HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-1-19, Page 44 tS Mrs. C.11ltticlr, who is visitinK her New Advertisements, dwughter, Mrs, F,. Cober, 1e set4opely ill, The Epworth Longue will hold their meetings to fnbure at the ekes of the Sabbath evening service. A aohool oonoort will be held in the near future, A firsb•olass program is being prepared. Farther notice will he n place, given as to time and P g The sudden removal of Robt. Docket, last Saturday, has been the foundation of a good many regrets by bis erodibors, of whom there appears to be a good many in this locality. Part of 11ie offeots have been recovered. ClEE8E FADT0111,—T110 Ethel 0110080 /eatery hae done a very suooeesful season's work having increased it make of oheeee over last year and also received hotter prices. It is expected that the in- coming year will be more prosperous still. Owing to the difficulties that Mr. Bear has to contend with he has won the patronage of the community at large by his honest and straightforward way of doing business. The auditors' report for this last year allows an increase of 171,015 lbs. of milk over the yen, before or seven ton and a hall more cheese, which means $1578.06 more money re- ceived this year than last. The auditors' report is as follows :— Amount of milk rood at faotory 1,064,100 Number lee. choose made 07,878 Average lbs, mills to make 11b. cheese10,7008 2 Average prlee per lb, sold aring the soar 00,813 Amount received for cheese $ 0512,80 Cheese to Patrons 288.20 Iut, & bal'oe of 420. from last year008 Amount paid to patrons. 7502.40 01seese to patrons 288.20 Hauling intik & all other exp oases 1818418 To Balance Hugh Cunningham, John Crerar and J. K. Baker were elected as Directors to assist in the management of the business. Robb, Dilworth is the salesman. Locale—J C Ayer. Photos -11 J Strong. Free—G A Deadman. Bristles—J T Pepper. Locale—J W 73rowett, n ale—D 0 hoes. Wood Wanted --G A Deadman. Cash vs, Credit—H F McAllister. trAt Ax11.55t15 last, FRIDAY,. JAN. 19, 1894, WEDNESDAY, February 14011, is an. pounced se the opening day of the Local Legislature of Ontario. A short, busy session is expected. CANADA oaptured 14 awards for their 48 exhibits of butter at theraoent World's Fair. This industry in Canada bids fair to supersede the output and sale of the countries that have made it a speciality, EAST IirJ110N LIBERALS. The annual meeting of the East Huron Liberal Association (Provincial and Dominion) will be held in the Town Hall, Bruesel0, on Tuesday, 80th inst., commencing at 1 p. m. Eleotion of officers, presentation of reports, &o., will constitute the business. Addresses are expected from Thomas Gibson, Al. P. P., Dr. McDonald, M, P., and James Mc. Mullen, M. P., of Wellington county. A public meeting will be held in same Hall in the evening commencing at 7:80 o'clock when the above mentioned gentlemen will speak. Music by the Young Liberal Glee Club. &1i:7teJ. The new mill will be ready for running in the course of about another week. Last Monday was Council meeting and brought quite e. number of visitors to Ethel. M. S. B. Magian will remove from this locality in the course of a few months. James Lindsay, wife and other mem- bers of the family have had a shake up with la grippe. This week J. 0. Heffernan returns to Trout Creek, taking a oar load of sup- plies with him. Geo. Bateman supplied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday evening, the pastor being in Henfryn conducting missionary services. As will be observed by notice elsewhere in this issue H. F. McAllister, merchant, is intending to do away with credit and is inaugurating a cash system. Where is our night school ? It is some- thing that should be patronized as we are never too old to learn. The Institute is prospering, reading room well patronized and we hope the night school will receive the same attention, Morris. The hay press is working on the 2nd at E. Beeman's. Peter Murphy, an indigent, died in Bruseels this week, The Misses Fraser, of the let con., are visiting on the 7th line. Several members of the Agee family are i11 with typhoid fever. Mise Lace, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Sellars. Louis Jewitt, sr., is in a very low con• dition yet. George Blathers, 1st line, is also on the sick list. Bev. W. Baugh, of Auburn, a former pastor, will preach at Jaokson's ohuroh next Sunday afternoon. An aunt of Jas. M. Martin, 4th line, who reeidee in Taokersmibh, died this week and was buried on Wednesday. The last report received from Escan- aba, Miob., stated that James Wilkiu- son's condition was somewhat improved. John Lake, of the 2nd line, has pur- chased a farm on the 4011 con. of Grey from Joseph Clegg. The price was 63.• 000. Mrs. Z. Brown and family, of Dakota, formerly of Morrie, who have spent some months visiting friends in this locality, have returned home. T. Burkholder is taking a finishing course at the Dairy aohool, Guelph, pre- paratory to striking out on his own hook in cheese making next Spring. TIRE BRUSSELS POST W. Swinbanit and wife, of Portage -le. a C750utLdiaol IYo sweet. Prairie, Man , are visiting at Edward Bosman's title week. Thos. Bernard, wile and son, have re• turned from a pleasanb visit with rela- tives is the locality of Paisley, Brune Oo, Wm, Skelton, 8111 line, will baild a el will at. rams hour new f , Wm, 1 Thn e tend to the stone work and Geo, Jackson the carpentering, A large number of our residents at- tended the sessions of Beet Huron Far- mers' Institute on Tuesday and Wednes• day of take week, The auction sale of Goo. E. Roadmap and 3. McCaughey was not held last Fri• day owing to the snow storm but will take place on Friday afternoon of this week, The members of Jaokson's church are discussing the advisability of purchasing an organ. Itis a good idea and would benefit both congregation and Sunday aohool. A joke was told on a Morrisite to the effect that while he attended church on a recent Sunday a bag of pig feed was noticed safely stowed away in hie nutter in the horse shad. We regret to bear that Wm„ son of Wm. Bryan, 1f miles North of Brussels, had his head injured by falling from a horse. 70 is to be hoped no permanent iejory will be anetainod. The new Council was eworu in last Monday. The Board now consists of H. Mooney, Reeve; Goo, Kirkby, Deputy Reeve ; Wm, Isbister, Jas. Bowman and Thos. Code, Councillors. Alex. McColl, 71th line, is hauling material for the stone stabling he intends building under his barn next Summer. Hugh Elliott will do the frame work and W. Thuell, the masoning. All the old municipal otlicers were re- appointed at the Council meeting on Monday. R. Laing, of Ethel was given the oontract of repairing the bridge at Sunshine. Plans are being prepared for two new bridges on the 5011 line to re- place the old ones. Onix.—Last Sunday Henry Lauudy, a resident of Morrie for about 30 years, paid Nature's debt and was buried at Blyth cemetery on Tuesday, Rev. G. Buggin conducting the service. The deceaeed came from Birmiogham, Eng- land, and lived for a time in Kingston locality before locating on the 6th line in this township. He was only ill for about a week and died at the ripe age of 85 years. Mr. Lauudy was the father of 7 sons and 4 daughters, one of the latter being Mrs. James Jackson, of Morris. He was highly respected by all who knew him. Perth (Jounty. Henry Newoombe, for a number of years Janitor of the Bank of Commerce, Stratford, died suddenly the other night. After partaking of some food he retired to bed, and shortly after his wife's atten- tion was attracted by his labored breath- ing, and shortly after he passed away. Mr. Newcombe was a native of Germany, but had been a resident of Stratford for many years. He was twice married. Philip, bis eon by his first wife, reeidee in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. By his second wife he hen several children. The town of Wofulltorv'llo bee a Surplus in bits breasary $0,000, Rev, Dr. Eby, the Methodist miaeion- ary to japan, is coming home. The Dominion Parliament line boon prorogued pro fortnaluutil Feb. 260», Miss MoKenzio, iarto 1, hae been an. pointed lady eupsrintendeut of Owon Sound hospital. W, B. Beatty, of Parry Sound, has been nominated for the Legielature by Parry Sound and Muskoka Tories, D'Atton Mo0artby, accompanied by Col, O'Brien and others, will undertake a fortnight's oarnpaign in Western Ontario, opening at Galt about Jae. lath, Mee, Hanning, a eleler of the late Thos. Carlyle, is living in Ilamilbon, the widow of a foreman mud general brain diepabolr- er in the employ of the Great Western Railway. A. F. Gault, the Canadian cotton Icing, and head of Gault Bros,, has presented $100,000 bo the Montreal Theological Col. lege to be devoted to the training of clergymen for the Ohnroh of England in Canada, Geo. Hague, General Manager of the Merchants' Bank of Canada, has given $5,000 to MoGi11 University. Young Mon's Christian Association to be devoted to• ward the emotion of a Y. M. 0. A. build• ing in the college grounds. About two weeks ago Albert J. Lundy, on the 3rd of Whitechurch, accidently cub off the end of his finger while riper- ating a Dotting box. Blood poisoning set iu, eventually resulting in lockjaw, causing his death on Now Year's day. Mr. Lundy was in the prime of life wad leaves a wife and five children. The U. S. Government have awarded to the Cushing family, of Montreal, $108,000 for Cushing's Island in Port• land Harbor, Me. The island contains 88 agree and will be fortified by the Amerioan Government. There are a number of heirs of the Coshing family in Montreal. Parties who use canned meats should carefully examine the tins and see that they are not corroded. J. S. Caverly, of Aylmer, had n dangerous experience with a can of sardines the other day which he will not soon forget. An examination of the tin showed that it had been so ohernioally anted upon as to change it to a dull oolor like lend. As a consequence the contents were poisonous. Rev. Mr. Steeves, of Kingsville, is a Baptist preaoher with a record. He says that during the past six months he has taught 61 Sabbath school lessons, preached 102 sermons, conducted 106 prayer meetings, made 324 calls, driven outside the village at least 1,081 miles, discharged the duties of oorresponding eeoretttry for young people's oonven• tion involving a considerable correspond- ence, and visited the World's Fair. Steps have been taken by the Ontario Veterinary Association towards prosecut- ing practitioners who are going through the country and proclaiming themselves graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. A deputation from the Association was appointed to enquireinto the legality of the issuance of the so•oalled veterinary dental diplomas, which are procured after a short period of study, and issued by persons unauthorized toissue them, 1, -JAN, i9, 1891 3, 7, Davidson, member for Beautiful Plaine, lute been eoleeted as the leader of the Opposition in the Manitoba Logisia- Mos, Augustin Lambert, who died at Belmil, Qnsbao, a few days ago, aged 82, leaves 11 children, 56 graudohildien, 58 great-grandchildren and 4 great groat- 6randotiidren—fn all 167descendants. Kylie The assault on a of Mr. e b Major Hughes, M. 5., was heard aSinsard before Police Magistrate Molntyre in Lindeay lash week and resulted in a fine of $16 and °oats being unposed on Mr, Hughes, The fur store of E. C. Simmons, Bar- rie, was entered by burglars Thursday night of 'net week, About $100 worth of furs wore stolen. In the stable where the thieves had slept was found a letter written from Brantford and addressed to W, R. Clark, George street, Toronto. A Coroner's inquest was hold into the death of Mrs. Ford, the aged woman who was burned to death in a farufbanse near Milton a few days ago. The evidence showed the death to have been aoeidenb- al, and a verdict was brought in entirely exeeerabing her relatives from any re• sponsibility therefor. A Boissevaiu despatch Saye a farmer named Win. Robineon, who lives seine distance from White Water, went out to do his °bores during the storm on Wed- nesday night of last week. taking a girl eight years of age with him. When re- turning to the house ho got lost in the storm and wandered around for some time. When he found a house be was six miles from home and the ohild had been frozen stiff in hie arms. At a meeting of the Board of Direotors of the Standard Bank of Canada, hold last week, J. L. Brodie, (at present oast]• ler) was elected unanimously to fill the vaaanoy on the board, and he was subse- quently appointed managing director, and George P. Reid manager. Mr. Brodie, who has bean cashier of the bank since 1875, ie one of the oldest and largest stockholders of the bunk. After a bitter fight it has been decided that Kingsville is to have a system of water works. The agitation for better water in the town has been going on some time, but the opposition was very strong. About 6 months ago Engineer Newman, of Windsor, was instructed to prepare plans at an estimated cost of $20,000. The by-law for thio amount was voted on and carried by a majority of 88. Tenders for the construction of the system will be advertised for in a few days. A romantic marriage has just come to light, in which the daughter of a million- aire lumberman, married a young officer at Stanley Barracks. Last October May Helen Cook, daughter of John L. Cook, of 688 King -street west, Toronto, was married to Walter Henry Cooper, the handsome soldier oricketer, who has been around Toronto for number of years. His father is an Anglican olergyman who for a long time was rentor of Stayner, but who is now at Oalgary. Miss Cook is only 18 years of age, though she looks older, and the alliance is not looked upon favorably, as the groom is not by any means a young man of wealth. However, reoonoiliation has been affeoted, and it is the intention of the family to take a trip to England in the spring, where Cooper will be placed in an English university to study medicine. ET . EL Carriage Shap. Having moved to a more con- venient stand, put in heavier power and some now machinery, I am now prepared to manufac- ture, on the shortest notice, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, and Cutters. Bodies and all kinds of wood work Supplied. The Common Sense Clothes Dryer and the COBER CART. I also do Custom Planing, Match- ing and Moulding. 12 Horse Power Engine and Boil- er for Sale Cheap. JOHN COBER CARRIAGE MAKER. ETHEL, Dec. 30th, 1893. CHEsf ''� isI_ INN INN IAI" a�'' 1 'SALE ! RT31�7"1aTIl\T30 DAYB_ To Clear out the balance of Winter Goods a Clearing Sale has been Inaugurated and During its Continuance sg� 's F I P 17CTIDIA oA 1\T I .. It is not by Sensational Advertising that we expect to draw the Crowds to our Sale but by the Com- manding Influence of such offerings as may be found in our large stock. i a" Speaks with no Uncertain Voice at L. C. Ross'. Special Bargains will be Offered in Frieze, Beaver, Melton and Nap Overcoatings, Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges and Pantings. Great Value in Underclothing. Rubber and Melissa Waterproof Coats. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Braoes, nose, doves, IIan .kerohiefs, &o., &oa, all comae under the Pruning' Knife. ALL CLOTH BOUGHT FROM US WILL BE CUT FREE OF CHARGE. Latest Fashion Plates. All our work Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. ■ice! • 4110.1.�.-fir 4 i ., J Fashionable Tailor olid Gents' Outfitter. Tell Your Neighbor about this Salo.