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The Brussels Post, 1899-11-23, Page 8
S HOLIDAY A nicest book la aometbieg that one need never hesitate In giving. We have an excellent line of choice selections in tasty bindings that will take the plaoe of booklets. The following arc a few of them at 35o, each ;— The Everlasting Arms, The Master and Man. The City Wlthont a Church. The Two Pilgrims, What Is Worth While? Blessed are the Cross Bearers. The Bleaeedoese of Cbeerfulnes'3. The Secret of Gladness. The Fruit of the Vine. Secreta of Happy Home Life. The Christian's Ideal. By the Still Waters. We have a complete stook of J. B. Miller's Works, whish are so muoh ap. preohated by those who know them. We have a Mboioe salsa/Lion, et 30o. each, of books for every day use that are nearly equal to 50o, of other yeare. Call and see our stook. G. A. Deadman, Draggiet, Optioiao and Bookseller. A PRESENT Why not get a nice pair of Speolaoles for Mather or Grandma ? The way to do is to come end eaten the kind you would lilts them to havo. We then give you along with them an order to oome and have 6heir eyes teeted and the proper glossae inserted without any extra charge, and guaranteed to snit. Yon will be aura then that they will have the kind that they require. Ter T eaoher. Possibly yon aro oontem. plating a present for your teener. We have soma nine and suitable things to show you. Won't yon oome and see them 0 A Bible, en Album, a Fountain Pen, a Dish, a Book end a hundred things you could give, Come and see our stock for Holiday presents at DEA DMA N'S Drug, Book and Panay Goode Store. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Go110 Solna. .Goma Moan:. express 7:16 a.m. I Mail 2.10 p.m Hired9:46 e,m, Express ......10:17 p.m Total. Ytbvs pins. A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, Au' faith he'll prent i6. MARVELLOUS weather. Fon weeks from Monday is Christmas day. CATTLE are fetching good mien at auction sales. BARRER & VANBTONE shipped a oar of •1toAe on Tuesday. COUNTY Council will convene in Gob - rich on Tbureday, Deo. 6th, at 8 o'clock. T. P. Burrs, eye specialist, will be at Jas. Fox's drug store on Wednesday of next week. QUITE a number of Brneeelitee attend. ed Belgrave Presbyterian tea meeting on Monday evening of this week. Taus is certainly the growing time. If you don't believe it watch the whisk- ers of some of the young men. Snow, inducements are being offered in Winter goods by L 0. Richards, Change of advt. too late for this issue. Look o0t for it next week. A. STRACmAN'o change of advt. °ailing attention to seasonable goods came to hand too late for a ohange this week. It will appear in our next issue. DLED,— Last Monday Clara, eldest daughter of W. J. and Mrs. Longman, 122 La Salle Ave., Detroit, died, aged 3 years and 7 months, The old friends of the family here sympathise with the parents. CUBISTxta is oomiog with swift strides and we would remind the hastiness men that Santa Diane reads Tam Pon every week and notes the atone where presents are to be bad for his numerous family of little ones. BAT1I6DAr afternoon of this week 8'. S. Booth, auotioneer, will conduct a sale of 20 dairy oowe and some young cattle et Harry James' hotel, at Blyth, for M. G. Clear' of Ingersoll. Al the eats at Wing - ham, Ian Saturday afternoon, the cows averaged nearly $28 a head. A OLo55 call to a eerio0s fire took plaoe at Druggist Fox's last Sabbath evening, A lighted lamp was upset by one of the children running against a table. The carpet, hum 0net61ne and a window pane, through wbioh the lamp was thrown, suffered before the danger was past. TEE remains of Flossie, yoongeet daughter of Archie and Abigel Robertson, formerly of the 4111 con, of Grey, were brought from Toronto to Bruseele on the afternoon train last Tuesday and taken to the home of Dnnoan Taylor, 8rd con., Grey, from which point the funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon. A WORD TO BUSINESS MEN.—A rule of our office is that all changes for adver- tisements, to ensure place, MUST be in our hands by Tuesday noon. Of late we notice a tendenoy to delay till Wednes• day and even Thareday, often making it inconvenient for 0e in trying to meet your wishes. Kindly remember Tues- day noon, as attempting to change 4 or 6 columns of advertisements when the time should be spent on finishing np news matter is not eatisfaotory, CONCERT.—A large audience assembled in the Town Hall last Friday evening in connection with the Piano Recital and Conoertl under the anapioes of the Metho- dist choir. The program was good, con- sisting of the following :—Violin, cornet and piano aeleotion by H. L. Jaokeon, W. Grewar and Mies Lizzie Sample, which elicited a well merited encore ; solo, "The old flame dickers," was well sung by Jae. Thomson ; pianola selection and encore ; an amusing reading, "Mr. Bow- ser loses his Dollar button," by T. A. Hawkins ; a nioely rendered solo, by Mies Lyda Crooke ; pianola, "Sues maroh" and encore; solo, "The Sentinel" by Alex. Rosa was so warmly applauded he responded with "Davy Jones"; pianola, "Whispering wind" and et core ; reading, "The .Russian slave" was given by Mie Brook with good effect both ae to volae and gesture ; solo and none sung , by Min Lizzie Sample in good voice ; pianola, Valee de Concert, and enoore ; sole, "The song that reached my heart" was well rendered by James J01300. Mise Jean MoLanoblin and T. A. Hawkins/ were the a000mpaoiste, performing their responsible Amies with effioieu0y. The pianola, under the direotion of Mr. Whiteaoro, representative of Mason & Rion, Toronto, gave eminent satiafaoe tion and whether in the brilliantly rendered olaoeioal numbers or the simpler and more old fashioned seleotione the in. tercet of the audience was equally mani- fested. It was the fitet appearanoe of this mueloal marvel in Bruseele, The planolaio on exhibition at I3. L. Jaokeon'e Store this Week and has been seen by a large number Of people. The flnanoial returns from b"riday evening's oonoert Were. $28,05, at a 1.0 and 16 oat admie• Mon fee, The ladies and gentlemen were thanked for theit Wideness in began - tion with the program. $2 00 a coed is ,being asked for abort bardwood. WHAT about organizing the Hookey team for the comiug 006000 ? WE have some notes from the Dawson Neave that are orowded oat this week. Tan new plate glees to replace the one cracked at Fox's drug store has arrived. Tax COLLECTOR 0RRIouTON ie raking in the shekels and has already banked $800 out of $0,700. A 001031501 of poultry will be made next week from Brussels by J. G. Jones. He handles a lot of fowl. WE have bad samples of marl, found near Monkton, sent to Ila. It is expeoted to be need in the manufeetore of cement. BRUSSELS Odd Fellows report a good time to their visit to Atwood on Wednes- day evenivg. They were royally enter. tainod. •• GRAIN is moving. R. Graham forward. ed 5 care and Baeker & Vanstone one this week. Four oars of hay and four of apples also went. Tie week saw the last of the shipment of npplea from Brussels for this Beason. A baggage oar was used in an endeavor to supply the demand, SOCIAL.—A Honey Social will be held in Melville church eohool room on Fri. day evening of this week, oommenoiog at 7.30. A musical and literary program will be presented in addition to a honey treat. EVERT member of Court Primaries Alex- andria, 0. 0. F. as far as possible, is asked to attend service next Sabbath morning in the Methodist church, at 11 o'olook. Procession will form np at the 0. 0. F. Hall. 'Wm. D. COISLET has been re engaged as manager of Maitland cheese factory, owned by Mr. Tindall, near Monkton, for next year. Mr. Conley sappliee every. thing and is now busy getting out his wood supply for 1900. 7 SQUARE MILES,—P. Ament is baok from hie proepeotingtrip to Parry Sound. He bass pnrohased 7 square miles of tim- ber, made up of hemlock, spruce, pine, cedar and birch, about 20 miles from North Bay. It is hie intention to ereot a saw mill and out up the logs. Mr. Amenb has an option on another 3 or 4 miles that he may yet bay. aewill not remove from Brussels we believe. Mae. J. S. BLAcs, formally Mies Kate Dormaok, of Brussels, in writing from Romaine, Labrador, remitting eabeorip• tion to the Tan PosT says :—We are having delightful weather thio Fall hay. ing had one little flurry of now so far, but expect plenty of it before Spring. The people of this comet have done very well with flab and we are hoping they will oontions to prosper ES tbey have mode but little in the past two years. IN Goon SHAPE.—At the meeting of the Agricultural Society Direotors last Sat. orday 811ern0on the fioanoiee of Grey Branch were shown to be in a most satisfactory condition, a surplus of $51.7 being in hand. The mortgage on the Agrionitnral Park has been die. charged. After a full and free dis- cussion concerning a new Agriculture Hall, a committee oonsie6ing of Jas. Speir, Jae. Fergeson, John Sbortreed, J. D. Warwick, V. S., and W. H. Herr was appointed to took np plane, make enquiry and report at the annual meating. Mae. W. T. HUNTER DECEASED.—Last Saturday this community was quite taken by surprise when the intelligence was received of the death of Mrs. W. T. Hunter, of Detroit, formerly of Brunets. She passed away on Friday, 17th inst., aged 69 yeare, 7 months and 13days, after an extended illness. Last February de. ceased took la grippe followed by pul- monary affeotiou and for the past five months wee confined to her bed. During the peeing months e ova r thing possible bymedical me ca skill or the kindly miuietra. tions of loving hands and 138art8 wee done but without avail as far as rester. ation to bealth was coneeroed. Mre, Hunter was a Dative; of Battu, Sterling. shire, Scotland, being it daughter of Jno. Taylor, end was married at Galt, Ont., in 1869, to Wm. T. Hunter, a former well know Brnsselite, who pre•deosased her 12 years ago. The surviving child. ren are Wm., James, Joeeph, Mre. D. Kenney, Mre. Goold, Mre. Pollock and Mary, all of whom live in Detroit except the first named, hie home being at Wayne, Mich. Deceased was a niece of Henry Taylor, Brussels South. She was a kind, motherly woman, with a deep love for her children and faithful to her duties as a Christian being a member of the Presbyterian ohurob for yeare, The body WAS brought to Brussels on Mon. day last and laid to rest in the cemetery here after an appropriate service in Mel. ville ohnrah, Rev. Jno. Boas Was in charge. The hymns "Asleep in antis &o." and "Dave and moments gut:lily flying" were sung and impressive words spoken by the pastor, As the oongrega• tion was moving oat T. A. Hawkio8, organiet, played the Dead Maroc. The pall bearers were ;—J. T, and D, 0. Roes, G. A, Deadman, A, Strachan, A. Corrie and W. Grewar. Among the relatives and Mende from a aultanoe were 1—Jae. Hunter, Wife and son, Mrs. D. Kenney, 'Phos. B, Geoid and wife, Mre, 11, Pollock, Joseph and Mary Hunter, all of Detroit ; Moen. Laidlaw, Iraoknow ; Meagre, Walker, Stoltz and Taylor, Galt ; Mre, Dobie, Manchester; Joseph Taylor, Deep sympathy f1 edpreaeed for the moarning1elatiVes, T.RE BRUSSELS POST People We Talk About. Mae Annie Lowry le on the sick list. Dr, and Mrs. Kalb,leisclt are in Torn. t0. Mies Lily Cooper ie ill with scarlet fever, Mre, T. Fletcher was in the Q.Iee:Oity this sveek, B. Gerry and wife visited In Seaforth this week. Dr. McKelvey, of Mount Forest, was home for Sunday, Lawyer Sinolair wee atj St, Marys this week on business. G. F„ Aire. Blair and Wilfrid were in Goderioh this week. Will. Forbes, of Ripley, Sundayed under the parental roof. Will. Mole, formerly with It, N. Bar. tett, is home from the West. alias Lizzie MuRie, of Oranbrock, has been visiting in town thie week, Geo, Bing and wife, of Blyth, were visiting dire. Baines, Mill ;street. Mrs. W. M. Siuohtir is visiting her sister, Mrs, (Rev.) (Muff iu Strathroy. Robs, Leathern and wife, of Bluovale, were the guests of S. T. and Mrs. Plum, Clara ;and Hazel, daughters of Jno. Simmons, Johu street, are til with soar. let fever. Dr, and Mre. W. Graham, of Clinton, mere renewing old frioodehipe in Brussels/ lest Friday. Mrs. Mitchell, Mill street, left this week for Newark,N. J., to visit her sister and daughter. J. B. flowkioa, a commercial traveller, spent a few days in 13ra0501s with his brother, T. A. Mre. Jas. Howell, of Preston, returned home last week atter 71016105 her sister. imam, Mire. S. T. Plum. Mrs. R. G. Wilson, of London, W99 visitiug Mre, Neil MoLaaohlin and other friends during the past few days, Harry Downing wbo has been employed with N. F. Gerry for some years, has gone to Harrieton to take a situation with El. MOArter. Harry Seeker ieabie to get ab'ot down town now by the aid of a crutch. We hope he will soon feel that he can throw the stick away. J. H. Sperling has completed this sea. son's make of butter at Wbiteabnroh factory and bad a suooeseful run. He bas been re•engaged for next year. Mrs. J. D. Ronald intends spending the Winter in California along with her sister and niece in the hope of building up her health which nae not been of a very robsat oheraoter for some little time. Harris Hamilton, eon of Jno. Hamilton, a well knosao drover of Wroxeter, nae taken the position in the Standard Bank here recently vented by A. D. Duncan. Mr. Hamilton bas been in the Harriston branch for the part year. We are pleased to hear that G. A. Powell, formerly a n:eroh.int in Brunets, ha' been promoted by the Eaton firm, Toronto, to the position of buyer and left last Saturday for the Old Country markets whinh he will frequently visit in the interests of his employers. ann. Alexander, "The Lino," was in town on Tuesday. He still talke and drinks St. Leon and is the eame genial anld Scottie as of old. He says his eon, Willie, who had the misfortune to break his leg, is not getting aloug any too well. We hope be will soon be o. k. "Speak of the angels, &o.," came tree again last week. We were wondering where our friend Joo, Ferguson McCrea was wbeu be bobbed up serenely after an enjoyable trip anon the Atlantic. Mr. McCrae left for Roseland on Wednesday having to get there for St. Andrew's night as he is the Prseideut of that Society there, (1111116011 (.'131118,. Maitland Presbytery met last Tuesday. Rev, Jno. Rose, 13, A., and G. A. Deed• man attended Melville Presbytery last Tuesday. Melville Endeavor will consider "Oar return for the Lord's benefits" next Sab- bath evening. Thanksgiving" will be next Sabbath's Epworth League topio. L,at Sabbath evening the pastor took charge of the 000800rati00 service. Rev. R. Paul preached in the Metho• diet ohuroh last Sabbath morning, reliev- ing the pastor of one eervioe in the day. His text was St. John 15:29. Last Sabbath W. H. Herr, of TnE PoeT, supplied Rev. S. W. Maxworthy's work ab Teamster. The reverend gentle- man was preaching Missionary sermons at Whiteohurob. "Faith that worketh by Love," Gal. 6 and 6, was Rev. Mr, Rosetopic last Sab- bath morning in Melville ebarob, and in the evening it was "The slaughter of the Kings," Joshua 10:22 27. C. 0. F.—Next Sabbath morning at 11 o'olook, the members of Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brunets, will attend service at the Methodieb ohuroh in this plaoe, when Rev. Jno. Holmes will preaoh tbo annual sermon. Rev. G. J. Abey preached a war ser. mom last Sunday morning, his text being "The warwa s of God," d " I. h C run. 5-22. 2. In the evening fie ailttiug aoaompaniment the discourse was on "Peace," as out. lined in St. John 14.37. Next Sabbath Rev. Dr, Murray, of Kincardine, will preach in Melville ohuroh on "The Century Fund" and Rev. W. T. Hall, of Delgravo, will occupy the pulpit in the evening. Rev. Mr. Roes will deal with the Century Fund at Bluevale and Eadiee on Sabbath. BIBLE SoCIEY.—The annual meeting of the Brueeels Branch Bible Society will be held in Melville chorale on Monday evening of next week commending at 7:80 o'clock, when Rev, W. T. Hall, Bolgrave, agent of the Society, and °there will address the meeting, Appropriate rlluei081 seleotione will be rendered by the choir of the obnrob. "And out of His mouth path a sharp sword tbat with it He should smite tate nations," Rev. 19;15, was the text on whinh a sermon was preached in the Methodist ohuroh last Sunday evening by the pastor on the Boer•Britlgb war. It wet dealt with under the 6 following divisions : — (1.) To the nearer view Wer is alwaye regretable, but in the present state of haman affairs it le inevitable. God has put enmity be- tween the geed of tbe woman and the seed of the serpent and there it will re main Until Right has vanquished Wrong, (2.) Propbeoy indicates that there eball e war and rumors of war well down to the end. Christianity doee not assume to settle international disputes, The Magistrate shall not bear the sword in vain, (3.) The intoning sense of the brotherhoed of man and the growing in• ollnation to make great saorifi000 for the wronged thew that until many existing evile are wiped out there ono be no real ceasation to war, (4.) War, under Provi• dance, has often been made an agent of human m n r " q re0a God rr' P 6 , o ua tee on Hie work as moult by revolution fie by refer. oration, (6.) The war between theBribisb stud the Traneveal Ropubllo, judged by all righteous poiuoiplca, se 000000ary and just. On the abolition of slavery in 1833 by Great Britain, the Boors in Cape Colony in ladle nomeers moved Nortll. ward nod founded the' 1'rauevaal itepublio, llriuolpally with the view of being able to continue the practice of slavery, In 1877 when the very existence of the Re. public was threatened by the natives, on appeal, the country was annexed to the British possessions. After a few years of prosperity the Boers revolted from English authority, and after the nnfor. innate affair eb Majuba Hill, were given their indepeudeuoe. Since they have violated every important item of the treaty then made until it has become almost intolerable for aliens, with any natioual epirlt or self respect, to reside among them, and have resisted every effort to enure a satisfactory settlement. The noose of the Boer arms would be nothing short of a worldwide calamity. In the intereete of the whole of Sou•h Africa and the peace and prosperity 14 the whole world it is imperative that British anthority be maintained in the Oape. Morel hs. Morrie township Council last Monday. Mrs. Joseph Bell, of Rotbeay, is visit. ing her sister, Mre. Kenneth MoKenzie, 4th line. A letter from "Fair Play,' bearing on S. S. No. 4 affairs, may page be read on a e 4 of ibis issue,. Morrie was well represented at the Presbyterian ohuroh openeniog at Bel. grave on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Wm. Shedden, 4th line, has not been enjoying as good health as Reoal but we hope she will soon be gaite smart again. ivlr, and Mre. Ashbury and Mr, and Alrs. Sloan, of Blyth, Sundayed at Jno. Mooney'¢, 6th line. Mise Oogblin, of Atwood, was also a guest. T. Mulligan 1st oon., has improved the appearance of hie property by outtiog away the hill that stood in front of his house on the gravel road, North of James. town, Richard Armstrong and Fraser Embury arrived home on Saturday from their hooting expedition to Muskoka. They brought bank the proal of their prowess. A letter from Jae. Petah staving refer• enoe to the oo0truver07 over S. S. No. 4, and deuyiug the authorship of "Rate. payer's" letter, is crowded cot of this week's issue. The funeral of the late Mise Grigg, which toots plane Thursday of last week, was largely attended, upwards of 86 000. Veynnoe6 were counted in the procession. Rev. lir. Tiffin gave an appropriate ad. dreee from the words "To whom shall we go but onto Thee, &o.," and last Sabbath evening held a memorial service in the Walton Methodist ohurob. The pall bearers were :—Will. Pollard, Will. Neal, Jno. W. Morrison, Geo, Barrows, Geo. Jaokeon and Arthur Burkholder. Among the friends from adistanoe were :—Alfred Grigg, of Hensall ; Wm. and Mrs. Sad- dler, and Joseph, John and Samuel Webb, of Hibbert ; Wm, and Albert Grigg, of Clinton ; R. G. Webb and wife, of Londeeboro' ; Wm. Smith and wife, of McKillop. SPRAYING; II WIIAT's NEEDED.—Last week THE Poor had a ohat with Jae. Speir, a well known farmer of this town• ship, who lives 14 miles South of Brns• seta, on the results of spraying experi. manta parried on last Spring by R. T. Megaton, agent for the sprayer, of Brae• eels. 6 trees of Oolverta wore sprayed and one left to see the result. 44 barrels of apples were gathered off the 6 trees and hardly a wormy apple, in feet, not as many as came off the one tree of the same variety unsprayed. 9 Newton pippin trees were also treated with good results, 6e for the three years previously scab and worms rendered them unsalable, 47 barrels were pioked off these trees this Fall. Mr. Speir sold 212 barrels in all, receiving 8326,60 as a result. His orchard had four sprayings at 12o. per tree, Mr. Biogoton doing the work and the gains were so satisfactory that Mr. B. will not be slow in using the treatment again oe recommending it to others ae the act re - salts lie on the right side of the account. Mr. Hingston will be pleased to give par tioulare, Bell the pump, or do the work as the people may desire. These praotioal experiences in the immediate locality are worth much more than the many theories advanced unworked. Business Locals. House to rent. Apply to P. Mo- Quarrie. CASH for hides and sheep thine, A. Cannna, Brnesels. Coaironrnon house, with seven good rooms, to rent. Apply to R. Leatherdale. Woos.—Persons requiring wood should apply to Samuel Burk, Mill street, 33 russets, HIDES WANTED.—Wm. Blseblll 18 pre- pared to pay the highest cash price for hides, Call and see him. BAWPILINO done on short notice by an experienced band. Satiefaotion gnaren. teed, Hun WILLIAMs, Brussels. Lonx.—A Tarkey, whinh was in a bag dropped off Mr. Bryan's wagon, and wag pioked up by ladiee driving a rig with a blaok horse which turned ab the 8th of Grey. Finder will please leave at Mos. D. LlvrNeeroos'o. Fno0 pre0e0t date until Jan. 1st, 1900, we are giving PREF with every doz. cab• fast phot°e„ a first -clans hand worked orayon portrait. Work done by oar. selves. Now le your chanoe. E. HART, artist, Stratton Bleak. WANTED.—One ton nboiae roll butter weekly. Prima 20o, Alan any quantity of dried apples and fowl. We pay cash for butter. If you have not a plaid or homespun skirt you're not in it. Our range of Arses goods, jaokete and fare are not surpassed. G. E. Knee, Wingham.. SbRSY. Moto.S,—In Wroxeter, the wife of Mr, . A. McLean, of a daughter, Mo3Auo0>;1N.—At Silver Ooenors, Elora, on Nov. 20th, the wife of Mr, Neil S. MoLaueblio, of a eon. mtma=lb. Ronmarsei.—I0 Torok., on Nov. 19th, Flossie, yoangeet daughter of Archie and Abigel Robertson, aged 7 yeare, • 8 Mentlre Mud 2 days, ST4XDa.2 D B4J0i" OT Cr/l,7V�l P,2. =sw m r 37 .tt� z�x� a.e^ . 2. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID U1' (One Million Dollars) • $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND 5500,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States cd England. k?@ffSSIIII S' avram. A General Banking Bneinoos Treneaotod, Farmers' Nokia Discounted, Drafts Lined and Co)lootione made on all pointe, SAVINGS HANK DEPARTMEN'T, !Menet allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, SPECIAL ATTENTION 017135 TO TIIE COLLECTION Or FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a diebanoe. J. N. GORDON, Ammo AGENT. L05e31AN.—On Nov. 20111, at the home of bar parents, 122 La Salle Ave., Detroit, Olsten, eldest daughter of W. 3, and Mre. Longman, formerly of Brussels, aged 3 yeare and 7 mos. iuotoim —In Detroit, Mich., on Nov. 17, Janet Taylor, relict of the late W. T. Hunter, formerly of Brussels, aged 69 yeare, 7 moothe and 111 days. AT.TCTSOST 03.A.03. SATURDAY, Nov, 25.-20 Dairy oowe, 10 toad young cattle, atJamas' Sobel, Blyth. Sale without reserve at 2 o'clock, 111.0. Clear, prop, ; P. S. Scott, an. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Goon general servant wanted, Apply at THIS POST. CHILD'S natter and robe for sale. Apply to DR. l8AbBFLEISOII, MAN wanted for Winter months. ROBERT 6BEDDEN, Brussels P O, Lot 10, nth line, Morrie. OoMroaranrs rooms wanted for gentle. man, with or without board. For portion. lore apply at Tats Pon. D031151ON piano, large size, with harp attachment, will be sold on easy terms. B GERRY, Brussels, Notice to Creditors. 'Pursuant to B.8.0., Chap. 100, all persons havi0g any claims against the estate of William Elliott, late of the township of Grey Gentleman, who died on or about the 18th 'day, of September, 1809, are requested to send or deliver to James D. Menzies, Molesworth P.O., Executor of the estate, on or before the 11th day of December, 1809, a tall statement of their claims, and after the last mentioned date the Executor will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among thole entitled thereto, having regard only to snob claims of which notice shall have been received, and the Exeoutor will not be responsible for the assets or any Part thereof, to 009 person of Whose claim notice shall not have been received. A. EIINTEB, Dated Nov. 2070, 1899Ageut for Executor,. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. _ MAPLE LEAF CROPPER, large else, for sale, almost now and in good working order. Pot further partic- ulars as to pride, &e., apply at MO POS•L, Brussels, 'PANTED. — A. HUSTLING man or firm, to represent the Ber- lin Mutual Fire Insurance Oo, (Capital 6000; ,0001 1 i nBOntels. Address T13A1 MANAGES, WOOD WANTED. We aro pt'opat'ed to make entente for liveredrat the Brnaeele lOaltoWorke.uaPar- tloulaTHEa COLEMAN SALT 00MPANY. IIrn'on County Council. The Connell of the Connty of Enron will meet in the Oouvoil Chamber in the town of Godericb on Tuesday, December 6th, next, at 8 o'clock p, m. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderioh. Noy. 206b,1899. TEACHER WANTED. Female teacher wanted, bolding Third- class oertifloate, for tbe Junior division of the Ethel Publlo Selma], duties to oom- menoe 8rd January, 1000. State salary ex• parted. Applications received up till filth November, 1899. WM. 8PEEN011 18.8 Secretary, Ethel P.O, YOUNG BULL STRAYED from East 4 Lot 8, Con. 4, Gray, 011 or about June let Red in Dolor, With horns partly he left. Auysinformationi in to bis recovery will be rewarded. DONALD MCDONALD, or TIM POST Jameetown,P.0, WOOD WANTED ! Tenders will bo reoeived until December 8611, 1800, for the delivery of 70 cords of good Botond green hard wood,32 inches long, to bo delivered at the Brussels Public School be. fore the Melt day of February 1900. R. 1101111, 6l Serr y Public obool Board. 'Brussels, Nov, 22nd, 1800. 20.2 FOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL— LAoo.—The proportyof lbs tato John Elliott, Oce kitchen of a eo11d brink,good with frame kitobeu and In fed, good stable and 6 acro of land all in first -close condition, If not sold will be rented. Poe- seeeion at any time. Par particulate apply to WM, SPENam, Ethel; ALEX. PA1'TERSON, Galt ; or Dlt,MoJ(ELvEy, Mt, Foroet. 2011 BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned wi 1.1185p for service, on Lot 2, Con. 8, Grey, the thotro'-brad improv- ed Yoakehiro boar "Oak Lodge Gladstone" No, 8878, bred by J. E. Brethohr, Burford, Ont, Terme 51.00 for 1 sow, or 70 ooute each for or more In the same season, to be paid at tips a of eetvto0, until pprlvllega to re - tar nit necessary, .080. ST1RA0 NAN, 104 Peon, SHEEP FOR SALE. — THE undersigned has for Dale 1 regieter02 6hoorling Ram and 7 Ram Lam10, Shrop- shire breed, The lambs wore got by a ton of Lord Newton' 1st prize winner at the World's Fair. Also a number of Bronze 1011k eye and 'Opelousas, u811318I,LGeese., On, 0, Gr©y. NOTICE Notito 18lhereby given that a Dy -law nen- ed by the Muuiobpal Connell of the r1'ownehip of Grey, on the 28rd day 00 September,1800, providing mount of ;1,000 0issue , for the purpose bto f Mon- Ritual in icipal drainage tot a captain drain known ae taw Fraser Drain, nut that 05011 /3v -law WW1 rogistored in the registry ofhee for the Conn. ty of PI Met, on the 18611 any of Ootober,1800, Any motion to quash or sot aeido the ammo or any part thereof must be made within three menthe from the date of roglebration and cannot be made tbereattee, Dated tbe let day of November A.D. 1800. d PIEI4W 16.3 030116, kir 7, SETTLE ACCOUNTS,— ALL re- quested Ito Bottles e tg thheir 800001h�10, 00 after the 1st of December next all impala accounts will be banded over for collection, AHUNTER, LICENSED AUG TfooErnfor ELI County. Exper- ience of over 14years, and knowledge of who to sell to. Will guarantee setiefaotion. If you want to Bell or buy a form call on me. Money to loan at 42 per ant. REAL ESTATE. ti „ 1 , AR12 IOR 'AL b I; 1 H1; — UN d u einig 0d 4,fers his farm, West Hes, Lot Nolo, 4, Groy, containing 60 acre., more orr lose. a. For pariiculnre as to price and terms apply to AROH. ROBERTSON, Brussels P. 0. an tbe promisee, 'WARM EOR .SALE.—BEING Lot7, Con. I4, Grey, containing 100 acroe. There aro about 75 soros cleared, balanoo bush, Frame house, large barn with atone stabling, orchard, good fences, 00. A11 seeded to grass. 3t miles from Brussels, a good market town. Desirable farm for either stook or grain. Noeeeesion at any time, For further particulars apply to Or write 8T.EPli17N LAMB, l,�rap, 14 2,n Soaforth. IDERE14IPTORY SALE OF A Goon reuni.—Tho "White farm," lot 7, 00n, 2, Grey, 100 aoree, 13 miles from Jaino9. town (gravel road) must be sold, under the will of the late owner, Good buildings, or- chard and never failing water sunpl The landis Olean and in good state of ou)tivatiou, 6 acres of Fall wheat now in. This is a de- sirable property and a cheap bargain qua be batt. Apply to JOHN WNITIE, Jamestown, or to A. 00NYD10, l3 ruesel0, Executors. :811 FINE FARM FOR SALE.—BE- ING Lot 29. N i; Don. 0. Morrie township, aoutoluiug 08 acres of first-class land. There is a house, barn, m'ohard and good ware- house, and farm le wolf fenced, There are 35 sores in Fall wheat; 16 acres in hay and 40 acres posture. Possession could bo given at 000e. Farm adjoins the village of Brus- sels. For further partioulare as to priori, terms, &o.edrite t0 JAMES LIVI 9 GSTON, GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer two 100 acre farms for sale at reason able prio00. The lots are Noe. 10 and 11, Don. 0 (Sunshine), this sideroad between them. Good brick house and hare on lot 11, and Rouse and 2 barns on lot 10. Orchards and all necessary 0007en- fencee. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing. 100 acres now in gratis. Will be sow either separate or together to suit par• chaser. Terme of payment reasonable. Im- mediateposseselol3. Por f 'nth m' partioulare apply to JOSEPH OLEGG, B3'ussele P, 0„ or E. L, DIOXIN SON, Barrister, W iugham. lit Nov, 23, 1899 oi1y' 1 o I In Nice Binding. 11 Different Titles, Exceptional Value. PRICE 4.01:, SEE THEM AT Fox's Drag Store. !N THE CATALOGUE OF THE C'ENITRAL ,) } Rl ,[nII _i J tr r e• l,' r Val You will And abundant evidence of one superiority Over other Canadian sohnois. Students admitted at any time. Write for catalogue. w. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Gtal T NDER� FQR surnilES, 19001 The undersigned will reeeiv0 tenders for Rupnliest up to noon nn MONDAY, DE0. etc, 1800, for the supply of butcher's meat, butter, dairy and oreamory, giving the price of eaob, flour, oatmeal, potatoes, cordwood, 010.; for the following iubtitutions during the year 1900, viz.:— At the Asylmn for the tusave in Toronto, Loudon, Kingston, Hamilton, hiimion, Brook• vino and. Griffin; the Central Prison and Marcor Reformatory, Toronto ; the Reform- atory for Boys, Penotnagui0bene ; the !n- andatitutIoas for Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, the Blind at Brantford. Two sufficient saroties will be required for the duo fulfilment of each contract. 6poei- flcations and forms of tender can only be had by making application to the bursars of the reapootive institutions. N.B.—'.renders aro not required for the supply of meat to the asylums in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton and Mimic() nor to the (]antral Prison and Mercer Reform- atory, Toronto. Tho lowest or any 'bonder not neoesea�y accented. Newspapore inserting this advertisement without authority from the department will not be paid for it. R. OH1016TID', 1, F, OHAMBERLAIN. 3032108 NOTION, Inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto, Nov. 20th, 1890. 033 ANY OTHER WETIi DAY 18,,....... .2 n Dry Goods, Self -Fitting Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Granby Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Furs, Robes, Fancy Goods and Overcoats He gives $19 on the $100 more than market price for Butter and sells his goods 01A0t 20 per cent. Less than their intrinsic value for Cash or Tracie. Buy at a Cash Store, You pay for your own goods alone, Buy at a Credit Store and you pay for your own goods and also for the goods of your neighbor, ever= ay . , . r'( eat Is a purely Cash Store where you save at least s 20 per cent. on all your purchases,