HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-16, Page 7Nev. 10, 1'f* TELE BRUSSELS POST,
Yung Folks.
Not their songs -who would try to
repeat i n words songsof Lh
1 t t m r the
hermit thrush or of the moelcing
bird? -but the oath by which birds
express delight, surprise, anger, die -
tress, warning, their mharlulteristic
notes, make what we term 13'rd Talk,
Some et t here, sounds seem to be
common to all birds, as the sweet,
twittering mother talk in the nest;
some common to certain families, as
the cheeping note of the sparrows, and
the similar cells of the orioles, the
onrdinais, and various other whistling
But on the other hand ovary bird lute
a great many different calls of its
own. The Virginia quail s talk IS not
►imited Io its name note, Bib White I
Bob White 1 which rings ow, so desert-
ly in the long grasses, The mother
gnat' knows her baby talk and she
has also a call of three notes, a signal
call to her mate when she leaves the
nest in the brooding season. The
mates use their "scatter Halls" when
they roam the oomntry rn flocks, and
they signal to let cash other know
where they are -Are you hero? Are
you there? besides other notes in time
of trouble.
As tor the gold -winged woodpeckers,
the males make. the woods ring like
a party of old fox hunters. Yarrup,
yarrup I yp 1 yp. Mr. Chapman, who
has especially studied what birds say,
describes also a salute, loud and
bearty, kee-yer 1 a meditative coir-cuh-
ouh, end a sound "like the swishing)
of a willow wanly" wsechew, wee-
ohew. They also ehuakle and com-
plain, and the baby gulden -wings call
incessantly from their high -hole nurs-
the cardinals calls are almost num-
berless, clew and querulous, quick and
lively, full of joy and triumph, or
anxious and troubled. The orioles are
known by a gay and bold ivhiallc,
whit-tu 1 high umang the breeches,
but they have also a harsh check,
cheek 1 which they use freely when
vexed; and they aro very easily vexed
ar frightened, in spite of their brave
show and their joyous songs.
Cat buds have two notes of warn -
leg; the first is a rather low cluck
cluck ! as if in a whisper ; the second,
in more imminent danger, is loud and
shrill, and nasal. Tee cuokoos also
cluck -cluck, and in addition have a rat-
tling call, tut -tut -tut ! or hukhuk 1 and
cow -cow, not the dist.luet uuukoo call
that the European cuckoo gives, but
one slightly resembling it,
The wood thrush also has various
oalis. Sitting one sunset: hour at the
edge of a wood f saw and heard a wood
thlu'sh in turn gurgle, buzz, make a
el im ell c. boais) note,aquisk chipping
call, a chatter, the, usual pit, pit, and
interspersed all these with its delicious
and liquid a -o -ll., or come to me, which
is its characteristic song. I had heard
these sounds before, but could not be-
lieve that they came from the thrush s
golden throat until f caught him in
the act.
Place has its influence over song.
The melody of the Western meadow-
lark is far sweeter and more sub;l0
in suggestion than that of the .Eastern,
and. there is a differenoe between the
notes or the Northern and the Carolina
!There are ,t great many individual
variutious, and these are likely to oc-
cur in certain kinds Of birds, The
meadowlarks may have a nasal cull,
a rolliug twitter, or a whistle clear
as a pipe, sweet as a flute, and subjeot
to any changes that the caprice of
the singers suggests. •
The gicat Carolina wren has a multi-
tude et calls, all hard to define, all
marvelous in thole sonorous, ringing
quality from such a tiny throat. As
for the opals and the mocking birds,
endowed with the double gift of mimi-
cry end ventriloquism, one never
knows what t'a expect. Mr. Burroughs
amperes the notes made by uY ellow-
breasted chat to those of a
pupBy, a
d'uok, a kingfisher, a crow, a fox, and
a cat, besides others indescribable.
On the ether hand, there are unex-
to overcome her fears, but for some
widely different birds as the differ-
enees in birds of the same family, or
the notes of the same birds. The tiny,
yellow -throated vireo has more than,
onus deceived mo into expecting the
flashing orange and bleak of the Balti-
more. oriole, The hermit thrush and
the whippoorwill, so unlike otherwise,
have each a habit of softly chuckling
tp themselves in the dusk. See your
singers, is a counsel not to be ncgleot-
ed by seen an experienced ornitholo-
Then, every human listener inter -
pasts awarding to his oWn mood and
after his own fashion. A friend of
mine insists that she has honed a bird
call "'Come here right quick," with n
ringing emphasis on t'ha last syllable,
Thegreat tweeted f
t aatohar says
"What r" the red -eyed vireo, "Do you
hear il:? Do you believe it ?•' the
white -eyed, "Who are you, eh?" the
yellow -throated,. "I in here; where are
you 1" it he cardinal °ails "Quick, quick,
hurry I' the tanager, "Up, up, in the
tree top."
AU these ars birds notes
d Lo in man's
words, but there aro also for bird
families an untranslatable language,
Kingbirds hove "a steely clatter;"
waxwing's lisp; blue jays soreamu;
swallows birds
twitter, hummer , iv t umm r b tda
squeak; wood pokers rap, ruffled
grouse cl'rum or boat a tattoo; owls
snap their mandibles queerly, and fly -
(retailers make sounds like a $neeie,
and like wings outtiug swiftly through
the air.
The small.girl who was in the mum.
try for the first time sine° she wee of
an ago to take seriaas observations
was much interested in a lot of little
dunks, in a neighbor's yard, She was
more acquainted with infantile weak.
q \
nesses than with barn ardstso, being
a clever little woman, she put her wit
n 1 s
10 work and seen solved. the Vrobleen
as to wb,y the gaoelting of the drake
sod]ftbrll r
was different from, therte tin of
p 1 Ef
t o ebirlipis, "Mamma," she said„
when she went home, "I
have just; seen
a lot of little ahiokeus with the oroup,"
The Eminent Aeneieltlglst Meiners 1111`
bluest Revert roue Irenernet ern the
reble'.. Credibility. - I)npnrienl Die
rewseles In Enrol.
Iligller nriticlem is wrong. The
higher (tribes of the Bible are engag-
ed in hair••splitting trivialities and are
pureeing false methods. The old view
the newspu.pere and magazines edu-
cated opinion has undergone a great
change In the wny.,in which Lhe Bible
is rege'•ded. instead of being coined -
tweet an verbally inspired, authorita-
Live In every word, 1L is now consid-
ered to eantttin the word °t' Gird,
rather that to he itself rho wand of
God, We believe, at any rate, that in.
the Bible we have the special revela-
tion made by etod to man, but 'nude in
the form of literel ere, and [hat 11 is
Ike spirit Thal underlies the form, and
not the rural itself, whicth conlainsthe
Message of Gud'a will. As you kitow,
the idea of inspiration hes fever been
tulthee' Int lye ly formhint ed. The Eng -
of the old book is oorreot, except 3'e- itch ('Murch knows nothing of Lite In-
garding the book of Daniel, which is eelralioe of a book. In 1.110 lit ergy the
composed- of legends," only imapiration spoken of is the in -
This is tits startling slap+enact node span by
of the hearts and souls of
g men by the Spirit of God. What we
by Professor A. H. Sayce, arehaeologi- mean by, the inspiration of the Bible
cal explorer and professor of Assyri-
ology in Oxford, England, after thirty
years spent in cleniphering the ancient
hieroglyphics of Eastern lands. Phrases,"
" Our researches," he continued, "Inas st'innce disproved the possihil-
"among the monuments of Babylon Ity of miracles 1
to 1114 re it we have the will of, Clod
revealed to us. That will is reveal-
ed by the general spirit of I,he Bible,
and not by the individual wards or
Assyria and Egypt, have opened up Science deals only with the ]phe-
nomena observable 1 y the senses. Of
a new world undreamed of a few years the rause or these phenomena it knows
ago. They show that the history of nothing, and consequently 11 can of -
mankind gods back to the very remote fer no evidence either for or against
past, and that civilization wee thend
events \whichay arsexperinot einnce. '(lncnordie se-
with every
quito as high as that of imperielitome senco of a miracle is that it should
or the civilization of Europe at the be such en event, Criticism has been
time of the Renaissance, if not higher driven bank to the conviction that the
in some respects. The population of Inslhem Christ tint ms l0t be tiler Son
the early East was highly (mitered and of (led, and therefore able to work
highly literary, Both in Egypt and miracles-i.e., to produce effects which
Babylon a large portion et the per- do not fall within everyday experl-
ple seem to have occupied their time : 0000,"
in reading and writing. TEA CARAVANS FROM CHINA.
" The monuments found in Egypt and,
Babylonia are literally covered with'.'fhe lerroemer n ninninese Done 05 the
writing. Even the smallest articles of carnetur Route Through emeriti.
daily use have been found covered! The newspaper published in Tomsk,
with inscriptions, The revelations are' called the Siberian Latest NewS, gives
aslo partly due to the discoveries that Borne very ca•loua details about the
the old cities of the East had very Russian tea caravans, that transport
largo libraries 0t nooks. And some dis- thousands of tons of tea from China
cuvettes made a few yeas ago at Tel- and distribute it in various parts of
el An, rna In 'Lrgyisl-where it large Siberia and l(uksla. During the first
number of letters on cloy tablets were twenty days of January lust 19,000
rowed proved tbat in the fifteenth sleigbe laden with tee 'messed through
century before the Christian era the Lethe city of Tomsk. 'Lite ordinary aizs
whole educated population of the East,
from the 'Eup'hrates to the Nile, were of these tea caravans is from fifly
engaged in writing letters to one en- to seventy sleighs, though sometimes
other. from 200 to 300 are Included in one
This correspondence was going on
btivuly in a language and form of
riling which belonged only to the
Babylonians, Three, therefore, who
wrote in this language must have atu-
and learned. it as we do French.
made in the extreme south of Egypt die of hay and a measure of oats so
shoving theft papyrus books were that the horses may feed during the
written in the very early days of Egyp•- march. This facilitates progress, for
tian history. As regards the Babylon- the eaeevan does not need to halt for
tan libraries, they were equally an- the purpose of baiting the horses. As
th horse in front however,does not
u ant and veryHumorous.
groat library haits clay books. Some have anything to eat beforhim his
time ago at a place called Tolle, in Place in the caravan must be chang-
South Uhaldea, a French Excavator ed occasionally to give him an oppor-
discover•ed a library which was form- tunity to eat his lunch.
ed three or four otintunies before the
birth of Abraham, and which he eon -
eludes had contained thirty-three thou-
sand separate clay tablets or books on
all kinds of subjects. He found tbem
arranged in shelves, piled one upon
another. They had probably been
overwhelmed by the fall of the huild-
ing in which they were placed, Many
of these.elay tablets are now in Con-
stantinople. About ten thousand were
stolen by the Arabs. The tablets are
mostly written in Acoadian, a lan-
guage which is still imperfectly known, HOW WOMEN LOSE INTEREST IN
" What is especially needed tiow is THEIR HOUSEHOLDS.
excavation on the site of certain old
cities in T'alestine, where it is certain
we should find sairly libraries of clay
books, like those I have spoken of. For
instance, there is one place I should
like to excavate and that is Gazer.
There we know, from the cuneiform
inscriptions, that there was a library
in Canaanitish days, and I believe a
number of iusaribed clay tablets would
be found. No doubt these would throw
lunch light on the history of Palestine,
of mydiscoveries was
a caravan. The avorage load is five bales,
\\' each weighing from seventy to i20
'Five sledges are fastened together,
dieddrawn by one horse, and one man at-
tends to the deetehment. To the rear
Not long surto a dnacovery was sledge of each group are tied a bun -
The caravans travel night and day.
The only halt's during the (went y -four
houre are in the villages where the
weary horses are exchanged for fresh
animals. The drivers sleep on the
sledges, while travelling, in spite of
the severe cold.
Curtain monuments. found in Asia Mi-
nor were thework of the Hittites, and
they possessed a peculiar system of
"And what has been the result of
these discoveries as far as tbo Bible
is ooneerned 1"
"I believe that in fine main they
establish the traditional as opposed to
the modern critical view of the anti-
quity and credibility and historical
trustworthiness of 'the 01d Testament
records, especially the Pentateuch. I
do not mean to say that: in all respents
the old views WO had upon the subject
were Correct, but that on the whole the
Old Testament records seem to have
been vindicated by the discoveries we
are making.
I have comp to disbelieve thorough-
ly in the so-called critical view of the
composition of the Pentateuch. I be-
lieve that substaut.ia.11y it belongs to
the Mosaic age, and Ieae no reason
why it should not have been written by
Moses. The book has undergone ocr-
fain alterations anti changes, but sub-
stanitally it is the week of the Mosaic
age and of Mosee himself. It contains
extraets from +earlier documents, utore
espceially in the Book of Genesis, and
some of these earlier documents can
be shown to have been written and
to have been couteritperaneous do0n-
ments in the Babylonian language and
cuneiform nhareetone. a
"Then you consider most of the re-
sults of the higher critics to be mere
"Yes, the more archaeological facts
come to the light file more I ane in-
clined to mistrust their conclusions,
The higher criticism rests entirely up.
on what: is called the literary analy-
sitn of the Bible, the division of the
writings of the 01(1 Testament among
authors whose works aro distinguished
from one another by differences in
style and in the use of words and
grammatical expieseions. Experience
shows that any conclusions of that kind
must be extremely pre(a,rioes, because
it is next to impossible to successfully
analyse written documents upon a
merely philologioa] basis, even in the
altso of languages. well knower anti still
"In %what Wily d0 you define the
spacial inepiratlou of the CHUMP
" TUdging from what one reads lir
The Ills to Which Women Are Heir Cense
Alueh Suffering -The Experience of a
Lady Who Has Found a Speedy Cure.
ISIrre lsaie T. Comeau, who resides
nit 89 1-2 Amigo street, St. Rooh, Que-
bec, is a teacher of French, English,
and music. For many years Mfrs.
Comeau' has suffered greatly from in-
ternal troubles, peculiar to her sex,
and also from continuous weakness
the meat
of ho dashesneuralgia
nervous pr tr tion Hertrouble be -
mime so bad that she was forced to
give up teaching, and go to an hos-
pital, but the treatment there did not
matter/ally benefit her and ultimately
ah'e left the hostt:al still a groat suf-
ferer. Meantime her husband having
heard of the great value of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
purchased a few boxes and prevailed
upon hie wife to try there. When in-
terviewed us to the merits of the
pills Mrei. Comeau gave her story to
the reporter ahout es fallowls:-
"My trouble came on after the
birth' of my child, and up to the time
I began to Me Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills I could find nothing to mire me.
I suffered mucic agony, was very
ween, had frequent severe headaches,
and little on no appetite. 1t sons not
long after I'began the use of (her/ells
the 1 I tumid they 'were helping Jae
very more, anal, after taking them for
e couple or months .I was les well ass
ever( 1. lied been. My appetite im•
proved, the pains loft me and I
gained oonsider•ably in flesh end am
again able lid attend to the .lessons
of •my pupils, mud superintend my
household work. Since using l:he pills
myself I have recommended them to
others and. haver heard nothing but
melee in their fU VOL' wherever llse(I,
No discovery 01! modern limes has
proved sllolb R boon• to women us Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills for Pole People,
Acting directly on' the blood and ner-
ves' invigorating the body, regulat-
ing the funotione they .restore health
and strength to exhausted women,
and make them feel Hit life is again
north living.
Soli, by all dealers lit medicine or
setnt post pa:lell at 50a a box or nix
boxes ,for $2.50, be addressing the
Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Brookville,
Ont. Refuse all substitutes.
In Iceland men and women are
lit every respect political equals. The
nation, which numbers about 70,000
pclis governed br0 representatives
by inert and women
Ile sentimentally -If I were to pro-
pose to vVoft whet would be toyou the
most Vivid mind picture of the future
She expoetantl,Y -,A little plush box,
safln Tined, 1nutaiutng a dlamond,r'ing,
Soldlers or ISveey Nation lira re '53511,• Own
Chitlmr'h natio Way,
"l have 110er1 under fire with the
armies of nearly every nation," 'said
an We war correspondent, "and l have
learned that every nation tuts lis wey
of facing death.
The dullest Fri/nehmen us he waits
for oval h or glory, becomes an ori-
ginal wit while your Gerrnun'e hand
generally feels nael'hauieally for his
pipe. A Scotsman's ,lawn twitch fur
• a teemed or two, ane thou he stands
erect and In0110111ess, walling; while
your Irishsnaat given vent to ilia reel.
blue in a mad yell, or if that la not
possible, in 0. low Collie Moak. Cur -
lonely enough Italians, Ruesians and
Spaniards die in 'r very ninel0r nntn-
nor 0:11 to their physical bearing; but
the first and lamp probably rise to 1 he
highest state of euurtcousoess man bus
ever attained.
Thomas Al.lcins and the Americans
art alike when the moment comes. One
curses, another bringe the blued
through his lips, while a third mut lt•rs
a name which must of necessity belong
to his own sister or someone's else's,"
Can 1)0 More Work on the Farm
Than His Twenty -Four Year
Old Son.
For Three or Four Years at Ono Time Eh
Was Ton Heck to Work at A11-015•
shied 11118 Kidney Disease-
Dodd's Kidney fills Gave
111111 Ills Present
Ingersoll, Nov. 0. -We 'hove a man 10
[has district who is a remtlrknble ex -
tenpin of the adage, "Health and
strength go es a puir." Ile is a mid-
dle-aged man in perfect •health, and
glories to 1169 strength. Yet some
years ego Jte weed ,to be as weak and
helpless as a kitten.
Mr. W. I1. Bid ley lives ou lot five
on tie, town line between Derhadnand
West Oxford, He is a farmer by err -
mention and well known throughout
the district. For years Mr. Ilailey
seas a victim of Kidney Disease which
sapped his strength. He was col a
believer in patent medicines, but. he
tried alt the doctors in .Ingersoll wilh-
oat avail. Then ha took three boxes
of Dodd's Kidney Pills and became a
whole, sound man once more. To so
great an extent did he gain in
strength that In spite 08 his years be
could overmatch his grown-up eon, a
big strapping .men of twenty-four.
Mr. Bailey says: "For years I' hare
been troubled with Kidney Disease, be-
ing so bad at times that I could do
nothing. f, had tried alt the doctors
in this town but they would have put
me in my grave. I took three boxes of
Dead's Kidney Pills and ami now able
to d0 more work than my twenty-four
year old son."
The Czar is a very lucky man. He
inspires proverbs, and every one knows
that when a sovereign begins to in-
spire proverbs, he is pretty nearly
reLede to bceonse a great man.
(Herd are a few of she wise sayings
which owe their inspiration to the
ruler of All the Resales: -
"The Czar is very powerful, but he
is not the All Powerful."
"The Czar is naturally a cousin to
God, bet he is not His brother."
"A; tear in the eye of the Czar (wets
the country many handkerchiefs."
"Only one can be the Czar, but many
m,ay, love him."
Che ukases of the Czar are worth
nothing if God does not say "Amen' to
This 1 easiest
the etas one
• 's tllustr way,
way, of excusing, personal deficiencies:
Th' professor kin spoke in four dif-
fonint tongues, Dinny.
Thor's only wan t'ing thot kapos me
from dein' the same, Larry„
An' phwat is tau?
01 hovn't the tour tongues.
Married people outlive the Unmar-
rled, the temperate and industrious
live longer than the glutenous and
idle, and the residents of civilized na-
tions live longer than those of un-
civilized countries.
A Pleasant Surprise
For those who have thought that Cat-
arrh is incurable, and to whom the
eonstnnt use of snuffs and ointments
hes been almost uubearable, is to learn'
of Cutarrhozone,, the new medicated
r nehitie
t•x ' B 0
nCtr CintIth
air treatment O
nnd Asthma, CRL•etrrhozono is a guaAsthma,teed
saguatend cure for those diseases and
never fails to 00(0 thein:. 1t
cures by inhalation or melli-
onted air and always reaches the right
spot, This is no thooey; but (he re-
sult of soon] experience, t7.n.cl thou-
sands of testimonials beak up ntll
we say for our medicine. Price $1,00
at all druggists, or' direct by ).Anil on
receipt of price. Send l0e, in stamps
for sample outfit to N'. C. Polson &
Co., Box 518, Kingston, Ont.
iliac water in laundering will stif-
fen dresses. Boil a pound of rico in
a gallon at water and rinse the dress
before drying, Do not dry thin gowns
in the Sous Roll in a oloth; and iron
when partly dry.
01 like eouruge, said Mr, Rafferty,
hal (11 alon't like renklesa ness wid it,
1 told Currey the con ',tweeter, t.be
-nine Ping, replied Mr Dolan, wan day
when he wor thryln' to show how
brave he could be in an argymint wid
'is wife.
ensures a yvuthhrl complexion. Fend 25 rents for trial
Address W,�0 Uaoviant iNW! be ,'451lar eQluean 5t �W.,Tolp01e.'
1 DIc-llelu subiv', durhug, that this
client ,nd is a .mere(.
Ida -All right, dear; rest assured
that I. w111 keep 11.
Was no inner out of 'her bearings
1hen ieopte are who use any ether
dye (ban hinge Dyes, as they are
pronouneed by persons wire have used
them, to be the dormers earl most
satisfactory dyes ever produced. Any
person nen 080 home Dyes without
soiling their bands, with the best re-
sults, 137 being a little eater el and
following the direction on each pack-
age, 3. trial lnarkage Is all that id re-
quired to ronvinee you that the ;above
are solid facts. '1'o 11, had al all drug-
gists, or mailed (Urea, free of poet -
age, 100•. a package, or 3 Lor L5 eenIs,
Get a package cad be convinced.
1 TORONTO DOME DYE ('O. Toronto.
Six undertakers n Ifartford, Conn.,
were recently summoned at midnight,
by telephone, to a bonne wherein 00
one was dead. The duped undertuk-
ets were mad enough to coffin the
ghastly joker,
'Che Toronto office. of the 31uteel Re-
serve Fuad Life Association during the
past week hart paid to the, beneficiaries
of deceased policy -bolder# over forty
thousand dollarj3. Among the •peeks
we notice one of ten thousand dollars
fol the estate of the late Senator San-
ford of Hamilton. These large amounts
were paid ala cost to the insured much
below that of competing companies,
and considerable time before due. Are
five agents wanted in all unrepre.sent-
rd districts to sell our new and tak-
ing polioiee. Address W. I. Murray.
Manager Mutual Reserve. Fund Asso-
ciation, Freehold Loan Building, 'To-
ronto, Ontario; J. P. W. Patterson,
Manager for Quebec, St. jamas St.,
Montreal; Alfred Manley, Manager
Maritime Provinces, Halifax, and A.R.
McNichol, Winnipeg, for Ilfanitoba and
N. W. T,
German army officers are ordered
by imperial decree to wear reddishl-
dogskin gloves during the manoeuvers.
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if Lb fails to cure.
Me. le. W. Grove's signature 0 on esoh box.
A sinecure is a position in which
one man puts you for the purpose of
drawing the salary while another man
does the work.
1d Pharaoh 10c,iy Pnyue,olGrnnby,Que.
Cigar blsAufno1urer.
The amateur photographer cares
but a snap for any pretty girl he sees.
La Toscana, 10C, I'ACl'ORY,Montr n1L
More cases of consumption appear
among needle makers and filemakers
than any other class of laborers.
Invigorates and Strengthens.
Australia is the one place in the
world where the towns are morebee,u-
tiful than the country.
LOW'S for their rhildae ys pain
sand by leathery
the collo, and, sofIs tens the gums, alleys poen.
ElaSold byall bdruggists est throughoufor t the
sera end tut for" Mrs. Winslow'. Soothing
has been
0 the
. It o0
cures win
050. •bot,
A truly great statesman is a politio-
iau who is able to persuade the prople
that the thing he wants is the thing
they want.
$100 Reward, $100.
Tho readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least ono dreaded dlso'rse
that eo]ene° has been able Lo euro in all its
stages and that le Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh
Cure 111 the only positive curs new known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a cons.
tile Monet (Unease, requires a constitutional
treatment. hall's Catarrh Cure is talc, n £nter-
esOly. acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby dos.
froying the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient, strength by betiding up the
oongtltailon and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they outer ono Hun-
dred Dollars for any case Chale IN fails to ours,
Bond for list of testimonials.
Addy one. F. J. CROON leT & CO., Toledo 0.
Sold b'• draggie's, 750.
Hell's Family Pills are the best
Whenever a man is positive he seas
things and afterwards discovers that
he only thought he saw them, it is
time to turn over a new leaf,
The'i Balmoral," Free Bus ai9e3 tan:
811,4 - 5 CRrslolcte ESranoRs 1'Ian, Riems
55 r (ruts *1 n day un, Opp.
1 leo n Itko -Oo Pro's
G.T P,.9tntiml Montreal, , l 0.0 in o k
AVENUE Nl1USE--ramnn •HoEetg:at s7,10
per day.
ST. JAMES' NOTEL4oonaoo1RDOt'First-clans O rolnl Pomo, Modern Ina
Prevemena-RRtm moderate,
1.; to
40 ot414.44,
ceylon Tea
speaks for itself; A. trial is the most convincing argument in its favor,
Lead Packages. , , , . , .a5, 30, 40, 50 & 600.
The Vital Element of the
Blood is Iron
Too little iron means weakness, lack of spirits, pallid cheeks, shortness of breath,
sleeplessness nervousness, want of appetite, ending in general. breakdown.
Dr, lard's Blood and Nerve Pills
contain iron ina soluble form, so that Jt easily and naturally assimilate s with the
gastric juices of the stomach, and the result is that you feel yourself getting
well Imagedi.ttely an taking these pills.
We Dave on fvlo thousands of testimonials from well known people who have been
cured by these pills, and will on application mail a book containing a few of
them to any address free.
Alf druggists, ar SAM. WILLIAMS & C0., TORONTO, ONT.
Sent by mail on receipt of cash.
■ Sooner or Inter, tea not the luny Ll BT ®al E D®.®R� s
011 g@ gg� 1 tl� {5 5 g ehnuge tlto cepa e0 an1• mitt,. 5__66 a.,dg 9V® o 7l..
V'1i9 9 T9, lift 5 1&t V7 ens wish to appear 1ik„ new, as they b,4s glndnwen. Into your heart
instead of norma. V o will hr enrorned how yen one Improve
Yon,'Ess, 0 m•,0 on 10' otxrl by ac•Itinc n pnrko s, of H 03111 D11 13 fwd e, oI ma YOUR Lt ma 11(15113
Dl Noe ,111'iDo 1117 SUIT 0) any shad S snob u trilling eon'. Is doers not metier of went material equally' try
ar omen u, Home Dyre will derany shade yen require., on sumo,, silk, wool or mixed goads, withegnlly
gaol netuttt, ge they are PU5r rt i'EG V Union 07Y00 n01 well not ren or streak, 15 used eventing to directions
on nos Package. IDe nsist get oak for 110019 n VF.9 and accept no others. dru. Do not be pat 510 with no we will 8
mail, s hl, rot Iselst an 5,1(1,5 HOME DYES. For oda by your druggist, of write direct 4o rte and we ruin
Y" 0 of postage, 100, package, or 3 far 05 tents.
W. P. C. 997
Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, taint.
meet, Tooth Powders, etc„ have been
awarded loll medals and diplomas for 01,551or
excellence, rho.ir regular use prevent infecti-
ous diseases, Ask your dealer to obtain e
supply. Lists malted free on application.
To send for our
complete 1et¢ LH
are equipped to
supply every MUSIC
Wr haloes ROTC
SY Co.,
158 Tonga St.,
Solid Gold.,..$185
Best Gold Fill 1.50
5 yrs Gold Fill 1.00
Best Glasses.,. 100
We guarantee perfect satisfaction.
tea Yonge Street, Toronto.
Dyeing v WWearoing
For the very best send y0e0 work to the
00,11 for agent in your town, or semi direct.
Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Cheapest and Best Covering In the World.
r lea PIPS
BOILER Covering
Steam end Hot and tlotd hinter Pipe4 Oold Storage
Pa1(Itllen Boilrre, aW.
For particulars apply to
Toronto, Montreal, and London,. Eng,
Row's "Hair GI'Owor" positively and per.
manently cures Baldness, Nair Falling
Out, Dandruff w„ and renders the hair no53,
co ggentlemen. and beauPri to 51,00 jar bottle
leading Toren
210 Rooeesralles Ave., Toronto.
Michigan Land for Sale.
, Iosoo Ogomnw and Crawford 0ounties. Title per.
foot. On Michigan Ceara', Detroit & Mookluno os$$
Loon Lake Railroads, at prions ranging from $2 to
Ear acre. These Lands are Olose to Enterprising Nest
WANTED -Men to travel, salary or commission; 0xp0ri. owan, Ohnrches, Schools, to, and will bo sold on most
easeusaeaoesnry_ Write LUKEIuRO$. 00., Montreal. ;amenable tm'tmv. Apply to
IL M. PIEROE, Agent, West Bay Olty, Mich.
WA allpes s; 9 r 0 ; ek. ARM/ prod CO.,Lenin truer Or LW. CURTIS, Whittemore, Mich.
from all pesEe; S30 00 week. A1tCURIIQ & L'OMontreal.
OOLD CURE IO,, recce in a Nth. P. Me- D J1 , * Mon `b MAIL
Carter's k'' ! srE MAIL S
Comma s Co., Agents, Montreal,
THE 0E3 MOINES INCUBATOR -Root and cheapest
5EOmp far catalogue.ag9750 Pau Street,�Montr al. �'
Sausage Casings--xegliah 0h epi,ud Am.
erian Ho ()min s -chub 66
g 55,104, BLAOIIIVLILL1,6 UG UToronto.
liable dem parson, gentleman or lady, to represent re.
position permanent; 9900 per year and
expenses ; experience nnaeo0.0nrr.
AL 1 Or,Montr
Dist Manager, Montreal, Quo,
-' M111o, Melte &. Hates,
bo Wesley Bide., Rich.
mond SG W.. l ornate.
BARGAIN -seventy aornal 1000 it donlrod t 111 0107, In
gty; 1 030, arcng S. tuwrooter IlooE whinge• Heron
County; house, intag d, 11, N. t00ln venter, will take
110011 £0011111000halige. E. N. I IIWIS, (iodorinh, Ont,
�dY7"•41 - ''�■� neT1411AeAn3• enrer
Catgnh of nese,
rm litaro& 5 is ,'id an thartic ars, The
and bladder. SOC&elnbox, Write for pnrtianntre 1.
Indian Oatarfh Cure Co„ NO 51. demons„ Mooloe01,
CATARACTS (absorbed without operation', Bron
0111 Asthma and OVIIMttne&s,
Imed by sato, sure and potent remedies, Absolukaly
harmless, partinuttrs. nml tonne address,
Da, GRANT, 93 Senna at., Diablo, Now York.
POUotILTRer Y BUTTEffR,ODUCE, to rEGOS, APPLe boa molts ES,
The ilawseil Commission Co., Limited,
Opr, west -Market & Oolbm'ne St, Toronto, '
issa'1I2olimPra Prayer noSe8po, re,
0 g" oltllzaa, Sornan,so,
Church P Pictures, Statham, and d. rCh met atten-
,oh ors 1 ri,
I Werke. Mall seders 81. Ott prompt ell,
��rtlout;onn 0, & d. SPtDLIEH & 00., pMonitroah
9ifAtS3ey r00l0c2ac-A'SS!
ho esnlo on1y. Long Distance Telephone 7
W I f o
y g
45 Bags, Rats soKILLS
1(1115 Sold b y all
D[dgtiietb, or 951 queen W. T ,
Corot Coffee (00 th Drink. Pito Wholshrue, Newish,
Il. g, ISa lb„or 2 ilius foulO . Rosro 11oq,Inl 1045enmiod
Goesale a ,rtes e, or aeue ITC 3411. pnakngt
to iho
woman. te) 0a , 114 Qon(o Iwo 7.brouto.
Agents eructed b1 ovary OoeIliy.
IN for ICI p
Thin bookcontnins ono p
n unu recitations, cud
ten of iho best mr 70na e,fele,
1)5815 ng,11 E10 1 Yankee, (000od
Saki dl34 1,,, Roth ld prone ,(0 os 53
nr wen sa hnmoron. tS. 00ntena of
kind nue rbhmEEET. gent r6 ,
1 000tth our 00, fo
and an Ale re of '
ppnn ,,11,, at
Uookeenv ltiea n
(r nnl7ieu ovine,
tblanoeob 54 McFarlane
1Ylibnitellw Torpnt0.0ahe
Portland, A;e , to Liverpool, coiling at Halifax
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion,. Cambroman.
:-First Cable 011 wards; Second
Rates passage i ,23 n
R p 0
a 23.0
• 02.50 nd 6 .
n u5 $
C Mill, ,
For Nrtuee lnformoGon apply to loonlasants,or
DAVID TORRANCE & CO., General Agents,
17 St. SnaramentSt. blootraol.
LIPersonally conducted lIima
heFor full information and resonation of sleeping out
ath,faddrss n g
H. O. Toatasnae G.P. k TA., St. Louie, Mo. Iu
0(Blame 1,twens,rD P.A:, 111 ndnmaut,, OblosgMIS
df15. R. ARNETT, Manager.
50115 J. MAIN, Supt and Treas.
The Canadian
an adia 1
ice Safe
Esplanade, TOI"Ortto
Opp, SherbourisSs.,,��,,�
Nigh Class Water Tube Stonily
[toilers, for AR Prsssuree,
Duties and FtioL
ee obl$Vete po,rangee.
b6ohdo 1,Ie,1tC
o lilac oyIIa cit. a �I a t e
lea sl 144414 464 0(11106 30110(4 meg bo bgeAMarking,l