HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-23, Page 6irm.E BRUSSELS POST. Nov, 23, 1S09 ""-BLESS THE LO D, 0 MY SOUL ! " ware bandages the gash of the wheat of the gated of the South, and warmth ilea gladuess 001110 With it. A grem field, and the July morning drops a einem of gold on the head of the grain " Oh I" maye the field," tuaw 1 know the nee or t he elough, of the harrow, of the shower, acid ef the $now.. it bi well etiough to be trodden, and enoweil un - tier, le 1 tent yield atieh a glorious hate veal." " lee 1 he 1 got h fort it and Nveq,mb., bearing previous twee. :hall doubtless come again avith lee/eking. Surpasses That of a Mother --Teaching Children by Pictures-- bnnging hi.; bini., en I see tem eepecielly Mem in The Prodigal Son—A Father's Favouritism—The Mother's troubling end 'trying a Christian, t know that out of Got Chrielien's Invalid Child --When God Tests a Christian's Character. cherecter there le 1 0 romp some espeel- A despatch ficm Wathington says:— bet do not help him. ..e. linveller te l he ee,,,e.eire.,, anit wee, etrong- al good. A qu , roman mem down in - Rev, Dr. Talmage preached fi•orn t be come ,.. along—a Soma 11, 143 118 511 ya, hail eel mechluery tiptoe into the effete "Whott" to the beast he is riding, and The rock seys, "W11 ,t, do you do that following text :—"As one whom his e ttemounts. Ili) e eataines the %%mime; ; fin'?" He p11 44 powder in; be lights a mother comfortoth, so will I comfort h, t ekes out 1301110 Wine, and e it li ii fuse. There Is a thundering ereeh. you."—Isttiade Mei, 13. e ;Ales the SN 0',1 It IS, and then he 1akt,t4 The roek )(eye, "Why, the whole moue - The Bible, is a warm letter of affee- 1°161" °U. Ind 1-441 8 11111 I 1n I 1) Make loin is going to pewee." The member the wounds slue sin i rt I ng ; fuel then le plunged; the rock IS dragged out. elan from a parent to a child, and yet et, tears off a ple.e, of his own gor- After a while it is i iken into the are. there are 3311vay .wiao see chiefly the mem for a bandage. Theu he helps isles erudite 1 I. ;el yo " \V 1.11, now 1 severer passages. eAs there may be the wounded min upon the beast, unit [ewe got to a good, warm. comfortable fifty or sixty. niglats of gentle clew in )11,:i lks by the .'id,, holding him on until , 1 ewe al Met." Btu 1 he sculptor lakes one stem:Leer, that will not eause as 4110 Iu,y 1,cutinailit.),, t_,, 1:i. tlaN,0111. lIn says t 0 rev the chisel and mallet, iind he digs .for much remark as one hail -storm uf half the iria'n's' Loard:rtiorist .1)11•owitIZst•1)Lak.‘ the eyes, end he outs for the numile ene he horse far the ea.', and he rube an bout, sw. there are those, who lire cart) of lesu; 11 14 costs anything 'more, it with eend-piper, until the rock says, (Marge it to me, and I will pay lt." more struck by those passages of thei "When will this torture be ended?" A Bible. that announce the indignation lesieture—The Good Samaritan, er Who sheet is thrown over it, It steeds in of God than by those that announce t iri,..., rirlibour ? L darkness. After a while it is taken his affection. There may come tu a fooliel; thi°l'ig‘'italik;a1 ttooritt af‘°•ar•bri'evihat.h(i') 51,1 11415 ill the sunlight. in the presence nut. The covering is renewed. It bousehold tvrenty or fifty letters of rIght. ;mil how glad Di1vine mellney is of ten t housand emelt Luling' people, as affection during the year, and they le lalt ' bask the "oder" 4 11""- la they greet the statue of the peel, or will not make as much excitement in eilr 'lone 1 !By a lecture. A. good fat h- the prinCe. Or I be ronqueror. [that home ae one sheriff's writ ; and ' ox.eu.' F: I arge af,c telt,,,atavpith weletth ste,ep evmda says the stone, "110W 1 understand it, so tthere arel people who are more ae... wardrobe. Die:meet-nett boy.. nut1.11.1 stending as a statue or a conqueror T tun 11 great deal better off now tenth's) to those passages which an- i ;1"S' Sharl'era fl"e" him' l"leda then 1 100111,1 beve been down in the h querry." leo God finds a man down those which e.nnouucecelie mercy and er 1 The leut,(01ori•unnonfint.t. Ileieilfl i'glets- in lbs' quarry of ignor titre a 1141 44111, How to get him up? He muse be bored, His favor. God is a Lion, John says i 3 r1ng. The fom, inf1amed :131,1 1;leed- and blade ed, and de:wiled and In the Book of Revelation. God is a a ing, gots a sandal. ele-) bare shout- chiaelled , anti scoured, end Breaker, Micah announces 131 411S pro- ' . , .g.e.t.', •liciotiv.),teg 1,hrouge the thtleee, stand sometimes in the darkness. nut . the stunt:telt, gunwing rater e while the mantle of affliction pileecy. God is a Ruck, lied is a 1 it'solC' with hunger, gels a full Flatter will eill off, and his soul will be greet - King. 1301 hear also that (bud is Lova. 1 1011011111O with melt. The father ran- tei by the one hund red and forty-four A faeher ante his child are walkin-g i aum eat for looking at the returned thousand, end the 1 honsand ot thou - out in, the fields on a summer's day, 1 , ,,,tv.,,enainutr,eirt. h,,,,Te1u..r,sia funning down ithhe eande, as more than roaquero„ (Th. mad there 00111e1 up li thunder -storm, ' night 41,0W melting, intt..°0 11-hemntuilo''—rnin; just as kind in our afflictions 115 ill me friends, God, like our Mother, is end there is a Dash uf lightning that , No "'ark eh Lb' farm that. day ; for our prosperities, God never touches startles the child, and tite lath r saye, ,i, hen a hail boy repents and comes , us but for our good. If, a field, clem iele, 'prom:sing to do 'boter et d "ely dear, that is God's eye." Tle're knows that it is enough fen ou'e (17 and cultured is better off then a ber- m:mos a peal of thunder, aud the fatal_ "Anti they began to be 00111» ren a eel the is bet' er off t ha n the : ren field, end if a stone that has lie - 01. 1,7,, •eitey. dear, dna ie God., reice ,, I let ure-1 ro legal :n011 returned tome leerble In the quarry, then that• soul ' l the wilderhiess So Gud, like eur But tee amide go oil the sky, and the se t•hieh God (hastens nro, be His favour- er°, ber, teachee.us evetytblug by le - the rocking of an eerthquake, but the heavens and floods the Janda:ape, and ' three. The sinner ie a tost shiep, the eocking of an earthquake, but. the the latter forgets to say, "That is ' J05115 ia the Brelegroom. The usleese rocking of God's crone. "As one whoin 1.111.11 a barren fig -tree. The God's smite." his mother comforteth, sa will I come lioepel is a great sapper. Satan, fort you." I have been told. that the The ;ext. of this raurnmg bend,s with ii euwer of tares. Truth, a ninstard- peer) in en oyster is merely the result grea, gentleness aud love 0(4441 1414 who seed. That which we could not have of.a W01111 41. or a sickness inflicted up - are prostrate in sill and trouble. Lt i ttuderetood in the abstract statement, brightest gems of heaven will be found preeenis to us in this Bible -album lights up with compassien. it melts ' ee°Lemeres, to have been the wounds of earth God engraved. " Is not the kindled into the jewelled brightnese with tenderness. It breathes upon us Divine loving -kindness ever thus teach-, of eternal glory. the hush of( au eternal lullaby, for it ing us.,"' I remark that God has naore than a atenounces that Guil resembles your I remark again, that God lues more than a mother's, favouritism. A father , mother's capacity for attending to lit - Mother. "As one WhOM his mother tle hurls. The father is shocked at eemetimes shows a sort of favouritism. coanforteth, eo wilt I coatfort you." 1 remark, in the first place, that God. bes a imoi her's simplicity 01 instruc- num A tether dues not know how to Melee a chile the A.. B. Ce Men are not skilled in the primary departmeut; but a mother hes so much patience 13101 81)4) will tell a Mild for the .hun- dredith. time thet difference between le and G, andi betwe.en I and J, Seine - times it is by blocks; sometimes by evorsted work ; sometunes by the emu; 'said the Colonel, Seel lie man, "For- 0.e,,eceeele.... eleefeeeeteeetetteettee, it givelmies." Tlie 43850 11,143 AO gOrle SO ,6 - the but that: It Inerlit. tetke thel turn, aild Hu the colotee eattl, " NOt,11, young r Rev. Dr, Talmage Speaks of the Love of God. nounce the wrath of God, than to ; sme (Xis homesick. Ste t t s back. Here 151 a boy—strong, well, of high the broke() bone of the child, or at the sickness Halt sets I he cradle on, fire forehead and quick intellect, The fa - with fever, hut it takes the mother to thee .'41135, " I 1,411 take t hat boy into' sympathize with ell the little ailments my firm yet ;" or, "I will give him the. Very 1,054 P05511110 education." There end lit tle nruises of the child. 111 the child have a splinter in Its hand, it are instaneeti where, for the culture of the one boy, all the others ha ee eeen. weete ltlo mother to take it. out, and robbed. A ead favouritiem; but that the father. The father &lye, "011, that Is nothing," but Oman/ether knows ie 1101 the towhee's favourite, I will tell you her favourtte. There is a child it is something, and that a little hurt 4144,, at two rare of nge had a fall,: eometimem is 11 very great Imre So lie (4414(4(411 4404. aver it. The ecaelei. fever with Gad1 ell 1:1" nnoyanoes 2118 443)- 140511101 enough to look at and sym- muffled hie hearing. Ile is not what pathize. with. Nothing with Ood lie 0114444 1018. The child has reused the mother more 11114101144 nights than all sea -lel -hinge there are no ciphers to 800044,14)185 by the book. She thus ; the other ;God's arithmetic. And if we wore only children. 11 he coughs in good eaough of sight,. we could see es teaches the child, and has nu kward- the /light, elle springs out of a sound memuch , ss of condesceusion, in so doing. So .:leand ep goes to him. The last thing microecope us through through he does when going out of the house a teleseoPe, those things that may God, like mut Mother, stoups down to ; is to give a charge in regard to him, be impalpable and infinitesimal to us, our intimate minds. Though we are The Best thing- on coming in is, it., ask may be «1101100310811eed an infinite Lo God. iold a thing a thousand. tunes, and in, regard to 11130, Why, the children .A. mathemetical point is defined as we of the family, all know that he is the having no parts, no magnitude, et do ion understand It, our heavenly • favourite tied say, "Mother, you let • is so small. you, cannot imagine it, and Mother goes on, line metal line, precept • ' him do jukt as he pleases, and you give yet n methematical 44011)1 14)27 be a upon precept, bere a little, there a lit- 1140) a great many things which you starting -point for a great eternity do not give us. He is your faeourite,,, Gods surveyors eery), u very long ; The mother smiles; be knows ie is so. chain. A., scale must be very delicate that min weigh 44 grain, but God's scale Sol he ought to be; for it there Many , one in the world who needs sympathy is so delicate teat He can weigh with mere than another, it ie an invalid it that whioh is so smallt that 41 grain , is a million times heavier, When John child, weary on the first mile of life's Kitto, a pear boy on a back ,stt•eet oe journey ; carrying an aching head, a weak. Inside, an irritated long. so the Plymouth, out his foot with a «10044 01 mother ought to make him a favour- glass, God bouod It ap so suceesfully its, God, like our Mother, has favour- that he Immune the great Christian.. geographer, end a commander known Res. " Whom the Lord loveth he ohne- teneth." That ie., one whom he espeei- I 500 0044 all nations, So every wound ally loves Ile chasteneth. God loves 01 ihe,soul, however lesiva/Deane God all • but Ls there onW e eak. 113 and sick,' w,,, e'"14 to bind up. As at: the first and sone, and wounded, and eurfering, I e,.17a'r 11)14childchild the mether reehee 1 and fait? That is the one who nes! ieLi,,'e,eses, wee takes the smallest wound 01 wound, so God, like our nearest and more perpetually on the it the heart., and presses it 10 11)6 dips of great, loving heart of God, Why never coughs but Clod hears it. It divine symeathy, "As one whom bie never elm a weary limb ha the bed mother comforteth, so will I conaH but God knowa of it, There is 110 ,11)3111 fort you," a wateher as God. The best nurse. 1 remark farther that God bus mot's May be overborne by fatigue, and fail than a mother's patience for the err - asleep, in the cheir ; but God, like, our ing, 11 one does wrong, 141181 3148 'Mother, after being l t n p year of 114441118ts (115014111101 in life cn.st hi13113)off• if with a suffering chil11111111never slumbers he goes on in the wron orl sleeps, "Oh!" says one, " cannot under- tle. God has 'been teaching seine of us thirty yeers, and, sums of us sixty years, oue wordt of 011e syllable, and we 110 1101 know it yet—e-a-i-t-b, faith. When we Mine LO that word We stum- ble, we halt, we lose our place, we /pro- nounce it evrong. Still God's patience Is not exhausted. God, like our Moth- er, puts us in the school et prosperity, 411111 1116 letters are in sunshine, and we cannot spell them God puts us in the school of adversity, and the letters are black, and wa cannot spell them. II God were merely a kiag, he would punish us; if he were amply 1 lather, be would wbip, us; elat God. is like a mother, and so we are borne with and helped all the way through, A. mother teaches her cnild chiefly by pictures. If she wants to set forth to LOC Mild the hideousness of a quarrelsome spirit, inelead of giving a lecture upon that subjert she terns over a Mat and showthe child two boys ite a wrangle .ind says, "Does 000 Lbet look horoble ?" 11 ishe wants to teaela her chil11 the awful - gess of war, she euens over the pie- tua•e-book aud shows the war-tharger, the headless trunks of butthered men, the wild, agonizing, blooilehol eye of battle rolling under lids of flame, end she says, "Thee is wet I" The child understands it.. In a great many books the best fart aro the pictores. The etyle may be ineised, the type poor, but a piseure attracts a thiees attentnn, Now, Ood, Like oar eloth- er, teethes us almost everything by pietures. Cioa wishes to set forth the faut that 1.111 the judgment the good will be di- vided frora the wick. ow s 11,dne? a itatre; by a 011113111145-8 " ii'ns, !l hlis business partner cnasts him i; it be goes on, hsbet frends met. him stand althat abouaffliction," A. er o bers have east finer of ilver once explained it o him ofwhere does he go? Who holdsChrietlan lady, "I put the silver in no grudge, end forgiveS the last time the fie, and keep refining it ad Fa wellas the first? Who sits by the ttyng it till I an eee my fuze 1,murderer's counsel all (115(1134441 the and I thtake it out." Just eo t islong trial Who tarries the longest that GokeepFydeerchildren at the windows of a culprit's cell, the furnace till the divine image may4441)0, when all others thnk ill of a be sen in them then they take111111, keeps on thinkig' well of himl out of he fire. "Well," feyi Soma One, 18 ht', 'God 1111(01 her 83e711 that is the way hutOod t Nate Hi' 'a".8. if shstill be alive; and blessfavotritese do not want to be areveher grave if shbgone) And bless 144)5140," There Is a, barren field on an the rocking -char in which Ate used autumn day just wanting to be 1,4 10 sit, anleese the cradle that she piedH alone. ; There ie a bong et the 1,111114, 114)41 used to rock, and,' Mese the bible she fleeting scene, A. grotto of hardy Men, 11 1111 111, of whiffle trees and I:Melee5. used to read I So ((0441 185 patience tor Lung -bearded, geared for standing to , The field sae)), " Weak is the farmer ail the erring, After everybody else the wais1 in water eleeves rolled up.. going to do with me now Tho far- has east a mon off, God, like our Moth - Long o'er, sungiat; boat battered as leer mita the plough in the gra 1111i, PT, comes 10 the velem). God tweet to though 11: had been, a PlueMilte of the tearing through elie eolf, and 11)14 I tir- take Marge of a bail mule, After all storm. A ful1 net, thuraisng about tearing through the Sod, and the fur- 1,118 other deceive liaVa got through, with the. fish, whieh Mom just dist:eve! rOW roaches /rem fence to feene. Next Ole heeeeell Pheelelan comes ire ered their coptivioy, the worthless,day there is a bang al the bars, and Haman sympathy al such a time moss -hunkers and the useful flounders a rattle of whiffle -trees again, The 410e8 11411 amount to Minh, Even the all in the Same net. The fisherraau , field anys, "I wonder what the farmer s,vanpitehy of the Chure.h, I am warty puts his hand down emaidithe equirsa- is going to do now." 'fhe farmer bitches lo elle, often deem not amouot l0l11I1l1h, ing fine, takes oht the moss -bunkers tile boreal to the, harrow, and it goes 1 halm seen most barsh and bitter 1 and throwe them into the water, and, hotending and ,tearing areess the field, treatment 011 the part of those «1(1114114) the good fish into the pail. So, I Next day there ia, a rattle at the bars atho were WaVerieg and erring, They saye Christ, it, shall he at the end of 1 amain, and the field aerie "What. 11 (4,0 1 rled nil the wanderer saremore, and the world. The bad he will 5(1,i farmer going to do 11041 1111111144444a1 0, and revival ure, end the,v itivity, and Ow good he win ketkp, An.; heavily acrose the Held, scattering seed tried itt I e-4 at t le, There eye one other pletere, 1 (es he wince. Atter e while 11 H011f1 1 fling they did not, try, and the wee God, like our Mother, wanted 40 get nomee. The field says, " more forgiveness. A SOI 11 101' 111 Efighnla forth the duty or neighbourly 4044e„1 11111113)114 t" It begets to rein. After a wee Mought he a sergeant' tu 111 "04- 1331(1 113 (10Xle by a ehoure, el heel, eel while the wind rhangeS te the ninth- tmel. 'White" retyst the 1,01011141, Witmlnels on the feed to Jericho. 41.1 Mode elnd it begins to snow. elays the 'bringing the man here again, We traeeller lias been fighting a robber. 1 field, "351 ib 1101 enough the' 1 Imam hove tried everything' with bine' "1)1) The robber etebbed lent and k,norked heen torn, and trampled upon, end no," eays the fielgeent, 'there is, 01141 hem . down, Two minister:I mule drowned 4 Meet 7 114.4144 -1,44 enowed un- thing eou have not tried. 1 would Meng. They look at the poor fellow, der V" Allot, ft while, Spring cornea out like you, to ley that." "What is thug' man, you have 'lune 1.10 alld S41. What Is your excuse 3""1 have no peewee bue 1 um very eorry," eaid the man. "e1 haae matey up our ailintle to for- give pole' said the colonel. The teers Karl eti• fie bad never hem tweoeted In that wee b' 104'144, ie life was re- formed, and that was the Alerting - point lor a eositively Christian nee On the Farm. temayse-v000nw —livete•avae, slucti 1(011 PRESERVING MAN - DIMES, A b01 oe meek on a Larne Ls a gold mine. Those depomite ut black earth found in awalues, along brooks and In (11 (.11urch 1(1 0411143, quit your eaten:oat lute spots tu 1.11e meadow or patellar.) when a man Lille I Quit your irony, field, ars chiefly 111114055 of luilf-deeey• quit yint r 1 it I leo t I le, and try forgive- ZIONs, (1otl, 11 km yOtIr NIALIOr, 1 1.108 it ed vegetable matter, whiele shmete all all the time, A mend tile 111117' be like be gathered and taken to the cultivat- e imminent, but God's lorgiveness is ed fields as Loud foe growing crops. like 1 he 413 144114110 a rid Peelle. ()eve us, el IS b,1 t,01., 11.0WeVEir, to 011114418 1113)111) bevading it on bet b S111041. The Bible erten talks about tioti's and pea ly matter with the materials Mimi. I wonder lum, 11 /mks, 'You tit the barnyard. Thele decay has rem 'nib • r dietinctly how your mot he been' partially arreeted by an asphal- er's hand looked, though thirty yeare . 1144 0 (11 4111, here(' awn ),. /;„ wm dirf.,,r- tie Or pi 1 Chr COS 1 I lig% and the action ent fioIn your tether 5 hand, W hen you svere to la , euestised, you had rather have 114 ,11)11' punish you than fat her. It did not hurt su touch, And fat her's hand was different from mother's; partly 11 '('34(14111 it had out- door Ion, and partly beenuAe God in- tended it to b different. The knuek- les were more ninny set, and the palm WaS 10115011, 11111 11.101ber's head was more delicate. Teere were bete veins .running through the bade of it. Though tbe fingers, some of teem, welt) picked et th a needle,the palm of Mee. athes, or other alkalies or the fermeneitton of the manure heap Is required to 1114510411 the de1,0111110all 1011 11.1111 prepare the elemente for enterem into new organizations, Before autumn floode and winter 1rosts lock up or render initcoessible tee. betek moke it should bu dug tett Lind thrown into heaps to drain 50 that, it may be ready to cart to the 'farmyard at leisure. The profits of ot it was sort, telt it Ives very soft, 'the termer depend much upon his condition Was there ever any peultiee like 111111 skill in managing and Increasing the . allts. 1(4 10 trike pain out of 14 W1/1111dt God's manure heap, Many aro aware of thit„ those uf hand is eke a mother's band, What aud millions it. touches it heals. If it same you, are, new paid every' year end lege d give io does not hurt as if it 444441141another Om the manurial deposits of the Chine 110 ;the teeth evenly and piano the rover 00 follower on lop, .L'ul 00 ft weight sufficient.' 111) 101'00 1.1111 whey float the Curd. A. Pail of water well anewer for few hours, cluttgr;tur to a 1144114414,1' weight afterward, The cheese should remain in preati Ilb ,11 ovn dayfebeing turned, owe during that time. After taking (rem the prose set away iQ dry for a day or tevo, then grease well web invited butter rubbed 1.411 with a elven cloth. Turn every day end rePeal 1411' PrOVOSS (Or at least one. 440.0k, 144004) ill a 3111180 14ee010 from flies, 1 never 080 a nn(tl tr) Or allY coloring metier to simulate riOlitle:04. III rise or six weeks the cheese will be cured, and in flavor a( least, if not 111 (.01()4', will compere favorably with those turned frem the faetories or creameries, Rennet 41(1)4445 can lio procured al 111051 drug stores and hese almeo entirely 111 314'l'111'1113(4 1141 1150 01 151111441 itself, Bennet 50 11 le, pur- chased of buteliere and should bi. eleitneeil, rolled in salt end dried' 111'l't) secure trim flees. BREIED 1-IIEALT1117 HOOS, The most feas:b 1. plan to nay mind wined be to :Meanie, by guing back - 11 11 of en 1 LI We roar h 1. cense.rva (Iva mem be the leek, itetive hog of 4)1111444411 age, which poseessed it' vigorous eonstitution and an Im- munity, from disenee, unknown among the swine uf to -day t/nd the present hand. Oh you in sin, it is nut a bailiffs 11:1 n .1 thnaot seizes you to -day. It nota bard had. It is not an Urs)04.theto hand. It noi cold hand le, tit retel oSr ahll 1s eo,xv1ceersbsurodfenecdon(10$C0i11 11y- (413,11411' b350410 011l Uff1.1011 bone, sound feel and god anneular noton, all 111,44: a 4)11(111110111 raage; jloOr rifeness, ex.1ng soul elm,0.Pe.thy an islal01s, bundled b • • loads M. Hite black muck thrown out to dry al th8 latter end M. summer, and afterward gengieti witb an equal all 01101117S 1111 11 II, NO, ft i-, 11 gen, ,,, bulk ,of freeh deposits in the barnyard hand, a toeing hand, 11 Syne/tithed(' , will preduce e011 loads ot very rich hand, a lift bandot mother'e hand, manure, fully equal, bulk for bulk, to ; "As one whom his mother eomforteth, et, will 1 conifort you." the best barnyard depesits. Ee- 1 want to miy, (Melly, that Clod has perionce has fully. tested the truth (,f , th.ne than a 1110ther 44113 of putting a child to sleep. YOU 141104(4 there is 110 cradle -song like a mother's, After the exeitement of the evening it is Almost impossibe) to get the child to this assertion, intelligent theory tells why this Is so. .A.s the animal 1 excrements are usually left to the yard,: One-half on three-fourths IS lost . sleep, It the rockieg-cluor stop a by decay and evaporation into the 1 meatent, the eyes are wide open: but alt, 1)11 all adt111X1.11X0 MetiC or peat I , 503144110. is itaking n flesh of thaters soothing 14)141131,11' keep un th) escaping gases, 1(11140ice (113018111116,1 wreaked knd, firm, and fie in tex- ali er a while, the 11114451 of slumber byrfar the rgchest. potretrions of allu,maiee.,Lure, with equal acility that his help - 11118 hie wing over the pillow. Well, ueedmeutatiothless weak -legged beehe r takes un les bunt hee fate STRANGEST FISti IN THE WORLD. 'ip , the mother'e patience and the mothcheeks ele tooraidIecayandOtl119 • gu ' - e 1 • (.1(4 3081 441)1114411 4'111l11JlI141' 11 %' 11151113' the al101a, aIMO :V0141111- breeding ane over-fekdirlg in e0e 'on - 1 (*MOM «1ST 41iI twea free grass rang(harem h> 4431044 11144 13(4111403), and all the 0111111gFle of fool at your com- mand, 004)145141113' during fall, 151/1101' (1(3(1 spring, we will, in ime, bring 1,13 ei, the desired 144 '41 1is aas- luiely niteelble to (4)404111(1' a lege 1 1111 11/011 WI 011 1hi1 animal has ample bPIlv, Hound feet an 1Vgs h (131441111) uE digestion and re - elevation unimpaired, thue insuring comeeutional Niger a111 mem'u tar action. Meele is hm meat end is developed be exercise, and tlae vior- ouslollop hog during the feetenieg ray dear brothers and sisters in muck itself: beetones decomposed and Chris, 14114 time will come when we prepared to eater al once into the Mit le, weaning tu be put to sleep. pleat as food, The day of our tile will b., done, and Let everyone look about his farm the shadows or the night of death fur some of these valuable deposits, will 11.? muttering around us. Tben There is not one Mem in a Innuired we want God to seethe us, to hush bui will turnish, more or less of them. um to sleep. Let the music Wherever water runs Isom higher e1 our going not be the' dirge 0( 11115 ground, and settles in a low spot, it organ, 04' (he 140e11 of the church -tow- carries down Setae portion 01 the vege- er, or the drumnang 031 31 "dead niercla" iab48 matter and leaves it there. but, let 11 ba the hush of 0 mother's Sometimes these deposits cover (tomes lullaby, Oh I the cradle/ of the grows ot acres, and in other eases the black will be soEt with the pillow of all poonuses. When we are being rooked into that last slumber, I want this to be the oradle-seng: "A.s one whom, a mother comforteth, so will I comfort you." . "Asleep in Jesus I Par from bee Thy kindred and their graves may 0e; SUL thine is, still a blessed sleep, From which uone ever wake to veep,' A. Christian man eras dying in Soot - Laud,, His daughter Nellie sat by the e, 11 was Su -n -day evening, and the bell tel the Scotch Kirk was ring- ing, calling (114) 444104)10 to church. 111e good old man, in his dying dream, thought that he was on the way to church, as he. used. to be when he went: in the sleigh 20110511 the river ; (fuel as 11114 84483311144 bell struck up, in his dyin,g dream he thought it was the °eel to church. He suid, "Hark, Mil- dren, the bells are ringnig; we shall tale; We meet make the mare step out quick 10 He shivered, andthen said, "Pull the buffalo robe up Closer, my lass 1 It is cold crossieg the river, but we will soon be there. Nellie, we will soon be there I" And he smiled and said, "Just, there now." No won- der he smiled, The good old man had got to elierch. Not the old Scotch kirk, but the temple in the skies. just aeross the river, illow comfortably did Goa hush that old UM 11 304 sleep 1 A.s 000 1441)011441318 mother ecanforteth, so God iminforle ea him. THE ELECTRIC CAT. A. New Inatrament of Correction. hi 1.1Ne 141 Evince and Hoe Colonies. Some of the French newspapers have been telling bout the new method of whipping men which hes just been in- troduced experimentally into some of the penitentieries and eolonies of France. The insteument bears the Pleapiag name of "The Flectrio Cat," and l'Electricien expresses the mien - tine opinion that it ia a great im- provement upon the Russian kettle, and the cat ce mine tails, which it says still unfortunately figure in inany Penel colonies and in the penitenti- aries of so-called civilized Stites." The method if this new whipping nutehine ie very simple and business- like. The etelprit who hes been sen- tenced to undengo the lash is tied to a, post in the usual manner. Behind him is a wheel, driven by an eleetrio motor, which 'goes round and round with a velocity that is unpleasant Mr the victim. The velocity' may be reg- ulated, however, according to the sev- erity of the trouncing to be adminis- tered. Attached to one of the spokes' is a whip whleh swings around 11:18 circle, and tbe esulprit 15 4)1(40-3143 at such an angle with referent% to the inure- ment of flagellation that every thne t comes aroueut it 1111344 1,4011 Sqllareb, 011 the back. it itt cleimett for the new invention that it dispenees juetice impartially and equably. It has 110 animus egainst the prisoner, its blows are giv- en with equal intensity and it better tonna the idea 0e even-handed juetke than manna" Dogging, winch is likely to distribute penalties very unevenle, liefert, a girl hes hem married ten minute); At) feels like she eould put iltir MON around 11 WidOW, end ear, "Dour, we Mon) suffered together I" mold occupies butt a few feet of sur- face; but if coley .a load here and a, load there can be obtained, it is worth looking atter. An Kean as cold weather suspends the ordinary field work, com- mence (hauling your inutak heap to the bannyard where it should be piled up under a rude cover, it possible, and thee daily mingled with the druppinge from the horse arid cattle stalls and frerat the hog pen and poultry houses. Suele partions as will not be needed for this purpose should be shoveled over with the addition, of a bushel or more ot freshly -slaked lime to 38011 ordinary, cart load, Ini the abaence ot lime, or if more convenient, a some- what tlarger quantity et 11111044111101 ashes) may be substituted for the litne with equally good or batter results. If no rieh,, black muck or earth can befound on, Um farm, 111011 go to the thickest forest and gather the sur - lam soil and half -decayed leaves which have fallen for a dozen years --per- haps half a century. 'Everything of commie or vegetable origin is valuable and should be treasuend. The out - feta of drains or water courses upon the roadside, or at the lower side of fields, will afford more or less of these vegetable fleposies. The ground me cupied by old fences may be profit- ably carted to the yard and toted ae a ground bed for the absorption of Iiquid reanuree. FARM CHEESE IVIAZING. I often wonder. why farmers' wives dot het make their °ten Meese, es- pecially as this can be done without much trouble or expense, writes A, C. 111( -hereon. If the following dir- ections are observed, a quality of cheese will be obtained %Mai to store Meese, If the supply of morning milk does not amount to 'the 111.1.34334.117 need- ed, whicla ehould. be about tweive gal- lons, than choose, a cool period, so that the milk obtained the night before can bo. added without any danger of sour- ing the morning's milk. Add the solution mad11 by soaking a piece of rennet the size of your hand in nearly a. 'pint of water for 24 hours proyious tot the time Wanted for use. Stir all well together, Heat gradually In any vessel' largo enough, 1 generally use a tem waeh-beiler which Miele 12 gal - 011 this quantity makes a nice - steed cheese, Heat to 84 degrees Falcrtatottelleeit. on gulation takes olttee, cut the cur11 with a knife in email squares, to allow the Whey to eattape. If. the whey is 01 44 milky calm, the milk Wall not 4431114) enough when the rennet was added, Or else there ts 11 deficit- eney of rennet, The whey should be af a greeniSh aSett and imart,y parent, when the curd 18 thoroughly set, Now dip off all the' whey pos- sible before removing (he curd, Have ready a square of rhease Cloth, previ- ously, scalded ; spread Ln a Mean bas- ket, width Mould' her Waded on a tub on other vessel large enough to bold the evhey. A otemmon Wash tub and clothes basket can be used, drying quielrly after, Sihee they are only used to 0i:c3111s off the whey, Dip the (111143 44111)30 the bailer, lel. drain awhile, then with the hands break the curd up, fine salt to, taste, gather the ends Of the cheese cloth up, shape until set- tled well in the center of the tsloth, lift carefully and Dieu in a hrop whishi should have. been placed where La be intended to be poi to press. •A, bench or the sink nail be used, Vold They Aro Equally al Ilonio on Dry 1,81141 /lad 3,, WI:10r. The strangest fish in 1110 world is Lund iu that ebtele of strange creatures, Australia, and in the wilds of Africa. It appears to be almost the connecting link between feel and air breathing animal), The , Austrellato variety at lung fish— de- ratedus--eas not only gills, but also b:acider by 4,131(441 it breathee air and utters sounds that have frightened limn who knew nothing of its habits. This strange fish sometimes emerges from the Wa. /CT and orawle over mar- shy plams, by tile aid VI its fins, mak- ing a noise, like a bark, which sounds mere than eerie in the silence M. the The, air bladder is an adaptation by nature of this strange fish to the peett- liar' conditions 1111(ier W111011 it ('0(0- 4)8310(1 1,0 exist, The streams in winch it is found dry up in the dry season, mod the lung/ Hell has to breathe air, sometimes for mouthe at a time. It buries itself in the mud, and only SVhLo the evarm ruins come does it awake to active life again, It grows sometime* teethe leugth of six 01. eight Mee and is so interesting to naturaiiste that the Royal Society of Queensland has taken steps to prevent its dying out by, placing the young in a large !flam- bee of Australian streaille adapted to 118 preservatiorte Another kind et lung fish—protop- terus—is found in Africa, but it does not, grow so large as the Australian speoies„ and has, a peciullar method of ;preservityg itself during the dry sea- son), It: seals ileelf up in a elay sao or cone, and nes dormant until the rains soften the. clay and let it out into the water again, Speeimone of both kinde of lung fish have lately been taken in the Lan- don Zoological Gardens, arbere they hav14 netraeted a ,great deal 4,1 1111,811,• ti.on. The African species was brougill ha Rs clay oeue, and when the eone was put Lute lukewarm water the eish squirmert'out lively as if it were in lts native stream. HOPE. The victim of hay fever smiled through Ins team Yes, he exclaimed, I aro going hunt- ing in the Wi 4 11 WOOLIS of -the north I But do you really .oxpeel to get re- lief ap there? we asked him, Yes, replied hie, boyantly, H ep there some other hotter wilt eery likely mietake Inc for a deer I Of course there was the chance that buck ague would intervene and pre- vent 11.15 being fatally shot, but he 444115 din/Geed 10 hope tor the best. - EIS CHEST EXPANSION REDUCIE:D, Firs!. Officer—Hew would yeti fancy a sailor for a bueband, 3131I44.5 Cureon hass CurzemeaVery much indeed, if he, were like youeselle First, Officer, highly flattered, --We extremely eke of you to say that, but , Miss 0urzon--13ecause you wouldn't be lemoi much. THE MARK OE' THE LYDY. The Emma surgeon of a London hos- Pital was 511011411044 10 (he injuries of a poor woman Whom imm had be:en severely bitten, As he was dressing (hr eW116111n.131(161 1.Imw't4181504(141 wbrit sort of a erentere bit you. This ie too email for a horsr'S bite end too large (or 07,4,1,', replied the plie nnt, 11 tensile tali'8 n1,11, 11 trati (mother 17117, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NOV. 26. "Mon or Ill 101000M 1100." rem', ea. 11945. 41810en Texi. 10 I. PRACTICAL NOTES; Verse 29, Who 11,11 11 woe( who 1111113, morrow: Lit entity, "W1111 11115 Oh? WhO 111* Atm?" Whose life le 111(1110 4144 Ad ec laumilmee of dietrems? "Ohs" and "Ahtees" ere (gnash/nal 441 1 r,j0C1 1011S 'With 41111131 of we they are (tutorial of pain. that suddenly inierampt the peaceful flow of life, But Solomon know,'* a Mall whose Itfe Is one pro- • longed outcry of agony, Who es 110 Whu bath cuntentions1 whu bath babe tiling? The liquor shop le the head quarters of figbtera and of fools, if ninn is determined to fight with an other, he must get, rid 01 1111311(18 kind-, i nese, so he takes alcohol and bear:ones a brute. If a men wanta to learn a fool's seoret, be must firsl gei rid of the fool's lingering manses, so he gives him a lcobel, and the secret is divulged, Wounds without cause. Without reason. A. largo proportion of the diseases which seuurge us, a larger proportion of fetal accideets, and nearly t11 the oaumeless anti unprofit- able disputes of life, arise from a leohot and intoxicating drugs. Who Moil red- ness of eyes? "Dimming of eyes" would he a better translation, but bloodebot and bleaxed eyes are marks of !i drunk:ire. 11115 verse is an awful arralg,nmene of • ;One. In eoloonnes day uo intox- Meat stroager than Wille 40011 knowm in, mins destined liquor anti the adulter- ation of 'popular drinks bring ruin much nearer 10 our huuseholds, Rob- ert Hall, the famous Daptiet, called brandy " bqual fire and distilled (lain- iantiun." The fabled' Cinee in 51 Led men to delightful benquete, which, partele en of, transformed the guests into beatge. Stech is the "111111011 habit." .411. cohul overworks the heart, poisone th( blood, weakens the luugs, parelyzee the uervent, congeste the brain, dulls the mind, and destroys the soul. In mu day, 118, 111 Soletuonee the 144141113 -1)111311 verse eau ee truthfully unswered only lay the thirteentb ; only thee we have to add to "40111,1" and " %Vilna" al at Noisome, list of intoxicating drinks 8.1111 deugs) 30. They Llitte tarry loog at the wine, There are in almost every eonmuunaty drioiltards wheat) " tome, are pro- tracted through elaye and even weeks, There ie au evil minim in all 10 1041- 11.31,0(45, They time go to smelt mixed wine, "Mixed wine '144 Mime/Aced and drugged to etrengthen it. "Llo to eeek" is literally "440 in tu sample," tu teet. Soo we beve in this verse grouped to- gether these who drink " respectably" 01 1300041 and those who haunt the grog - shops, The weaker 1111 4)375 leads to the atronger ; eider to wine, wine to whie- ky, whiaky to the 81 11011-44881 in toxie canes. 31. Look not thou upon the wiue. 144 Circe is charming, torn thine eyes 4411153. Tom' abstinence, 3.1)e11, IS 110 " nineteenth century doetrine." Three thousand years ago wise men saw elearty that moderate drinking was um the best means to develop thor- oughly saber men, while it makes mil- lions of drunkards. But hiow perti- nacious is this vice 1 Three thousand yearal Niaely generations! Dur- ing those long years howl many lives hsve been reined by inboxicants, how many sods lost I What itnmeasure able practical folly there is 111 this world in spite of all its aggregated wisdom I \Then it is red. Or golden. The beauty af wine adds to its Medea - Lion and its danger, Cliveth his color 3.11 the cop. Sends the sparkling "bead" up 13 )41100 seriatim Moveth .41- 8e113 aright. The Revised Version has "goal] down smoothly." Whiichever of these phrases be preferred, 'the re- ference still is Lo the evil Maim oe wine; it glows and sparkles 10 Meuse the eye; its tlevor delights the sense of taste. el At the lest it biteth like a ser- pent. However feseinatiug at first, In the end it stings, And how multi - Pie is the pabe cif its sting—physical lamellas, remorse, defamation of re- putation, degradation of obaracLee, de- spair I An adder. Probeble, accord- ing to Dr, Plutneptre, 11148 is the rm.- testes, or horn,ed smake, whiellicoles it- self up on, the sande of the East and darts unexpected ly at wayearers. e3. Thine eyes shall behold strange women. The Itevised Version Iran& Mies, "Thine eyes elmll bebold strange thing's," a ohrueet which ouggesis de- lirium tremens, "Strange ,women," 18 the phrase ,12e0(1. by our Authorized Version to describe 400(3114?) Wile Mill their livelihood 1.y liuluIgi ng sensual tusk , 111(443 114444.1. women" 400111(1 lbe, beet 611.-.4.11111.1 ia, foreign wowed, 111.11111' 1)111 waSuen, who had a low eode or morals. Thine heat! shall 011131' per- verse things. The Hebrew evince Hays Taylor Lewis, "denote); topeyeur, viemes, 111 ie r cent nelic orinese, 111) - medley, and wild conluelon." The in. toxittated Mall 1111011(44' el apeited his moral purpose and them vie! hia Bette see, his lawless imagi»Ings are tree, Wither will nor words are 1(4)4301' 00(1- (1,1)1. Strong drink greatly arouses the lower passions. 8-1, As he thet lie 111 down in the midst of the eat. , Very giddy end Hick ; very emelt, in danger. too, .A.e let that diet hi upon the lop or a most, A rlieetelic nestittentent, eto reeklese and, wrote:hod to bed LIS 4.1(4 nulathead Olf a 044800(1( 111111114411144 in the trougly031 the opeo WOUld not he Vally to Met of a Amulet rd. 35. Tbey have 1110 • ad 1 wee not leek, ' 1 Wes lot Ineee." To 11(13(114,1,4111(13(114,1,41 ie coineinp. - floes ; When hie friends epos -1 u. ale any's. "It does OW You nay that lethit las beaten tue, but f fele 11 not," W1100 hal 1 I make shoal eel b eat 04.31 rom whut felloWe, It is a. steletneet 1111, beheleior of every man who has Iven himselt ever in Hee fatal fault ywhen awake" I will leek -1,44 et Nola,