The Brussels Post, 1894-1-26, Page 3JAN. 26, 1894ogromposouelirdommempammi,sim• owoopewm Tori Directory. kinnvmsal OliOnon,—Sabbath Services at II a, m, and 8i80 p, m, Sunday Sehoot at 2:80 p, nf, Rev, john Ross, B. A.; pastor, 1..Nox Cm,fica .—Sabbath Seraloes at II a. m. and 0;S0 p, m, Sunday Sohooi ab 2;$0 p, m,;' limp. Millar, paator, Se. Jimmie Carunon,—Sabbablr Servioes at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Sunday School M 2;80 p, m. Rev, W. G. Reilly, Mourn - bent, MErnoolwT Cfroaon,—Sabbath Services at 10;80 a. in. and 6:80 p. m. Sunday Sobool at 2:30 p. m. Rov, O. H. Cobble - dials, ff, A„ B. D., pastor. ROMAN UATnoL10 0110110f1.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month; ab 10;80 a. m. Rev, Joseph Kennedy, priest, Sawsmos Anux,--Service at 7 and II a, m. and 8 and 8 p. m, on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 O'olools, at the barraolis. Onn'FELLowe' Longs avery Thursday evening, in Graham's bloats, MAsoara Lopurl Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. O. U. W. Loma on 1st and 8rd TFriday evening's 'r a of each mouth hill's block, in Bias. 0, 0. F. LODGE 2nd and last Monday evenings of eaub month, in Blaehill's block, L.0, L. 1st Monday in every month, in Orange Hall, 10, Is., 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. R. T. or T., 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of edoh month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. Sons or Se0TLAND, Ist and Brd Tues- days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. O. T. M. LorJGE, 1st and 8rd Thurs- days o£ each month,in Vanatone block. Horse OmoLD, 2ndand 4th Friday even- ings in Blasbill'a Hall. Pose' Orrxuia,—Oaioe hours from 8 a. m. to7p,re. MEow.nrae' INe!ITOTE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tows Consorts—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;. W. H, McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and 5, Wilton, Councillors ; F. 8. Scott, Clerk ; Thos. Kelly, Treas- urer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Colleotor. Board meats the let Monday in each month. SOnoon BOARD.—Rey. Ross (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; Seo•Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month, PUDDIO Sono°L TEMIIIEas.—J. H, Cam- eron, Principal, Mise Braden, Mise Downey and Miss Cooper. BoAnD or HRALTu,—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, H. Dennie and J. N. Bendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. WALKING WITH GOD. ne REV. n. PAM, nrmeeELO. Walking with God, 'tis thine to know All the blessings He can bestow, When all the fulneas will be thine, And light divine around thee shiue. Walking with God, 'tie thine to feel All the power --the Spirit's seal, And led by the Almighty hand, On the road to the promised land. Walking with God, 'tis thins to see Gad's perfections in full degree. Higher and yet higher ascend, Where love and peace will never end. Walking with God, 'ifs thine to find Pleasure to last as Iong as mind ;• When things of earth are fled and gone, Thy life has only lust begun. Walking with God, 'tie thine to rise Above the world and all that dies, Then bathe the soul in pure delight, While all around is full of light. Walking with God, thou shalt enjoy Pardon and peace without alloy, The higher blessings shall be thine, Because the promise is divine. Walking with God, the end will come, When thou shalt find thyself at home, In which is alory all divine, And all the future blessing thine. DON'T YOU SEE ? The boy who on the corner stands! With open mouth and lietlese air, Who in hte pocket thrusts his hands, And shows no signs of thought or care ; Who idly dreams—who rarely works— Who needful tasks or duty shirks Though kind in manner he may be, There's much that's looking—don't you see ? The boy Who will neglect his book For game of chance, or bat and ball, For gun and dog, or rod and hoop, Or for a dance—for are or all— Will find he's made a grand mistake, Can games the phone of knowledge tape ? When on the top round he would be He'll tindlre's Making—don't you sae ? The boy who smokes a cigarette, Or drinks with friends a social glass, Is forming habits to regret, Whose ills all other ilia surpass ; Though solid rook is near at hand, That boy is building on the sand ; With sealing mates and boisterous glee His course is downward—don't you see ? The girl who ab the window waits With idle hands and dreamy look, Who, by her notions, says She bates The household work of maid or Gook ; Who lets hor mother Worlc away While she indulges in a play ;• Howe'er relined that girl may be, T'hese's much that's molting—don't you flee? Tits girl whose rooitatione chow Nu earnest work, no courant thought Who fails in what she ought to know When skillful test of work is brought ; That girl will fail to win the prize— Will fail when earnest workers rise — A. grand suooesa she'll never be, There's too much latticing—don't you see ? When ate would build a house to stand, 115 builds upon a solid rook, He taltea the best at his command ; Xie piles the geanite'binolc on block, No ton, shale 20,711 slut!! havo a place T it In inner or In outer Pave, Well.toated molt Shall pollsbed be, .For Jaebing structure—deal yotl see? Build titan for bine--all ao11d rock, Give thought and care; build bread and deep, Then, tempest wild, with rudest shook, Shall harmlesalyarmutd' thee swoop:; Wib1s Iciwwledge gained and purpose gran d, The illaof life than genet command ; From all their power thou shalt be Pres Thy power the greater—don't you see ? TIfli CAKE THAT KATE BA1118». This is the (Alio that Kate batted, Them are the plums Tient lay In the sake that Kate baked. This is the boy That ata bila plums That lay in the sake 111 Those ate the ills That worried the boy That ate the plume That lay in the cake that RAM baked. These are the puts That sired the ills That worried the boy That ate the plums That lay in the cake that Kate baked. Tlria is Katie, pretty and sweet, Who gave the pills That cured the ilea Thab worried the boy That ate the plums That lay in the cake that Kate baked, This is the doctor, so grave and neat, Who propos'tl to Kabie,protty and sweet, Who gave the pills That cured the Ills That worried the boy That ate this plums That lay in the cake that Kate baked, This is the parson who thought it atheist To marry the doctor, so grave and neat, Who propos'd bo Katis,prettyand sweet, Who gave the pills Tliat cured the ills That worried the boy That ate the plums That lay in the Dake that Kate baked. Kato baked. V ortiwicia. Reeve Cook is away at the. County Council. There is some talk of the Methodist 5. 5, having an anniversary during the Winter. H. Hanes has returned from Hanover and taken charge of the Graybe farm South of this village. R, Hooey and R. Carter, one a grand- father and the other old enough to be, out a cord of wood in 45 minutes. R. Mahood, J. Hanneberg and D. Fen- nell are going to improve their reei• denoes during the ooming Summer. A?c7rililop. Thos. Gibson, if. P. P. for East Huron, was at No. 4 school house, McKillop, on the evening of Tuesday, the 23rd inst., at 7 o'olock p, m.,and delivered an address on the platform of the Patrons of Indus- try. At the regular meeting of L. 0. L, No. 818, a very pleasant and profitable time was spent. James Homey, W. D. 111., occupied the chair and conducted the election of offfoers, which resulted as fol. lows :—Robt. Scarlett, W. M. ; John Ballard, D. ef. ; Robt, Boyd, Chap. ; W. Robinson, Rea. Sec„ re•ele,ted ; A. Boyd, Treas., re•eleeted ; D. MoCutch- eon, D. of C. ; W. A. Johnston, sr., 1st Corn. ; los. Carter, 2nd Corn. ; L. Hor• bey, Jird Com. ; J. Galbraith, 4th Coma; W. Trewarths, 5th Com. ; J- H. Oamp• bell, I. T. ; S, Summers, 0. T. ; Wrn. Glass, Jos. Hogg, Aadlters. After the oifroers were duly installed and other im- portant business transacted, the lodge closed in harmony and all sat down to a sumptuous repast prepared for the oa- oasion, Gorrx-ie. Jno. J. Sharpiu has purchased D. Fella -bay's interest in the tailoring bud. nese of Fallahay & Beswitherwfck. Wm. Dans is pushing the repairing of bis dam as fast as the weather will allow. Isaac MoKee, of Winnipeg, is at pees• ent in town visiting his father, Robert McKee, The installation of officers ofMaibtand Lodge, 210 A. 0. U. W., took place in the lodge room as follows :—M, W., T. H. McLaughlin ; P. M. W., D. Sander- son ; Overseer, R, Deaohman ; Foreman, A. Doan ; Recorder, R. Toung ; Fioan- oier, .R. Roes ; Revolver, W. Dane Guide, S. T. Fennell ; L W., W. Simp. son ; 0. W., R. Blow. The following are the officers of the Howiek Agrioultural Sooiety for the ooming year :—John Keine, President ; J. H. Johnston, V. P. ; Peter Hepinstall, Seo.-Treas., Directors, Alex. Robertson, A.B. Bell, S. Johnston, 13. D. Wallace, Rioh., Butchart, John Stewart, Robert Harding, James Perkins, Wm. Evans. Auditors—J. Donaghy and Andrew \Vil. son. The semiannual meeting will be held in Fordwioh on the first Saturday in July to revise the prize list and attend to other business in the interest of the society. Lam claimo.ves. John Berry has returned to Toronto to complete his teem in the Pharmacy Col- lege. W. Bourns sr., got a bad fall one day lately which has oansed him a great deal of suffering. Thos. Little, of this village, intends leaving for Dungannon where he has pm - abased a boob and shoe business. The Luoknow Caledonian Society celebrated the birth of Sootland'a bard by a grand ball in their hall on Thursday evening. Two finely bred trotting stallions from the Jowitt Stook Farm near Buffalo, N. Y., were brought to the village last week by Taggart Bros,, of New York. Both horses are fine looking animals, good movers and aro valued M temple of thousand each. They are for sale. At the annual meeting of the Epworth League of the Methodist obnrah the fol. lowing officers were elected for ithe en- suing year :—Honorary President, Rev J. 11Iills; President, D. 0. Taylor; Vice - President 0. E. Dept,, R. Rivers ; Vice. President II, W. Dept., D. Greer ; Vino. President Literary Dept., . M, Walker ; Vioe•Piesiden t Social Dept., Mrs. Taylor ; Secretary, F. Mambleton; Treasurer, G. Potter ; Organist, Nellie Mills ; Ushers, 5. Barden and J. Smith ; &oditors, 11. Rlvore and D. Lougbeed. Wm, Taylor, o1 title village, disposed of his farm, which is ou the gravel .roma near ,Unlace, to Oliver 7olsnebon, Renner ty of pIauitoba,far X2100, Tbo Marlte fires, Oomedy Co, will sons' steno° a week's engage tent its the `,pawn Hall here on Molloy, Jan, 20th and eon biouing %toil evening to Fob, 8rd. The Idnghsh cherish was cruwde,l to lbs doors to 'withers the oonfirinailen eervieee by the Right Rev. 13isbap Bald. win, D. D., of London. There were 14 candidates for fiondrmabion and the eer- vioes throughout were very lrnprese100. 3MxeCor. Arrangements are being made by the Maeonlo fraternity of Exeter, to hold a grand oonversaaione in the near future. The new plate glass front for the Odd - fellows block was set in position and gives the place an Imposing appearance, The Trivia Memorial Church Ladies' Guild have secured en engagement with Canada's Star Violiuiab, Mies Nora Clench, who will give one of her popular muerte here. While ripping lumber with a oiroulet. saw A. Oottls accidentally rut his hand on the saw, lacerating the index auger of the right hand badly, and also received a slight out on the bhamb. The following officers were sleeted in connection with the Stephen and Osborne Agricultural Society :—Samuel Sanders, President ; D. Mclnnoe, Vioe•President ; Jas. Ballantyne, John Delbridge, H. nil. bar, R. Lang, Wm. Elliott, 1118. Christie, W. T. Hawkshaw, A, Q, Robier, r'1. Jones, Direotors, One night recently Wes. Snell, who resides south of Exeter about two miles, was roused from bis slumber by the usual punch in the ribs from bis wife, who bad been awakened by the savage barking of the dog. Mr. Snell hastily dressed, and before going ant slipped a revolver io his pocket. He made his way towards the barn and before getting there he saw a man to whom he called out, "What are you doing there ?" and with- out replying the man came towards him. Mr. Snell again galled out "Who are you and what do you want ?" Still the man came towards him without uttering a word. Mr. Snell then said, "I am armed and if you oom% any nearer I'll shoot 1" and with this be discharged his revolver. This hsd the effect of soaring the bold thief, who ran to the road, oosompanied by another who was stationed in the or- chard just opposite the house. These two jumped into a rig and were rapidly driven away by the third who was holding the team. In the morning Mr. Snell found that one hog had been taken from the slaughter house, and bad been carried to a aross fence. Mr. Snell had been slaughtering and dressing quite a 0010. ber of pigs for the London market. The thieves were evidently atter his pork. ,d'-.-1 asaloi-til. The business hitherto carried on in Seaforth under the firm name of Jackson Bros., will in future be oondooted by Jaokeon & Greig, the new firm being composed of Jamas S. Jackson and John Greig. On the forenoon of the 15th inst, an accident occurred in town by wbieh.Jas. Engin narrowly escaped with his life. It seems he bad his blood ware in Pink. ney's stable and was atanding behind her, when a dog came np behind the ani- mal and frightened her. She kicked, evi. deafly at the doh, but struck Mr. Hugill on the side of the head, knocking him completely senseless. At the meeting of the Epworth League of the Methodist church the following opioere were elected for the ensuing six mouths :—President, W. D. Bright ; 1st vice pres., 0, A. Sperling ; 2nd vioe-pres„ George Black ; secretary, Charles Gray ; treasurer, Miss Ella Smith ; organist, Mise Effie Tyretnan. Beads of Com• mibtees—"Look•Ont," Muss Galloway ; "Devotional," R. Sperling; "Enterbain• maul," J. H. Pyper. A meeting of the South Huron Agri• oullural Sooiety was held at Seaforth, when the following ofiioere were elected : White Star Line. ROYAr, AIA1fe STbitt3JSIUPS, I3etweeu Now Torlr and Divertwol, via Quenebawn,evory Wednesday, 11lielaubrfnuasi Au Gallaher uthe iiwim e0aoan OADIN accommodations, Jubeudiug peeeengera Ore xemineed that an early f p. plication for Nellie le eeoaesarY at tike Sea. sou, Por plans, rates, ebo, amity to W. H. Kerr, Agent, 13ruesels. TEE POST'S CLUBBING OMR 'OR 1894, `Pun POST and Montreal Herald, with Almanac or Picture, 82 25 Tun POST and Montreal Wibness, 2 10 ' " Northern Messenger, 1 75 " " Western Advertiser, 2 25 • " London Free Press, 2 25 • " Torontoll2ail, 2 25 Toronto Empire, 2 25 Toronto Globe, 2 25 Cosmopolitan, 2 75 Toronto News, 2 25 Farmers' Advocate, 2 25 io YI If In each case the balance of the year is given Free to new Subscribers. ORDER EALILY. Call on or Write W. H. KERR, POST Publishing House, Brussels. McLEO LA'S yctam Itenovator TESTED RE'IEUIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepspsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate• tion of rrct'sgi,,Ls Heart, Bnhiis, don- sumption, Gail Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Deno, Female Irregularities and General Do- bility, LABORATORY faOlbE3lsl9, ONT. J. M. IVIoLEOD, Prop, and ltfanufaoturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Bnmeek. )IO EIi '.LTV LOAN. Arty Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege o repaying when l'egaired.. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi- demic, is always more or less prevalent. The beat remedy for this complaint is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Last Spring, I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was oornpletelypros- trated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as it confined In an iron cage. I procured a bottle or Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could uotbe. lieve that the effect would be so rapid andthe cure so complete. Itis truly awondsrful med. iolne."—W. 13. WILLIAMS, Crook City, S. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Promptto act, sureto cure G. E. Cresswell, president ; Thos. Mo- Elms ldillan, vice-president ; T. E. Hays, sera jlUr setas- ; R. Logan, treasurer; board of directors—MoK%Ilop, Joseph Morrison, W. McIntosh, J, T. Grieve. Mullett—G. Dale, Geo, Stephenson. Tuckeremith— S. Hunter, H. Chesney. Seaforth—T. Stephens, J. T. Grieve. Auditors—D. Johnston, F. G. Neelin. The next meet- ing will be held at the Commeroial hotel On Saturday, 27th inst. Gode rich. It is understood that in the Spring the congregation of St. Peters will begin pre- parations for the erection of a new obnroh. A. citizen reports that one day recently a oow with a hoard tied to its tail wee seen running down East street in a dan- gerous frenzy, and asks if someone should not be prosecnted for the cruel work. The Goderich Horticultural Society met and elected the following officers :— President, W. Warnock ; vice-president, Jas. Stewart ; directors—Messrs. Bing. ham, Watson, Tom, Fox, Wells, Haack°, McGillicuddy, Nairn and Stewart. Sec.- treas., W. Lane ; auditors, G. II. Nairn anti S. P. Halls ; hon. -directors, 7. T. Dickson and J. II. Williams, The work on the new piers for Oodo• rioh harbor has been started. A large quantity of timber has been drawn to the dock. About fifty feet of the bottom of the crib -work have been laid, Maids the harbor, oloae to the oheclt.water. Mr, Kirkbride has bile omitted for the iron• wont. The atone is to be brought front near Port Albert. The ideation of officers and directors for the West Riding Agl, Society resulted as follows :—President, Robb. `McLean, Godorioh ; vioe•presidects, Isaac Salkeld, jr., Goderich, and Joseph Beek, Col- borne ; directors, James Johnston and Henry Ourwen, Goderich tp, ; Thomas Gundry, R, W. Logan and Dr, Olarlc, Goderioh town ; James Davidson, Col- borne ; Joseph Griffin, Ashfield ; Jos. A, Alallongh, West Wawanosh ; Andrew Mc. Donald, Eullett. Colin Brinkley, one of the men at work for the Bell Telephone Co., fell from a pole on North street, a distance of about 80 feet, ane of hie spars giving way. As both bands were occupied at the time holding a wire, he was unable to help hirneelf and in his fall he struck the ground on the book of his head and neck, °musing dislocation, which resulted in death at 8 o'clock next morning. He wets removed to the British I)xohange hotel, where the men were staying, and eve; y• thing possible was done, but of course ib was impossible to save life, The re- mains were abut to his home in Dundas, Xmas Presents —GO TO— THE GREAT Boot &I Shoe Mouse And see our stock of Gents' Fancy Slippers, High Cut Jersey Buckle Over. shoes, Newest Styles of Felt Boots, Fine Congress and Laced Boots. LADIES' Fur Retold Felt Slippers, Fleecy Lined Jersey' Overshoes, Over Gaiters and Leggings, Felt Boots for old ladies, Boots and Shoes of every description. Men's and Boys' Pure Guin Rub- bers and Socks. China, Crockery, Lamps and Glassware. Good Brothers, I3BUSSELS and SEAFO1;TH. PEOPLE'S POPULAR) ONE -NV AY PARTIES —TO— British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, --IN— Tourist Sleeping Cara, Toronto to Se• attle Without Change, leaving TO- RONTO EVERY FRIDAY AT 10:15 P. M. Until Further Notice, COMMENCING our. 6,'93 For further particulars apply to any agent of the company. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. 8 THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND f-raRGEST SALE 10,1 CANADA, 0 0 is the 1atoet triumph in pharmacy for the ourei of all the symptoms indicating ISrnsuv AND, LWEn Complaint, Ifyou are troubledwith Costiveness, laiZziuess, Sone Slawaeh_f 1 L°ndnalic, and gesilon, Poon APpnTITE,r t' aeon rr1DL,,l-G,1 EEOOSnA. rn Pf„rNo, 1'leepleae Plights llfelanoboly l'oeUng, IJACII Amor,.. iaernbray's 11th uey i:rt.i Laver Vm'e 1! . willgive immodiatereliof andEr�rncTAOru,c.,' Sold at all Drug Stores. Rembray IYedlelne Costlr,rny or A'etdrborongdt, El;:iurtaed}, PETERBOROUGH, , , ONT. ,anr.:ryr:lfiC9J-• , V 7i: :aC,;:: SQLD BY J. T PEPPER, DRUGGIST, BRUSSELS. H. DENNIS Invites your attention to 11. full range of Rugs, Robes, Horse Blankets, Sleigh. Bells, Harness, Collars, Trunks, Valises, &a. At Very Low Prices. H. DENNIS, Harness hater, Brussels. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, 2,000,000 W. l:, ?LAC.DO\ALL►. Actuary. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 8,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 NB ITOMITIONAL-ACOMILATIP POLICY IS Issued Only by the CrnfetteralIou Life Assoeiaffou. L -.-''It is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue. ca—it is entirely void of ill oonditione. l 'Il is ahsohttely and automatically non.forfeitnble, after two years. The insured being entitled to (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (r) Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy, President, Managing Director, Hon. Sir W.P. Howland, C,Fi., 1I,C,JI.0. J. K. Macdonald. W. E. :KERR, Agent at Brussels. othin ,Pays So well Nowadays as an Advertisement in THFL BRUSSELS POSTS PRINTk;B'S INK If rightly applied Will do wonders, OUR JOB PRINTING Is noted for its neatness And .eenracy. Our prices are Very reasonable Make a bee -line for THE POST Publishing Douse wlien you want anything in that line