The Brussels Post, 1894-2-16, Page 3FEB, 16, 1894 TGWU Vir3Ctoz7,, MltGvrecon OouAeri - Sabbath Sereleee at 11 a m and 0:B0 p, m, Sunday Sohocl at 2:50 p ni, Rae, John Roth, 33 A, Pastor, The following prova:lone of the Wilson Ball particularly aJfeot Canadian trade:- - Barley and barley malt—hioleinley law 20 to 45e. Wilson 13i11 proposes 20 per cont.; an)onded in pommieteo 30 Dente per bushel ; passed by donee 26 per Dent. ad yalorem, Oats and oatmegl— 11oIeinley 1 w:lo, to 25o., Wilson Bill proposes 20 per Dent. ; amended in committee free, Eggs Moliiney law 60. per dozen, Wileon Bill free. Potatoes—MoHinloy law 25o,, Wilson Bi11 10e. Firth—McKinley law %lo„ Wilson Infill ..la, Poultry, live—Moiiinley law 8e,, Wil. eon 731112o, Poultry, dressed-MaHioley law 5e., Wilson Bill 3o, A11 lave auimele—.Moliinley law 20 per cent., Wilson Bill 20 per oent. Wool—Afoliinley law 12a, and upwards a000rding to grede, Wileon• Bill free. Loge—lllollinley law fee, Wileon 13111 free. Timber—Hewn and sawn, squared or adzed, sawn boards, lathe, shingles—Ma. Hinley law 81 per in., Wilson Bill free, goal—MuKinley law 75e. per ton, Wil. eon Bill proposed fee. Ploughs, tooth and disk harrows, her. veetera, reapers, drills, mowers, horse. rakoe, cultivators and threshing machines —McKinley law 45 per mite Wileon Bill proposed free. THI1 WflSON TARIFF BILL. 2t0 Various Seeming or, tae angled Maes Terser 0EJJl(h Agee* Conmla. KNOX Onunasr—Sabbath Services ata 11.1 n m and 6:30 p m. Sunday School at 7,60 p m: Rey. D. Millar, pastor, l$ . JOUN'e Otl0000.—Sabbath'" Serviette at 11 a to and 7 p m. Sunclay Sobool at 2:80 P. m. lies, W. G. Reilly, ineurft. beth. McTnonIree 013000n.—Sabbath Sorvicee at 10:$Oa in and 6:$0 tr in. Sunday School all 2:80 p m. Rev. SI. H. Cobble. dint, M A, 13 D, pastor, lientAN OATnoLlo Gagmen.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, ab. 10:30 a, rn, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest, SALvnmima Anmtx.—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and B p m on Sgnday and every evening in the weep at 8 o'olook, at the barracks, Oun I''aioolve' Longa every Thursday evening, in Graham's blook. 111Asoulo Looao. Tuesday at or before fail moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U 'W Loner, on lab and 8rd Friday evenings of each month, in Blae. hill's block. O O F Longa 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Blashill's blook. L 0 L 1st Monday in ovary month, in Orange Hall. I 0 le, 2nd and last Friday in 001 Fellows' Hall. R T or T, 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of eachmonth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. Seas Or SCOTLAND, lob and 8rd Tree - days' of each month, iu Odd Fellows' Hall. X 0 '2 M Lewin, let and 8rd There - days of each month, in Vansbone block. Hotta Cmox.a, 2nd and 4bh Friday even- ings in Blashill's Hall. Poei, Or.Jon.—Offioe hours from 8 a m to7 p m. M000tnios' IosTovovs. Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tows OooNmr..—W. H. Herr, Reeve ; W. H. McOraoken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ; 1r. S. Soott, Clerk ; Thos. Selly, Trete• nrer; D. Stewart, Assessor and S. T. Boss,' Collector. Board mete the let Monday in each month. Soaoox. BoAnn.—Rev. Ross (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; See-Treas., R. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PDM14i0 BOIIOOL TBAOnane.—J. H. Cam- eron, Priuoipal, Miss Braden, Mise Downey and Miss Cooper. Bonne or HsALTn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Soott, A. Stewart, H. Dennis and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer. CHANGED HER MIND. Dodi Bxrmo,—I went to church last night And saw your friend. Why, he's a fright 1 At least I think so. What is there, pray, About his looks that made you say That 1'd admire him ? Goodnes me! He's homely, Belle, as he can be, Monstrous mouth, retreating forehead And goggle eyes, I think he's horrid. • * I've seen that Mr. Knox again— Your friend, I mean that homely matt Of whom I wrote—and I declare I must admit he bas an air About him that cue must admire ; But, Belle, I think I soon shall tire Of his rude manners Why the man Stared till I had to use my fan 1 • I went fest night to the soiree, And who, think you, ohanoed there to be? Why, Charley Knox 1 We stayed Balfour. I danced with him six times or more, And he asked me—don't you tell— To go with him next time. Now, Belle, I'm not in love. You'll laugh, I know, Bob still I say be's not my beau. . Oh, Belle i Oh, Belle! what do you think Happened 1 can't sleep a wink Until I've told my dearest friend— Oh, Belle, my maidoubood is at an and, That Charley Knox 1 Oh, dear ; Oh, my 1 I don't know whether to laugh or ory--- I never yet did feel so queer— Just think! I'm engaged my dear, MY RIVAL. Her heart was all mine until he onus along, My rival, the hero of this little song, With so much against him, I marvel that he For even a moment oan dispossess me. He is not so tall by some fishes (my height For a number of years has been bar de. light), Has never the sign of a beard on his ohin And the boar on his bead is decidedly thin ; Yet, the very first time she saw him she said, "The darling, I love him I" and tears for joy shod. His eyes they aro blue and blue eyes in a Mall She detests as only a women eau Regarding his teeth, about them lees said Tho better—he had not a tooth fu bis head 1 He not only ohews gum, bub chews gums, which is woreo ; A sin she abhors as a positive ours°. My rival? I smiled—a ridiculous thought And into her presence the strange prinoe brought And the very first moment she saw him she said, "The darling, I love him 1" and bears for joy shed. My rival 1 Believe tee, I love him full well Or defeats in his makeup I never would tell. The place he has taken I want him to keep Close, close to her heart l—Hoar bor sing him to sleep 1 And yet—notwithstanding—I want you to know Re's a rival unrivalled. Go search high and low (Don't look in your cradle for anyanoh joy) And find if you can saeb a sweet baby boy. No wonder the moment' she saw hint the slid; "The darling, I love hihf1 1" and teats for joy abed, Temperance. If drinking men could only see the effect that whiskey has on the stomach, they would never drink another drop. If one would form an idea of what the saloons are doing, let him visit the palace- court ; in almost every ease liquor is the cause of arrest. High license is the rumseller's big gun. Plenty of "tomperauee" people man and shoot it for him. It may "kink" the politioians yet. There will be no peace in the politics of this country while some fathers and mothers are watehing and waiting for the return of bheie boys at night from the saloons. Archbishop Spaulding declares : 'One great question that is going to be forced into politics is the question of prohibition. The saloon in America hae become a nuisance. The liquor traffic, by med. filing with politico and corrupting poli- tics, has become a menaoeand a danger," Look at a map and you will . see im- aginarylines running from one side of the United States to the other, lines of latitude ; but there is one line which the geographers have forgotten to put in, and it runs from the Atlantic to the Paoifio, Clear aoross the continent. What is it ? A. line of reeling, staggering, maudlin humanity, 2.,500,000 drunkards by a close estimate, robbed of almost everything but life. A traveller soya : "Coming down from Chicago recently, I was amused and pleased at an anaemuoement by the Pull- man porter. It was night and we were in Illinois. He went through the coach and cried with a loud voioe, "Gentlemen, all you who wants beer or anything to drink, most buy it to -night. In de morn- ing we'll be in Mississippi, and you can't get nothing down dare." Ifelt but didn't say, "Hurray for Mississippi 1" A boy who on00 went with his father on a voyage to South Amerioa was anxi• one to see the equatorial line, and said to an old sailor : "Jack, will you show me the line when we prose it ?" "0 yes, my boy." After a few days the boy asked whether they bad crossed the line. The old tar said, "Yes my lad." "Why didn't you tell me and show it toms?" The sailor eaid, "0 my lad, we always um the line in the dark." So the moderate drinker always cross- es the line between the moderate and immoderate in the dark. Mental and moral night settles down on him as be Drosses the line between moderate drink• ing and inebriety, blinding him to the awful fade of ruin and death, only a little way on the road he is travelling. ODDS AND ENDS. Stabietios show that 28,407 articles were left in Gabe in Paris last year. The Chinese have an academy of ,man- ners that presoribos- etiquette for the whole empire. West Virginia coke is being sent to Mexico in direot competition with the English product. A Canadian has made a aollocbiou of the buttons of offoers of every regiment and department of the British arrny. The greatest whirlpool is the maelstrom o$ the Norway meat. When the cur- rent is one way and the wind another, no ship can withstand its fury. A European mathematioian of world- wide celebrity claims that from a single potato a oareful cultivator could raise 11,000,000,000 tubers within a period of 10 years. The largest nugget of gold found in Mexico within the memory of white men was pinked up by a Mexican at Ple,nohas- placers, Sonoco, in the spring of 1802, It weigbed 14t pounds. The Eskimo Bulletin, published at Cape Prince of Wales, Alaeka, is the only arctic airola newspaper. It is all written out and copied frons a gelatin pad. 1t is issued ouoe a year, mails not being more frequent than that. A Presbyterian thatch in Japan, with a native pastor, has 600 members, is self enpporbing and has never bad mis- sionary aid. Mrs, U. S. Grant hash broach, bracelet and earrings made of wood from bhe-treo under which Lee stood when he surrend, eyed his sword to General Grant. Mrs. Walter Gamrosoh le the fortunate or otherwise owner of 60 dozen forks. They were all wedding gifts. Potato rot is caused by a minute para- site,, a species of living, breathing oreaturee so small that a colony of 2,000 can live in a sparse smaller than a pin's head' I The only daughter of Primo, Keroato• Jeff, a wealthy nobleman of li•Iostow, re- cently eloped with her father's coachman, taking 10,000 rubles with her. The young princess is only 18 years old and wag one of the reigning belies of the old Russian capital.. Some batter/Bee have as niftily ea 20,000 distinct oyes. TRE 13RUSS In parte of I1lthiopia lb is .a mark of politeneag to appear without olothee, ,Rho last Inaba»oe of boillny to death tools plaoo in Pruaeia in 1890, The of. fender was guilty 06 stealing elate revet. nee, was put ince a large cauldron of geld water, which Wee elowly heated to the boiling point. Hie bones were distribut• ed its a varum', When sausage is worth 20 genie per lb. blow much are dogsltln gloves worth per pair. Another Bretton heart, He loved her with the passionate dexo. Lien of a man who hasn't a ghost of a show, but deesn't know it, See has hinted and hinted that be was not in it, until the binber was in need of repairs, but he wouldn't take a hint, He wouldn't take anything, not even his departure, One night when the oloeit was so tired it could scarcely raise its kande, he ven. tared to put the matter to a final test and eek her to be hie. She felt the impending doom, but could not escape it, and she nerved herself for the shook. 'Mass Celeste,' he twittered persuasive- ly, "I'm glean gone on you." That was the preliminary, and he cued the familiar oolloqulal style asaetretegic general deploys skirmishere before the real bettle begins. She looked far over hie head into the dreamy field% of vacancy. "00 me ?" she said, in questioning an- dante. "On me ? What'e the matter with 'Zoom me ?' " Then hie heart broke, and she thought it was a su%pander buttom losing its grip. 1'rohlbition'd Majority, 81,730. The last retains for the repent plebis: cite vote in Ontario tame in Monday of last week and though by reason of a change or two in the olassidoation wbinb may hereafter be made the total figures may be slightly altered, the difference will not amount to more than a few adores of votes. These returns may therefore be taken as being praotioally the official figures as they will be proclaimed in the Ontario Gazette. In the cities about 3 to 2 voted in favor of prohibition, and 40 per cent. of the total vote was polled. In the distracts the proportionate majority was hardly as great as in the oities, and about 44 per cent. of the total vote woe polled. In the separated towne the ma. jority in favor of prohibition was 8 to 2, and 62 per Dent. of the vote was polled. The oonuties deolared for prohibition by almost 2 to 1, and the returns show that 60 per cent. of the total vote was polled. The women's vote went 6 to 1 in favor of prohibition, and. they polled 35 per eerie. of their total vote. The grand total shows an average vote of almost exactly 19 to 11 in favor of prohibition, 58 per cent. of the vote having been polled. The following is a summary of the re- turns :— reit AGAIN50 tfAJ. 000. Counties.. 154,009 83,846 70,183 Cities 30,186 21,948 8,193 Districts5,895 8,063 2,932 Separ'td towns 2,947 1,905 1,042 Totals192,487 110,757 81,730 The number of women who voted for prohibition was 12,424, against 2,221. A 0lENAGEit1A Alf SEA. The freight steamer Hankow dropped anchor below Tibery Island Monday, after experiencing the longest and storm. ieet voyage in the memory of her skipper, Captain West. She left Yokohama eighty days leo, touching at Pieogo, Sbanghai, Foochow, Hong Song, Singe• pore. Captain West had as passengers ten actable bolls, 14 Bad Indian ponies, together with 8 Indian elephants and 4 Reastin cassowaries consigned to the Barnum and Bailey show. The seebus were eaconfined in pens on the deck forward with the ponies. Two of the elephants, a big male and female, were chained below desk, and a 500 pound infant had the liberty of a curtained oabin on the main deok. The Hankow passed Gibraltar, late. 17. The sacred bulls and the elephants enjoyed the voy- age until the low side freighter strode the eastern edge of the Gulf stream on Jan. 27. Then the barometer tumbled down to 29.50, and the wind howled from out of tae south•sast. It shifted to the south. and then to the west and northwest, being tinged with the touch of Labrador temperature which made the seebus shiver. The wind howled to the accom- paniment of the trumpeting of the ele- pbaule and the dismal bellowing of the scored bulls all day on. Jan. 29. There was a lofty cross sea, which Captain West thinks might have overwhelmed the ship if she had been deeply laden. She reeled and pitched and strained as only an old freighter can, plunging bar nose deep in the trough of the sea. Oaptain West slowed her down, and brought her head to the wind. Fierce squalls struck the steamer now and then, and drove her into the trough. At noon 00 Tuesday last the steals gearing gave way, and while the ship was wallow. ing in the seas the hand gear wars shipped and the storm -battered freighter was steered until 5:80 p. m. by a wheel on the after deok. Four men bad all they could do to manage the wiled, The band gear gave way, and again the freighter drifted into the trough at the meroy of the waves The crests were smoothed down some. what by oil dripped from bags overboard. The rudder was lashed down with tackle cue made fast to the leek, and five en• gime were set going just fast enough to keep the skip's bead to the wind. When a giant wave impended the engines were stopped altogether, and the ship was al- lowed to ride the oomb of the wave. The gale was at ite worst between four and eight o'olook Wednesday morning. The oaten bellowed until they were so exhaust. ed that they were unable to bellow longer. The infant baohyderin trumpeted shrilly, and bis parents responded with thunder - one base. Several seas came aboard over the starboard bow insnooession, and the bulls were dashed againet the bnlwarlte and deok fixtures and killed. Several ponies were washed overboard, Six of the fourteen ponies were either killed or swept into the sea. One of the cased. waries died of pneumonia and was thrown Overboard. The number of wards in Belleville has betel eednce8 from moven to four. Harriet Beaoler Stowe, the author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," ie now 88 years of age and very feeble. LS POST 11'oE?l0 Teale gals Rleeataleej3, Devote yourself to it. Be Lonsob in everything, Avoid liquors of all kinds, Grab into a bueinese you like, Bleep Dight hours every night. Xe you mutat smolt%, smoke moderately. Do everything that means Beeping in good health, alum discussion on two pointe—roll- gion and,polittos. School youreebf not to worry ; worry kale, work doesn't. Employ caution ; think out a thing before you enter upon And lastly, but not least—Marry a true Vernon, and have your own home; SAVotl by a Parrot. It is very seldom that that rare old bird the parrot gets credit for rendering the world or mankind individually a ser. vice, It Is generally looked upon as a sort of amusing ngisaneo, -Bub at timer/ the parrot own rise to an occasion end perform an aot of estimable service, as the following pretty story banded down through the ages will show. It appeare that the Greek Emperor Basiliue bad oondemed his son Leo to death on the Wee accusation of a couple of bis trusted courtiers that be formed a plot against the life of bis father. Tho Empress in her sorrow and anguish, tried her utmost to melt her husbaud's heerb, but in vain, On the day befoee the execution she sat surrounded by her ladies, bemoaning her son's dreadful fate. A favorite parrot which occupied a cage in the ]Empress' apartment was removed by her maitre to a lonely spot in i he grounds of the palace because she could not endure its chatter- ing and screeching in her grief and des. pair. Not long afterwards the Emperor entered the pard and seated himself on a bench. He had not been sitting long, when he heard a plaintive voice uttering the words, "Oh 1 Leo, my son, my eonl" The Emperor started up and listened, and again the voice was beard to say, "Oh ! Leo, my sou, my son 1" followed by a heart.rending ory. It was the parrot, which had heard its unhappy niletress repeat nothing but these words during the last two weeks. Deeply affected the Emperor hastened bank to the palace, and immediately ordered hie son to be set at liberty. Not loug afterwards the matter was cleared, and Leo's innocence established. It is to be hoped that the fortunate Leo was grateful enough to his feathered benefactor to see that Polly had all the crackers she could possibly want, as well as a patient listener to every word. White &tali Line. SOYA MAIL STGAMSISLPS. Between New York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the steamers of this lino carry only a strictly limited number iu the Imam and en0OND GAMIN accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that au early ap- plication for bertha is necessary at this sea- son. Por Onus, rates, eta., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. TEE POT' s CLUBBING OFFER 'OJ 1894. Tin Pon and Montreal Herald, with Almanac or Picture, - 62 25 T mPosT and Monbreal Witness, 2 10 Northern Messenger, ' 1 75 Western Advertiser, 2 25 London Free Press, 2 25 Toronto telail, 2 25 Toronto Empire, 2 25 Toronto Globe, 2 25 Cosmopolitan, 2 75 Toronto Newe, 2 25 Farmers' Advocate, 2 25 In each ease the balance of the year is given Free to new jjubscribers. ORDER EARLY. Call on or Write W. H. KERR Pon Publishing House, Brussels. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA HAS MO OTHERS WILL CURE YOU A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but who declines to give his name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to us; eWllenIwas one year old, my mamma died of constimption. The doctor said that 1, too, would soon die end all our neighbors thought that even if? 1 did not dio I would never be able to walk, because I was so weak and puny. A gathering formed and Make under my arm. 1 Mart my finger and ftathered and threw out pieces Of bone. 1f I hunt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to Weenie a runningsore. Ihad to take lots et medicine, bunothing 1739 done me so much good as dyer's Sarsapa. rilla. It has made me well and strong.' -- T. D, hl., Neto010r, Kane. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.04.40 *see., Level, Efe55, Cured others, will cure you McLEO D'S System nenovator ^^--AND 021150 -- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Por Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepeta,, Sleepleeenees! Palpala. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near. algia, Loss of Memory, Br000hitie, Con- sumption, Gall ponos, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diaeasee, St, Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY > ODERiCH, ONT. J, M. MoLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer, Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Drussels. HONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6k- Per CenI., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. RETIFUW —FROM— BUSINE SS. As I am retiring from business I take this opportunity of thank- ing my numerous customers, who have stood by me for the last 18 years, for their kind patronage, and would bespeak for my suc- cessor, Mr. Honsberger, a con- tinuance of their custom. I would also intimate that all out -standing accounts MUST be settled, by cash or note, on or before the 15th day of March, 1894. Those who prefer settling with mo instead of a stranger will please take a note of this. A word to the wise is sufficient. Yours, &e. Wm, S imp son, ETHEL, Jan. 31st, 1894. THE -COOKS BEST FRIEND l.ARGE$T SAIF. 111 CANADA. ,v..,...a.s.arn le thelatoet triumphinpharmacyy forth% eure�? Pt all the sympbome fndleating lsnnrfs .010»7 Givnucomplaint, It you are troubledwitbt lC.ostiven.ees, YDisztnese, Sour Mammas,t 110tidacbe, Ind gesflon, $Oma APPETI'rn, Senn lmnLs,e,1 )11n0I2410 PLIES, bleoplesa \Tights, Melancholy Peeling, Perm Aeon, ?Ieinbruy's 15.14 nee, and. 3.tver Cine willgive mmediatereliefandDarnoTaaure. Sold at all Drug Stores, IlOotnbray lltediciue Company et li'eterhorough, (Limited), PETERI3ORO"JCi-i, . . ONT. SOLD BY J. T. PEPPER, DRUGGIST, BRUSSELS. It is to your advantage to see my enlarged and varied stock of fresh bought goods for the Holiday trade. We regard it no trouble to show goods :— Gold Watches, Gold Filled Wat- ches, Silver Watches, Gem Rings, Engagement Rings, Wedding Rings, China Novelties, Silver- ware, Clocks at $1.00 and Up- wards, a lot of Fancy goods. Issuer of Marriage License. R.EP41RIXG Of Watches, Clocks and Jew- elry personally attended to with care and low charges. All Work Warranted. T. FL ETCHER JEWELER, BRUSSELS. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO, .Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance e,t Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 W. C. MACDONAL:D, Acdmry, Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 8,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 El NEW UNCONDITIONAL-ACCUMULATIVU �OLLGY Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life ,association. t It is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. t "It is entirely void of all conditions. r 'Ib is absolutely and automatically non -forfeitable, after two years. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely seb forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to la (c) Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy. President, Hon. Sir W.P. Howland, C.B., A4.0.31.G. Managing Direotor, iJ. K. Macdonald. W. 11. KERB, Agent at Brussels. Nothing ays So well Nowadays as an Advertisement in USE PRINTER'S INK S POSTS If rightly applied will do wonders, moist -. --.+®,®+ OUR JOB PRINTING Is noted for its neatness And Accuracy. Our prices are Very reasonable. Make a bee -line for THIS POST Publishing House When you want anything 111 that line.