The Brussels Post, 1894-1-26, Page 5Linn 26, 1:594 flotrixt 11,0)$,iuu, .treser. TLIAber Ball arrived home from Termite bhls week, Denald Robertson is visiting in Michi, gan for a month, Mrn, Jaime Foster, of Dresden,th jug ab her fathor'e, John Hill's, Mise Jane Mitchell is home from De• OW, en account of the illness of her mother. Reeve Milne and Deputy Reevee Oliver and Dames are attending the County Coutwit this week et Goderioh, John Oarnoohan, who hae been on the sick list for some time, ie not improving as fast ae hiemany Wends would wish, Mies Lizzie Calder, who has been visiting at "Riverside," has returned to oontinue her etudiee at Galt Collegiate ,t Instituto. ' Jamas Mitchell, hae leased his farm to Thee, Davideon for a term of five years. Mr. efitehallretains the house and orch- ard and will continue to reside there. Henry, eldest eon of Colima Michel, ie laid up with a very bad attack of iniiu„ eeza, which has settled on the lunge. We hope soon to report him eonvaleecent. Mrs. Henry Buttery is laid up with la grippe. Her two granddaughters, the Mieees Snider, who were visiting her, loft for their home near Toronto Monday morning. Grey Comma effvoted a final eettle- meut with. James Lindsay, at last Conn. ail meeting, for ag to horse by ing through Crrvnbrook bridge last Summer, and paid bine $86.00• Rugh McKinnon and wife attended the wedding of P. D. McKinnon, of Winni- peg, and Mise Pauline Oliver, of Toronto, last week. The groom was a former well known resident of this township. For eome birne we have been studying in the ouee of the smiling countenance of John Long, but we have it now -Twine, Mrs. Long bas been visiting at her par. ent's;in Binoardine, and returned this week with the juveniles. Mrs. Cash, lot 13, con. 13, bee loaeed her farm for a term of yeare to Edward Marshall, from near Belgrave. She will have an auction sale of farm stook, im- plements, &a., on Tuesday, February 0th. F. 8. Scott, of Brussels, will be the anotioneer. OngEsz FACTORY Bouawr.-The Grey & Morrie cheese factory, which hae been run for the past ten yeare as a joint stook company, hae been sold to W. W. Harris, of Rothsay, and Neil S. MoLanohlin, of Brussels. The pnrohaeers purpose put• ting the factory in firat•olaes shape and will push the business for all it is worth. Mr. Harris' engegemente will hold him at Rothsay factory and the bnsinese here will be managed 'by Mr. McLaueblin, who has given snob good satisfaction to the patrons during the past year. A. meet. ing of the patrons and those deeiriug to be will be held shortly, when the Bylawe will be read, a committee appointed to look after the interests of the patrons, and attending to any other business that may properly dome before the meeting. The farmers of this district should rally around the new proprietors and from the start put and keep this factory in the front rank. There'e money in the cheese business to every farmer patronizing the faotory, and as Meters. Barrie & Mc- Lauohlin are first.olase men, well posted in the detaile of their work, we wish them great anooees. iI i Morris. Maggie Sheriden is dangerously ill. Blanohe Thornton is at present sick with sce.rletina. David Felt and wife were visiting at John McVety's this week. Revival services are being held in Johneton'e church at present. Robert Moafurray intends building an addition to hie barn next Spring. Mies Jessie Lowry, of Hallett, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Geo. Henderson. Mise Mary Johnston, of the let con., is at present visiting friends in Luoknow, Charles Fraser has returned to Toren. to to resume hie studies, after his vaca- tion. Mrs. Thos. Bone ie away on an extend. ed visit to friends in Woodstock and London. Alex. Campbell, of Mob., is visiting hie brother, Calvin Campbell, of this township. In the course of a few weeks a wedding will take place, when she let line will furnieb the groom. Reeve Mooney and Deputy Reeve Kirk. by are in attendanoe at the County Par- liament this week. Charles Forrest, 2nd con., is at preeent on the sick list. Hie many friends wish for hie speedy recovery. Rev. S. Satiety, B. D., of Wingbam, will preach an Educational sermon in Jnokeon'e ohuroh noxi Sunday afternoon. The Quarterly meeting in connection with Blaevale cirouit will he held in Johnston's ohuroh on Feb. 4th, at 10:30 o'clock. A eooial gathering met at Jos. Bow- man's on Tneeday evening of teat week and spent a very enjoyable tiros in step- ping the Iightfantastic. toe. Jas. Haswell, who is home from the Paoifio Coast on a visit to his parents in Mol'Iillop, was visiting Gro. Caldbiok, 2nd line, last week. They were "ohuma" in British Columbia a few years ago. Two loads of young people from the neighborhood of Barrie's wheel put in a highly enjoyable time at the comfortable residence of Adam Halliday last Friday evening. "We wont go home till morn. ing" was evidently on the program judg- ing by the home ooming of the visitore. They appeared to behappy to meet, sorry to part but hope to meat again. Sooutn.-A very enjoyable and euooese- fu1 parlor social was held at the residence of Thos. Maunders on Thursday evening of last week. The rain during the day kept a large number from attending, yet the commodious houee was well filled and the Ladies' Association of Brussels Methodist church is $10 Or $12 the better of it. An interesting program was pre. vented Rev. G. H. Co bbladi ok B. D., in ; the cha irea follows :-Duets, organand' month organ, Miss Corrie and W. Cash ; violin solo, H. L. Jackson ; reading, Miei L. Maunders ; duett, I)r. and Mrs, Cava. nagh ; recitation, Miss Norah Maunders 1 violin solo, H, L. Jaokeou ; reading, S. B. Wilson ; solo, N. Large , olarionet solo, Dr. Cavanagh ; reading, Miee L• Maunders ; solo, H. L. Jackson ; recita- tion, B. (Perry. Mr. Maunders and family were moot aeeiduous in their at. tention to the visitors, who were unani. mous in the opinion that they know how to entertain a large eotnpany iu flret•olass etylo. W, H. Wallace, who went to New N. J„ /net Fail, hae returned. It, 11, Laidlaw and..11/13 »+ v aevis frieurlein Balgravoand vioinity, t James Petah is pinning to the lit foot farm which he recently parohea Mtg, Phomas nlaundere hae then Ilia Welt list but is improving nicely John Smith end family have move Juo, triol last ugh thus of ait- eek, the did el• ith, On of ing Wt. in sn- its, ill hat the rd ry as 3DT rn of oh er re ng a• Id v0 of 50 ed 1. r. he an m ba or d et of 0 be a t e 0h •f y •e •a e e t d e , h TILE BBRU SSELS PO,' ark, ,.A.ggie Wow/ ; reading, J. Fells ; eong, Maggie, .4nderean; reuitation, John bin' Meil : t!e elan • . tnatrumot tJennie 6 tel dereon , reoltatwn, Mr Heiadersongong, gad- Gracie Taylor, chorus by 4 little gide, ed. Tile progrgm wag highly apprecietarl by en)) the audience, being both huneorotie and new, I sentimental. After Mee of thanks to d to the hast and haeteee and the chairman this pleasant gathering was brought to a 01080 by the audience singing "God be with you till we meet main," The pro. Owls of the evening amounted to $20,25, f3iliteruse AND Pn18EETAr10N.-Laet Fri. day evening a jovial company, oonaieting of members and adherents of Sunshine Methodist ohuroh to the number of about 00,drove to the residence of H. E. Burk- holder, 4th line, And enjoyed a very pleasant evening. The prime objsot of the visit wee to give expression of the high esteem in which Mr. Burkholder and family are held and to express the great regret the oongregation feels at their anti. oipatad removal from the neighborhood in the near future. Washington Wilkin- son read the following address and, Mies Minnie Russell made the prosentation 111r. Burkholder. ne Johnston farm lately vacated by Pybue. Morris Grangers Attended the Dia meeting et Blyth on `Tuesday of Week. The Agin family are coming thro the attack of fever one by one and far no fatal results are apprehended. Quite a »umber from the vioinity Belgrave attended'the meeting of M land Presbytery at Wing6am last w Last Sunday Marelial1 Hughes tools service at Sunshine and J. 17, Hunter similar service int Wawanosh and B grave. Miss Ellen McVety, of Tuekerem has been visiting relativee and friends the 1st and 2nd cone, for a couple weeks. "Willows Farrow, 8rd line, . is visit friends around Port Hope this we Port Hope was Mr, Farroe's ,home boyhood, Thus. Wilkinson has bad quite a pa ful experience with his amputated dig but he is doing nicely and we hope w soon be o, k. We heard a weather wise man say t. we would have hard mild weather for next month. If he bad put in the wo and he i (and) would likely bit it Mrs. Laundy, relict of the late Hen Laundy, is seriously ill at present and the old lady is upwards of 80 yeare 1 recovery is doubtful. Mrs. Emanuel 0/ver wishes to retu thanks to the officers and members Onurt Douglass, No. 27, 0. 0. 1' Bluer @ a! for the promptness mass - they paid the insurance on the life of6h late husband. The Presbyterians of Belgrave a coneidering the advisability of unit with Calvin congregation in Eclat Waw nosh, The idea is a good one and thou meet with the approval of all who ha the welfare of the ohuroh at heart. A few days ago AS Wm. E. Beeler, Brussels, was driving his young hor along the 3rd line, it became frighten at a pile of wood in front of Joel H. Se lare' farm and started to run away. M Beeler held onto him with one hand (t other being disabled for a time by accident) and before he could bring hi ander control be had badly damaged t cater. Mr. heeler is now asking f remuneration from the owner of the woo pile. DIED, -A. telegram was received la week making the gad announcement the decease of Mies Carrie Laaohlau only daughter of William and A Laughland, of Oshawa. The oauee Of b decease was an attack of la grippe follow ed by quick consumption. The decease was a cousin to Allan, James and Joh Speir, of Morrie, with whom she visite Iast July. Mies Lauchiand was a moe estimable young lady and her death i sadly lamented. The funeral took plao on Saturday afternoon. Moan's BRANCH AOL. SOCIETY. -Th annual meeting of the Morrie Bravo Agricultural Society was held in th Commercial Hotel, Blyth, on Thursday 11th inst., at 1 o'clock p. m. Tee Presi dent occupied the chair ; the minutes o last annual meeting being read, b otion they were adopted. The Audi ore' report, in printed form, was read nd ib showed the total receipts of th est year to be 5085.30, with an expendi re of $777.10, leaving a balance on ban f $158.29. The report was very eerie story and was unanimously adopted be matter of purchasing new ground ae disouseed and finally was left in tb ands of the Directors with instruction investigate as to the sale of the preaen nude and the pnrahese of new an ore accommodating property. Th !lowing officers were then elected resident, Thomas Code ; Vice -Pres., J Tiernay ; Directors, Charles Howe lin McMillan, John Sherritt, J. Potter . Ruddle, John Craig, Arthur Tierney obert Medd, Andrew McDonald ; Audi re, Alex. Elder and J. M. Hamilton. TILE Lent Mae, Unarm -The Seafort un refers to the decease of Mrs. Martin ferred to in last week's issue of Tem se, as follows :-It is with feelings of rrow we this week chronicle the death this lady, who was found dead in her d on Monday morning last, having pas• d away quietly during the night. Some her own children slept with her and t up in the morning and did not notice at their mother was dead. Later on sy went to call her and found that her brit had departed. Mrs. Martin was at larch in Seaiorth the last Sabbabh and s to all appearance in her urinal health d no one, not even herself, suspected at she was so near the spirit land. It supposed that she died from beast ease. Deceased was iu her 87th year, that she bad nearly reached the prom. d age, Sha was a native of Scotland, t had spent most of her days on the d ooneeesion of Tuokersmitb where her ended, She was one of the pioneers Huron. She was a member of the esbytorian church and was a humble, oore, Christian woman. She leaves a mily mostly grown up and able to pro- m for themselves. Her mortal m- ina were laid to rest in the Maitland nk cemetery on Wednesdaylast, the era! being largely attended. ox SoorAL,-.The box social, under the opines of the Ladies' Aid of Knox rah, Belgrave, which was held at the idenoe of George Taylor, West Bonn, y, on Thursday evening f last week,! a decided emcees notwithstanding unfavorable condition of the roads. m early in the evening until about 8 ook the crowd of pleasure seekers kept ring in until every available corner ,n commodioue residence was packed The host and hostess, assisted by members of the Ladies' Aid, had left hing undone that would add to the fort and enjoyment of the visitors. the appointed hour William R. kine was caped to the ghair and the ning pieoe, "Gather them in," by the ienoe was announced. Next on the gram cam° a quartette by 4 little e 1 tong, D. Magill ; reeibation, O. 11Ie ; reading, P. W. Soott ; reoita- , John Meilllejohn ; music on bag s, J. Dingwall. A (Mango in the pro• i took place hero being the disposing ho boxes, each of which contained oient viands to satisfy the inner to of any couple in the audience. Ser being over part I1. of the program given as follows :-Reoitetion, Mise viler; music on harmovioa, A, Stew• song, C. MoOlehand ; instrumental, a p to fa T w b to gr e P B. 0 R to S re Po BO Of be 6e of b th sp oh wa an th is die so lee bu 2n life of rr sin fa yid m Ba fun as ohu 088 der was the Fro o'ol the full the not nom At Ere ops Red pro Ri�rl P4 0 Hon Pipe gran off side wan sup was So art DRAB FlueND,-We, bbv teliebere, oore and scholars of Sunshine Sabbath School, take this opportunity of express- ing our heart•falt gratitude towards you for your untiring. labor in behalf of our Sunday eohool, Be the weather what it might you were always at your post. The few years you have been with us have been pleasant and profitable and our u school has prospered d and r your wise and careful superintendence. Now that you aro leaving us we feel that we could not part without giving you some token of our appreoiation of your work with us. We therefore ask your acceptance of this writing desk, not as a oriterion of your work, but as an evidence of the esteem in. which you are heldus and the love we have for you. We byake this ,opportunity likewise of extending towards Mrs. Burkholder our best wishes and with pleasure we offer this album ae a small token of our regard. Hoping that you may long be spared to continue the good work in some other field, we sign ourselves, JAtiee RuesaLL, RICHARD BIELDY, G. W. Wnacrxsow, Mr. Burkholder, although taken by ser. prise, made a very suitable reply in be- half of himself and Mrs. Burkholder. A few remarks were also offered by Rev. J. H. Dyke, the pastor, J. E. Hunter, J. Bielby and D. Hogg. The balance of the evening was spent in social chat, music and a general merrymaking by the young folks who enjoyed themselves splendidly, The host and hostess were most assiduous in their enocessfnl efforts to entertain their guests. General regret is expressed over the removal of the Burkholder family from this line but we all wish them anooees in their new home. The Srowntown Methodists should be good to them. A most beart.rending accident occurred the other day a few miles front Dornook. Mrs. John Simpson, while burning some refuse, happened to hurl into the stove one or two packages of blasting powder, and an instantaneous explosion took place, The lids of the stove were spat• tared here and there. Her c.iuntenanoe, unfortunately, happened to be vertically above the flame and she received terrible injuries. Her hands were burnt to the bone. ETHEL CA;?; Having moved to a more con- venient stand, put inheavier power and some new machinery, I am now prepared to manufac- ture, on the shortest notice, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, and Cutters. Bodies and all kinds of wood work Supplied, The Common Sense Clothes Dryer and the COKER CART. I. also Custom C lstom P , .guru g, Match. and Moulding. 12 Horse Power Engine and Boil- er for Sale Cheap. raud Cou�eri Under the Auspices of the Sons of Scotland 1 Dramatic and Humorous i?dMOTTA.IL By the Talented Reader Kiss Jessie Alexander, JAMES FAX 11 Canada's Clower Humorist, Assisted by Local Talent. Prof, Hawkins, Y'iaai list. TOWN GALL, BRUSSELS, P I DA- ne 26 DON'T MISS IT. Cash vs. Credit. Having decided to inaugurate the Cash System` of doing busi- ness I desire to notify my pat- rons and the public generally that on the 15th of lurch the change will go into effect. A • : Outstanding Accounts s d be settled before that date. he public will find it greatly to their advantage to purchase from me on the new terms. A large and well selected stock to choose from, fl:F.IIcA�sicr MERCHANT, ETHEL. With Bargains, are the Customers who leave our Store during the Gral Cliaue !ii Bun S21e 5 The Wiser Ones Buy. the Most. It's really too bad to sell good, new, seasonable goods for such a low price, but we must reduce the stock and have only a short time to do so -until Febru- ary 15th. That's the reason we are selling a Man's Tweed Overcoat, all wool, for $3,75, that is cheap at $6.00, A. Suit, made to Order, Bltick Worsted, Bound, for $13,00, well worth $17.00. Good Sewing Cotton, 200 yards, for 2 cents. Good Linen Towelling for 5 cents. 29 yards of Good Factory Cotton for $1.00. ' Boys' Suits, sack coat, Union Tweed, for $1.00. Men's Odd Pants, from 75c. up. In fact "Everything Goes" at Greatly Reduced Prices during this Sale. Call and be convinced that this is not a fake but a genuine Clearing Sale of New Goods. We Want Money. We Must have Money. A. R MITH, 1:0 "�-vsli%vii5eu;f We take Stock Feb. 5, '94, Winter Goods must be Entirely Cleared out. We Won't Carry them over. Everything Marked down in Plain Figures with ed Ink. STOCK TARING PRICES : Tweed Dress Goods down to 6e, 7ac and 8c, worth Cretonnes for 5e. In Double Fold Plaids down to 10c, worth 14c. Heavy Plain Meltons down to 9c, regular 121-c. 44 inch Tweed Effects down to 20c, regular 30e. 44 inch All Wool Serge, down to 25c, regular 450. Black and Navy Cashmere clown to 20e. Black Henrietta, " 33s regular 45c. Black Henrietta, " 55c regular 75c. Black Storm Serge, " 50c " 70c. Mantle 010511, 60e " $1.00 Stylish Mantle ()loth, " $1.00 " $1.50 Flannel worth 20c for 153 ; 25c for 17c. Blankets for $1.99, $2,50, $2.90 and $8.40 worth $4.00. Ladies' Ribbed Vests for 25c. 3 ply Yarn 500 for 40e per lb ; 85e for 600 per lb. Yard Wide Cotton, heavy, at 4c. Yard Wide Cotton, very heavy, at 6c, worth 8c, Sllirtings, 12}o for 100 ; 10c for 80. Tiokings, 10e for 8c ; 150 for 12i -e. Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, 28e each. Wool Shirts and Drawers, 37ac worth 50e. 75 cent lines reduced to 60 cents. $1.00 75 1.25 75 1.60 " $1.19 2 pair Wool Hose for 25c. 2 pairs of All Wool Sox for 25c. 2 pairs of 20c Braces for 25c. Stylish Linea Collars at 100 each. ?nfen's Suits worth $8.00 going at $4,00. re rr 6.00 " 5.00, " " 10,00 " 6.00. Men's Tweed Pants, 1.00 worth 1.50. 1.50 2.00. re rt 1.75 " 2.50. Men's Lined Gloves, 75 " 1.00. 65 90. A Good All Wool Cardigan 1aoket for 75c. Fine Cardigan Jackets worth $2.00 for $1.40, rr it Don't miss this Greatest of all Winter Sales, remember we mean what we say and you will find everything just as advertised. No Old G-oods. Everything Bran New and Stylish. We make this sacrifice as we must have money and the goods must go, JOHN °OBER THE H.. MA r DOCK Dry Goods Company. PRODUCE TAKEN. C/ i CARRIAGE MARDR. Lr1in1,, Dee. 30t11, 1898.