HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-1-5, Page 4area.
d, and
minus au
e eouuting
an Tuesday
and Proprietor,
he Fair.
nAtt's aoate
'r,—Ive b•., a thinkin
a f-' ins to try to tell
ekrabohin sum ov the
neve peer to hav in tryinto
livin. Ike epeokt tho, from
ve sod about so many peepul a
the street all the time, that jos
at yuve got it into your hed that
things about ez easy here as
'ens git the gape, and fur
after I knm I raaly thought
but Ime a beginnin to find out
d many ov the fokes here hay a
tiff time ov it.
stance, therm a set ov fokee
ey nail ragpiekere, who go around
age on their hacks, a nozin and
'bra the streets and alleys, a pink•
erything they kin find, Crum a
I a button, and puttin it into their
Frum what I oud find out about
seems that there haiut nuthin so
ea that they ha" t 1}lad to git it,
ekraps ov papakilld bits ov rage
shoee and bottl and each, ontil
our head ake o think about it,
t n hip o2..that kind
hat wun dii>zt
's ez tho there
t kin be burnt
t is allowed to go
in up sech things
y who goee at it
'oto new truck
rwards sent into
to as poor fermin
iny, or sum other
t us a heap ov
n to raize and git
okee mannidge to
that I now always
row my ehavin paper
where euro ov um kin
burain it np as I yust to
ou kno, Semanthy, 1
bein ginerone and
when they was real
ehly if they showed that
to do eumthin fur their-
ent above exoeptin things
e myself.
hav jest wrote, I dont
oke a gimblet to git the
bead that sum ov these
ul bad off, and if yure
e Ike epeokt you moat
two or three ov them ham
nt a doin nobody any good
r smoke house. If it wuz•
ere wud hav to be irate paid
ere, I wudent begrudge um
,e -I reckon its about ez sire
sass that it dont s happen over
month that seoh fakes ez these
',whin about ever knows what it
anuff to eat, and yit I reckon you
e up a bushel ov stuff around
that the pigs wudent keer so
h about.
an a'kuneiderable many ov um
'shed to me ez tho they dident
aff ez much as they do sopa.
bat theyre nearly all dredful
ut fixin theiraelves up, and
nthin'more ov wearin a shirt
nth than 1 wud ov goin to
sat a kote. I goin fur evey
that kin be had at a 000eon-
oead ez long as 1 hav a wife
how to handle a washboard,
'n to try to keep myself a lookin
e. Sumhow I dont bleeve there
so mulch miecheff a goin on
n if there was lees dirt. It
e ez tho they sell too match
d nob baff snuff sope. When I
on with a thrashiu maeheen, and
b fur weeks at a stretch kivered
ff and dust, you kno yourself
lust to make me purty ny too
mtimee to tell the truth, and
that the main reason why there
,ah killin and lyin and aheatin
Ikea out ov their munny a takin
e evey day, is that sopa and
altogether too ekeeree where it
the most. Its my noehun that
al ov airneet misghunery work
an here with a ekrubbin brush
v quarts ov soft sopa.
aeon my way to Sites store
poetoffis the other day, where
o mail a letter, I saw a blind
eettin on the Ridge ov the aide•
layin on a muziok box which
nk to it, and I dont think I ever
life heardanything in the shape
that was so depreeein. The
so had a baby in her lap, but
ae face kivered up to keep it
n cold, and I oudent see how it
I never beard Boob waleful
use the time Sar Stamms was
,. play .on the fiddle, ez knm out
Ix while that poor woman tot
turned the orank. You ondent
imagine nuthin more dismal
to, onion yuve beerd whiselin
(yard after night, which 1 dont
eve you bay. 1 tell you it
feel oz the I was at borne in
It to listen to it. The woman
,n her box with readin on it,
e was ez blind as a bat and
dredful mutoh, and there
into which munny
id look so mulch die.
d, and the mauiok sho ground
red to try go hard to express her
that it modema feel SO Sal= all
fore I had been gbandin there a
that .to save me I jest COMA keep
abbin eu hand Info my packet, and
PQM. what 1 wee e dole I had
d out a two Oent pleoe and tiroppod
the onp with a jingle that made
omen jump go the slag was shot, and
iy gat jcg too quiets,
IPS epeokt the lowed wud want aura
age back, but I dident,
kno yule blame me fur bein born gin.
t, and say I orb to pub cotton In my
rt wren I go round amungeb egoli . pee.
lbtIt Imo nob goin to it,
that no man kin feel ez sorry fur
he poor as I do without loin eumtbin
anal fu awhile to show it. I kin most
alwas control my (satins when its a goin
0 Dost me ready munny not to do it, but
Bumtimes I sant. This was wen QV the
times when I ancient. I felt right smart
put out tho, when Silee teamster bold mo
afterwards that the poor blind woman is
wan ov the richest men, fn Sheltawgo,
and that the baby she had in her lap wart
either made out ov rage or wax, and is
the [same size now oz when he feet seen
it five•yeers ago,
I met Bruther Sollymun Gimps out at
the fare today, and was terrible glad to
the him, tho ab fast 1 didept hardly kno
him. I never had no idee that it oud
make so mutoh differenoe in any bodys
looks to go away from home ez its dun
with him, Ile deklare he looks ez chip-
per ez a yungun with a klean face, and
laffed out loud inside ovthree minits
after I fast saw him. IIeze ben here
most a week, he eez, and it a stayin at
BrotherJavlune hoose. He found out
sumhow or other that I got a kupple ov
weeks board free by goin to see the
preeoher, and so he thought bade try it.
It may be that wan reason why his face
has shortened up so match is on akount
ov hie havin seal' a splendid ohanoe to git
sum ov his quarteridge back, tho I cant
see that belongin to church ehud ever
hav ben matob ov a strane on him, fur it
has alwas ben his way to pay fur his
preeohin in buttermilk and mob.
I did low to say more, but ez its about
bedtime I guess I wont.
Yourn and so fourth,
Luo know.
Dungan MaQuaig, of the Owen Sound
College, was home for his holidays.
The Hon. A. G. Wolfenberger and
Prof. A. B. Huckine held a meeting in
the town hall on Friday evening, in the
interest of the Temperance cause.
On acacmsc of thenob-arrival of .the
epealers and carafe singer from Toronto,
dile Orange concert announced for Tue.
dajl of last week was postponed bill some
future date.
A large audience was present et the
Christmas tree entertainment in the
Town Hall, under the auspioes of the
Sunday school of St. Peter's Episcopal
choroh. The fan drill by sixteen young
Iadies was a very pretty sight.
A tramp named John Valentine was
brought before Magistrates Thos. Law-
rence and
aw-renceand Reeve Bryan by Constable.
McLeod, as a vagrant. Although a
young man about 25 'years of age he was
a hardened case and told the court he
was a tramp by profession and only
worked when it was absolutely neces-
sary. He was sent up for six months to
the county jail from where he will be
transferred to the Central Prison at To.
On Friday night several members of
Court Pride of Huron, No. 7885, A. O.F.,
participated in an oyster supper served at
the Central Hotel.
Owing to the unusually heavy rains
last week the river raised to a ooneider-
able height and by its tremendous forge
caused a large portion of the dam to Dome
to disaster.
Mechanics are busily engaged in re-
pairing the interior of the Oddfellowe'
blook which was so badly damaged by
fire, The front will be much improved
to that of the old one, by a full plate
At a vestry meeting of Trivitt Mem-
orial Church congregation held in the
Church Hall, Thursday evening, 21st, the
following resolution was moved, second-
ed and carried. "That this vestry cam
not let this opportunity pass without pas-
sing a vote of sincere sympathy that
000aeion should have arisen to cause the
Hey. F. H. Fast, to tender his resignation
as rector in charge of this Parish, and
this Vestry hereby feel that he has shown
himself honestly zealous in every good
work and in the welfare of thio .congre-
gation andcan only add that wherever
Mr. Fast may go from Exeter, we wish
him every blessing and may God speed
him in his good work."
Goder ieh.
A young man named Schuyler, who
hoe been visiting Clinton, Goderioh and
other pointe for a couple of weeks passing
himself off as an agent of the Toronto
Empire and collecting subscriptions
therefor, was overhauled at Aylmer, and
last week was sent to jail for six months
at hard labor.
,s.At the recent Trinity University ex-
aminations Mies Elwood obtained stand-
ing in the Honor examination as follows :
First in clave for general proficiency;
first position in Latin ; first position in
French ; first position in modern Lang.
uages ; trot in Italian. ; and first clave
honors in mathematics and German.
The lady was a graduate of the Goderioh
Collegiate Institute•
A letter to the Signal last weekoeye
An is usual every year the prisoners in
the jail had for their Christmas dinner
roast beef, mashed potatoes, bread, tea
and pudding, and there ways no falling off
in quality or quantity spread before the
inmates who sat down to partake of the
Christmas dinner. After the inner man
bad been satisfied temperance papers
were distributed, and a vote on prohibi-
tion was taken which stood 14 for and 5
against. Ib is to be regretted that no
Christian mag or minister of the Gospel
had been to the jail to bold divine service
with these unfortnnate"onee, for whom
Christ died, since Capt. Gibson had to
give up the work over a year ago, owing
to hie being unable to attend to it and do
justice to his other duties. The captain'
was always a welcome visitor to the
prisoners, and did his work regularly and
faithfully every two weeks for over twelve
years. Who will now take his place,
seeing that they ' not have to go to'.
faraway China . field
to later to ? ritoy;a~k+r
A number of Olintooiane went to Sea.
h o hearh
Sea -
forth t the r
enowned Norah
The Board of Trustees of the Collegiate
Inetltube have engaged a Mr. Moliecto, Of
Forest, as Soienoe Mater, to auoeeed
Mr. yy, ,asst eek about 80 of the friends of A,
Morrie, on the ave of his marriage, pre,
gented him with an address and a beauti-
ful set of china,
J, C, Linklater, 'formerly of Olintou,
now prinoipal Of the Model school at
Gananogne, has bad his salary iuoreased
by 8100, making it now 91,000.
The townbaUd drove arct nd
day and serenaded quite a number of our
citizens, realizing over 9100 as a contri-
bution towards meeting their current
W, B. Hale, of Chicago, ie spending
his holidays in town. Mr. hale was
Spanish representative of the Western
Electric Oompany at the World's Fair
and expeote to visit Mexico and South
America in the interests of his oompany
this Spring.
The following are the officers elected
for Malloch Chapter during the current
year :—Rev. J. H. Fairlie, P, Z. ; J, Mo.
Intyre, P, H. ; Rev. 1. W. Hodgins, P.
J. L. G. VanEgmond, S. IJ. ; D. Moore,
S, N. ; Geo. Whitley, Treas. ; A. Siem -
mons, P. S. ; J. Scott, S. S. ; Geo. Ew-
ing, J. S. ; Geo. Patterson, Tyler.
A very pleasant event took place in The
Expositor office on Saturday evening,
Deo. 28rd. Just before leaving for the
night, the employees assembled in the
business oflfoe, and the foreman, John J.
Darwin, in behalf of hie fellow -workmen,
and in a few well chosen words, present•
ed the Editor, M. Y. McLean, with a
handsome, plush covered chair, as a
Christmas present and a mark of the
good will which exists between the em-
ployer and employed.
Car.nadtaia N'ewet,
IIp to Deo. 11 there have been 370
marriages reported to the oity clerk at
0. H. Blathers, editor, of the
Nepawa Register, died Thursday
Rev. T. W. Winfield bas been appoint.
ed: chaplain to the Governor•General at
Rideau Hall.
No less than 48 candidates for the town
council were nominated at Picton this
year. Fortunately only a few of them
can be elected.
There are no laza than four bankers
now in British Colum,,.a , penitentiary.
The last one sant was young deeiett, for
forgery, formerly of Peterboro, Ont.
A private conference was held in
Montreal on Saturday evening to dittoing
the proposed foundation of a grand lodge
of the Ancient Order of United Work-
men. The proposal met with unanimous
Bronze medals and oertifioates of the
Royal Humane Sooiety of England have
been awarded to A. W. Morris
and G. H. Duggan, of Montreal, who
were instrumental in saving at least six
foxlig 0. P.R. land Sales ba
i•sM8 amounted to 107,60onaccrree,tt00.
alizini, 9058,000.
tMiss Kate C Strong, ooprano, well
known in =Meal sireioe in Canada, was
married last week in Naw Yerk oity to
George Melntyre, an Ontario man,
Sint Fax, of London, hag already filled
48 eonoert engagements this season, He
bas been engaged for the Burne' anni.
vereary concert in Indianapolis, Ind,
Jan. 251b,
On Thursday afternoon of last week
George Williameon was shot by his
brother at ()memo, Ont. Morgan Wil^
Brunson and I. 'Poole were returning
down the river from hunting, when they
shot at the snrokgotaok of the old saw
mill. George, who was in the mill, re,
oeiyed the ball from his brother's ride in
the fieshY Part Of his right shoulder.
The wound is not fatal.
Mrs. Andrew Trim and an unknown
man were drowned near Detour, Thurs.
day while crossing the ice from Dratnt-
moud Island with a dog team. Rest-
dents at Detour heard a womau's soreame
on the river, They could see 110 one,
but went in search in boats, Soon they
found a team of dogs and a dog sleigh.
On the ice were discovered a man's gap.
A holes in the ioe showed where the un-
fortunate prime had broken through.
On Friday afternoon of last week Rev.
Cyrus H. Rice, a prominent young
Methodist minister, and eon of Rev. S.
$. Rice, of tit. John, N. B,, committed
suicide at the reeidenoe of Senator Lewis
by putting a bullet through hie heart.
Last Spring be graduated from Mount
Allison with honors, and abthe last
Methodist Oonferenoe wag admitted as
probationer, and sent, to Grand Manan
bo labor. AN was 22 yoare ofage and.
particularly bright.He arrived- in St.
John on Monday of last week, being oom-
pletely broken down by overwork. The
inquest revealed the fact that he bad
been in n despondent mood forsome days.
Rice went into the bath -room and there
took his life, The verdict returned was.
that deceased Dame to his death by a
bullet, discharged from a revolver in his
own hand.
Two of the most daring and indepen-
dent prisoners ever captured in Rochester
were George Stover, aged 14, and Robert
Roes, aged 11, who were arrested by
officer Vaughn, Thursday night. Both
are Toronto boys, who left their homes
over a month ago, and for whom Nye To-
ronto police have been looking ever
since. Stover's home is on King . street,
and Rose' father runs the Clyde Hotel
in King street. Young Stover worked in
the hotel and ran away because be had
to labor seven days in the week. His
father treated him with cruelty, too, he
says. The Rose boy, who has travelled
as Stover's brother, was forced to go
away by his comrade, who choked nim,
be claims. The lads are penniless. At
the American they worked on the sym-
pathy of the people to the extent of 910.
Since leaving "home the brazen -faced
youngsters have travelled over 1000 miles..
They were sent home Friday. Itis said
that the stories told by the boys were
fabrications from beginning to end.
Stover blanked boot around hie establish.
went a month or so ago. Rose' mother
is a wash.woman. and does odd . jobs
around the hotel.
W1VL Rdaa
Wishes to thank his customers for their liberal patronage
during the past year and also to intimate to the public gener-
ally that he has recently had his roller • mill put in thor-
ough repair and it is now in better position
than ever to turn out
In the Chopping Line
We are prepared to do work promptly and in the Very Best Style
as we have recently started a new run of stones for that
purpose. Full Return Guaranteed.
Best Flour and bill Feed at Reasonable Prices
And delivered any place in town without Extra Charge.
A Limited Quantity. of good Milling Wheat purchased
at the Mill.
WM. ROSS, Brusels.
NOV. 21st, 1893.
Wall Paper
Not simply hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to
the ear, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the walls.
If you look to cheapness alone you might as well cover your
plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers.. But if you appr"eciate real
beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers—the
location, light and woodwork of the room, etc,,... "'
Our stock includes something especially adapted to every room
—more colors and patterns than any other wall paper store in
the tcrisn. Our Good Papers cost you no more than the poor ones
others sell.
Call and see our thousand -and -ne styles. Persons thoroughly
versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aid you in making
We hang paper in a first-cltg iss manner and are prepared to ex-
ecute the best kind of decoratio€is.
WINDOW BLINDS. --t have an elegant steels of Window
Blinds, well assorted, that. 111 only need to be seen to be .appreci-
ated. They may be had either trimmed or plain by the yard.
ign, Carriage and Ornamental P•ainter.'
J R, 1, J,894
Dailars Saved are flollars GaillGd
The way to Sabre Ntoney is to call on
M. Melia & Cc,
And see their prime stook of Hard-
Ware, &e , &c,, before purchasing elsewhere,
Cross Cut Saws.
Wo handle the Celebrated "Leader," the Galt"Lance,"and the Toronto Blade. Satisfaction guaranteed in
saws. We do a large trade in this line.
Hanging Lamps.
A large and well assorted stock of beautiful n Han i
for and Table Lamps that cannot fail' to rs
please , purchasa;•e
lease g ,
Splendid stock of Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives . and all
other goods in this line. New, good and cheap.
We have a very superior display of silverware suitable for
holiday or birthday gifts. .Our stockis well as-
sorted and sold at Close; Prices.
Tip-top Line in New .hammers.
Sleigh Bells, Whips, Chopping Axes and everything else usually
,,. found in a First-class Hardware Store.
Strict attention to business, selling on close margins and giv-
ing satisfaction' to our patrons are the lines on which we ` aim to
gain and retain trade.
A. M. M'KA'Y 6Z CO
Now is the time when Christmas gift making comes up for
consideration and it is no easy matter to
decide what to purchase.
TIE POST Ioolutore
Has put in a large stock of Tas Ly New Goods comprising
Photo. Albums, Toilet Oases containing comb
brush and Mirror, .Shaving Cases, Work
Boxes, Fancy Ink Stands.
Ranging in price from 5c to $1,25.
Toys of All Kinds
Such as Trumpets, Balls, Tops, Dishes, Horses, Trains,
Whips, Brooms, Whistles, Drums, Animals, Tools, Magic
Lanterns, Guns, Pails, Washboards, Drawing Slates,
Paint Boxes, Stoves, Rattles, Harmonicas, Pis-
tols, Watches, Jack Knives, Sic.,'&ec.
A Splendid Range of Picture Books.
New Stook of Bibles and Hymn Books.
See our Mechanical Banks. They're Fine.
Buy early and thereby get a good selection. Goods ,may
be left in our care until Xmas if so desired.
Solid Bargains in All Holi-
day Goods.
POST Bookstore.,