbs. Fat hogs
are unsaleable, while the demand for tbe
"long and lean" porker is on the increase
and likely to keep so. It will be to the
interest of farmers to take note of the
new phase of the business of raising
Btacantart,-A man naming himself
Jones at some places and Armstrong
elsewhere, oalled on several hotel -keepers
is in town and found the bars open after
11p. m., contrary to Rule of License
Board. He informed the proprietors
that anlage they put ap $2 each he would
inform on them and have them fined.
Itis said he received several donations
some of which be afterward (Regorged.
We dont uphold contravention of law,
but if the blaokmailer had been intro.
diced to a pair of good strong boots he
would have received the treatment he
deserved. The Liceuee Ina eutor eh uld
p o
et on to this gent and also on the
t o o
Wennrso Beate, -A. Milburn, of Mee.
ere. Milburn & Laird, merchants, Sea -
forth, has deserted the rabks of bachelor.
dem for that of the betted tut. The bride
is Miss Minnie Brett, e1D:eat daughter of
R. N. Brett, of Beaforth. The interest.
Ing ceremony was performed at the home
of the bride's father on Friday evening,
2nd inst., by Rev. 3, W. Galloway, pastor
of the Methodist church, before a smell
assembly of relatives and friends. Tee
yonng couple were made the recipients
of a large namber of handsome presents,
Which will be pleasant reminders of the
good wishes showered on them by their
many friends as they started out on theirY
niafrhnonisl voyage. The bride is a lis-
tOr of Mrs. (Dr.) MaNaughton'e,Bruaeels,
Tne POST extend% hearty congratulations
( and wishes the young couple long life,
prosperity dad happiness.
.Leer Friday'e high wind blew down a
pertiOneef-elio.w ?elle etaek at the Elowo
woolleu faotory. '
Snvuu2L of our townspeople will attend
the funeral 'of the late Patriots Belly, of
Blyth, on Friday of this week, Mr.
Kelly died on Wednesday,
WeT8ON Alumni hail Bold his 10e plow
and fixtures to \Vm. Denbow, who will
run tbe foe buetheea this Winter. It
takes from 100 to 125 tone to do Brus-
Pennon ecolal, tinder the anepieee of
the Ladies' Association of the .Methodist
oliurab, at the reeidenoe of W. F. Stew.
art, Albert street, on Thursday 'evening
of this week.
PoeTronnn.-Owing to the very inolem-
eat weather ou Monday evening, tbe
1801008 on "John Calvin," in Melville
church, by Rev, Jim, Rose, B. A„ was
postponed until Monday evening of next
Bine Sooiety collectors, in oenneotion
with Brussels Branch, will kindly 0001.
plate their oanvaee so as to make returns
to the Secretary,Treasurer before Marsh
let ae the annual report has to be for.
warded to Toronto.
G. A. DEADMtN has puroitased recently
two fine registered Jersey heifers. The
dam of one has tested 17 Ibs, butter per
week, at 14 years old. The other dam
has a record of 14 lbs. butter a week at 2
years old. His herd now numbers an
even dozen.
New Spring goods are coming to the
front with our merchants. With the
thermometer playing with zero white
dresses and Summer costumes do not
appear to outmueh of a figure but the
old saying is true "The early birdoatoh-
ee the worm."
Somme Mon. -The Directors of
Brussels Driving Park are arranging for
a big two day meeting for July 2nd and
3rd. Three races are being arranged for
trottere eligible to 3 minute class, puree
$400 ; pacers eligible to 2.60 Claes for
5400 ; trotters eligible to 2.30, 5400 purse.
Other events will be added to the pro-
gram and the sporting fraternity . look
forward to fast time on what is pronouno-
ed to be the finest halfmile track in
Western Ontario.
OWING to a burning chimney at the
residence of D. McKenzie, Queen street,
the Fire Brigade was called out on Fri•
day at 10:30 a. m. The fire was oheaked
before the engine reached the river. Sat-
urday morning at 6 o'clock an alarm was
rung over an incipient fire at Pete. Me-
Qaarrie's, but the engine was not requir•
ed. Every householder should see that
all open etovepipeholee in olrimneye are
properly closed ae, owing to the heavy
mine, the snot in many chimneys bag
been washed well down so as to be in
easy reach of sparks.
Koenig was home from New Hamburg
for Is few days. He has no intention of
removing from Brussels but will be ab-
sent more or lees for a few months run.
ning off a bankrupt stook of dry goods,
groceries, crockery, &o., formerly owned
by Messrs. Appel & Ilatzenmeyer, of the
above mentioned village, amounting to
over 510.000. Mr, Kmnig is not unac-
quainted with mercantile life as he spent
12 years behind the counter. During
that time he either held positions or
owned the business in Stratford, Welles•
ley village, Waterloo and Mitchell. He
reports business good at Hamburg.
Meevre. Publaud and Tuck are managing
the American Hotel in the absence of the
Meenluoxiet.-On Wednesday evening
of this week a matrimonial alliance was
coneummeted at the reeidenoe of Rev. 3.
L. Herr, of this town, Oran E. Turnbull,
of Guelph, only son of Mrs. M. A. Turn-
bull, of Brussels, and Miss Rosetta May
Kerr being the contracting parties. The
Oeremol:y was performed by Rev. J. L.
Kerr, assisted by Rev. W. E. Herr, of
Tbameeford, father and brother of the
bride, respectively, in the presence • of a
goodly company of relatives and friends.
Miss Mary Howe, of Brussels, and Mies
Iva Walker, of London, performed the
duties of bridesmaids and Dr. E. S.
Hardie, of Guelph, and W. B. Ballan.
tyne, of this plane, supported the groom.
The ladies were neatly and becomingly
attired in cream (nehmen dresses, trim•
med with lane, natural flowers, &o. Af-
ter the usual congratulations were offered
and supper over a pleasant evening was
enjoyed. The wedding gifts were of a
handsome and useful character, Dom•
p01810g parlor and drawing room suites,
silverware, dishes, lamps, fanny work,
table linen, &c., ct:a. Mr. and Mre.
Turnbull left for their new home in the
Royal oity on the Thursday noon train,
followed by many good wishes for their
future happiness and prosperity.
Beaune Canny FAoronz.-On Friday
afternoon of last week a meeting of in-
tending patrons of Brussels Cheese
Factory was held in the Council Oham.
ber, James Ferguoolt oeoupying the chair.
After a short discussion the following
Committee was appointed to aeeiet Mee
ors. Harris & MuLanohlin, the new pro.
prietors, in the management of the buei.
nese :-James Ferguson, James Turnbull
and John Cardiff, W. W. Harris was
named no Salesman ; M. M. Cardiff ae
auditor for the patrons at a fee of 52.00 ;
and A. Cousiey Secretary. It was de"
aided by vote to continue the payment of
obsess money through the Standard
Bank. The new proprietors have signed
an agreement to make cheese at 2e cents
per pound, all expenses, snch ee healing
milk, &a., to be inoluded. They also
gearantee a marketable article. A meet-
ing will be held shortly to arrange and
let milk routes, and Mestere. Harris &
MoLauohlin intend puehing business fon
all it is worth, commencing operatione
as soon as possible. Both gentlemen
were at the meeting on Friday nd their
plane appeared to bo heartily approved
of by tea patrons presbut. The second
auditor was not named.
Business Locals,
NEW Prints at Skene's.
Nat. Flannolets at Skenb'e.
New dress goods at Skene's,
ODovzn and timothy at McCracken's.
Enna plate cow for sale, Apply at
ns POST Publishing House.
New Amerioan Detainee Worth 20o., for
12eo. Beautifuloods at Skene's.
No. 1 coal oil 13:0ents per gallon, or 4
gallotte for 50 cents, at B. Gerry's.
Tuts balance of our robes and blankets,
bolls and fur coats at coat.
L C. Riolnerde.
E11108er( Funds to loan on farm war.
ity, Apply to Tine Peer Publishing
Fpii bargains in harness et" anything In
the harness line try us.
I. 0, Rioharde,
• ANx one wishing to get it now 8820
filing rnaobine may 000 what sults them
at A. M. McKoy & 00's, hardware store
It you want anything in mg line Dome
and gotiny prices within the: next 33
days!. All goods delivered free.
R, Leatherdale,
Iron on human and borses and all
animals cured in 80 minutes by Wool•
ford's eanitary lotion. This never fails,
Warranted by G. A. Deadman,
Now is the time 10 have your photo'
taken, Our Winter mimeo are something
above the ordinary. H. J. Grimace
Ir you are thinking
or organ it will Pay you to come 50 miles
and see mine before you buy.
R. Leatherdale,
ANY one wishing to get a new saw
tiling stand; I think Dan be salted by T.
McGregor, of Bruaeels, Ont. May be
seen at MoKay & Oo'e. hardware store.
Emmen Spavin Liniment 'removes all.
Bard, soft or calloused lumps and blew-
ashes from horses, blood epavine, curbs,-
splints, sweeney, ring -bone, stifles,
sprains, all swollen throats, eto. Save
550 by use of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Deadman.
Mum of life's misery is due to indiges-
tion; for who Dau be happy with a pain
in his etomaoh 1 see a corrective and
strengthener of the alimentary. organa,
Ayer's Pills are invaluable, their use be-
ing always attended with narked beuefit.
FORNTTunE -If you want anything in.
tate furniture line now is the time to buy,.
as I am giving great bargains for the next
30 days. As I have bought a large stook
for cash and got a big discount I Dan sell
it very fine. • R. Leatherdale.
"Beornnio do not 000ur in the blood or
in the tissues of a healthy living body,
either of man or the lower animals." So
says the celebrated Dr. Koch, Other
doctors say that the beet medicine to
render the blood perfectly pure and
healthy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
WELL -D000000 AND DRA,LING,-George
Birt has all the neoeaeary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is proper.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 81.tf
RHE000k00000 GSMED TN A DAr.-South
Ainerioan Rhoumatic Cure for Rheims -
/non noel Nenrnlgia radically onree in 1
to 8 da3a. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 11 re.
moves at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 oents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
0. 0. F. -For the next three months
special inducements will be offered by
Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0.
F., Brussels, to any person desiring to
beoome a member of that Order, the in-
itiation fee being reduced during that
time. As this is one of the leading In-
surance and Beneficiary Sooieties in the
country people should take advantage
of bhis offer. For full information ap-
A. Earn, C. R. ;
A. KOENIG, P. S. ;
W. Bloantea, Treas.
Rzeree ne 'Sox Bonus. -Distressing
Kidney end Bladder diseases relieved in
six hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Ours." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physicians
on account of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
baok and every part of the urinary pas•
sages in male or female. 31 relieves
retention of water and pain in passing it
almost immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure thie is your remedy.
Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist.
Goon Reaonnlerm.-The following
speaks for itself :-"Mr. Leatherdale.-
The Morrie piano furnished by you for
my concert last night was all that could
be desired. The scale was even and the
tough elaeti0. It possesses plenty of
power and I was especially pleased with
a certain singing quality of tone which in
some pianos is so conepiciously absent,
and in every particular yours ie one of
the best pianos I have ever used.
"Berme Weees,"
of the Emma Wells Concert Oo'y.
Brussels, 'February 2nd, 1894.
HesxxnE.—In Malfilldp, ou the 5th inst.,
the wife of M. Robt. iiabkirk of a
00023E0008. -1n Winthrop, on Feb. 5th,
the wife of Mr. John R. Govenlock,
of a daughter.
NlouoL.-In Morris, on Feb. lOth, the
wife of Mr. Alex. Mabel, jr., of a
TeNNER.-In Dime, on Feb. 3rd, at the
home of het father, Mr. Jos. Priest,
the wife of ivir. James F. Tanner, of
McCord, Wis., of a daughter,
WAtwen-Fonn.-At the residence of 111e
bride's father, on Wednesday, Jan.
310, by Rev. Andrew Henderson, M.
A„ her. Robert John, non of Mr.
Robert Walker, Howlett, to Miee
Christina, daughter of Mr. Robt.
Ford, of con. 8, Llmee
Tunxnurr,-Henn. At the residence of
the bride's parents, Brnseeela, on
Wednesday, Feb. 141)1, by Rev. J. L.
Kerr, aseisted by Rev, W. E, Kerr,
of Thamesford, Mr. 0. 13. Turnbull
of Guelpb, to Mien Roeetta May,
youngest daughter of Rev. J. L.
MOQUAltouc-BauAt.-At the reeidenoe of
the bride's father, ou Feb, 7th, by
Rev. A. Henderson, M. A„ Mr.
David G. MoQuerrio, Sombre town-
ship, Co. Lambton, to Miss Mary
Robina, youngest daughter of Mr,
John Inglis, Elnna.
MILn0902--Bnnrr.-4t the reeidenoe of
the bride's father, Beaforth, by' Rev.
Mr. Galloway, on Feb, 2nd, Mr. A,
Milburn, merbllant, to Miss 'Minnie,
eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Brett,
of Soafortll,
13nsoee1urnoi-Onexe.-On Feb. 14th, at
the reeidenoe of the bride'e parents,
by Itev. J. W. Pring, Mr, David
J Breckenridgqe, of Morrie, to Mise
Orbic, danghtet of 1110, Leigh Orbic,
of Zetland, Ont.
0euM10naEt.' In Grey, on Saturday, Feb,
10th, 11104, John Carmieheel, aged
77 years.
LOdnhEAD.-In 'Atwood, on Feb. 8111, Lil-
ian, beloved wife of William Loeb-
) head, aged 62 ,ybars and 8 months.
MT%✓i,A,!MI I RD .Si4✓1' J.i. OF t/4V i 11.5D✓.7-,
==.4. -57.40,811 F+D 00372.
ASS (7TS, , • (Seven Million Dollars) 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - - • 82,000,000
490110508 in all prifiuip el pints in Ontario, Q:iot og, Dlaroitolla, T.18311043518808 tG ,Sflplatad,
eti tsw1,J54s A"J °!'AWN. . .
A General Banking Business Traneaoted," Partnersi Notes Dispounted.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointa.
Interest allowed on depesite of 01.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and opmpounded half yearly.
Every facility: afforded Customers living at a dietanoe.
3. A. STEWART, Menem,
neetteen nitimme»
11159x. P53000,
Ivanhoe-Soott, , 25e 1.6e
Quentin Darwerd-$oott, 25o 150
4 he Talieman-,•Soott, - 25o 150
Waverley^Scott, 25e 150
Kenilworth -Scott, 250 150
Oliver Twiet--Diokene, 25,3 15e
Rienzi -Lytton, 260 150.
Two Xeare Ago -Kingsley, Zee 150
13ypotia-Kingeley, 250 150
Nioholao Niokleby, Diokene250 15o
The Scarlet Letter -
Hawthorne, 25o 15o
Wart it Suioido ?-•Wiloox, 25o 15o
Pepper'y Drug Store,
133RTJleil Fs .
B R, C S S D S,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts i3ought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
Samaras' Dams DE°ppwEVINA r.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita.
Wo effect to write Insurance in 01d English er Oanadlan Ooinpanies, or in Mul-
lin! CowpesISee us may be desired.
McNeu,.-In Grey, on Feb. 13th, Ann,
relict of the late Donald McNeil,
aged 88 years.
Morennewi.-At Akron, Michigan, on
Feb. 7th, Annie McDonald, beloved
wife of Alex. MnFarlane, aged 28
a. 7aTION wi.a.m s-
TUESDAY, Fee. 27ea.-Farm stook, im-
plements, &o. Lot 29, 411 line, Morrie.
Sale commbnoea at 1 o'Wlools. Nelson
Carrie, Prop. George Kirkby, Allot.
TuxenaY, Fan. 20th. -Farm stook, im•
plemente, &d., Lot 21, Con. 9, Morrie.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. William
Sholdice, prop. Geo. Kirkby, auo.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28TH. -Farm stook,
implements, &o. Lot 30, Don. 10, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, commencers ab 1 o'ol ook
sharp. Wm. Gook, Prop. F. S. So ott,
T�MUTTSSIIrS 32.4.4.-R,==TO.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes . . .
Hay per ton.
Salt per bbl., retail
Hideo trimmed
Hideo rough. t,,2
Sheep skins, each 40 65
Lamb skins each 50 60
Apples per bbl.. 1 50 1 75
Wool 17 18
Pork 5 00 5 50
53 55
58 56
83 80
50 52
30 31
12 00
300 850
40 00
0 00 7 00
1 00 00
TORONTO, VEIL 18. -Floor -Straight
roller, 52,65: extra, $2,40 to $2.50.
wheat -white, 57o: spring, No. 2. 60o ;
red winter, 67c: goose, 51o: No. 1 Mani-
toba hard, 750; No. 2, 780. Peas -No. 2,
580. Barley -No. 1, 42jo to 45o: feed,
350 to 375. Oats -No, 2, 31.eo to 32o.
Toronto, Feb. 13.- The receipts to -da y
were 87 carloads. The demand is less
active, and a number of loads were left,
unsold. There were sales at sic to 3do
per pound for the beet qualities, and at
3o for mediums, while rough cattle sold
as low as 2ece Calves, dull, with sales of
about 25 at 55 to $7 eaob ; they would
dress about 100 pounds. Miioh cove sold
DA 525 to 540 eaab, Sheep, dull, and not
wanted ; sales of a few at 58.75 to $4.25
each. Lambe, steady, with galea at 34o
to 4o per pound: receipt of sheep and
lambs, 222. Hogs are attrifle easier, with
receipts of 1,000. The best lung and lean
hogs eold at 50 to 5eo per pound ; heavy
bogs, 450 ; common, 2do and stags, Zee to
Be per pound.
EAST BETFoLo, N• Y., FEB. 13. Cattle
-Only a few odde anis endo on sale.
Sheep and lambs -Three thousand
bead on sale • two ems of Cianadas.
Several loads of 'Oanadae, billed to arrive
were delayed by the blockade, Market
fairly active for choice, and firmer. Beet
natives sold up to 54,85 for a lot of state
fed: general run $4.40 to 54.75, good
Canadas, 54.90 to 55, and those en route
will probably bring a trifle butter price ;
good mixed sheep 52.75 to 58 25 ; good
wethers, 58.40. Hogs -Only 2 care on
eale; opened sbrong ; Yorkers, good to
choice, sold at $5.86 to 55.90. With
one deck at 56, mostly 55.90 ; mixed
packers, 55.65 to 55.75, add good light
medium weights at $5.66 to $5.70: fair to
good heavy grades $5.45 to 55.55 ; pigs,.
05,80 to $6.90. Later -If any to sell
would have gone 58 to 100 higher.
There is a difference in Jerseye. The
dam of my Jersey Bull is a prize winner at
Toronto Industrial. No better stook for the
dairy than across with a rood milking strain.
Druggist & Boolcecller.
SALE. - The aubseriber offers hie
S•acre plot, located immediately north of
Ameut Brea, factory, for 00,10, He will also
dispose of bfe residence on the opposite side
of the street. For further particulars, as
to price, forma, oto„ apply to
24.4 Proprietor, Brueseis.
To Contractors.
Tenders' will bereeeived by the Trustees.
of 8. S. No, 0, Grey, until February22ud,1804,
for the creation of anew school house. Ten -
dere will be rooetved for both /rhino and
brtolc. Spooidoatione may bo semi at Hart..:
Well 8jierian'o,let28, con, 10. The trustees
do not bindthemselvesto ac00p0 the lowest
or any tender.
JOHN H18LOP, See0otary,
Craubrook P. 0,
wood On Lot 82, Con. 14, Grey, Cash
paid every night if required.
MRS. SWAN, Ethol P.O.
on Queen Street, Brussels. The house
Is 80 feet square, 1,1 stories, containing 7
rooms. Goon well, woodshed and garden,
the latter well etoolced with fruit trees. For
price, tering, &o., apply to
81-4 Proprietor,
Frame bougie with stone foundation,
rood cellar, soft and .hard water, under
cover. stable, and an acre of land for sale in
the villose of Ethel, 4 an acre of fruit treee,
varlove varieties. For particulars ae to
prico,terree &o., apply to
WM, EP37N0E,
26.4 Postmastor.•
E,nn_-Toe undersigned offers the
there' bred Short Horn bull, Earl MoDuff, ,
No. 18,685, for sale. He is quiet to handle
and a goodstookgetter. For further infor-
mation as to price, pedigree, &o., apply to
1118. proprietor.
Lot 18, Con. 7, Groy,
or to Box 177, Brussels. 20-8
DEne1ONRD has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, In Townships
of Morris and Grey. P 5. SOOTT.Braesels.
aOnisRn oifere his 100 acre farm, being
N d Lot 27, Con. 8, Morris, for sale. About 80
cares cleared, with 0 acres of fall wheat In,
balance timbered with cedar, ash and hard-
wood. Livmgspring on lot. For further
particulars as to pride. terms, &o , apply to
N k Lot 24, Con. 7,
25-4 Brussels P. 0.
North 4 Lot 80 and North East 1 20,
Con. 4,Morris, being 150 aures and known as
the Semple farm. This is one of the beet
150 acres of land in the Township. Pair
buildings and fences and good orchard.
Only 2 mites from Brussels. Must be sold
this tvinter, For further information apply
to 31'. E. SCOTT, Bruaaeis, or to
JOHN E. 81111TH,
Box 217, Brandon, Manitoba.
8,Mori own
ship. The farm contains 100 acres, about 70
of whiob aro cleared, balance Bush. Thorn
is a comfortable house, good bank barn, flee
orchard, &o. on the premises. The farm Is
all seeded down. Poeeeseipn could be given
at any time. For further particulars as to
price, terms, &o., apply to the Proprietor en
the premises, or Walton P, 0.
The 200 acre Yarm, being lots 11
and 12, eon.10, Grey, is offered for sale. 120
acres 100 cleared and the balance well tim-
bered. Buildings nret•elane. Orchard, well,
&a, School house within 40 rode, Posses-
sion given at once i1 desired. bor further
particulars us to price, terms, &o. apply to
8-11 Roseville P. 0,
or le111,601i BRICKER, on farm.
M. CA'VANAGH, L. D 6., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal college of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. OFrICE-Over e. R. Smith's Store,
Pursuant Judgment o to i 11 Court of rho Ohe, ins
Division of the high we 1, here w to e
suit of for sales vs, a owe el al, them 111 -
oil0rod for sato ato, Public Auction by 5, 1Mbo
cumson, Esguire, Master at Goderlch, at the
Queer,'aHotel, In the Village of Bruseele, in.
rue County of Enron, on
Thursday, the First tiny 05 Mardi, 1894
At 9 o'oloolc in the afternoon, the following
valuable property, vie,: -that property
known a0 Howe'e Woolen Factory,
'Phis factory is situated on Turnberry St.,
111 the said Village. /tie a three story brick
building GO x 80feet, with a one story boiler
room and dying .house -la the Year 25 x 95. feet,
Itis fitted oat with ono Doml1ilote sot of mill
in exhinery, a 80 hp, wbooloele engine and 85
hp. boiler, all In good running order, The
Mention fn a good one for an fox to8 ive busi-
ness. There will be a reeerved bid, The
Other o0nditious.are the usual condition0 of
title Court, Further partiaulare will bo
mode known at the tiro of sale and may be
had from the Vendor's Boliottore F. 8, Scott,
Clerk, and W. H, Heir, Reeve of 11iras0019,
Dated tiltslet day of 3ebruary, 4,D„ 1851.
S. MAL0031a022,
Master. at Gadoriob.
08.121/020 & PnannwOOT,
Vendor's Solieltore.
r Soltaitorand Conyeyauaer. Cones-
tioue made. Office-Vauotone's Block, Brua-
eels, 21.8m
• Soliottor'Oonveyanoer,NoturyPub-
Iso,, &o. Office-Vanetone's Block 1., door
north of Central Hotel, Private F<unds .to
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Godexioh,. Ont.
M. 0. 08.11nn020 Q. 0., . 0000.18 MOLT,
12,001.87 TIDL0180.
Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow &
Froudfoot'e Office, Goderioh,) O100e over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. A7
O.M., L; R.O.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P.
13.010..O•nt. 388108u08 and office in W11eon'e
Blook, corner of Mill and Turnberry Sta.
Ph yeiolan, Surgeon, A0Oouaber, ole.
Gradctate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of College. of Physicians
and Surgeons, Out. 01810E -Neat door to
McDonald. & Co., Walton Ont.
t/ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treatall
diseases of domeetioated animals in a emu-
petent manner. Partiouiar attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle prompts at.
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Two doors
north of bridge ,Turnberry et., Brussels.
H. MOORE, V. S.,
• A, 21.,V. M. B. Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College, Diseases of all
domesticated animate treated on scientific
principles, Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a specialty. Oulle promptly
attended to. Office, over the. Poet office.
Infirmary at Beattie's livery barn, Br'aseolo,
Ont. 20•
• Iseurer of Marriage Licenses. Office
at his Grocery, Turnberry street. Brdesel0.
'• Tonsorial Artist Shop -Next door
south of A. M, Molfay& Oo's hardware store.
Ladies' and eliildreas Bair cutting a epeeialty
• Insurer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Iieut,-Governor, Commie -
stoner, &a., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance 00. Chloe at the Oranbrook
Poet OMee.
Clerk of the Fourth Division court
Go, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land Loan and Inentnnoe Agent, Fonda
Invested and to loan, Collections made.
Office In Graham's Blook, Brussels.
A. HAW i INS, M. 0. S. M.
Ti • Organist in St. John's Oburoh, Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching of A.
W. Thayer,Mue.Uoe., New York, will give
lessons to pupils either at nigparlor,
over A.R. Emith's store, or if preferred, at
their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate.
• Auctioneer, ye always ready to at.
to nd Halos of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms
cheerfully given. Orarhrook. P. 0. Sales
may be arriaged at TER POST Publishing
house, Brussels,
LiooneedAuotioncor, Sales oonduot:
odon reasonable terms. Parma and farm
stook a specialty, Orders left at TBn POST
P ublishlogHou se, Bra seals, or sou tto Watton
P.O., will reoeiveprompt attention,
88 as an Auctioneer, 1 am prepared
to oonduot sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. 'mowing the standing of nearly
every person lam lu a position to sell to
good marks and got good security when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
mea call. s2. x' S. SCOTT.
Undersigned will keep for se rvloee at.
Lot 5, Oon, G, Greyy, the largo Chester White
Boar, ',Lord Dulferm," No. 810, bred by
Samuel Snell, Grey. Terme-91.00 tO be
paid at the time of gervl eo with privilege of
returning if necessary. Pedigree maybe
seen on application,
Prep rioter.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Let20,Con, 9, Morii0, tbo thoro' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's
P011100," purchased from the well-known
breeder J. 111. Bretbom•, Oalc Lodge Farm,
300100rd. Terms, 31.80 to bo paid at the
time of eervioo with privilege of returning
i1 necessary, . Pedigree may be seen en, up -
1001315, N10H07..
Lot 2tuader'tignod will keep for service. on.
shire ]Soar, "OhGrey,
arU " No 2680. Blvd by Bork.
Padget& eon, Butteuvillo, Ont., and is item
imported stook 0n both eidea. 101028, $1.80,
to be pall at time of service with privilege
of returLe0o00ary. Pedigree maybe
80081 on, application, ROBT. BA1tB,
25-8 Ethel cheese Factory.