HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-1-5, Page 8Do you want n Copy of the Chxiat- lntts Number of THE Ti R, We have a few Copies 'Yet. We are manufacturing a nice preparation for coloring capes, losing, tG"4., which is guaranteed to give satisfaction, at 10 Cents a B0TP1411. When you have 'a Cold or Cough' use )lea haste's Cough Balm We Wish you all. a -- -Happy New 'Year, G. A. DFtADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, tiro. S e`FliitlTRUNK RAILWAY. OISTHEEN EXTENSION W. G. & n. Trains leave Brussels Station, North zed South, as follows : Gorim Sorra. - - Gallo NOE?n. MaB axe, Mixed Bele a.m. EMsgxedse B:D9 O pan. Express - ii 9t14B pen. A ahtel's amang ye taken' notes, An' faith he'llprent it. WRITE 1894 now. Oov, OIL meeting next Monday evening. BEUSBELS:. Behoot Board meets on Fri- day evening bf next week. Youleo Alen's Liberal Glob will 'twee on Friday evening of this week, RorAL Templars of Temperance next Tuesday evening. Special business. Two "tourists" ocoupied the "freezer" at the Town Hall one night last week. War. Mxnce and Thos. Bloomfield pur- pose going into the gathering and ship-. plug of ashes. A. amatese maker from Holstein was in Brussels last week prospecting ad to the advisability of purchasing a business here. PROP. IIAwSiie officiated ae aocompan- 1st for Jae Fax at the Nora Clench con. cert in Wingbam on Thursday evening, of last week. E. W. MEIsonlleft Brussels for Regina, N. W. T., on Tbursday where be gone to start a new Ronald steam fire engine pur- chased hy this Weetern metropolis. Tremas.—D. Denman desires to return his beat thanks for the donation received from e. number of Brneeelitee to help him in his recant lose sustained from fire. ')m Nigbtingale insurance ease. is be- ing heard in Goderioli this week. W. ea.. Sinclair, R. L. Taylor, Miss Lizzie Wil- son, D. Ewan, Jae. Walker, W, 1i. 14e• °reckon, B. Gerry, F. B. Soott, Jno. Tait, 8. J. Vincent, A. I. McColl, Geo. Basher, S. Wilton, D. Lowry and others are in attendance, WEDDING invitations are out for the nuptials of P. D. Ifeleinnoo, of Winni- peg, Man., a former well-known resident of this locality, and Mise Pauline, dangb- ter of James Oliver, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels. The ceremony will be per- formed at tbe residence of Zoo. Leckie, Earl street, Toronto, on Tuesday evening, 16th.iuet. Mrs. Leckie and Miss Oliver are Sisters. HIND Wosos.—A subscriber from Mani. lobe, in remitting his eobaoription to TEE POST for 1894, writes, "I moat say I like THE POST better every time I see it, in fact it ie as good ae a letter from home." Another writing from Detroit says :—"This being the tithe of the year we remember our friends, I will not. for- get my important friend, Tam Pose, eo will renew mysubscription for 1894. Enclosed please find posloSice order for 91.60." Berme Scsoox, ENTERTAINITENT.—Last Friday evening an entertainment was held in the basement of St. John's °hurtle for the Sunday eohool. The following program was presented :—Solo, "Why did the angels take Mamma away," Miss Lida Crooke ; solo, "Always take mother's advice," allies Nellie Campbell ; "Prayer song," Lottta Koenig and Beryl Pothered ; "Holly song;' Annie end Beryl Putlend duett, "Rook sebye baby," Lillian and Violet Cooper ; read- ing Siias Ganderfoot's dream of Christ - mac," T. A. Hawkins:; oborus, by five little girls. Books and confectionery were distributed to each child at the close. Superintendent Irwin presided. The incumbent, seperintendest and secretary were not 'forgotten in the present Making. Oote. —The following notice refers to the declfose df Aire. Wm. Kay, of Kinear. dine, referred`to iu last week's nestle t^ "By reference to the deathnotioee in this paper it will be seen that our esteemed citizen, Wm. Kay, of the Lighthouse, mourns the death of his beloved wife and bis family the lots of a loving mother. The late Mrs. Wm. Kay was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, Deo. 18th 1827, came to Oaneda in 1856, lived'sixteeie years 10 the township of Dumfries, moved to Kin- cardine in 1861, where she lived until the day of her death, Deo. 24th. Hose singular that, orf that very day, a year ago, Deo. 24th 1802 her little grand- danghtet died in the lighthouse; the same day of the month, and the sane hour of the day, that is at 6:30 p. m., lilts, ICey died of heart dropsy. Elbe suffered more or less for yeare with this trouble. Language wout'1 fail to convey a description 02 the cuff ring the patient passed through in that 1 ,ne, and holy it was borne with Christi:,.: patience and fortitude. Having to sit in ben chair for the lest two months, eometimee get. ting a little sleep, and eometimee when elm awoke in peen and agony she would repeat these beautiful words, "There's a rast dor the weary." The deceased ` was. married in the village of Ayr, Deo. 29th, 3843. Had she lived; five days longer she Weald haw seen bet golden wedding day. But the will of tile Lord be done, "Shall not the righteous h judge of all the earth l do right 9" She wag ready end willing to go when the Lord called her." --Kin outline Beetle*. A D.larierente petty wee bell Oe NeW Year's evening In the 'reams over the Standaxd Bank, Alma 00 ye1;3les were/. iu atbsndailoo, Azi, the elentioirel Ooalmile will bold their exalt Meting at 11 it. 1n, on Monday, 15th Met. .County Qounoils meet on Tuesday, 20rd inst•t at 2 p. m. 038r Branch Agrinultnrel Seolety annual meeting will be hold in the Town Heli, brussels, en Thursday of next week, illi) lust., et 1:80 o'clock, ANDREW Jonrs'rcN and Jas. Mills. drove from Stretford to Broseele an Tuesday and took back with them a young Jersey buil, purchased by Mr, Mille from G. A, Pcsdman. INar LaTtow AND Snl'pan.—On Thurs• day evebong of this steak the annual in. etallatlon of the odloore in Brussels lilaa- oabee Lodge took place after which a slipper was served In their Hall. James Mad Leine prepared the spread, A good mueieel mid literary program was given, lenemeaxa,'E,—Tho closing Gospel Tem• potence meeting of the Winter series• wee held last Sunday afternoon. Inter- esting addreesee were given by Post- master Farrow and B. Gerry. N. Large sang "Where is my boy to.night,i' in good style, Mise Jeanie MoLauchlin preeided at the organ. Lee BnoiEN.—New Year's day 1894 will be remembered by Benny, son of Geo. Edwarde, of this place, for some time. He was having some fun with a companion with a hand sleigh on the ice in a ditch. He slipped and fell and hie playmate tumbled en bin breveting his left leg near the thigh. He was convey. ed home and the bone set but the little fellow leas suffered considerable pain mace with it. ELso'rror DAY.—Last Monday . was a very quiet day in Brussels largely owing to the foot that the Commit and Soleool Board nominees had been elected by ae, olamation. A vote was taken however on the Plebiscite, and Hoose of Refuge, the latter by open vote. The result of the days polling was 58 follows :— Plebiebite, Div. Mo. 1. No. 2. Total. 78 63-139 •31 30— 61 45 83- 78 115 98-213 2 1— 3 113 97 210 Against House of Refuge. Ear Againsb T 1-1 I Aoai'a 600109 to Melt op all your grilled a1 1 e k m a u i g i r b a D a 0 k 1 on P B H a i ed f and d 0 a u T nn, Er' r t a E t t 1 r a 0 t 6 anti Vatted gnrinante and have them made litre new. 11., Puttee t9 0o, have the meet acenpotattt we'ke of elle kind in Canada. `9110 llueet Oehler* can be airtime ed, all made up, to look like new, They are known for fine Work, Mete,.MoOnta ball moved teem Moe iaearaon`s to the holm formally oconpted by Wm, Cornish, what she ie prepared to attend to the wants f the patella in the oarpet weaving line. To Tula Papeete—Yo will please accept our thanke for your patronage during past year end we promise you during 1894 to eupply yon with the very latest etylee in photos at reeeonabl living prioee, H. J. strong, Photographer,. Pk. 8ataLos, as eminent pbysiaian of Tennesoeu, Bays . -•-"x regard Ayer.a San- saparilla as the beet blood -medicine on earth, and I know of many wonderful ouree effected by its use, , Pbeeleianw all over the land have made similar statements. WELo-DI°Obit AND nnLING.—George Birt lino all the neoess ry machinery for digging and drilling wells and le proper. ed to attend to ell work entrusted to him in a Way that will insure satisfaction. Wella °leaned out and pat in proper' shape. Terms reasonable. Restdenoe seamed door north o the bridge, week side of Turnberry et., russets. 84.1E BELIEF IN SIX duos,—Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in eix hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure," This new remedy ie a. great surprise and dal get to pbysioians on account of ite exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part o the urinary pas- sages in male or female. It relieves retention of water pain fn passiug it aiu000t immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, draggiet. 0.0. F. --For the ext three months special indueementa will be offered by Court Prinoess Alexandra, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brussels, to any person desiring to beoonee a member of that Order, the in- itiation fee being reused during that time, As this is one o f the leading In. sonnets and Beoefloi ry. Soeiebies in the country people should take advantage of this offer. For fell information ap- S. 0. S.—The following are the offioe bearers for Camp Ben Lomond, Sons of Scotland, No. 81, for the ensuing year :— Adam Reid, Past Chief ; John Shaw, Chief; James McAlpine, Obieftain ; David Hogg, Chaplain ; Alexander Strachan, Secretary ; J. IL Cameron, Treasurer ; David 0. Rose, Financial Secretary; William Edgar, Marshal ; • Angus Lamont, Standard Bearer ; Wiliam Robb, Senior Guard ; Robert Nichol, Junior Guard; Thomas Ballantyne, Piper. Arrangements are being made for the an. nual nonacid tabe held in the Town Hall,. Brussels, on Friday, 26th inst. Mies. Jessie Alexander, the well-known elecu- MMonist ; James Fax, Canada's comic vooalistand'the best local talent will present a first.olaes program. SILTED WEDDING.—On Friday evening of. last week W. F. Stewart and his good lady celebrated the 25th anniversary of a matrimonial alliances entered into in the City of Rooheeter, N. Y., in December, 1868. Ite response to their invitation a large number of friends assembled at their commodloue residenee, William street, and enjoyed a very sachet time. A splendid repast was partaken of and ample justice done to the liberal spread. Mr. and lits. Stewart ware the recipients of a number of beautiful silver presents, including a tankard, tea pot, pitoher, orueb, celery dish, sugar bowl, spoons, &o., etc. H. L. Jackson and Dr. and Mrs. Cavauagl, contributed a solo and duett during the evening. About 11 o'- clock the gueata departed for their re. speetive homes after wishing the genial host and hostess long life and continued prosperity and thanking them for their hospitality. MELVTLLE OHUR=E SUNDAY SoROOD.— The annual election of offioara and teach- ers in connection with Melville ohuroh Sabbath school took place on Tuesday evening with the following result : —Bev. J. Roes, B. A., Hon. Superintendent ; A. Stewart, Superintendent; G. F. Blair, Ass't Snperinteodent ; A, Roes, Seo'y Treas.; Jas. Ballantyne, Librarian ;'Wm. Livingston, Ase't Librarian ; Mies Kate Wilson, Preoentor ; Mies Jennie, Mo. Lanohlin, Organist ; se. M. Molloy, D. Stewart, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Alex. Mo. Lanohlin, Peter Ferg,ison, Mrs. ,John Stewart, Mrs. Tnfte, J. 13. Cameron, Miss Teenie Sinclair, Wm. Taylor, Mise Ella Innen, Mies McBain, G. F. Blair, Miss Maggie (Mosley and Mrs. N. M. Richard. song teachers. The annual entertain- ment will be held on Tneeday, 23rd inst. Mrs. IttcLauoblin, Alias Sinclair, G. le. Blair and A., M. McKay were appointed to oanvaa the families of the congregation relative to the regular attendance of children et the school. Business Locals. T 95"T4.702/1 R.D li4,7V E O.F Orfl. X414 . ti RAD OFFICE,' .. TORONTG.. ASSETS, (Seven Million Dellara) ., 97,000,009 CAPITAL (Authorized) 99,000,009 "Wm:iec in all pttcipal painte in Otatart°, Quebec, llfanitoba, Vslitea dtatro 38 Eatpictal, A. Rine, O. R. • A.KoeNo,F.1.; W. Bet/ L, 'Pratte.. RUPTUnED AND PREMIUM PEOPLE.— There are Ruptured people everywbere, they want the best Truss for the least money. and to make it convenient for them, 1 e ill be in heir neighborhood. There fano doubtth t yon case will be attended to properly, as I am known from ocean to ocean on this continent as a man of rare ability_and skill in the mechanical line of overcoming rupture and all deformities o the human frame— spinal disease, olnb feet, knocked knees, white swelling. isItvery hard, even in Europe, New York, a o., to improve' on goodsmade under mysuperintendenoe in my factory. • I am a inventor of 27 patents in the different lines of 'Trusses and orthopedioal appliances, and, if you wish to have your ease attended to, would ask you to be on time, ae I will be 'found as fol- lows with samples andgoods, as trusses in all their variety, to take measurements, eto. Will visit as follows :—Seaforth, Oommeroial hotel, Monday, nday, Jan. 22, '94; Clinton, Rattenbury s hotel, Tuesday, Jan. 23, '94 ; Gode ioh, Albion hotel, Wednesday,. Jan. 24, 94; Exeter, Com. menial hotel, Thursday, Jan. 25, '94 ;. Wiugham, Queen's hotel, Friday, 26,'94; Brussels, Queen's hotel, 8nturday, Tan. 27,'94. Cies OLuemt, Surgical Machinist. 255.2 184 King t. West, Toronto. A General Banking Bueineee Treneaoted, Farmers' Notee Discounted. Draette Lamed and O011eetions made on all pointe. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on depoeite of 91,00 and upwards from datepf deposit eo date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, • Semen, MensermN.Oxygx TO THE OonzsewxoN or Peewees' SALE Novae. Every facility afforded Cuetornera living at a dietunee,. J. A. STEWART, MANAGED, Gleam—In Wroxeter, on Dee. 5th, 1893, the wife of Illy. Thos. Gibson, jr. of a daughter. Rxceenneow.--In Swift .Onrrent, N. W. T., on Deo. 18th, the wife of Mr. Walter Richardson, formerly of Elms of a son. STEwauT.-In Grey, on Deo. 31st, 1893, the wife of Mr. Hugh Stewart of a daughter. °ADTEM.—In McKillop, on Deo. 23rd, the wife of Mr. Joseph Garter of a son. FAanow COW for male or will exchange for new calved oow. Apply to A. Koenig, Brussels. Go to the old reliable studio for exam. tonally fine photos. H. J. Strong, Photographer. ANe one wishing to get a new saw filing machine may see what suits them at A. M. McKay & Co'e. hardware store Brunets. Aim one Melling to get e, new saw filing stand,1 think oan be suited by T. MoGregor; of Broaeele, Ont. May be seen at McKay & Co's, hardware store. YELLowdog skin driving mit loot, on sidewalk near American Motel, Brussels. The finder will kindly return to Dr, Me• Naughton orleave at Tan Posr Publish. ing House. A Jaxtroiw thaw is atwayi more pro- ductive of colds and toughs than . a Jan - nary freeze. Then Is the time Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ie needed and proves so extremely einottofoue. Aek your drug. gist for it and also for Ay er's Almanac which ie, free to all. Iiia ternea that the Soiled and Faded Garments awe be Gleaned and Dyed to look tike new. The beet firm to do thie kind of work ie the old, reliable Parker's Dye Werke of Toronto, who are well known everywhere for ,fine work,' well eniemea, Look up' your goods and give them to J. G. Shane, agent fon Brussels, and all orders intrusted to his tare will 'receive prompt attention. • eeiceeineeeirwe 'I LI fdd 4 °l MIT' ,ZABTICERS, t S S..LJ "a'-• s , Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FdR11u118S' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, aroma Rama' Ospa reasavr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates, • Interest Corn - pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Menthe of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits, Wo effect to write Insurance In 'old Rnglisli or Canadian Companies, or In AIIne4 nal Companies as may be desired, AGENTS POE CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TEE CANADIAN BANE OF CONOMMOE. to Seo per pound, weighed off oars, and at 490 to deo fed and watered. Stores are steady at 41e to 49,, and rough at 4a to 4eo per lb. ToncNTo, Jan. 2nd—Flour, straight role ler, 92 70 to 92 76; extra, $2 60 to 32 75. Wbeat—wbite, 5Gee; spring, No 2, 57e; red winter, 56eo ; goose, 54o ; No 1 Mani. toba hard, 74o to 77e ; No 2, 72e ; No 8, 66a. Peas—No 2, 51en. Barley -No 1, 430 to 440; feed, 35o to 38e ; oats, No 2, 299a to 30o. Market inactive ; sales—No 1 Man. bard at 78a ;• do, No 2 at71o. EAST Brzerero, N Y,''Jan 2nd—Cattle— Fair trade six cars good cattle sold at 94 90 ; one oar at 14 40, and several lots at 93 15 to 93 60. Sheep and Lambe -13 ears, of which seven oars were Canaries, market irregular ; good native lambs 94- 60 to 94 80. and one deck at 95 ; most of the Oanadas sold at 95, and a few very nice ones a trifle higher, but with heavier receipts prioee oould not be maintained.. Hoge -10 cars on sale, loo to 15o higher; the packers were not in the yards today, but their kind went to out of town butchers, at 95 00 to 35 75, while York weight hogs sold at 116 80 to 95 86, and a few light weight pigs, sorted out, sold at 36, the market closing at noon with a strong turn to the trade and a few' more bogs wanted ; rough bogs sold all the way from $4 '75 to e5 '75, as to quality, stags selling ae e4 to 94 50, = o.5mw=Z+S 16l.M=311'86. Pall Wheat 55 56 Spring Wheat62 55 Barley.,...... 33 86 Peas..... 50 51 0595.....................23 29 Butter, tube and rolls17 18 Eggs per dozen 15 00 Flour par barrel8 00 3 60 Potatoes .. 40 00 Hay per ton........ 0 00 00 Salt per bbI., retail1 00 00 Ylides trimmed3e Hides rough 3 Sheep skins, each 40 66 Lamb skins each 50 70 Apples per bbl.. 1 00 1.00 Wool 17 18 Pork 6 00 6 25 BAnE—M000w .—At the reotory, Lis• towel, by Bev. J. F. Parke, on Dee. 0th, Mr. Jas. Barr, second eon of Mr. 0. Barr, Elmo, to Mise, Jane Mo. Court, of Elam. RUDDY-13ieDGEs• —At the residenoe 0f' the bride's parents, on the 27th ult., by Rev. T. E. Higley, Mr. Joseph Buddy, of East Wawanoeb, to Miss Margaret Brydgee, daughter of Mr. Thomas Brydges, of Morris. Muaeitovg—SMALL,—By Rev. -Dr, Wil- liams, Methodist minister, Mount Forest, on Monday, Deo. 25th, al the residence of the bride's father, Mr. George J. Musgrove, L. D. S., Park. hill, to Jennie, daugbter of Mc. Geo. Small, Mount Forest. Axeaus—HAMILTox.—Al'Wingham, Deo. 27th, by the Rev. W. H. Wetson, al the residence of Mrs. Griffin, Mr. Franois eV, Angels to Miss Ella E. Hamilton, both of Wingham. IEwnN--H,tnnmzoa.—On Wednesday, Des. 27th, 1803, at the reeidonoe of the bride's uncle, Flillebarg, Ont., by• Rev, W. MacGregor, Wingbam, Mr. George Henry Irwin, Wingbam, to Mise Margaret Elizabeth Hardaker, Toronto, Out. rxo=ra. MoDoxasn,—In Arkon, Mioh„ on Mon- day, Jan. let, 1894, Archibald Mc- Donald, (formerly of Grey), aged 63 years. Ktxit t.—In Brueeels; on 'Thuraday, Jan.. 4th, 1894, Elizabeth, relict of the late lames Bern, aged 76 years. Souon.—In Morris, on January 1st, 1894, Martha, beloved wife of Robert Bouch, aged 63 pare and 14 days. Fermium—In Elms, on December 17th, Benjamin D. Faulkner, aged 66 years, 10 months send 18 days. HENnneox.—In McKillop, On Dec. 26111, Andrew Hendereon, aged' 78 goitre,' 6 months, Tokoneo,Jan 2nd—This market teas very dell to -day, with receipts of only 10 oar loads all told.' The demand for cattle, ae inactive, and prices without change. The best sell at 390 to no per pound Medford at 3c and inferior at 2do to 29o. Calves unchanged, at 92 60 to 98 per head, and mileh Dawe at $25 to 950 eaeb. Sheep dull, with a few Wee ' at es 75 to $4 60 each, and lambs at 92 76 to 98 25. Bogs, dull and firm, the bast walling at 60 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 0 OR 12 HORSE POWER EN. °INE and-lioilerfor wale, second hand, in first -Class running order. Apply. to 8, OOB tXI6Ethel. OTJSEKEBPER WANTED.— Famlly of four, youngest 4 years of age. Apply to D. GL688I1519, hot 3,Oen.11,.Gray. Box 2.2,Binasals P.0. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS FOR SALE.—Weheve albumefront Soo. up- ward a. A largo plush- album for Cabinets. only ole. Latest designs iu oak and plush. Don't mies them. G.A.D)OADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, PIANO FOR SALE—UPRIGHT, Dunham make ; good as new ; cheap Easy terms. Apply to A. 0, CORMAOX, Bx'useola. ,TA1, 's, 1893 FOR 1894. Leave Your Subscriptions For All Papers, Daily, Weekly or: Monthly, .WITI$—•--- PEPPER qp�w 1f1frtrrww�•' R Druggist & News Agent. BRUSS .n . VV OOD WANTED.—'GENDERS 'W711 be received until January 11, 1894, 1 or the delivery of 50 cords- of good, sound, green, hardwood, Song' and Maple a tt body liirnss 1ePutl a Se oltoelt Housembefore the 1st day of March, 1894. R, ROSS, 22.2 Secretary Public School Board. Brueeele, Dee. lith, 1898, �.1 7 OUSE ,AND" LOT FOR SALE In the village of Ethel, belonging to the estate of the lute Dr. Cale. For full: 1 miieulare as to price, tonne, &o, Apply to WU. SPENCE,Ethel. ELIGIBLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. — The subscriber offers hie 6. sero plot, locatedimmediately north of Ain ant Bros.lactory, for sale. Ile will also di el,oae of bis roeidenee on the opposite aide o tbo. street. For further particulars, us to price, toms, oto.,apply to ALEX. MOLAUGHLIN, 244 Proprie tor, Brueeele. REAL ESTATE. HARMS FOR SALE.—'THE UN- DansxoxeaD has several good Panne for sale and to rend, easy terms. in Townships of Morris and Grey. 0' S. SO OTT, Bruesells. f110I0E FARM FOR SALE.— 'Li Being South half Lot 2'i,eon.6 Morris, 100 acres, nearly all cleared.. Good buildings, fine yOUng bearing orchard, 'Immediate pos- session. Easy Terms. Apply to W. If. SINOLAIR, tf- Solicitor, &o., Brussels. A NNUALL MEETING. -TIE L� Annual meeting of the Brueeels Priv ing Pat•1t Assoolatian for the election of OM - cora, 'tbo receiving of the report Of the Directors for the papt year and such other Misfiles as Zany be lawfully brought before the meeting, will be held in. the Counoll Chamber, on Wednesday evening, January 1otb,1854, at 8 o'clock , S, SCOTT, Secretary. Annual. Meeting. The Annual Meeting.. of the Grey Toweehip Agrieultutel Soeiety wilt he hold fu the Town Hall, Brussels, on Thursday, Jau. 11th, 1804. for too purpose of reaeiving the Audi- tors' Report, electing °gloerm for the coming year and trawl/toting web other business as may pone before the. meeting - ALEX. STEJWART, D. STEtWA1tT, President.. So:rotary. Notice to Contractors. Tri ARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB - Seaman offers his 100 acre farm,. being 10 a Lot 27, Con. 8 Oltenia, for sale. About 55 sores cleared, with 0 acres of fall wheat in, balance timbered with cedar, ash and hard- wood. Living spring on lot. For further paetionlars as to price. tame, &eappply to JOHN MoonToH1dON N t Lot 24, Con. 7, 20-4 - Brussels P. 0. Sealed tenders will be roeolvod up to the 17th .net., for the erection of a barn on Lot 12, Coe. 6,Townsuip of Grey ; such timber ae is At for the frame eau be got oil the prem. ion.. For full partioulare ouqulte LaXaine's Banff; Gerrie, where plan inay be then. Tenders to be opened at. RRaioo'e ogled at 3 p.m. en the. 17th inst. li26 to,Jan,8,1811oBR1tI 7doK14L, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER,. 1 lit • Solicitor and Conyeyancer, 0011e0. tions made, Oifee-Vanaton0'sBlock, 13rue.. sola. 21 -Bra FARM FOR SALE, -BEING North 4, Lot 30 and North Blast 9. 22, Con. 4. Brom s, being 160 aeras and known as the Sample farm. This is one of the beat 160 acres of land in the. Township. - Fair buildings and fences and good orchard. Only 2 miles from Brussels. Mustbo sold this winter. For further information- apply to F. S. SCOTT., Brussels, or to JOHN E. SMITH, Box 217. Brandon,Manitoba. V T M, SINCLAIR,. 1•Y •, Solicitor, 0onvoyeamet, F7otaryPub. . tint' 40, Ofhoe—Vauetcoe'e-Block 1, door north of Centras Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, . f'1AMERON, ROLT & I•IOLMES, B euriateie, defletora, Metartoe Pnbile, Goderieh, Ont. M: d. OAMEnON, q. O., pulp/8, -norm, .- - n0002Y' 2301,1n30, F. BLAIR, ,BARRISTER, V1 • Solicitor, &e. (late of Gerrow & Proudfoot'a Ofnce, eedorteb.) Officio over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. . 47 MEDICAL CARDS.. T A. MONAUGHTOM, M. D. ' V . 0. Sf., L, R. 0.P., Edinburgh, V. 0. P. g. Ont. Beaidenoe and ofdse in Wilson's Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. tM. ARMSTRONG, M, D. • Phyebelan, Surgeon A000uebse, eta. Graduate of Toronto University Medioat Faculty. Member of College, of Physicians and Surgeons, Out, OPPxna—Next door to • McDonald & Co., Walton Ont. FAN Mb iFORof,Lot 22, on , BEINGt° wn- ship. The farm contains 100 mires, about 70 of wliiob are cleared, belaooe bush. 'There is a comfortable house, good bank barn, fine orchard, dm. on the premises, The farm is all seeded down. Possession could be given at any time. Pertermer partiaulare ae to price, terms, &o.,applyto the Proprietor on the premises, or Walton P. 0. 22.4 D. MoOALLUIL, 2OOACRE FARM FOR SALE.. The 200 acre farm, baing Iota ll and 12, eon, 10. Grey, is offered for este. 120. acres are cleared end the balance even •tim- bared; Buildings first-olase. Orcbard, well, &o. School house within 40 rods. Posses- sion given at once if desired. For further particulars as to price, tering, &a. apply to MRS. WALBBR, 8-16 Roseville P.O. or NELSON BRIOREIR, on farm. trARM FOR .SALE,—TILE. .l »Elter005r' over. his splendid 128 dere faxm,beingLett andwoet part Lot 8,0on. 0, Grey, for sale. Thera are 100 come cleared, balance timbered, Two dwelling house9, bank barns, good orchard, well fenced. A never falling opting on the place, Posses- sion given any time. The subscriber also off era for sale a dwelling bouae, stable and 6 acres of laud in the corporation. of Brussels. The'rone° and garden would be rented f0r a short time if not sold. Hard and soft water, Poi 'races, terms and further i,ertloulare apply to 103IN SMITH, Proprietor. 41.tf -Brussels P. 0. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, tJ+- Honor ,,wraduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, le prepared to treat alt diaeasse of domesticated animals In a. com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry, Galls promptly at. tended to. Olnoe and infirmary -Two door; north of bridge 'i'nrnbeo-xy at., Brnoeole. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. DENTAL.. M. CAVANAGH, L. P S., D• O. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and Of Toronto Uni- versity. OFenon—Over A. R. Smith's Store, Brueee.a, 'AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, + Auctioneer, Ie always ready to at- tend salmi of farms, farm. stook, &o. Terme. cheerfully given. Cr 511100k P, 0. 8alee may bo arranged at Tun Pews Publiehing House, Brussels. ., 5.1(1EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer, Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms.: Farms and farm stooka specialty. Ordure left at TEM Pon Publishing 8ouse,Bruseele,or sent to Walton P. O., aria receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- as ad an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct Halos of farm stock atreao0nable prioee. Snowing the standing of nearly every pomp I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good sOurity when gold on credit. Satisfaction.guerantoed, Give pia a call, 02- F 6. SCOTT. The eroditoro of John Oaali, late - of the '.township of Grey in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died ou or about the second day of Novei(ber,1092, are required to send by pont pro -paid or to deliver to nlisaboth Oaeh of the said Township of GroY, Orem brook pest -Mhos., the undersigned admirals. trattlE Of alt the estate and effeete, rights and credits of the said deceased, or to G. F,. Esq,, of the Village of Brueeele, her Solicitor, on or before the Pint day of February, 1894, their Christian and surnames addressee and deseriptione,tho full particu- lars of their elate a atatemout of their au. counts and the nature of the aeeurltlee lir any) hold b ihom,or3ndefault thereof the said adminivstratrix will at the oxpiratibn of the time above limited, proceed to dis- tribute the esoets of the deceased forthwith among the parties entitled thereto without regard to any claim of wliiob she has no noble° at the time • of such distribution. Tried notion is given pursuant to Revised ttabutos of Ontario Chapter 110, Section g0, <4,P, BLAIR, Solieitorfor the adminetratrix, Dated atlSoueaela, Jan. d i8z04,, ETN Unan,. BUSINESS CARDS. -‘,NT II. McORAOKEi N, V Iaeuraro!Maixiage1itenaea. Guice at hie Grocery, •Curnbaxry street, Braeeale. N.BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artiet. Shop Next door soubh of A. M. AfaKay d.' 0o'e hardware store. Ladies' and obtldrenehair nutting a epeoialty. A MoNAIR, L1. Sseurer of kfarriago Licenses, by appeintment of Lieut,-0°vernor, Commie. sinner, &a., Q B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Ineuraioe 0o. Orecei at the Oranbrook Post011ioe.. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FiRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A HUNTER, ()lark of the Fourth DivisionCourt Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance- Agent, Funds investedand to loan . 'Oolleetlone made. Office in Grahann'a Bleak, Brnseo)o. r1 A. HAWKINS, M. 0. 5, M. 1. a Organiet In St. John's ohuroh, Brum, eels, and pupil, in the Art of :Teaobiugg'at A. W.Thayer, Mns.Doe.,New York win give. loesons to pupils either .'at {tie parlor, over A, R. Smith's store, or 0 preferred, at their own boniee. Monday, Tueaday and Wednesday at Walton. "Terms moderato. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned 'will losep for service at North Nall Lot 20,00n. 7, Morrie. th e Thom' bred Cheater White Boar "D edam° o," for servloe. He was bred by Daniel Deooursoy,' Bornholm, Perth Co., and is from im ported stools on both aldee. Terms 81.00 to be paid at time of ee110lee with privilege of returning if1 62 samrySAMUEEL WALKER, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SETi,V10E.—.-THE Undersigned will keep for aerviee .on Lot 20, Con. 0, Morals, the thorn' bred fin. 11,roved White Yorkshire Boar "Oaiiada's Paned," purobased from the well'ke0ovn breeder J. E. Brethour, Oslo • Lodge Parra, Burford. Terms, e1.00 to bo paid at the time of sonde° with privile f returning ay if necessary. Pedigree um, o00 aeon on- ala plication. ROST. 1110110L, IQOARFOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned selll keep for aerviee on Lot21 0on.9, Grey, the large ltngliob Bork - shire clear, "omitted," No, 2080, fired by Woe. Padget & Son, Buttonvills, Oete mud le from imported stools on both aides, Tema, 01.00, to be paid at limo of cervico with privilege of returning if uoseesary. Pedigree may UP aeon on application. ROBT.1BARlt, 21-8 Ethel Cheese Factory•. . OAR FOR ` SERVTOE.—THE undersigned gwilrk e o faindoe o er hire Bo ho thord.be , No, Englishtordi let pr Boar, ' Biamrtrak;' No, MA It taolf let pito tie Past llaeou Fall Fair lin 1930, and was atway a latwhe eve ex 1; d, T me,$l,00 to o Paid at if ne of eery rviee with privilege of r o 214 b,af1LND,1'riitlal,