The Brussels Post, 1894-2-2, Page 44 r THE BRUSSELS POST FEB 2, 1891
New Advertisements,
Tiooalet–Pr. Ayer•
Looa}s--J, G, Skene,
oda �•1, C. li
L e
Bolding up shoes—Good Bros.
• Dull for Sala—Angus Lamont,
Clearing Sale --H, F, atIoAllioter,
Ii,etiring from Business—Wm, Simpson,
Obeeee Faotory Meeting—Barris Sr
,13.e cifiltti5sels 1,ast,
FRIDAY, EBB. A, 1894.
SV al ton,
Rev. 11,1r. Woods, of Wingham, proaohed
in St. George's church last Sunday after.
The Ladies' Missionary Association of
Duff's church mold their monthly meet-
ing at the manse on Friday evening of
Baits week. Tea served from fi to 8
o'clock when a good program will follow.
Rev, W. Ottewell, of 13elwood, was
Visiting among his former parishioners
here tine week. The Walton people were
pleased to meet him again.
An A, 0. U, W. supper was given at
the home of 13. H. Ferguson on Wednes-
day evening of this week. After partak•
ing of a repast, in which oysters formed
a prominent part, an adjourmneut was
made to their Hull, where the broom
trophy, won by Welton lodge for the
largest increase attained in Huron Co.
during the past year, was presented. D.
Belwood, J.tate.C.Morr Morrison andlocalto-lent
gave an excellent program, which was
well enjoyed by all present. Walton A.
0. V. W. is a live institution.
R. T. or T. Cm1E1T.—A splendid we.
cert was given in the schoolhouse on
he R. of T. Arc ie Hislop auspices occupied
the chair in his accustomed happy
manner and preserved the most excellent
order throughout the following long but
interesting program t-1blonth organ and
bones, W. Neal and E. Fisher ; song,
"Mary Ann come is," Prof. Hawkins;
violins, Beat Bros., •; dialogue, "Lawyer's
advice," McFadzean Bros.; Mouth organ
and organ, Mr. and Mrs. McCune.;
Beading, "Pedagogue's trials," W. A.
Kerr ; song, "Learning McFadden to
waltz,' Prof, Hawkins; mouth organ
and auto -harp, Mr. Bricker ; Scotch
reading, "The Christmas goose," tries
Smillie ; Duett, "The milkmaid," Was
•Dennison and W. Pollard; dialogues,
"Bridget's investment," Walton Co. ;
song, Mies mulligan pie," Prof. Hawkins ;
recitation,"The demon drink,' Annie
Gardiner ; duet, "Silvery melodies," the
biases mc0alla ; violins, Best Bros. ;
dialogue, "The imposter exposed," Oran -
brook Co. ; solo, "Sweet Nellie Baan,"
Lizzie Smith ; speech, lir. Allan ; music,
arr. Bricker ; recitation, "The Widows
daughter," Thos. tmFadzean ; sung, "my
little bunch of roses," meek lest ; read-
ing, "Wash day at ora. Caudle's," Prof.
Hawkins violins, Best Bros. ; music,
VV. Neal and and E. Fisher ; song, "He
Met in it," Prof. Hawkins ; dialogue,
one Darkie Artist," Messrs. Smith,
AtrnBan arid Ferguson tiviolins', ns r
Bros. The National anteu
brought the
profit am to a QIQBA. The Royal Templare
are to be congratulated on the success of
their concert as the Morn was tilled to
doors,the the amount realized
the vicinty
of 020.00.
IIU�)'ICII Pna11t41tS' DIIPI'itA4 I1It
1\SU5 l.scI* c0g4t'.tat11:,
The 21st annual meeting of the motn.
bare of this Company wee hold in the
Township Hall, Gerrie, on Friday after.
noon, Janeary 19th, 1894, Tbere was a
large attendance. The retiring directors,
Jno• R. Miller and Edward Bryan, were
re.elepted and the other odicer of the
Company are the same as last year.
From the annual reports, whiner were
road and adopted, we give the following
particulars;—The number of policies ie•
sued during the plot year was 716, and
the number in force ab the end of the
year 2,984, inelring $4,898,010, being an
increase of $162,800 in the amount at
risk and 76 in the number of policies in
force. The essesements oolleoted amount-
ed to $8,820.711 and the losses paid
amounted to $6,164.82. The year closed
with a oath balance of $2,078.80 in the
treasury. The total agitate of the Com-
pany amount to $202,971 08 and the li-
abilities are $70.64. It will he seen from
the above figures that the Company is
doing a growing and etre business,
Perth County.
James Jones, of Mitchell, bas been ap-
pointed County auditor of Perth, and J.
W. Cull has been appointed High sohool
trustee of Mitchell.
At the annual meeting of the North
Perth Agricultural Society, recently held
at Stratford, it was deoided to bold only
a one day show this year. The financial
statement showed a deficit of over 8600.
T. 0. Currie, of Strathroy, who has
been chosen the Patron's candidate for
the Commons of West Middlesex, resided
at one time in Blanchard and still owns
a farm on the 10th line. He was at one
time a minister of the Methodist New
Hon. Thomas Ballantyne of Stratford,
bas received a letter from Denver, Col.,
notifying bim that hire. Ballantyne is in
a very weak state. It is likely that Mr.
Ballantyne will leave for Denver at once
to remove the invalid to New Mexioo,
where the climate is warmer.
Anwner, ItlbsTrtao•—The annual meeting
of the Blanchard Mutual Fire Insurance
Company was held in the township hall
with the President, Mr. Sanderson, in
the chair. The directors' report was
very satisfactory to the members present
sod the auditors' report, presented by
Mr. Burns, shoved an increase of bus),
nese over any former year in the total
amount of insurance. The retiring arm.
tors were Messrs. Sanderson, Dinsmore,
and Leslie, and were all re-elected. At a
subsequent meeting of directors Mr. San•
derson was re-elected President ; Geo. B.
Webster, Vice -President ; P. S. Arm.
strong, Secy.•Treas.; R. Beattie and
John Burns, auditors ; W. F. Sanderson
and P. S. Armstrong, representatives to
Underwriters Association ; Wm. Webster,
inspeotor of engines.
A court of the Canadian Order of Ver•
esters it to be instituted in St, Marys in
the near future, ..
T.11, Rave, John S. McIntyre and doe.
Nagle have been appointed License Com•
misatonere:or South Perth for 1894.
A. young man named Carleton, of St.
Mary's, was arreeted at London by De,'
beolive Rider on a charge of obtaining
money and goods . from parties in Oil
Springs and Enniskillen on false proton'
nes, 000stable Baokue, of Oil .Springs,.
took him west on the evening train,
Tabelligenpe reanlned St. Mary's Tues•
day of last week of the death of Dr. Thos.
E. Guest, eldest son of the late T• B,
Guest. The sad event occurred at de•
oeaeed's residence at Virden, Man., a few
hours previous to the receipt of the tele.
grain. The remain% were brought to St.
Marys for interment,
Huron County,
Samuel Sanders, of Stephen, was nom•
Mated by the Patrons at Hensall on
Wednesday of last week for the South
Riding of Huron,
An Egmondville correspondent says :—
''Oce of the harrowing tales of the ter-
rible destitution among the people of the
neighboring republic is related by it resi•
dent of thio village, who hoe lately bean
in Northern Michigan. The father of a
famine•strioken family applied to a store•
keeper for acme floor to feed his starving
children, but was refused beoauae he bad
no money, but, driven to desperation, he
snatched a twenty five pound cook and
ran home, followed olossly by a polios -
man, wbo, on entering the destitute
home, found the famished children de-
vouring the rate flour in handfuls. To
the credit of the otneer, be left the family
to their repast and went and paid the
merchant for the flour."
The friends of Miss Adelaide Williams,
of ]i'ordwieb, Elaron County, are feeling
very ansnoue as to her whereabouts. Up
to a week ago Miss Williams lived with
her father, who is a retired merchant, re
siding at Fordwioh, but lately 61r. Wil•
hams married for the second time, and a
week ago Miss Williams went to Toronto
intendirg to eeoare a position as a door
sable and support herself. She had been
stopping with a friend, Mrs. S. G.
Tidy, 120 Bolton avenue, and on Bator•
day morning left there, stating that she
intended to pay a visit to a friend, Mies
Mary Allen, a lady medioal student resit],
ing at 482 Parliament street. Since then
she has not been sees or heard oE. Miss
Allen soya that the missing girl did not
visit her on Saturday, as she intended do•
ing, nor has she heard from her. No
conjecture can be made as to the cause
of her disappearance, as she was not an.
quainted in Toronto, and when she de•
parted from Mrs. Tidy's she left all her
clothes and belongings there so that she
evidently intended returning
Brookville Conservatives on Saturday
nominated R. J. Icily for the Legis.
Mies Sarah Forrest, a Public Sohool
teacher, of Toronto, was drowned fn the
bay on Saturday. With several com-
panions she was in a boat that was
caught and crushed between ice floes, the
others were rescued.
(. assu(a1aIa la'IB'fly>^t,
Alexander 1lfayeeak and John P0000k,
two old. reaideuts of London Out„ are
dead, the former aged 90,
Parte Webers aro 9 Ya1!
wed tos
at the meat market, They are seeking
liberty to open shops about the town,
The Ontario Jockey Olub's race meet•
ing will begin TUesday, May 92, and the
Qnsen's. Plate will be run for_on the open•
ina day,
Tho British OgIUmbia Legislature has
decided to ask the Dominion Government
to increase the poll tax on Chinese from
$80 to $100.
0. J, Coleman, a brother • of Bev, R.
Coleman, boated near Perth, broke
through the ice on Eingston harbor and
was drowned.
The town of Rineardine has under oon.
sideration a eoheme to purobase the
water -works and eleotfk) Light plant that
etre in service in that town.
Hastings County Oomnoil passed a
resolution deolaring that all of!#dials
whose salaries are paid in whole or in
part out of the county funds should be
appointed by the County Oousoil,
WrlliamDunbar, hobellissper and stook
farmer, and Robert Oottingham, blank•
smith, of Kinmonub, broke through the
We and were drowned in Pigeon lake hast
Friday night while driving hone from
Peterboro' races.
It is announced that Iter Excellency
Lady Aberdeen bas vary kindly consent.
ed to address a meeting of women et Lon -
dos, ander the anspiose of the National
Oogpoil of Women of Canada, on the 14th
of Feb. next. This opportunity to hear
and see the celebrated Lady of tho Gov.
ernment House, will give pleasure to a
very large number.
W. Welsh, ex•reeve and grain merchant
of Stoney Point, met with a flavor° aoof•
dent nn Friday night of last week le try-
ing to adjust a belt in his grain elevator.
It slipped off the pulley and caught him
around the neck. He was wound around
the main shaft and made several revolu•
tions before the engine could be stopped.
His breast bone was broken, and the doc-
torsentertain little hope of bis recovery.
Toronto is verily the "City of Oharoh-
es." There are within the corporation
197 places of wor,lnip, more than there
are in either Buffalo or Detroit, and
twice as many as there are in Montreal.
The Anglicans have 42 churches, the
Mothodiets 41, the Presbyterians 90, the
Baptiste 19, the Roman Catholics 18, the
Congregationalists 11, and other bodies
16. There are besides 26 mission houses
carried on by he various denominations.
J. Cunningham, an employee of the
,Montreal postoflioe, was arrested on Sat-
urday by the Secret Servide Apenay.
For eight years Cunningham hes bad the
handling of uewspapers and parcels, The
detectives found that be was selling cut-
lery and other artiolee to second baud
dealers at very low prices. Some of the
artiolee were recognized by clerks em-
ployed in a newspaper office as being
prizes sent out by thein for competitions.
Cunningham was arrested. Saturday
morning before Judge Desuoyers Govern-
ment officials made their depositions.
The prisoner, who said he had been
drinking, was brought before Judge Dag -
las and sentenced to three years in the
The latest ftfd _ is a poverty saunas,
17very woman ,mnsb wear a Paljoe, and
every manilla old Plothes. In addition
gook one is lined 20 Vents if he or elle
does not have a patch on hie or bar
clothing and a prize itsgtv i to l9
wearing the poorest* clothing. A 'good
shauoe for newspaper men to shine.
A. 0.. Smith, of the Leper Hospital at
Traoadie, N. If„ Into forwarded his an,
unci report to the Minister of Agricul-
ture. The report says:—There mre on
the regl'ter to day twenty patients—
eleven mules and nine females, Eleven
of these are in the first or early stage of
the malady, eix in the second and three
in the third. or Amo stage. 'There were
six deaths during the year, and four new
0115e5 were admilted, of these admitted
two came from Lower Caragnet, one
from Sbippeg*un parish and one from the
parish of St, Isidore, all in the county of
Gloucester, N. B. I have again to report
Re I have reported for several years past,
there ars none this year from Traoadie,
I believe we have seen the last of the dis-
ease here," The behavior of the in.
motets, enye Dr. Smith, was good.
Friends and relatives aro allowed to visit
the poor unfortunates, bub as a general
thing a leper's relatives look upon him
when immured in the lazaretto Ate gone
from them for ever, and seldom visit
them. In the early obagee of the disease
there is seldom muoh suffering beyond
spume, resembling rheumatism, but
near the close of life there is meets die•
tress, particularly from ulcerated mouth,
tongue and throat. The lepers are not
in any settee prisoners, There were two
escapes during Ube year, but both were
brought back to the lazaretto,
Grand Trunk
If you want to Travel
GraAna Trunk.
For full particulate apply to
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels,
Having moved to a more con-
venient stand, put in heavier
power and some 110W machinery,
1 am now prepared to manufac-
ture, on the shortest notice,
Wagons, Carriages,
Buggies, Sleighs,
and Cutters.
Bodies and all kinds of wood
work Supplied.
The Common Sense Clothes
Dryer and the
1 also do Custom Planing, Match-
ing and Moulding,
12 Horse Power En'"ine and Boil-
er for Sale Cheap.
ETIII,L, Dec. 80th, 1893.
it) W4
To Clear out the balance of Winter Goods a Clearing Sale has been Inaugurated
and During its Continuance
plo °pyre
It is not by Sensational Advertising that we expect to draw the Crowds to our Sale but by the Corn-
manding Influence of such offerings as may be found in our large stock.
Speaks with no Uncertain Voice at D. C. Ross'.
Special : err -sins will
ere( 1
Frieze, Beaver, Melton and Nap Overcoatings, Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges and Pantings.
Great Value in Underclothing. Rubber and Melissa Waterproof Coats.
fiats, naps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Braces, IQse, Gloves, liamd,kerchiefs, &c., &c., all come unser the Pruning Enife.
Latest Fashion Plates. All our work Guaranteed to give Satisfaction:
Tell Your Neighbor about this Salo.
• Kfifi9,,,
r.. K
Fashionable Tailor and Gents' Outfitter.