HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-1-12, Page 8Do you want a Copy of the Christ-
mas Number of 1
We )rave a few Copies Yet.
We are manufacturing a nice
preparation for coloring cakes,
Toeing, &e., which is guaranteed
to give satisfaction, at
10 Cants a BOTTLE.
When you have a Cold or Cough
BeaUmaii's Congli Balm.
We Wish you all a-
-Happy New Year.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains leave Bruesols Station, North
nd South, aS follo+vs
gall ....... 6:91 a.m. I Mixed 0:46 am, •
Exuma --MO a.m. 3lall 6:18 p.m.
Mixed 9:00 pet, Express 0:18 van.
foot Ii'etvs
A shiefs amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prem it.
Foxes are plenlifal this Winter.
ScuooL Board on Friday evening.
WHERE is Brussels Curling Club 7
PRESSED hay sltippiag continues from
HURON County Couuoil will meet on
Tuesday, 28rd inst.
TEE new Council will be sworn in next
Monday at 11 o'clock.
Joins Roeincn, the veteran drover,
shipped a car of lawba to the East on
ENVELOPES, note heads, bill heads, &o.,
printed at close prices at THE POST Pub-
lishing House.
Tom new School Board will hold their
inaugural meeting on Wednesday of neat
week at 7 p. m.
EA"T Huron A.grieulturel Society
annual meeting will be bell in Brussels
Town Hail, on Wednesday, of next week,
17th inst., at 1:30 o'clock.
RENEWAL subscriptions for Tote POST
for 1894 are rolling in. We are also re•
witting a large list of subscribers for out•
side weeklies, nlubbed with THE Poss.
Litre light views of the World's Fair
which draw euoh orowds, will be in the
Town Hall, Brussels, soon. Don't mise
them. Knox church Sunday school are
engaging them.
Tax Spring Assize Court will open in
Goderich on March 13;11, Chief Justice
Armour presiding, and the Chancery
Court on the 8th of Islay, Justice Street
oeenpying the benoh.
Knee Friday evening, 26th inst., free
for the Sons of Scotland concert. A
grand musical and literary hill of fare
will be presented. Bliss Jessie Alexan•
der, James Fax and the local talent will
give a tiptop entertainment.
SEVERAL persons were fined fast week
for driving over the bridge at Ecu peels
faster than a walk, as thenotioe on either
end of the bridge sets forth. A large
list is held in abeyance for a few days.
It is not outsiders who violate this By-
law the most frequently by any means
end if people are fined they may blame
Two Grey township residents loaded
up rather heavily with "tangle•leg" on
Thursday of last week before starting
for home. When opposite D, Frain's
residence, burse, buggy and occupants
upset into the ditch on the West side of
the road, the rig lauding against a tele-
graph pole. In response to loud calls
friendly hands broueht a lantern and
soon got the party and their outfit ready
for the balance of the journey.
"Ten central figure was undoubtedly
Miss Jessie Alexander, the talented and
pretty elocutionist. Her manner is ir.
resistible in its fascinating and winning
ways, and she at once appeals to her
audience by her acting and declamation
in a perfect manner that commands ad-
miration. Her voice is that of a finished
reader. It le round, musical, and
flexible, with perfect intonation in every
piece and passage." -Ottawa Free Press.
THE Goderich Star of last week says :—
Huron editors are showing up in good
form. Bro. McLean, having captured
the Grit nomination for South Huron,
his local edam, editor Neelin goes in as
deputy reeve of Seaforth. "Bob."
Holmes now signs himself bIwyor of
Clinton, and the genial Kerr is once more
reeve of Brussels, with an eye to some•
thing better later nn. Then there's the
Signal man, president of the prohibition
association, and mayor tnalcer of Gode•
rich, Great are ye editors 1
BART Ht7RON FARAMERs.—The annual
meeting of the East Huron Farmer's
institute will be held in the Teem Hall,
Brussels, next Tuesday and Wednesday,
16th and 17th inste. Tuesday's program,
commencing at 1 p. no• Rotation of
Crepe, W. Rennie, Guelph ; Necessity of
drainage, R. Currie, Wingham ; Grasses
and grass management, 9.. Elliott, Galt ;
Mixed husbandry, J. J. Fraser, Burford.
Evening seesion commencing at 7:30. In
addition to addresses from three of the
above mentioned gentlemen there will be
arfinteresting program of vocal and in.
etrlfinental mueto by D. Stewart, James
McAlpine, W. Rands and vthere. Wed.
nesday's program, comm ,eine at 10 a.
m. Condition of the a til, Thos. Mc-
Millan, Hallett ; Cleaning the land, W.
Rennie, Guelph. Afternoon session
at 1 o'clock, The election of officers ;
Silo and ensilage, A. Elliott, Galt; Feed-
ing the oow ter profit, J. O. Morrison,
MoKillop ; Permibg and its profits, J. J.
Fraser, Burford ; Economy on the farm,
R-Doachman, Howlett ; General farming,
stock raising and feeding, R. Currie,
Wingham. The publio oordially invited
to these meetings and asked to take part
in the disouseions. The chair will be oc-
cupied by the genial President, U. Mc.
TT is said a flour and Feed store will'
be opened shortly in town,
Memel% Dales & So0TT shipped a oar
of (tattle frolu Brussels station on'Thurs.
H. J. STnoxc, .Photographer, leas fitted
his Studio for large work. Call end See
11',. J. JABIISBn has shined large span.
Cities of valuable furs to a New York firm
this eeasou,
WATax out for D. 0. Roes' advt. in
next issue. He has a 30 days' Blearing
ea15 on the tapis,
Ma. Seizes, the new photographer,
decided not to remain in I3rttssele and
has removed his outfit to Mibohell.
Goa prieee for photo enlargements are
within reach of all, They will surprise
you. Oar worn the very best,
H. J. Smote, Photographer.
R. LEATnnnnALE disposed 07 a line
upright piano of the Morrie, Foild,
Rogers Co„ of Listowel, to Rev, Mr.
Taylor, near Blyth, .this week,
DoNT forget the meetings of East
Huron Farmers' Instibnte to be held in
Brussels Town Hall on Tuesday and
Wednesday, lath and 17th mete, All the
sessions are free to the publio,
WonEN'e Galati.—The annual meeting
of the Women's Guild of St. John's
church, Brussels, was held on the after-
noon of the Srd Inst. The report for the
year showed very eatislaotory results, a
balsnoe Of $230.87 being in the hands of
the Treasurer when all liabilities wore
met. This sum will be applied toward
the erection of a Beotory, Officers were
elected as follows :—
Mrs. F. 0. Rogers, Hon. President ;
Mrs. T. Kelly, President ;
Mrs. T. Maxwell, Vice -President;
Mrs. Geo. Itogere, Secretary ;
Dirs. J. A. MaNaugbton, Treasurer ;
Mrs, Dennis, Mrs. Johnstou, Mrs.
Jamas, Mrs. Farrow, Mrs. Honig
and Mrs. Webster, Look -out
A. 0. U. W.—Installation of officers in
connection with Brussels Lodge, A. 0.
U. W., No. 138, took plane last Friday
evening, the work being done by Past
Master McKelvey. The following are
the office bearers for the current year :—
A. Hunter, Master Workman ;
R. Armstrong, Foreman ;
J. R. Smith, Overseer ;
W. 11. Kerr, Recorder ;
Ino. Shaw, Financier ;
Marsden Smith, Receiver ;
George Birt, Guide ;
James Cardiff, Inside Watchman ;
Watson Ainley, Outside Watchman ;
Wm. Ainley, Pastmaster ;
Dr. McKelvey, representative to
Grand Lodge ;
John Shaw, Alternate.
It was moved, seconded and carried that
this Lodge express their opinion as
favorable to separation and would request
the representative from Brussels to the
Grand Lodge to support the same,
BIBLE SOCIETY.—At a meeting of the
Directors of Brussels Branob of the Up-
per Canada Bible Society held on Wed.
nesday of last week there were present
President Sbraoban, Rev. D. Millar, Rev.
G. H, Cobbledtck, B. D., Rev. R. Paul,
Elder Stewart, G. A. Deadman, A.
Strachan and W. H. Herr. The follow
ing colleobors were appointed for this
Brusssals East—Mrs. Dennis, Miss Shaw.
" North—Misses Menzies and
" West—D'Irs. R. G. Wilson, Miss
Lizzie hogs.
Morris 7-111iss Mabel McColl, Mise Dio•
• 6—Miss Smith.
" 5—M. Black.
" 4—Misses Black & Carrie.
" 8— " Ireland & Armstrong.
" 2— " Caldbiok & Wilson.
• 1—Mrs. L. Rattan.
Grey 13&14—Misses Ritchie & Stewart.
" 11&12—J. T. Davidson.
9&10—Misses MoQuarrie & Rob.
• 7&8— " Cardin & Smith.
" 5&6— " Smith & McArthur.
• 3&4— " Strachan & Taylor.
" 1&2— " Rae.
Ethel—Misses Davies & Milne.
Cranbrook—To be appointed.
K. 0. T. ill.—On Thursday evening of
last week the installation of officers in
connection with the Brussels Tent, No.
24,K. 0. T. M., was held in their Hall in
the Vanstone block. The following
officere were installed :—
S. H. Jackson, Commander ;
R. G. Wilson, Lieut, commander;
W. F. Vanstone, Record Keeper
Geo. Backer, Finance Keeper ;
J. J. Gilpin, Prelate ;
Dr. McNaughton, Physician ;
A. McGuire, Sergeant ;
Jno. Scott, Master at Arms ;
S. Carter, lot Master of Guard ;
Jno. Glassier, 2nd Master of Guard ;
R. Anderson, Sentinel ;
Geo. Edwards, Picket,
After the above mentioned proceedings
were fioiehed the wives of lady friends of
the members were invited to the Hall
where long tables were loaded down with
the good things of this life. The bill of
fare included oysters, raw and cooked,
salmon, sardines, pickles, cake, tea,
coffee, candies, nuts, &o., &e. and served
with such liberality that it is a wonder
if the Court physician's 9erv1050 have not
been called into requisition more than
once. James McAlpine prepared the
supper and it is needless to say that if it
was a sample of his ability as a caterer
to the public he must be a great mous
in this line. Supper being over W. F.
Vanstone took the chair and after a few
preliminary remarks on the progress of
the Ma0Oabee Order presented the follow-
ing very interesting program :—Violin
and organ duets, H. L. and Mrs. Jack.
son ; song, "When the kye comes /lame,"
J. McAlpine ; reading, "A voice from
the poor•houee," Mrs. S. H. Jackson ;
solo, with guitar accompaniment, H. L.
Jackson ; reading, "A woman's adven•
ture with a Free Masons' goat," J. J.
Gilpin ; short address, W. H. Kerr, of
Tan Pass ; instrutnental on the organ,
Miss Lizzie Sample ; solo, Jas. McAl-
pine ; reading, "The martyred mother,"
Mrs. S. H.. awaits= ; broomstick solo, H.
L. Jackson, encore Bolo on umbrella ;
Mooing exercises of Tent. There are
about 80 members on the membership
roll of No. 24, which was instituted some
four years ago, and it is said the Order
has increased 42,000 during the past year.
Thursday evening's program was fully
equal to many a 25 cent entertainment,
the mtiei0 being of first motility and the
readings by Mrs. Jaokson and Mr. Gil-
pin commanded the oloaest attention.
The enembera of the K. 0. T. Df. in
Bruseele evidently know how to do the
"At Home" in first olaee style.
,TAN, 12, 1894
Business Locals.
Berrien Columbia red eerier ehinglee
at 13. Gerry's, Brussole.
Sort coal suitable for grates or Book
stoves for sale by 13. Gerry.
1l'Ann01v oow for sale or will sxohange
for 91511 calved cow. Apply to
A. Koenig, Brueeels,
8.9303 one wishing to get a now saw
&ling machine may see what suits them
at A. 191, Malley & Oa's, hardware store
Now is the time to have your photo
taken. Our Winter ewes are something
above the ordillery. 11, J, STRONG,
Ally one wishing to get a new saw
filing stoma,I think can be suited by T.
McGregor, of Brnsaels, Ont. May be
seen ab McKay & Co's. hardware store.
YELLOW dog skin driving mit lost, 091
sidewalit easy American Ilotel, Brussels.
The finder will kindly return to Dr. life-
Naughton or leave at Toe POST Publish.
ing House.
Toon best anodyne and expectorant for
the cure of colds, coughs and all throat,
lung and bronchial troubles is undoubted-
ly Ayer's Cherry heetoral, the only
speoitio for colds and coughs admitted on
exhibition at the Chicago World's Fair.
Beerrsu Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem-
ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs,
splints, sweeney, ring -bond, stifles,
sprains, all swollen throats, etc. Save
$60 by use of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Deadman.
Dox'T forget to look up all your Soiled
and Faded Garments and have them
made like new. R. Parker & 00. have
the moat (icmpotent works of the kind in
Canada. The finest dresses can be clean-
ed, all made up, to loon like new. They
are known for line work.
Nem behind but generally ahead.
Walker & Ewan have sold 16 nutters and
6 pair of bob-sleigbs this season. Over
75 riga sold sinoe May of 1898, including
carte, buggies, wagons; cutters and
sleighs. We purpose doing a bigger busi-
ness than ever in 1894. Jae. WALKER.
"OLD, yet ever new, and simple and
beautiful ever," sings the poet in words
which might well apply to Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla—the most efficient and scientific
blood -purifier ever offered to suffering
humanity. Nothing but superior merit
keeps it so long at the front.
REME\:BEn that the Soiled and Faded
Garments can be Cleaned and Dyed to
look like new. The beet firm to do this
kind "f work is the old reliable Parker's
Dye W, *Its of Toronto, who are well
known everywhere for fine work, well
finished. Look up your goods and give
them to J. G. Skene, agent for Brussels,
and all orders intrusted to his pare will
receive prompt attention.
C. 0. F.—For the next three months
special inducements will be offered by
Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0.
F., Brussels, bo any person desiring to
become a member of that Order, the in•
itiation fee being reduoed during that
time. As this is one of the leading In-
surance and Beneficiary Societies in the
country people should take advautnge
of this offer, For full information ap-
ply to
A. NEM, 0. R. ;
A. Kozuo, F. S. ;
W. BLAsnILL, Treas.
There are Ruptured people everywhere,
they want the best Trues for the least
money, and to make it convenient for
them, I will be iu their neighborhood.
There is no doubt that you ease will be
attended to properly, as I am known
from ocean to Ocean on this continent as
a man of rare ability and skill in the
mechanical line of overcoming rupture
and 411 deformities of the human frame—
spinal disease, club feet, knocked knees,
white swelling. It is very hard, even in
Europe, New York, etc., to improve on
goods made under my superintendence in
my faotory. I am the inventor of 27
patents in the different lines of Trusses
and orthopedioal appliances, and, if you
wish to have year case attended
to, would ask you to bo on
time, as I will be found as fol-
lows with samples and goods, as trusses
in all their variety, to take measurements,
oto. Will visit as follows :—Seaforth,
Oommeroial hotel, Monday, Jan. 22, '04 ;
Clinton, Rattenbury's hotel, Tuesday,
Jan. 28, '04 ; Goderich, Albion hotel,
Wednesday, Jan. 24, '94 ; Exeter, Com-
mercial hotel, Thursday, Jan. 25, '94 ;
Wingham, Queen's hotel, Friday, 26,'94;
Brussels, Queen's betel, Saturday, Jan,
27,'94. GaAs. CLUTHE,
Surgical Machinist.
25.2 184 King St. West, Toronto.
PE00Ton—STnWABT.—At the residence of
the bride's tether, Bluevale, on the
27th Deo., by Rev, J. W, Pring, DIr.
Abraham Prootor, of Morris, to Miss
Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. W.
H. Stewart.
SnoLnroE—HEwzrT.—At the residence of
the bride's ptgnnte, Walton, on Jan•
nary 10th, by Rev, W. G. Reilly, of
Brussels, Mr, William Sholdice, of
Morris, to Miss Alice, daughter of
Mr. John Hewitt, of Walton.
ARaleTnoNo,—In Depew, N. Y., on Deo.
81st, 1893, Gordon Avenor Charles,
only child of Robb. M. and Lily
S. Armstrong, aged 7 months and 28
Sretn,—In Morris, on Jan. 9th, William,
third son of the late Gilbert Spsir,
aged 88 yeare,3 months and 2I days.
BO0LE.—I11 Toronto, on Deo. 80th, John
Boyle, formerly of Elmo., and father
of Mrs, Robert Robertson, of Grey
township, aged 77 years.
Tonxnvon.—In Atwood, on Jan. 4911,
Mrs, James Turnbull, aged 74 years.
Bons. --In Tuokersmibh, on December
Stet, Christina, beloved wife of
Charles Robb, aged 72 years.
FAEROE.—At Thornbury, Ont., On the 4th
inst., Richard Fanson, grandfather
of Mrs. J. Pylons, Brussels, aged 94
GRUNDY.--Ab Grand Rapids, Mich., on
the 5th inst., Pearl, infant daughter
of Edward R. and Louisa Grundy,
formerly of Bruesols, aged 11
TORONTO, Jan straight roller,
$2 85 to $2 70 ; extra, $2 40 to $2 60.
Wheat, white, 58c ; spring, No 2, 69c ;
red winter, 88o ; goose, 54e ; No 1 Man
hard, 740 to 76e ; No 2, 740. Peas, No 2,
62e, Barley, No 1, 431e ; feed, 87o to
400. Oats, No 2, 80ln to 81o. Market
quiet but firm. Salem—Red and white
A T4.N,D4.R.n 134,NK OF c,4,N4D4,
:m 21%).A.n31."dZ01 a 1Z0„ 2.1371.
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) , 77,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) . . - • ' $2,000,000
dgenalesif1 all principalpofnts lit Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States dS.Sbnglaitrl.
A General Banking Businees Tranoaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collootione made op all pointe,
Intoroeb allowed on deposits of 71,00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living ata distance,
BR tT ss7JLS,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts .Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
r 'a r za r,-5 Banc OJRPatiMLlE•D` T.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
•0'C effect to write biennium in old IingIleb 01• Canadian Comjaulee, Or In Mttt.
x1191 Companies its May be desired.
wheat outside at 580 to 590 ; No 1 Man.
hard outside at 77e, and do, No 2 outside
at 75 ; oats outside at 31e ; peas outside
at 50o.
TonONTo, Jan 9.—The market today
was quiet, but prices ruled firm ; the de-
mand for cattle was fair, with choice
qualities at 4 n to 4,3o ; medium sold at
Bic to 325 per pound, and inferior at 27o
to 30. Milch cows sell at $25 to $45 per
head, and calves at $2 50 to $8 ; sheep are
Arm, with sales of the best butchers' at
$4 25 to $4 50 each, and inferior at $3 76
to $4 ; Iambs sold at $2 75 to $8 60 each.
Hogs are firmer, with sales of the best at
Bis to 57e ; good stores at go t0 50, and
rough at 41e to =lie per pound.
EAST BDrsnxo, N Y, Jan 0.—Cattle—
The offerings were limited, a few fat
cows sold at 33 to $3 50. Sheep and
lambs—Forty cars on sale, including 10
care Canadae, which came iu during the
day ; a few choice iambs sold at $4 85,
good light lambs sold at $3 75 to $4 90,
fair kind of sheep sold at $2 25 to $2 50 ;
good wether sheep, of 80 to 103 lbs, sold
at $3 to $8 75 ; selected yearling wetbere,
of 87 lbs, sold at $4. The Cauadian stock
was of choice quality, and sold at $5 to
$5 15 ; generally extra prime quotable at
• $5 25, and mostly all sold. Hogs -35
oars ; the market ruled strong and the
supply of Yorkers and pigs was not equal
to the demand. Packers also bought
liberally and the pens were about all
cleared of sale stook ; Yorkers, good to
choice, brought $5 45 to 35 50 ; mixed
packers, $5 4.0 to $5 45, mostly $5 45 ;
mediums and heavy, $6 40 to 35 45 ;
Pigs, $5 55 to $5 60, and choice heavy,
e6 45 ; roughs, $4 25 to $4 65.
321RVSSI7I+S 2,frARS32T9,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Balt per bbl., retail......
Hides trimmed
Hides rough............
Sheep skins, each 40 65
Lamb skins each 50 70
Apples per bbl.. 1 00 1 50
Wool 17 18
Pork 6 30 6 60
56 67
53 56
35 86
50 51
29 80
17 18
16 00
3 00 3 50
40 00
7 00 00
1 00 00
own and boiler for sale, senond hand,
in /Net -class running order. Apply to
J. 00B.ER, Ethel.
Money was found in my drug store.
advertiThe semenr t have it by ppG.A.DEByyA'Dk,IANing oi this
Druggist & Bookseller.
In Ole 13111070 of Ethel, belonging to
the (stole of the lute Dr. Cale. For full
cuticular e este price, 101131%313h
. SPENOE, Ethel,
SALE..— The eubseriber offers his
6•acre plot, located immediately north of
Amentbroe, factory, for sale. Be will also
dispose of hte r esidenee on the opposite side
of the street, For further particulars, as
to mice, terms, Bio., apply to
244 Proprietor, Brussels.
The Coy noil of the Corporation of the
County of Huron will meet in the Court
House in the Town of Goderich, 00 Tuesday,
the 28rd day of January, at 8 o'ofoolt, ppm.
25.2 W. LAN10,
Dated January 8t11, 1804. clerk.
Annual Meeting.
%Le Annual Meeting of the East Huron
Agricultural Society will be held in the
Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday, Jan. 18,
1504, for the purpose of receiving the Audi-
tors' Report, electing Moen for the ensuing
year and transecting such other busies se as
may 800:10 before the meeting.
President, Secretary.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed tenders will be reeelvod up to the
17th inst., for the motion of a barn on Lot
12, COs, 5,'1'0 n0hip of Grey; a00h timber as
la tit for the frame eau be got on the prom-
isee. For full partionlara enquire at Knine's
Bank, Gerrie, where plan may bo seen.
Tenders to be opened at IO.abee'e ogles at 2
p.m. on the 17th inst.
Sortie, Jan. 0, 1804,
Dunham make; good as new 1 cheap
Easy terms. Apply to
A. 0, 001300A0R, Brussels.
Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
mooting of the Howiclr Mutual Fire Ineur-
nnoo Company will he held in the Township
Hall, Gerrie, on Friday,January 15th, 1804,
at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiv-
ing the annual reports, the election of
Directors and one Auditor, and the trans•
lotion of any other bueieess that may be
deemed necessary for the welfare of the
Company, All members are requested to
attend. By order of the Board.
28.2 Secretary.
DEnsroutlx has several good Forme for
sale and to rent, they terms, to Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F S. SCOTT. Brussels,
500n1Sn offers hie 108 acre farm, being
N 1 Lot 27, Con.,5, nforris, for sale. About 85
acres cleared, with 8 Beres of 1a11 wheat in,
balance timbered with cedar, ash and hard-
wood. Living spring on lot. For further
particulars as to pldee. berms, &0 apply to
JOHN McOup000 ON,
N t Lot St, Con, 7,
25-4 Brussels P.O,
North 4 Lot 80 and North Dant 4 29,
Con, 4, Morris, being 160 acres and known ne
the Sample farm. This is one of the beat
160 acres of land in. the To.v nship. Fair
buitdiegsand fences end good orchard.
Only 2 miles from Brussels. Must be sold
this whiter. For further inlorma/leu apply
to F. S. SCOTT, brussels, or to
Aox 217. Breeden, Manitoba.
2 North 4 of Lot 22, Con. 8, Morris town.
ship. The farm eoutains 100 sores, about 70
of wbloh aro cleared, balance bush. There
is a comfortable house, good bank barn, Sue
orchard, &c. ou the premises. The farm ie
all seeded down. Possession could bo given
at any time. For further partioulars as to
Price, terms, &o, apply to the Proprietor on
the premises, or Welton P. 0.
22.4 D. d,0OALLUM.
Tb8200 acro farm being lots11
and 12, con. 10. Grey, 15 offered for sato. 120
soros are cleared end the balance well Urn -
bored. Buildings Met -sloes. 0robard, well,
&o. School house within 40 rods, Posses-
sien given at once if riosire& I,or further
particulars as to price, terms, &o. apply to
8-tf Boeovillo P. 0.
or NELSON BRICKER, on farm.
The creditors of John Cash, late of the
Township of Grey in the County of Huron,
rumor, Who died on or about the second
day of November, 1808, aro required to sand
by poet pre -paid or to deliver to Elizabeth
Cash of the Bald Township of Grey, Cron -
brook poet-o0eo, the undersigned a,Iminie.
tratrix of all the estate and effects, rights
and credits of the said deceaeect, or to G. F.
Blair, Esq., of the Village 07 Brussels, her
Solicitor, on or before the First clay of
February, 1804, their Obrinion and surnames
addresses and rle00ripbion s, the full particu-
lars of their elate, a statement of their au
counts and the nature of the securities (if
any) held by them, or in default thereof the
said administratrlx, will ab the expiration
of the time above limited, proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the doesaeed forthwith
among the parties entitled thereto without
regard to any claim of whish she has no
notice at the thno of such distribution.
This notloe is given pursuant to Revised
btabubes of Ontario chapter 110, soobion 80,
Solicitor for the admiustralrix,
Dated at Bc'useels, Jan, 8,1884.
Notice to Creditors.
Poignant to the provisions of chapter 110.
Section 80, of the Review! Statutes of On-
tario, notice is hereby given, that all porsoue
having 51a1m5 against the 08tato ofEmman-
uel Olver, lata of the Township of Morrie, in
the County of Huron, Yeomen, doc0ased
who died on or about the 1.8411 day of Deem
her, A. D.1808, are hereby required to 50111
by post Pre -paid or deliver to W, M, Binolair,
of the Village of Bruseole, iu the ()minty of
Buren, Solicitor for the Exeoutors of the
estate of the said Emmanuel Oivor, deceased,
on or before the 22nd Sony of January,
1884, a statement in writing of their names
and Iaddreseee and the full partioulars of
their claims, and of the secur111oe (If any)
hold by them, and that altos the said 220,1
day of Januarythe Excoatove will llroa0ed
to distribute the assets of the said L,mn,191•
vel Olver, amongst the Matto entitled
thereto, having regard only to the (dolma of
which notice shall have been given as above
rogntred, and the said I ex50utors will not be
responsible for tike said ascots, or any part
thereof ,to Buy person or persons Of whose
claim notice ebell not bare boon repot veil at
the,tlwo of such distribution,
Dated at lineage the 20th day of Decor.
her, A. D.18011.
Solicitors for the Exocutore,
FOR 1894.
Leave Your
Foi' All Papers,
Daily, Weekly or Monthly,
—'1V ITIS—
Druggist & News Agent,
. Solicitor and Oonveyanser. Oolleo-
Rees ade. 01Iloe—Vanetoue's Moak, Braes
Y 1 • Solicitor, Couvayauoer,Notary Pub.
lie, &o, Odloo—Vanetone's Black 1 door
north of Oantral hotel, Private Funds to
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Oodoxich, Ont,
M. 0, 0401ERON, Q. 0., PIIILIP IIOLT,
IMMIX 100001ES.
Solicitor, So. (late of Garrey de
Prondfoois 011ice Goderieb.) Office over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, ilrueaols.
Money to Loan. 47
• 0, IDI., L.14. C.P., l0dinburgb, M. 0. P.
S. Ont. Residence and off)oe in Wilson's
Aloak, corner of 51111 and Turnberry fits.
73• Phyeiolnn, Surgeon Aecouoller, eta.
Graduate of Toronto University Medleal
Faculty. Member of Collage of Physicians
and Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE—Noxi door to
McDonald & Co„ Walton Ont.
11 F1 ler 'IP 1gTf
M. CAVANAGH, L. P S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal college of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and o1 Toronto Uni-
versity. Operas—Over A. H. Smith's Store,
5l a Honor Gradnate of the Ontario
Veterinary college, is prepared to trent all
diseases of domesticated animals 113 a com-
petent manner. Parttoular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. 011tee and Infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge rurnberry et., Bruesols.
•//1. H. MOORE, V. S.,
H. kf., V. U, S, Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all
domesticated animnle treated on scientific
principles. Horse dentistry and disoaees of
horned ea tilt a spoolalty. Cells promptly
attended o. Office, over the Post oillee.
Infirmary at Bcattle's livery barn, Brussels,
Ont. 25•
/ T H.
WV I • Iesurer of 6larriageLioonsos. Onioe
stills Grocery, Turuborry street, llroesele.
11 Tonsorial Artier Shop—Next door
south of A. M, Maliay et Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and children hair cutting it epeeialty
• Issuror of Marriage Licenses, by
anointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis-
sioner, &o., 5. B. conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. 011155 at the Oranbrook
Post Whoa.
Clerk of the Fourth D [vtston Court
Co. Huron. Oonveyauoor, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insursnee Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Oollecbiono made,
Ofiloe hl Graham's Block, Brunch'.
T• A. HAWKINS, M. C. S. M.
• Organist in St, John's Obureh, Brus-
sels, and p,10,01, in the Art of Teaching of A.
W.' Newhayer, MUna. Doc„ New 'Fork, will giye
lessons to pupils either at his parlor,
over A.R. Smith's store, or if preferred, at
their own hewn. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Walton. Torma moderate.
• Auctioneer, le always ready to at-
te nil nates of forms, farm stook, &o. Terms
oheerlully given. Oranbrook P. 0, Sales
may be arranged at THE Poem Pubilshmg
House. Brussels.
Lioeneed Auctioneer. Salle uonduot
ed on reasonable terms. li'arms and farm
stook a enecialty. Orders left at Tun POST
Publishing House,Brussolo, or sent to Walton
P. 0,, will receive prompt attention,
6E es an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to ow:duet sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I am in a position to sell to
good marks and got good security when cold
ou credit, Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
mea call. 82- F 8. 800TT,
Undersigned will keep for serViee on
Lot 25 Con. 0, Kerrie, the thorn' bred im-
proved White Yorkebire Boar "Canada's
imoo," pltreha051 from the well-known
breeder J, E. Ilrebhour, Oak Lodge Farm,
Bettorl, Tornio, $1.00 to Bo paid at the
time of Berrien with privilege of returning
if neooesary. Pedigree may be seen on ap-
14013T. NICHOL,
undersigned w111 keep for 0517105 on
Lot 21, 00„.0 Grey Cho largo it uglteh Berko -
shire Boar, "t ollard,” No,2580. Brod by Wm.
Padget & Son, Buttenvillo Ont„and is from
imported etuak on both aides. Tonne, S108,
to be pale at time of sorvlee with privilege
of returning if no0055ary. Pedigree may be
seen On application, ROUT. BARB,
21-8 Ethel choose Foolery,