The Brussels Post, 1894-1-19, Page 8TIDE BRUSSELS POST JAri, 19, 1894 FREE ! FREE! A Bottle of our Clough Balm To be given sway. Slime making a change in the manufacture of our Cough .Balm we have lied many eneouraging testimonials of its efficiency as a remedy for 0oughs, Colds, &o. In justice to those who may have used it (before obange was made) and were not benefitted, we propose gtviug them a bottle of our im- proved for nothing. We are confident then there is no bettor preparation than this for the purpose 11 is made. klave you ever used it ? Try a bottle when suffering from lung trouble. 131+:A.B ' OIL We hare secured a fresh stook of pure hears' oil. If you are beaming perman- ently bald or want a nine hair dressing try solve, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & 0. Trains leave Brussels Station, North iod South, as follows: GoINi Being. Goxvo NORTH. Mail 8:54 a.m. I Nixed . 0:45 a,m, Express -,11:59 a.m. Mail 3:13 p.m• Mixed .-..... . 0:00 p.m. Express 0:43 p.m. ztal I "etus teats, A ohiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Conerr Council will meet next Tues. day afternoon, S. 0. S. CONCERT on Friday evening of next week in Brussels Town Hall. A mu of prime pork was shipped East hast Friday by Messrs. Stewart & Gra- ham. A c.tn of brick for Tbuell Bros, was unloaded at Brussels station yard this Week. Honsns Fain.—The next monthly Horse Fair will be held in Brussels on Thurs- day, February 1st. UNPAID T.txns.—Collector Ross Wants all unsettled taxes paid at once as the Toll has to be returned. Dont delay. THE annual meeting of Huron District Council, R. T. of T., will be held at Sea. forth on Monday, Jan. 39th, at 10 a. M. J. E. Bnxnana, of Neustadt, has pur. chased H. Williams & Son's carriage shop, Brussels, and will bo here the first of March. 100 LIVE light views of the World's Fair in the Town Hall, Brussels, the 1st week in Feb. Full particulars next week. Dont miss them. TEE Emma Wells Comedy Co. will fin a week's engagement in Brussels in February. They are favorably known here by past performances. Barnum Gun Club is uever behind. 'This week two of ite members, J. T. Ross and Joe Ballantyne, are away at Hamilton attending a tournament. PEE initial number of The Herald made its appearance lent week with Jas, Irwin as Editor. It promises to support the National Policy and look after the interests of this locality. "SAUNDERS MCGLAsHAN'S Courtship," "The death bridge of the Tay," "Mind- ing the baby" and a selected reading will be Mies Alexander's numbers on the Sons of Scotlauri Concert, Brussels, on the doth ;net. DIED.—Peter Murphy, who had at- tained the age of nearly 80 years, died at 1' LeBoo's, Mill street, Brussels, on Wednesday. His wife died many years ego and his children were adopted by a friend, who took them to the U. S., where they were lost sight of by the father. Murphy lived on Wm. Cam- eron's farm, Morris, for years, being supported by the Connell. A. 0. U. W.—D. G.111. Workman Pat. terson, of Seaforth, announces that Mitchell lodge has won the prize, being a J. P. M. W's. jewel, given to the lodge having the largest inorease in member- ship in Huron district during the past year. 13e also announced that Walton lodge had won the prize given by Bro. Crabb for the largest increase in the comity of Huron only. Mitchell lodge is to be c,ngratulated on its success at being at the top of the list in the counties comprising Iluron district, namely, Iluron, Perth and Bruce. Aloriats & Garr CHEESE FACTORY.—A meeting Of the shareholders of the above named factory was held in the Connell Chamber, Brussels, last Saturday after- noon. President Davidson occupied the chair. Wm. Harris, of Rothsay factory, well known in Brussel+, was present and atddreesed the shareholders in reference to making a purchase of the factory. After further discus -ion it Was moved, seconded and carried that the factory ba sold on the best terms possible. Mr. Harris has until the 24th inst, to Com• plate a canvas of the surrounding locality, 31 is perhaps hardly necessary to say' that he is n No. 1 cheese maker and has been trained in 10 from boyhood by his now deceased father, whose reputation in the busintes was Provincial. We be• speak a cordial reception for Mr. Harris in his Canvas, as it would be very detri- mental to the interests of the farmer to have the factory close down. FARM STAcrwTtce,—Tho following figures relating to Baron are taken from the Bureau of Industries report for 1892, just leaned :—No. of cores occupied, 798,685. No. cleared, 570,689 ; acres swamp or. marsh, 90,429. Acres in Fall wheat, 61,- 1167, yield 1,385,821 balm's, or 22.4 bush- els per acre. Aeerage 1" Spring wheat, 119,344, yield 288,226, Or 119 bushels per 'aore. Acres in barfly, 17,189, yield 487,• :906, bushels per acre 27.3. Oats, 88,421 a :aures, 3,519,150 bushels, or 88 8 bushels per more, Peas, 42,552 acme. 914,868 bushes, or 21.5 per nom. Hay and Clover, 118,100 acres, 211,000 tons, or 1.87 ,tons per aore, Potatoes, 4,713 acres, 471,300 bushels, or 100 hesitate par aore. Mangold wurtzels, 1,878 nares, 627 bush• els per acre. Garrote, 292 Gorse, 384 bushels per acre. Turnip+, 8,058 aoree, 478 bushels per acre. Iluron had in 1892, 8,921 acres in orchards, an amount exceeded only by Kent, Middle- 'eex, Lincoln and Wentworth. A one of Fire Engine ooal for the Cor• poration wee revolved loot Saturday. So.von.l, of our 0itigene have been bit. ten by the sudden departure of 0. Grey farmer. Toes electric light was not running for a portion of this week owing to 0hitoh fu the engine, MEsetta, °LIMO & DAISES shipped 2 double dsoked Clore 0f lambs from Brus- sols on Thursday of tide weals.. Woo to the extended report of the East Huron Partners' Institute several other interesting matters are orowded put this week. le every resident took the trouble to get the snow off the sidewalks opposite their residences that others do the walk, ing would be muub improve d. Toe grocery in the Mooaugbey blook, leased by J. Earner, is reosiving a thorough renovating and will be much improved. MMMT. Lamer has taken pos. session. A nrsiozss partnership is being entered into by W. Roddick and Walter Wake as painters, &o. They should make a strong team as both are skilful brush wielders. 'file Partnere' Institute wan the magnet in Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesday and ettraoted a large num. bar of farmers from the aerroundieg townships. THE POST world like to see letter post- age reduced to 2 cents instead of 8 cents. —An ooeasional turn out by the town Band during the mild weather.—The tramp nuisance abated. A vEnv neat hanger, oontaining outs of fire engines, reels, ladders, An,, has been issued by the Ronald Fire Engine Works, Brussels, fur eavertiaing purposes. They will receive a wide distribution through• out the Dominion. DEBATE.—This (Friday) evening the subjeot of debate at the Young Liberal's Club room is "Resolved that a Monarchi- cal form of Government is better than Republican." There will be two or three speakers on each side. CAN'T TENDED,—"If the "Ratepayer" who wrote on "Village offices" had posted himeelf on municipal law be would have ascertained that his talk about letting offices by tender was gush. No person requires to be better informed than a critic. "Form the moment Mies Alexander stepped on the stage last night, she had her audience thoroughly sympathetic, and moved them to laughter or tears, roused their wanes of the ridiculous, or excited their risible faculties at her own sweet will."—Vancouver World. "MissArmenNnrn is a lady of very pleas• ing stage presence. Her fooial play, gestures, and action were admirable, and, taken in conjunction with the expressive Changes and modulation of voice and aooent, fully equipped her for a series of most excellent oharaoberizatione."—Town Talk, Winnipeg. "Gntr."—The first number of the new "Grip" ie issued. It is a laughable, in- structive, enjoyable contribution to our• rent illustrated literature. Bengough'e hand has lost none of its Dunning. The cartoons on topica of current moment are really excellent. "Grip" has oome to stay. The Country needs its weekly come bination of good humor and good sense. '1.1HE Conservative Club have arranged for a debate, taking for their subject, "Resolved that in view of the large majority in Ontario favorable to Prohi- bition, Sir Oliver Mowat should pass a Prohibitory measure." Tho captains are 0. B. Wilson and W. R. Mooney, the former being supported by George Welsh and Postmaster Farrow, and the nega- tive by S. McColl and J. Irwin. IN addition to Elise Jessie Alexander, Mr. Fax and Miss McGregor, the Young Men's Liberal Glee Club will give it Couple of seleobione at the Sons of Scot- land concert, Brussels, on the 26th. Piper Ballantyne will supply the bagpipe music and T. A. Hawkins officiate as pianist. The plan of reserved seats is now open at Pepper's drug store. MATRIMONIAL.—On Tuesday of last week J. A.. Laugheed, of Toronto, and Miss Maud Clappison, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, were united in marriage. They will reside in the Queen oily. The bride ie the yoongesi daughter of the late Rev. D. C. Olappisoo, at one tints pastor of the Methodist churoh, Brussels. Mrs. Laugheed has the eon• gratulatious of her old friends in this locality. DAIRY Sonoon.—On Monday morning of this week W. A. Edgar, cheese maker at Walton factory, left Brussels for a term at the Dairy school in conneation with the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Mr. Edgar is determined that be will be up to the times and no doubt the course will be very helpful to any cheese or butter maker. John Pugh is in charge of the Seaforth stage during his absence. NEITHER A "MUDDLE" Non "ELDNDP•,n,"— The bolding of the Farmers' Institute and the annual meeting of Last Huron Agrioultural Society on the same after- noon wee neither a muddle nor did any- one blunder in the arrangements. The Institute meetings are arranged by the Ontario Agricultural College so as to oomplete a circuit for the speakers and the date of the Agricultural Society meet• ing is fixed by Statute. The Iret men• tioned was held upstairs in the Hall and the latter in the Council Chamber and in no way conflicted with each other. DISTRICT L, 0. L.—On Tuesday of last week the Distriot Orange Lodge was held in the Orange Hall, Brussels. After routine business the following officers wore elected :— Henry Mooney, Brussels, Master ; Edward Driscoll, Walton, Deputy Master ; Robt. Barr, Ethel, Chaplain ; B. Gerry, Brussels, Secretary ; Jno. Oakley, Walton, Treasurer ; II. Hamilton, " Dir. of Cer. ; Robe. Ferguson, " Lecturer. The County Orange Lodge will convene in Wingham on Tuesday, February 6th. The celebration of the memorable 1201 of July will be held in Wingham this year. element, Mewrtco.—The regular quar- terly meeting of the Huron Medical As. sociation was held in the Meobsnics' In, abitube, Seafortb, on Tuesday, 001 inst. Dr. Bruce Smith, of Seaforth, presented a good paper on typhoid fever, whiob elicited interesting diecusnion. Dr, Campbell presented some excellent oases in practices. The annual election of ofli- core resulted in Dr. Turnbull, Clinton, being elected President ; Dr. Smith, Mitchell, VIee•Preaideet ; Dr. Shaw, Clinton, (formerly of Brnseels) Seore• taryTreasurer. Dr. Bruce Smith, of Seaforth, was chosen as the candidate for Iluron and Perth District for a posi- tion on oho Ontario Council. Bay. Jam Roes, 13, A„ wee chosen Chairman of Brnseels Seboot Board for 1894. The other members are A. Iluut. or, Dr. MoKelvey, Du, Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall, A immure was brought to town on Tuesday by Mr. Forbes, of MoKillop, in the ebape of a pig with three tails. The two extra sandal appendages were at. twilled to the Taft side of the animal. BY notices elsewhere it will be observed that Mise Pauline Oliver, of Toronto, and Mies Sar'tth A„ youngest daughter of John Coueley, Brussels, have entered the matrimonial lists with 1'. D. McKinnon, of Winnipeg, Man., and John Fleming, respeetivoly, Mr. Fleming and bride are residents of the Emerald isle. Tits Penn wishes the oontreating parties many happy, prosperous yeare, Oonvrourote,—Crown Attorney Lewis' Government returns for the six mouths ending Dee, 31st, 1893, show 12 oosee tried at the Opunty Judge's Criminal Court, resulting in 11 convictions and one dieoharge.. The orime9 consiated of 5 larcenies, 4 burglaries and beuse break, fug, 1 indecent assault, 1 personation and 1 false pretence, The sentenoee were all exespt one to the Provinoial Penitentiary, ranging from 2 years to 7 yeare. Puntao DEBATE.—A public joint debate between members of the Young Mens' Conservative and Liberal Clubs of Brine eels, three speakers on eaoh side, will be held in the Town Hall on Friday even. ing, February MM. The subject under discussion will be "Resolved that the Mowat Government is not worthy of the ooutinued support of the people of On- tario." Of course the young Libs. have the negative. The orators for the oc- casion are not yet ohosen. KEEP the 29th free. The St. Thomas Journal, speaking of Miss Jeeeie Alex. ander, Bays :—Tho reasons for the young lady's immediate conquest of her hearers are not far to Beek. She is modest and graceful in manner, preeenting a decided- ly prepossessing appearance on the stage. She is a finished aotrese, vivacious, yet not obstrusively so. More important still, ehe is a cultured elocutionist. Her enunciation is Clear as a belt ; her sym patty with the spirit of her pieces is thorough and genuine ; her dialect is free from exaggeration, and is so simply and naturally rendered that the actress is lost, and character alone is seen and beard. Brussels Council. The first meeting of Brussels Council fur lag i wee held in the Council Chamber on Monday, at 11 a. m., es per Statute. After the usual declarations were taken the members took their seats as follows : W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. ivloOracken, Robt. Graham, 5, Wilton and R. Wil- liams, Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The Reeve spoke of the steps taken in reference to the sale of the Howe factory. Moved by Rich. Williams, senondsd by W. H. McOraakeu that Jno• Shaw be ap- pointed auditor, at a fee of 98.00. Oar. ried. J. Y. 5. Kirls was named as the seoond auditor by the Reeve. Bylaw No. 1, 1894, confirming the above appointments was read three times and passed. • AIoved by W. H. McCracken, seconded by R. Graham that the Finance and Charity Committee for the year ooneist of Councillors Williams, Wilton and the Reeve. Mr. Williams preferred that it be otherwise, bet Mr, Wilton found no seconder to his motion asking to have Mr. Graham's name substituted for his. Moved by R. Williams, seconded by S. Wilton that the Street Committee be Councillors McCracken, Graham and the Reeve. A general Property Committee, to have the oversight of Town Hall, fire appli- ances, scales, &o., was appointed, to con- sist of Messrs. Graham, Williams and the Reeve. A oommunication was read from Jae. Irwin relative to municipal printing and was laid over to a future meeting. It was agreed to bold the meetings of Council as usual, on the first Monday evening of each month, commencing at 7:80 o'oboolc during the Winter. Council then adjourned. Business Locals. Enema Columbia red cedar shingles at 13. Gerry's, Brussels. SOFT coal suitable for grates or nook stoves for sale by 13. Gerry. FARROW Cow for sale or will exchange for new calved oow. Apply to A. Koenig, Brussels. Eyes Leaded tree h1' n Specialist at IDead- ntu'a Drug. Store next Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday, 31)01i, 310) ln514., and Feb. lot. ANY one wishing to get a new saw filing machine may see what suite them at A. M. McKay & Co's. hardware store Brussels. Now is the time to have your photo taken. Our Winter eoenee are something above the ordinary. H. J. STRONG, Photographer. YELLOW dog skin driving mit lost, on sidewalk near American Hotel, Brussels. The finder will kindly return to Dr. Mc- Naughton or leave at THE Poe Publish. ing House. MARE an appointment at Mr. Dead - man's Drug Store this week if you wish your sight teeted free by the liiye Spec- ialist. You may regret it if you do not avail yourself of thin offer. Doc'T forget to look up all your Soiled and Faded Garments and have them made like new. R. Parker & Co. have the most competent works of the kind in Canada. Tho finest dresses can be Olean- ed, all erode up, to lock like new. They are known for line work. Tim sugarcoating, which makes Ayer's Pills so easy to take, dissolves im- mediately on reaching the stomach, and BO permits the full etreegbh add benefit of the medicine to be promptly commun- icated. Ask your druggist for Ayala Almanac, just out. NEVER behind but generally ahead. Walker & Ewan have sold 16 cutters and 5 pair of bub•sleighs this season. Over 75 rigs sold since May of 1898, including carte, buggies, wagons, anttere and sleighs. We purpose doing a bigger busi- nese than ever in 1894. Jos. WAracnn. THE lolly of prejudice is frequently show by people who prefer to eater for yeare rather than try an advertised rem- edy. The millions who halve no such notions, take Ayer'e Sarsaparilla for hlood.dieeases, and are °need. Sc much for common lenge. ST4XD4RD 13.4.70) 0. ' caxai . HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) . 117,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - - . 92,000,000 d matt in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Aianttoba, United Staten cC England, illeffSWISAS Dammam A General Banking Business Transaoted. Farmers' Notes Diecounted. Drafts Issued and Oolleotione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from date of depoeit to data of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION eIVEN TO THE COLLECTION OP 'FARMERS' $ALn NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. 7. A. STEWART, Maurine. GILLZDii S & S IT:Ety BAN EIL5 7E3r-fvSSFzaS, Transact a General Banking .Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Sairzawat& gams Da pagir°,';raaW °, Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com• pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write lnetirmiee In old English or Canadian Cernpanles, or In Mut- ual Companies as may be desired. A.Main POR OANADA AND UNITED STATES : TEE CANADIAN BANK OP CUMUNROE. ANY one wishing to get a new saw filing stand, I think Can be suited by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont. May be seen at McKay & Co's. hardware store. J. W. Bno uo'T, Oculist Optician, grad- uate of Optioal Institute of Canada, will be at Mr. Deadman's Drug Store, Bras. sets, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day next, Jan. 80, 31, and Feb. 1st (three days) to test the sight Fenn Op CHARGE. All who have any trouble with their sight should take this opportunity. Make an appointment this week. REMEMBER that the Soiled and Faded Garments can be Gleaned and Dyed to look like new. The best arm to do this kind of work is the old reliable Parker's Dye Works of Toronto, who are well known everywhere for fine work, well finished. Look up your goods and give them to 3. G. Skene, agent for Brussels,. and all orders intrusted to his pare will receive prompt attention. C. 0. F.—For the next three months special inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brussels, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order, the in. itiation fee being reduced during that time. As this is one of the leading In- surance and Beneficiary Societies in the Country people should take advantage of this offer. For full information ap- ply to A. REID, 0. R. ; A. Kootpzo, P. B. ; W. BLAeiILa, Treas. s¢ARRxaa. MAOKINNON—OLIVEa.-0n Tuesday, Jan- uary 1601, at the residence of the bride's brother-in•law, Mr. John Leckie, 38 Earl street, Toronto, by Rev. G. M. Milligan, Mr. P. D. Mac- Kinnon, of Winnipeg, to Mies Pauline, daughter of Mr. James Oliver, late of Brussels, Ont. Monnrsot—Knnic.—At Wapella, Aesa, on Dec. 2701, by Rev. Joshua Dyke, of Moosomin, assisted by Rev. Me. Kiraly, brother of the bride, Miss Minnie, daughter of Rev. Mr. Kinly, to Mr. George Morrison, formerly of Walton. . FLEMING—ConeLEY.—On December 1301, at Union Road Presbyterian Church, Magherafelt, Ireland, by Rev. Sam. vel M'Cune, Mr. John Browne, elder son of Samuel Fleming, Beelines House, Desertmartin, to Hiss Sara Anna, youngest daughter of Mt'. John Coueley, Brussels, Huron County, Canada. LAuNnx.—In Morris, on January 14th, Henry Laundy, aged 85 yeare. H'Iotoe. —In Walton, on the 15th inst., Ala rgaret, beloved wife of Alexander Hi slop, aged 81 years. PooconooELn.—In Atwood, on Saturday, Jan. 801, Margaret, daughter of the late Jas. Porterfield, aged 30 years. 73RtT66ES+S MA it ETP, Fall Wheat 56 57 Spring Wheat 58 50 Barley 35 36 Peas 50 51 Oats 29 30 Butter, tubs and rolls17 18 Eggs per dozen 16 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 8 50 Potatoes 40 00 Hay per ton 7 00 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 00 Hideo trimmed 3,j• Hideo rough 8 Sheep skins, each 40 65 Lamb skins each 50 70 Apples per bbl.. 1 00 1 50 Wool 17 18 Pork 6 80 0 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. I3 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE the (slate of the late�D . Cale. For gfull 1 articulare as to price terms, &e. Apply to WM. BPDSCE, Ethel. ELIGIBLE PROPERTY FOR 84119. — The subscriber effete his !have plot, located immediately north of Anent linos, factory, for sale. Ido will also dispose of hie residence on the opposite aide of the street. For further particulars, au to price, terms, etc., tinily to ALEX, MOLAIJOHL IN, 24-4 Preprle tor, Brussels. NOTICE. Tho Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet In the Court House In 1110 TOW a of Goderieh, On Tuesday, the20.2 clay of January, at 0 0 o• Ook, 0 n, Dated January 801, 1801, CNNlerk, T�7O0D WANTED.—I WILL V V pay Cash for a quantity of hardwood, bonob and maple. 0,8. DEADMAN, Druggist & Bookseller. Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Notice 10 hereby given that tate annual meeting of the Howiek Mutual Fire Inenr- ance Company will be held in the Township (tall, Gerrie, on Friday, January 1001, 1804, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of reoeiv Mg the annual reports, the election of Directors and one Auditor, and the trans. action of any other business that may be deemed necessary for the welfare of the Company. 811 members are requested to attend. By order of the Board. W. S. Mo1iEBOHER, 202 Secretary. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. nnnexoxnn has several good Farms f or Bale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 8. SOOTT.Brussels. FARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB. SCRIBED offers his 100 acre farm, being N d Lot 27, Con. 8 Morris, for sale. About 35 acres cleared, with a acres of fall wheat in, balancer thnbered with cedar, ash and hard- wood. Living spring ou lot, Tor further partioulars as to price, terms, 00 , apply to JOHN M0OUTCHEON, N 1 Lot 24, Con. 7, 255••1 Brussels P. 0, FARM FOR SALE,—BEING North 4 Lot 30 cad North East } 29, Con. 4, Marti e, being 100 acres and known as the Sample farm. This is 0120 of Oise best 150 acres of ]and in the Township. Fair buildings and fences and good orchard. Only 2 miles from Brussels. Must be sold this winter. For further information apply to le. S. SCOTT,Tim•u:eels, or to Amu E. SDIITH, Box 217, Brandon, Manitoba. FARM FOR SALE, BEING North d of Lot 22, Con. 8,Morrie town. ship. The farm contains 100 acres, about 70 of which are Cleared, balance bush, There is a comfortable house, good back barn, fine orchard, &a. on the premises. The farm is all seeded down. Possesetou (multi bo given at any time. For further particulate as to price, terms, &o., apply to the Proprietor on the promises. or Walton P. 0. 20-4 D,1:[aCALLUIt, G) f f ACRE FAR11I FOR SALE. ri l� The 200 aero farm, being lots 11 and 12, eon. 10. Grey, is offered for slue. 120 acres aro cleared and the balance well tim- bered. Buildings firet:el nes. Orchard, well, &0, School bsuse within 40 rods, Posses- sion given at once if desired. For further particulars at to price, terns, 00. apply to MARS. WALIUMR, 2.01 Roseville P. 0. or NELSON BRI01tER, on farm. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The creditors of Jobe Cash, late of the Township of Grey in the County o1 Huron. Farmer, who diel on or about tie second day of November, 1823, are required to send by post pre -paid or to deliver to Elizabeth Cash ei the said Township of Groy, Ors 0 - brook post-odtoo, the undersigned adminie- tratrix of all the estate and (Meets, rights and credits of the said deceased, or to G. F. Blair, Bee., of the Village of Brussels, her Solicitor, on or before the First clay of February, 1894, their Christian and aurname9 addresses and cteseriptiouathe full pertiou- tare of their claim a statement of their as counts and the nature of the eeaurltlos (i1 any) held by them, or in default thereof the said adminstrabrix, will at the expiration of the time above limited, proceed to die - tribute the assets of the doeoaood forthwith mnOng the parties entitled thereto without regard to any claim of which she has no notice at the time of each distribution. Thte notice is giver pursuant to Revised l:tatntsa of Ontario Chapter 110,Section S0. G. F, BLAIRI, Solioitor for the adminstratrix, 2543 ELIEAEita'H 0000. Dated at Brussels, Jan, 8,1834, Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 110 Section 80, of the Revised Statutee of On - Mute, notice is hereby given, that all 0lere005 having elafine against the estate of 19ntman- Ind Olver, tate 0f the Towuehip of Morrie, in the Oottnty of Huron, Yboman, deceased, who died on or about the 1801 day of Deoom- ber, A, D, 1808, are horoby required to thud by post pre -paid or deliver to W.M. Sinclair, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Bolleito• for the Executors of the estate of the said Emmanuel Olvor, deceased, on or before the 22nd Day of .It unary, 1894, a etateMent in writing of , their names and 'addresses and the full particularsof their claims, and of the securities (if any) held by them, and that alter the sold 22nd day of January, the Executor's will prooeod to distribute the assets of the said Emman- uel Olver, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of. which notice than have been given as above required, and the said I executors will not be responsible for the said assets, or any apart thereet,to any person or persons of whose olefin notice shalt not have been received at tba,tlwe of such dietrlblit)on. Dated at Eruaeele the 28th day of Deoom- ber, A. D,1893. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitors for the Executors. BRISTLES. You've heard of the man who only needed brietlee to bo a pork ? If you see him send him to us, We've got the bristles for him. Our bristles are all made op into the finest litre 01 brushes wo ever had. There aro hair brushes, olathee brushes, tooth brushes, nail brushes, &o. J. T. PEPPER, Druggist & Bookseller, BRUSSELS.. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCINQp R L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, AA,. Solicitor and Oonyeyaneem, Collo- -Ns made, O13iee—Vanstouo's Moos, Brus. 8m T/T`/T M. SINCLAIR, r • 8oliofter, Conveyancer,NotaryPnb• llo, &o. Olfao—'Gaustooe's Block 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Goderieh, Ont. IS, 0. CAMERON, 0. O., PHILIP I0OLT, DUDLEY 1I01/AIE9. G.F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &e. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot'e Odle°, Goderieh.) 011ioo. over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGIITON, M. D. ei • C. M., L. B. U.P„ Edinburgh, M. 0. P. S. Ont. Residence and oflloe 10 Wileon'e Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Pbyelelan, Surgeon Aeeouober, eta. (Oradunte of Toronto "University Medical Faculty, Member of Oollege of Physicians and Surgeons,Out, OFFICE—Next door to McDonad & 0o„ Walton Ont. DENTAL. 1)E INTIST1 M. CAVANAGH, L. 0 8., D• 0. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OPProE—Over A. R, Srnith's Store, Brussels, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 8) • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollege, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptlyat- tended to. b1Ilee and infirmary—Two dors north of bridge •Turnberry st., Brussels. Ail' H. MOORE, V. S., H. M„ V. M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domeetioated animal; treated on scientific principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a speoialty. Calle promptly attended to, Olilee, over the Poet ofhee. Infirmary at Beattie's livery barn, Brussels, Out. 25• BUSINESS CARDS. T�l7 T H. Mo0RA0KEN 1 1• Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, •Purnberry street. Brussels. R. N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M, Meliay & Co's bard ware store. Ladies' and eltfdrens hair cutting aspecialty A MaNAIR, • Insurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - stoner, &a., Q, B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Ineuranoe Co. Ogfee at the Oranbrook Post 01113e. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURAItOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. ALES. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Ineuranee Agbnt, Funds inveeteil and to loan, Oollootions made. Chloe in Graham's Block, Bruoetle. TA. HAWEINS, M. 0. S. M. • Organist in St. John's Church, Erne - eels, and pupil, in the Art of :Teaching of A. W. Thayer, Mus. Doo., New York will give lessons to pupils either at {lis parlor, over A.R. Smith's store, or if preferred, at their own homes, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday et Walton. Terme moderate. AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auotloneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of tams, farm stook, &a. Terme cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.O. Sales may bo arraspped at THE Poem Publishing Homo, Brussolo• (1EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auotioueer. Sales eonduct ed on reasonable thrum. Farms and farm stools a specialty. Orders left at THE Pon Publishing House ,Bru seele, or Bent to Walton P. 0„ will raoeive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- en ae an Auctioneer, I am prepared to eondact silos of farm stock at reasonable prises, Knowing the staudiag of nearly every person I am in a poeltion to Bell to good marks and gat good security wbou Bold on credit, Matiefa:tlen guaranteed, Give me a call. 82- F 8. SCOTT. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for servlee on Lot 20 Con, 0, Morris, the thorn' brad im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's Panes," purehasod from the well-known breeder 5. E. Brothour, Oak Lodge Farm, Burford. Terme, 41.00 to be paid et the time of service with privilege of returning if asneesary. Pedigree may bo aeon on ap- plication. BOBT. 1410110L. BOAR FOIL SERVICE.—Tide undersigned will beep for service en Lot 21, Con. 9, Grey, the Mtge Anglian Bork - Mitre Boar, "Collard," No, 2080, Bred by Wno. Padget & San, ButtoaVitln Ont., and is from Imported stools on both skies, Terme, 51,00, to be paid at time of eervtoe with privilege of ram biug if Loceseary. Pedigree may be seen on application. BOBT, BABit, 21.0 Ethel Cheese Puckery.