HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-23, Page 5Nov. tis, 1899 OUSiNESS CARDS, Z o uJ TO LOAN A.T G PLa.B Daub, F,B, 80OTT, Bruesolo, H. nfaO,t1AOIIEN, Y VI. Dianna' ofblarriageT,loonaoe, 0111oe ab his Or000ry, 1 urnborn, street, Brneools, 'D N. BARRETT, ill• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door North of the Standard Bank, Lacked and cltildraus hair nutting a SPeolaity, TABUS FOR SALE.—THE UN• Dnaineoan has (leveret good Farms for 0.iie and to rent, easy berme, in Townships of monis and (troy. Ir 8, 8UOTT,flrussele M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEACHER OP— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- IN80aAN0n, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, T. FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage Licenses, Orrin AT Jftwaoar STOUR. ''No Witness Required. T. FLETCFiER, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M., academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music, also Member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to r000iv° a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil afor the Principal's Form fu the Conservatory of Music, Brussels, Ontario. MIS8 CARRiE MOORE, Of London Conoervatory of Music. Teacher of Violin and Guitar, Willreceive a limited number of pupils for iuetructlon at Brussels, Clans 100000 101 of September. For further information apply to sties S. L. Moore, inutile teacher. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publie Land, Loan and Insurenoe Agant. Fends invested and to loan, Oolleottone made Mee in Graham's Block, 'Brussels AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION. -I S. SCOTT Ii • nun, wilt sell for bolter prices, 14 better men, in ass time and less chargee then any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can 'always be arranged at this ofllee or by personal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, tY • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treats l diseases of domesticated animate in a oom- Loveterinaryyydont; tryy. lar attention Calls promptlyPaid tended to. Moe and infirmary—Pour doors north of bridge 'rarnborry st., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. `�M SI NOLAIR BARRISTER • Solioior Uonto anoer,Notar Pab- o, &o, Omee—Vauetone'e Block, 1 door north of Central Hobe Bolioi for for tate Standard Bank. G•F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &e. 010ee over Stand- atdMoney to Loan at lowest sates Brussels, M G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Out erOfeooa Barrister Et.,Solicitor, 0 1' borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. tI. A. M'NAUGHTON. Et. D., C. M., Trinity University, Follow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Phy- eiolauo mod Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwiferyy Edinburgh. 1St -Telephone No.14, Residence, Mill1., Brunets. E. T, SNIDER, M. D., 0, M., sueeesaor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a apoolalty.. Fight years'ezperlenoo, tat`ONfoe and res- idence that formerly monied byDr. Ma. Kelm, Tmnberrytreol,Brueeele, 2d. DR. WM. L. HOLMES, 0DT0I0IAN, seaen&N AND 1000000118018, (Successor to Dr, P. 0. Italbll°Isak) 111, D. Bellevue Hospital Med, Ool, Now York i M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron- to; Member of the College of Phyeiolaue and Surgeons of Ontario. Speoial attention paid to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and throat. leis( D. F. SMITH, M. 0. 0, M., Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &o. &o, All specialty work satisfactorily treat- ed. Office upstairs in the Strettou block, Office hours, 0 to 12 a, m„ and 7 to 10 p, m, Specialist work, such as for eye, ear, throat, &o., in the ()Moe at hie residence, B11sabeth street, from 2 to e p m. All medicines will be dispensed personally by the Dr. or tender his climb supervision, STOCK FOR SERVICE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE, The Undersigned will lkeep for aerate° on Lot 20 000.0 Morris, the thorn' -brad Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge LOng- follow," No. 2400, bred b.' J.18, Br•ethous, lour. ford, to which a limited number of sows will bo taken. Tormer $1,00, to bo paid at time ofoorvioowith privilege of rotdrulog11neo- misery. A number of choice young owe for sato for breeding puree:me womb will bo Bold at ptl 21_ to salt BODDO',o0#O0Ot, Proprietor, Tf1E BRUSSELS POST CLUBBING OFFERS 1900, l'na Powr and The Weekly Globe, 01.60. Tile POST, Globo and Marion Iiarland's Works, $176. Tait Poor and Tint Western Advertieer,. 01.40. TIM Poor and London Daily Adver, Maw, $2 00. Toe POST, Tho Weekly Globe, and The Weekly Sun, 01 86, Tina PUT and Montreal Weekly Star and Family Herald, with two premiums, 01 80. 19na Pon, and Witness, 01 60. Tole, Pater, and Weekly :tun, 01,10. '1'8110 PosT, and Moil and Empite, $1.75. 3t icitt Ilebvs, Irttlwtlwich. Newer FLUTrnas.—Tbe public; school fa preparing for a oon00rt bo be hold on Fridoy evening, Deo. 22u4.—Amaey Riehm, of Maryboro' township, has oome to town to learn the harness making with his brother, Ezra.—Gro. Peel, who has been attending Harriston High School, has been taken eorlouely ill. Ile was brought home and we understand is somewhat on the mend. Pleurisy and bleeding of the lunge is the rouble.—John MoDermont, of the 2nd con., has disposed of his farm, whiob 000taine 150 acres, to Edwin Lambkin for the anin of 07,500, Mr. Lambkin has now about as line a lot of land ae is to be found in the township, having 250 soros in all, and right near to. gather. Our real estate agent, 11, S. Gook, effeoted the sale. Luciano w. Newsy Meas.—Button & Trevett are having a large addition built to their dry lriln itt the furniture faotory.—After depositing the remains of the late Mr. Jones in the grave at Iiiolose cemetery, the hearse belonging to the Ripley under taker was moot while being turned around in the cemetery, The large glass sides were broken and the hearse was otherwlae damaged,—W. Moull, of Park. dale, an evangelist, is oondnoting a series of special revive' services in the Luck. now Methodist ohuroh in this village .— Wesley Young, of this village, reoeived the end intelligence by telegram that his brother William Young, a young man of about twenty years of age bad been killed at Sault Ste. Marie. The young man was employed in the pulp milia of that plane.—John Joynt, ere he left 8t. Helene for Luaknow, was surprised by the fel. low members of his church and with his wife was made the recipient of an address full of appreciation of the ser- vicee he has rendered in that plooe, and oleo a parlor olo4k, and a silver fruit dish ae tokens of their esteem. By this removal Whitechurch Oirouit has loet e valuable family. A high tribute for their ant it faithful servants in church League, Sunday school and community and their reediting to help every good work, was given by A. J. Brown, their pastor, and many friends. — We extend our sympathy to Rev, and Mrs. McNabb, in their sorrow over the death of their little three-year-old son, Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows : "I was in a most dreadful oondition, My akin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue canted, pain continually in baok and aides, no appetite— gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me ap. Fortanabely, a friend advieed trying 'Electrio Bitters' and to my great joy and surprise, the fleet bot- tle made a decided improvement. z con. tinned their use forres week and am now a well mac. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." Noone should fail to try them, Only 50ote., guaranteed, at Deadmen'e Drug Store. Gocleri.oh. Nnwax GATnunloas.—Tbe voting on the By•Iaw incorporating the proposal for the eatabiiabment of a glass works in Goder• iota resulted in an emphatic defeat of the Bylaw. Muob greater interest than ie usually taken in a municipal By-law was created by the proposal wbioll was voted upon. The matter woe eagerly dieoneeed by the people of the town, and during the last few days fly sheets, "pro" and "oon," were distributed around town. A majority of 118 was recorded against the By.law.—Speoial services are being bald every evening in the basement of North `street Methodist :Murcia—Bishop Bald- win will deliver sermons in Bt. George's ohuroh on the second Sunday in Advent, Dee, 10011, Ilia dieooureee will be on the eeeond coming of Ohriet. Bpeoial muaio will be furnished by the ohoir.—Ira Lewis, County Crown Attorney, was at Leaden Wednesday of lost week acting ae a pall bearer at the funeral of the late E. J. Parke, polios magistrate of the city of London and partner in law of Hon. David Mille, Minietet of Justice. Mr. Lewis, was, with Sir Oliver Mowat, a eokoolmate of the deoeaeed in youthful days.—Tbe Oddfellows' Hall will be open- ed on Wednesday, Doo. Gth. The dedi- cation oeremouiee will be performed by Grand Lodge officers.—W. R. Robertson has started a clave in bookkeeping and other oommeroial work. — The Junior Royal Tempters Council in Gads:lob note numbere over fifty members. Tbe knitting factory is still warning over- time, and' will likely continue to do so for some weeks yet.—A. O. Greig bas resign. ed the leadership of the Marine Baud, and arrangements are under way for the securing of a new leader.—Among the Goderioh Organ Co.'s shipments this week wore one of bathroom woodwork to Australia and one of organs to England. —13. I. Strang, B. A., attended the meet- ing of the senate of the Univereity of Toronto,—Consul Chilton has very kindly given to the &[eokanioa' .institute the nee of a number of United States magazines and newspapers. They will be found on the tables, and being illustrated will furnish excelleut reading,—ViotorElliott, Wm. Weston and Thos. Elliott appeared before pollee magistrate Seager on Fridoy on the charge of disturbing aboir praotioe at Bethel ohuroh, on the 4th con. of Goderich township, On Wednesday even. ing of last weelr. Won. I3. Lobb, the loader of the ohofr, who laid the informa- tion, stated that while tate choir was practising the yoneg men made a noiee outaido and struck the walls of the ohuroh, and when he went out to quiet them they jostled hint and tried 10 get him into a light. Ti a taking or tits evidence 000npied several bourn. Phi ip Iloit, Q. 0„ presnmitod, and Wm, Proud. toot appeared tsar the young men, who pleaded not guilty. Weston was Ole. Merged, and the t:lliobte were oaoh fined 02 60 mod caste or 10 days in jail, There is oome tails of appealing the cane. 10x otter. Newsy Norse.----1;ueeall P. Manning, of Clinton, formerly of Exeter, was married recently Go Miss Bowles, of that town: — Numsrone ucmpletute have come to uo of late from the merollanta of town regard ing the very uneatiefaotory aoudition of many of the dried apples that aro market. ed here, being only about half dried. --lb, Brown, foreman of the Exeter Packing (louse, whose eyesight hoe been very much impaired of late, and who under- went an operation in Due of the cities, returned home last week.—Peter Bowden is ereobing a new barn on his prernieee, Main street.—John Spaokman has per. phased from the Canada Company the 25 acres of land North and adjoining the park at Grand Bend. This will enlarge the park to over 50 acreenndulating land, timbered with oak, white and Norway pine, red oodar, juniper and mime other shrubs.—Jamee ltueeell, who has bona engaged with W. H. Pareons for several years as blacksmith, is abent to open out a blacksmith business in Jos. Davis' old shop on &Iain street.—Thomas Gregory, Exeter, has been appointed a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Huron.—Tho old office used for several years by Dre. Hyndman tt: Hyndmau and recently purohaaed by Geo. Vesper was moved onto Mr. Vesper's premises.— Owing to the walls of the eohool of S. S. No. 0, Sbepheo, spreading, the Traebeee have placed two rode through the room from front to rear. 0 PrlgbU'ut ;Dundee Will often pause n horrible Burn, Scald, Out or Bruise. Buollloo's Arnica Salve, the best iu the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Oures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Moue, Boils, Felons, Oorue, all $kin Eruptions. Best Pile pure on earth. Only 25 ore. a box. Ours guaranteed. Sold by 0. A. Deadman, Gorric. Ns,rex GMAT:Inns.—Mrs. Andrew Tate bad the misfortune to fall down the cellar steps, eastainiug eerione iojuriee. —The annual entertainment of St. Btep• hen's Sunday school will be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday, Deo. 20th.— Phil. Harding has purobased a splendid 100 sore farm near Ootswold,°— Wm. Greer hoe leased the store in the brink block formerly 000npied ae a tiosbop and is fitting it up for a paint shop.—Jacob Beawitberiok is having hie residence re• sided and ,painted.—Geo, P. Nash, who has been working in Brandon, Mau., for the p tot three months, bag returned home.—Jno Jardine hes arrived home from ktaoitoba,—The very sudden death Wm. Bon ooaure, at of W i the resi- denceno hie aou.fe•law, de a of John !McFarlane, of the 5th eon., on Thursday morning, 0111 ,net. It appears the old gentleman got up in hie usual health and went out t0 the barn and did same °bores, be then mune to the house and washed himself and was in the act of combing hie Bair when he dropped load.—We record the demise of Oliver Jacques, son of Chipman Jaoquea, of the Sod Don„ which occurred on Sabbath evening, 22th inst. Deoeased has had poor health for some years but wits not taken variously ill until the Wednesday prev1o0e to bis death. He was in hie Nth year. --About 10 o'clock on Monday night of last week Win. Hamilton, of the 0th oou , noticed 50010. cos peering through the window. He and his eon went out but could see no one. Mr. Hamilton then went out towards the road to investigate, while his eon went to the stable wih a lantern, he loo ked through the bores stable hut ° !d see no Due ; he thea went its the pigi pen, the door of whiob was open ; he had no sooner entered than a bullet went through his cap and he decamped allowing the probable burglar to escape. 14eatortlt. SUN Blore,—Wm, Cndmore returned from an extended business trip to the Old Oonntry.—J. F. Daly has p0rohaeed a new regulator whiob is a novelty in the cloak line, and it can be seen in the window of hie jewelry store. Tbe case ie a handsome oak one, and the move. menta are run by a small electric battery The olook has no weights or balanoea, oonseghently does not require winding.— Tbe little eon of Fred Howard, who attends the public) school here, met with a painful accident. The little fellow was playing with a etiolt, when he acciden- tally fell, Dousing the etiak to penetrate hie cheek.—Dnnoan McGregor, of Win• tbrop, bas purchased a home in town. Ile will move his family goon to the house lately occupied by Mrs. Pinkuey.-- George Chesney and Wm. Robb have bought out the butcher besiaeee of 1130 - Naughton& Dennison, and started in the store formerly 000npied by Mr. Dopp, —As W. R. Counter was cutting card. board, the knife slipped, cutting a deep gash on the top of hie fore finger. It was eharp enough to split the nail and sub his finger ae Iso down ae the first joint.—Arrangements have beau made by the Huron Football Clab to plane this excellent o0nr5e in Seaforth. No. 1, Nov. 24th—Oarol Club, of Beaton, Mass. No, 2, Jan. 9t1—Edward la. Frye, M00°- 100114, "David Harem." No. 11, Feb.— Hoyt L. Oonary. No. 4, Maroh-Spill- man Riggs and Kimbrough. No. 5, April — Boston Ladies Sympholty Oroheotra. Tickets $1.00, which admit to entire series of Ave entertainments. Dial) BUM:MM,—A deep cloud of sot, row was soddenly oast aver our town on Thursday of last weak, when it waslesra• ed that David Johnson an old and highly esteemed citizen of this plane bad diad of heart failure while in the active duties of his business, Mr. Johnston came flown to the store a0 usual Thursday morning apparently in good health and about half poet nine had ooeaoion to go up stairs to the repair shop to speak bo Chita. Seale regarding 00me work, While tallying he was seized with a pain and with the words, "Oh I Charlie," he saolr to the floor, dead. The deemsod has resided in our midst for over half of a century, has• lug pp to the time when death ended hie active life, been pmohlinent in business oirolee here, Harrying on a large and sm. medal hardware businese. He was a cou0isent member of the Methodiot church, where, every Sunday he could be found entering heartily into the servioos, and his religion was of lasting quality, as he lived lois week day life es a Chris. firm should. Ile was honorable and tip. right in all his dealiuge and whose word was 11113 bond. In politlna he wag a slaunoh Liberal. kir, Juhneon was see• Mary of tate Beaforth Collegiate Institute board from its hoeptioa until last year, and here, ae elsewhere, his judgement and busIneee abilltiee were treated. The sympathy of the whole community le extended to the bereaved wife and family In this hour of their sudden boreavemeut, as Mr, Johnson teas a kind husband and a loving and indulgent Lather, and his sudden demise moat be a great ohouk to the family, PatollterWOrile. Newer Noxea. — Dr. Grathwait baa moved to Hamilton so Molesworth is minus a doctor. --(liths, Bennett is home from Manitoba.—The cheese factory hoe Monod down for title season.—Goy Orr and Wm. McKellar, who have been work ing for J. G. Patterson, left for their loonies on the 11th.—The arbitration 0105 between Mr. Cummings and 17. Moline was settled on Saturday of last week, Mr. Cummings paying Mr. ,McKee $02.• 50 and each paying their own oodts. kir. Murphy, of Listowel, end Kr. Dickinson, of Wingbam, were there to defend each party but they settled without galling any of the witueeeee.—Rev. kir. MoLeod, of Atwood, exchanged pulpits with Rev. G. Ballantyne cm Sabbath, 121b ,net —There is thine talk of a new teacher for our poblio school again this year —The Pree•. byterians are repairing their shade,— We. 8. Longheed, who has been °endued to her bed for some time through a fall from an apple tree, ie able to be around again. A Thooaaud Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard et., Phila. delpbia, Pa., when she found that Dr. Ktng'e New Di5oovery for Consumption had completely oured her of a hooking cough that for many years had made life a burden. Ail other remedies and dootors could give her uo help, but she nays of this Royal Cure :—"It soon reseed the pain in my chest and I can now Bleep soundly, something I can scarcely re- member doing before. I feel like weed- ing its praises throughout the Univeree." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Cheer and Lungs. Price 500, and 01.00. Trial bottles free at G. A. Deudman's Drug Store ; every bottle guaranteed. VPinghtteoe. [Intended for last week ] Newsy W1Lvlrrxs.—Threshing seed at the flax mill is in progress now.—Chas. McLean, of Toronto, is the new clerk in A. L. Hamilton's drug store.—Oonbrootor Barber baa completed the granolithio walks for this year.—The ,icemen are spending the surplue left from their Don. cert in adding improvements to their room.—Seven carloads of feraiture are being loaded for the North.weet.—Jahn Hanna has moved into his 0comfortable new resideooe on Edward street.—lire, Thos. Netterfleld, er., had the misfortune to fall and break her left wrist.—E. Bowles is improviug in health. He per. poses remaining in Gravenhuret sant. whom all Winter.—Rev. J. W. Goffiu met with an aooident last week while riding his bicycle. The result was an an injured and mach swollen leg.—Evac. gelietio serving in the Methodist ohuroh, —Soo. Agnew, who reoentlylsold his farm in East GVawanosb, and will retire from the eotivities of farm life, has decided to locate ie Wingbam eud Ilan purchased the reeidenoe of J. Strood near the iron bridge.—Tbe prospects are better for the Wingbam Flax Go. this year than they were last year. They had 141 Dorsa of land leased and sown in flax, The Go. fnrniehed the Beed sown, and drew the flax to the mill, the farmer from whom the land was leased did tits rear of the work and received 08 per aore rent. Ono hundred and eixtyflve tone of fllx have been brought to Ole mill, and about 1200 bushels threshed, with some more to thresh, wbiah will make, it is supposed, a total of 2000 bushels of flax seed ; this has been Bold at $1.05 fa bushel, There was also ninety tons of green tow, which waw sold at 017 per ton. The sbaro. holders will feel euooaraged by the better rosette of the seaeon'e work.— Monday evening of teat week as a Inad of our townemeu were returning Irom Bluevale, they met with en aooident, that left some of them stiff and sore for a few days. There were thirteen in the load—A. 1I. Musgrove, G, Ilannah, 0, 51, Gordon, E. C. Gierke, C. Barber, H. Lee, J. John. sbon, 1t, Maclltath, 1', Iioderue, J. Stew- art, J. J. Kerr and two others. A0 they neared Wingham, they were driving at the side of the road, when two wheals went into a hole, The seating apparatus of the rig and all the °campmate were thrown out into a beep by the roadetde, After calling to each other in the dark - nese and making tliemeelved out from among the seats and robes, it was found that a norther of them had received outs and ,bruises. Times who fared worst were A. 11. Musgrove who had hie shoul- der hurt, and Jos, Johnsen, who had a severe out on his forehead, requiring a number of etibehee. Fortunately no limbs were broken. That 'Phrebing Ilendnrhe.. Would gat:ily leave you, if you u.ed Dr. king's New Life Pills. Therms:Me of sofferero bete proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervnue Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 (tents, Money book if not cured, Bold by G. A, Deadman, Druggist. N» iveT Noa'as: —Mrs. Mcliionon is fast recovering front her illness.—Mise Tillie McRae, of Cranbrook, was visiting with Blyth friends.—Dr. Sloan, of Toronto, was in town on Tuesday of last week. While here ire disposed of his farm in Hallett to his nephew, Thomas $loan. The farm contains 211 acres and the pride paid for it was $8,000. Thomas Sloan also purchased all the farm stook, hay, eto., on the farm.—Mrs. Robb. Kelly, who spent the past four months visiting with friends at Toronto, London and Woodstock, returned to her home here.— George Powell has moved his flour and feed business into larger premises,— Harry and Wm. Kelly left on a month's prospecting tour among the timber lands of Mississippi.—Mrs. Thomson is visiting her grand•cle.ughter, Miss Zella Carder, at Paisley.—Alex. and Mrs. MoKellar re• turned from their six weeks' visit with friends at Detroit, Port Huron, Sarnia, Strathroy, Parkhill and London.—A. horse belonging bo J'. E. Bennett fell into an old well on the VanEgmond woolen mill property, Weebmorelaod street, but was rescued before receiving any great injory.—Suooessful anniversary services were held in Blyth Methodist church on Sunday and Monday, 12th and 18th inst. On Sunday, both morning and evening, two eloq:ent aer1005 were preached by Rev. A. W. Tongs, of Platteville, a former pastor of the church. Rev. Mr. Hobbs gave his lecture on the "Triangular Man," Good musical program. Financial re- ceipts, $141. This may look like poetry, but It only demonstrates bow easily The eye may be deceived. The ear is Sometimes deceived by the ory of Low prime ; and, when it refers to Photos., the eye deteobs the bungling botch Only alter you have parted with your Good stuff and had a holy show Made of yonr features. If kind Providence has bestowed facial oome. lines On you, and you expect farther favors From S. P., tbeu permit IIA.RT, the Brogue's Photo. Artist, to embalm your Beauty in his Superior arise patio to before Phe "hen'sa 1 t o ws" settle oro ande e year y e Thicker than snipe tracks in a mud flat, HART, }Aeft� E. /il T, ARTIST, Stratton Block, Brussels. FALL AND WINTE OOS TO HAND. Dress Goods, Dress Trimming's, Silks and Satins, Flannelettes, Ladies' and Gents' Under- wear. Grocery Department. Full Iine of new Teas and Coffees, New] Fruits, New Canned Goods, Fresh and Pure Spices. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. SKENE. Are You Thinking of Buying a 'tango or Cook Stove ? Z.Puetieuuzicooeut3m5uwtgueutn, If so you should see our Gurney's Imperial RANGED Seven of these Ranges sold since the Brussels Fair. They save more Fuel }Than an other of their class Do better Work Ara easter Regulated Y Also a large dieplayy of Base Burners, Coal and Wood Beaters, A 0 -holo ,Steel Range, furnished complete, for $50. It takes 26 irieh wood. The heat is always the Cheapest. You will save year money by palling on no tli.t+ra1:bRcl:*-uSti" ir' F i t.clo1. Mon & Turnbull AN L A,S"fi' PROPOSITION Beauty and style without comfort is emeiy obtainable, comfort with- out al,pearnlrce is equally simple. 1 it never saw an ugly pair of 6hees,'' pet many of them t,,,,r cnntfortably most unlovely ft et. The combination of these two-, comfort and beauty—are only to be hurl iu the "Slater Shoe." �'sf:.sfnreu ~lade in iv, elve shapes, on taste modelled tr,•11t netusi f,et, nil 10idtita and sires, leathers, sty ]c -s alit rulers, livery pair Gon,lyear welted, name and price stamped on the sole. fv3.00 AND $c5,00. Doweling Bros., - Sole Local agents We desire this week to call your attention to our Boot and Shoe Department. We have the latest Styles, A1 Qualities and heat 'Values in the trade in Children's, Misses', Boys', Ladies' and Gents' wear from the finest Kid to the heavy whole stock IKip. We are showing special lines in good, that will wear well and keep your feet dry. .,AND.. ES. heavy, strong Shoes All sizes. Our Men's Long Boots are the very best in Canada at $2.25 and $8.00, and sure to please you. In Men's Fine Boots we are showing up-to-date leaders at 81.50, $2.00, 83.00 and 83.50. Olb,' Stock, is Large and well assorted in all .Departnments. -0111"--- November Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand. Everything Cheap. No Fancy Prices. tr:.... chans 0111' Grocery 47----•-4 e e s •- is Up -to -Date. We are in a position to supply the wants of the general poblio witb np•to•date Canned Goods, Fruits, Teas, Coffees, Meals, Spices and General Household Necessaries. Our aim is to Y onthe B sell o est and e FreaheatG coda ou the market at the lowest living profit on n Caah basis. Tboee who deal with no will oome again, Farm produce taken and the very boob value given. Call and aseertain what we can do for yon. "Your money's worth all the year round," is oar motto. ►Choice Confectionery. C. 1i. Bartliff, GB00t71i and 0ON5'EQTIONER. . ' D UNK SYSTEM THE GREAT Transcontinental Route To Obioago, St. Louis, Omaha, Denver, Los Angeles, Sim Diego, Ban Francisco and pointe in California, Arizona, Naw Meal - 00, Colorado, and other Paaifia Coast Points. If you are contemplating e. trip for Health, Pleasure or Business to the land of Sunshine, Fruits and Flowers, take the G. T. R. through tickets to all Foreign points, For Deaoriptive Guides, Time Tables, eto., apply to Agents. G.T.R, System. R. T. BUTTON, Agent, Bruaesle. SHINGLES British Colwnbia Red Cedar Shingles 0 Nn----. North Shore rine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels PlaningMils A100 Doors and Saab of all Pat terns on hand or made to Order at Short Notion. EOtimobes Furnished for all kinds of Buildings, Workman• ship and Material Guaranteed, F 1 A y,'.7^ i/M l T CIDER 9nd Apple Butter. Ilave everything ready for the Fall tade in the manufacture of Cider and Apple Butter. Factory on MW street. Satisfaction guaranteed. GEO. EDWARDS Pimp Works i • Saw Gumming and Filing attended to in a Workmanlike manner. Betio. faction assured. I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Ma- son and other edged tools in up.to•date style. Agent for "Morris" Pianos. FRED. ADAMS, Sloop on Hill Street, BRUSSELS. MeLEOD'S System. Renovator —AND 0181111— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC MID ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepsla, Sleeplessness, iPalpita, Mot of the Heart, Liver Oomplsint,Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronobitie, Con- enmption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, 8t. Vitae' Danoe, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. 3. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufaotnrer. Sold by .Ins, Fox, Draggbot, Ptraeaes, Spectacles --OP A0.L KINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyoa Meted FREE by latott Optical methods at Division Court Of'ice, Bntrssz,ztlst