HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-23, Page 7Nov. 23, MD, TEE BRUSSELS POST, BULLED IS A SILENT MAN SKETCH OF THE BRITISH COM. It! ANDEIl IN SOUTH AFRICA. Mr Is New Over Bhts ''ears of Ago-I'tYYI- oils ('814110108 1Thlell lav alae ten dueled 'With militant eneeens-Com• pared 'tTtlb toteaener, The it; poietment of Liout.-General Cir Redv(ls henry Iluller to the su- preme command of the 'British forces in Scnitl: Africa, naturally excites a good deal of interest in Gm personal character of an uffictnr concerning whom the reading public knows little. Buller is 00 yijitui eel, and during his artily life has served with distinction in China, through the Zulu war, the Aehant:i war, the Egyptian war, the campaign of 1884-5 in lino Soudan, and the former war with the Boers, but in none of these conflicts was his man - mend differentiated from that of others to asnfficient_clegroe to give him prom- inent* as a general, and consequent- ly no small share of the credit to which he wai perhaps entitled, was given to others, possibly no more de- serving, but more prominent by rea- son of position. Buller ie described as a silent man, and fi•mn all the accounts of him that have reached the public, he seems to be a stern, taciturn soldier, who wastes no words in orders, neither speaks nor aces for effect, but keeps clearly in view the desired object and betide every energy of his nature to- wards its attainrnent. In other words, he is the typically successful general, cold-blooded, regarding the lives of men es moans to au end, regretting the luss of soldiers in battle, not en account of the men; but Crain the fact that it diminishes the cumber of his effective farce; punclilioue in duty, and demanding that everyone else should be 'Gee same; not sparing him- self, and equally meroiless in his ex- actions on others; a man to whom OTLILR MEN ARE MACHINLS, to be moved to and fro, and manipulat- ed without the slightest regard to their personal feelings. Such a man may, in hie moments of relaxation, be an agreeable compan- ion, but relaxation to a man of this kind is foreign, almost unnatural; it is not in consonance with the popu- lar eoneeptioa of his character, nor, in- deed, with the facie in the case; for a, man of this description rarely feels the need of it. Cold, phlegmatic, for all practical purposes, his nerves might be steel wires; so far as oan be judg- ed from word or act, hes has no nerves, Re is among men, but not of them; a thing apart uud above the human race, using it for IIs own purposes, to accomplish hie awe plans; to carry, out the objects which he proposes, to ful- fil the task whish has beau set for him, or whish he has set for himself, without fear, without favour. The portrait of Buller, might, with trifling modifications here and there, serve ars the portrait of Kitchener, but, the most obvious quality' of each be- ing silence, not to say taoitornity, the oha•r eters of both inert must be judg- ed from their actions, rather than from their words. They are men who make history. Silent men in positions of power and inflaenoe always do. The man of action is not always silent, the anent man is not always a man of ac- tion, but when he Is, when his menial energy takes the [ort_ of deeds rat - rer than of words be Is tolerably sure of accomplishing something whtah the world will find it worth while to re- member. Tho silent men, while them- selves speaking little, are a source of Inepiration to the talkers, far so na- tural is it, and so mush easier for men to translate thought into language rather than into action, that the silent man becomes more oonepicuoas by his taciturnity than be could possibly be by the exercise of any gift of speech' that (night belong to him. SILENT MEN. The history of the world hays been mule by silent men, who like Buller and Kitchener laid well their plane, brit did not talk of them, often not even to their inmates. The silent men is of necessity self-reliant, self- contained. Re hears with patience the views and opinions of others, but does not impar; his osvn; he listens to ad- vice, but gives no' hint nes to what use, if any, he intends making the sug- gestions offered. The talkative man is morally certain, some tilne or other, to make a slip and say toe much, or to sage the wrong thing, or the right thing et the wrong time; but the words of a quiet men ale 01010113' well weighed be- fore they are uttered, thus generally convey a deeper elgnifiaanoe than those of the talker, who, from mere force of habit, speaks whether be has anything to say or not. Great soldiers have generally been silent men. The military life of it- self is not conducive to loquacity, for the discipline of the ranks enforces silence, but the private spieler has Per - lode of relaxation, during which his tongue mite have free Islay. He has no rare, no responsibility, for his moye- ments are direeted by hie officers, and eveni e had f h t he capacity, .las. i P ,y, snot permitted to do hie own thinking. An- other thinks for him, anotber tells him what to do, and his main duly is sil- ent obedience. A commanding general ie in a position where reserve is en- forced by his surroundings, He bas no equals, and therefore, no intimates, lin is obeerved by all, and his slight- est etlerafloes are pondered by those who hear thole, often distorted into n• eilgnificance which he did not in- tend. TRAPPED. No, Edwin, said Mrs, Joggles, I have never told you a lie and never will. I' do not doubt you, my deer, but ev- ery time 1 ltfrow to a, cOrl.ainte that you havO demised me I will just out t t notch in the Drone, 1 No you won't, Edwin Torgles 1 Do goy xioppose I want that instrument ruined i he Home IN ANTICIPATION OE WINTER, In Melees wbaro coal or wood stoves eanslitute the beating arrangeWOnt, November sliould see them in their winter positions as spits and apan as polish of various kinds oan melte them. A thorough cleaning before bring. ing them into the living rooms saveS the removal of extra dust and litter, and allows the worker to expedite be tuber without tbe. ftJlnayallee or the hindrance which polishing a stove over a carpet or near a freshly paper- ed wall always entails. To properly Olean a largo base -burn- er coal stove is a good; day's work, and it is wisdom to employ easy meth- ods. Remove all the nickel castings anal mioa, ands Eileen out all tbe, ashes pond firtie dusu from the interior, No- tliiag ie quite so efficacious as a tur- key or goose wing for this purpose. Wipe the dust from the exterior With a elol.lt, and apply liquid blacking with au inch -wide bristle brush, There are several brands of this blacking on the market.. 1t comes in half-pint Lin cans with eorew tops for Len cents, There is enough in u can to blacken a coal stove. It is prepared with gaso- liue Or something. akin and must not be used, in, a room with' tiro or artifi- cial light. It also evaporates rapidly ; only a little sbould be poured out in a Lancer at one temp. The bristle brush will reach, remote earners and deep castings, leaving no red or dim creases to mar, the finished work. Apply the blackleg to the whole serlace, then commence to polish where the blacking. Is dryosl, A shoe or horse brush from the stable is ex- cellent for this purpose, and must be clean and dry, The liquid blacking quickly polishes to look like satin and holds its lustre during the whole, season. There is nothing ,hotter to clean nickel than ammonia and whiting mix- ed to the consistency of thin petite. Apply with a flannel cloth to a smell surface at a time and polish be- fore the ammonia, evaporates. 1f the nickel is plain, use a chamois or tt clean flannel to pullet' with; if rough, so there is no danger of scratching, rub vigorously with, a scrubbing brush to roach all the creases, and fin- ish with the chamois. Vinegar will remove' the smoky ac- cumulation Irma mica most effectual- ly. Drop the pieces of mica into a pan of vinegar; wash, them in it with a cloth, and'transfer to a pan of +leer water; rinse well and wipe dry. If not rinsed the first fire will pro- duce a cloudiness that will be more difficult to remove next time. A. rolling pleutformt or truck is al- most a necessity in moving Heavy stoves, bait when one is not available a cotta stove may be quits easily car- ried by two man by means, of. a short piece of narrow plank placed. under Lhe magazine before the nickel trimmings and doors are replaced. A third per- son may need to steady the stove, par- tioularly iC there is en oven to over- bahhace the weight. The first fire, 'should be a very slow one that the, blacking may not burn off, cn.using 'a disagreeable smoke tend dimming the. polish, Never make this mistake of starting a coal :fire with wood kindlings or the work of cleaning• the mioa will be all thrown away• Where live coals and ohlareoal are not at hand, live coals from hard wood will do the work alone. Put in a layer of fine hard coal in the firepot, two shovels of live coals, noir burning brands, above it, their coven with fine coal on char- coal, throw open all the drafts and your fire ie certain. As soon as well started, fill with; coal and try to hold le check on, account of the new pol- ish. When Lho pipe, Is warm, dip a flan- nel oloth in, linseed oil, raw, or Doll - en, and .rub it over the surface. Spread evenly and not too generously. Com- mon pipe will txnke on the polish of best Russia iron, and it is Resman- eine Lamps shoalcl be given a thorough cleaning in anticipation of the lung winter evenings. The wicks should be renewed, or washed, dipped in vinegar end dried. The fonts should be emp- tied and lie sediment removed. The burners, if still good, ought to be bolted up in wood ashes and water, w lsehing soda ands welter, or ea suds made wile) soap powder. When the perfaretLolhs are clean, weal thor- oughly, rinse and dry. A little pre- caution of this kind may prevent a serious accident to life and property. Especially is this, true of barn, lames end lanterns. A mealtinal hoesdwife who is noted for her inenaeutate lamp chimneys whispered the secret: Each morning. the chimneys ate. wipers out with soli paper, and washed, in the fresh, hot suds before the breakfesl: dishes, and dried in a eleau crash dish towel. Chimneys are no 'bugbear in that hone, and apologies fox' dimness are never necessary. THE MORNING TOILIIIT. It seams a) little thing, but it will thoroughly pay us, as wives cud moth- ers, Le be. careful of our, toilet, ie the - morning, One husband was ns heard to say: "1 always thiole of any wife as 4t morning ,glory 1 she looks so bright l ,,, breakfast est Lnb o and peaty ata the leakf p Y a Material to snake morning wrappers and sacks is both beautiful and rea- sonable, and a little, lace and ribbon adds just the finishing touch that ]rethe moso dainty makes ruing caress y anti inviting, Teo often we think any old dress Will do foie the morning work —but r Grin l is t c the breakfast no p k dirty work, and with the big apr0u and sleeve pro(ootors slipped off when we sit .down; 10 the table, the dross is kept perfectly atoms. That woman surely slakes a mistake Who is inelifferentl to her appearance in the mornings nor carr she hope to• bold the adenliratlon' of her husband and ohildren. If she Will give the key,. note to n'brigllt and beautiful day she must be in tune herself. "Wo make careful thought for the etre lager, And have trollies for the come -lime guest ; Bul aft for 'aur own' The careless gown, Though we love our own the best," TEAS CLOCK Olt' '!'LOWERS, Gardener's claim that it is quite pos- sible to ea arrange flowers that all the purposes of a slack will be answer'ecl. It ie said that In the time of Pliny 40 flowers wore ltuown to open and shut at certain hours of the day, and this number has since been largely increas- ed, itur instance, a bed of 000101011 dandelions would show IL was 3.33 in the morning and 8.80 at night, respec- tively, for those flowers open and shut at the Limes named, frequently to the minute. The common hawkweed operant at Bin the morning and may be depend- ed upon to close within a few minutes oft in the afternoon. The yellow goats - beard shute at 12 o'eloek noon, abso- lutely to the minute, sidereal time. The sowthistltt opens at ru a.m„ and closes at 11 to 1.2 a.m. The white lily opens at 7 a.m., and closes at A mut. SEASONABG[; REC'1PES, Southern Hue Crake—One cup of corn meal, sifted; 1-2 teaspoonful of salt, and scald it with boiling water, stir- ring all the time. It should be just thick enough not to run when you put it on 'the griddle. Hoe cake cannot be cooked too long, but it must not burn, and the griddle.mustbe greased with stilt pork. 1?ut it on in a large round elflike, 1 incii. thick, pat 1t smooth and rook slowly. As soon as one side browns, turn it over and brown the other side, having first put a small lump of butter on top. My Mother's Coma Meal Mu:Cfins— One-ha1f pint oft sweet milk, one-half pint of flour, one-half pint of corn meal, one-quarter cup of butter, one egg, one-half teaspoonful ot salt and onto and one -hale teaspoonfuls of bak- ing powder. Sift hiking powder in flour, add to it meal and butter, yolk of egg, sett and mills; mix well togeth- er and last; of all add the stiff -beaten white or egg; pour this mixture into a dozen well -greased muffin gems, and bake in, a quick even, Sally Lunn—Take one quart of flour and sift it. To one quart or milk add one-Irnlf sup of warm water and Mir into the sifted flour; take two eggs and beat' separately; add sugar to the desired: taeto to the yolks of the eggs. After eggs are well beat- en, add Cham, to the hatter; dissolve a small yeaea cake in batter and beat well; thew put it to rise, and after et has risen, beat hard ; then put it into bread mold. Let rise again until it is risen enough to bake; make up five hours before wanted. If the sup or milk is not sufficient, add more to thin the batter, A Trying Experience, A NOVA SCOTIA FARMER SUFFERED FOR FIFTEEN YEARS. Coneolted Pour Doctors, But the Only Ree 11er They Gave Him Was Through In• jealous of Horpidao - Dr. Williams' Pink fills Restored Sham to Health and Acttvlty, From the News, Truro, N.S. Me. Hobert Wright, of Alton, Col- chester Co., N.S., is now one of the hardiest and hardest working farmers In this eootion, But Mr, Wrigbt wee not always blessed with perfect health; e;e a matter of fact for some fifteen yearn he was a martyr to what ap- peared to be an incurable trouble. In conversation lately with a News re- porter, Mr, Wright said :—"I am in- deed grateful that the trouble which bothered me for so many years is gone, and .1ant quite willing to give you the ;particulars dor publieation, It is a good many glans since my trouble fleet began, Blight at first, but later intensely severe mains in the book. Usually the pains attacked me when working or lifting, but often when not ab work at all. With every attack the pains seemed to grow worse, until fin- ally I was confined to the house, and there for five long months was bed- ridden, and much of this time could not move without help. My wife re- quired La stay with me constantly, and became neatly, exhausted. Dealing the tisue 1 was suffering (bus I was attended by ,fou t different doc- tors. Some of them pronounced my trouble lumbago, others sciatica, but they did not cure ma, nor did they give me any relief, save by1 tthe in jee- tion of moripllline. Fdr years I suf- fered thee, sometimes confined to bed, at other ttenms able to sera about and wank, but always suffering from, th'o pain, until about three years ago when I received a new loam of life, and a freedom from the peels the( had so long torttlr'ed me, It WAS at this time that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills foe.' Pale People were brought to my atten- tion and I got two boxes. The effect seemed marvollaus and I got six boxes more, and before tdiey were all used I was again a healthy man and free from pain, It is ebaat three years sinew I was eared, and during Hiatt time I have never had an attack of the old trouble, and I can therefore strongly testify to the sterling quality of Dv, Williams' Pink Pills. Since they did such good worst for ammo 1 'hu.vo rewmtnculdecl them to several people for various nit - =amts, and the pills have always been successful." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ours by go- ing to the root of the disease. They renew and build.the blood nu Its sv 1 up d strenglhan the nerves, thus driving disease from the systomt Avoid imitae Sons by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the rail trade mark, Dr, Wile Baas' Pink Pills for Pale People, MS EXPERIENCE. Woman's wot 'is never done, quot- ed the sympathetic aitize . That's right, answered Mr. Meek - ton, oarkestly, I ,have observed It in Henrietta's noes. Woman's work is never done, There is always enough of it loft over 'to keep her husband huey from the time he gets through dinner till he's so tired he has to go to bed, LUCKY LIJCKNOW. Ontario Town Which Considers Itself Fortunate In Having Redd's Kidney Fills on Band. mare 0et1d'e kidney Pals Were: intro. dated 14111e 1e Heard or the Old Contlrnrint-NelGlt84'ht' !?!r. 4:do. Burgess Explains IIIc T,ucknow :Nov 18, -)lite people of this twee ere of the opinion that they are the most fortunate lot of people in the country. They any they have discovered a remarkably easy es - cope from IlrBkaehe -Ihe enemy of all pe0pliys at all; owes. They say that Backache Is really 'Kidney ache, and chat Dodd'e'Sidney, fills will cure it. The people of Lucknow may be right, and indeed 1 bey are right, to a certain extent. Dui they are! laboring under a mistaken hnpression if they imag- ine they have, made it newt discovery in finding Ilodd's Kidney Pills will cure Backac.Ia, ib is a well -knows fact in all eoun- tries that Dodd's Kidney Piles are a specific not only for Backache, but for all forme of kidney Disease — Illight's Disease, Diabetes, Rio gime- Mee Heart Disease, Bladder and. Ur- inary ('otmtlylaints, Women's Disorders and Blood leaat:urities. The people of Lucknows aro none the less fortunate, however, in having a medicine tical. will curer these diseases, even though cores are not confined to their osvn town. .Oodd's Kidney Pills comprise the only medicine that will cure them, arid there was a time when the more severe ors the maladies were incurnbte. Mr. George Burgrees, ot Lueknow, says: "1 have been sick for about five months. I had a terrible Batik - ache all the time, and my kidneys were vary bad as the doctor said. I was advised to use 'l)odd's Kidney Pills, 1 got one box and found relief almost immediately. I used three bases el- dogelher and nm recovered complete - 1y. I can do my work better now than ever in my life before." o � KIMBERLEY'S VAST RICHES. Tho RIInr1111/nA Volae til the Diamond Mines 111 South Africa. }Kimberley' is the diamond region of the world far surpassing the mines of Brazil in richness. It is not aeity in the modern use of the word. It is agreat camp in which men's passions rise and fall as the treasures of the earth are uncovered or not found. The camp is in what is called the Vaal Basin, the wash ground of the river which divides tbe Transvaal from the Orange Free State. The first diamond. discoveries there were made about 1870, but it was ten genes later when Englishmen and ahem realized that the spot was the most valuable of its kind in the world. Dy 1881 the mines which had been opened had leelded gams to the value of $20,000,000. By 1887 seven tons of diamonds had been taken out valued at '$250,000,000. This record placed the Brazil diamond mines In the shade and made Kimberley world-wide in its fame. The Cecil Rhodes syndicato, known as the De Beers, came into con-, trol of all the mines after much sego dation. This syndicate is capitalized for $75,000,00U and pays interest at the! rate of 5 1-2 per cent. per annum and an annual dividend of 20 per cent. � Since Cecil Rhodes came into control' of the mines they have given out 2,- 500,000 kerhts of diamonds. To get at these it hap been necessary to wash 2,700,000 loads of the blue earth in which they are found. In the working of these diamond mines there are employed about 1,- 500 white men and 0,000 natives. The greater proportion of these men are employed in the De Beeras and Kim-' berley mines THE TWO BIGGEST HOLES whish greedy man leas ever dug into the earth. Tho Do Beers mine has en area at the surface of thlrteee acres and a depth of 450 feet. The minae wee worked from shafts sunk sumo dis- tance from the original holes and pone - treeing 10 the blue earth by us ,e- verss, ctrivings ,at depths varying 1' , 500 to 1,200 feet. The blue earth, when extracted, is carried la small iron trucks to the levels. Upon these lev- els the 'bloc earth is worked until the. gams within are extracted. The pro- cess of exireeting tastes from three to six Months. The stones found vary in size from a pin.hoad to the largest. ever fount1-428 1-2 karats, This larg- eat stand when cut. weighed 228 1-2 ke,rate, It is one of the experiences et the miss owners that they lose from 10 to 15 0.1e1' 06111 of their product each year through the thefts of em- ployes, who, although closely watched, 'still manage to get away with (:heir loot. The punishment for stealing a diamond is fifteen yours imprison- iuent. All diamonds except those which pass through illicit channels, are seat to England. the weekly ship-; ments averaging from 10,000 to 50,000; karats, The greatest outlet for stol-i 011 diamonds is through the Transvaal' to Ne,tal, where they are shipped by t mcreha ts. res bio n It is said of the Rhodes interests r•-- ' in the 'nines that they take good ears of their workmen, They bare built a model village calledlei-al/worth, with in the pl'erineis of the retina. In 1bin village are cottages for the while W0111171811. A clubhouse liars been built for their use trod there is a public lib- rary. The e(luiphtenls of the 0111100 ie something remarkable. Each 041718 1110 ten eireuils of efenrLic lamps. They consist of fifty-two aro lamps of 1,00n en mile power each and 0111 glow lamps of 111 and 1114 -candle power cacti, m' a local illuminating iosuwr of about 111,- 000 candles, Thirty telephones are lo - eater' in each 111118 and over 100 elec- t.rin bells to each for signalling. The lives of the workmen are insured and eeerer lrreeaution is taken to make '-heir condition tolerable. 'rho rate of wages runs from $2 to SH per day, un- eltilled labor receiving the lower pries. What effect: the closing of the mines by wa,r will have on ilio world at large it is hard to say. Diamonds have already risen in Price, but there is a large stook 011 hand in English and French hands. Of course all la- bor has ceased at Kimberley, and if the Breeds get into the mint's they may win rich prizes. PROVING, AN ALIBI. When I acme Inane in the evening my wife is always playing the piano. It she so musical No; but if the dinner isn't good she wants me to know she didn't have any thing to do with llt, • SOMETHING LACKING. {elle.-.L'inrlly Chatterton in one of three fellows who never slops to think. ,Be --Perhaps be knows it would be no use slopping. --0 -- Have You Catarrh If you aro troubled with Catarrh and want to be cured, use Cntarrhn- zone, which is a guaranteed cure for this dialresstng disease. There is 510 mystery about Cntnrrhazone, (linnet' its effect is nlagiaal.. Ointments and snuffs cannot J'e,eh the diseased parts and live thus proved useless, but ('at- arrhozone is parried by the air you breathe directly to the diseased parts, where it volatilizes. killing the germ life and healing the sore spots. It cures by inhalation. No danger, 710 tisk, sold by 'ill druggists or by mail, price $1.00. For trial outfit send 1Oc, in stamps to N. C. Pelson d 00.,')lox 518 Kingston, Ont. • Every clog has Itis day, but some- how every dog thinks every other dog's day is too mach nicer than his. CALLA LILY CREAM onluree a 705Ehaa oompplexim. Send 25 005(0 for triol Address or ,ort curd for Mroulnr on 081,5 ssd complexion. Addmi W, J. Vagtmanr, 480 Qnoou 5(. w„'1'uruuto. Love is the Inst but not the least of the diseases of childhood. TO C0100 A COLD 10 ONE DAT Take Laxative Bronco Quinine Tablets. 41.13 druggiete rotund the money it it fails to cure. jrdo. E, W. Grove'e eiguature is on each box. No man is a hero to his valet and no men wants to be a valet to his hero. La Toscana, 10o. jt9V'UI Y Monlcreull, It's a wise man that knows what not to do in an emergency. O'KEEFE'S E T% MALT invigorates and Strong/lona LLOYD WOOD, Toronto, GENERAL AGENT. If time is money, some people's time must be counterfeit. POR. OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTE1NO STEM. has been thin !.001501 t h toren I sad b moEherr for hair c S too g Sha ahltd, 511. ba rho gams r d 5r pale 0:01:14`. 0. 1,1. o0tto, end la the beet remedy for dho sst tt , 260, a baG 110. Baldbs or druaoWe alovo S Soothing world, Ba P ure and oak for"D[m, winelow'e 600thing syrup. Imposition is 'the only position some people error attain. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleaeod to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science hoe been able Lo cure in all Its stages and that is Catarrh. Halle Catarrh Ours le the only positive cure now known to the modioet fraternity. Catarrh being a eons- (ItutIonal disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is tnkon inter, wally, aothtg directly upon the blood and 010011e surfaeos of the systole, thereby des- troying the foundation of the disease, and uiving the patient strength Ur building 05 the constitution and as0ietiug nature in doing eta work. l'ho proprleioes have Its aurellpow ors, east theyst00010onaHuu drod Dollars fur Sony case, that it tone to euro, Bend for is 01 tostimoniats• A ad! us. F. e, C1IJONEY & 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by denI,•gee e, 780. Hun's enmity Pllis aro the beet Be sure you are right, then bo cer- tain you are sure. MONTREAL HOTEL OIREOTDBY, The • t' Balmoral," fFtrriaeiBuudP(us Hotel Car$iake} G,T,R.$taElou, DaOtrenl. Oto tacelnhe5lon,. frodpmp.Da; AVENUE HOUSE--DineClh-Ooiegc Avenue. p, ily 8ot01 ratan 81.50 per day. _ _.--.... ST. JAMES' HOTEL-- pposito O.T.R,Uspor two Hooks from tl P' erovoso ,-lioloass Conuner0ial '417181, Atodorn tm provamenEs-•Kalea moderate, POPULAR, WITH THE LADIES. Women like this season of the' year because it isn't cold enough to make their noses blue, and it isn't so hot that their hair won't stay' in crimp. ,iY•v7t'- ' Q/ aJt/ caut 9, 46it`/; Bi't 99 €464.4a/SA?i/ ?4119,, /2 7!21-c. - 11 •+ 7010741;4/44 411,41 dot L speaks for itself. A trial is the most convincing argument in its favoa Lend Packages.... ...55, 30, 40, 50 &6o°. THE UPERIOR QUALrTv OF Ceylon Tea IMP IITANT TO LADIES ! To make set a that when you wish to ad or any ankle, vlg.: tresses, Suite Feathers CarpelSap er s , tidos that reyulr01 dyeing. riot you goG the heat dye in the market ammo n3 I Ot�0l0 DW�tta. 81500 ire! the 'Meet and p nutirely the heat 4113t nun 155 prO tue.•d, us they will dye Cotten, 0ilk, wool r Moe G4 w enlual,y ae 0.8,0 results, wltpuut Elle nesosafty ofd preparation bath for h0 dV e�l1 {, pps, 1 na them take t edge as Fol s UXHy arekuaw„aetheON,Dlen r F I *LS, and a Orlin pat ka,a will. now what failure they will d.0 Owe M tee ,there ort e•k115 tarpee o o,05 nYCN and 5.,l Have yea t ,1 15 To be had of your druggist, ur added direst free of purt� w lea pnokuge, ora fur 20 eeuN, f1Ave you triad thaw f 11 not, got u psakage and to ounvinoed. g TORONTO HOME DYE CO:, TonoNTo. Whet man has done woman thinks elle cue improve on. "pharaoh 10c•” Pa;er Moeuhwlarl e. Some men show good -judgment by showing a lack of self. -confidence. We P. n. 998 CAL..VERT''S OarbollQ Disinfectants, Soaps, Olnt. moot, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 modals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular 000 prevent Int eel. ouo diooasee, Ask your dealer to obtain n supply, Leets mailed free on application. F. C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHESTER, • • ENGLAND, �? a e•b sic rencimrs anted To send for our complete SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT, We are supply every' MUSId C 12805ER InCenada Whaley, Royce i CG., 108 Yonas St, TORONTO, ONT. 10Solid Gold...,$2.85 Best Gold Fill 1.50 5 yrs Gold Fill 1.00 ETZIEM;„. til' t:. Best Glasses... 100 We guarantee perfect satiefactlon. X7'1LO i . E OPTICAL GO., 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. WANTED -Nen to travel, salary or 0o:emission: expert. oncem,nema.eary, Write WKS ISEIM, , Ment,aal_ WANTED -hal amass; "Arborino" prOteOta fruit trees from all pests; 0040 week AROORL8ECO., Montreal, Carter's COLD OURE irk, Cures in a jiffy. P Mo- Cot mock k Co., Agents, hloutrual. THE DES MOINES It40UBATOfl-Seat and *Meanest O. Rolland, sole agent fortheMomlulon. Bend Sot, ,tamp for eutalogue. 373 Bt.Pnu1 Street, Moatresi Sausage Casings eliae g'-'Fnglt ebsl�=°ate! u"ua Am° elan Bog CasiPARK, BLACKWELL eode et&�00.,, Torht Tonto, 100 3101500,, or Matting Cardin, printed he to100otyle, on beet bra, d, pori a m,d Ifaodeomc g encs wanted. ease will, name endowed, peat. paid tar 750, Asante wanted. American IwDort Co , Stratford, Canada, H AR R { S3a.>a3ries BEezlamoszns LEAD, COPPER, BRASS. W holeesle only. Long Distance Telephone llSl. WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. COMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed 1.11 Hugs, Rata ondMtice. Bold by all Druggists, or eel Queen W. Toronto. ?.o "BEAVER BRAND" Mnokintooli never hardens kis gguuaranteed Water. Proof, Ask f,,r t1,talte no ether, Rea. ver Rubber Clothing Oo., Montreal, TORONTO Cutting Softoot oSera special advantages l to 01! desirous of enquiring.: thorough knowledge of Cutting and Fitting Gentlemen's Garments. Write for particulars. 113 Tango 8t, Toronto. Mills, Mille Jk Mateo. Barrleters,etc., removed to Wesley 1318,8a, Rloh- mond 8a W., Toronto, X., .epi r0 permanently (tures Catarrh throat, tomnp and bleeder. 500541 a Inc. Write for par(loalar., The Indian Catarrh Cure 00.,146 SG Jameast., Montreal. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLE$, and other 2110000 , to ensure basements Donal o to The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Cor, Weet-Market & Colborne St., Torentoi of the blood causes untold misery. Ip its wake follow Indigestion, 1Tjspep• sea, Stomach Troubles, Liver Troubles, Kidney Troubles, Catarrh, Conetipa. Hon and Complications of various kinds. In DR. WARD'S ROOD and NERVE PiLLS you have a remedy which oan supply_ all the elements that make EMI, RED BLOOD, and oroate new nerve tissue. There is no guesswork about the result they produce, they have been thoroughly tested and In all cases have given satisfaction. '. They infuse now life into worn- out, run-lfown oonstitutlons, and enable you to sleep sound- ly, sat heartily, and digest what you eat. One trial will con- vince you. Prices 20 cents par box, five boxer $2.00, all druggists, or, sent by mail by addressing Sam Williams & Co., Toronto, Ont. Michigan Land for Sale. 000 ACRES 0000 FARMING LAN08-AII:ENAO I Ioeoo, Oftentaw and Oraeford Oouolioa. Thtleper7 fent. Oa Wahine Central, Detroit 5 Mackin., an g Loon Lake Rallroade, at prime ranging from 02 to 4� par more. Thane Lands are (Nose to Eniorprla',ng NOs Towne, Ohurahes, Sohoole, eta., and will be Boldon moil reasonable terms. APPLY 00 R, M. PIERCE, Agent, West Boy Olty, 311011. Or J.W. 01111015, Whittemore, Aneh, I Dominion Li MAIL STEAMSHIPS Portland, Me., to Liverpool, coiling at Hainan Westbound. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Rates of passage: -First Cabin 050 upwards: ee0on8 Cabin, 935; Steerage, 802.60 and 028.60 Far further Information apply tblocal ovate, or DAVID Tc'Bu 1160.9Euita1dt60.17.2 1,0,1. Brantford Galvanized Stool Winlitnilie and Towers. 55.00 Stool Mg Staffs, Iran 0rindere, Iron and Wood Pumps, " Des SoppN1a. BRANTFORD DAN. Bend for New Catalogue. Mention this paper. 00 Lf MAPLE,Y MMU!R THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. thio GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. +mv BREAKFAST -SUPPER. GO TO 112 to P10011 D 1Y SURTO - RELIABLE person, gentleman or lady to represent re- liable arm; posit. on pernam5at; 0800 per year and exp501ei; experience Unnosoa,aryy. M. ,t, O'.KEEFE, Diet. Menage, Montreal, Que, Dyeing ! Cie air ! For the very host Bond your work to the ',BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." 1 a..k Inc agent in your horn, or wad direct. Montraal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, R O 0 F 1 fI and Sheet MotalWorks. ROOFING SLATS,' in Black Red or Green. SLATE RLAO5KD0A1tD8 (We auppl,Y Pobnu and high Schools Toronto). Rooting Felt, rlteh, Dual Tar, a(o. ROOFIN1G 110.(Soo Soo Nole Otty Build, k,gs,'roronlo, dons by ourgnnl. teral Odlhtga, Cor• elateriao, 'stmnetgea n part for evmrk oamplh o oreoa mteriM 1ship od to any Al art0f the emote:. Phone 1903 S. 0578118: R0H8, Adelaide iWIdtner Sta„Taranto BALDNESS CURED. ROBE'S "Hair Grown.” positively and per. momently cures Baldness, Hair Falling Out, Dandruff eta, and renders the I,alr sea, glossy and beautiful. Tastheenlale from loading Worm t0 gentleman. Prise 91.00 per battle ROSE & CO., 120 Ronaosrsllos Ara,, Toronto, EVERY CATHOLIC YOUNG MAN limed 50.0s... copy of "The Catholiu Student'a Man. tug of Is5trn, ton and Prayers," for all sea S0110 of the Ifealo,inelieel Year. Cotep110d by a religions, n5•ler the hnmedinte . upervielon of the Reverend li, Rental, P.S. S. Protestor of Moral Theology, Oraml Seminary?Mont reel, Canada It contains Liturgical Prryyern, lndnlg. 00000, Devotions, and Finite Exeroh0, fur every tooa• glen mrd for all seamen. of the lkolratasticnl Year. 711 pasta. 4 full loge 1 itinerations, 41x1610 cloth, round corners. Price 73a. 15I1,hineed by 0, 8, J, 58011 i0. E, 00,, I860 Notre Dame 5t.,., Montreal. Cr�ANAO@Ai�9 ,, t. NI P9C 61T O'.:'retia° eam,ttFld lifelike portrait tit Ila" Melody Dimon TidLorlu Lithographed in ootnre, suitable for Moslem size )8x114 Welles. Mailed free, In tube, on reeeIpt of 16 emits in elver. BENSON ART CODIPANY, Street, 43 Snort r , Toronto, F 7 hal a mo arlels . r5 I Coffeer 211ta f r Drink, Parte V o o to C n rtt1 rax ' ! u l t1 1.11. MARS 71g_ 1 a a or 21hs. for 250. R 001 s e 00 b 185 the 0101 till 11, 00,, 04 mildQueen loo ,' ore. teaokagl W> tiro eats O xI MFG, ere„ 164 tlUmcn ]0 r Testate. ,laeualrgnte(1 in Query lesolityl, l6f't,r�4�c" via Personally conducted [11E1 HEM California Excursions 441 u via MISSOURI PACIFIC WY and IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE, THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS, LOWEST RATES. o or full Iot0 anat on and reservation Of sleeping o h II, 0. TOwisooND O.P. 1T.A„ St Louts, Mo. li, D. A,tafwmnonu T.P,A„ 7w. Portst, Detroit, Miel1sr. nu Blsei W taxon, i), P. A.,111 Adatneet, Mileage, Ili JAS. a. ARNETT, Manager. JOHN J. MAIN, Supt. end Trema. The Gam. an Heine Safety BOILER Esplanade, rF0y90AItO Opp. Bherbourne St., m Nigh Class Water Tube Steam Boilers, for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. sere FOR DESCRIPTIVE Tho lVoo CAT A LOm G UfWE, TAe�oOLnhRefeRiiiCeS 17.4"61N ;mhU.g.'?Mtat ' (All 501 To0onte, where bollen may be aeon vrerkk me.1 CANADA A`YD18ERGiAg� 1V 1 Loan and Savings Company. 1aeettreIIATGm 1062, Tho Oldest and Largest Canadian Mori gags Corporation, Paid-up Capital, • • $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - • - 1,200,000 Head ONloe-Toronto at., Toronto. Smolt Dfflooe-Wlnniteg, Man., Vancouver, 11,P DEPOSITS 3CEOE1VE0, Interest allowed, DEBENTURES 1901)151) for I, 2, a, 4 or5geatt, with Internet 405,1805,0 attached. MONEY LU1tNYon ,eeor ty of( real MMtn;urnort Rages,. Government and 1'dnnlolpal Mand', MA Per further pmdoidara eppb to J. HERHERT MASON, Managing eireotor,'reroute.