HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-1-5, Page 6id ,0 eelle iYJ or repro. warm0if one such ruling and cber point for , what line of vat will yield you 'mount of labor skipped, 'cotnpet- uere,nje eine annual re- .•. r u evdrious factoriesnes only :unsuited to ascertain the profitable %ter of the business where there is a patronage.. ] returns ter the Province c0000 ' • ie cote on the Prohibition plebiscite last Moudey ara yet incomplete. igores quoted now are upwards of D. The Teronto Globe of Wednes- n speaking of this question says le returns of the voting on pruhibi- olast tthere raoes ofe t notion that at theaeplebi' woe a device intsnnled to shelve the tion and delay he reform which ieranoe men -ha , prohi' 5 of Bernard Lodge, No, 220, 1K„ were 111Statl54 t the muuioe,tiee. by D D. G..foe the 04 De nFleming, '1V ester, L P• M, ; kl :i , Smolt, 0orphy, J. W. ; Itsv A Chaplain ; W. 13rightt,, Settee. San. xeppler, Treasurer i p, ; young Coulter, S. D.; dre, J.D J. Seburgor, Tyler; of Ceremomee, "B, R. Servie; Sue, Mooney ie on the siok list. visit ng friends at line, spent last 5, Ashton, a student of Belviiie ;o, ie renewing old friendships in ie. ,eve Mooney and several members of I - family were laid up with le, grippe It vests. Won. D,ussell ie borne from Dnlutb. ;s will probably remain here until next Spring, notified Mud all are hereby taxes must be paid on or before Monday, January 15th, ioWalter Innoe was re.eleoted school Trustee for the next term in connection with Barrie's e0h0o1. Miss Annie Chambers, of 117oKillop, was visiting bee ester, Miss Atelia Chambers, this week. young Last week James Speir sold a y Durham boll to George Smit':, 8t1t con. He is a promising animal. Mrs, Robb, eider to Hugh Forsyth; died at her borne near Seaforth, on Sat. urday. She was buried on Tuesday. Altar BnoiR:z.—hfrs. Sas. Russel had the misfortune to fallin Ibe yard' while' attending to the duties of "wash day" and broke her right arm. She is getting' along, nicely, • It is said that Hazzard Wright, who has Bold his farm to Sherrie Bros„ will likely try hie fortune in the State of Nebraska. We dont like to lose good Canucke that way. At the annual school needing in S. S. No. 5 Charles Lawrence was ee elected Trustee for the next term. The wood contract was let to Salnuc*l Irvine at el.•. 35 per cord for two foot wood.l On Saturday evening last as Wm. Cochrane was leading hie horses out to water ode of them made a lump to one side and he fell on the slippery ground' thereby seriously spraining his left ankle. He is still confined to the house. There was quite a lively contest in oebis Township over the Deputy es last Monday. The contestants were Geo. Kirkby and James Prootor. Both had served several years apprenticeship in the Counoil end were very evelily match- ed. Mr. Kirkby was elected by a major- ity of 16. The Council for 1894 will be H. Mooney, Reeve; Geo. Kirkby, Deputy; Zein. Isbister, Jae, Bowmen and Thomas the social elemene cf the church, Be. tweeneeveutyand eighty attended and hada good time. Total prooeede 05 en, nieereery, nearly $90.00. The Dominion convention of the Y. lvr, p, A,, will open in Winnipeg on fi'ele. 7511. Corvine Cook, a 0. 1'. 1t, brakeman, wae instantly kilted whiie coupling oars near Brain pton Saturday. The Shipping of the Maritime Provin. oda b eroosed by 58 wools m 1895, but the tonege destined 0,923 time. It ie alleged that a deficit of $500,000 has been found in the munielpai Lando of Ohioag°, '171e money bas been taken by means of stuffed pay rolls. e at heart. rhe (tion are very large, `fall far short of The whole pi a very one mind the quel- suseed, the ands upon piece of Notice to Creditors. Pmsannt to the provistonsl of Chapt [ fteotion80.ofthe Revised statutes o On- tario, notice is hereby given, that all ppersona having Plaints laseo of t'Aownsbip of Nte of orris, in nnutn- uoi Olver,Oo,u of Huron, Yeoman, d000arad, the died o of Decem- ber, died 18 ,1 10 hereby the 18th day byx, A, t 1o.p nee dliv's 0 W, required to dead by pposE rro.pald or deliver to w,&f. Shoddy, of the Burma, Sol c of Bros'+ the Xlxoontgr0 othe f ti e esateSolicitor for 011 0 0 of the said 200 auncl of or •.71ULUa January. on or hone the n wr -nay andMatressesunod 'writing pa tiouiare of their daises, and of they securities (.it any> ybyna*that ot0the mai Mud daof3auyy, the1xalor8willproceed to distribute the assets ofthe said Emman- uel (liver, amongst ibe parties entitled thereto, Laving regard only to the claims of whielx notion shall bale been given as above ,required, and the said 1 exeo°tore will net be responsible los the said assets, or any part thereof ,to any n0rso0. or P0reous of whose of aim notice shall not havebeen received at the time of 00811 distribution. Dated at Brussels the 25511 day of Decent - bee. A.") .1.880. W. Pf, SINCLAXR, Solicitors for F,0Ocutoxe. Carra�e It is to your advantage to gee my enlarged and varied stock of fresh bought goods for the Holiday 0 trade. We regard it no trouble to show goodsGold Watches, Gold billed W1rat1- elies, Silver Watches, Gem. Rings, Engagement Rings Wedding Rings, Ohio% Novelties, Silver- Irare, Clocks wards a lot tlX of Pansy goods. issuer of Marring° Lleenses. •„F;.evtan'- 6,ode 00,10ailiors. a1lort time ,Mlnvrorn , Itheveze.—The following ri strength are the resultt of the votes taken lost pion of the Monday :- - t Deputy Reeve. Div.1 2 34 5 6 GeoJas. PrOCto70 Birkby, 80 22 48 26 48-294 Jas. 22 70 87 65 38-278 Majority for Kirkby, 16. The vote on the House of Refuge was 235 for and 297 against, 62 majority. The Plebiscite poll showed 317 for and 200 against, a majority of 111. Sunnily Dntxn.—The news that Mrs, Robert Souoh,erd lige, had flied at 11 o'olook New Year's night was ead and unlooked foe ietelligenee which proved only too true. She bad been, about the house as usual on Sunday and about 7:30 took suddenly ill, lapsing into uneon- eoiouenees oat of which she did riot come. The deceased was born in the County of Armagh, Ireland, and along with her parents she dame to Canada when 12 years of age, locating in Deelington, Her maiden name wai Martha Riggs. About 45 years ago the subject of this notice was- united in matrimony toe her now bereft partner and 10 or 12 yr after they moved to this township where they have continued to reside, Mee. South bad been ill for about a year with diabetic, the disease greatly rvdeeiug her. For many years she was a consistent member of the Methodist cheetah and during her eiekness found the Saviour very precious. Four daughters (Mrs. Henry Bone, 11Ir0, Geo. Lowry, Misses Cora and Carrie) and one son (W. J.) are the surviving children. Mee. Smolt was. 68 years of age and was a very estimable woman enjoying the respect of all. The funeral took place on Wednesday after• noon, the idtermeut being made at the Jewitt oemebery. Next Sunday after. moon a memorial service will be held at Ebenezer church at 2;80 oonducted by ee relative re deeply Mr, nnpathised wSoech end. ithin their bereavement. ANnlv81e0.R2. Veep suace0eful anniver• eery services were held in the Ebenezer itfethodiet ehureb on Sunday, Deo 81st. Rev. G. A. Gifford, M. A„ Ph. D„ of Fergus, at 11:30 a, m. and 7 p m., and at 2.80, preached mothet ge serof Palmst0fairly bristled with striking pointe and abound. ed in deep spiritual truths from the realms of nature and revelation. The congregations were 18,5ge and the ootlec- tions much in excess of last year's anni' vereary. Dr. Gifford had to return home town where be attend isnitwo pestertunerals in the coueequently the tea -meeting, that had been announe- ed for Monday, had to be postponed until Tuesday dtlbesYd p gathered around tables did ample justice to the exoelleut edibles provided by theladies of the congrega- tion, after whiob they repaired to the church (tea having, been seainmen ntertd in tbe sobool house) to enjoy rhe (their was Ooonpied by the pastor, who, after devotional exer1i0ee, introduced the Rev. Dr. Gifford, who delivered hie masterly lecture on "The Mammoth Cave.” The lrotnree tapes his anchors on on imaginary journey of 17 miles through thio wonderful Dave and, with the skill of a master ernedescribes the 808088 0r partionhee interest in a way 1 that makes them very realistic to hie listeners. The lcalilre le not enly In- teresting int inetrnotive,,nutty a useful lesson being drawn from the names and oiroumetenee8 c0hneetod with the differ. ant apartinent0 cel the cavo, Every one speaks iu appreciative terms of the efforts. Tho music, fnrnlened by the choir of the dwell, woe of a high enter, the soled -meg doing credit to their spirituel, musical and eeethe5i0 taste, end a rendered more ambitiet s °hti t etltat nhl ioue muchof tel kill On Wednesday night a Roohil n 1 tbpassed very owaay is being wbr bur Parry Sound a a shell there. e indulged in by VI here at present. slat to Walkerton to tobibition an Mon- 1 w e; of the Silver Cor- e will he held on Sar- a c doe time a resident utw of Virden, flan., ntan0e0 here en Sat. tet. utition foremen, and ex hand, are both 00n- eewitb la grippe, requir- ereden,:e. W. G. Taylor .r;leo ill but a e now on easel mor awltV eta colt. Wined on Tuesday. t'e Kirkby is rsoeiving the hof his supporters over bis rev.• -Last Tuesday the 1•1 the Welton cheese fan- aerejdnd was fairly well ho nal report woe pre., tit id adopted. It showed tits of wilk had been re- nt/weeds of oheeeo man• tit/armee prioe was 9.63 thePatrone received 7.22 sand. 411 the 01d Board bore.elected exoept Latvia el kb Scefortb, whose place 0. ilhos. MoPadaean. The sae Alex. Gardher, David n lin Grout and George e tent chosen maker, W. A. d lgaged for 1894. Ede a W It very enthusiastic) in his filled of this it is said he alDairy school ex Guelph t,110 winter to extoll on to eerovemente. If the Die - thane would take equal it. is toll k:,ry it would be a hustler kunst take? mull larger returns to , concerned. -----e.--• Li eatete wetl. Dr. Greenlaw, formerly of Welland, has iocated in town. The piano faotory has closed flown for the holidays. It will resume work again on the 10th Jan. Thos. E. Hay, Listowel, has 9eanred 'the contract for supplying 1118 London Asylum with tatter for one year. They nee about 100 pounds is day. Wm. Purooll, eldest eon of N. Purcell, ef .this town, is visiting bis parents itid brothers. It is nineteen years since wan here last. Elie borne is in Miele. an, where he is doing well. I The doctors elnputated George Mo. I 3owell'0 leg above the knee, the ti0,ue teeing been sobady ;aoarated that it dwis oing'und a8 well ea coole te save It. a is could be looked for, lbe lergi plate (;lava at tho new Grand ' Centra' Mode woe planed in positio0 loot week and gave the front a flue appear. . anoe. Work la being pushed on the 0boraR, which will s ,on be ready for the cant 09.E r0, Ballantyne it Son shipped *55,011 last week six 0450 uo tri l'gy - shipped :one. p Lula At.hnxcs .a1. A Centteman Who formerly resided in Connecticut,but Who now resides in Honolulu,or wettest my Wife anvil have used Ayer's Mar 'Vigor, and we attribute to it the dark. Lair which site and I now have, while bun. deeds of our acquaint- ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray -headed, White, or bald.. when asked how our hair bee retained its color and fullness, we reply,' By the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor—nothing else."' "In 1068, my affianced watt nearly bald, and the hair kept fall- ing out o very day I induced hortouse Ay00'0'Hair Vigor, and 0ert,..:an, it notOnl. checked any further lose of hairoty..",,,, produced an entirely new growth, which 1188 remained luxuriant and glossy to this day., I can recemmend this preparation to all in need of a genuine haterestorer. It is el that it is claimed to be"Antonlo Alarrun, Bastrop, Tex. Having moved to a more con- venient stand, put in heavier power and some new machinery, I ala now prepared to manufac- ture, on the shortest Notice, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, and Cutters .Er13,41'R.rNG Of Watches, Clocks and Jew- elry personally attended to with ,are and low charges. Ali Work Warranted, Invites Your attention to tt fun 'range of Rugs, Robes, - Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells Harness, Collars, Trunks, Valises, 8co. At Very Low Prices. H. DENNIS' Harness Maker, Brussels. - T. FLETCHER Bodies and all kinds of wood. work Supplied. The Common Sense Clothes Dryer and the COKER C;A.RT,. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR I also do CustoPlaning, Match- ing and Moulding. 12 Horse Power Engine and Boil- er for Sale Cheap. JEWELER, BRUSSELS. STILL —IN THE— vet My stock is complete in all de- partments of - General -Dry ( oods And Fancy Goads Nought in the .best markets and will be sold at the Lowest Cash Prises -- will not be undersold. Compare quality and prince. Just ready- ed eoefved a job OhrietmaeSilk eta for ab 60e on the 0. I have a Full Line of all kinds of GROCERIES New Fruits, New Peels, New Nuts, Fresh Spioee of Pure Quality. Headquarters for Canned Gooks of all guaranteed ofnds at boash FFirst prices. All Keels Quality, Butter, Eggs and Poultry taken. PEOPLE'S POPLLA.P; JOHN COOED J ,SKENE CARRIAGE * 0.ER. ETHEL, Dec. 80th, 1898. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION . TORONTO. W. C. lfAutloN.412n: .lGruu'3'. .Fstrr.vl.irsl2ecZ 1871 Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000I Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 }I New Insurance, 3,670,000 Gain for 1892, 2,000,003 Orman over 1891, 750,000 inn 1180 1TIONAL-ACCITMLITIVE NM? Is 1s losu4 Only by the Confederation Lifo Assooinlioti. t 'It iii absolutely free from all restrlotinne as to residence, travel and 000upatinn from the datioallise on•fo� table, after twolyeere. conditions. ineured b�eintgfenti absolutely and sutoin Y for full amouut fu Extended "of time, definitely hout eetlfo th in the polioy, or, 0° surrender erto a (h) Pafor ie d further period o >7p Polio, the amount of which is written in the Delroy; or after five years, to a (a)' Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy. Managing Director, President, J. K, Macdonald. Son: Sir W. P. Howland, 0.B., ALCALG, W. 11. 1(Eitft, Agent at Brussels. for flonnle the money call an_ -- - Milliner, will be very pleased to. 81101 them. We ilavo also a lrgoa --- stook of Mantle Cloths which we aro offering very cheap, also the balance of our Redymade Mantles. We make a specialty of this Department. We always keep the largest stock so that ovary lady requiring a Dress will be sure to get suited. Our salsa this seasonk former years but we still have a good selection to ehoose from and at greatly reduced prices so as to make room for Spring goods which we aro. naw purchasing: Cer.T -WAY PASTIES British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, —IN-- Tourist N---Tourist Sleeping Cars, Toronto to Se. attle Without Change, leaving TO- RONTO EVERY FRIDAY. A T 1 0 :15 P. M. emit p'nrther Notice, -- C® :tri +"NCZN( 00T. 6,'93. For further . particulars apply to any agent of the oompeny, J. T. PEPPER, 1 Agent, Tiruseele. �C7'tt=Ea 1c,:' k��.� a^T yriIOW .TD Po ular rices If you want to see the Largest, Cheapest and Best Stock of Millinery, Mantles, Mantle Oloth,..; _and Dress Goods GO' TO MRS. E. ROgEllS3 tot. Our show room is full of the latest styles in Millinery suitable for X113ELS and our prices greatly reduced. We now give you a fash- ionable full trimmed hat for $1.50 as good as you will gpt elsewhere see them. Miss Green, our Popular and e BRY OW • Chance to Secure Big 13argains, llocluotion oi 20 PeT/Cont. ON 'ALL MEN'S, YOUTHS, 130YS AND OHILDR,EN'S SIM 1,"1111 an& FROM NOW UNTIL THE END/OF THE MONTH. zark=ssi *moo se, We have just received a very nice new stock of fancy goods all suitable for Xmas including some very pretty designs in silk Handkerchiefs which we are sellinff as low as 9 cents all pnre silk. Our stook of Xinits L4roceries is also to hand' and We intend giving our customers some bargains during Xmas and New Year. We wilt give you 25 1b4. good clean brown sugar for -$1,00. 20 lbs. nice coffee sugar for $1.00. ,18 lbs. granulated sugar'for $1.00. Young Hyson tett usnally sold at 50c. per lb„ for 25e, and every article in groceries equally low,