HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-2-9, Page 1Vol. 21. No. 80.
The January meeting of the Ruri.De•
canal Chapter of Huron was held in St.
Paul'e Muncie Wingham, on Wednesday,
, the 24th ult., at 2:80 p. m: The olergy
'j present wore, Revs, Rural Dean 'lodging
r of Seaforth ; 117;, Turnbull, Goderioh • J,
Fairlie, Olintoli ; T. Hielee, Blyth ;
W. G. Reilly, Brussels ; W. 3'. Brownlee,
Gerrie ; L. W. Diehl, Hohnesville ; C.
Miles, Luoknow ; H. Jeeneer Port At,
beet ; and L, G, Wood, Wingbam.
' Among the lay members present were
Robert Stinson, Gerrie ; H. Dennie, Brus-
• seta ; W, Robinson, Wroxeter; Crowell
Wilson and R. Vardaman, Wingham.
T1e Holy Communion was oblebrated at
11:30, the Rural Dean and Rev. M. Turn•
bull, oo1ebrant3. At 2:30 the businose
meeting of the Chapter wag opened by
prayer. The minutes of last meeting
Were duly adopted. The subjeob of epeal•
al Diocesan collections was then dieous-
eed. The returns from the various par -
'Mute were considered good, particularly
that from Goderioh. It was recommend-
ed that epeoial envelopes bo provided for
all epeoial appeals. The 'Rural Dean
then spoke on the desirability of forming
a Charity Workers' Aesooiation adapted
to the requirements of the Deanery. An
animated and interacting discussion fol.
lowed. Rev. M. Turnbull, of Goderioh,
strongly recommended a Church Guild,
based on the oonetitution of the one at
present used in his parish, which was
based on oharoh lines, &o.
One feature of this discussion was the
loyalty evinced towards the ohuroh. On
motion of. Rev. J. H. Fairlie, seeendnd by
H. Donnie, the following gentlemen were
appbinted a committee to frame a coneti•
tution and report at next meeting of the
Chapter :—Revs.. M. Turnbull, W. Reil•
ly, T. Higley, Rural Dean Hodgins, L.
G, Wood.
A motion was then introduced byL. G.
Wood, seconded by Rev. E. Softley, that
a S. Sobool aesooiation be formed in con-
nection with the Chapter, to meet some
time in May next.
Rev. Mr. Tun:ball invited the Chapter
and Sabbath Bebop] convention to hold
their next meeting 1n Goderioh in May,
assuring them of a hearty weloome. The
invitation was accepted.
Before the meeting closed Rev. M.
Turnbull made a waren appeal for St.
Stephen's church, Goderioh township,
and einoerely hoped the Deanery would
take steps to prepare a plan for oarrying
on the services of the cheetah. It was
decided that the Rural Dean and Rev. L.
G. Wood visit at. Stephen's and meet
Reeds. Mr. Tnrnbnll, L. W. Diehl and
the people interested, with a view of ¢s•
pertaining the wishes of all concerned
and laying them before His Lordship, the
Bishop. After a hearty vote of thanks
to the rector and people of Wingham for
their ]rind hospitality in entertaining the
delegates, the meeting closed with the
At. 7:30 the clergy again assembled in
the vestry of the ohuroh for evening sea
vice, being conduoted by the rector and
Rev. Mr. Turnbull. Addressee by Revs.
H. Jeanes, at one time assistant to the late
Bishop Hannington iu Africa, 0: Miles,
of Luoknow, J, a. Fairlie and the Rural
Dean. The addressee were admirable,
and brought tea close one of the moat
successful deanery meetings ever held in
the oounbv. The choir rendered efficient
service throughout and a large oougrega-
tion was present.
Brussels Council.
The regular montbly meeting of Brus•
eels CounoiJ was bald last Monday even -
Mg, all members present, the reeve in
the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and tsp.
The following a000unbe were present.
H. Williams, misoellaneous $ 46
Mre. J. Blashill, charity 2 00
Mrs. T. Stewart, " 2 00
F. S. Scott, Howe insurance ,,., 53 25
Mrs. Meadow's, quarter's salary,15 00
John Broadfoot, salary and rent
00dumping ground 82 00
George Edwards, hay scales 1 68
R. Armstrong, " " 9 00
Duff & Stewart, timber for scales,16 00
G. T. R. freight on soalee 1 40
Mrs. Wallace, wood g 50
Mre. T. Stewart, wood 8 60
John Hewitt, refund dog tax ,1. 00
B. Gerry, the engine eoal 103 51
Moved by R. Graham, seconded by S.
Wilton that the foregoing accounts be
paid. Carried.
Moved by W. H. McCracken, eeeonded
by R. Williams that the Board of Health
for 1894 contest of A. Stewart, H. Dennis,
J. N. Kendall, the Reeve and the Clerk,
and that Dr. McNaughton be Medinal
Henith:0ificer. Carried.
The usual By -late confirming said
Board wae read and passed.
Moved by W. H. McCracken, seconded
by R. Graham that Mre. Meadows be
re-engaged as caretaker of the Town Rall
for the ensuing year at a salary of 000.00.
Disoussion ensued as to beet means of
dealing with watertank and the council
agreed to have a new bottom of lumber
and tar put in as soon ae possible. An
Inspeotion of tank was made on Tues.
day morning by the Reeve and Oouhoil-
lore McCracken and Graham.
Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by W,
3. lbloCracken that a committee, consist.
ing of Councillors Graham, Williams and
the Reeve, report on a better fire alarm
system at next Council meeting. ,Carried,
The Reeve stated that he had received
$25.00, of a refund from County for
gravelling approaohee to Brussels bridge,
$1.00 foe cleaning off bridge preparatory
to painting,' and $7,00 J, P.'finea, all of
whit': bad been paid to Treasurer Kelly.
The ellowanoe to Braesele Go. Wards will
be out down 50% and tihe cheques for
same will come to the Treasurer instead
of the Reeve as in the past.
Counoil then adjourned to meet on
Monday, 19th inet. at 7:80 o'olook p. m.
TWo•thousend coal miners in the Viola.
ity of Bellaire, Ohio, are on strike.
Eleven new members were received 1n•
to Melville ohuroh at the communion
service last Sabbath,
A week from next Sabbath epeoial
revival cervices Will commence In the
Methodist ohuroh, Reattach.
Rev, G. H. Cobblediok, B. D., addressed
Bible Society meetings at Ethel and
Orenbrook on Tuesday and Thursday
evenings of this week.
A lecture on "John Calvin" will be
given by Rev. Jolla Iboee, 13, A., in Mel•
villa church on Monday evening next, be•
ginning at 7;30 o'clock.
The subject which Rev. D. Millar will
have under consideration on Sabbath
evening first will be "Some of the Evi-
dences of Christianity."
Mr. Martin, of Toronto, discoursed to
about 100 persons in the Town Hall last
Sunday afternoon. His topic was "The
human mind," dealing with it from the
standpoint of the New Ohnroh,
One hundred and forty took the sacra-
ment at the Methodist ohuroh last n.
day at the close of the evening ser e.
Seven new members were received to
the church—four by letter and three n
p oPeseion of faith,
Rev. D. Perris, Ohesley, has aoce d
the gall to Wingham Presbyterian ob h
and will be inducted on Thursday after-
noon of next week. We have pleasurein
welooming the rev. gentleman to
Maitland Presbytery.
At an adjourned meeting held in he
Trivitt Memorial ohuroll hall, on Tuesday
evening, Rev. E. W. Hunt, of Southamp-
ton, was the unanimous choice ae w
rentor of Exeter pariah. Mr. Hunt is
son-in-law to J. M. O'Connor, of Brussels.
Exeter may be congratulated if they
secure him.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, prea -
ed a thoughtful discourse in Melville
ohuroh last Saturday afternoon. Ten
pastor occupied the pulpit Sneday morn-
ing and ltev, D. Millar, of Knox church,
took Rev.' D. 13. McRae's plana in'e
evening, the latter being used up with
bad cold,
Next Sunday morning Rev. W. Smyth,
of Clinton, formerly of Brussels,
preaoh the annual Missionary sermon n
the Methodist church here. Ple will•
liver an address on the same subject
the evening. Rev. Mr. Oobbledick l
preach at Teeawater and Rev. Mr.
Lachlan, of that village, in Clinton,
Presbytery of Maitlani will meet
re trate at Wingham, on Thureday, ;
Feb„ at 1:30 p. in., to consider report f
Committee on re -organization of field,
and at 2:30 p. m. for the induction
Rev. D. Perris to the pastoral charge
Wingham congregation. At the induc-
tion service Rev. D. Millar will preside,
Rev. John Rose, of Ashfield, will preach,
Rev. John Rose will address the minister,
and Rev, J. L. Murray will address t
The offioere of the Young People'
Association iu connection with St. John
oburoh are as follows :—
Rev. W. G. Reilly, Hon. President ;
H. Dennis, President ;
MYIrs. Reilly, Vice -Pres, ;
George Rogers, Secretary ;
Miss M. Kelly, Cor. Secretary ;
Mies Nina Rogers, Treaenrer ;
The young people of Brussels should be
well looked after from a religions stand-
point with four thriving organizations
for their epeoial benefit.
THREE Dees' Bra MEErrxes,—The Sal-
vation Army of Brussels will have three
days special meetings on the 17th, 18th
and 19811 insae. Saturday and Sunday
Ensign and Mre. Frazer, the new Palmer•
eton District Officers, will be here to
lead, and Geo. Mason, the eaved store.
keeper, with his music, ie also expected.
On Monday the officers and soldiers of
the different carpe in the Dietrict will
be in, and in the evening there will be a
monstrous banquet and o yster supper in
the Town Hall.
Amman MEETING,—Tire annual meet•
ing of Melville church wae held on Moa -
day, 6th inse, the pastor presiding. The
report for the session showed that 81
members had been received during the
year, 23 die.joined, leaving a gain of 8,
making the membership 250 at the close
of 1893, The managers reported the
ordinary revenue to bo $1359.44, which
met expenaes .11.
The debt on the meft a eanse waseduced noe of $200.
Special improvements were made in the
church at a coat of over 0300, to meat
which 0224,10 were paid in, leaving a
balance of $81.32 to be provided for.
_Por all purpoeee there was raised during
1803 the sum of .$2298.79, of which $440.
18 were for missions and other stemmas
of the church. the reports were ooneid-
ered very eatisfaotory. The officers for
1804 are the following :—Board of Man-
agement, A. M. McKay, Wm. Knechtel,
Jno. 13. MoLanchliu, Thos, Davidson,
Jas. Dunoan, Wm. Taylor, Alex. Stew.
art (Grey), Dr. Graham, G. F. Blair ;
Secretary, Donald Stewart ; Treasurer,
J. G. Skene : Auditors, J. Z. Cameron
and R. M. Dickson ; Missionary Assooia-
tion, Mex. Stewart (Brussels), Dunoan
MoLauohlin, Mrs. Barnhill, Mrs, Shaw
and Mrs, Tufts.
Russia threa'ens s, tariff war with
Admiral Gervais of the Frenoh navy is
to resign.
Eight men have been arrested at The
Hague for hrrae forgeries.
About 8,228,697 roan are available for
military duty in the United States.
Serious ooniiiots between Christians
and Molseme are reported in Crete.
The new trial of Dan Coughlin for
the murder of Dr, Cronin ie still in pro-
gressat Chicago.
It is aesorted by the Radicals of Semen,
that King Alexander will abdicate in
favor of ox.Kitg Milan.
Harrison's friends deny that he has m-
ewed McKinley be ie a candidate for the
Republioan Presidential nomination.
Reeding defeated Bubear in a smiling
reee over the Thames course. on Tuesday.
Harding weighs less than 180 outdo.
Jay the aooidentel ,oxpn:nion of dyne•
mite cartridges in a out On a drainage
aanal near Rome, Ohio, two leen were
killed and three injured.
Perth (0Uxtty.
Stratford Beaoon :—"A joke is going
the rounds about a local carting enthu•
siaet who recently went through n game
daring the night while in te etate of
somnambulism. It was his loud shout
to the skip, Raking what play he wanted,
that awoke the tumatee of the house,
who dieooyered him in the midet of hie
imaginary game."
Stratford Beaoon ;—.''A good story fe
told of a farmer living near Elmira,
tliougb the accident accompanying it is to
be regretted, - The farmer has an amiable
daughter to whom a osrtain young man
has been paying hie attention in the face
of the most vigilant and unyielding par-
ental opposition. In order to overcome
the difficulties which t1hne prevented the
two young hearts beating as one in the
ordinary way, they were obliged to hold
clandestine meetings, and the plucky
young lady assisted her lover into the
house through an upstairs window by
means of a rope. When paterfamilias
smelled the rat he got at the end of the
rope bimeelf one evening, and was ascend.
ing very satisfaotorily until hie face was
nearly up to the window, Just then his
daughter let go of the rope, and he fell to
the ground and broke his leg."
The anneal meeting of the Perth
County Patrons of Industry convened
in Stratford on Tuesday morning, pre.
sided over by Jas. Mauntain. Thirty
four delegates from subordinate assooia.
Nous reported and as many more mem-
bers of the order were present. The
president cougratelated the aesooiation
on he growth during the past year, indi-
cated by the secretary's report. After
the several oommitties lead reported ib
was unanimously resolved to divide the
county into two riding associations. The
North Perth Association endorsed the
action of the Atwood oonvontion in the
selection of Samuel Weiderhold, ae can-
didate for the Local Legislature, and ar-
ranged to meet at Milverton on March 6
to select a candidate for the Dominion
Rouse. The next annual meeting of the
North Perth Aesooiation is to be at
Milvertou, and that of the South Perth
Association will be held in Miohell.
A serious and perhaps fatal accident
occurred about midnight on Friday of
last week on the St. Mary's road. A
party of some six or eight young people,
inolnding Harry Bickford, a young man
of abent twenty•dve, drove over to St.
Mary's in the evening, and on their re•
turn home Mr. Bickford, feeling cold, got
out of the sleigh and was running along.
side of it to keep warm. He is known
among his friends as being somewhat
misobievoas, and as he was running
along he caught np to one of the horses
and in fun pulled the animal's tail. Im•
mediately the brute gave a savage kiok,
striking Mr. Bickford squarely in the
face. Tha accident occurred near Ma•
Caffrey's hotel (the half -way house) and
the injured man was immediately re.
moved there and medical assistance pro-
cured from Stratford. Mr. Biokford's
jawbone was badly shattered and his.
face terribly out. FIe also suffered
severely from the shook.
CeiItitdian vs',e.
A Warwick damsel has broken her leg
four times in four years.
A women's connoil ie to be formed at
Quebec ander the auspices of Lady Aber.
Saeinhoff & Gordon, the well known
bValiaoebnrg millers, are using natural
gas as fuel for their mill.
W. 13.lecarth has been eleoted presi-
dent sad R. T. Riley vice•president of
Winnipeg Board of trade.
The Town Council of Chatham pro.
poses to apply to the legislature for an
act creating Chatham a city.
Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper has enoloe-
ed to the Xingeton hospital a Cheque for
$500 in aid of sick marinert,
The Y. M. 0, A. of Kingston finds a de.
floit of $700 iu the finances for 1893, and
will make an effort to wipe it out.
William Hardwood was sent down for
trial at Georgetown charged with perjury
in connection with the Campbell Daae.
South Essex Liberals Wednesday un-
animously renominated W. D. Bal-
four M. P. P., as their candidate for the
The Seleot Knights of Canada have
formed a legion at Kingston and named
it the "Charles Sanger Legion," after the
Canadian poet.
The Rev. Dean Bliss, who ;las been in
the Anglican mission field of the upper
Ottawa, has been appointed to St. John's
Chnrob, Evansville, Ont„ and will enter
on his new duties on April 1st.
It is rumored at Montreal that Lt, -
Col. houghtun, D. A. G.., has been sue.
pended by Maj. Gen. Herbert for having
published an answer to General Middle.
ton's artiole on the Rsile rebellion, whioh
appeared in the United Service' Magazine.
A needy mishap 000urred at Brantford
on Saturday afternoon at the Grand
Trunk works. John Smith, one of the
employees, was engaged et a saw, when in
some manner hie hand got drawn in, and
in an instnnt the teeth had taken off two
fingers and a thumb,
iMLr. Saviors, who keeps a small oigar
store at Montreal, entered his shop one
day recently and caught a man named
Moineau with his arm around Mrs. Bove
fore, and giving her several kisses. Stiv-
iere sued Moineau for $200 for alienating
his wife's affections. The tatter. Conten.
dad that he was only kissing Madam Elev.
fare in honor of her birthday, and Judge
Loranger dismissed the cage, considering'
that the grounds of widen were not sufti.
oienbly serious.
While returning from eohool the other
day, Maud Gracey, of Ourrie's Crossing,
was bit on the face by a dog enpposed to
he mad. De, MoLerg, of Woodetook,
was sent for and oauteriled the wound
besides glvinpi her other treatment. The
dog fought with another dog and bit a
esoond on its journey south and west of
Ourrie's Crossing, when it was lost traolt
of. One of these doge has eines, beet: kill.
od ie case it would go mad. - The dog
had a band around bis nook with a pieoo.
Of'ohain attaohod.
Numerous Whitecap 30trages are ro•
ported in St, Franale County, Ark.
W. E, 9• Jimmies was ou Monday elect-
ed Mayor of Dundee, defeating Mr. A.
R. Wardell by a majority 00 42.
The authorities of Vancouver, B. 0„
are tatting draetio meaeuree to atop eohool
children from smoking cigarette,
Henry Kingsworth was given ten days
in jail at Chatham Saturday for allowing
sores to exist' under his horee'e oollar,
Port Elgin paid 91,198,64 poets in a
suit brought by a young lady who broke
her leg on one of its defeotive sidewalks,-
Rev. E. L. Turquand, son of the late
Dr. Turquand, of Woodsboolt, and known
by many people in Toronto, has just died
in Florida.
A charter for a new telegraph company
is being applied for to the British
Columbia Legislature, The line is to
connect South Westminster with Vaaoou.
ver, Victoria and Nanaimo. It will eon.
next with the Great Northern system and
will break the 0. P. R. monopoly,
James Holmes, eon of James Holmes,
hardware merchant of Woodetook, met
with a serion, accident on the market
there on Saturday morning, The young
man was watching a sale of cattle, when
a new miloh oow with a calf wheeled
around and, oetobing the boy on her
borne, tossed him up several feet in the
air. He fell heavily on the frozen ground
receiving serious injuries. He is suffer-
ing from alight cononssien of the brain
and is otherwise badly bruised.
The Provincial prohibition convention,
comprising 1,500 delegates, met in Toron-
to on Wednesday. The chief feature was
the waiting upon the Ontario Govern•
ment by a large deputation from the
convention, which requested the Govern-
ment to declare in favor of total prohi-
bition to the extent of the power vested
in the Legislature. Sir Oliver Mowat,
speaking for the Government, replied in
teems which completely satisfied the
deputation and the convention.
Chief of Police Boufford, of Amberot.
burg, went to Malden the other day for
the purpose of arresting Jobe Green, a
oolored mac, who was wanted for assault
on hie daughter, Mrs. Henry Chambers,
while in that town the previous day. The
Chief al tempted to put the handcuffs on
Green, who is a powerful man, and in
the melee which followed the Chief struck
him twine on the head, breaking his bat-
on. The blows seemed to have no per.
oeptible effect on Green, and after look.
ing at him in amazement for a while, the
Chief returned home without his man.
A most daring attempt at highway rob.
bery occurred at Ailsa Craig, on Satur-
day night. Mrs. Shannon, wife of a G.
T. R. employee, when rebarniog home
from shopping, and while within a few
yards of her own door, Was set upon by
some person unknown, thrown down, and
an attempt made to take her phrse out of
her pocket. Mrs. Shannon being an able.
bodied woman was able to thwart bis
purpose long enough to allow assistance
to arrive. The robber was chased by a
couple of young men, and wonld surely
have been caught, only there happened
to be a freight train drawing out of the
elation yard, on whioh be jumped, -and
although the news was wired ahead, no
trace of him could be found. He is de-
scribed as a tall man, with a long over-
coat and far oap. .11rs. Shannon had
her purse in her muff, or he would have
bad it sure. She received no other berm
than a terrible fright.
People We Know.
Miss Braden fe on the sick list.
Rev. R. Pant was on the sick list this
Mies Clara Thompson is home from
Mrs. J. N. Kendall has been on the
sick list, `
Mrs. Dr. McNaughton was visiting in
Councillor Williams was in Stratford
this week.
Mies Thorn, of Mitchell was in town
on Sunday.
Rev. J. Law, of Belgrave, was in town
on Monday.
Gus. MoLauoblin,of Wingham, is visit-
ing in town.
Miss Patterson, of Wingham, is visit.
ing in Brussels,
Miss Sarah Carter is visiting relatives
in Kincardine.
J. D. Stewarb,tvas home for a few days
from Seaforth.
Mrs. John Crocker, of Exeter, is visit-
ing at B. Gerry's.
Miss Ellen Shine has returned from te
visit at Woodstock.
Walter Burgess, of Mitchell, spent
Sunday in Brussels.
Robt, Beattie, of Wingham, wae in
town on Wednesday.
J. J. Gilpin was laid up last week 'with
au attack of la grippe,
Mies Nellie Varcoe is now living at
John Leokie's, Toronto.
Mrs. J. T. Pepper and children arrived
home from their visit to Hamilton last
Saturday afternoon.
Mies Mary MoLauohlin, Miele Strachan
and Miss Ella Plum will attend the midi•
nery openings at London.
Fred. and W. J. McQraoken are visit.
lug for a week with reletiyea at Hanover
and other Northern points,
Wm, Mose, of this piano, bee leased a
harness shop in Gerrie and will open out
business in that burg. He is a good
mechanic and pays close attention to his
James Annett, of London, formerly a
grocer in Brussels, was in town for a
couple of days this week. Ise is enjoying
the best of health and kinks the beam at
205 pounds-.
D. Ferguson, wife and ollildroo of
9.eeewater, were visiting relatives and
friends in Brussels and vicinity for a
weak. It is 14 years sinoe Mr, F. went
to Teeawater and associated with his
brother they bave done a very suooeesful
The Seaforth Sun says: --•Piper Donald
Stewart was the guest of James Mo•
Michael last week and who, though be
has no ear for mesio, declares the High.
land pipes to be the least disagreeable
sound be has ever hoard. This is a high
compliment to both pipe and piper,
W. H. KERR, Prop,
J. Londesboro' was visiting at B.
Leatherdele'e 011ie week,
George Good, of Seaforth teas in town
on Thursday of last week.
Ones Sate Hembly, of Wingbam, was
visiting in Brueselethis week.
Harold Oroighton, of Guelph, was in
Bruesels for a few days this week.
Idea. W. Norton,,ofListowel, was visit•
ing her parents in Brussels this week.
Mise MaKerohie, of Wroxeter, is visit-
ing relatives in the vloinity of Brussels.
Mies 1CT, J. Anderson, of i'ordwlob, is
visiting her friend, Mise Teenie Sinclair,
Miss Maggie MoNaugbton is home from
an extended visit at Seaforth and
Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson, of Mitoliell, is
visiting Mies Maggie McNaughton and
other friends in Brussels,
Mrs. Gilpin, wife of Rev, J. W. Gilpin,
of Bervie, was visiting at J. J. Gilpfa's
this week. Sbe had been at Toronto at•
tending the funeral of her mother.
Among the visitors to Tien POST sane•'
tum this week was our old friend Thos.
Bradwell, of Clifford, who removed from
Brussels several years ago. He recently
had a wreath with an infuriated steer
tbat nearly cost him his life but he pulled
through :Wright. Mrs. Bradwell acoom•
panted her husband to Dunoan Mo.
Additional Local News.
R. LsaTHEnpAre diopoeed of three piano
cased Goderioli organs last week, Wm.
Glass and Alex. Ellis, of MoKillop, and
F. Scott, of Morris, being the purchasers,
HYtrnNEAL.— On Monday of this week
Miss Maitie E., only daughter of J. L .
Sturdy, of Harriston, former residents of
Brussels, wae united in marriage to J. M.
Lemou. Tum Post joins with the many
friends of the bride in this place in wish-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Lemon happiness and
Areen MCGetraE,--The Clinton News -
Record fires shot at "McGuire," of Brus-
sels, whoever he may be :—The Clinton
Gun (nub are after the soalp of McGuire,
of Brussels. If the editor of THE POST,
the popular Reeve of that village, will
only exercise a little judicious care the
noalping process may be averted. The
anger of sharp shooters should not be
thoughtlessly aroused,
POLITroAL MEETINo.—Niobolas Awrey,
112. P, P, for South Wentworth, will
address a public meeting in the Town
Hall, Brussels, ou Tuesday evening of
next week, commencing at 7:30 o'clock.
Mr. Awrey is arepresentative farmer and
is thoroughly versed in the leading
questions of the day. Everybody should
hear him. Ib is expected that another
outside speaker will also be preseut the
same evening.
Tex WEDDING.—On Wednesday evening
of this week James Walker and wife
oeiebrated the 10th enoivereary of their
marriage by entertaining about fifty
guests at their comfortable residence,
Alexander street, The host and hostess
were successful in their efforts to make
every one present feel at home Red an
enjoyable time was spent with games,
social chat and the rendering of the fol-
lowing program, Nelson Gerry acting in
the capacity of cbairmau Recitation,
Miss Edith Walker • solo, D. Strubb ;
solo, N. Large ; instrumental on eon -
carbine, D. Strubb ; solo, Dr. Cavanagh ;
recitation, Jas. Moore ; instrumental,
Miss Jennie MtLauchlin ; violin solo, D,
Ewan ; recitation, Nelson Gerry. Mr.
and Mrs. Walker were made the recipi-
ents of tinware of every size and desorip•
tion, many of the presents being very
useful and handsome ones. Refresh.
meats were served and at a late hour the
oompany separated for their respeotive
homes, after wisbieg Mr. Walker and his
estimable wife long life and continued
WATOs Teace.—Last week two sliok
young men, who gave their names as J.
O'Gorman and J. J. 13aines, called on n
number of people in Brussels and
vioinity with wimple parcels of goods
containing settings, heavy tweeds, linen
table clothe, shirting, dress geode,
samples of carpets, &o. and promised
such extra induoement in all lines kept
at "their" supply house ab Toronto and
which goods would be sent to Braseele
0. 0. D., that more than one aocepted
the bait and gave their notes for the
amount, usually $38.50. In two oases we
know of, the paper was discounted at the
local banks and the two visitors took
their departure for fresh fields. They
promised that be here on Monday lsjourneymen e o makenp the
suits at a ridiculous lots figure cud
mousy was going to be coined by all with
them. The way trade is cut up now
a person may look with a good deal of
suspicion on the "gilded bargains" of
strangers who cannot undersell local
tradesmen, giving value for value.
Many of these perambulating mete
chants (9) should get a term at Kingston
as a certificate of the "high appreciation
in winch they are held" by many who
have the "pleasure" 01 their acquain-
JAPAN.—Rev, J. W. Sannby, who baa
spent 6e years In Japan as a missionary,
delivered a very interesting lecture on
"Thumb nail sketches of the sun rise
kingdom" in the Methodist oburoh in
this place on Wednesday evening. There
tune a large and attentive audience in
attendance. The reverend lecturer gave
graphic word paintings of the 40 million
Japanese in their agrioultural pursuits,
modes of life, travel, worship, priesthood
and Government; desoribed the land in
its mountains and valleys, volcanos, &o.,
&o, and ooncluded his address with
short experieuoss of missionary aueoess
and prospeot. The lecture wire a genuine
treat and well worthy of the hearty vote
of thank s it received on motion of Poet.
master Farrow and 13. Gerry. Rev. Mr.
Saunby responded in appropriate words
and then reoitod the Lord's prayer in
Japanese, We are pleased to state that
Mr. Snubby has promised to return to
Brussels fu the near future and will give
leoturs under the auspices of the W.
p', iti, B, of the Methodist , church on
"The Lady missionaries and her
Japanese slater." The date will be en -
n 0 11)054 again.
theme to Thos. Bogs tatting a remuner.
titive situation in a tailoring establish.
ment in Olieeley, the shop managed by
him in Durham for his brother, D. 0., of
Brussels, will be closed, Robb. Roee
went to Durham this week to superin-
tend the work until then. They had a
good trade in Durham.
FAntsElle' INornTOTE,—A meeting of the
East Huron Farmers' Institute will be
held in the Town Hall, Wroxeter, on
Tuesday, Feb, 18, '94, Program nom•
menoing at 12:30 will bo as follows :—
General farming, stook raising and feed-
ing, R. Currie, Wicgbam ; Corn growing.
and the silo, James Hinckley ; Condition
of agriculture, Nicholas Awrey, M. P. P,;
Economy on the farm, le Deaobman ;
Veterinary science, M. H. Moore, V. S. t
Address, Thome Gibson, M. P. P. ;
Butter making on the farm, 13. MoFad•
den. Evening session Commencing at
7:80. In addition to addresses from
prominent gentlemen there will be an
interesting program of vocal and instru-
mental music. A similar meeting will
be held at Kioburn Town Hall, on
Thmeday, February 16th, oommenoomg
at 12:30 O'olook. The prograde will con- •
list of the following :-Hog feeding, T. E.
Hays ; Corn growing and the silo, James
Hinohley ; Breeding and preparing stook
steers for the grass, CT Ilfurdie ; Dairying,
John McMillan, M, P. and Sohn C. Mor-
iison. In the evening a public meeting
will be held when a program of addresses
interspersed by vocal and instrumental
music will be presented.
Leorons.—A lecture will be given by -
Rev. John Rose, B.A., on "John Calvin,"
in Melville Church, Brussels, on Monday
evening, Feb. 12th, aommenoing at7:30
o'clock. Syllabus of lecture 1—Mixed
spice ; prairie and mountain lives ; the
heroic land of Switzerland ; Leman'e
shining lake ; was Calvin a great man 7;
three tests of greatnese ; Luther's, D'Au•
bigne's, Guizot's and Bancroft's estimates
of Calvin ; not a deity ; 'Paint me as I
am, warts and all'; Calvin a Frenchman;
his parents and early home ; Byron's
youth ; influence of the home ; Calvin a
chaplain at 12 years of age ; school and
college ; studiousness at Paris ; quoits ;
the ever -burning Dandle ; Calvin's genius ;
genius and 'thundering bard work';
nicknamed the "Accusative Case' and
Longhead'; the tadpole and the shining
angel ; turns to law ; spiritual unrest ;
the dawning light; hollowness of Roman.
ism ; a sudden conversion ; 'a band pre.
senting a burning heart to God' ; preach•
ing the Word ; accused of heresy ; escape
from Paris ; wanderings in Italy ; at
Geneva ; Forel ; 'I tell thee, the curse of
God will rest upon tree' ; the oity's
minister ; conflict with the Libertines;
John Pym ; 'fearless and without guile'
drawn swords ; banished from Geneva;
a happy nlar1iege ; 'idiotic lovers' ;
Burke's wife; Luther on the blessing of
a good wife ; recalled to Geneva ; two
tuba of wine ; a thrilling scene in the
Church of St. Peter's ; eminence as a
preacher ; 'no one can witbstand him' ;
,the Institutes of Religion' ; the founder
of free schools ; prodigious labors ; not
time to look at the blessed sun ; the end
drawing near ; 'How long, 0 Lord' ; dies
with the setting sun ; Geneva's grief ;
the tameless grave ; his pure and lofty
character ; did Calvin burn Servetus 7 ;
Ohinese proverb ; sternness of Calvinism ;
Beecher on Calvinism ; a 'oolony of con.
science'; Sam Jones on Presbyterians ;
Fronde's opinion of Calvinists ; Calvin's
influence ; Calvinism and liberty ; Gal.
vin's justly merited fame ; 'he rests in
God' ; your work and mine ; life's fire.
well. Choioe musical seleotione by the
choir. Admission, single tickets, 10o. ;
family tickets, 80c.
Mom, Hsrxorrsu, &c. — The Eden
Fontana Combination held the platform
at the Town Hall on Monday evening.
There was a large audience, many of the
number being a great deal too noisy if
not rude. The program consisted of ex-
cellently rendered solos by Chas. Kelly,
the popular basso, wbo was loudly en-
cored for his "Old Church Bell," "Rooked
in the cradle of the deep," and "The
Lord of the ocean," and he was generous
to respond iu eaoh ease. He also favored
the auditors with several guitar solos,
"The Spanish Retreat" being his master.
piece. Mr, Kelly is always a favorite
with a Brussels audience. Of Grace
Eden, the Georgia wonder, and her won-
derful feats we have little to say. They
appear to be unaccountable. Although
only 96 pounds weight she lifted with her
hands five men at once, whose weight
would aggregate 800 pounds. Strong men
such as Joe Bowman, Morrie. W. el.
Sinclair, and numerous others, wbo tried
could not individually nor collectively lift
her from the floor nor tumid they hold
her up when removed from a chair.
These and other exhibitions given left
those immediately interested in the experi•
menta and the spectators in a elate of
wonderment. In mind reading Prof.
Fontana and the above mentioned lady
gave numerous evidences of their ability
to step into the unseen and reveal a few
of the wonders of mental telograph7.
Persons were eeleoted by e., committee :n
the audience unknown to the Prof. and
be (blindfolded) found them out and tor•
reotly in every instance. A pocket knife
hidden was also found in the same way.
One of the most diifoult tasks of the
evening, to the audience, was the simple
and accurate manner in whiob Madame
Fontana, who was sitting blindfolded on
the stage, could tell what the Prof. twee
handling in various parts of the Hall.
She even could give dates on various"
coins, tell make of watohes, &C., &c. The
gentlemen who tested.. for -themselves the
certainty of the feats were J. Bowman,
A, Reid, H. Deouie, W. M. Sinclair, Dr.
Graham, la. Leatherdale, Jno. Shaw,
Postmaster Farrow, T. L'letoher, Dr.
Cavanagh, Alex. Ross and Constable
Broadfoot. Prof. Fontana gave is short
lecture on the subject of Hypnotism dur-
ing the evening. The human mind is
evidently Capable of performing duties
that we have very little conception of,
At fames entertainments it might not be
a bad thing to have the oonatatle give a
few verdant youths a lesson on propriety
as to behaviour in connection with publia
entertetemefts, The boys have got on
to some of the Samson feats,