The Brussels Post, 1894-1-26, Page 4TIE I311USSS IS POST New Advertisements, Locale --J 0 Ayer, Leeals—B Gerry, 1Jotioe—l+J WI1liaums, For Bale-••Wni Spence, Local—W H klo0reeken, Deeded down—A R Smith, 10 Days more—i E Maddock. Eye Specialist—J W Browett. Boar for Service—Arthur Smith, Fat Wintss.Czs Vast. FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1894, Tete Central Farmers' Institute will meetin the city of Toronto on February 0th and 7th. Each local Farmers' In. stitute is -entitled to send two delegates to it. Opxena has been having rather an un• enviable notoriety of bale in eonneotion with atrocious murders and dragged out murder trials, As Canadians we often point the finger of scorn at our Ameri- can cousins over the apparent low value plaosd upon human life but before much more of this is done we should look to our -own land. The decision of some juries in allowing prisoners their liberty has made a laughing stook of justice in this Dominion. BAST HURON LIBERALS. The annual meeting of the East Huron Liberal Assooiation (Provinoial and Dominion) will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday, 30th inst., commencing at 1 p. m. Election of officers, presentatioa of reports, &o., will constitute the business. Addressee are expected from Thomas Gibson, M. P. P., Dr. McDonald, M. P„ and James Mc- Mullen, M. P., of Wellington county. A. public meeting will be held in same Hall in the evening oommenoiug at 7:10 o'clock when the above mentioned gentlemen will speak, Music by the Young Liberal Glee Club. CONSIDERABLE annoyance has been es. perienced by the Canadian authorities over a despicable attempt to deprive On- tario of fairly won awards at the recent World's Fair. Six diplomas and bronze medals to agricultural implements were destroyed after the judges bad completed their work and another sat of men took it upon themselves to give the awards be- longing to the Massey -Harris Company to American firms. An investigation has been made at Washington and it is ex- pected the wrong will be set right. A11 Canadians want is a fair field and no favor, 'Pon plebietite taken 00 January lot lest, resulted in a magnificent majority in favor of immediate total prohibition, clearly demonetretieg that public eeati. went in this province demands effective legislation' for the abolition pf the license system and the suppression of the liquor braille. In view of the sweeping charas. tar of the vote and in order that temper. arise workers may be thoroughly united in wise and energetic action to seance the very beet qutoome of the victory already won it has been deemed advisable to sem- mon another convention similar to that held in Toronto in October last. The plan of repreeenbatipn is as follows ;— Every ohurob and eooiety to bo untitled to two representatives and each church or soolety having more than fifty mem- bers to be entitled to an additional dele- gate for eaoh fifty or fractional part of fifty after the full fifty members. The following organizations are to be en- titled to representation on the basis named :—Branabes of the W. 0. T. U., Divisions of Sons of Temperance, Lodges of the I, 0. G. T., Councils of the R. T. of T„ Branches of the League of the Cross, Prohibition Clubs and other pro- hibition or temperance organizations, ohurob congregations, Young Men's Christiau Associations, Salvation Army Corps, Sooieties of Christian Endeavor, Epworth Leagues, Branches of St. Andrew's Brotherhood, Baptist Young Peoples' Executive Committee, any other young peoples' assooiationsin connection with church work ; the Provincial OM, care and Executive Committee of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alli- ance, the Obairmae and Secretary of each County Riding or City Plebisoite Committee, and the Chairman of the Committee for each municipality or ward to be also members of the Conven- tion. The Convention will meet in the Horbianitural Pavilion, Toronto, ou Tuesday, Feb. 8th, at 9:90 a, m. Re- duced fares will be given by all railway lines. Each delegate will purchase, on starting, a regular, single fare tioket to Toronto. He will also procure from the ticket agent ab the same time a standard certificate, filled out, showing that he has purchased said ticket. This oertifioate= he will present to the secretary of the convention, who will sign it. Ib will then entitle him to a return tioket free of cost. Delegates ars especially request- ed to procure the Standard Certificates before starting as otherwise they will not be entitled to the free retern. Those having to travel over roads operated by different companies should procure a certificate for each. It is expeoted that this meeting will be even larger and more important than that ,held .in the same place feet 0otobar, All the organizations entitled to repreeontation are earnestly urged to send delegates and he do all in their power to make the convention a complete suoaeso, W u1 ton. Mrs. James Smillie is improving in bealth. People saytbs Sunday sohool Conven. tion 00 Thursday of last week was the best held vet, R. H. Ferguson will represent Walton A. 0, U, W. Lodge at the Grand Lodge to be held at Toronto next month. Coxxrnobelow.—Last Sunday afternoon Bishop Baldwin hold an interesting non. demation sorvioe in St. George's church here. There were eight candidates. Rev. W. G. Rielly, incumbent, assisted HIs Lordship. Oooxom—McEillop township Council met in Jones' hotel, Leadbury, on Monday, 16th Jan. Members all present who took the oath of office and gnalifioa. tion before the clerk. Minutes of former meeting vend and adopted, James Evans was re•eleeted deputy -reeve. The following officials were re -appointed :— joins C Morrison, olerk ; S .7 Shannon, treasurer ; Wm Evans, assessor ; Chas Dodds, collector ; Adam Dodds and T E Says, auditors. The Reeve, Clerk, Bernard O'Connel, Thos Murray and John McElroy a Board of Health, and Richard Pollard sanitary inspeotor. The appointment of medical health officer was left over until appearance of infectious disease. Cheques were issued • on l treasurer to pay for polling, stationary, deputy -returning officer e, collector's and clerk's salaries, printing and other expenses, o 30.84. A by-law passed ap. pointing the officials, and purchasing 5000 feet rock elm for bridges and culverts to be left at certain parte of township. Council adjourned to meet at Fulton's hotel ea Monday, 191b Feb„ at 2 o'clock p m, to receive auditors' report. •Ethel. Reeve Milne is at Goderith attending County Connell. M. S. B. Maginn is visiting in the Queen city this week. The new sawmill was set in motion on Monday of this week. Quite a few from here will attend the Sons of Scotland concert in Bruseels on Friday evening. Some sort of it disease is affecting a number of horses in this locality. Their hind legs swell without any apparent cause so as to use them up badly, The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian ohurah Sunday next. Services on Sate urday at 2:80 and Sunday at 11 a. m. and 6:80 p. m. Rev. D. Forrest,' of Walton, will preach on Saturday afternoon at the preparatory service- HYMENS/L.—On Wednesday of this week the nuptial bow that made William Habkirk, of Brussels, and Miss Bessie, youngest daughter of David McDonald of this place, husband and wife was tied by Rev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook, at the residence of the bride's father. The bride was attended by her niece, Miss Mary Mitchell, of Deseronto, and the groomsman was Dan. Ferguson, of Tees- Water, Mlas McDonald were a very bo' opining smote= of term, octan 8llk, Aram• mad with Dream eurali, and plies Mitolo• ell was neatly attired fn it dwrk Amite silic droes with that sill trimming, The wedding gifts bespoke the popularity of the bride. After partaking of a splendid wedding breakfast the bridal party left for Brussels, where Mr, and Mrs. Maloe kirk took the train for a short wedding trip, followed by the hearty wishes of a large circle of irieeds, On their return they will begin housekeeping in Brussels where they have purobased a Boma. A pleasant sail over: the matrimonial sea le wished for them, E. J, Williams le in Loudon on a brei. DIM trip. 111. lieoNair, of Bolton, was visiting at A. Mayfair's this week. Stephen Ereseler is home for the Winter from Illarquetb, Mich. The annual meeting of Enos oburoh was held on Tuesday, of this week. Miss Sweet, of Exeter, is at present visiting her cousin, Mise Ada Dilliug. Our Deputy Reeve, A. 0, Dames, is at Goderich this week attending County Council, There will be no service in Knox olauroh Sunday on account of communion at Ethel. Cranbrook will lose a worthy citizen when E. J. Williams removes from this village. Quite a number from our village will attend the concert in Brussels this (Fri- day) evening. James Knight, of London, is home on a visit to his parents. He looks ire if the city agrees with bin. �ry The whistle at Bird Bros. chopping O W .t �T lea 8T, mill should not be blown so early in the morning as it deprives a number of the residents of our berg ,of their morning rest. Wm. Steiss, one of our village blaok. swabs, is getting a stock of iron, &a., ready for the Spring trade. Wm. is a bustler. .Cranbrook need not take a second place for mechanise. The oontraob for carrying floe mail from here to Bruesele and return, daily, bas been scoured by V. Gramm, who has performed the duties for a number of years in a most accommodating style. The young men of our town are noted sportsmen. Among the game taken aro rabbits, partridges, eto., and three foxes have been secured, two by A. 0. Dames and one by C. Raddatz. J. Bothwell heads the list with partridge. Mise Mary Ritchie, our village dress maker, has been laid off work with a very sore hand caused by a sharp lead pencil penetrating the first finger of her right hand. It was feared blood poisoning would set in at one time but it is now mending fast and in a few days she will resume work again. John J. Geniality, who has been trying his fortune in the Northwest, has return. ed. He is not very favorably impressed with that country and says the ]set two bad crops made the farmers look blue. He was working in the district where the hail destroyed the orop this year and out of one hundred aores of wheat sown last epxing they only cut some twenty acres which turned out about 80 bushels of wheat. ltlra. Wm. ITayman bas returned to lior home in London after vieltln9 fee a month emongfrlends. Mise Iltta McNair returned to Gode. rich. on Monday to pursue her studies in the Collegiate Institute, J, J, Mitchell, the genial carriage. builder of this plum, lone soma very ,One Portland and jumper cutters ready for sale, If we only get some of the bseuti- ful they %rill not be there long es J. J. is a first.oless mechanic, Monday evening hist as the young' people of Cranbrook and vicinity were enjoying themselves skating on the pond, Thomas, youngest eon of Rev, D. B. Mo. Rite, dropped through the ice with a shout which gmokly brough t Principal' Wynn fl', Ritchie and G. Reymann to his resale, JAN. 26, 194: bowover, wo are glad to hoar that he le nothing the worse fpr the oold . bath, 11 eboald be a warning to othere as it might have boon a serious natter butler timely assistance, • James lliorrieon, eon of Joliu 0.. Mor. riaon, bowlsbip o)erk of Moliillop, has gone to Guelph where he will spend sir weeks at the dairy school preparatory to eonimoneleg the Spring work ae 11 Cheese makes'. A Chicago real estate dealer named H. B. IT, Udell poisoned himself with prussic sold end chloroform at the Huron Hotel, Port . Huron, last week, Ile loft a nolo addressed to his wife, in caro of W. H. Thornes, Oshawa. Tt is thought business difficulties had un• balanced his mind. • J. 4 Y ,mY CLlle OPTIOIA1V, (Graduate of Optical Institute of Canada) will be at Mr. Deeidn+e, 's Drug Store, Brussels, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 3Ist and FEBRUARY 1st. TO TEST THE SIGHT ,GA FREE OF CHARGE. THIS Eye Specialist uses a most modern and complete outfit of Oculist Test Lenses and Charts, and corrects even the most difficult cases of Astigmatism—Irregular Sight ; Hypermetropia— Far Sight ; Myopia—Near Sight ; Presbyopia—Did Sight ; Ambly- opia—Dull Sight ; Strabismus—Cross Eyes ; Asthenopia—Weak Sight, eta. RE RESTORES PERFECT VISION Even to those who have been never before able to get the Ordinary Spectacles to Suit. Appointment's are being mads now at Mr. Deadman's Drug Store. The earlier you go the better will Ile your choice of time. Have a half hour reserved for you to -day, if possible. ANMI 1 V — e an C SALE IRJT.TINTINTIZTCr0D.An.--sre. To Clear out the balance of Winter Goods a Clearing Sale has been Inaugurated and During its Continuance 1=11R/CDPIriEle WIC.,�►.i'I.. It is not by Sensational Advertising that we expect to draw the Crowds to our Sale but by the Com- manding Influence of such offerings as may be found in our large stock. Speaks with no Uncertain Voice at D. C. Ross'. Special Bargains will be Offered in Frieze, Beaver, Melton and Nap Overcoatings, Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges and Pantings. Great Value in Underclothing. Rubber and Melissa Waterproof Coats. guts, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Brakes, Mose, Gloves, Iandkerchiefb, &c., &o., all come under the Pruning Enife. ALL CLOTH BOUGHT FROM US WILL BE CUT FREE OF CHARGE. Latest Fashion Plates. All our work Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. 2CROo o MIL 400 MI M., Fashionable Tailor and Gents' Outfitter, Tell Your Neighbor about this Sale. thi gal ing fro m? ant Cot 7, siol asf visi con Ins .J Th< Mr. and 13 laid ens' Ws MIH for mol met oil t ing Sur wen lase 1t . 1 the Jo itlr Ont we he M: 1,a 6le th as D2• rn, ao of Br ti wi M at wf ba pa in be wi lo g, Tl ar st fr b fa L in th