HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-16, Page 8FREE EXAMINED fi"EE .7, Satisfaction Guaranteed Our guar- antee means something, We are not here to -day and away to -morrow; you know just where to find us. Comfortable vision or your money back. No guess work. Accurate, scientific measurements and tests. Difficult oases a specialty. G. . Deadman, nruggist and Graduate Optician, Brussels, Ont. FOR f O / 4/ N/ R We in have eo et or V m h g � you, Our stook le go varied that we are sure wo lave eomotbing for you. You vain 'teeny . be making a present to yourself or some. cue and then if you will call there will be something FOR 1..15. Yes 1 We are enre you have something for ue. You have more oath than you need, and that we need, and we have more goods than we require and that you repuire, Then there is plenty FOR 07 -HERS. Yee 1 for others, beaause neither you nor we want to keep all the goad things for ourselves and we were going to say that there is plenty FOR ALL, yet, not quite for all, so those who oome first will have the beet choice. We have to large assort. ment of nioe goods for presents so just come early and see them at DEADMAN'S Drug, Book and Fancy Goods Store. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. U. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North ana South, as follows ; Gorse Seamm. Gomm Noma, @across 7:10 a.m. Mail 010 p.m trued......... 0:40 a.m, j 3sprose 10:17 p.m Taal' 4frins, A Ohiel's amang ye takin'notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Hones Fair, Nov. 30. A WEDDING ie mooted in town. LITTLE flurry of snow last Saturday. Saneness complain of shortage of care. THE sobool Board ask tenders for wood supply. RENEWAL subscriptions for 1900 are rolling in. Two anotion sales are well nigh over for this season. THE PoeT and Daily Advertiser for only $2.00 a year, MONTHLY Horse Fair, Thursday, Nov. 30th. This will be the first Fair of the 5050013. AN eleotrio burglar alarm has been at- taobed to the safe of the Standard Bank in this plane, PLtaoLa—a m05iom1 marvel of the age, Hear it at the Town Hall, Friday even- ing of this week. Tan Hockey team will miss Arohie Duncan next Winter. He may demon. °trate at Winnipeg however. GRAIN is coming to Brussels market in in large quantities. The buyers complain of shortage of oars to get grain away. OUR thanks are doe to a number who are squaring up subscription and other accounts, A weld to the wise should be snffioent, F. S. ScoTT, auctioneer, will sell a car load of milk o0we et O'Leary's Hotel, Wiogbam, on Saturday afternoon of tbie week, for M. G. Clear, of Ingersoll. THE Evaporator will oomplete this season's business this week. They will have about 14 tone of evaporated fruit on band when they close down, It will be held until market advances. A LIST of bioyoliste who persist in rid• ing on the sidewalks is being prepared, it is laid, with day and date of violable°, and the Reeve will have a wholesale job administering the law and the town treasury will be fattened by $10 or $20. CcuPLAINT is made by cranks that two much ammunition is wasted in time of war but what would they sett if they knew one of our sports wasted 28 chargee in a blaokequirrel hunt and then .did not get a "bird." IT wouldn't grieve 00 a bit if a few of our "semi.occasional" correspondents got a move on them now that the busy Beason is past and the long evenings here. "Tun Pose gives the news" is true bet we must get before we own give. WANnanneo bovines play havoc with some of the boulevarding done this Fall. The village Pound and a good swift fine would likely remind violators that the Cow By-law ie a reality, On the whole the law is well observed and thie feet may make violations more noticeable. THunenas night of last week some craven hearted individual threw a stone against the new plate glass window put in Jae. Fox's drug store last week. .8. bad Crack was the reenit whioh will necessitate a new window. It was in- sured the afternoon previously. An effort should be made to ferret out the atone thrower. Fon eve TruesveAL,—The Port Elgin Times of Nov. 9th has the following to say of a nephew of Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., of Brussels 1—Oapt. Arthur L. Roes, son of Conductor Ross, of Palmerston, was in the Military College, Kingston, when the call went out for a Canadian oontingent to go to South Afrioa, Oapbain Bose ab once enlisted as a private in Company "D" of the contingent and is now on his way to tbe'Tranevael, The Palmerston Council, ata.special meeting, held on the 28011 tilt., voted Oapt. Rose the enc of 400 as a good -will offering and sent an appreciative telegram to Lieut. -Col. Ot. ter. The gallant young soldier ie a nephew of Mrs. R. Smyth, Mies A. Ross and Jae. Ross, Port Elgin, and is Well known here. Peatnot0UL,—Lest Saturday evening, after inkiness home, we called up at the Town Hall expecting to enjoy a laugh over some of the amusing things that might, be said in presenting "Peok's Bad Boy." We don't epeak for what took plane prior to our arrival but part of that we beard was decidedly rude and vulgar if net worse. There was a fairly good house present but the testimonials wouldn't help the Oompany much. We like Olean fun but any travelling Co. tamale kaow that there is a marked differentia between that and profane, lm. mbdeet talk. No town will Raffer if snob pregame were eanoelled. Saturday night the reserved seat section took in nearly all the Beate in the Hall and of merge who the 100 department was loaded up it required another dime to Sit in the parlor oar. It serves people right,. though, if we don't know hatter than patronize these funny (7) travelling chewer Din you see the meteors ? ONLY five weeks to Christmas. SEND THE Poe to your absent friends. R. GRAHAM forwarded two oars of wheat this week. Coatonongn x, travellers are numerous these days. A. 0. 0. W, Lodge Friday evening at 7:30 O'olook. Sr. Jonts's Lodge A. F. . A. M. met on Tuesday evening. WATCH oat for Witten & Turnbull's stove advt. next week, FRED. Reeled:motes new brink residence will soon be ready for ocaupanoy. Messes. BARKER & VANSToNE shipped a double deck of hogs on Toeeday to Toron- to. Tea Henfryn Rotel fire was Seen quite diotinotly at Brussel° last Saturday even- ing. g A NEW smoke stank has been put ap at the Howe Woollen factory. Dan. Mo. Naughton was in charge of the work. Fong care of apples left Brussels station this week, 2 oars being shipped by W. F, Stratton and 2 by 1. G. Jones. Wtc, Rana, Graham Survey, has spent 22 years in followinga threshing machine and appears to be none the worse of bis often dusty job. Two letters for THE Poor from Bel - grave, lest week, Dame to hand with the Wroseterpostmark on them. That route must bea new one surely, JNo. GOVENLOCR,01 Seafortb, hi doing quite a baldness in baled hay. He chipped another oar this week. It goes to Toronto and Hamilton. TEE only business done at the School Board last Friday evening of particular importance was asking for tenders for 70 cords of 22 icoh hard wood. A taw tfle cellar drain has been put in at D. A. Lowry's reeideooe, Albert street, Mr. Lowry has greatly improved the house since hie purchase of it. SEVERAL new oases of scarlet fever. Unless people interested observe the Board of Health regulations, there may be an epidemic of this disease in town. Sarum, BURLS is making a good job of filling in the ditch on Tnrnberry street. Tuesday forenoon they drew 30 loads Alex, MoLanohlin does the spreading and levelling, A COUPLE of ladies interested them. selves in geeing that Mrs. Thos. Hall, Alexanderstreet, e re will be comfortably pro. vide(' for thie e Winter,h T ey met with generous responses. [NO. TAIT bas disposed of the small homier on the owner of Queen and Albert streets, formerly occupied by his deceased brother, William, to William Armstrong, who intends removing it to his farm adjoining Brassets. S. H. JAat5ON has bad the stone fours. dation completed under his blacksmith shop. Posts have Mao been placed under the oflies of Meeks. Oardiff & Best that received a shaking up last Spring by the Maitland freshet. No Fawn WANTED BEFORE 27TH.—Owing to pressure of other work and open weather J. G. Jones does not want any poultry delivered before the 27th. The advt. mils for the 20th but the former date will he the correct one. Wausau STAR Lodge I. 0. 0. F. will send a Degree team to Atwood on ed• W needay evening of next week to assist the brothers of that village with some degree work. Those going will kindly be on hand at the Hall not later than 5.30 that evening. DIRECTORS MEET ON SATURDAY,—An ad- journed meeting of the Directors of the East Huron and Grey Brandt Agricul- tural Societies will be held in the Omen. ail Chamber, Brussels, on Saturday after- noon of this week at 2 o'clock. The re. port of the Treasurer will be presented ; plans formulated for the building of a new Agricultural Hall on the Pair ground, &a. YOUNG LADIES' CLUn,—A number of young ladies, several of whom were mem• bare of the Minto Tennis Club, 114x° organized for the Winter and will meet semi-monthly on Monday evenings. Crokonole, literary, snow shoeing, &o„ sec„ will o0netitate the program. The offioere are :—Hon, President, Mrs. D. 0. Boos ; President, Mise Jean Bitable ; Vine Preeidenb, Mies Mary Ross ; Sedretary, Mise Belle Irwin ; Treaanrer, Miss Annie Rose. Last 1110b - day evening the first meeting wag held at the home of the Mieeei Rogers, Frederick street. Miss MamieDeadman will enter. tarn the Club at her home, Frederick street, on Monday evening, 29th inet. PRottrw BETTLEMINT.--TIIUraday noon of Iasi week the new plate window lot in Jas. Fox's drug store was insured in the Dominion Plate Gimes Insurance Co„ with headquarters at Montreal, J, A. Creighton, local agent. At 12.80 on Thursday some person struck the window with a stone cracking the plate. The Go. was notified at once and have au. thorized their London agents to forward a new 91 x 108 light ab once. The old one will be returned to London. There might have been room for some compan- ies to kiok but the Dominion ao0epted the eituatien and have thereby established a good teeord in this locality. It wee unfortunate of course bet if there were no rieke to ran there would beam need of fnsuran55. If the miscreant who threw the stone skald be located he should be made sweat for the prise and have a holiday at Itiugeton as well, T O N B R (i A STEAM drill Ike boon at work at J. 1), Ronald's and the Queeu'e Hetet this ea , w U A noatuaNicA•rroN from "Fair Play" re. forting to S. 8. No, 4, Morrie, disaueefan, "The Biooksmtlt'e new lurid" and sever. el other intoreetiug matters are crowded over to next week. CONCERT.—At the concert to be given Friday evening Misses Crooke, Greek and Semple, and Messrs. Hawkins, Jones, Jaokson, Grover and Thnmp:on will take pert, in addition to 4 seleot1005 by the Pianola, iuoluding "The Mocking Bird," "a Soea Ranh," "Whispering Wind," and a Valles de Concert. Admieeiou only 10 cents for ladies and 15 for gate, Concert at 8 o'clock. COAL OAS Sts eer:rmos.—Sad news comes from the home of S. 1V. Milliken, London. Mrs. Milliken is a main to Mrs, W, 1', Stewed:, of Brussels, and the family visited here last Summer. Tbs report eays e --"Andrew, the 8 -year old sou of S. W.and Mra, Milliken, 10 Mary. boyo' Place, South London, was stffooab. ed by coal gas at his home Sunday night, and the other 13 members of the fancily had an exoeedingly olose onll for their Itves, Up to 3 doloak Tuesday afternoon the parents were atilt in an unconscious condition, while Robert, the other eon, 10 or 11 years of age, was able to reaog. Oi1e some friends, but oonld not speak. The doctors who were called in were of the opinion that they would recover, The Milliksns reside near the ,Cast end of Maryboro' Mee in a comfortable frame cottage. They retired at the usual titue an Sunday night, ]lir. and Mrs. Milliken occupying one room and the two boyo another, adjoining the din. ing room, in whioh was a large base. burner. Yesterday some of the neighbors noticed that the family was not astir, bub not111139 was thought of it until 0 30 o'clock, when a little boy living in a near- by house toil hie mother that he lied endeavored to arouse the Milliken°, and failed, Another attempt wee made, and when this proved unsuccessful en entrance to the house was effected. The place was full of gee. The entire family was oneonsoions, Drs. Drake, Georee Wil. son, James Wilson, and Macklin were eommo0ed, and the first to arrive found that Andrew, the youngest 610Y, w ae breathing tie lust, and that Robert and the parents were in a ethical uoudition, The medical men did everything in their power for them, and by noon the Son wag able to recognise a number of neighbors who called. Mr, and Mre. Milliken were showing signs of re0overy. An exami. nation of the baeeborner showed that one of the dampers had not been fixed proper- ly, oansing the gas to escape. Mr. Milliken is foreman in the shipping de. partweat fn MoClary's, cud, with Mrs. Milliken, is well known as an active worker in Chalmer'ePresbyterian ohnrob. Andrew was a bright little fellow, who will be missed by bis playmates in the locality. The attending physician an. nom -toed late last evening that Mrs. Milliken only partially regained oonsoi. easiness between six and seven o'clock, and the probabilities were that she would not recover. Mr, Milliken and son were conscious ab dye o'olook in the after. noon and were doing as well as could be expected. Their recovery was looked upon as oortaiu. The funeral of Audrew, the eight.year-old eon who su000mbed, took place Tuesday to Mount Pleasant csmetery. The services were exceedingly tosohieg, owing to the fact that lying dangerously ill in another part of the little home on Maryboro' Place were the parents and brother of the deceased, altogether unconscious of the ead and sadden break whioh bad been made in the family. The pelt bearers wets sobnolmatee of the little lad from Grand Avenue school. Rev. Walter Moffatt wasb t offi . . 0 otatm g o1 etymon. Business Locals, House to rent. Apply to P. IIo- Qnarrie. SECOND hand organ for sale or to rent. Apply to B. Gerry. YOUNG sow wanted, newly calved. Ap- ply at THE PosT. CASH for hides and sheep skins. A. Canna, Brussels. COMFORTABLE house, with seven good rooms, to rent, Apply to R. Leatberdale. Den you see Brewer's collection of Photo's at the Fall Pair ? They won the red ticket, WANTED AT Ogox.—One ton Dried Apples. Get our prioes before you sell. J• FER°II , s o� & Co. I wIL L give with every 12 cabinet Photos., one extra Photo. tinted in Water Color,Enameted on Glass, mad one beanti. fill mantel easel and frame from this date. H. R. Brewer, Artist. SAW -FILER MannEGOR is doing a fair, steady business. You can have your money bank if he fails to snit you. T. MaGREson, saw gammen and filer, Bruer eels. PURSE lost between Brussels and Wm. Oakley's,last week, containing about $23. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at 000e at Tao POST, Brussels. Ws.• BIRD, non present dale until Jan. let, 1900, we are giving non with every doz. cab• inet photos., a first-class hand worked crayon portrait. Work done by our. eelvee, Now is your °hence, E. HART, artist, Stratton Brook, - WANTnn,—One ton choice roll butter weekly. Prise 20o, Also any quantity of dried apples and fowl. We pay oath for butter. If you have not a plaid or homespun 0ltirt you're nob in it. Our range of areae goods, jackets and furs are not surpaseed. G. E. lime, Wingbam. CHUI00Ii 01(1 RES. Service in the R. 0, oburoh next Bab. bath morning. Maitland Presbytery will meet next Tuesday at Wingham, Rev, D. 13. McRae, of Cranbrook, will preach in Walton next Sunday, The Ontario W. 0. T. U. ask that the churches observe the last Sunday in November as Temperance Sunday. Bev R. Paul rendered good 0erviee in Melville chetah last Sabbath morning in the abo0Doe of the pastor who was at Walton, Bev. Mr. Roos occupied his own pulpit in the evening giving a pointed sermon on "Lessons from the death of Abe alord." Rev, Mr. Aboy'e text last Sunday mooning wag Psalm 11.9.75 and in the evening "Train op a child in the way 110 should go, &o." Seasonable advice Was given as to the guardianship parents shoeld have over the boys and girls, e0' penally in the evenings, BRIGS PO Next Sabbath evening ileo, Mr. Holmes will speak on "Lessens to be learned from 1e " 1 BO C^ C '1l Boer -British B t e rin e Methodist t t h WtG 1 War," church "Re that dwelleth in the secret place of the Moab High shall abide under the shadow of the Ahniahby," Pel. 91-1, was Rev. M. Holmes' tort last Sabbath morning in the Methodist oburoh. "'The possible fellowship of the seal with Ohriet" was the theme, The eenret p'aon is a plane of (1) 1'caoe and dafety ; (2) tt plasm of Purity ; (8) a pleat of Power. Flow aro we to dwell ? (1) The source is Christ ; (2) By the agency of the Holy Spirit. On the human side obtainable by (1) Pious meditation ; (2) Keeping God's Oommandmonta; (8) Prayer and Communion ; (4) Diligence in God's work ; (6) Iieoogoizing the Divine Pres- ence, At the evening 50rvi00 another fine dieeoarse was given on "The Brother- hood, of Man.' This love to our fellow- men was to be kindled (1) By the esti. mate Christ planed cm our human nature ; (2) 33y the revelation Christ made of human nature ; (8) By the reve- lation Re has made of the brotherhood of men ; (4) By the restoration of a historic Ohrteb. Mr. Holmse closed with a rousing appeal to olio up the latent forces of the ohurob. a03oR1v D0uaLA9,—In Grey, ou Nov 13th, the wife of Mr. ]tobert Douglas of a daughter. Cowat.—In Elms., on Nov. 2nd, the wife of Mr. Jno, Cowan of a daughter. Monnteog.—In Atwood, on Nov, 0th, the wife of Mr. Alexander Morrison of a daughter (still born). Bodeen—In Grey, on Nov, 7111, the wife of Mo. Juo, Brown, jr., of a daughter. LIVINageote—Im Grey, 0n Nov. 7th, the wife of Mr. Robert Livingston, Coun- cillor, of a daughter. Sar1TN•—In Grey, the wife of bir. Fred. Smith of a daughter. SHAnst—RoarNaaN. — At Chrystal City, Man„ on Nov. 15th, Mr. R.,bt, J. Sharp, formerly of Ethel, to Mise Mioate Robinson, - formerly of Orangeville, GRIao.—In Morrie, on Nov. 14, MIartha Ellen, fifth daughter of George and Grace Grigg, aged 21 scars and 12 days. BURTON,—In Atwood, on Nov, and,Joyoe, daughter of Geo. Burton, aged 4 years, 11 months and 22 days, A'c'CTSOS7' 6AxiE. FRInar, Nov. 17.—Farm, farm stook implements, &c. N Lot 15, Con, 14, McKillop. Sale unreserved, at 1 O'olools sharp. Daniel MoMillau, Prop. Thee. Brown, Ano. W1n1nsnex, Nov. 22.— Farm stook, implements, household furniture, &o., Lot 29, Con. 1, Morrie, (adjoining the village of Bloevale. Sale, unreserved, ab 1 o'olook. Jno. Robertson, prop„ F, S. Scott, alio, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Goon general servant wanted. Apply at THE POST. COMFORTABLE rooms wanted for gentle. man, witb or without board. For particu- lars apply at THE POST. Domenote piano, large size, with harp attachment, will be sold on easy terms. B . GERRY', Brussels. Taono' nano Jersey Cow, with register- ed pedigree, for sale. 6 years old, 18.11 TB OS, NEWS0ME, Brussels. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QETTLE AOOOUNTS.— ALL parties owing Dr. EalbIIoiseh are re- quested to settle their e000unts,ae after the 158 oL December next all unpaid accounts will be handed over for collection. ®URHAD2 BULLS FUR BALE. from 8 to 20 months .old. The dam o1 two o2 thema w s got by "Ronal Sailors' imp, Call and 865 them. trot 8, 0010.9 Grey. P. ROBERTSON, 17.4 Brussels P. 0. AHUNTER, LICENSED AUC - „ TIONEERfor the county, Expo)... lance of over 1.4 years, and knowledge of who to sen to. Will guarantee eatietaction. If you want to sell or buy a farm call on me. Money to loan at Opel: Dent, WOOD WANTED. We aro prepared to make contracts for 1,000 cordo of hard and Bort wood, to bo de- livered at the Brussels Salt Works. Par - Mailers RE may bo SthereALT COMPANY. TEACHER WANTED. Female teacher wanted, holding Third. class certificate for the Junior division of the Ethel Public School, dutlee to emu. mance Ord January,1000. State salary es• pined. Applications received up 011129th Novemhor,1800, WM.898E010, 18.0 Beeretary,Hthel P.O. iT ST,1XD.4RD 13e1XI' OF adeN D.4, _7nx, ST x x .P s xzp s.e72. ev . MEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO QAPITAL PAID TIP (One Million Dollars) - $1,000,000 RLSERYE PUND , •9000,000 Agencies in ailprincipalpoints in ()awls, Quobeo,bfartiloba, United Stater Lk E071and, S'1IF'i4sto,00' Atifghtevoiry. A General Banking Beal/toes Transacted, Farmers' Notps Disooutrted, Drafts Iaaned and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deroalts of 91.00 and mpwardS. 5PE01AL ATTENTION OIVEN TO TRE OoLLE0rIoN of FAnttene' SALO Norse, Every facility afforded Oaetomers living at a distance. J. N. GORDON, Ammo Ann. YOUNG BULL STRAYED from HaatLob 8, Oen. 4, Grey, on or about Juue lob Bed is color, with borne partly burned with cambia and ring to right oar when he loft' Any information leading to his raooyery will he rewarded. DONALD MODONALD, or Tan PosT Jamestown P. O. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE und5r0l ead will keep for service, on Lot 2, Oon.O, Grey, the tboro'-bred improv- ed Yankshiro boar, "Oak Ledge Gladstone," No, 8075, bred by J, 30, Bretbour, Burford, Ont. Terme 41,00 for 1 sow, or 60 oeebo each 101.2 or more in the same season. to be paid at time o1 service, wltb pprivilege to re- turn if neoeseary. atm. STBA08AN, 10-4 Prop, SHEEP FOR SALE. — THE undersigned has for sale 1 registered Shoarling Ram and 7 Ram Lambs, Shrop- shire breed. The Iambs were got by a son of Lord Newton," 1st prize wiener at the World's Fair. Also a number of Bronze T300ffkaye and 811111 Lot 8, Oen. 0, Grey. NOTICE ! Notice is hereby given that a By-law Ines. ed by the Municipal Conn ell 0l the Township o2 Grey, ou the 203rd day of September, 1899, amount of 81,025 issue or the debentures of Mune Mun- icipal drainage f, as that such B u a p e know a g res Fraser Drain, registry that snob r the C ue- tyglstHedr n, the he tat 1 offtlee for the Coun- ty y2 Huron, on quos 18th day 5 dOctober,1800. same Any y part b quack or sot aside same threeany part thereof must be mega within three n b from the data registration and cannot be meds thereafter. Dated the let day o2 November A,D. 1899, SVM, SPE140E, 18.9 Clerk, Grey. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of John Jacob Gorsalitz, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes 0f Ontario,1808, Chap. 120, Seo. 18, that all oredito a and others having any claims against the estate of John Jacob Gorsalitz, late of the Township of Grey, fu the County of Huron, Farmer. deceased, who died ou or about the 20nd day of 1,1005h, A. D.1890, in the Towosbip of Grey, in the County of Huron, are hereby requested to send by post, prepaid or to deliver to John Jacob Gorsalitz and prepaid, ins Gorgolilz, cf Oranbrook, Executors of the said estate, or fo G.F. Blair, of the Village of Brussels. their Solicitor, on or before the 17111 day of November, A. D. I899, their full names, ad- dressee.and desoriptiousand the fell par - Maulers of their claims, (verified by affida- vit) and the nature of the securities, if any, bald by them. Andnotice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, haying regard only to the claims of whioh notice shall have been given KS above required, and the said Ex- eautors will not be responsible s onto a for the tw- eets s or any partthereof,shall e Huy Serape of e - whose at the notice shall h of have encu re- oeivad at tea Lima of such distribution, G.F. BLAIR,B reseals, Ont., Solicitor for Executors. Dated at Brussels, Nov, let. 1890. REAL ESTATE. Ii'AR1v1 FOR SALE.—THE 11N— dersigned'oftere his farm, Weet Half Lot No. 10, Con, 4, Grey, containing 60 acres, more or less. For partioolnrs as to pries and terms apply to ARCH. ROBERTSON, Brussels P. 0, on the premises, PIBREI(PTORY SALE OF A HOOD num.—The "White farm,' lot 7, eon, 0, Grey, 100 aere0, 14 miles from James- town (gravel road) ,must be Sold, under the will of the late owner. Good buildings, or- chard and never failing water suuply The land is glean and in good state of cultivation, 6 acres of Fall wheat now in. This is a de- sirable property and a cheap bargain can be had. Apply to JOHN WHITE, Jamestown, or to A. HUNTER, B rituals, Exeolltora. 18tf FINE FARM FOR SALE.--BE- I110 Lot 50, N d 000, 0. Morrie township, containing 98 sores of first-class land. There is shouse, barn, orobard and good ware- house, and farm is well fenced, There are 86 aures in Fall wheat ; 10 acres in bay and 46 gores pasture. Possession could bo given at once. Farm adjoins the village of 13ru0- eels. For further particulars as 10 pride, terms, &o, write to JAMBS LIVINGSTON, M, P,, Batten, 22-t1 ECI LS. LANTERNS ll�jt'D ATC The 098 patent—the beet in the market, 1 �1 11 Q'11L1\I F7 ft before yon buy. S�g%TS Wo bave a ffrst.olaes stook of Crose.oat Saws from $2,50 up. !� V 1���� Bs Dare to see our new saw, t'Tbe Fast Gutter" AXES See A Large stook, from OOo. to $1.00. CuTi-JY1i WSpooaornry Fosp,eraiod 5oeorh "le"' LAMP GOODS in ibis line we excel. "Goods wen Bought are half Soil' A largo stock of Hardware bought before the rise in -prices. and spate in the Profits, The highest price paid for Bides, Sheep Skins and Furs, Coale Von SALE,—I OFFER FOR salo the South Haloes of Lots 18 and 11, 0oe.1, O'uruberry. The form is ono mild from wingbam ; M mite from wheel ; eon- slats of 074 aures, 80 neared, Sault barn, brieh 110580, good orobard, never failing spring, two good wells, 0 Acres 1'`010 wheat, balance seeded down. A bargain fora quick sale, W. J, DUFF, Blum/ale. 10.8 . GOOD FA.1WS FOR SALE.— GOOD u.nderelgnee oiler two 100 eor0 farina for sale at re0e0nablo prices. The lots are Noe. 10 and 11 Con. 0 (Sunshine), the sideroed between them. Good brink house and barn nu lot 11, and house and 2 barna ou lot 10, Orchards and all necessary conven- iences. Wen watered and suitable forrain or grazing, 100 ammo now in grass. Will he this either separate or together to snit pur- chaser, Terms of pay msilt reasonable. I:m. mediate possession. For further particulars apply 1010810PN ()LEEGG, Bruasele P. 0., or E. L. DIOXIN 80N, Barrister, Winglla ul, 101 Nov. 16, 1.899 licii You \Valll Your animate Io thrive well, work welt and look well, feed there HERBAGEUM. If your lloree is out of condition teed hint HERBAGEUM, 10 you are fattening calves, oattlo or hogs, toed 1100101 HERBAGEUM. If you are keeping cows for milk, butter, or cheese, feed them HERBAGEUM. In feeding Herbagenm animate got about ono fifth more eonrisbment out of the food—fatten one fifth sooner, and weigh ono.ilttlt more than othere the same size. When you want Herbagenm oom0 to oz's T `'o.g Store. TilA.R141 BOB SALE,—BEING Lot 1, Con. 14, Gray, containing 100 50150, There oro about 70 acres cleared, balance bush. Pram s 1101180, largo barn with atone stabling, orchard, good fences, So, All seeded to grave. 0# miles from Brussels a good market lows, Desirable farm for tither stook or grain, Possession at any time, Por further particulars apply to or write STEPHEN LAMB, Prop.14 gin Seafortll. B AND. , . o J+io We have in stock the famous SASKAf PURE WAN OVERCOATS. niC These Coats are Rubber lined and resemble the Per- sian Lamb in appearance. We would like you to ''� see them. coot, LARGE STOCK LOW PRICES ! We have the Agency for the ! Celebrated Saskatchewan Robes, Rubber -lined and wind and water -proof. See them before buying any others. Our Goat Robes at $5.50 are great value. ,Toz 1. 0. RICHARDS. AT 11 19 N. for Bmler ? 19 Cents per lb. for .Furst -class Butter ; ' a Favorable for the Fanner ; Goods well Bought are gulf Sold. TH has the largest and most up-to-date stock in, 'Brussels to choose from. Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11000t00) worth of New Goods to select from, con- sisting of Dry Goods, Beady -to -wear Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers (Granby), Lw7nberrnan's Soehs and Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Furs, Robes, Underwear, Gents' Furnishings, 'o. 0 They say A. R. Smith is one of the shrewdest and best buyers that visits the city, but a poor Salesman; so you will have everything your own way during the next' two weeks. A. R. Smith will give 19 cents per pound for ' choice butter in exchange for First-class Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. ---0—•— A. R. SMITH Has been for the last 20 years Champion Clothier of Brussels and the true friend to the Farmer,,.....: