HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-1-19, Page 66
the neat night, and then she will find
gtt)3tiw��'ss.0.5 l l herself took so faint all 00 a suddent that
G she knows it wud be terrible reeky biz.
(113 time fey the early mails) at
"Tile Post" Stettin Publishing Hoese,
TIRNDEnnY ST., I3lluesDLs, ONo'.
TEntte or^ SDBaanloT0ON.-011e (101102 and
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Editor and Proprietor.
The Cidervitle Circuit.
(1,350t1 Tun 10131'0 410111 )
Dssn Jnss,—Ime not in no trim at all
today to undertake to write you a letter,
but its seeb monsue hard work to do
nuthiu that Ive kum to the knnklushuu
that mebbe Ida better try it. In trim.
min up a saplio the other day to make a
boom to howl sum hay to Deets Piltester,
that I had ben a promisin to git to him
fur a month, I had the bad luck to let
the ax slip and ant my foot so bad that
Ive had to etiok purty klose to the house
ever sense. Its ben dredful tuff on me
too, I tell you, to hav to set in a rockin
cheer and nose any foot, when thru eery
winder lookin out ov the room I oud see
how turrible behiudhalld we was with our
work. Its an awful sIrane on a man like
Me to be laid up when he knows haze a
luzin sumthin by it Bury time the Mock
ticks, fur jest like es not the hired Band
will be asleep in the barn more than an
hour after it has stopped raisin amuff fur
him to be at work. I tell you, Jess, its a
turrible thing that theres a gittiu to be
so many hands who wont dig post holes
ez stiddy as they ort when they kno
that tbeyre not a beim watched.
I karat begin to tell you what looesum
biznisa its ben to me nuther, to hav to set
in the house and hold my thorns and
watch the clock, withoat nobody to tawk
to, and not it walnut in the house to
crack, for yon see I karat do like sum
fokes, set all day and read a book, and
feel about ez well satisfied ez tho, Ide ben
at work. After Ive looked at the Cider -
villa Skorpion fur a little spell, to see
bow Major Stinger has ben a slashin in.
to eveythiog 031(0, frum the new hoes
troff at the town pump, out ov which
tukel Peeleg will hereafter 1110 to wet
his head when things dont go to suit him
at the church, to the way the fokes down
at Washington is a karryin on the guver•
ment, Ive had about as muton readin ez
I kin stand at wun stretch, fur nay eyes
will begin to feel ez the they was fall ov
smoke, and my ears will buzz ez tho I
had ben a takin quinine fur a week.
So you see that about the only thing I
kin do, after Ive looked at the almaknick
to see what kind ov weather we are a goin
to bav next week, is to jest set and think,
and think and set, ontil I wear myself
klear out, onless the butober happens to
kum along and giv mea chance to spend
an hour or so in making a bargain to sell
him a kaff. Wun afternoon a tin peddler
happened to kum this way, the they dont
often do it, and I dun my best to git him
to stay till night by havin him 0arry in
about evry thing he had in his wagin fur
me to look at, but I oudent quite do it,
tho I did hold him fur most a hall an
hour after he had got into his wagin and
gethered up the lines to drive off, by hol.
lerin to him thru the winder that if he
wud fetch it in, I wud boy another tin
This mornin Jim Teester kum along
with his gun on his shoulder, on the hunt
fur a bird to make sum broth fur Broth-
er Sollymun Gimpzes oldest gal, who
had been fur quite a spell down sick, and
by eympathiziu with him over his dog,
that I told you was dead, I drawed him
up to the winder and got him to stay
there and lawk to me fur a kupple ov
hours, I shod think. This afternoon tho,
there paint ben a soul kum ny the house,
and Ive hen obleeged to get all alone and
kount the stripes in the karpet and think.
The only thing that happened, outside ov
hearin a rooster krow or the clock strike,
was 8eein a wagin go along the pike on
its way to town with a load ov wheat.
That sot me to thinkin about Jid Pillars,
who is the hed miller in Kurnel Brasses
steam mill, and after thinkin about Jid
fur a spell, and what a master hand he
was to break a hoes, it sot me to thinkin
whet a queer woman heze got fur a wife.
1 dout reckon yuve got any each fokes out
your way, and so I bleeve Ile tell you
about her.
The kurus thing about Sister Pillers is
her health. She may be up and around
Even hoar, and the next down mak in bed,
so Brother Gunflint ynet to tell me when
he was the pasture on tubs sirkut. And
the strange part ov it all is, that whether
ebo ie sick or well most ginernliy depends
on what happens to be a goin on at the
meetiu house. She will be ez well as a
kricket whenever there is an ice kreem
doing or an oster supper or a koncert or
any kind ov a show fur the benefit ov the
ohuroh, and yit nine times out ov ten she
will bo took with a jumpin beadake on
prayer meetin night, and dorm a per•
traokted meetin what the poor woman
sellas from etummik trnbble and roomy.
tis is sumthin I reckon no mortal bein
knows. It jest peers 0z tho nuthin in the
shape ov doktur stuff kin ever giv her a
bit ov help ontil the meetin has run its
course and ben wound up, onlees the wife
ov sum wheel boss in the ohuroh happens
t0 hav sum kind ov a party at the house
to which the sick woman gite an invite,
and then it duz beat humin flax how
t mok she will stop rubbin herself with
liniment and begin to frit her bangs and
powder her face. It jest peers that her
stumrnik will kno samhow that its got to
• begin to behave iteelf from the very minit
she gits the invite, and it will tend to
things ez nine as a kitten drinkin milk
ontil the bell begins to ring fur. meetin
nice fur her to set her foot outside ov the
home, and so Jid will hay to go to meetin
by hieself.
Its wonderful too, how a few drops ov
rain or ev little 031010 about m0e1511 time on
Sunday will giv that poor woman seen 11
dreadful spell ov oewralgy that it most
makes her ekreem at the bare thawts ov
goin to ohuroh, and yit on Monday you
will ase her out with a big un1berel and
her waterproof klokeon, a ekippin around
here and there thrc pouriu rain a huntin
fur a meet to make a 11010 131322 ov cake.
There may be fokes whose heads ie big
ttnuff to understand why things shod he
that way with Sister Pillers, but I want
to tell you that mine halm. It peers to
me that its about oz hard to akount fur
8z it is to find out what it is that starts a
dog fight.
Altogether different from this is the
MEM of Levi Prisket, who will stop his
work soy time fur a ohanee to go to
meetin. I dont bleeve you over seen any-
body in all your life, Jose, who has seoh
a turrible appetite fur preoehin ez Levi
13as got, and the hunts part ov it 12 that
the longer a sar1nint is the butter he
peers to like it. Ive seen bits eat and
watch the preecher so kloee fur an hour
that his eyes peered to fairly pop, and
yit hese never ben known to put ez
motels as a hose shoe nail in the hat.
He gust to belong to our meetin twelve
or fifteen years back, but he had a fuse
with Kalup Chiller about sum fence
posts and drawed his letter out. Sense
11301 time hese ben a pickin up his preeeh-
in wherever be cud git it, and Iine nob the
only wun to mistrust that its ever kost
him a red cent. Wun Sunday he will
kum to oar church to hear Bruther Sun-
shine preach, and mebbe the next he will
go to hear Mister Kadmus read his peeoo
at the prisbyterian church. The next
Sunday he will go and try to fellerebip
with the babtists, and the next it will be
middliu certain that he will be a soffits
under the preecbin ov the Bruthren
fokes, and so he will go onbil hese got
kleer around the patch, and then he will
go bank and begin over again.
It beats all too, how spry Levi will git
around when be hears that there is a. per-
traokted meetin a goin on eumwhere. If
130 happens to be a makin a pair ov boots
fur you at seoh a time ez that, you might
jest as well make up your mind to git
alone with your old wens ontil that meet -
in winds up, fur it will be moderitly
certain that he wont git =tab more dun
tords um than cabin the leather out.
He will be on hand at evry meetin, both
by day and by night, and jest like ez not
his wife is a havin to saw and split all
the wood. Heze ben known many a time
to go ten miles from home that way to
tend a pertraokted meetin, and be gone a
whole week at a stretch, and yit he will
set on hie shoe bench and tawk to you
by the hour, a tryin to prove that there
haint nothin but hippykrits any more in
the ohuroh. Akordin to his tellio the
good peepul all died a good while ago
except him. I kant make out why Levi
shod want to go to meetin so motels and
yit tawk like that. The more studin
and thinkin I do about it tho, the better
satisfied I am that,tbis world is full ov
But I see that -Onkel Peeleg has jest
role up on his spotted hose, and so I
bleeve Ile atop my letter and quit, fur I
kin write to you when I karat do nuthin
else. Yourn and so fourth,
SIL:te GANDE1l000T.
vises of Miss 130wee, of Toronto, the far-
famed elocutionist, have been aooured,
and will no doubt give univorsal Baths.
Motion. The Misses MoLaren, of (lode.
rich, will perform on the violin and
donee the 1ighlaod Piling and other
national Mimeos,
=.,71 CIi11OR-.
The Juevnile Temple, of this village,
intend holding a eonoert on the 23rd of
Thos. Lawrence has secured the con•
tract of putting in the feroaoes in Mrs.
Murray's new block of stores.
A concert will be given on the evening
of Feb. 1516, ander the auspices of the
Harmonica Band, of this village.
Old Mrs. Boland, relict of the late
Miohml Boland, died here last week. De-
ceased was an old resident of this section.
J. H. Somerville, an old Lnokuow boy,
has been promoted to the responsible
p•sition of Superintendent of the Daily
Telegram, of Superior City, Wisconsin.
The Journal is one of the best papers
published in the West.
Henry Tyler, of Kinloss, appeared be.
fore Magistrates Thos. Lawrence and
Jas. Bryan last week, charged as an idle
vagrant without any visible means of
support. He pleaded guilty and the
Magistrates sent him up to the County
Jail at Walkerton for six months.
R. l3. Samue18,o1 the Molson's Bank
here has been traneferred to the Ridge -
town Branch. Mr. Sainuole was here for
about 10 months.
R. Piokard & Son's new store is fast
nearing completion and will be ready for
occupancy thie week. II0 is also having
a commodious warehouse erected in rear
of the store.
Eighty-one money orders were lamed
at the Exeter post;offioe during one weep.
This is the largest number of such orders
issued in that time at this office since the
money order system 1002 eetabliehed.
Mies Mary Ann Tapp, of whom men.
tion was made in these eolumus several
weeks ago, as being in a eerioue condi.
tiolfrom the effoote of a severe affliction
in one of her lege, underwent a surgioul
operation last week and the leg was emir
pulated midway between the hip and
knee, She has suffered intensely ever
since the affliction name upon her, which
was about two mouths ago.
S. S. Cooper claims to be the youngest
person elected to a seat ad the 00043011
A meeting of the Executive Committee
of the Hurou Veterinary Association was
held here last week.
During the past season W. Oudmoro
bas handled no less than 2270 tons of hay
whiob has filled 200 oars.
Rev. Dr. Griffin, Secretary of the
Superannuation fund of the Methodist
church, will visit Clinton on the 2186, in
the interest of the fund.
Wm. McQueen, B. A., an old teacher
of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, was
married on Wednesday of last week to a
very estimable yonug lady of Hickson,
The members of the Baptist church
held their annual meeting last Wednes-
day when the following officers were
elected :—Secretary, Henry Josling, (re.
elected) • Treasurer, 1Vm. Robb ; Deo,
non, J. B. Hoover, and also traneaotod
other business in connection with the
past year, effecting some changes in
reference to raising funds for the coming
year. The past year has been the most
successful in the history of the Baptist
church here, the repent additions have
made the membership the highest that
has ever been attained,
Henry Spence has sold his three stores
on Hamilton street to A. B. Cornell, for
a satisfactory figure.
The Mechanics' Institute will ask the
County Connell at its coming session to
make a uniform grant to all the Institutes
in the oounty, following a plan in soma
other eonntiee.
The Relief Committee recommended
that John Beattie be allowed 3117 on his
claim of $25 for board and attendance of
Wm. Watt while laid up with a broken
leg. The report was adopted, councillors
Naftel and Dunlop voting nay.
Religiously the complexion of the town
oounoil ie : 8 Presbyterians, 3 Metho-
dists, 3 Episcopalians and 1 bard shell.
By trade or calling there are : 2 lawyers,
1 farmer, 1 manufacturer, 1 druggist, 1
hardware merchant, 1 photographer, 1
millwright, 2 grocers, 1 baker end a
chief Butler.
Wednesday evening of last week the
brethren of the Sons of England marked
the installation of their new officers by a
supper at the British Exchange, which
was in every way enjoyable and 8ucoe0s-
ful as the inaugural affair of the kind.
Between 45 and 60 gentlemen sat down,
President R. Warrington oocnpying the
chair, with D. D. Thos. Jackson and P.
P. N. Robson, of Clinton, who were the
installing officers, seated at hie side.
The following are the officers for the
present year :—President, R. Warring-
ton ; Past President, W. S. Knights ;
Vioe•Preeident, W. Hutson ; Secretary,
W. J. Dowding ; Treasurer, W. Andrewe;
Chap., Geo. Evans ; Committee, J.
Jewell, Thos. Hornby, J. E. Precious, B.
Hoggarth, A. Dymook ; Inside Guard,
W. E. Mitchell ; Outside Guard, 0. Wal-
ters ; Delegate to Grand Lodge, W. J.
John flannels, eenretary of the Ontario
Creamery Association, was in Belleville
last week attending the annual conven-
Sunday, Jan. 21st, will be missionary
Sunday in the Methodist ohuroh here.
Rev. Wm. Williams, D. D., of Mount
Forest, is to preach.
Misses Allie McDonald and Jean Dick•
sen, daughters of Rev. Dr. McDonald and
Samuel Dickson respectively, have re-
turned to the Presbyterian Ladies Col.
lege, Toronto.
Rev. Rural Dean Ilodgins, rector of St.
Thomas' church, and Mrs. Hodgins, en-
tertained the members of the choir and
the officers and teachers of the Sunday
school at the rectory on a recent evening.
W. D. Bright, of Bright Bros., enter.
tained his employees at his residence on
Wednesday evening of last Eveek. A
sumptuous repast was served in elegant
style and a very enjoyable time was spent
by all.
At the limb regular meeting of the Sea•
Ennis Fire Brigade the following officers
were duly elected for the year 1804 :—
Brigade officers—Chief, W. Cline ; seore-
tary, Robb. Beattie ; treasurer, Geo. A.
Sills, After which the Hose company
held their first regular meeting and
elected the following offioere for tbo same
term :—Captain, Wm. Henderson ; let
Lent., Frank Beattie ; 2114 Leut., John
Smith ; let branchmen, James Wright,
John Robertson, Geo. Murray ; 2nd
branchmen, T. Jordan, J. Warwick, John
Thompson ; hydrant man, R. Haxby ;
shut off man frank Dorsey ureas.,
Goo. A. Sills Secy., ll Hashy.
Lady Nabs Camp Sone of Sootland
No 66 intend holding a grand concert in
honor of their groat national poet, Robert
Burne, on the evening of Wedneeday, the
241h feet., in Cardno's hall, to whiob all
are invited. J. 11. Cameron, the imimi•
table comic einger and accomplished
elocutionist, will entertain the audience
as only he can. lite. McArthur, of
Hamilton, the sweet Scottish vo°alied,
will also delight the assembly with the
auld Soofoh songs, in her own incompar.
able style. In addition to thee° the ser.
JAN.19, 1894
Grand Trunk
If you want to Travel
—TAKE P1111—
Gran. Trunk.
For full paltletears opAy to
Mayor Gilroy's annual message shows
that the net debt of New York city is
Wm. H. Curtis, a Buffalo real estate
dealer, shot his wife and daughter Tues-
day afternoon, Mrs. Curtis may re•
cover but the daughter is believed to be
fatally wounded.
According to the law of Holland a man
cannot be punished for kissing a strange
lady in the streets against her wish.
The Appeal Court at Amsterdam has
jolt decided that "to kiss a person cannot
be an offense, as it is in the nature of a
warm mark of sympathy."
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
151. SammerlY a well-known business man
Of Hillsboro, Va., sends this testimony to
the merits of Ayor's Sarsaparilla: "Several
years aggo, i hurt my leg, the injury leaving
a sore w 11°111ed to erysipelas. 111y sufferinggs
were extreme, my leg, from the (knee to the
ankle, being a solid sore, which began to ex-
tend to other parts of the body. After trying
various remedies, I began taking Ayer's
first bottllea'0 experienced greatrelieftt the
: the
second bottle effected a complete cure.l
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rs arl9Aal
"^epared by Dr.3.0. Ayer& 0o.,Lowell, Mess.
'"fires others,will cure you
Wall Paper
Not simply hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to
the ear, so is the eye tortured by oust -of -harmony paper on the walls.
If you look to cheapness alone you might as well Cover your
plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real
beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers—the
location, light and woodwork of the room, etc.
Our stock includes something especially adapted to every room
—more colors and patterns than any other wall paper store in
the tolln. Our Goocl Papers cost you no more than the poor ones
others sell.
Call and see 011r thousand -and -one stylus. Persons thoroughly
versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aicl you in making
Wo hang paper in a first-class manner and aro prepared to ex-
ecute the best kind of decorations.
WINDOW BLINDS. -I have an elegant stock of Winslow
Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to be appreci-
ated. They may be hacl either trimmed or plain by the yard.
It is to your advantage to see my
enlarged and varied stock of fresh
bought goods for the Holiday
trade. We regard it no trouble
to show goods :—
Gold Watches, Gold Filled Wat-
ches, Silver Watches, Gem Rings,
Engagement Icings, Wedding
Icings, China Novelties, Silver-
ware, Clocks at $1.00 and Up-
wards, a lot of Fancy goods.
Issuer of Marriage LicenFes.
Of Watches, Clocks and Jew-
elry personally attended to with
care and low charges.
All Work Warranted.
Every Size and Style
Imaginable can be taken. We now make a specialty
of Enlarged Photos. which are simply elegant, having
fitted our Studio to that purpose. We manufacture
them ourselves so every picture we guarantee to
be first-class.
Gallery Over Standard Bank,
House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter.
For one month or until the stock is
reduced, Special Bargains will be given
in a nice range of
Photo Albums
THE PAST ,Booto1be,
Bibles, Iiyinn Books, &c.
A large 8,nd well selected stock on hand
and solcl at close prices.
Always in stock.
Note, Foolscap & Mourn-
ing Papers, Envelopes, &e.
Call in and see
for yourselves..
On all Holiday Goods
to make room.
THE POST Bookstore.
A. Chance to Secure Big Bargains.
A Reduction of 20 Per Cent.
Sons and Overcoa1
Alex. Strachan.