The Brussels Post, 1894-2-2, Page 8TipiS BRUTSSET+S PGS' FREE! FREE! A Bottle ()four Cough Balm To he given away. Since making a ohange In the manufecbure of our Cough 'Beim we have had neatly encouraging teetimcniale of its efficiency it a remedy for Coughs, Colds, &o, In justice to thon who may have used it (before (Mange was made) and were not benefitted, we propose giving theme bottle of our int. ),!roved for.nobbirig. We are confident that there is no better preparation than this for the purpose it is made, Have you ever used it ? Try a bottle when suffering front lung trouble, Y3Ftla•.Tite' OIL We have enured a fresh stook of pure 'bears' oil, If you are becoming perman- ently bald or want a nine heir dressing try eotne, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTI0ERN E=TENSION W. 0. & 0. Trains leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows: Gonne Sorrer. Lorne Noma. Moil 0:54 a.m. Mixed............ 0:46 eon. Express 11:60 a.m. Mall 8.18 p m Mixed ......... 0:00 p.m. Express 0:43 p.m. r i1 ge.ti}iJ .i�uiAr A chiel'e among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. FEmirAnx. Tu' -Top sleighing. Hex shipping oontinues. Nonni& Horse Fair on Thursday of this week. COUNCIL meeliog uext Monday evening at 7:30 o'elook. FEBRUARY 20th is the date of the 4th Division Court. TEE Youog Liberal Club will not meet this (Friday) evening. PAUL= Social at H. Dennis' on Thure• day evening of this week. Goo» Friday will cense on March 23rd and Easter Sunday on the 25th, DONT forget the joint debate in the Town Hall on Friday evening of next week. Wo»LD's Fair by lime light at the Town Hall, Brussels, on Thursday even• ing of this week. A MOT sign has been hung ap by B. J. Strong, photographer. Messrs. Boil. diok & Woke did the work. 011Ae. KELLY, the great basso, and guitarist, will appear in the Brussels Town Hall next Monday evening. Do you believe in Hypnotism 7 Go and see Prof. Fontana next Monday evening at the Town Hall, Brussels. Drosses cheese factory meeting on Friday afternoon of next week. See advt. in this issue foe program of busi. nen. ROYAL Tempters of Temperance will hold their regular meetin; in their hall on Tuesday evening 18t1: inst. Every member asked to be present. GRACE EDEN, the Georgia wonder, will perform some wonderful feats at Brue. eels Town Hall next Monday evening, iu 00,1ne00100 with the Fontana CO. Tun Ladies Association of the Metho- dist church purpose holding a parlor social at the residence of W. F. Stewarb on Thursday evening, Feb. 15th. Lase week R. Leatherdale disposed of a cabinet Greed piano, Mlorris manufac- ture, to George Crooke, Queen St., Brus- sels. This fine instrument was delivered on Saturday. W. 3. Bnowarr, epeoialieb, has bad a busy time of it this week testing eye- sight, fitting spectacles, &c„ at G. A. an Deadm's drug store. Mr, Browatt has made a study of this work and as he is known as a reliable man the publics have confidence in him. LECTURE ON JAPAN.—Rev. John N. ander over her splendidly rendered read - deliver B. A., returned missionary, will 1 . deliver a lecture in the Methodist church I Ings ;James Fax in his eomiealitios of on Wednesday evening, Feb. 7111. Sub• I song, costume and gesture ; and the two 1 well rendered glees by the Young Liberal Glee Club. Mb's McGregor'a Scotch dancing reminded more than one son of Scotland of Scotia's hills and dales. Prof. Hawkins on the piano and Piper Ballantyne with the bagpipes performed 13040014 Board meeting en Friday even- ing of next week, Lanett gaantitiee of loge, !leading bolts and wood have been hauled to Brussels during the past week. Ramona of 'Toe POST should file the returns of the Prohibitiou Vote in If area 00. for future referenda. The tablemay be found on page 0 of this Mane, BIOTA Weiser oonuert this (Friday) even• ing wider the unpins of the Independ- ent Order of reenters, Brunets, Co. L. 0. L.—The Ooonty Orange Lodge for North Huron will convene In Wiagham on Tuesday of next week. Tice, Mooen sold and delivered ate up- right Dominion piano to Metiers. Edgar & Musgrove, Mill street, Brussels, Int weelr, - Mfr. Moore also handles the Bell piano. Dunce Tops has given hie decision in the Nightingale insurance nee, award- ing the plaintiff $5,700 or thereabouts. It is stated that the ease may bo appeal. ed by the Ooinpatty. ONE of the sleighs in going to Ethel Ian Monday evening upset and unloaded the passengers rather unceremoniously. Miss Clara Shine had a bone broken 10 one of het arms we are eoery to say, R. LeATHEtmALE disposed of his fleet footed ohestout driving mare, "Elsie," to Mr. Morris, piano manufacturer, Lie - towel, for the handsome figure of $150. The snare was delivered on Wednesday. BE'rwain the polibionl meeting on Tun - day evening ; the lime light views and parlor social on Thursday ; Emma Wells concert on Friday and the Fontana Co. on Monday next, Brneaels is being well looked after in the matter of entertain- ments. Tits Atwood Bee celebrated another birthday last week and is now Hying into its 5111 Vol. Editor Patton says busine•e is good. He has furnished a dwelling (attaoh5d to the ethos) and it is stated that before the clover ripens he will have a queen in the hive. FARn0Ens' INSTITUTE.—Meetings in con- nection with the East Huron Farmers' Institute will be held at Wroxeter Town Ball on Tuesday, 13th inet., commencing at 12:30 o'cloek. On Thursday afternoon, 15th inst„ a similar meeting will be held at the Kinburn Town Hall. Addressee are expected from prominent farmers. SOLD TO REGINA.—E. W. Miefeom, who went to Regina, N. W. T., a few weeks ago to teat a new .Ronald engine being purchased by that town and also to in- struct the local engineer in roaming it, arrived in Brussels on Wednesday of last week. The engine delighted the in- habitants of the Western metropolis and the two day's teat was moat satiefaotory to the authorities. Previous to this per• chase Regina depended on a chemical eu• gine end a small hand engine. They get their water supply from tanks, the latter being fille.i from a well by windmill power, CoNTRAco I,ET.—B, 0. Wilson, Bens. sale, was awarded the contract of erect. ing the new brick residence for Francis MoOulla, near Leadbury, MoKillop town- ship. The building will be L} stories, gothic style of arcbiteoture, wibh elate roof and all modern improvements and will coat the proprietor when complete about $2,000. Mr. Wilson has re -let the stone and brickwork and plastering to Mee. ars. Coombs & McDonald ; the plumbing, &o , to Messrs. Ballantyne & Wilton ; and the painting to Messrs. Boddiok & Wake. It will be a tip•top residence when completed. OMT,—Lest Sunday Wm. A. Taman died et the residence of his parents, near Blyth, after an illnees of only two weeks. He had an attack of la grippe which de• veloped into inflammation, resulting in his decease. The deceased was a strong, hearty young man who enjoyed the en• teem of alt who knew him and hie unex. petted demiee is greatly regretted. bfr• Tainan was only 21i years of age. The funeral took plans on Monday afternoon and was largely attended, 88 oonveyenoee being counted in the procession. Rev. Mr. Highley conducted the service. The deceased was a brother to Mrs. James Burgess, of Brussels. GREAT Success.—The second annual conceet, under the auepiees of Ben Lomond Camp, No. 83, Sone of Scotland, Brussels, was held, according to anno00. cement last Friday evening. The Town Hall was packed to overflowing, many having to stand through the whole per. formance. To say that the program was a good one fails to give expression to the enooniume pronounced upon Miss Alex. jeot, "Thumbnial sketches of Japan. This will bo particularly interesting and highly instructive as Mr. Sauuby has spent several years in the euuriee king. dom. A collection will be taken. KIND worn.—A subeariber living in Cadallac, Mich., writes :--I speak in high praise of THE POST because I think it is s neat and well put up paper and in addition to that it always furnishes the latest news in and around Brussels. TILE Powe 15 a welopme visitor to US every week and it will alweye be. I would not do without it because I like to hear what is going on in Bruesele. Lgoruec.—A free lecture will be given in the Town Hall, Brussels, next Sabbath afternoon at 8:30 o'olook, on "The struc- ture of the Human Mind, and man as a Spiritual Being," by T. Mower Martin, of Toronto. The public earnestly invited to attend, kir. Ronald wishes THE POST to say that he personally knows Mr. Martie to be an intelligent Lecturer, a self mode man, and well ably to impart a useful, interest- ing lecture, and if desirable other leotures on kindred subjects may follow. He opines sitnply in the love of the use he is performing. SLEItin RIDE.—Four sleigh loads Of young people from the Brussels Epworth League visited the Ethel League on Mon- day evening of this week and were hospi- tably entertained. After a few opening remarks and words of welcome from BMA. McKay, on behalf al the Ethel League, President Mladlc.:t was called to the chair, and the folia.. ing program, furnished by the visitors, was oarried out, although under difficulties :—Chair- men's epeeoh, President Maddook ; trio, 'Dr. and Mrs. Cavanagh and N. Large ; recitation, N. Armstrong ; reading, Mies Minnie Moore ; solo, Miss Bella Smith ; recitation, S. B. Wilson ; quartette, De. and Mrs, tlavenngh, Miss I5. 34. Kerr and N. Large; reading, S. B. Wilson ; guar. tett, D. and tire. Cavanagh, Mies E. E. Kerr and N, Lenge. Refreshments were served and the loads started nn the Immo. ward journey ata seasonable Hour. The Brussels League is the richer by some 410 for this sleigh ride. thedntfes of accompanists in firet.olaee style. $153 were the receipts of the even• ing and when all disbureements were made the 5. of 5. had a clear $50 to the good. Great praise is due the Dom• mibtee, of whom A. Reid was chairman, for the successful oarrying out of the arrangements. The stage was tastefully decorated with banners, flags, evergreens, &o. and on the platform were two easels on which rested framed picturee Of Robbie Burns and Sir Walter Scott. Chief John Shaw presided as chairmen and the entire performance went through without a hitch of any kind. Aux one wielting to get a new saw filing luaohlne may see what suits them at A, M. Moilay ds Qo'e, hardware store Brueeole. Iron on human and horses and all animals mired in 00 minutes by Wool, lord's sanitary lotion, This never falls, Warranted by (4, A. Deadman, How is the time to have your photo taken. Our Winter sows are something above the ordinary. EL 3, STRONG,. Photographer. ANY One WishinA t0 get a new new filing stand, I think can be suited by T. MoGregor, of Brueeels, Ont. May be seen at Moliay & Co's. hardware store, Arma'e Cherry Pectoral le known by its works, The experience of half a oeetsry proves that no other preparation of the kind stops coughing and allays irritation of the throat and bronchial tubes eo promptly and sffeobually ea this. DealIen Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem- ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, eto. Gave $50 by nee of one bottle. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. UNLAIN most proprietary inedieinee, the formulas of Dr. J. 0. Ayer's Serea• parilla and other preparations are cheer- fully seat to any physician who applies for them. hence the speoial favor ao- oorded these well-known standard rem- edies by the World's Fair commissioners. Waris:-DIesine ono Dsmrnoo.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is peeper- ed bo attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satiefaotion. Wella cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable, Reeidenoe e000nd door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 34-11 RHEUMATISM CURED INA DAT.—South American llhoumatio Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically enures in 1 to 3 days. Its motion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The fleet dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. 0. 0. F,—For the next three months special inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brunets, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order, the in- itiation fee being reduced during that time. As this is one of the leading In- suranoe and Beneficiary Societies in the country people should take advantage fthis offer. For full information ap- ply to A. REID, 0. R. ; A- KOENIG, F. S. ; W. BLAsnILL, Treas. BELIEF IN Sx Hoose,—Distressing Sidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and every part of the urinary pas• sages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief end Dare this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. BETTER True Even FOR 1894. Economy is the order of the day, and yet it ie false economy to use anything except the very beet, especially tvlren it comes to a ques- tion of quality in seeds. The most noted house in the Dominion is "The Steele, Briggs, Maroon Seed Co.," Toronto, and their handsome Catalogue for the year is now to hand. It is brimful of all new and reliable varieties in Flowers, Fruits, Vegetable and Seed Grains, as well es Potatoes and all aooessories for farm or garden, it oontaine 500 illnstratioue, and is mailed free to all intending buyers, end we recommend you to send for a copy. The firm are reliable and their seeds grow. Business Locals. NEW Prints at Skene'e. Nnw F'lannelets at Shane's. New dress goods at Skene's. Ceovsio and Timothy at MoOrecken's. I wise, pay cash for 2,000 good cedar poste. B. Gerry. Bennie Oolumbie red cedar shingles at B, Gerry's, Brunets. Sore coal suitable for grates or cook stoves for sale by 13. Gerry. near elase cow for sale. Apply ab THE POST Pebliebing House. New American Detainee worth 20o., for 124c. Beautiful goods at Skene's, No. 1 coal oil 13 cents per gallon, or 4 gallons for 50 cents, at B. Gerry's. Tire baleen of our robes and blankets, balls and fur coats at cost. L C. Rieharda, PRIVATE Funde to loan on farm seen. sty. Apply to Toe Pm Publishing House. Fen blrg.rine in harness or anything in the harness line try es, I. 0. Ricllarda. BRAWL found in Wm, Beetle's yard, Morris, after sohool entertainment. Own. er may have it by droving property and paying for this notice by calling at TEE POST Publishing House. ASTAX.D410) 134,N'IC OF C.I XI D4 0 pl'3'a.egeeleM.Ts3I7727 9.670. HEAP OFFICE, ' 'TORONTO, ASSETS, (Beyen Million Dollars) CAPITAL (Authorised) . Agoltoios in ati prinotpat pinta in Ontario, Qtfa3eO, Afanitobe, United S D',3dF9'ssc &s Mita.1ww'. A General BankingBuaineee Transacted. Farmers' Notes Demounted. Drafe Issued and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and oompouuded half yearly. SpsOLAL ATTENTION OIVEN' TO TEE GOLLEOTION of Fojnonne' GALE NOTNS. Every facility afforded Onetomers living at a distance. J. A. STEWART, MANAGER, $7,000,000 $,000,000 tea & England. GILILIES & SMITE, I3aAtTICRfS, 1-.) S T-1 Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Groat Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALTS NOTES. AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. alrrArag DAMN Onpaaravavr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to -write Insurance In old English or Canadliln CulninliCS. or In Mut- ual Companies ne may be dcelred. AGENT5 ron CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TUB CANADIAN BANE OF ConrMEnun. W. A. Beattie, of Kirkton, was in Brus- sels on Tuesday of this week. Mre. Wilkens Blashill, Mill street, has been on the sick list with neuralgia and la grippe. Mies Victoria Blaehill is also laid up with quinsy. Joseph Wilkinson, who has been living with John Geddes, Morris, for several years, has come to Brussels to spend the balance of the Winter. On Sunday, January 210,11ev. Samuel Jones, an old and worthy resident of Brussels, passed the 86111 mile stone in the journey of life. Mr. Jones retains his faculties and vigor of mind and body in a wonderful manner and is always found in his place at church services, unless de- tained through illness. Robert Grieve, son of the late Wm. Grieve, of Dakota, is at present here visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Grieve was a lad of about 12 years when the family left here, and now is a fine, strapping young man. He has travelled extensively through Montana, Idaho and other Northwestern States and spent most of last Sommer in Chicago. He and James Grieve and Miss Jennie Grieve, of Tuokeremith, were visiting at their node's, John Grieves, Brussels, last week. • Representatives of the Steel Wagon Manofaoturing Co. of Chicago, have purchased the MoKecbnis building, Hamilton, and will remove their works there in a few days. They will ask for a bonus to help in the establishment of a steel smelting works there. MORN - Lze.—At the parsonage, Princeton, on January 23rd, 1804, the wife of the Rev. Edwin Lee, formerly of Ethel, of a daughter. HoLT.—In Grey, on Jan. 25th. the wife of Ole William Holt of a son. MAXWELL.—At Crystal City, Manitoba, on Jen. 13th, 1894, the wife of Mr. J. A. Maxwell, of a son. 1iI1SONAI, PAILIIJELIPUS. w.. R. G. Vincent is away at Mildmay. J. T. Pepper Sundayed in Wiogham. Mies Ella Ainley ie visiting at Sea - forth. 3. F. McOrae returned to Toronto on Monday, Mrs. Little, of Listowel, is visiting in Brussels. Miss May Putland hes gone to Toronto on a visit. Thos. Driver is home on a visit from Rochester, N. Y. Miss Melissa Antes is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. D. 0. Itose. Murdie eloLennau, of London, was in town on Wednesday. Mfrs. J. Earner has been having a Hgbb with la grippe this week. Gus. Goebel, of Mitchell, is enjoying a bolidey visit in Brussels. C. Climie and sister, of Listowel, were visiting in town this week. Mrs. S. Rivers leaves on Friday for Galt to visit her son John, who is quite Mrs. Tames Turnbull, of Mitchell, and brother are visiting in Brussels and lo- cality. George Wilkinson talks of taking a trip to England next Sammer to visit his sisters, W. T. Whaley, of Toronto, was in town on Tuesday and called on a number of old friends. This weed Hugh Lt• Elliott returned from a vieit to relatives in the Northern section of Ontario. A. Koenig is away at Now Hamburg. Rumour sayeth he may go into the mercantile business. Rebt. Wynn, jeweller, leaves for De- troit on Friday to take a course in a Do• trolls Optical Institute. Herman Adler and the Misses• Disney, of Hanover, were visiting at Councillor- lttfoOreoken'e this week. Wm. Rosa, of Fugue, formerly, of Brussels, was in town lest Sunday visit- ing relatives and friends. Miss McPherson, milliner, will visit during the holiday term at 131. Marys, Toronto and other places. Rev, W. Norton, of Mount Forest, wee in town for a few days this week looking after his property in Brussels. Mrs, Thee. Gibson WAS visiting at Dr. Cavanagh's this week. Shea000mpenisd her husband, T. Gibson, M, P. P. Miss Francis has been dangerously ill this week but is considerably improved in health now we are pleased to Efate. Mies Iowan, of Guelph, le visiting her parents in Braseels. She holds a respon- sible position in Williemson's dry goods establishment. Mfrs, A. E. MoDonald and eon, of Roos• been, Man„ and A, M1olee and wife, of Molesworth, Were visiting at Mee. gin. eta{r'e, Stirling cottage, Princess street, during the past week, :L/xrua- TAMAN.—At Blyth, on Sanday, Jan.28tb, Wm. A., son of Henry and Mary Taman, aged 21 years, 5 months and 28 days. HILL.—In Grey, on Tnesday, January 30611, 1894, Emily, beloved wife of John Hill, aged 54 years, 6 months end 10 days. OLrvnn.—In Gray, on Wednesday, Jan. 31st, 1894, Mary Heatley, beloved wife of James Oliver, aged 83 years. LAON0Y.—In Morris, on January 24111, Sarah A. Laundy, aged 83 years, relict of the late Henry Laundy. 1e1.7.-TCTsosr TUESDAY, FEn. 6TII,—)'arm stook, im• plements, &e. Lot 13, con. 13, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook. Elizabeth Cash, Execntrix. F. S. Scott, Auot. Fall Wheat 66 67 Spring Wheat 511 67 Barley 33 36 Peas 60 52 Cate 80 31 Butter, tuba and rolls18 Eggs per dozen 12 00 Flour poi barrel8 00 8 60 Potatoes 40 . 00 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Balt per bbl., retail1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 Hides tough 24 Sheep skins, each 40 05 Lamb skins each 60 60 Apples per bbl......., 1 50 1 75 Wool 17 18 Pork 5 60 6 73 each. Hogs quiet and steady ; the best selected Tote sold at 55 25, weighed off Dara, and at So fed and watered. Heavy Bold at 44o to 44o, and stores from 44o to 5o, the range being wide. EAST BuxFAno, N Y, Jan 80.—Oabtle— Nine care on sale ; slow and weak ; best cattle snld to Boston buyers for export at 54 80. Sheep and lambs—Twenty oars on sale ; rather slow for export for ohoice ; Oanadas sold at e5 bo 55510 for choice, with only limited number on sale ; good to prime state lambs, $4 50 to 54 70; prime western, 54 80 to 54 90 ; mixed sheep, good to choice, 53 60 to 53 76 ; choice 115 to 130 lb, weathers, 53 80 to 54 25. Hogs -15 cera on sale ; easier for all grades ; 5o to 100 lower for pigs and light grades ; there were 4 loads of very fine quality of medium and heavy hogs, 220 to 290 lbs, which •sold at 55 70 ; mixed packers brought $5 65 to 55 70, mostly 55 65 ; Yorkers, 55 65 to $5 70, mostly 55 66 to $5 674 ; pigs, slow sale, at 55 55 to 05 60 ; roughs, $4 50 to 55 I stage, 58 50 to $4 25. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. X '0OD WANTED.—I WILL V V pay cash for a quantity of hardwood, beach and maple. 0. A. DEADMAN, Druggist & Bookeeller. Vt. 2, t894 BRISTLES. FOR SALE.-00NIFORTABLE Frame bones with stone foundation, plod cellar, soft and bard water under cover, stable, end an acre of land for sale in the village of Ethel, k on acre of fruit trees, v annus varieties. For particulars as to priee,terms &a., apply to WM. SPENCE, 28.4 Postmaster. You've Board of the man who only needed bristles to be a pork 7 If you see him send bine to nee We've got the bristles for high Aur bristles are all made alp into ills finest line of brnahoe we ever had. There are hair brushes, clothes bruebes, tooth brushes, nail beadles, &o. J. T. PEPPER rpHORO' BRED BULL F0,,a ..L BALs,—The undersigned offers the thorn' bred Short Horn bull, "Earl McDuff," No. 19,685, for sale, He is quiet to handle and a good stook getter. For further infor- mation as to price, pedigree, &o„ apply to the proprietor.. ANGUS LAMONT, Lot 13, Oen. 7, Grey, or to Box 177, Brussels, 26.0 Cheese factory Meeting. A meeting of all intending patrons and others interested in the Brussels Cheese Factory will be held at the Town :fall, Bros. eel., on Friday. February CLL, ab 1:80 o'cleek. Tile business will be the appointing of a Committee in the interests of the pat- rons, a Secretary and a Salesman, and also to agree on a. place for paymsut of cheese looney. HARRIS. & MOLAVOIILIN 22-2 Proi,rielure. r TORONTO, Jan. 80,— Flour— Stright roller, 52 70 ; extro, 52 80 to 52 50. Wheat—white, 570 ; spring, No 2, 590 ; red winter, 67e ; goose, 640 ; No 1 Mani. tuba hard, 75o • No 2, 73o. Peas—No 2, 660, Barley—No 1, 43o t0 44o ; feed, 86o to 3844. Oate—No 2, 3144e to 820. Market increasingly doll. Sales—Red and white wheat outeide ab 57o. Oats outside at 32o. Pens outside at 53o. Tonoaxo, Jan 30.—(Speoiel)—The re. ceipts today show a small increase, amounting in all to 82 carloads, The market was :—Cattle was dull, and some drovers report having lostIMOney. A few of the beet stools sold at 84 per lb, and the majority 80 to 34o. Inferior cattle sold at 24n to 23o per lb, Several bulls sold at Seo and a dozen milch cows at 526 to 545 each. Calves unchanged, with sales at 53 to $8 each, the latter for those drawing 126 lbs. Sheep and lambs dull neglected. The former sold at 54 to $4 80 mob, and the latter at 84o to 4o per lb ; nitro head, Morning 80 lbs, sold at 58 REAL 'ESTATE. Druggist & Bookseller,' BRUSSELS. 9 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Q L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 1U. Solicitor mud Conveyancer. 001100- H bone made, Omoe—Vaustonn'e Sloes, Brus- sels. - 21-8m, wM. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Convoyanoor,NotaryPub• lie, &e. Ocoee—Vanetone's Block 1 'door north of Central Rotel, Private Funds to, Loan, FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• oEnaroNzn hes several good Farms for eale aadto rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. 1' S. SCOTT, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB. 0010151111 offers his 100 acre fain, being N 3 Lot 27, Con.8, Morrie, for euro, About 96 acres cleared, with 8 sores of fall wheat in, balance timbered with cedar, ash and hard- wood. Living spring on lot, For further particulars as to prise, terms, &o , apply to JOHN MOOUTOHOI ON, N' 1 Lot 24, Don. 7, 20.4 Brussels P. O. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public), Goderioh, Ont. M, 0. CAMERON, R. a., POOtIP riOLT, DUDLEY HOLnten. TOARNI FOR SALE -.—BEING �� North 4 Lot 80 and North )Oast } 29, Con. 9,.Morri e, being 100 acres and known as the Sample farm. This ie one of the beat 130 acres of land In the Township, Fair buildings and fences and good orchard, only 2 miles from Srussele. Must bo aoid this winter, For further information apply to F. E. SCOTT,ilnlssols, or to JOHN E, SMITH, Box 217. Brandon, Manitoba. (1F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, as, (late of Gamow & Proodfoot's Otfoe Goderioh:) 011loo over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan, 47 MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. J • O,M., L. B.O.P,, Edinburgh, M. 0. P. 6. Out. Residence and office in Wlteen's Block, corner of.M,1i and Turnbarry Ste. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. el Physician, Surgeon Acoono Wier, etc. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty, Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Orrrrox—Next door to McDonald & Go., Walton Ont. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, !J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in it com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Gens promptly at- tended to. 0Mce and Infirmary—Two -doors north of bridge •rurnberry et., Brussels. ARM . FOR SALE, BEING North a of Lot 22, Con, 8,Mbrrie town- ehip. The farm contains 100 mores, about 70 of which are cleared, balance bush. There is a eomfertable•houee, good bank barn, fine orchard, &o, on the promises. The farm is all seeded down, `Possession could be given at any time, For further partismlars as to price, terms, &o., apply t0 the Proiprietor so the premises, or Walton P.O. 26.4 D. SdotlALLLJML. AORE FARM FOR SALE. * ll The 200 acre farm being lots 11 and 12, con. 16. Grey, is offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the balance well Lim• bored. Buildings first-olaea. Orchard, well, &o. School house within 40 rode. Posses- sion given at onoo if desired. !Mr further Particulars as to price, terms, &c, apply to riiR3• WALfevlR, S•tf Bosev111e P. O. or NELSON BBIO8ER, on farm. DENTAL.. 112 H. MOORE, V. S. • , H.M., V. M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all: domesticated animals treated on scientific plmciplee, Horse dentistry and diseases of Horned cattle a specialty. Galls promptly attended to. Ofece, over the Post office, Infirmary at Beattie's livery barn, Brussels, Ont. 20• BUSINESS CARDS. �7 T H. MOORACKEN, ' 8' • Iseurer of Marriage Licensee. Olboe at ilia Grocery, Turnbeooy street, llruseels. R)if tYTIdiZ"1 M. CAVANAGH, L.. P 6., D. D• S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Ilei• verslty. 0y500E-Oyez A. 1l. Smith's Store, Brussels, 'B N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. Shop Next door south of A. M. MoRay & Co'e hardware store. Ladies' and sbildreus hair cutting a epeoialty A • MoNAIR, 1a..• Ieeurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie - sinner, &c., Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurauoe Co. Office at the Oranbrook Post ODloo. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of Elie Fourth Division Court Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Fuudo invested and to loan. OolleoE1one made. 0111.00 in Grabam'e Shock, Brussels. A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. T • Organist in St. John's Church, Bros• solo, and pupil, in the Art o1 'Teaching of A.. W. Thayer, Hue. Om, Now York, will give lessons to pupils either at hie parlor, over A.B. Smith's store, or if preferred, at their own tomes. Monday, Tueaduy and Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderato. AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, always ready to at. tend salsa of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms cheerfully given. CIraobrook P. 0. Sales may bo amortized at Tien Poem Publishing House, Brussels. ifv EORGE KIRKBY, Ltoeneed Auctioneer, Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms.. Farms and Yarm stoup a specialty. Orders left at TEE Poem Publishing House, Brussels, or sent to Walton P, 0., will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- 9E as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prises. 'Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good security when sold onoredit, Satiefaetioa guaranteed. Give mea eau. 82- F S. SCOTT. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE 'Undersigned will keep for services at Lot 6, Con. 0, Kiev, the large Ohm tor White Boar, "Lord Do&orin," No, 810, bred by Samuel Snell, Grey. Terms—$1,00 to he paid at the time 01 eervlee With privilege of returning it0eceSsemy. Pedigree may be aeon on application, ARTHUR SMITH, 20.4 Pro printer. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for servloe on Lot 20 Om0,+1Lorris, the Chore bred Dn. proved White Yorkshire _Boar "Canada's Prince," purchased from the well•kuown breeder J. B. Brotbour, Oak Lodge Farm, ButSord. Terme, 41,00 to he pale at the time of sorvioo with privilege of returning if necessary, Pedigree racy be aeon on ap. plleatton, BORT. NICHOL. BOAR FOM SERVICE.—TILE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 21,Cou.O Grey the largo eInglia8Berk. shire Boar," Mears( No.2000..Bred by Wm, Padget* Seo, Buttonvllla 0,, and le from imported stook on both sides. Telma. $1.00 to be paid at time of sorVi00 With privilege of returning if L000a0ary. Pedigree may be seen on applieat1010, IIOB3, BARIC. 21.8 Ethel Cheese Factory.