The Brussels Post, 1899-11-23, Page 3Nov. 28, 139. TH.1 BRUSSELS POST. 1)00 0ureal train was brought by the FOR GEN. It i RITE'S RELIES engine and tender, which returned r • alone, and was bu(.lar,d by ullets. Nu, thing was seen of theenemy on the outward trip, but Ware the train 1'e- -- turned the Bora had damaged lila Cape' inner (n the rear in such a mariner ' Transports filch Reported at Cape I thea lbe aura were overeureed. Phe 11 Barad had placed guns in 'maim* on 1'own Ordered to Durban.Ude OX:lat e[)tn, and opened 111'Hti1 close KImberley and Ladysmith Are Being Daily Bombard- ed With Heavy Guns -Cecil Rhodes Cool and Confident -Report That the Boers Have Threat- ened to Shoot Six British Officers. range al the moment the earn 1o[rp1od e0e0. A naval 7 -pounder, the only gun aboard the 11(11(1, reipa rnh>d, but only Brod three ideas, ween the enemy's heavier artillery shattered it. The Dublin rusilir+rsand the Uurhnn Infantry, who manned the train, fonn- erl in skirmishing order, and Midas eine a rifle fire, but were opposed by an c•er vluolming fume which poured u The London Dally Mail publishes this hims• elf with a daily shell of 4110 city, shell and rifle 00114 •)' into theme despatch front 10(4 special eorreepund- 1 which exposed hint 10 little pereunal WINS'I'ON CIILJRC111LL'S B1tf1Vl ltY. The J3titish ufl'i:'ers showed Wonder- fu't coolness, and were ably 11,ie(1 by (111elph. W'inulon Churchi1, (emu. ly 11 u ea- A Vancouver report says (wenty- ani. in the Fourth hussars, an.1 110(0 six schoonersVanv of the t seem fleet Iuty- 11.Orn1 ngwar r4'lor11) who, wondent hile hsom+ttrml011 taken 35,741 slcit>s, of which 23,999 were don 8411 to work to release the engine and from Behring Sea. wt•eeked ears, tuck a rifle and jocund McGill University circles are talking the 00000ing party, which was exposed or institut ing a military engineer to a heavy fire. 'Ltd. called for vdlun- ('aurae similar to that of the Kingston Leers to remove the broken truck, and Military College. worked under the Ciro of three guns. The Dominion Parliament is expect- f.Lhe engine driver, who had been od to meet early in January. wounded in Ike head, begun to retire, The Council of Niagara Falls has w'hon Churchill called to him Lu come borrowed $50,000 from the Bank of bark, saying: -"A elan is never bietllamilton to carry out the purehase twice." of the local e1ertric light Plant. Tho driver brought back the engine, Fire broke out in a Grand Trunk car and Churchill c+arried the wounded to Fire ab BLerriuon and four horses the train, After he had placed all the belonging to the R}orlon Paper Com - rifle on lhd cars he grubbed his [rang were burned to death. cillo anti rushed toward the enemy. Mr. Samuel Znvitz or Alvinaton. was His bravery is the theme of admire -1 killed by falling from the roof of hie lion at the camp, and it. is hoped that' bora, on Saturday. he and the others escaped across the A syndicate of Ottawa capitalists, veldt and may arrive later. \WOUNDI'1U AND MASSING.i will a capital of $1.00,000, will manu- facture sows in. Hull, Que. Seven men of lin Durban Infantry Fusiliershave'I ,Already six applications for divorce and 15 of the Dublin have been filed at, Ottawa for the turned ,here. All of them are wounded. next session of Parliament. The remainder of the party, captured. ring In view of the many daring bur - Captain 70, are Haldane probably eatptured. Captain Hdane is reported to bo a '9lurtea recently, the Montreal P01100 prisoner. Captain Wiley arrived here Committee has decided to arm all the wounded. Colonel Long and Major constables with revolvers. Chilehester visited the hospital, and London City Council will consider a fount[ Ide 15 wounded oxen doing well. motion to abolish the ward system. One of the wounded bad to have an }Ir. John McCleary, employed by the arm' amputated. 7'. Eaton Company, Toronto, lost his Lazar details show theta heavy rain life by the aooidental discharge of his and mast compeliod a cessation of Pt' rifle while hunting near 11'oon River. ing. \Vhile heir Boors were, destroying the train their scouts pushed in and The Hudson Bay Co., will send a exchanged shots 401111 the British pink- splendid exhibit of Canadian furs to eta a Lew miles from lesteourt. the Paris Exhibition. BATTLES AT LADYSMITH. The Governors of the Hamilton A despatch (roan Esteour't says :-A Hospital are in favor of erecting three wreaked the Hampshire County new wings at a cost of $55,000 eadh, 0101101 Bank and the ire County Sav- mtssionary, a native, but a reliable to provide for the growing demands ings Bank, was sentenced at North- man, who arrived here on that asday oa the hospital. urn,4Qn, `iris., to not more than 12 that I' ! eat: - "Kimberley, via Hopetown, Thera - day -Despite life se(ge, which is being aulmly borne, the Quarterly Criminal Sessions commenced this mu0111119, sev- ride. !'hen Col. Baden-Powell played 1116 trump card by sending out Fitz-Clar- emcee party to worry 1110 occupants of the trenches. The little force stole met silently in the darkness. No shot was fired; and 1110 men, with fixed era! jurors Repeating in the town bayonets, creeping falter than guard uniform. uniform. (ng along the veldt, gradually ap- "IL is fortunate that Mr. Rhodes is p1'oaohed the chief. Boer 91aitton near the closed here, for he takes u (30001ical interest the rae0 aaarse. Ulan, ae Y in, there was a shrill Sareeoh; [t ryas in the greatest problem, which be nom- Pitz-Chu'enee's whistle, and the signal. 811unity so fur has had to face-LhaL of for onalaugh(. relieving the destitute without paup- 909109 CRIED FOR MERCY. e0izing therm, He is able to solve 11, "A ringing British • cheer, which the as nobody else tweed. lis10ners back in (tamp caught up, was "Yesterday it was considered advis- the only 0161)1y,. as the party dashed able to remove u number of families on into the trenches. There. was n fear- ful struggle, the attacking forces the outskirts of the Lown, Three hum- catching and bayoneting the Boers dyed persons have been aueufnulodutod under the tarpaulins where they in the Exchange building." crouobed, crying for mercy, At toast fifty bayonets got to work, and the BOMBARDMENT CONTINUES. 'havoc they wrought was terrible. A despatch from. Estcourt, Natal, 1 "For just n moment there w0,5 n0 ape" - says :-A heliographic messa•e from systematic return fire; but then ape" - 6 [ bfact hailstorm of bullets poured in Ladysmith, received here, states that from the trenches to the rear. Again t'he bombardment of that place con- Fitz-Clarence's whistle sounded. It tinues, but thus far no harm has been done. The message adds that there is plenty of food, and all aro well. WAIL OFFICE SATISFIED. A despatch from London say's: -'Chat Gen. White's relief is considered a matter of pressing (mpo'Lanee Lsaguin evidenced by the eau;saanion with which the War Office officials beard of the arrival of the transport Armenian at Cape Town ou Monday, a couple of days before her time. The non -arrival of her precious trei.ght of field gums are now the envy and prole of the gar- tered ammunition threatened serious rison. Even the Boer commander, delay in General Methuen's arrange- Botha, expresses[ admiration of the ale uleets for tile. relief of General White. Lack, and added that he w'otild take It is true that the tire. division still Mefoking ere long, for he meant to do one thing or the othee quickly. RESEMBLED A SHAMBLES. "The eneny lost heavily. For hones after their figthing line had been rolled beck two wagons went slowly along their position, picking up (he The kopje ream, - bledd sanded. lh ko dildan wounded. ll bled a shambles after the tight. !Ali the men wore killed by bullets or of the confidence of the defenders, a shone. The look -out tower was shot load of anxiety wilt be removed from to pieces, while e00n the saddles of the country when unrestrained coin- the horses were fearfully battered. MS 'erase fire, and scatter home- ward,' The British forces scattered, silently crossing beck under the furi- ous fire in the darkness to the ap- pointed rendezvous, where the roll was ell lied. "Col. Baden-Powell met and con- gratulated Captain Fitz -Clarence and his men upon their splendid work,sitY- ing that the Boers had Id be stopped' ranking rifle trenches wilhio range of Che town. The members of the party, lacks cavalry, but in all probability the first. arrivals of that arm at Cape Town will be sent to Durban, irree- pective of which division they were originally assigned to. There is no doubt that the bombard - in i h has increased ,dent menC or Ladysmith Y intensity during 4110 last Paw days, and though allan0ssages from there speak NEWS SUMMARY ARY The World's Events of Interes. Chronicled in Short Order Recent interesting Happenings -Tire Latest Nows of Our Own Cotlntry- Ooinge In the Mother Land -What is Going on In the United States - Notes From the World Oyer. CANADA. Three men are under arras( al Anl- berst. neat' Halifax, on chargee of pass- ing nounterfeit two -dollar Oanadian notes. The Cataract POtrel' syndicate at Hamilton 910100es an electric rend to h+)ir regiments and ships for aotive servloe. Mr. Jacob Brigitte, a brother of. the famous John 13rig111, and thatirman of John Bttglt.t & Bros., of Ruandale, Ls d.vl,l. If's way 004'!1' Ln 1811, The Marquis of Dufferin has been (decl44d Lord Iteetur of letilmburgh Uni- versity 070)' Air. II. 11. Aapuittt. The first lot uf fattened thickens re- cedilld at Liverpool from Canada ar- rived in splendid condition and meet with a ready sale, Regular fillip- 10Rta 1lrtye been forte ar110(1 t+very week since the first week of (idt- 1,ber. 1'be gold fever has again broken out 111 !Vales. It is note confldenlly' affirm - ad that Montgomeryshire ie channel - lea with auriferous ore. The latest. repnrla arose (runt disc0val'ie4 made estate of while sinking u well on the si Lord Powis. 71111iam 1Velclod Astor liar cent Fla teed .0100 to the Maidenhead Memel) of the national fund f',r 11144 widows ted ary>ltan5 Of the 81)1deer9 and sail- or(. killed in the war and for the de- stitute wives and families of those now serving in South Africa. An outbreak of scarlet fever at the herr:mks of the Royal Norse Guards, "'1'he Blues," will probably alter the plans for the. Queen's inspection of the Household Cavalry on Saturday, and may reuse a postponement of their departure for South Afriea. UNITED STATES. It is said at San Francisco tbat the sick suldiere returned from the Philip• pines by the transports Tartar and Newport were evandaluusiy treated by the offieers. The three grand stands on the Ro- chester Driving !'ark Association's grounds were totally destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of $25,000. A combine in rubber is talked uf in New York. munication with the beleagured town Ls re-established. 0011 PAUL'S THREAT. A special despatch from Cape Town, dated Friday, says that Secretary Reitz has demanded that General White immediately release the sup- posed spy, Nathan Marks, who is con- fined to Ladysmith, coupling his de - The whale place was simply smashed up by the( concentrated fire oe seven guns and a thousand rifles. "The Boers at first held on their ad- vance. pluckily, but they could not live w hen they curiae to short range, the men being 81101 down at 800 yards. "The enemy is expected to draw off early in order to defend Pretoria. nand with a threat to execute six There is still no news from the south, British ol(iners. It is asserted that As I send, this message off, six hun- elarks entered Ladysmith after the in- dyed Boors have .gone south with wag- vesiment of that place, with the sup- goes, and have comaneaced shelling." posed object' of obtaining information 5,227 TROOPS AT DURBAN. for the Boers. A despatch from London says: -The General Buller replied, a000rding to troopship Ilawarde'n Castle, with the the special despatch, that he was en- second battalion of the Royal Fug. titled to retain the man until he Tiers, has arrived. at Durban, bringing should render a satisfactory account the number pf reinforcements that of himself. have landed there up to 5,`227. Five oth- Nothing is known either at the War er troopships are. now en route from or Colonial Offices bene regarding the Cape Town to Durban. statement. The stories, it is assert- I The total reinforcements that have ed in official quarters, bear the im- arrived in South Africa since Friday print of improbebility,as there is no are 19,000 men, chiefly infantry, nearly reason to think the Boera would be 13,000 horses and mules, three batteries guilty of such a complete change of field artillery, and a ,number of from their previous correct attitude quick -firing Maxim guns. end manner of concluetin9 the hostili- The fact that the Britannia has pro - ties. ceeded for East: London is taken to Nevertheless, the sensational after- mean that General Buller is satisfied noon newspapers Here are already de -,that the troops whittle have already' mending that President Kruger and landed, or are now on their way to ell the members at the Executive „ounoil be ruthlessly hanged, as the only fitting reprisal in the event of State Secretary leette's threat being carried out. CAPE, 'DUTCH LOYAL. Durban, will be sufficient to carry out his plans for the relief of Ladysmith. It was officially announced phis af- ternoon that the British transport Goorkha, with the first brigaded, staff, the Third Battalion of Grenadiers, and A s)eanl Clgapateli Io the Loulon a detaohmant of the Royal Engineers; Daily 'Telegraph, dated Cape Town the trans[lort Manila., with the Second ' Devonshnre, and the transport No- Th01,14 Ty evening, says:- medic, with the remounts, have eyrie - "The Boers are neurtng Nauuwpoort. The line may be out at any mo - men t. There are the' best reasons for be- lieving that the enemy, who have en- tered Cape Colony, are disappointed et their reception. !`Hey fully exdpectece that the dol. ed at Cape Town. The transport Britannic, with the Royal Irish Rifles, has sailed from Cape Town for East London. SALT CARRION. Tho London Times publishes a let- ter by an officer on board' the trans Tammany Hall has agreed to pay $10,000 of the indebtedness on the Par- nell homestead in Wicklow, and the property will be saved for the family, The Board of Trustees of the Boston Cemetery Department has voted to al- low the Victorian Club to erect its pro- posed monument to the British soldiers who fell at Bunker Hill. 137 the fall of an elevator in the Phoenix Building, Minneapolis, ten persons were injured. The annual report of the Treasurer of the United States, shotes total re - 0817(1s for the yeas from all sources of $5'15,1100,9`30. The expenditure was 5005,000,0911, leaving a deficit of $89,- 111,559. 89r 111,559. Lewis Warner, whose embezzlements Say - from Ladysmith, reports a' a 119 Under direction of the Premier of fight took place there on Friday, Nu- nor less than 9 years in stales prison. vombor 10. He says that volunteers Prince Ddwurd ) The New York pollee went out1 in the early morning and drew the enemy from their positions ttoo: on to a flat, where the regular[i�, under Sir George White, out-manoeuv- Winnipegers will enjoy a reduction red them by outflanking the Boers, in the price of gas by 25; cents per thou - administering a crushing' defeat and sand feet from February, 1900. inflicting great loss. More than 200 Paul lKruger's private medial ad- Kaffirs, the missionary says, were em- vise,• is Dr. Paul Gillespie, formerly played by the Boers to 'bury their dead, , of Sireetaville and Panotangul•shene. Island a ver • fine col- lection of the cereals grown on the Island is being brought together for Exhibition:. Paris Exh t the and two trains, each drawn by two engines, carried away the wounded. VERY HALF-HEARTED. The Cape Town correspondent of the London Standard says he has heard froln,an old resident, who has just Left the Orange Free Slate, that the war is very unpopular there; that, apart from the Government officials, the at- tittt!de of the people, who consider themselves boutnld to England, is very halt -hearted;; that disaffection and dis- obedience are spreading in the ranks of the Free State troops, and that the burghers' would welcome any pretext to reluvn to their homes. Z HORSES AND FROZEN PLEAT. A despatch from Buenos Ayres, says: -Tho steamier Beacon Grange left for Cape Town with 0811 horses and slores of maize and frozen meat. 'phis is the first despatch sent by the British Remount Commission. onial Afrikandflrs would join them, port Nubia, asserting that "1,01)0 re- but, fro.o, warbles reasons, probably tions of salt carrion, labelled New inoludiug the preae'ure brought to bear York, 1E189, had to bis thrown over - upon then, by P.rea1101' Schreiner•, the board, as it '40115 ,full of disease," add - transfer of fighting strength from the 1n9, "they only salt down the very Cape Dutch bus btthet•to been pal- worst portions of very Interior beasts try. and pigs. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY.This has aroused a storm of 'magne- t'A despatch to the Loudon Dally 3iaL1 ion against the eont.raraera end p transport officers who allowed filthy Pram Cape Town says that a COM/ salted brisket beef to be furnished to plate wireless telegraphic apparatus iho troops. has been seized an a vessel there. The , The Wal. Of flee has u.0009ted a gift vessel was bound for Delagoa Bay, and of 10,0011 plum puddings for the troops the apparatus was obviously intend.t+d in South Africa, These puddings will for the uaei of the LrnllSVaal Govern- aggregate tr[rtv(Irda of lou ions in meet. Su8piei0n in regard 10 the Weight, They will be sent oul: in time p,.tcku.ge was aroused, by the anxiety I for Christmas dinner. exhibited by 0 Hoer sympathizer as to ARMOURED :l'T.tAIN DESTIZOi O1D, its immediate transmission, Bul for hie °Millet connection with a certain I A despatch from Estcourt, Natal, European Governut0ut., this individual says: -Ail armoured era f Donate vol ed by the leaf', that moll 0f [tram erne bax•d n half company n ' o n 1 y NrOra • osted, 1 Theon y lora rvvuht have been nu unteo•s and a buil company 0C Dublin enveloped blankets only. .Y WITH FIXED /he London E fly I 1L elo six rapidly dietribuled among the hotels been granted by the Chinese Govern- ev.ly- particle of flesh( from the bones. Fusiliers slanulecl t0 Cl ev y, meet, and that more than half of little tante • of Only's body was d t h ho /he London Daily Mail (1 f ('' '1 I 1\' in 14 or sant In the Sailors' ]loran, and theseto British 4ulijet•Ls found, in a similar condition hackled ON FIRE AT SEA. Passengers of 1118 Steamship I'etl'la Saved by the Moisten Steamship Ceres. A despatch, from London says: -The Hamburg -American line steamship Petrie, Capt. Frolich, which sailed New York on Nov, 4 with 44 cabin and 78 steerage passengers, naught -tiro lu the Channel on Wednesday night from some unexplained cause, and the pass0ngers and crew had a narrow es- cape. She was twelve miles north of the Hinder .lightship when the Rus- sian steamship Ceres sighted her. AO the time, the Petrie, was enveloped in smoke, and was flying) signals of dis- tress, When the Ceres sighted the Patent she tent en full steam and as soon as she got near, the burning stetxmer lowered boat's and transfer- ral the passengers and purl of (110 crew, about 150 persons in all, There was great difficulty in emu - are hunting for Rev. W. II. Dexter, principal of the New York Naval Academy at missing since m v has beeng Nyack, t who Nov. ., The pollee believe that Dr. Dexter was robbed and assaulted on Water street. GENERAL. Dreyfus is ill again. The muncipal eleetien in Berlin re- sulted in the selection of 12 Socialists and 8 Liberals to the Common Coun- cil. The tittle hamlet of House, situated in a wild spot twenty miles from Nice, France, at an latitude of 800 yards, has been thrown into consternation be- cause a baby has been carried off by an eagle. The Turkish and French consulates at Odessa have been lntormed that Xing Menelek of Abyssinia' will arrive in, May next and will pay a visit to the Ozar while on his way to the Paris Exposition in 1900. A story or embezzlement of £70,000 comes by mail from Johannesburg. This Large sum has been abstracted in the course of five years by Jonathan King, chief clearing clerk at the Stan- dard Bank of South Africa. LOST IN A BLIZZARD. Miss Ethel Crawley, of Hamilton, mistook a 'Marcel of cocaine for an - oilier medicine, and swallowed a large quantity of the drug, with the result that for a time her life was despair. ed of. Major T. L. Belanger, command- ing the First Fielcl Battery of Quebec, has offered service of the battery, 7 officers, 95 men and 51 horses, for the Transvaal. A company has been formed at Montreal, with Sir William Van Horne as president, to build an electric rail- way in Georgetown, Demerara, fur which a concession was obtained some ti'in0 ago, Three New Brunswtck University professors and six sl:udents have re- signed owing to the action of the Senate in modifying the punishment of students suspended for hazing 21"eahnne0. The wave of moral reform which rr- eently swept aver the Vancouver City Fate or h. 0. Daly, of Roston and Two Frenchmen In Northern Alaska -Slated by Wolverines. A despatch'lroen Victoria, B.,C., says: -The Skaguay Alaskan tells, a thril- ling story of starvation, and death in northern Alaska. The victims were M. C. Daly of Boston and two Frenchmen, whose names could not be learned, The story was brought to Skaguay by Win. Lawler, au old-time Arizonap miner, Late in the fall of 1898 Lawler and 1110 three men mentioned and, a fifth nam- ed J, Stuithson, started out to prospect on the head waters or the Mosquito River. About 01111a1m115 the 'five went: across the range and began to stake ground on 130natlza River, A 11,Lz..ard tame on, and Daly and the two French- men became separated from the other men and wandered away without pro- visions and with scant clouting and blankets and a senate tent. After the storm Lawler and Smithson followed their fuoteeps in the, snout They found tag the passengers, as urgent hush messages written on trees telling the Council has already resulted to the sad story of prteatime cud suffering. was necessary, Many of the lillken elosing down of the sedum -public gambl- After u time 4114: searrht'.ng party carne gars were wrapped only in blankets, in 9130081 and Snutada a palraeman The Ceres .roachod Dover by mitt- 9 y upon the camp of their former cont - made a round of all tale saloons and ,. dry Death had basal there before sage!, and her ledge commander seal, nmol- tobacco stores, James A. Bell, of Beaverton, Ont., brother oe the Rev. John Wesley Bell, Bilk, prostrated by nervous headaches A victim of the trouble for several years. a effected South A me riean Nervine of c re. complete Inptheir own particular field few men are beteg knewu than the Rey. John Wesley ti I, B.D. and his brother I,1r. James A. Bell. "11 he former will ne re- cognized by his thousands of friends all over the Gountt'y as the popular and able missionary superiatcndent of the Royal Tempters of Temperance. Among the 20,000' members of this order in Ontario his counsel is ssuggbt on all sorts of oc- casions. On the llublie platform he Is one of the streag men of the Clay, battling ,ig sleet the ovine of Injs9lperanee. .931na93' waif knowo.Is Mr. Self is other provinces of the Dominion, having been for years a member of the Manitoba Methodist Contereuae and part of this time was stationed in Winn(•peg, MIs brother, Mr. James A. Bell, is a highly respected resident of Beaverton, where his influence, though perhaps more eir- cumscribed than that of His eminent brother, is none the less effective and productive of gond. Of recent years beiw- ever the wor$ing ability of 101o. James A. Bell has been sadly marred by severe attacks of nervous Headache, accom- panied ley indigestion. Who San do fit work when this trouble takes hold of It is reported at. Ottawa that a paper mill is to be located on the Gatineau, to be the largest is the world and employ 1,800 workmen. British capital is behind the enterprise. Cats are worth $25 in Dawson City, They are seem, and mice are numer- 011.9, ,About 250 tons of exhibits for Paris will leave Montreal on Saturday, next on the Leyland Liner Albanian. A fur- ther consignment will be shipped from Portland on Pecetnber 1st. Mrs. Annie Olmstead, Mrs. Dr. Shoults and Miss Symons, sisters, of 101 Maple street, London, are first cousins of the late General. Symons, killed at the battle of Glencoe. An oil portrait of the Earl of Aber- deen will shortly. be installed in the Parliament buildings, It is a gift from Lord Aberdeen„ and is the work of M. Jonges, a Belgian artist, of Montreal. There is a probability of a nickel - steel works being started in Hamil- ton. iellt41nicke in -the -slot ra sago to the Amerman' Consul, 1)11010[8 them'inn the ground, rafted in hts to take out all nickel -in -the -slot H'ankel'4 his form wasted• to a mere \V Prescott, Tho Consul immediate- utachines within 011e0 days. a;r'i'0n, was the copse of arta of the Engineer Barrow, 02 Hamilton, is, h'rsnc•101t1'1y. On a camp stove was a trying ti) find out why, it is that theIkillle containing a frozen main 1111,1 ly eonforred with the harbourmaster and secured the services of the tug Lady Vita to lend the rescued pas. Bongoes and crew. Among the saved are many ladies and children, as well a4 six babes 10 a0ms. Phe hurry of the rescue was itl bset- consuonption of water Is as groat, or I (old its 011'1 story, 11 w'as 17)! 1d n-il1', greater, than ie was in the summer, the rawhide l41Ongsot s110wa1101tiWhi,•h w111e11 there were street wltteriugl end' the starving leen had at tempted to lawn sprinkling. ; bui fur food, A short dlitanrt' from Mr. D. D. Mann, who has returned 1 11)0 tent, close beside the trail, was from the Orient, Fday8 that railway con- l found the body of 1 be ut.hes French- missions re nch- missions reaching $200,000,000 have titan. The wolverines bad stripped A 0091 o 114105 sou' 1 n ,0111380, am y . 0< I.- go 0un<, from Mafokiug, sent by way. of Moga- day b orning. On for ,arum it_ was their possible is lining Ilona tor Capt, ;paisley of the Amerienu around the hollow ribs was 0 back - 11193)0, heaan!5o Lho 1'unnrre senls0ut.h-,shelled by the nein tory or the Boren thni.r comtor( n td traverse. t:he ti a drunken Vnndousen eves stabbed by skin belt thwarting 4'1,000 it11 gold wards wee*+ giver) pincod in forte' pone le '.1'vvo MIS, a h a drunken sailor• ua W1. Mil:Meh pier d;u8t„ The h0/11 CS were hurled. as hest Boer 1(1106, groes un urieg 11119 ited front. of Jour h'Pt titer 0111 IS, nn(L CARRIED OUT TO SEA. after (he seh001101• loft. St, John. 'l'ho they could be', nine a well-known pros- conntl, of the fighting dnrin9 the lits( (oi11)Ind over, Captn(n fell overboard, Several of the I ylect0r tools charge of the gold dust Week in 0<rtabez. the co'respondout While the train was thus helpless 1 •9 tea n Intl 111 craw went offer+ him in n 11031 fie 1 and other easel io send intent, if ho says:- the Durbnns unit 1111,1018 fared tine Rrulsh onir.r Pa 118 .died soon after being 9irkad up. e t ran, to the relative. 01 the Bereaved, Y ho Cntlutre to rush the town, h[ order enc( the Nm yrnnl. After ( Barrs in sieirinis ng the tsoont(tfe binMaxwell and one . In • a" n, Overdo had recoittso to (11)3 lac- .Boers poured 81101 neat shell ebbe the Atl.espatelt trout Wellington says. elan allowed the vassal to drift, anti Cxe 1 tics employed during the siege nCloripplo,l erten. l'hQanrounuf Captain I',orru(ne, oL the finally got hen tufo Beevor ITarend Potchefstroom in 1881, making an. ad-1The British unmated crrl.1 Missing lel: Nor111111pLonyhirr, Vo1untoersr Whore ofCioers have 90110 in arrest vane!) to the town by a 600100ssunl etnitnt}rer 110',1.14. 117(3, 4114' hal lorinrin'•1in9 making an nscrut at. Christ- N.CaxwolI. white g srsperl ever the veldt t n nr will a(Inrhetl Lu n Ddu. .; t1 was to Deserters herr ht ;t few d' l nbte b effect. Ms out, ("recent, and the bal- sa IrlJtlr;l) l pC1N, nun b0iu catt4riod, nue LO sett, the tin.' tsnvy continue, to give b tclvus up • t ` O b0 rtrtllrllE`tl to trenellus In algid by Saab it move J1 time, C"n thin lelr'nne. i1 is ho9ed that p olurrc+h, lost palloontin which un., GREVE 131;dTALN. b('en anttcipattee by ue Lar' some etrt;some e i 11 11 ids balloon, Il v t rs frorn both the army end anB. for !hal reason there had 1111013 seal reinrll rli to worry the.. (lures 4nues-j sant1 y by night at Leets, lnso lea. C11 out. len es :DER D Ct 1 9 in England, in older L 1•1'i 11 f h l stn ie the f 'tu tie Amerwa,• d d the enemy disliked, het he contented The first news o: t e , (s.a It ot nt . a rowna • 111eost'al le tile women mho gives hilt best preserves lo nunnliers of her ntv11 family. A Ulan ntay forget thea dollar lather rowed, but he nlwmys remembers tie one, he loaned. The roust o.xpcvtsive things one He • lilosl purchased below cosi them and especially when it boo chronic, as was, seemingly, tb41 8SI8 101 )Jr. Belle TLe seen tremble reached g tensity that last June he was aomple ly prostrated. la this rood tiop a, hie recommended South Amerr[fewe Nervtn, Ready to try anything and everytei though he thought d corona ou list of proprietary medicines, be secure 0 a bottle of title groat disc ovetry . ase5ond bwotatlrek owf atshedomneed1oEme Woiye 1 at e own language: "Two bottles of Bou American Nervine immediately reliev e t my headaches and have bunt up VW system in a wonderia! manner." Let ub not deprecate the good our ctergymea and social reformers are doing in Os world, but how ll[ -fitted they Would for tbelr work were 31 net the repo that Booth Ameritlan Norv(ne brings them when phyeleal 1115 ose/'tahi them, and when the syetem, as a ref suit of hard, earnest end cantl s° work, breaks donq n. Nervine treats system as the wise ro;ormqr tenet $ evils he is battling agate/if. It strikes. a}( � the root of the trouble. Alt ease comes from dl5erganleetl011 Of I' tli waive centers. This Is e. sofeatlfle fact Nervine at once worlye on these Dory* eenters; gives to them health and vi* or; and then there courses through the system strong, healthy llfp�--matatalnine blood and gervous teottbles of Evora variety are things of the past. Sold by G. A. Deadman. LOOK OUT FOR DESERTERS. Penalties for Ilarbouring Snell Persons. 1'reetallae(L The current issue of the Ontario Ga- zette contains a long proclamation from the British War Office, issued by Col. V. Briscoe, of Halifax, chief staff officer for Canada. It, relates to the penalties for assisting or harbouring deserters from the British army and navy, and for purchasing or ready- ing the clothing and; accoutrements of deserters. A reward of £e, is offered for the ar- rest rrest of such a man, ands .£1 for inform- ation which wilt lead to his arrest, ' The purpose of such a publication to Ontario is probably to secure the de- tection of any deeerter'a who may chance to immigrate to Canada. As a rule, when a etre has great- ness thrust upon him it doesn't take him vett long to gel rid of 11. BIG HOLE IN THE 130W. A Steamer's Itaee 3'or Life to Wte 1hU'bor ltt Chtca10. A despatch from Chicago, says: -The steamer Conestoga, during a fog, ran ote a crib a mile and u ball from the 1 hnrber, anti stove a great Mole in the bow, The captain ordered all steam on and a ram began for the hlu'bor, but just at the entrance the slearner seek and rested on the mud,, with the upper (leek above water and the erely safe. The loss on the cargo from Bra - fele will he $10010011, A "MOMENTOUS EPISODE." ;ter. Wyndham Refers to tete Friendship or the Ignited States. A despatch from London says: Mr, George Wyndham, Parliamentary Une der -Secretary of State for War, ad- dressing his constituents at Dover, on Wednesday evening said, that, next to the affection which the oolonies felt for the Mother Country, ho would place the friendship of America. " This friendship between the American Re- public and the British Empire," de- clared the speaker, is one of the most dramatic, and may become one of the most momentous and far-reaching opt- sodes in modern history. It does not, however, imply hostility to any other great lower." FROM ENGINE CAB TO A PALACE. Fireman on 1111 linnets natality Inherlte rr Rarineley 41,4,1 $1,08,090. A despatch from xlleltoun, 111., says: --George Nettle Mel James, a fireman en the Peoria, 1110444th and Evansville Llailwey, has received a telegram from itis mother who resides in England, nuno1neitlg that his uncle, the Bare- . not of Chead lehall, had died and wile e:1 to him his entire 0stele, valued at. ,1,:X.0,000, ,lames oleo inherits the title Ut (31rouet, but there is a ben on his returning to.England. NO FRICTION EXISTS. thuds-dapen Trouble Is Dented Froin Tokio. The correspondent of the London '1'intes at Tokio soya:-" The rumour of friction between Russia and Japan is without foundation. No internation- al question new exists between them. The resent excitement ,lonneotod Wilke Japanese purchases of land over Raw( sla's head at Mazanlpa grow fit n purely 1)rlva16 (ransaotions, and to way 0oneernerl the Japanese Govern-. 1nein, Atpresent the atmosphere is elellt'," WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH. !Felt to n Mt t4'l1Ue t'ant'ryitttt n lamp. 1 A despatch iron Port Colborne, Ont., ayes •--'A '1.Otnau named. Carpenter; tvol•king at 1M eNeal's hotel, was tonna in her room on Wednesday night burne ed to death. It is sippesed she fell in a fit, with n lamp, The fire. 1011.1 discovered in time to save thio b•uil,b, tug. The hungry Inendinant n•ofers the cold pant to the cold (411x(1(6)'. A true philosopher is too pliilosopht" 1 eat to bother Rienzi.p1111osopllyr.